I took from the picture not that it is about the Matrix films, but that it is using memology (memetics) to make a point, maybe somewhat correctly, maybe somewhat incorrectly, and quite subjectively. Suspiciously, similar to 11/Sept/2001 which "was an inside job", I suspect that planes are made to crash into mountainsides on purpose, to gain a lot of death and upset energy, and media, etc., for (((use))).
Regarding "Mandela effect" - that's just something ignorant people "experience". e.g. "Luke, I am your father" was never said. It's just someone, maybe a comedian or a take on it in an advert or whatever, which started it, or a misremembered line/a misquote, that (nearly) everyone grabbed hold of and ran with... while not researching the actual correct quote/line. "I'm sure he said, 'Luke, I am your father'!" or "I'm sure he said, 'Beam me up, Scotty'.", which also was never said -the closest being "Scotty, beam us up", from memory. Are you really, actually sure? Did you see the film once, then someone said it incorrectly and you just accepted their misquote? Maybe you never actually saw the films/series at all and are just going on what you have been told. Sort of like christians who don't read the bibles and just accept what they're told, herp-derp. Maybe an advert or something didn't want to pay royalties, so they used a deliberate misquote, and ignorant sheep accepted that as gospel. That's really what the "Mandela effect" is, in my opinion.
As for the trilogy being about trans-matters (I've seen only the films, not read the books) - that makes less-than-zero sense at all. That's just a bullshit post-trilogy retardation (assuming the jew brothers/sister/whatevers/things said it after the trilogy). "You know what? We could pretend that it's about trans things." "We never said that before." "I know, but the sheep are sheep; they'll bleat along with it. We can say that was the idea all along.", "Great (post-)idea! Let's do that!"
Regarding the last part of the picture "monopoly on violence" - I don't know what happens behind closed doors, no matter what GTA 5's mission of kidnapping a "home cinema installer" tell me, using torture to extract information because he is "one of the invisible people" who technically doesn't exist (rather, legally). My angle is more that it is about control and manipulation. (((TPTB))) "need" to impose more red tape and hoops for us to jump through - i.e. "the more numerous the laws, the more corrupt the state", so that it becomes so very complex and complicated that (((TPTB))) can argue whatever and the commoners have no idea - and one has to know their rights; they don't appear to be respected freely and openly by (((TPTB))); if you don't know your rights, then you lose. "I know my rights!" Whether you do or don't, they should be respected openly and freely. One can defend themselves, or pay for an expensive solicitor who understands things that one does not... Always relying on others.
In a Magickal World, we surely use Energy to make things harmonious, and while each individuals' interpretations of harmony are individual, harmony still abounds and Energy works, rather than 'the letter of the law' being confusing, complicated, complex and probably contradictory (excuse the alliteration). The laws, the solicitors, the judges, the police, etc., etc., etc. are all types of Energies put together in forms and formats and patterns (
presumably related to the structures and geometry mentioned recently) deliberately, or worked towards being in such forms, formats and patterns, so as to make existence as unpleasant as it currently is... with that structure being better for (((something))). If we all had Energy to use harmoniously, a lot of these Physical manifestations of dirty energy I just mentioned, including the etc. ones, would be unneeded and would not exist. Individual bent coppers and corrupt officials, etc., wouldn't exist largley enough - Energy works behind the scenes, and with harmony it all manifests well for all relevant involved, rather than hoping and wishing and relying on a copper or a big CEO to be good and not corrupt or bent - which undoubtedly is because of (((dirty magic))) which has been poisoning Earth for a very long time.