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What Kind Of Men Need Feminism?

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Yog Sothoth, strength is good, yes. Masculinity has it's value, of course.

Nobody here is dogging on GENUINE men. What was said about actual misogynists was about misogynists and not real men.

All I'll say further on this is, look to the baphomet.

Hail Father Satan forever!
I disagree with you heavily yog. I see that as nothing more then male bs. The womb is nothing but that a womb. An organ of a life form. "men have stronger bodies and more stable minds" Please in any one of our best days lilith could kick any of our asses with out even trying. Why because she strong. Men are no strong or smarter or better in any way then woman. I think your pressing what you see as what all men should be. Which is wrong because what you call real men is just what you yourself wish to be. I laugh when people talk about "real" men. Like all men need to be buff body builders who are really macho and are just overly aggressive. Yeah just like all woman need to be big breast big ass and no brains. I kinda see a few people not caring about individualism on the groups. Hell a bunch of people even talk about how all SS should be so much. There is no such thing as a "real" anything. We are all different and we should encourage our differences because that is what makes us us. Xains have this whole set block that you need to fit into, and i see a lot of people doing the same thing on here and not knowing that it is part of the xain mind control.

On Sunday, May 17, 2015 1:59 PM, "Yog Sothoth yogsothoth666999@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Throughout ALL of history it has always been men who protected women, hunted, went to war ect ect...  And although there are a few cases which i am prepared to admit, for the majority it has always been men. This is biological, men have stronger bodies and more stable minds. This is also because a womb is more precious then sperm. We men are heroic solar beings. The strong masculine warrior archetype that is ready at any moment to give his life for the cause, that is the ideal all SS men should strive for.   

On Saturday, May 16, 2015 6:50 AM, "fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  well said yog. I can see how my grammar might have led to some confusion. Yes I hate the assholes who all think they're invincible and get into a pissing contest with me over the slightest act of "defiance" but I always prove I am more a man than those retards will ever be.
I hate both the retarded jackasses who think they can bully everyone around as well as these faggy mama's boy bronies who don't have the balls to even so much as get off their ass, lift some weights, maybe take up boxing or a karate class or something and learn to handle themselves!
Man or woman I am a strong advocate that EVERYONE should know how to fight, and fight like a true monster at that!

Whatever unique personality traits you have are totally your business as long as you both pull your own weight and are willing and able to fight for both yourself and those close to you with all the fury and might of hell!


On Friday, May 15, 2015 5:46 PM, "Yog Sothoth yogsothoth666999@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  T<b [/IMG]h[/IMG]nothing[/B] wrong with masculinity, in fact its an ideal all SS men should strive for, the 'superman' of Nietzsche. You all need to read and study http://josministries.prophpbb.com/post21537.html and to quote HP Hooded Cobra: Be a man and act like a man. Its the intention of Nature. Unless you have the balls to fight, stand up for yourself, protect your own people, treat your friends well, do your bussiness...then tons of cologne, big muscles, long mustache, big wallet...Are not going to save your ass. As a man you ought teach your woman to understand the inner worth of what it is to be a man. So she can appriciate this and be happy. Thus you owe the same in return. Women are unhappy because the system has enforced them in mental loops and understandings that are unfullfilling to them. Because these are alien. Same with men. If you want a clear archetype of what a man is and how he treats anyone, check on Father Satan, Greatest Father, Greatest friend, most dangerous foe, most beneficial for anyone around Him including nature herself and so forth. A perfect balance. Focus on becoming the man nature has intended you to be.
Then you will see and know internally that you suprassed all who did not see themselves in the eye and the soul, so to say. They will be like dust on your shoes, no matter the status quo around them. And they will know it too.

On Thursday, May 14, 2015 8:07 AM, "no.state@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  @exarkuun1991 Excellent question.

I really don't think there is a one-size-fits-all answer. Individuality is vital.

I feel like I never became a man until I learned to respect women and I never knew strength or courage until I embraced my feminine side.

And, although I've had some bad encounters with some sick, psychopathic women out there, there are still billions of wonderful women I love interacting with.

It's not always about sex, either. I'm fortunate to have a few female friends. It's the jew mentality to see women as sex objects only and chattel.

The jew pogrom of feminism, though, is nothing more than the destruction of the family. It's always a jew instigating. I've ven read their claim that all sex -even between couples in love - is a form of rape on some level.

It must be so tiresome to be constantly offended by everything.

I disagree on that gay rights statement. It isn't that the jews are supporting gay rights, rather the xians are discouraging it. Homosexuals should be able to do what makes them happy and marry, but all the hardcore xians use the bible as an excuse for homophobia. Feminism is an issue in which the jews are just using stupid propaganda, but the issue of gay rights falls into a different category.
No @dalightskin the jews are behind the current American "marriage equality" movement. It's a sham moment.

While it's true the individual should be free to live as they wish, the so-called gay rights currently going on is really a subtle campaign to strip others of their individual rights, as well as a segue into promoting pedophilia, which the gay people I know don't deserve but, the jew loves.

Once the jew has no more use for gay people, they'll go right back to treating them horribly again.

Just look at the names and faces of the loudest mouth-pieces in the false cause.

My soul told me there was something amiss about it, long ago. But, it's also been discussed several times, in this group.

Never trust a jew. Never.

They also pretend to be patriots, atheists, xians, businesspeople and Gentile.

All they ever are are communist kikes.
Like i said everyone needs to read the sermons from HP Mageson: Of Pinko Fags And Men : JoS Astrology     and   For Men : JoyofSatan666    And to @James Marshall, Men and Women are NOT equal, equality is a shame and is not real. Your denying biological truth.     

On Monday, May 18, 2015 8:56 PM, "no.state@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  No @dalightskin the jews are behind the current American "marriage equality" movement. It's a sham moment.

While it's true the individual should be free to live as they wish, the so-called gay rights currently going on is really a subtle campaign to strip others of their individual rights, as well as a segue into promoting pedophilia, which the gay people I know don't deserve but, the jew loves.

Once the jew has no more use for gay people, they'll go right back to treating them horribly again.

Just look at the names and faces of the loudest mouth-pieces in the false cause.

My soul told me there was something amiss about it, long ago. But, it's also been discussed several times, in this group.

Never trust a jew. Never.

They also pretend to be patriots, atheists, xians, businesspeople and Gentile.

All they ever are are communist kikes.

So the movement is a sham, but it is still a good principle right? I don't understand why allowing gays to marry is a diabolical plot by the jews, can you please explain further?
I kinda agree with the other guy yog. I was in the military and I seen some strong ass women who could do handstand pushups with no support, just standing in the middle of the floor.Daniel Tosh even made fun of a video of a chubby russian woman rolling up a frying pan like a newspaper 0_0
Saying women aren't strong or can't fight as well is asking for a seriously painful awakening.

On Monday, May 18, 2015 9:41 AM, "james marshall jamesmarshall237@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I disagree with you heavily yog. I see that as nothing more then male bs. The womb is nothing but that a womb. An organ of a life form. "men have stronger bodies and more stable minds" Please in any one of our best days lilith could kick any of our asses with out even trying. Why because she strong. Men are no strong or smarter or better in any way then woman. I think your pressing what you see as what all men should be. Which is wrong because what you call real men is just what you yourself wish to be. I laugh when people talk about "real" men. Like all men need to be buff body builders who are really macho and are just overly aggressive. Yeah just like all woman need to be big breast big ass and no brains. I kinda see a few people not caring about individualism on the groups. Hell a bunch of people even talk about how all SS should be so much. There is no such thing as a "real" anything. We are all different and we should encourage our differences because that is what makes us us. Xains have this whole set block that you need to fit into, and i see a lot of people doing the same thing on here and not knowing that it is part of the xain mind control.

On Sunday, May 17, 2015 1:59 PM, "Yog Sothoth yogsothoth666999@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Throughout ALL of history it has always been men who protected women, hunted, went to war ect ect...  And although there are a few cases which i am prepared to admit, for the majority it has always been men. This is biological, men have stronger bodies and more stable minds. This is also because a womb is more precious then sperm. We men are heroic solar beings. The strong masculine warrior archetype that is ready at any moment to give his life for the cause, that is the ideal all SS men should strive for.   

On Saturday, May 16, 2015 6:50 AM, "fake name angryshaman666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  well said yog. I can see how my grammar might have led to some confusion. Yes I hate the assholes who all think they're invincible and get into a pissing contest with me over the slightest act of "defiance" but I always prove I am more a man than those retards will ever be.
I hate both the retarded jackasses who think they can bully everyone around as well as these faggy mama's boy bronies who don't have the balls to even so much as get off their ass, lift some weights, maybe take up boxing or a karate class or something and learn to handle themselves!
Man or woman I am a strong advocate that EVERYONE should know how to fight, and fight like a true monster at that!

Whatever unique personality traits you have are totally your business as long as you both pull your own weight and are willing and able to fight for both yourself and those close to you with all the fury and might of hell!


On Friday, May 15, 2015 5:46 PM, "Yog Sothoth yogsothoth666999@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  T<b [/IMG]h[/IMG]nothing[/B] wrong with masculinity, in fact its an ideal all SS men should strive for, the 'superman' of Nietzsche. You all need to read and study http://josministries.prophpbb.com/post21537.html and to quote HP Hooded Cobra: Be a man and act like a man. Its the intention of Nature. Unless you have the balls to fight, stand up for yourself, protect your own people, treat your friends well, do your bussiness...then tons of cologne, big muscles, long mustache, big wallet...Are not going to save your ass. As a man you ought teach your woman to understand the inner worth of what it is to be a man. So she can appriciate this and be happy. Thus you owe the same in return. Women are unhappy because the system has enforced them in mental loops and understandings that are unfullfilling to them. Because these are alien. Same with men. If you want a clear archetype of what a man is and how he treats anyone, check on Father Satan, Greatest Father, Greatest friend, most dangerous foe, most beneficial for anyone around Him including nature herself and so forth. A perfect balance. Focus on becoming the man nature has intended you to be.
Then you will see and know internally that you suprassed all who did not see themselves in the eye and the soul, so to say. They will be like dust on your shoes, no matter the status quo around them. And they will know it too.

On Thursday, May 14, 2015 8:07 AM, "no.state@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  @exarkuun1991 Excellent question.

I really don't think there is a one-size-fits-all answer. Individuality is vital.

I feel like I never became a man until I learned to respect women and I never knew strength or courage until I embraced my feminine side.

And, although I've had some bad encounters with some sick, psychopathic women out there, there are still billions of wonderful women I love interacting with.

It's not always about sex, either. I'm fortunate to have a few female friends. It's the jew mentality to see women as sex objects only and chattel.

The jew pogrom of feminism, though, is nothing more than the destruction of the family. It's always a jew instigating. I've ven read their claim that all sex -even between couples in love - is a form of rape on some level.

It must be so tiresome to be constantly offended by everything.

@james marshall: He's actually stating a fact: most women are physically weaker than most men. There are differences between the sexes, including hormonal differences, brain configuration differences e.t.c. See the usual propaganda of liberals is that race is just a skin color and sex is just a different organ. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Both are metaphysical and come from soul differences, but even in the physical world you can actually see differences between the races (such as skull size, IQ, e.t.c.) and sexes (such as physical capabilities, mental capabilities e.t.c.). Everybody pretty much knows that men are usually better in physical strength but women are better in communication and intuitive abilities (women's brains are wired in a different way). Both have different capabilities.
I remember there was an article on a news site about the biological differences between women and men, supported scientific facts and research and the feminists whined about that and they took it down. Then they worked to censor articles and sites like those. It's more proof that they're controlled by the jews, since this is a typical jewish tactic.
@james marshall: However I agree with that part you said:
"We are all different and we should encourage our differences because that is what makes us us. "
Exactly, in Spiritual Satanism we do know that there are differences between sexes, races e.t.c. and not try to claim they are all equal. They do have different abilities and capabilities and not all are fit for the same conditions. HP Don spoke about the australian Aborigines for example who sleep in the middle of the road and can't understand that they can get killed.  Here:
ANZAC Day (aust. and NZ) : JoyofSatan666  

These people aren't actually fit for our civilization, they are to be left where they were. Of course as with everything there are exceptions, but it's one thing recognizing it's an exception and another trying to claim they are all equal because of the exception.
Remember, in Satanism we're not liberals. We're not trying to equalize everyone. We instead focus on the strong points on our groups (or ours if we're an exception).

That's not the point i was trying to get across. Of course there are strong women, there have been throughout history (shieldmaidens in Viking times,  Amazons ect ect) fact is though men BIOLOGICALLY are stronger than women. We have stronger builds and higher levels of testosterone. Point i am trying to get across is men and women are NOT equal, we both are better or worse than each other at different things  Just like the races, we are NOT equal, for example Asians have a higher intelligence than Aryans or Blacks, Blacks have mush stronger bodies than any of the other races ect ect. Equality is not real nor should it be. The root of all equality is self hate ''if we are equal then no one can be better then me'' hey its easer then self improvement. In a Satanic order based on truth and nature, there will be no equality. 

On Tuesday, May 19, 2015 1:28 PM, "dalightskin@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

So the movement is a sham, but it is still a good principle right? I don't understand why allowing gays to marry is a diabolical plot by the jews, can you please explain further?

Really what´s the point with this post? It shames me. An the discussion about marriage equality promoting pedophilia? what´s wrong with you? In my country we have marriage equality and the society didnt collapse, pedophilia is still illegal and that doesnt seem is going to change. The only difference is that if i pay my taxes as every normal citizen and fulfill all my legal obligations, i can marry any other citizen that wants to marry me, simple as that. Wonder what Mother Lilith and Astaroth would think in this subject... 
In my eyes they are equal. What Mageson666 wrote doesn't back up what you say. I hate feminist and what they call equality, but people need to understand that there are no norms or set ways for anyone. A woman can lead a household just as well as a male can. She can fight just as well. She has the same honor we do. She is not a tool to be used for breeding. Neither party has rights over the others life. Im not foolish and i understand that if a woman is say pregnant its her lovers job to protect her because hey kinda hard to fight with a baby in you and if that get hit in the belly their baby might die. Men and woman are of equal worth. There are times like with the pregnant thing were yes they may need help both in the end everything is a two way street. They may need help but thats only cause you knocked them up. So as such you have to pitch in, because you can't help the baby in the womb you must find other ways to help. Im not sure whether you know it or not but you sound like a xain who is repressive to femininity. We need our feminine side, both males and females, just as much as we need our masculinity. To balance. What you say is not balance because its not equal. You can't balance a 100 pound weight with a 5 pound one or even a 99 pound one. You must have them equal. Which the sames goes for us. Not to mention if someone chooses not to be a warrior or follow that archetype whom are you to judge. They have the choice and the right to be or not to be because they are human. Being human is about freedom. From the way we express ourselves to ever choice we make. 

On Tuesday, May 19, 2015 2:52 PM, "Yog Sothoth yogsothoth666999@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Like i said everyone needs to read the sermons from HP Mageson: Of Pinko Fags And Men : JoS Astrology     and   For Men : JoyofSatan666    And to @James Marshall, Men and Women are NOT equal, equality is a shame and is not real. Your denying biological truth.     

On Monday, May 18, 2015 8:56 PM, "no.state@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  No @dalightskin the jews are behind the current American "marriage equality" movement. It's a sham moment.

While it's true the individual should be free to live as they wish, the so-called gay rights currently going on is really a subtle campaign to strip others of their individual rights, as well as a segue into promoting pedophilia, which the gay people I know don't deserve but, the jew loves.

Once the jew has no more use for gay people, they'll go right back to treating them horribly again.

Just look at the names and faces of the loudest mouth-pieces in the false cause.

My soul told me there was something amiss about it, long ago. But, it's also been discussed several times, in this group.

Never trust a jew. Never.

They also pretend to be patriots, atheists, xians, businesspeople and Gentile.

All they ever are are communist kikes.

@james marshall
And also of course Lilith could kick our asses because she is a god XD! and yes what fire starter said, it is just a scientific fact that the male body is built stronger than the female body, but that doesn't mean that women can't be stronger with a little effort.
@memories, read my words again.

I said the jews are perverting the marriage equality movement in order to strip people of their rights and then to use it as a segue to introduce pedophilia.

Homosexuals have every right to live as they please. But what the jews are pushing isn't individual freedom for gay people. As with everything else they touch, it is a perversion of what should be.

Hail Father Satan!
@dalightskin: It's true that women can become stronger than the average man with some effort...but they're not interested in that. Most women have different interests than most men (but again there are exceptions). See, feminists assume that women have to have the exactly same interests as men. They try to turn women into men.
Again there are exceptions, for example I'm a guy and I'm not interested at all in becoming physically stronger. I'm actually weaker than the average guy and skinny. I'm more interested in mental things, that make me use my brain instead.
Most women I know don't subject themselves to the same warrior training as men like weight lifting.
I know a native girl who can lift 75 pound dumbbells in each hand and is a trained boxer who can literally beat you to death in one punch if she gets you in the nose, throat or eyes.Her dad trained her to be a soldier because he didn't want a weakling daughter who can't defend herself.
A lot of one's capability comes from your lifestyle. A training regimen designed for combat will make you much stronger than most, man or woman.

On Wednesday, May 20, 2015 6:55 AM, "j.l3mm0n@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  @james marshall: He's actually stating a fact: most women are physically weaker than most men. There are differences between the sexes, including hormonal differences, brain configuration differences e.t.c. See the usual propaganda of liberals is that race is just a skin color and sex is just a different organ. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Both are metaphysical and come from soul differences, but even in the physical world you can actually see differences between the races (such as skull size, IQ, e.t.c.) and sexes (such as physical capabilities, mental capabilities e.t.c.). Everybody pretty much knows that men are usually better in physical strength but women are better in communication and intuitive abilities (women's brains are wired in a different way). Both have different capabilities.

The whole feminist movement is about women being stronger in mind and body than men, so that they can be the new men, thus negating their true femininity.

The fact is women's power derives from their femininity, not their manliness, it's the powerful gaze and cold shoulder of an empowered woman that has the ability to destroy or her kind words and soft scent which builds up and creates, not her ability to fight and wield physical power.

Feminism pushes that women must be manlier than men, thus why these goob nerds who love pink pony toys love it, as it takes away their need to be a man and simultaneously removes the feminine power of women.

Then all we have is a bunch of men who are not quite men, women who are manlier than the men who aren't quite men and no real women for whom their femininity in all of its grace, beauty and inherent power exist thus removing half the Gentile ability to fight, more than half when you really consider it.

Feminism hates women's femininity and hates men's manliness as being inherently of a man.
Equality is NOT real. The enemy is the one who wants equality because a world where everyone is equal is the perfect slave state. The 'lgbt' movement does nothing but put social construct over Homosexual  people that will make it easer for the kikes to sweep them under the rug (like what is happening in russia) Satanism is the complete opposite of liberalism, because liberalism is communism pure and simple. Satan does not want 'equality' he wants us all to be different, different in strength, intelligence, power, wealth, personality ect ect. This is how the universe works, diversity is power. You need to take a harder look at HP Dons post and also Home FYI when you say say ''we are all equal in my eyes'' you definitely start to sound like a kike, because that is how a kike thinks. 


On Wednesday, May 20, 2015 2:05 PM, "dalightskin@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  @james marshall
And also of course Lilith could kick our asses because she is a god XD! and yes what fire starter said, it is just a scientific fact that the male body is built stronger than the female body, but that doesn't mean that women can't be stronger with a little effort.

Nothing wrong with being a man in a woman's body or a woman in a man’s body because no psychologist knows how to put it right.  Because they don’t believe you are a spiritual being.  And there is nothing wrong with a person that falls into a different category.  Nothing wrong with equal rights between the sexes.  Nothing wrong with the policy of Joy of Satan Ministries.  Nothing wrong with calling attention to Feminism in the case of those that are stupidly labeled.

As humans, we can’t survive and will not want to survive unless a man fills a man’s role and a woman fills a woman’s role.  There is no bias there.  It’s tied into the survival of the individual, to sex and the family unit, to group relationships, to race, to the species, to the planet, to the universe, to you as a spiritual being and to Satan.  In the past, women were not treated fairly because they were easily, physically dominated, due to their normal size, in comparison to a man.  This is no longer necessary with Martial Arts and Gun and weapon ownership.  Abandonment of the role of a man and a woman is television, soap opera, propaganda, designed to hurt our advancement, by hurting our overall survival.  Be a man or be a woman.  You can’t be both.  Only a psychologist would tell you that – and they are the people that brainwash the public – they certainly in no way help the people.

If you’re Gay and you switch back and forth at different rates of speed, the same thing goes.  Be a man or be a woman.  Be happy in both and defend yourself.  Nobody is going to defend you.  People are dangerous, barely conscious, pond scum.  The Vatican’s “Holy Office” is none other than the “Congregation of the Holy Roman and Universal Inquisition”.  They’d burn us all alive again if they could make it legal.  And you’ be part of that group.  “Fags” are piles of small sticks that homosexuals were typically thrown into alive.  “Witches” were tortured first in order for the public to here confessions.

When you feel manly, be one, when you feel feminine, be one, and stop trying to pretend to be both.  That will never be accepted, no matter what, and will do nothing, but detract from you being publicly respected and loved for who you are, as it should be.  People are two stupid and unevolved to understand the concept of being “both” sexes at the same time and it’s likely it will never be excepted, because the spiritual issue of being Gay will be solved in the very near future and will no longer occur.     
A common false thing assumed both by feminists and by typical macho guys is that you're strong only if you're have physical strength. Of course this is BS as you can see many charismatic people who don't have physical strength but have the ability to influence people and get their way all the time. There are master communicators, and are people who are good at mechanics and computers. Obviously a ultra strong person can do nothing if a clever person hacks his computer or scams him. Don't forget jews as well. Jews aren't a physical strong race and every battle they fought against gentiles they lost. But they came to control governments, banks e.t.c. because of their ability to manipulate people.
There's also astral/magickal strength too. Someone may not be strong physically but can be good at magick.
@james marshall
What you say is actually the opposite of what is right, women and men should not be treated the same because we are equal, our genders should both be celebrated because of our differences. Look, more men can lift weights than men, but more women can be maternal and care for people than men. This isn't just some inquiry, it is proven in every way that men are born stronger than women, but that doesn't mean we use them as tools, it doesn't mean that they are less than men. You are misinforming yourself by not understand that we are simply stating things that are common knowledge. Even women today can admit that men are stronger, but does that mean they think less of themselves, no. This is not bias it is sheer fact, we know that women are not tools. That is why I and most men with common sense don't hit women, if you are saying that we are both equal, would you hit a woman just like you hit a man? Of course not, because the man would be at a biological disadvantage, ask yourself, is that really fair?
Speaking of traits/different races, what do Aryans have? I haven't seen that mentioned before and was wondering..
Hail Satan!
A lot of pointless debate. Women and men are deeply psychologically, spiritually different and have different needs and desires and thus natural roles that arises out of such. If you take them away and confuse this intrinsic  way of life you are going to make people confused, hostile and miserable and inflict mental illness on them.  Which is what has now happened. Its destroyed families, communities and individuals.  Its not about who can throw some shit farther or run faster, seriously people.

magnum.arcanum "the spiritual issue of being Gay"?  I don't understand what you mean. As far as I know many gods are bisexual and even gay so how is there any spiritual issues with being gay? I don't think I understood what you meant properly and that is why I'm asking, but if that is what you mean I think you need to reevaluate your stance on it. 

On Thursday, May 21, 2015 9:20 PM, "magnum.arcanum@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Nothing wrong with being a man in a woman's body or a woman in a man’s body because no psychologist knows how to put it right.  Because they don’t believe you are a spiritual being.  And there is nothing wrong with a person that falls into a different category.  Nothing wrong with equal rights between the sexes.  Nothing wrong with the policy of Joy of Satan Ministries.  Nothing wrong with calling attention to Feminism in the case of those that are stupidly labeled.

As humans, we can’t survive and will not want to survive unless a man fills a man’s role and a woman fills a woman’s role.  There is no bias there.  It’s tied into the survival of the individual, to sex and the family unit, to group relationships, to race, to the species, to the planet, to the universe, to you as a spiritual being and to Satan.  In the past, women were not treated fairly because they were easily, physically dominated, due to their normal size, in comparison to a man.  This is no longer necessary with Martial Arts and Gun and weapon ownership.  Abandonment of the role of a man and a woman is television, soap opera, propaganda, designed to hurt our advancement, by hurting our overall survival.  Be a man or be a woman.  You can’t be both.  Only a psychologist would tell you that – and they are the people that brainwash the public – they certainly in no way help the people.

If you’re Gay and you switch back and forth at different rates of speed, the same thing goes.  Be a man or be a woman.  Be happy in both and defend yourself.  Nobody is going to defend you.  People are dangerous, barely conscious, pond scum.  The Vatican’s “Holy Office” is none other than the “Congregation of the Holy Roman and Universal Inquisition”.  They’d burn us all alive again if they could make it legal.  And you’ be part of that group.  “Fags” are piles of small sticks that homosexuals were typically thrown into alive.  “Witches” were tortured first in order for the public to here confessions.

When you feel manly, be one, when you feel feminine, be one, and stop trying to pretend to be both.  That will never be accepted, no matter what, and will do nothing, but detract from you being publicly respected and loved for who you are, as it should be.  People are two stupid and unevolved to understand the concept of being “both” sexes at the same time and it’s likely it will never be excepted, because the spiritual issue of being Gay will be solved in the very near future and will no longer occur.     

If a woman assaulted me in any one i would respond in kind with out hesitation. Their fault for not knowing I might be stronger. If you can't win physically attack in another way. I won't judge that all woman are weaker or stronger then me. I see so as foolish. I want concrete data before I decide something like that. Don't start something you can not finish male or female. I would rather never fight in my life because that would mean everything is perfect. I forgive many stupid things people do understanding that they have faults just like myself, and that if they aim for self better meant. Why should i not accept what minor things they do. I have more meaningful things atm. If it is something worth my attention though, such as hitting, I will fight back right away. Going weak an someone just because they are weaker spits on what honor that have. Its saying you can't beat me normally. Its offensive to me. I would hate if someone weak and easy on me just cause they don't think I rank up enough for it. I do to others what i would want done to my own pride and honor. I respect my pride so i apply it to others. If another pride and honor says different that is a part of their own individuality. Like i said in my last post I very well could be wrong. I mean that what i said is not an absolute for anyone but myself. To say that it is would be very unwise of myself, Its what i have come to. As such others have the right to go along with what they see their pride and honor as. If your a knight to woman good luck to you. Its not an easy rode and you will be tested greatly. I see no one as a damsel in distress because i do not wish to have the image myself. That is all my pride tells me to do and so i follow. I'm sorry if i did not get that part of my point across well enough. I'll try working on getting it all across better for other posts.   

On Friday, May 22, 2015 12:30 PM, "dalightskin@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  @james marshall
What you say is actually the opposite of what is right, women and men should not be treated the same because we are equal, our genders should both be celebrated because of our differences. Look, more men can lift weights than men, but more women can be maternal and care for people than men. This isn't just some inquiry, it is proven in every way that men are born stronger than women, but that doesn't mean we use them as tools, it doesn't mean that they are less than men. You are misinforming yourself by not understand that we are simply stating things that are common knowledge. Even women today can admit that men are stronger, but does that mean they think less of themselves, no. This is not bias it is sheer fact, we know that women are not tools. That is why I and most men with common sense don't hit women, if you are saying that we are both equal, would you hit a woman just like you hit a man? Of course not, because the man would be at a biological disadvantage, ask yourself, is that really fair?

Women do have a totally different aura and it is utterly hypnotizing. I never denied that, but neither would I deny a woman can train to fight just as well as any man.Combine that kind of strength and skill with a woman's grace and hypnotic aura and it becomes a deadly force.I been trying to stay out of this conversation for some time because it was turning into a back and forth debate of idiocy between people who think it's entirely one or the other.
Men and women are different like yin and yang. With the right training,mental discipline and lifestyle a woman can fight just as well as any man.There are weak and girlish men just as there are strong women.Men do naturally have larger muscles and women are naturally more graceful and this can be seen in their aura as well.This does not mean one or the other is superior but that they have different strengths and everyone also has their own individual strengths and powers.
Both are unique and embody the principle of yin and yang.
To say anyone is equal is bullshit. equality means no one is unique.
Some people are born stronger or smarter. some are natural musicians. some are true warriors to the core, man or woman.
some are naturally psychic.some are born rich or poor.
From our origins to our gender, to race, to our unique strengths talents and powers we all are unique and have our own true nature.
Satan said this best when he stated "I allow everyone to follow the dictates of their own nature"in the Al-Jilwah!
Man or Woman, black, white, asian etc (with the obvious exception of the jews) we all have our own nature and will do as our nature mandates as children of Satan!


On Friday, May 22, 2015 6:34 PM, "mageson6666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  A lot of pointless debate. Women and men are deeply psychologically, spiritually different and have different needs and desires and thus natural roles that arises out of such. If you take them away and confuse this intrinsic  way of life you are going to make people confused, hostile and miserable and inflict mental illness on them.  Which is what has now happened. Its destroyed families, communities and individuals.  Its not about who can throw some shit farther or run faster, seriously people.

Yog maybe you don't get what i mean by equality or the meaning of Satanism. Satans enemies try to beat him but they can not because he can gain unlimited power. He is a god. Like all humans as well we can gain the power of what Satan has now but by then Satan will have gotten far far more. How long you have been working on yourself matters and likewise how hard you work on it also matters. We are all equal because we can all be as powerful as we make ourselves. Like most things kikes have twisted the true meaning. Yes our bodies are different on every plane, and so they can handle different things. A woman can have a womb to store a baby. A man shoots sperm. Those difference mean nothing to power. We are all different. Individuality is what that is. Showing whom you truly are though many different means, but those differences are nothing but that. An object of a different coat of paint. Nothing else. That is why we encourage individuality because what makes us is powerful, and its part of our power as well. It is one of every 'cog' that makes us up. So to gain more power we tell you be yourself. Why do we want everyone to be able to gain more power if they are on our side because we all want to have power for ourselves and to have equality. Wanna know why that's so good because then everyone gets treated wonderful. We want to succeed ourselves. That is what makes following Satans ideals so well, but he also knows that everyone as the ability to tribute each others and our own success. All our points are valued because they can be of benefit to ourselves. To gain that we help others in return. Our social constructs help us gain power for our physical planes body. That is why we have them and its good to have them. What we have now is very very little good social constructs, because of the jews and our other enemies. That is why I hate them. They are stopping my power by stopping my fellow humans power. They are rotten evil bastards. By harming us they gain power. They are monsters, and to help beat them i do my best to stand up for equality. I very well could be wrong and so could you and even Satan, but so far all Satan does is prove how true he is to his words. That they have grounding. He is a leader not a ruler. Not a king. Not a god of others, but a god of himself. To help himself he helps others who are deserving and worthy, and all can gain enough power to get to that latter, because they help him gain more power. As well. Though the betterment of ideas. Those ideas become stairs upward to even greater heights, and due too wanting all this we must also remember that because all points are valid and true they can all equity be wrong. It works both ways because like in all things there is a balance. I apologize if any of this seem aggressive or mean in any way but its the only way i was able to figure out how to say it properly. I saw this as a very needed answer and an important one. So i did the best that i could in coming up with an answer. That is also why it is so lengthy.  

On Thursday, May 21, 2015 9:19 PM, "Yog Sothoth yogsothoth666999@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Equality is NOT real. The enemy is the one who wants equality because a world where everyone is equal is the perfect slave state. The 'lgbt' movement does nothing but put social construct over Homosexual  people that will make it easer for the kikes to sweep them under the rug (like what is happening in russia) Satanism is the complete opposite of liberalism, because liberalism is communism pure and simple. Satan does not want 'equality' he wants us all to be different, different in strength, intelligence, power, wealth, personality ect ect. This is how the universe works, diversity is power. You need to take a harder look at HP Dons post and also Home FYI when you say say ''we are all equal in my eyes'' you definitely start to sound like a kike, because that is how a kike thinks. 


On Wednesday, May 20, 2015 2:05 PM, "dalightskin@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  @james marshall
And also of course Lilith could kick our asses because she is a god XD! and yes what fire starter said, it is just a scientific fact that the male body is built stronger than the female body, but that doesn't mean that women can't be stronger with a little effort.

Guys understand that I didn't mean anything by that post, I didn't say all woman should make an effort to become stronger even if she doesn't want to, I'm just saying that if she DESIRES TO then she can accomplish this, you guys are kind of emotionalizing my post.
This post was completely unnecessary and disruptive...
There have always been women warriors and soldiers, to say men have a "more stable mind" is a completely false statement and is only spoken out of ignorance. Check the Demons page, there are female goddesses who are warriors. 
There is a male and female aspect to EVERYONE'S soul. One is not better than the other, and you need to embrace both. 
@dalightskin Concisely? No, I can't. It'd take me days to explain it thoroughly. LOL

All I can really suggest is to look at the kikes behind the campaign. If they're promoting it, it's a trap.

Other posts explain it better. But here's my reasoning.

Homosexuality is normal. But it's the jew's nature to pervert anything it touches.
[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE][/TD][/TR][/TABLE]
<td val[/IMG]Btw when I said "emotional intelligence" I was talking about woman. Dunno if that was clear. But you are still right. Thank you. 

From:"Yii Pipur" <yiipipur@...
Date:Thu, 28 May, 2015 at 21:50
Subject:Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: What Kind Of Men Need Feminism?

Okey yes. I C.The yin yang is a balance of both and it is one symbol. balance by embracing both... cool. Thank you Vovim.This was a real eye-opener for me.
Heil Wodan! 
[url=https://overv[/IMG] From:"Yii Pipur" <yiipipur@...
Date:Fri, 22 May, 2015 at 14:03
Subject:Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: What Kind Of Men Need Feminism?

Stronger with a little effort? Hehe That's exactly what a woman would say to us when it comes to her idea of strength. Obviously both sexes have the ability to excel at something - strength training or emotional intelligence, but like the yin yang the one will always be better at something the other is not - good at something if they work hard at it but this is not the point of the original thread ek sê. 
The poo juice people are obviously trying to create an imbalance.... again and still. Fucking lies about equality nonsense. Just another thing they try and basterdize! It will get worse lol, because they are desperate.. Shame. Squealing like rats; and that is what gives me pleasure! Hail Satan! FFF

[url=https://overv[/IMG] From:"dalightskin@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected]
Date:Wed, 20 May, 2015 at 23:05
Subject:[JoyofSatan666] Re: What Kind Of Men Need Feminism?

  @james marshall
And also of course Lilith could kick our asses because she is a god XD! and yes what fire starter said, it is just a scientific fact that the male body is built stronger than the female body, but that doesn't mean that women can't be stronger with a little effort. [/TD]
[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE][/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE][/TD][/TR][/TABLE]
Th[/IMG][/B][/url]Fro[/IMG]Th[/IMG]We hope that the concept of the German woman will again earn the honor and respect of the entire world. The German woman will then take her pride in her land and her people, in thinking German and feeling German. The honor of her nation and her race will be most important to her. Only a nation that does not forget its honor will be able to guarantee its daily bread.The German woman should never forget that.I declare this exhibition open. May it reveal all the former errors and show the way to the future.Then the world will once again respect us, and we will be able to affirm the words of Walther von der Vogelweide, who had this to say about the German woman in his famous poem:“He who seeks
Virtue and proper love,
Should come to our land.
There is much joy.
Long may I live there.”

On Thursday, May 28, 2015 12:54 PM, "Yii Pipur yiipipur@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

<td colspan="1" rowspan="1" val[/IMG]Btw when I said "emotional intelligence" I was talking about woman. Dunno if that was clear. But you are still right. Thank you. 

From:"Yii Pipur" <yiipipur@...
Date:Thu, 28 May, 2015 at 21:50
Subject:Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: What Kind Of Men Need Feminism?

Okey yes. I C.The yin yang is a balance of both and it is one symbol. balance by embracing both... cool. Thank you Vovim.This was a real eye-opener for me.
Heil Wodan! 
[url=https://overv[/IMG] From:"Yii Pipur" <yiipipur@...
Date:Fri, 22 May, 2015 at 14:03
Subject:Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: What Kind Of Men Need Feminism?

Stronger with a little effort? Hehe That's exactly what a woman would say to us when it comes to her idea of strength. Obviously both sexes have the ability to excel at something - strength training or emotional intelligence, but like the yin yang the one will always be better at something the other is not - good at something if they work hard at it but this is not the point of the original thread ek sê. 
The poo juice people are obviously trying to create an imbalance.... again and still. Fucking lies about equality nonsense. Just another thing they try and basterdize! It will get worse lol, because they are desperate.. Shame. Squealing like rats; and that is what gives me pleasure! Hail Satan! FFF

[url=https://overv[/IMG] From:"dalightskin@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected]
Date:Wed, 20 May, 2015 at 23:05
Subject:[JoyofSatan666] Re: What Kind Of Men Need Feminism?

  @james marshall
And also of course Lilith could kick our asses because she is a god XD! and yes what fire starter said, it is just a scientific fact that the male body is built stronger than the female body, but that doesn't mean that women can't be stronger with a little effort. [/TD]


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
