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What is Cosmic Consciousness by Paramahansa Yogananda


Sep 22, 2017
Excerpts from God Talks With Arjuna by Paramahansa Yogananda
What is Cosmic Consciousness?
A necessary warning to students is this: "Do not think you are spiritually advanced just because you have heard a lecture or read a book on cosmic consciousness, or because you fancy yourself to have attained it, or even because you have experienced astral visions (entertaining and enlightening, but still in the domain of matter)." You can know all matter to be thought only when you are able to withdraw life force and consciousness to the medullary plane, and can enter the spiritual eye—doorway to the highest states of consciousness. ...Entering the door of the spiritual eye*, he ascends to Christ consciousness (union with God's omnipresence in all creation) and cosmic consciousness (union with God's omnipresence in and beyond all creation). * The spiritual eye is the single eye of intuition and omnipresent perception at the Christ (Kutastha) center (ajna chakra) between the eyebrows, which is directly connected by polarity with the medulla center. The deeply meditating devotee beholds the spiritual eye as a ring of golden light encircling a sphere of opalescent blue, and at the center, a pentagonal white star. Micro-cosmically, these forms and colors epitomize, respectively, the vibratory realm of creation (Prakriti, Cosmic Nature); the universal intelligence of God in creation (Kutastha Chaitanya; Krishna or Christ Consciousness); and the vibrationless Spirit beyond all creation (Brahman). In deep meditation the devotee's consciousness penetrates the spiritual eye into the three realms epitomized therein. The man of cosmic consciousness, never feeling himself as limited to a body or as reaching only to the brain, or only to the cerebral-lotus light of a thousand rays, instead feels by true intuitive power the ever-bubbling Bliss that dances in every particle of his little body, and in his big Cosmic Body of the universe, and in his absolute nature as one with the Eternal Spirit beyond manifested forms. The man into whose pure hand his divine bodily kingdom has been wholly delivered is no longer a human being with limited ego consciousness. In reality, he is the soul, individualized ever-existent, ever-conscious, ever-new Bliss, the pure reflection of Spirit, endowed with cosmic consciousness. Never a victim of imaginary perceptions, fanciful inspirations, or "wisdom" hallucinations, the superman is always intensely conscious of the Unmanifested Spirit and also of the entire cosmos in all its bewildering variety. With his consciousness extended and awakened in every particle in the circumambience of infinite space, the exalted yogi feels his little physical body and all its perceptions not as an ordinary human being, but in oneness with omniscient Spirit. Freed from the intoxications of delusion and delusive mortal limitations, the superman knows his earthly name and possessions, but is never possessed or limited by them. Living in the world, he is not of'the world. He is aware of hunger, thirst, and other conditions of the body, but his inner consciousness identifies itself, not with the body, but with Spirit. The advanced yogi may own many possessions, but will never sorrow if all things are taken away. If he happens to be materially poor, he knows that, in Spirit, he is rich beyond all dreams of avarice. The spiritual man performs all right actions of seeing, touching, smelling, tasting, and hearing without feeling any mental attachment. His soul floats on the foul waters of dark earthly experiences— of man's sad indifference to God—like an unsoiled lotus arising from the muddy waters of a lake. The superman experiences sensations, not in the sensory organs but as perceptions in the brain. The ordinary man feels cold or heat on the body surface; he sees lovely flowers externally, in a garden; he hears sounds in the ears; he tastes with the palate; and smells through olfactory nerves; but the superman experiences all such sensations in the brain. He can distinguish between pure sensation and the reaction on it of thought. He perceives sensations, feelings, will, body, perception— everything—in thought, as mere suggestions of God as He dreams through man's consciousness. The superman beholds the body, not as flesh, but as a bundle of condensed electrons and life force, ready to be dematerialized or materialized at the yogi's will. He feels no weight of the body, but perceives the flesh merely as electric energy. He sees the motion picture of the cosmos going backward and forward on the screen of his consciousness: he knows in this way that time and space are dimensional forms of thought, displaying cosmic motion pictures, dreams that are constantly new, infinitely varied—and true-to-touch, true-to-sound, true-to-smell, true-to-taste, and true-to-sight. The superman sees that the birth of his body was merely the beginning of certain changes; he knows death to be the change that naturally follows earthly life. He is ready and able, at the moment of his choosing, to part consciously with his bodily dwelling. Being one with God, he dreams within his cosmic consciousness all the divine dreams of cosmic creation. The superman's body is the universe, and all things that happen in the universe are his sensations. He who has become one with the omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent God is aware of the coursing of a planet trillions of light-years distant, and, at the same moment, of the flight of a nearby sparrow. A superman does not see Spirit as apart from the body; he becomes one with Spirit, and beholds, as existing within himself, his own body as well as the bodies of all other creatures. He feels his body, a tiny atom, within his vast luminous cosmic body. Withdrawing his attention, during deep meditation, from the out-ward sensory world, the superman perceives by the power of the inner eye. Through the searchlights of the astral powers of vision, sound, smell, taste, and touch, and through the even finer causal perception of pure intuition, he beholds the territory of omnipresent Cosmic Consciousness. In this state, the superman knows the twinkling atoms of cosmic energy to be his own eyes, through which he peers into every pore of space and into Infinity. He enjoys in all creation the fragrance of Bliss; and inhales the sweetness of astral atom-blossoms, blooming in the cosmic garden. He tastes the astral nectar of liquid cosmic energy, and sips the fluid honey of a tangible joy, existing in the honeycomb of electronic space. No longer is he lured by material food, but lives by his own divine energy. He feels his voice vibrate, not in a human body but in the throat of all vibrations, and in his body of all finite matter. He listens to his voice of creative cosmic Aum, conjoined with the song of Spirit, singing through the flute of atoms, and through the shimmering waves of all creation; and he desires to hear naught else. He feels his blood of perception run through the veins in the body of all finite vibratory creation. Having conquered the touch-sense of material-comfort desires of the body, the divine man feels the sensations of all matter as expressions of God's creative cosmic energy playing upon his cosmic body, in a bliss unmatched by any physical pleasure of touch. He feels the smooth glide of the river over the breast of the earth. He feels the home of his Being in the ocean of space, and perceives the swimming waves of island universes on his own sea bosom. He knows the softness of the petals of blossoms, and the tenderness of the love in all hearts, the aliveness of youth in all bodies. His own youthfulness, as the ageless soul, is everlasting. The superman knows births and deaths only as changes dancing on the Sea of Life—even as waves of the ocean rise, fall, and rise again. He cognizes all past and future, but lives in the eternal present. For him, the conundrum of the why of being is resolved in the singular realization: "From Joy we have come. In Joy we live and move and have our being. And in that sacred perennial Joy we melt again." This is Self-realization, man's native state as the soul, the pure reflection of Spirit. Dreams of incarnations play on the delusive screen of individuality; but in reality, never for a moment is man separate from God. We are His thought; He is our being. From Him we have come. In Him we are to live as expressions of His wisdom, His love, His joy. In Him our egoity must melt again, in the ever-wakeful dream-lessness of eternal Bliss. The yogi, he who seeks the ultimate goal of Self-realization and kaivalya (liberation), leads in battle his righteous warriors of self-control and moral behavior on the Kurukshetra plain of material action; he fights for the victory of interiorized God-communion on the inner spiritual plain of Dharmakshetra Kurukshetra; and further, on the field of Dharmakshetra, or spiritualized consciousness, he strives to maintain, against the pull of the lower ego nature of body consciousness, the superconsciousness, Christ consciousness, and cosmic consciousness attained by successful yoga meditation. The essential proof of Self-realization—of God's consciousness in you—is to be truly and unconditionally happy. If you are receiving more and more joy in meditation, without cessation, you may know that God is making manifest His presence in you.
It is always funny to read talks about Cosmic Consciousness and omniscient enlightenment, from people who are small both of mind and spirit, who have not an inkling of true understanding regarding the higher states of consciousness, let alone the Atman consciousness.

I suppose, since my third eye is open, and I have communed with Satan on more than one occasion, I indeed have attained ultimate omniscient wisdom, seen the true nature of the cosmos and as thus am ascended to the Atman state hmm.

Very funny to read people attain such delusions with such confidence.

If it were so simple, many of us here would be the Atman with ultimate omniscience and all knowing mind.
VoiceofEnki said:
It is always funny to read talks about Cosmic Consciousness and omniscient enlightenment, from people who are small both of mind and spirit, who have not an inkling of true understanding regarding the higher states of consciousness, let alone the Atman consciousness.

I suppose, since my third eye is open, and I have communed with Satan on more than one occasion, I indeed have attained ultimate omniscient wisdom, seen the true nature of the cosmos and as thus am ascended to the Atman state hmm.

Very funny to read people attain such delusions with such confidence.

If it were so simple, many of us here would be the Atman with ultimate omniscience and all knowing mind.
Everyone's already Atman ,that's the basis of existence. It's tuning to consciously experience ,the Atma and going beyond Pure God Consciousness into the Void/ ParaSiva that's what is difficult and requires lots of training.
After ParaSiva Realisation then,one is tuned in permanently into Cosmic Consciousness and then experience what the author is talking about. No one said that the attainment of this is easy. It's Satgurus (people who have raisen the serpent power to the Crown Chakra) who experience Cosmic Consciousness as described by the author in the article. And they are very few,in this day and age. Quite rare. Astral sight is not in itself pure God Cosmic Consciousness,the author even says this in the beginning of the article.
likman666 said:
VoiceofEnki said:
It is always funny to read talks about Cosmic Consciousness and omniscient enlightenment, from people who are small both of mind and spirit, who have not an inkling of true understanding regarding the higher states of consciousness, let alone the Atman consciousness.

I suppose, since my third eye is open, and I have communed with Satan on more than one occasion, I indeed have attained ultimate omniscient wisdom, seen the true nature of the cosmos and as thus am ascended to the Atman state hmm.

Very funny to read people attain such delusions with such confidence.

If it were so simple, many of us here would be the Atman with ultimate omniscience and all knowing mind.
Everyone's already Atman ,that's the basis of existence. It's tuning to consciously experience ,the Atma and going beyond Pure God Consciousness into the Void/ ParaSiva that's what is difficult and requires lots of training.
After ParaSiva Realisation then,one is tuned in permanently into Cosmic Consciousness and then experience what the author is talking about. No one said that the attainment of this is easy. It's Satgurus (people who have raisen the serpent power to the Crown Chakra) who experience Cosmic Consciousness as described by the author in the article. And they are very few,in this day and age. Quite rare. Astral sight is not in itself pure God Cosmic Consciousness,the author even says this in the beginning of the article.

My point is, this so called Paramahansa Yogananda, has neither achieved even close to a kundalini arising, nor any so called higher consciousness.

He writes here nonsense which has nothing to do with an actual rising to higher consciousness or higher existence.

That is my point.

It is funny to read the immense ignorance espoused by those who claim themselves enlightened when they are nowhere near any such state.

Lastly, people are not already Atman.

People have been disconnected from that state, and the states preceding it, which in effect makes it so they are no longer Atman in any way.

One only is, when one is.

However, it is true that when one reaches towards that Atman state of consciousness, one may perceive as if one has always been Atman, as that state of being does go beyond linear time.

The present attainment then realizes only the future as part of the now, and the past becomes part of the now as well.

Through this one may feel this state of being has always been, and you have always known.

In effect however, that is only true for one who has attained Atman.
VoiceofEnki said:
likman666 said:
VoiceofEnki said:
It is always funny to read talks about Cosmic Consciousness and omniscient enlightenment, from people who are small both of mind and spirit, who have not an inkling of true understanding regarding the higher states of consciousness, let alone the Atman consciousness.

I suppose, since my third eye is open, and I have communed with Satan on more than one occasion, I indeed have attained ultimate omniscient wisdom, seen the true nature of the cosmos and as thus am ascended to the Atman state hmm.

Very funny to read people attain such delusions with such confidence.

If it were so simple, many of us here would be the Atman with ultimate omniscience and all knowing mind.
Everyone's already Atman ,that's the basis of existence. It's tuning to consciously experience ,the Atma and going beyond Pure God Consciousness into the Void/ ParaSiva that's what is difficult and requires lots of training.
After ParaSiva Realisation then,one is tuned in permanently into Cosmic Consciousness and then experience what the author is talking about. No one said that the attainment of this is easy. It's Satgurus (people who have raisen the serpent power to the Crown Chakra) who experience Cosmic Consciousness as described by the author in the article. And they are very few,in this day and age. Quite rare. Astral sight is not in itself pure God Cosmic Consciousness,the author even says this in the beginning of the article.

My point is, this so called Paramahansa Yogananda, has neither achieved even close to a kundalini arising, nor any so called higher consciousness.

He writes here nonsense which has nothing to do with an actual rising to higher consciousness or higher existence.

That is my point.

It is funny to read the immense ignorance espoused by those who claim themselves enlightened when they are nowhere near any such state.

Lastly, people are not already Atman.

People have been disconnected from that state, and the states preceding it, which in effect makes it so they are no longer Atman in any way.

One only is, when one is.

However, it is true that when one reaches towards that Atman state of consciousness, one may perceive as if one has always been Atman, as that state of being does go beyond linear time.

The present attainment then realizes only the future as part of the now, and the past becomes part of the now as well.

Through this one may feel this state of being has always been, and you have always known.

In effect however, that is only true for one who has attained Atman.
What is making you see, making you walk ,talk. Or even write your reply , where did you source your words. Limited physical Awareness makes one think , they are not Atma.
It's easier to feel it than see it. When one is young they actually feel it strongly. The world feels like a dream to a young child. This is actually closer to the reality of things.
As the physical body grows, one gets more attached to it and out of tune with Atma.
Atma is also Sat which is Eternal Truth and is described as that which is Eternal , Unchanging of any thing in existence. It's all pervasive. It's an infinite ocean of God Consciousness. It's not that hard to be convinced of this. Just meditate on your own Atma within yourself.
Yoga is based on the fact that you are Atma.
When Kundalini is rising ,the Awareness is withdrawing into your soul. It's up and in.
The word soul in occult books actually means Atma. It's Sun God Consciousness,it's all pervasive eternal light. Limited physical awareness obscures this. The soul is Atma ,the soul body is the individual you that's made out of the Soul. It's a body of light. Later on soul came to your individual spirit or soul body. Which is fine because of the proximity. From the soul body ,the Atma is closest thing to you. More close than your breath. People identify with the physical body that's the problem. The word soul comes from Sol, it's Sun God Consciousness. The ocean is the Atma and creation is like the wave. They are not separate. The wave rises and goes back into the ocean,in an Eternal cycle. That's an analogy, I can use. If a you not convinced , there's not much I can say to convince you. But I will say this ,the Yoga is more enhanced and faster if you are convinced that you are Atma ,not separate. It's not an attainment ,though it can feel like that as work on the Yoga . It's a conscious Realisation,of something that is already there. Creation is an emanation out of Atma ,its not separate. The rays of the Sun are not separate from it.
As for the author, I am personally convinced his correct. I have been an SS for nearly 12 years now.
The thing is the Universe is founded on order. Nothing demonstrates this better than numbers. 1+1=2, always never 3. But the intellectual ego of man can decide to operate on 1+1=3. Build things , based on that logic ,but will soon find that nothing is working well based on that. And will eventually come to accept that 1+1=2. The free will of a humanoid allows for one not to fully comply with Divine Order,Dharma. But will eventually comply. A horse always follows the Dharma of horse,an ant always follows the Dharma of ant. And so on,the egos of other creatures doesn't get in the way with their connection to their inner Atma. With man it's a different case,his ego gets in the way. The Dharma of man on Earth is to get Self Realised through Kundalini rising to the crown chakra. How many people are actually training for this? Not many.
The Yoga training is basically about stilling the mind and body ,to allow your Awareness to withdraw of into your Atma. This is yoga. If you are able to still your mind and body to right now, your Kundak
VoiceofEnki said:
likman666 said:
VoiceofEnki said:
It is always funny to read talks about Cosmic Consciousness and omniscient enlightenment, from people who are small both of mind and spirit, who have not an inkling of true understanding regarding the higher states of consciousness, let alone the Atman consciousness.

I suppose, since my third eye is open, and I have communed with Satan on more than one occasion, I indeed have attained ultimate omniscient wisdom, seen the true nature of the cosmos and as thus am ascended to the Atman state hmm.

Very funny to read people attain such delusions with such confidence.

If it were so simple, many of us here would be the Atman with ultimate omniscience and all knowing mind.
Everyone's already Atman ,that's the basis of existence. It's tuning to consciously experience ,the Atma and going beyond Pure God Consciousness into the Void/ ParaSiva that's what is difficult and requires lots of training.
After ParaSiva Realisation then,one is tuned in permanently into Cosmic Consciousness and then experience what the author is talking about. No one said that the attainment of this is easy. It's Satgurus (people who have raisen the serpent power to the Crown Chakra) who experience Cosmic Consciousness as described by the author in the article. And they are very few,in this day and age. Quite rare. Astral sight is not in itself pure God Cosmic Consciousness,the author even says this in the beginning of the article.

My point is, this so called Paramahansa Yogananda, has neither achieved even close to a kundalini arising, nor any so called higher consciousness.

He writes here nonsense which has nothing to do with an actual rising to higher consciousness or higher existence.

That is my point.

It is funny to read the immense ignorance espoused by those who claim themselves enlightened when they are nowhere near any such state.

Lastly, people are not already Atman.

People have been disconnected from that state, and the states preceding it, which in effect makes it so they are no longer Atman in any way.

One only is, when one is.

However, it is true that when one reaches towards that Atman state of consciousness, one may perceive as if one has always been Atman, as that state of being does go beyond linear time.

The present attainment then realizes only the future as part of the now, and the past becomes part of the now as well.

Through this one may feel this state of being has always been, and you have always known.

In effect however, that is only true for one who has attained Atman.
What is making you see, making you walk ,talk. Or even write your reply , where did you source your words. Limited physical Awareness makes one think , they are not Atma.
It's easier to feel it than see it. When one is young they actually feel it strongly. The world feels like a dream to a young child. This is actually closer to the reality of things.
As the physical body grows, one gets more attached to it and out of tune with Atma.
Atma is also Sat which is Eternal Truth and is described as that which is Eternal , Unchanging of any thing in existence. It's all pervasive. It's an infinite ocean of God Consciousness. It's not that hard to be convinced of this. Just meditate on your own Atma within yourself.
Yoga is based on the fact that you are Atma.
When Kundalini is rising ,the Awareness is withdrawing into your soul. It's up and in.
The word soul in occult books actually means Atma. It's Sun God Consciousness,it's all pervasive eternal light. Limited physical awareness obscures this. The soul is Atma ,the soul body is the individual you that's made out of the Soul. It's a body of light. Later on soul came to be described with your individual spirit or soul body. Which is fine because of the proximity of your individual soul body to the Atma. From the soul body ,the Atma is closest thing to you. More close than your breath. People identify with the physical body that's the problem. The word soul comes from Sol, it's Sun God Consciousness. The ocean is the Atma and creation is like the wave. They are not separate. The wave rises and goes back into the ocean,in an Eternal cycle. That's an analogy, I can use. If you are not convinced , there's not much I can say to convince you. But I will say this ,the Yoga is more enhanced and faster if you are convinced that you are Atma ,not separate. It's not an attainment ,though it can feel like that as you work on the Yoga . It's a conscious Realisation,of something that is already there. Creation is an emanation out of Atma ,its not separate. The rays of the Sun are not separate from it.
As for the author, I am personally convinced his correct. I have been an SS for nearly 12 years now.
The thing is the Universe is founded on order. Nothing demonstrates this better than numbers. 1+1=2, always never 3. But the intellectual ego of man can decide to operate on 1+1=3. Build things , based on that logic ,but will soon find that nothing is working well based on that. And will eventually come to accept that 1+1=2. The free will of a humanoid allows for one not to fully comply with Divine Order,Dharma. But will eventually comply. A horse always follows the Dharma of horse,an ant always follows the Dharma of ant. And so on,the egos of other creatures doesn't get in the way with their connection to their inner Atma. With man it's a different case,his ego gets in the way. The Dharma of man on Earth is to get Self Realised through Kundalini rising to the crown chakra. How many people are actually training for this? Not many.
The Universe is founded on Eternal Truth ,so if one deceives others or themselves ,that they are Self Realised . They will eventually be found out. Because 1+1 =2 not 3 or any other number.
Divine Providence exposes such. Personally I am convinced about the article by the author . If you are not ,fine.

The Yoga training is basically about stilling the mind and body ,to allow your Awareness to withdraw into your Atma. This is yoga. If you are able to still your mind and body right now, your Kundalini will rise and you experience God Consciousness . Yoga is within yourself. Your Awareness is a Ray out of the ever shining Atma at the core of your being. You follow the Ray to it's source,you find Atma. This is what Yoga is. Concentration of mind is required. That's why when one concentrates the mind at a task ,they do it better. Why? Because whether they realise it or not they are automatically tuning into their inner perfection the Atma. So Yoga is mental concentration. This what is difficult,many past lives living just for the physical body and sensual pleasures,is what has made the Yoga difficult for people. That's why a life of moderation is what is encouraged for an aspirant.
The yoga really starts when you realise that your are Atma.
VoiceofEnki said:

If it were so simple, many of us here would be the Atman with ultimate omniscience and all knowing mind.

It is not. This delusions is the absolute enemy of true Yoga and true realization. That is just comfortable retardation, and is in alignment with no personal development which is very common in the East, where people just say these things but many do not do anything to develop.

"You are all atma" and things like that are just generalizations, such as saying "You are all Carbon Dioxide". This changes nothing without any attainment or any actual important manifestations, it's a bunch of lies.
likman666 said:
The Yoga training is basically about stilling the mind and body ,to allow your Awareness to withdraw into your Atma. This is yoga. If you are able to still your mind and body right now, your Kundalini will rise and you experience God Consciousness . Yoga is within yourself. Your Awareness is a Ray out of the ever shining Atma at the core of your being. You follow the Ray to it's source,you find Atma. This is what Yoga is. Concentration of mind is required. That's why when one concentrates the mind at a task ,they do it better. Why? Because whether they realise it or not they are automatically tuning into their inner perfection the Atma. So Yoga is mental concentration. This what is difficult,many past lives living just for the physical body and sensual pleasures,is what has made the Yoga difficult for people. That's why a life of moderation is what is encouraged for an aspirant.
The yoga really starts when you realise that your are Atma.

I do not want to hurt you, but Yoga is not about sitting there and just experiencing something. The realization of man into a higher level is a far more thorough work. What you describe is just one aspect of Yoga which is passive reception.

The Yogis of the East have tried to simplify it as much as possible, either for the masses, or to generally create a calmness in the mind, which is necessary for Yoga.

The fundamental idea that everyone has a source into the "All that is", is a correct view, but this is nothing without all the whole process of attainment, fixing the soul, cleaning it, bringing it "up" again. Ie, it's bogus.

One bogus seller in the East who is very famous also told people that very shit, that if you focus on the Atma all your sins are instantly burned, I think Vivekanda. That is bullshit, none of the sins are burned if you do this, you have to actively rectify them on this living place where we are, which is why people reincarnate again and again.

That is a freaky lie and very dangerous; no karma is burned by this.

In the East, the only gurus that should be listened to are those who preach the Warrior Path, which contains the Truth in the proper context of reality, pushing one to development.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
likman666 said:
The Yoga training is basically about stilling the mind and body ,to allow your Awareness to withdraw into your Atma. This is yoga. If you are able to still your mind and body right now, your Kundalini will rise and you experience God Consciousness . Yoga is within yourself. Your Awareness is a Ray out of the ever shining Atma at the core of your being. You follow the Ray to it's source,you find Atma. This is what Yoga is. Concentration of mind is required. That's why when one concentrates the mind at a task ,they do it better. Why? Because whether they realise it or not they are automatically tuning into their inner perfection the Atma. So Yoga is mental concentration. This what is difficult,many past lives living just for the physical body and sensual pleasures,is what has made the Yoga difficult for people. That's why a life of moderation is what is encouraged for an aspirant.
The yoga really starts when you realise that your are Atma.

I do not want to hurt you, but Yoga is not about sitting there and just experiencing something. The realization of man into a higher level is a far more thorough work. What you describe is just one aspect of Yoga which is passive reception.

The Yogis of the East have tried to simplify it as much as possible, either for the masses, or to generally create a calmness in the mind, which is necessary for Yoga.

The fundamental idea that everyone has a source into the "All that is", is a correct view, but this is nothing without all the whole process of attainment, fixing the soul, cleaning it, bringing it "up" again. Ie, it's bogus.

One bogus seller in the East who is very famous also told people that very shit, that if you focus on the Atma all your sins are instantly burned, I think Vivekanda. That is bullshit, none of the sins are burned if you do this, you have to actively rectify them on this living place where we are, which is why people reincarnate again and again.

That is a freaky lie and very dangerous; no karma is burned by this.

In the East, the only gurus that should be listened to are those who preach the Warrior Path, which contains the Truth in the proper context of reality, pushing one to development.
What you have quoted from me. Is the high end of the 8 fold path.
Attention , concentration , meditation , contemplation then Samadhi (God Realisation). It's raja yoga. When the Kundalini is rising your Awareness is withdrawing into your soul body. The Chakras correspond to your main bodies also. The crown and third ,6th Chakras is your soul body. The Astral Body starts from the throat chakra,the physical body starts from 3rd chakra the solar plexus or navel. That's why the navel is a gateway to the Astral. You get past it you are in the Astral. When the Kundalini is rising up the chakras,your Awareness is withdrawing into your inner bodies. When the Kundalini hits the 3rd eye and 6th Chakras,it said one experiences an intense white , blissful light. This is just your Awareness withdrawing completely into your soul body and experiencing the Atma , All Knowing,Sun God Consciousness of the soul body. The Udjat represents the individual soul body in All Knowing Sun God Consciousness.
At this point your individualness is still there but very minimal, because the soul body is there.
The yoga is to go beyond Pure Sun God Consciousness,which is Atma in form into Formless Atma,, ParaSiva, the Absolute reality beyond description. At this point ,ones awareness is completely withdrawn into God ,and they are God at that point ,past their soul body. That's why it's also symbolised by the skull and bones. A "death" of the ego occurs. Then you come out of that state into 3rd eye , and you become aware of your individual soul ,the universe and so on.
When destruction is happening in the Universe of anything ,what's happening is that ,that thing is just withdrawing back into ParaSiva. Creation is emanation out of it.
That's why you need the physical body and it needs to be strong, because withdrawing into ParaSiva within you is like a destruction process,the integrity of the soul body needs to be maintained so that it doesn't self destruct . So it merges into the physical body as the Awareness is being withdrawn into ParaSiva within one, even the rising of the Kundalini is hot. It's like a destruction process,the soul body is being refined. Union with God is a destruction process, something is just withdrawing back into the Source. This is pralaya or Ragnarok. In the case of a yogin,the soul remains intact. The purpose of the physical body is too experience ParaSiva within oneself,it can only happen in a physical body. One will keep reincarnating until this is experienced. A raja yogin will tell you a strong body and pure mind (Atma contemplation) is what is needed for the yoga.
When one experiences ParaSiva ,you then keep going into ParaSiva and coming out, further refining the soul body until it turns from copper into gold. This takes years after the first Kundalini rising. The golden light Siva body.
The warriors in the East do their martial art forms , training and so on. To strengthen the physical body ,then sit in contemplation that's what they do. Kundalini stimulation is not that hard, breathing exercises , flexible and strength training of the physical body can stimulate it. To raise it to the crown, requires mental concentration. That's what raises it.
Your Awareness and the Kundalini are linked. So when you start to withdraw your Awareness from your senses (Pratyahara) you are mimicking what happens as the Kundalini rises to the crown chakra.
Your Awareness is Ray out of the Atma what keeps it externalised ,is mental activity. When mental activity is suspended the Awareness withdraws into the Source, the Atma.
This happens to a point in deep sleep past the dream state,it just rests at the brink of Atma Consciousness. One is just not conscious of it at the time. The yoga is to do this consciously and actually go into the Atma.(Turiya state) In deep sleep , creation disappears, body consciousness goes ,it's just Brahman that remains. But the sense of existence doesn't go. One is still aware that they are alive when they come out of it and they will say I had a sound sleep. The individualness is not there in deep sleep,but the sense of existence is still there. Where is it coming from ,it's Brahman. Even in the dream state ,what is lighting up your dreams,it's Atma , Brahman. The sense of existence comes from Atma not your physical body. Deep sleep proves this.
Mental concentration training is Paramount. When you do you automatically start tuning into Atma. That's why even an art ,a physical art is encouraged to learn. Because it encourages and improves mental concentration. Pure God Consciousness (Parasakti) is still. To tune into it,the body and mind have to be still. The unmovable mover as it's called. IT moves prakriti ( cosmic nature with the elements) but it remains unmoved, Unchanging , Eternal. The Ancient One.
Well trained soldiers are known to develop good intuition because of practicing at being still. The mind automatically starts to tune into Atma. If practiced for a while.
It's said that Napoleon was able to immediately withdraw into deep sleep,the moment he closed his eyes. Have a good sound sleep for three hours while running battles are going on around him. Not even afraid or disturbed by it. Wake up very refreshed.
It's a siddhi also and is a result of mental concentration training. When one focuses on Atma within, it's mental concentration also. The Atma is still,so eventually with lots of practice the mind becomes still. Allowing the Awareness to withdraw into Atma,this is Kundalini rising. Built also on having a strong physical body.
Personally , I have seen how I have unfolded and keep unfolding with Atma Meditation. Increased understanding, happiness, detachment and so on. Atma meditation works.
I know it's a bit long. But
I just wanted to pass my point. I can't obviously put everything about this but basically that's my take. It's also based on my own experience of this and the effect of meditating on the Eternal Unchanging Light within .
You don't agree fine,but combined with the JOS meditations,I have been doing all this years it's working for me. Kundalini heat rising up my spine and so on. These are some of the things happening.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
VoiceofEnki said:

If it were so simple, many of us here would be the Atman with ultimate omniscience and all knowing mind.

It is not. This delusions is the absolute enemy of true Yoga and true realization. That is just comfortable retardation, and is in alignment with no personal development which is very common in the East, where people just say these things but many do not do anything to develop.

"You are all atma" and things like that are just generalizations, such as saying "You are all Carbon Dioxide". This changes nothing without any attainment or any actual important manifestations, it's a bunch of lies.

"You are all Atma" says the false guru.

"You are all one with God" says the xian priest.

"You are all one with Allah" says the mudslime imam.

"You are all fools" says the Satanist.
VoiceofEnki said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
VoiceofEnki said:

If it were so simple, many of us here would be the Atman with ultimate omniscience and all knowing mind.

It is not. This delusions is the absolute enemy of true Yoga and true realization. That is just comfortable retardation, and is in alignment with no personal development which is very common in the East, where people just say these things but many do not do anything to develop.

"You are all atma" and things like that are just generalizations, such as saying "You are all Carbon Dioxide". This changes nothing without any attainment or any actual important manifestations, it's a bunch of lies.

"You are all Atma" says the false guru.

"You are all one with God" says the xian priest.

"You are all one with Allah" says the mudslime imam.

"You are all fools" says the Satanist.

Good one brother.
VoiceofEnki said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
VoiceofEnki said:

If it were so simple, many of us here would be the Atman with ultimate omniscience and all knowing mind.

It is not. This delusions is the absolute enemy of true Yoga and true realization. That is just comfortable retardation, and is in alignment with no personal development which is very common in the East, where people just say these things but many do not do anything to develop.

"You are all atma" and things like that are just generalizations, such as saying "You are all Carbon Dioxide". This changes nothing without any attainment or any actual important manifestations, it's a bunch of lies.

"You are all Atma" says the false guru.

"You are all one with God" says the xian priest.

"You are all one with Allah" says the mudslime imam.

"You are all fools" says the Satanist.
"AUM" the Universal Sound ,can be vibrated by everyone ,any humanoid. While an untiated person or even a Jew cannot vibrate a specific name of a Deity for example. Everyone can vibrate AUM. Even the Jew , Repitilian,Grey or any Asuric,evil beings can vibrate AUM. We use it in our rituals ,here on JOS. What or Who do you think is being honoured when one vibrates AUM. Even an untiated person can vibrate AUM. Nothing happens without AUM. The Uncreated , Universal Sound. AUM is God and is all perversive. Debate on the All pervesiveness of God,AUM is actually quite ridiculous. Who knows? No one knows
It is It What is.
1. Be still
2. It was finished long ago.
3. All is Truth
4. There's nothing wrong.
5. There's no intrisinc evil.
6. Who knows?
likman666 said:
VoiceofEnki said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It is not. This delusions is the absolute enemy of true Yoga and true realization. That is just comfortable retardation, and is in alignment with no personal development which is very common in the East, where people just say these things but many do not do anything to develop.

"You are all atma" and things like that are just generalizations, such as saying "You are all Carbon Dioxide". This changes nothing without any attainment or any actual important manifestations, it's a bunch of lies.

"You are all Atma" says the false guru.

"You are all one with God" says the xian priest.

"You are all one with Allah" says the mudslime imam.

"You are all fools" says the Satanist.
"AUM" the Universal Sound ,can be vibrated by everyone ,any humanoid. While an untiated person or even a Jew cannot vibrate a specific name of a Deity for example. Everyone can vibrate AUM. Even the Jew , Repitilian,Grey or any Asuric,evil beings can vibrate AUM. We use it in our rituals ,here on JOS. What or Who do you think is being honoured when one vibrates AUM. Even an untiated person can vibrate AUM. Nothing happens without AUM. The Uncreated , Universal Sound. AUM is God and is all perversive. Debate on the All pervesiveness of God,AUM is actually quite ridiculous. Who knows? No one knows
It is It What is.
1. Be still
2. It was finished long ago.
3. All is Truth
4. There's nothing wrong.
5. There's no intrisinc evil.
6. Who knows?

Beginning to sound quite like your name there.


Perhaps that man stood for something obvious after all...
likman666 said:
VoiceofEnki said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It is not. This delusions is the absolute enemy of true Yoga and true realization. That is just comfortable retardation, and is in alignment with no personal development which is very common in the East, where people just say these things but many do not do anything to develop.

"You are all atma" and things like that are just generalizations, such as saying "You are all Carbon Dioxide". This changes nothing without any attainment or any actual important manifestations, it's a bunch of lies.

"You are all Atma" says the false guru.

"You are all one with God" says the xian priest.

"You are all one with Allah" says the mudslime imam.

"You are all fools" says the Satanist.
"AUM" the Universal Sound ,can be vibrated by everyone ,any humanoid. While an untiated person or even a Jew cannot vibrate a specific name of a Deity for example. Everyone can vibrate AUM. Even the Jew , Repitilian,Grey or any Asuric,evil beings can vibrate AUM. We use it in our rituals ,here on JOS. What or Who do you think is being honoured when one vibrates AUM. Even an untiated person can vibrate AUM. Nothing happens without AUM. The Uncreated , Universal Sound. AUM is God and is all perversive. Debate on the All pervesiveness of God,AUM is actually quite ridiculous. Who knows? No one knows
It is It What is.
1. Be still
2. It was finished long ago.
3. All is Truth
4. There's nothing wrong.
5. There's no intrisinc evil.
6. Who knows?

Yes, God exists as the atmic field but if "God" was a finished work and not a theoretical concept, you would not have entities ascending and trying to get better. "God" exists but is a force. Other beings are working with this.

AUM is a concept for concentrating the existence on this, not an objective reality. The objective reality is bound by other laws in all it's levels. That's why Gods and advanced entities exist.

What you write here is concepts that have to do with the unification of the mind, ie, on another level than the objective reality.
likman666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
likman666 said:
The yoga really starts when you realise that your are Atma.
You don't agree fine,but combined with the JOS meditations,I have been doing all this years it's working for me. Kundalini heat rising up my spine and so on. These are some of the things happening.

Other things are mostly things you read, so make sure to focus on what experience brings you, because people can have a hard time making any descriptions. Yet, you spend a lot of time on descriptions, so keep that in mind, and keep up your journey brother.

likman666 said:
VoiceofEnki said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It is not. This delusions is the absolute enemy of true Yoga and true realization. That is just comfortable retardation, and is in alignment with no personal development which is very common in the East, where people just say these things but many do not do anything to develop.

"You are all atma" and things like that are just generalizations, such as saying "You are all Carbon Dioxide". This changes nothing without any attainment or any actual important manifestations, it's a bunch of lies.

"You are all Atma" says the false guru.

"You are all one with God" says the xian priest.

"You are all one with Allah" says the mudslime imam.

"You are all fools" says the Satanist.
"AUM" the Universal Sound ,can be vibrated by everyone ,any humanoid. While an untiated person or even a Jew cannot vibrate a specific name of a Deity for example. Everyone can vibrate AUM. Even the Jew , Repitilian,Grey or any Asuric,evil beings can vibrate AUM. We use it in our rituals ,here on JOS. What or Who do you think is being honoured when one vibrates AUM. Even an untiated person can vibrate AUM. Nothing happens without AUM. The Uncreated , Universal Sound. AUM is God and is all perversive. Debate on the All pervesiveness of God,AUM is actually quite ridiculous. Who knows? No one knows
It is It What is.
1. Be still
2. It was finished long ago.
3. All is Truth
4. There's nothing wrong.
5. There's no intrisinc evil.
6. Who knows?

Yes, God exists as the atmic field but if "God" was a finished work and not a theoretical concept, you would not have entities ascending and trying to get better. "God" exists but is a force. Other beings are working with this.

AUM is a concept for concentrating the existence on this, not an objective reality. The objective reality is bound by other laws in all it's levels. That's why Gods and advanced entities exist. It is a "totally objective reality" which is outside of the objective reality that we call reality. But again words can fail here.

What you write here is concepts that have to do with the unification of the mind, ie, on another level than the objective reality.
likman666 said:

You may be doing JoS's activities, but not all of these Yogi's are. Sure, they may be advanced in some ways, but they are very lacking in other areas.

As HPHC has mentioned, we need to take an active role on our path of advancement. Look at the energy of the Eihwaz rune: it is a combination of both fire and water. It is not just water or the feminine principle. It is combined with the masculine force to transform. In other words, our awareness is only one part of our path.

Also, the end of the passage you have posted directly mentions that we should "melt our ego". Again, this is self-destructive based around way too much emphasis on the feminine principle of reality.

Tuning into the astral realm, or atma, IS important, but that is only one part of our existence. It is a common corruption of occult knowledge to say that this is all that is needed for advancement, when that is not true at all.


As far as sensual pleasures and whatever, this is all a part of life as well. Sure, we also need to focus on our work, but we should not destroy or cancel the material realm just because we have trouble integrating it with the rest of our work or life.

The soul and body are interlinked and empower each other. The very fact that you can use your body to do yoga asanas or mantras, which then empower the soul, speaks towards the great strength that comes from the physical body. Ignoring physical sensations entirely, when you should instead integrate them with your path, will only hurt your advancement.
VoiceofEnki said:
"You are all Atma" says the false guru.

"You are all one with God" says the xian priest.

"You are all one with Allah" says the mudslime imam.

"You are all fools" says the Satanist.

Maybe you could both agree on this:

All beings have a connection to Atma, though it takes a lot of practice/hard work to actually realize this
likman666 said:
1. Be still
2. It was finished long ago.
3. All is Truth
4. There's nothing wrong.
5. There's no intrisinc evil.
6. Who knows?

Do you practice the RTRs? If so, how can there be nothing wrong?

are we as satanist bringing back balance to our planet?
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=401615 time=1669322820 user_id=21286]
likman666 said:
"""As HPHC has mentioned, we need to take an active role on our path of advancement. Look at the energy of the Eihwaz rune: it is a combination of both fire and water. It is not just water or the feminine principle. It is combined with the masculine force to transform. In other words, our awareness is only one part of our path."""

yes, I agree, it seems a lot of the religions downplay the role of water and earth

"""Also, the end of the passage you have posted directly mentions that we should "melt our ego". Again, this is self-destructive based around way too much emphasis on the feminine principle of reality. """"

which seems strange to me, as most of the religions seem to me about exaggerating the ego, and disconnecting from earth and water

"""Tuning into the astral realm, or atma, IS important, but that is only one part of our existence. It is a common corruption of occult knowledge to say that this is all that is needed for advancement, when that is not true at all."""

The astral I feel is still in space, time...... the source of atma, I would have though is beyond space, time

[/quote]""As far as sensual pleasures and whatever, this is all a part of life as well. Sure, we also need to focus on our work, but we should not destroy or cancel the material realm just because we have trouble integrating it with the rest of our work or life. [/quote]

definitely should enjoy our sensations! yes!

The soul and body are interlinked and empower each other. The very fact that you can use your body to do yoga asanas or mantras, which then empower the soul, speaks towards the great strength that comes from the physical body. Ignoring physical sensations entirely, when you should instead integrate them with your path, will only hurt your advancement.

Solar Legion said:
which seems strange to me, as most of the religions seem to me about exaggerating the ego, and disconnecting from earth and water

Actually, no. Most religions focus either on dissolving the self into something higher (whether they call it "god", universal oneness or something else) or blindly worshiping and conforming to something higher, without understanding that the "higher" being is higher only because they are sending their energies to it and strengthening it while weakening themselves. They are about conformity and being a sheep.

Only the Left-Hand Path, in which Satanism is included, is about strengthening and empowering the individual self and becoming your own separate and isolate god.

Solar Legion said:
Maybe you could both agree on this:

All beings have a connection to Atma, though it takes a lot of practice/hard work to actually realize this

No, as Satanists don't seek to dissolve ourselves into something higher, but we seek to become separate and independent and individual gods of ourselves. That's what the (Western) Left-Hand Path in general is about.

I mean, that stuff likman666 posts is just Hindu nonsense and have nothing to do with Satanism.
Solar Legion said:
likman666 said:
1. Be still
2. It was finished long ago.
3. All is Truth
4. There's nothing wrong.
5. There's no intrisinc evil.
6. Who knows?

Do you practice the RTRs? If so, how can there be nothing wrong?

are we as satanist bringing back balance to our planet?
The points are about realizing Atma Consciousness ,that's Cosmic Consciousness. They are a description of Atma and when thought upon will help one transcend The Changing Maya into Atma Consciousness.
Think of creation as a motion picture. The Light that displays the motion picture is Atma. A part of the Light becomes the motion picture but a part of It remains perfect , unaffected by the motion picture. The motion picture (creation) cannot be separated from the Light that displays it. The motion picture has many colours , features, creatures some evil ,good ,Gods, humanoids, different worlds and levels of Awareness and so on . But every part of the motion picture is equally pervaded by the Light displaying it. A part of the motion picture can appear bad but the Light displaying it remains the same,perfect even in the motion picture that looks bad. So even in the bad motion picture , at it's core nothing is wrong. This motion picture is created ,evolves and is absorbed back into the Light that displays it. In
an Eternal Cycle,some parts are being created,some evolving and some being drawn back in. But there's never been a point ,where souls and worlds have not existed. Its a Mystery ,Who Knows? No has ever known,not even the Gods. Sages have come and gone , attempted to explain Atma. It remains the same ever new and unknowable.
This Light also has within it a Transcendant Reality ,the Absolute Reality that's Formless,A Void. The Eternal Light ever comes out it. Situations within the motion picture are created by the creatures in the motion picture. They provide the content through mental activity and desire. The Light behind the motion picture displays these. So all karma is just. The more evolved a creature that's in the likeness of the Light that displays the motion picture. The more it can manipulate the motion picture.
This motion picture (creation) is individually activated when the mental mind is activated and the ego mental activity forms.
Deep sleep proves this. In deep sleep all Creation disappears ,notion of the individual you,God's,the world and so on. All these go in deep sleep but the Feeling of Existence never goes ,this is the Light that displays the motion picture. This is what is Existence ,the Eternal Light. The trap of bondage is identifying Existence which is Eternal with the ego mind and physical body,wrong discrimination. People are mistakening the temporal ,the illusion ,Maya for the Eternal.
So mental activity activates the Great Dream, creation,the motion picture.
The goal at this point of our unfoldment on Earth is to realize the Light , particularly the Transcendental Reality of the Light ,the Void of the motion picture. But the trick is this Light and the Void of It can only be fully Realized when the motion picture is active,that's when one is awake.
So to realize the Light fully and the Void of It, mental and physical body activity have to suspended while awake.
This is the challenge. The six points help in doing this,by thinking on them ,it helps one to penetrate deep into the mind ,into the Light ,the Atma and the Void of It.
Kundalini rising is when the Awareness is withdrawn into the Void within oneself . The Absolute Reality. This Reality is sometimes symbolised as a Linga (Penis) seated in a Yoni (Vagina) which is the Eternal Light. The Swastika symbolises the Absolute Reality and that the path into the Absolute Reality is not directly through the intellect , that's mental activity. But indirectly through intuition, that's suspension of mental activity. They are steps towards this. Read Patanjali Yoga Sustras,they are quite well known. A strong physical body is needed,moral behavior and so on. The Atma is called Arya, meaning the Unchanging Noble One. So in Vedic terms one who wants to Realize Arya within ,is called Aryan. Makes sense. This is Yoga.
Vlad Tepes said:
Actually, no. Most religions focus either on dissolving the self into something higher (whether they call it "god", universal oneness or something else) or blindly worshiping and conforming to something higher, without understanding that the "higher" being is higher only because they are sending their energies to it and strengthening it while weakening themselves. They are about conformity and being a sheep.

No, as Satanists don't seek to dissolve ourselves into something higher, but we seek to become separate and independent and individual gods of ourselves. That's what the (Western) Left-Hand Path in general is about.

thanks for the reply,

I meant that a lot of hindhu teachers teach to reduce the ego, but then the teachers always seem to have an exaggerated hidden ego that is disconnected from the feminine principles.

The students, as you say, seem to become malleable sheep, disconnected from the earth, and their own sense of self…so they become - a host, a shell, a vessel.

Yes, I would say Satanism is about integrating the feminine and masculine bodies, so that they work together.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
