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What Happens If You Take The Vaccine?

Inflorescentia said:
Wildfire said:
If people can make space tourism become a thing sooner, so would turning reptilian and grey worlds into hot asteroids the same way they did it to phaeton. Spirituality+money+science+defense=better world order against bug headed and lizard fucks. Let's just try not to be stupid like play with AI too much... :D I might want to consider getting enough money and stability first and once a space force is formed under Satan's world order, I'm more than happy to join so I can shed some xeno mofo blood across the stars.

"I'm from Buenos Aires and I say KILL THEM ALL!!!"
Epic movie.
Andromedus1488 said:
Yeah.. I mean as complicated as this entire situation is, getting through all of this is rather simple.

1.) Do no vaccinate under any circumstances, for your health, and to oppose the agenda as a whole so further attacks on freedoms are not implemented.
- If you have already vaccinated, don't do it anymore, and continue to meditate/protect your aura. Preform health workings on yourself if you feel its necessary. Advancing your soul/healing workings and working with the gods should repair any damage on your physical body already suffered, just don't add anymore damage.

2.) Clean your aura and do your aura of protection

3.) Keep firing off Final Rtr + Tetragrammaton + Shattering Defenses Rtr.

4.) Focus on yourself, find ways to grow. To learn. To stay happy. Be positive, focus on the positive aspects of life and take care of yourself emotionally, spiritually and physically.

Then the jewish plan for world enslavement fails completely, the whole pandemic fails completely, and the parasitic jew fails completely.

Easy peasy, lemon squeezy. Just keep your chin up Brothers and Sisters. Stay positive and motivated and keep firing away the Rtr's, we have this in the bag, just don't relent until its over. don't let up until it's over, but remain positive and determined!

Nice Summary!!! Any SS who hasn't folded to the (eu)genic shot and who wants to oppose the will of the Jews should be coherent and not take it.
I would add: DO NOT fall for the fear factor of these "toilet paper green passes" or "small laws" they rely on that!!! Virus and vaccines are dangerous but these fake rules and regulations will fall and any "fine" you will have will be annulled, for all these "rules" go against the constitution of most countries and Human Rights. I have seen this over and over in Italy and other places as well... The key is defy them and wait, there are employers that don't need a green pass actually prefer you not to have one, doctors, the same.

Wait this out, lots of people even 18 year olds are dying of the same causes in up to 2 months after the shot: strokes, heart attacks, thrombosis. Take into account that they are still doing "trials", so at least 50% of people are given placebo, there was a study though on macaques with mRNA vaccines and each and every one of them who took the vaccine died in 2 years from the time they took the vaccine

Now the good news if you have taken the vaccine (and in any other case if you live with someone who has, for they DO shed, we have reports of even pets of vaccinated people getting sick!!)

Against the effects of the Spike protein and Covid, an exercise to try, a taste of why I know that the research of www.peakstates.com/covid19.html should be released immediately, it has the ability to immunize without herbs or medicines, write to them in English or French and press for them to release it, they are stalling way too much!

1) Identify the association to be eliminated or the emotion associated with another, in this case, how do you perceive the covid virus, what feeling does it have for you, like something you have in front of you an object or a person? NOT how you feel towards the virus, but the virus itself, what feelings and sensation does it have and give off as if it were a person, an object? In fact, what emotions does it have? What about the Spike protein alone? If the feelings you feel are different, those of the covid and the spike, for now focus only on those of the covid for this exercise. At this point, BEFORE you begin, write down the sensations covid gives you and score the strength of the sensation, from 1 to 10. Jot down also any and all symptoms you have and the strength from 1 to 10!

2) Hold out one hand, palm up and fingers slightly cupped.
Imagine that there is a "crumpled paper bag" in your hand.... It is possible for there to be a bag in both hands. You must work with each hand separately.
More than just "imagining" the bag, "feel" it kinesthetically.
Feel the bag giving off the sensations of how you feel the covid, all of them at once as if there is the covid virus with all the sensations in the crumpled bad in your hand.
3) Gently tap the 9-gamut point on the back of the hand containing the crumpled imaginary bag with the fingertips of the other hand. (point 9 gamut: skin on the back of the hand between the ring finger and the little finger you can google "point 9 gamut eft" and find the precise point)
Continue until you feel the bag fly off or melt in your hand (usually 1 1/2 minutes)
Continue tapping for another 15 seconds or so after the bag is gone, don't stop right away!!

If at the same time you are tapping, you can also send love toward your belly the technique works with less resistance. The important thing though is to concentrate on the kinesthetic sensation of the crumpled bag feeling the sensations and emotions inside.

4) Repeat the same process with the other hand. If you do not feel a bag giving off the sensation in either hand then ignore this hand at this round

5)Recheck the initial hand, again cupped upward, if there is another "bag" with the same sensations or some of the remaining sensations, redo the technique on one or both hands depending on whether or not the sensations are present in one or both hands

6) Check the initial sensations, they must reach 0

The important thing is to feel the emotion, the sensation "radiating" from the cupped hand, if you feel it there is an association, if you have to "imagine" it and you don't feel almost kinesthetically, it is not there and the technique is not needed in that case

Repeat the exercise above with the Spike protein (if you are vaccinated and magnetic you can try with graphene as well) and also repeat by putting together in your hands a weird association that the body has created: the covid and the spermatozoa. The reptilian brain has created this association, and with this technique, by putting in each hand these two things together, always in the bag, covid and spermatozoa, you break this association and it doesn't feel anymore that "the covid is "natural"

(P.s. This technique additionally works with any critical or obsessive "voice" that speaks to you in the second or third person using that voe and l-emotion of the voice in the "bag" and that you perceive around you but does not work with the self-critical "how absent-minded I was!" voices that you perceive within you)

Disclaimer: Since this technique is present in a book, silence the voices, and its use for associations is reported in several Institute books and is not an exclusive technique of the ISPS therapist manuals, I am not breaking any law or copyright in any way by publishing it.

Please let me know your before and afters, your experiences, and share it FOR FREE with anyone who may need it!!!

And again, please pressure the Peak States Institute in any way you can to release the full treatment. From the page it is quite clear they have had the full treatment at least for the last 5 months, this is just the first step I have put together and I can share both because it is a safe, effective and public technique, but it can have powerful results
please share it, I'm fed up with the Institute not releasing the full treatment, and this technique, being both safe and effective may help some people

Hail Satan!
aamber666 said:
I found a site that explains all the effects of the vaccine are increable HAIL

Warning: don't click that link as it's an IP logger.


Nice try, Fed.
aamber666 said:
I found a site that explains all the effects of the vaccine are increable HAIL

aamber666 said:
great post,best site.hail

Protip: when a person's first post is a generic one like the above, like "great site", "nice post", "good thread", "I agree" and nothing useful you can be sure that person is either a bot or scammer. In this case, that is a scammer or a fed or a bot that send an IP logger link so that you click on it and it records your IP address. It's entire purpose here is to get people's IP addresses. If you are using VPN or Tor (which you should be, if you are browsing this site) there's no problem with this.
Inflorescentia said:
Wildfire said:
If people can make space tourism become a thing sooner, so would turning reptilian and grey worlds into hot asteroids the same way they did it to phaeton. Spirituality+money+science+defense=better world order against bug headed and lizard fucks. Let's just try not to be stupid like play with AI too much... :D I might want to consider getting enough money and stability first and once a space force is formed under Satan's world order, I'm more than happy to join so I can shed some xeno mofo blood across the stars.

"I'm from Buenos Aires and I say KILL THEM ALL!!!"

Except we wouldn't be facing giant bugs, who's that girl on your profile pic btw?
AntonellaIT said:
Andromedus1488 said:
Yeah.. I mean as complicated as this entire situation is, getting through all of this is rather simple.

1.) Do no vaccinate under any circumstances, for your health, and to oppose the agenda as a whole so further attacks on freedoms are not implemented.
- If you have already vaccinated, don't do it anymore, and continue to meditate/protect your aura. Preform health workings on yourself if you feel its necessary. Advancing your soul/healing workings and working with the gods should repair any damage on your physical body already suffered, just don't add anymore damage.

2.) Clean your aura and do your aura of protection

3.) Keep firing off Final Rtr + Tetragrammaton + Shattering Defenses Rtr.

4.) Focus on yourself, find ways to grow. To learn. To stay happy. Be positive, focus on the positive aspects of life and take care of yourself emotionally, spiritually and physically.

Then the jewish plan for world enslavement fails completely, the whole pandemic fails completely, and the parasitic jew fails completely.

Easy peasy, lemon squeezy. Just keep your chin up Brothers and Sisters. Stay positive and motivated and keep firing away the Rtr's, we have this in the bag, just don't relent until its over. don't let up until it's over, but remain positive and determined!

Nice Summary!!! Any SS who hasn't folded to the (eu)genic shot and who wants to oppose the will of the Jews should be coherent and not take it.

Hate to nitpick, but don't you mean dysgenic? Eugenics typically improves lives and the health and strength of the species. Eugenics is essentially natural evolution. What the jews enforce is dysgenics which is counter to Nature's program. It's the central point of xianity and communism to lift up the weak at the expense of the strong, and to encourage the breeding of the weak. This makes it easier for a puny, pathetic race like the jews to conquer and enslave others which they could never ordinarily do because of how absolutely weak they are.

The vaccine programs and modern medicine are essentially more of the same. Modern medicine allows the weak specimens with weak immune systems and genetics to remain in the gene pool which weakens everyone. Vaccines being forced on everyone for herd immunity is at the expense of the strong specimens with healthy immune systems who pay for these weaker specimens to survive. People who are so weak and so unhealthy at the genetic level that they never would have survived without all of this expensive medical intervention should have died long ago. But we keep them alive, and we all take the vaccines so that we can all be at the same weak level together so that they can survive. Imagine if all these weaker people reincarnated into healthier bloodlines once the gene pool is stronger. That would be much better for everyone except the jews.

It's just medical communism the way I see it. Herd immunity is keeping the herd at the same collective weak level. What is so wrong with natural immune systems, I wonder? Why do doctors constantly spit on all things natural while collecting their pretty paychecks for prescribing unnatural solutions? Vaccines with who knows what in it. Graphene apparently.

Please excuse my opportunistic rant. I know you were talking about something different.
I would also stress again I think they are pressured into not releasing the complete treatment, it's been 3 months with no updates, 5 months since the treatment was deemed stable
if anyone has "internet email knowhows" wink wink, they would do our cause a great service if they helped "release" it here and everywhere....If you get what I mean grant at peakstates.com and kirsten at peakstates.com is where you should look...
We would destroy covid and vaccine and some of the jews' plans at the same time
Well, i had to take since i didn't want to spend rest of my time at home. It's been weeks and i am ok for now but who knows, i wish i didn't have to. :|
Stormblood said:
aamber666 said:

All you shared is a 1x1 picture, ma'am.

This appears to be an attempt at cyberattack or cyberstalking by jews. It's been recurring and consistent.

Ignore and move on. They can't do much to anyone here unless they open a line of communication with them [which is why we strongly advise against that] so they resort to this stupid crap. This appears to be IP phishing from them.
Wildfire said:
Inflorescentia said:
Wildfire said:
If people can make space tourism become a thing sooner, so would turning reptilian and grey worlds into hot asteroids the same way they did it to phaeton. Spirituality+money+science+defense=better world order against bug headed and lizard fucks. Let's just try not to be stupid like play with AI too much... :D I might want to consider getting enough money and stability first and once a space force is formed under Satan's world order, I'm more than happy to join so I can shed some xeno mofo blood across the stars.

"I'm from Buenos Aires and I say KILL THEM ALL!!!"

Except we wouldn't be facing giant bugs, who's that girl on your profile pic btw?
Always asked that, never got an answer from her. Lol
Good evening
I am going to post a long article which appeared on the most censored site in France, "DP" Democratie participative, the equivalent of the daily stormer.
Beware of exaggeration, therefore, but the explanations are clear, the author of the site has been documenting himself seriously on COVID since March 2020.
Of course, it also speaks of our Jewish friends ...

Why you shouldn't get vaccinated: an explanatory guide to escaping slavery
Captain harlock
Participative democracy
July 21, 2021

It is the most serious and potentially deadly attack on humanity that the Jews have ever attempted.

Blocking your natural immune system

Traduction de texte
Texte source
Votre système immunitaire naturel s’adapte en permanence aux nouvelles menaces et produit des anticorps spécialement adaptés à une menace Y à un instant T.

Face au Covid19, la vaccination actuelle suspend la production d’anticorps par votre système immunitaire naturel pour la remplacer par la production d’un anticorps spécifique théoriquement destiné à cibler la protéine Spike du virus.

Mais sous l’effet de la vaccination de masse, le virus mute pour échapper à ce mécanisme de destruction.

« Une chose que l’on apprend au cours de la première année de spécialisation, c’est qu’il ne faut jamais vacciner pendant une épidémie, car le virus réagit en mutant »

Dr. Pietro Luigi Garavelli

Vacciner pendant une pandémie, c’est-à-dire quand de nombreuses personnes portent le virus, revient à lancer artificiellement une sélection darwinienne des souches virales à grande échelle. Ce sont les variants les plus forts et les plus infectieux qui résistent et qui ensuite se répandent très vite face au vide laissé par les autres souches éradiquées. Ce cycle de sélection aboutit à créer des super variants.

A présent que le virus circule massivement chez les vaccinés, ce processus de mutation n’est qu’une question de temps.

Tant que le vaccin agit, c’est-à-dire tant que la production d’anticorps spécifiques est maintenue, votre système immunitaire naturel ne peut pas s’adapter et réagir aux mutations du virus en produisant des anticorps naturels mis à jour.

La personne vaccinée produit encore et toujours les mêmes anticorps, comme un robot. Le corps de la personne vaccinée produit donc des anticorps obsolètes qui deviennent incapables d’agir contre un variant résistant au vaccin.

Le plus important est ceci : une fois vacciné, on ne peut pas faire marche arrière tant que le vaccin ordonne la production d’anticorps périmés.

Le vaccin vous paralyse pendant des années
1885 / 5000
Résultats de traduction
Your natural immune system constantly adapts to new threats and produces antibodies specially adapted to threat Y at time T.

Faced with Covid19, the current vaccination suspends the production of antibodies by your natural immune system to replace it with the production of a specific antibody theoretically intended to target the virus's Spike protein.

But under the effect of mass vaccination, the virus mutates to escape this mechanism of destruction.

"One thing you learn in the first year of specialization is that you should never vaccinate during an epidemic, because the virus reacts by mutating."

Dr. Pietro Luigi Garavelli

Vaccinating during a pandemic, that is, when many people carry the virus, is like artificially initiating a Darwinian selection of viral strains on a large scale. These are the strongest and most infectious variants that resist and then spread very quickly in the face of the void left by the other eradicated strains. This cycle of selection results in the creation of super variants.

Now that the virus is circulating massively among the vaccinated, this process of mutation is only a matter of time.

As long as the vaccine is working, that is, as long as the production of specific antibodies is maintained, your natural immune system cannot adapt and respond to mutations in the virus by producing updated natural antibodies.

The vaccinated person produces the same antibodies over and over again, like a robot. The body of the vaccinated person therefore produces obsolete antibodies which become incapable of working against a variant resistant to the vaccine.

The most important thing is this: once vaccinated, you cannot go back as long as the vaccine orders the production of expired antibodies.

The vaccine paralyzes you for years
The question then becomes: how long is the vaccine effective before the natural immune system is reconnected and produces new antibodies adapted to the viral threat?

This is the first reason why testing phases are necessary: to know how long the vaccine works.

The official answer is: no idea.

And for good reason, this vaccine is less than two years old.

Most likely, this progressively obsolete antibody production is blocked for several years. Studies indicate that people who have already contracted Covid19 who were subsequently vaccinated could have this production blocked for life.

It is therefore enough for the virus to manage to camouflage itself by mutating to suddenly be able to affect 2 billion vaccinated people.

Collective immunity impossible to achieve

Traduction de texte
Texte source
Le but officiel de la vaccination de masse était d’atteindre l’immunité collective. Avec l’apparition de variants d’échappement immunitaire générés par la vaccination de masse, cet objectif est inatteignable.

En réalité, l’immunité collective n’a jamais été l’objectif réel du système.

L’objectif du système était de débrancher le système immunitaire naturel de milliards de personnes pour les exposer à des variants générés par un virus militaire fabriqué en laboratoire qu’il a lui-même disséminé en 2019 – officiellement depuis Wuhan.

Ensuite, le système offre sa « solution » qu’est la dépendance à la vaccination perpétuelle.

Le cycle de la vaccination perpétuelle
673 / 5000
Résultats de traduction
The official goal of mass vaccination was to achieve collective immunity. With the emergence of immune escape variants generated by mass vaccination, this goal is unachievable.

In fact, collective immunity has never been the real goal of the system.

The system's goal was to shut down the natural immune systems of billions of people and expose them to variants generated by a laboratory-made military virus that it itself released in 2019 - officially from Wuhan.

Then the system offers its "solution" of lifelong immunization addiction.

The perpetual vaccination cycle
Precisely because the production of obsolete antibodies has been blocked by vaccination, vaccinees are dependent on updates modeled on anti-virus software in computers.

Soon, those vaccinated will learn that an "updated" vaccination will be needed every 6 months to deal with the variants.
This vaccination is piloted by the laboratory of the Jew Albert Bourla of Pfizer, in close coordination with the globalist elites.

Hence the order of 2 billion doses by the French government for, I quote, "vaccines suitable for variants and for possible future variants".

If, in the future, those vaccinated wanted to backtrack by resorting to a traditional influenza-type vaccination in order to allow their immune system to extend its capacity to recognize the virus well beyond just the Spike protein, this would not be possible.

Exposing to a moderate form of the virus for this purpose, production of the obsolete antibodies from the first vaccination would resume and they would be unable to fight off the new variants.

Natural immunity: your only shield
The unvaccinated still have the proven effectiveness of their natural immune system.
To be vaccinated is to dismantle this extremely effective natural immune system which is the only true guarantor of collective immunity against this virus.

In exchange for your natural immune system, the Jewish vaccination gives you perpetually renewed exposure to a virus that originally was just a big flu and which, under the effect of that same Jewish vaccination, still becomes more virulent, thus opening an endless speculative cycle.

All this will soon become clear to all. The globalist elites behind this Bolshevism by the weapon of biological terror still need the overwhelming majority of humanity to be vaccinated.

The countdown has therefore started.

Obligatory vaccination
This is the reason why, faced with some 25 million unvaccinated in France in July 2021, vaccination must be made compulsory by the State using two methods: the indirect obligation through massive infringements of anthropological freedoms. (travel, meetings, etc.) and direct obligation through coercion.

Including through organized unemployment.

The goal: total Jewish racial dictatorship
The one and only organizing force behind this neo-Bolshevik revolution led by the weapon of biological terror is the Jewish race, of which democracies are the secular arm.

The ultimate goal is the enslavement of the goyim as promised in the Torah, the Old Testament.

But it is always when the victory of the Jews seems imminent that disaster strikes their heads.

The Jews are not going to succeed. Instead, the world will witness the most gigantic anti-Semitic storm in its history.

Until then: don't be poisoned by the Jews. Do not get vaccinated

[I do not put the end to you .. it is blasphemous :( ... the author believes that the Jews are ... satanic ..:roll: ]
Blitzkreig said:
Stormblood said:
Do you have anything to say about non-mRNA vaccines such as Oxford/AstraZeneca.

For those who take the mRNA because they are forced and have no other option (i.e. employment and any top-tier extenuating circumstances), Pfizer is better than Moderna because it contains A LOT LESS mRNA in comparison.

I think the non-mRNA ones are likely less bad for you, in theory. As HPHC mentioned, these also don't allow the enemy to push their gene modification front, either. I believe this is why the media was shitting on them earlier. They were not trying to entertain anti-vax theory, rather just stifle the less desirable option (for them).

That is good advice about the Pfizer shot. So I guess the best of the bunch would be AstraZeneca, J&J, or Sputnik (all non-mRNA), followed by Pfizer.

Astrazeneca - based on the viral vector- has claimed many lives among people under 60 and younger.
It can cause thrombosis and blood clots.

It is now administered here in Italy only to those over 60.
They updated it on the bugiardino as well. It now goes by the name Vaxzevira.

It should be avoided by younger people.

Their motto is: vaccine’s benefits outweigh risks.



All viral-vector vaccines - not only Astrazeneca - could cause thrombosis and blood clots.

Rational Satanist said:

Why are you simultaneously warning others about an iplogger link and then in a subsequent message linking it indirectly through a quote? The five seconds you could have taken to preview and then remove it could prevent other ss from clicking it. Why is this not edited out by a mod yet?
Bone Dust said:
Rational Satanist said:

Why are you simultaneously warning others about an iplogger link and then in a subsequent message linking it indirectly through a quote? The five seconds you could have taken to preview and then remove it could prevent other ss from clicking it. Why is this not edited out by a mod yet?

In both replies I quoted the kike's post with the link. I guess the mod who approved my post removed the link from my first one but he forgot to do the same with the second one.
Good evening, I put back the article, in English this time, in case it could be useful...

Why you shouldn't get vaccinated: an explanatory guide to escape slavery
Captain Harlock
Participatory Democracy
July 21, 2021

This is the most serious and potentially deadly attack on humanity that the Jews have ever attempted.

For this reason, you must understand the importance of not getting vaccinated.

Blocking your natural immune system
Your natural immune system is constantly adapting to new threats and producing antibodies specifically tailored to a threat Y at a time T.

In the face of Covid19, current vaccination suspends the production of antibodies by your natural immune system and replaces it with the production of a specific antibody theoretically designed to target the virus' Spike protein.

But under mass vaccination, the virus mutates to escape this killing mechanism.

"One thing you learn in your first year of specialization is that you should never vaccinate during an epidemic, because the virus reacts by mutating."

Dr. Pietro Luigi Garavelli

Vaccinating during a pandemic, i.e. when many people are carrying the virus, amounts to artificially launching a Darwinian selection of viral strains on a large scale. It is the strongest and most infectious variants that resist and then spread very quickly in the face of the vacuum left by the other eradicated strains. This cycle of selection results in the creation of super variants.

Now that the virus is circulating massively among the vaccinated, this mutation process is only a matter of time.

As long as the vaccine is working, i.e. as long as the production of specific antibodies is maintained, your natural immune system cannot adapt and react to the virus mutations by producing updated natural antibodies.

The vaccinated person produces the same antibodies over and over again, like a robot. The vaccinated person's body therefore produces obsolete antibodies that become unable to act against a vaccine-resistant variant.

The most important thing is this: once you are vaccinated, you can't go back as long as the vaccine orders the production of obsolete antibodies.

The vaccine paralyzes you for years
The question then becomes, how long does the vaccine work before the natural immune system is rewired to produce new antibodies to match the viral threat?

This is the first reason why testing phases are needed: to know how long the vaccine works.

The official answer is: no idea.

And for good reason, this vaccine is less than two years old.

Most likely, this production of progressively obsolete antibodies is blocked for several years. Studies indicate that people who have already contracted Covid19 and then been vaccinated may have this production blocked for life.

So all the virus has to do is manage to camouflage itself by mutating and suddenly it can affect 2 billion vaccinees.

Herd immunity unattainable

The official goal of mass vaccination was to achieve herd immunity. With the appearance of immune escape variants generated by mass vaccination, this goal is unattainable.

In fact, herd immunity was never the real goal of the system.

The system's goal was to disconnect the natural immune systems of billions of people and expose them to variants generated by a laboratory-made military virus that it itself disseminated in 2019 - officially from Wuhan.

Then, the system offers its "solution" which is the addiction to perpetual vaccination.

The cycle of perpetual vaccination
Precisely because the production of obsolete antibodies has been blocked by vaccination, the vaccinated are dependent on updates along the lines of antivirus software in computing.

Soon, vaccinees will learn that an "updated" vaccination will be needed every 6 months to cope with variants.
This vaccination is piloted by the laboratory of the Jew Albert Bourla of Pfizer, in close coordination with the globalist elites.

Hence the order of 2 billion doses by the French government for, and I quote, "vaccines adapted to variants and possible future variants".

The door is closed on the vaccinated
If tomorrow the vaccinated wanted to turn back to a traditional flu-like vaccination in order to allow their immune system to extend its ability to recognize the virus well beyond the Spike protein alone, this would not be possible.

Exposed to a moderate form of the virus for this purpose, the production of obsolete antibodies from the first vaccination would resume and they would be unable to fight the new variants.

Natural immunity: your only shield
Non-vaccinated people still have the proven effectiveness of their natural immune system.

To be vaccinated is to dismantle the highly effective natural immune system that is the only true guarantor of the collective immunity against this virus.

In exchange for your natural immune system, the Jewish vaccination offers you a perpetually renewed exposure to a virus which, at the beginning, was only a big flu and which, under the effect of this same Jewish vaccination, becomes more and more virulent, thus opening an endless speculative cycle.
All this will soon become clear to everyone. But the globalist elites behind this Bolshevization by the weapon of biological terror must ensure that the overwhelming majority of humanity is vaccinated.

The countdown is on.

Compulsory vaccination
This is why, faced with some 25 million non-vaccinated people in France in July 2021, vaccination must be made compulsory by the State using two methods: indirect obligation through massive infringements of anthropological freedoms (travel, meetings, etc.) and direct obligation through coercion.

Including through organized unemployment.
"Elisabeth Borne: "We have introduced a procedure of suspension of the employment contract, without remuneration" for employees without a valid health pass"
(that's the Minister of Labor, Jewish)

The situation is very tense in France, many demonstrations in the streets of France against the law on the health pass, and de facto on the "vaccine obligation" which does not say its name. This horrible clique is going to condition the access to hospitals to the "health pass": children as well as adults who will refuse to be vaccinated will not have any more access to care, "except emergencies", but what about chronic diseases, deliveries and the husband will not be able to be present if no "health pass", etc etc
People are very divided, the French only talk about this among themselves, a lot of conflicts in the families, between friends, between colleagues, all camped fiercely on its positions. Antivax VS provax. it will soon degenerate and so much the better, the air is so unbreathable in France with the perfect lackey of the Jews, Macron. Damn him and his clique.
I try to hold back those who want to finally give in, for fear of losing their jobs, to visit their old parents in a retirement home, etc. They vaccinate pregnant women by the dozen. France is particularly targeted. Tonight it is Italy that follows: many demonstrations broke out following the introduction of the "health pass" at the beginning of August.
That the father does not abandon us

Sorry, if there are grammatical and meaning mistakes: I use an automatic translator
SShiva_fr said:

Curious question but that view is with mRNA vaccine? What is your opinion of the old vaccines in that they use dead or live parts of the virus and is that better? if so, is there one for coronavirus vaccine that does not use MRNA technology?
Aquarius said:
Wildfire said:
Inflorescentia said:
"I'm from Buenos Aires and I say KILL THEM ALL!!!"

Except we wouldn't be facing giant bugs, who's that girl on your profile pic btw?
Always asked that, never got an answer from her. Lol

I hate to ruin the mystique, but here you go. https://www.jbox.com/nab097

Inflorescentia is interesting and mysterious on her own anyway.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Stormblood said:
aamber666 said:

All you shared is a 1x1 picture, ma'am.

This appears to be an attempt at cyberattack or cyberstalking by jews. It's been recurring and consistent.

Ignore and move on. They can't do much to anyone here unless they open a line of communication with them [which is why we strongly advise against that] so they resort to this stupid crap. This appears to be IP phishing from them.

Good thing I only access the website through VPNs lately.
Aquarius said:
Wildfire said:
Inflorescentia said:
"I'm from Buenos Aires and I say KILL THEM ALL!!!"

Except we wouldn't be facing giant bugs, who's that girl on your profile pic btw?
Always asked that, never got an answer from her. Lol

I'm sorry, Aquarius. It must have skipped my mind in the past. It's no particular character. It's artwork I grabbed from pixiv a couple of years ago. Glad you guys like it. :)
Inflorescentia said:
Aquarius said:
Wildfire said:
Except we wouldn't be facing giant bugs, who's that girl on your profile pic btw?
Always asked that, never got an answer from her. Lol

I'm sorry, Aquarius. It must have skipped my mind in the past. It's no particular character. It's artwork I grabbed from pixiv a couple of years ago. Glad you guys like it. :)
Hoped it was a good anime, it gives off Violet Evergarden vibes.
Necrorifter said:
SShiva_fr said:

Curious question but that view is with mRNA vaccine? What is your opinion of the old vaccines in that they use dead or live parts of the virus and is that better? if so, is there one for coronavirus vaccine that does not use MRNA technology?

Qu'ils soient à ARNm ou pas, c'est qui est en cause est la protéine spike.
Le vaccin qui est actuellement sans ARNm est l'astrazeneca, mais il occasionne également des thromboses, surtout chez les sujets jeunes.
Je ne suis pas une experte, je me contentais de recopier un article qui me semblait fort intéressant, voilà tout.

Pour faire un point de la France, pays où je vis :
La loi a été adoptée par l'Assemblée Nationale et par le Sénat :
ce qui est acté : obligation vaccinale pour tous les soignants et les personnes d'aide à domicile, pass sanitaire indispensable pour les employés travaillant dans chaque entreprise recevant du public (employés des magasins, administrations etc)
Les employés seront suspendus sans salaire ad vitam s'ils refusent de se faire injecter le (((poison)))
Pass sanitaire pour accéder à l'hôpital (ces ordures qui condamnent ceux qui ont besoin de régulièrement de soin)
Pass sanitaire pour les établissements de loisirs et culturels (mais ça moi je m'en fous, je vis sans depuis des années)
Campagne massive pour vacciner les enfants et adolescents, ignoble, menaces envers les étudiants s'ils refusent de s'y soumettre.
Fumiers. Maudits.
Les Français se mobilisent beaucoup, intensément,des manifestations énormes pour un mois de juillet (qu'est ce que j'étais fière de mon peuple !) mais les anti pass sont minoritaires : 33% ...
Ne pas désespérer
Vive Satan et ses Dieux
SShiva_fr said:
Necrorifter said:
SShiva_fr said:

Curious question but that view is with mRNA vaccine? What is your opinion of the old vaccines in that they use dead or live parts of the virus and is that better? if so, is there one for coronavirus vaccine that does not use MRNA technology?

Qu'ils soient à ARNm ou pas, c'est qui est en cause est la protéine spike.
Le vaccin qui est actuellement sans ARNm est l'astrazeneca, mais il occasionne également des thromboses, surtout chez les sujets jeunes.
Je ne suis pas une experte, je me contentais de recopier un article qui me semblait fort intéressant, voilà tout.

Pour faire un point de la France, pays où je vis :
La loi a été adoptée par l'Assemblée Nationale et par le Sénat :
ce qui est acté : obligation vaccinale pour tous les soignants et les personnes d'aide à domicile, pass sanitaire indispensable pour les employés travaillant dans chaque entreprise recevant du public (employés des magasins, administrations etc)
Les employés seront suspendus sans salaire ad vitam s'ils refusent de se faire injecter le (((poison)))
Pass sanitaire pour accéder à l'hôpital (ces ordures qui condamnent ceux qui ont besoin de régulièrement de soin)
Pass sanitaire pour les établissements de loisirs et culturels (mais ça moi je m'en fous, je vis sans depuis des années)
Campagne massive pour vacciner les enfants et adolescents, ignoble, menaces envers les étudiants s'ils refusent de s'y soumettre.
Fumiers. Maudits.
Les Français se mobilisent beaucoup, intensément,des manifestations énormes pour un mois de juillet (qu'est ce que j'étais fière de mon peuple !) mais les anti pass sont minoritaires : 33% ...
Ne pas désespérer
Vive Satan et ses Dieux

For people who want english translation based on google translate website.

Whether they are mRNA or not, this is what is at issue is the spike protein. The vaccine that is currently mRNA-free is astrazeneca, but it also causes thrombosis, especially in young people. I'm not an expert, I was just copying an article that seemed very interesting to me, that's all. To make a point of France, country where I live: The law was adopted by the National Assembly and the Senate: what is recorded: vaccination obligation for all caregivers and home help people, essential health pass for employees working in each company receiving the public (employees of shops, administrations etc.)
Employees will be suspended without pay ad vitam if they refuse to be injected with (((poison))) Sanitary pass to access the hospital (this garbage that condemns those who need regular care) Sanitary pass for leisure and cultural establishments (but I don't care, I live without it for years) Massive campaign to vaccinate children and adolescents, despicable, threats to students if they refuse to submit to it. THEY PREPARE THE VACCINATION OBLIGATION FOR ALL IN SEPTEMBER Manure. Cursed. The French are mobilizing a lot, intensely, huge demonstrations for a month of July (what was I proud of my people!) but the anti pass are minority: 33%... Do not despair Long live Satan and his Gods
You mus get ze vaccine goyim.

Energy follows the path of least resistance. People are willingly taking an experimental drug, because they are unhappy, but wait. If they get the drug, then everything will go back to "normal". I hate this conditioning and it's a damn shame people fall for it so easily.
"I took it because they'll mandate it anyways" - Some dickhead who's entire life revolves around a job and not advancement.

I asked some people about the vaccine and they lashed out, because I called them soyboys proudly showing off their vaccine status to the world to feed their fragile egos. They're willing to damn people with their misinformation so they can hide the fact they made a rushed and stupid decision. It's funny how they think the 30 years they have been on earth, they seem to know everything.







At least they get their tasty!

This is my first post and i wanted to share my personal opinion about this, because i work in the funeral industry.
If you slide into the Corona, Testing and Vaccine circle, you are not coming out again. Don't go in in the first place.

-I saw many people die after taking their first vaccine shot, some didn't even have any health problems before.
Usually they died after a few weeks.
-Even pathologists told me that after seeing many people die from the vaccine, they didn't want to take it themselves.

My personal opinion about what happens also is that it affects the Soul because it is connected to the DNA.
It changes your whole existence. Any spiritual growth/progress will probably die off.

Also you should try to avoid those who took it and don't have any sexual contact with them.

If they try to force it (they are already discussing it), we have every right to defend ourselves.
SyRaRiS said:
This is my first post and i wanted to share my personal opinion about this, because i work in the funeral industry.
If you slide into the Corona, Testing and Vaccine circle, you are not coming out again. Don't go in in the first place.

-I saw many people die after taking their first vaccine shot, some didn't even have any health problems before.
Usually they died after a few weeks.
-Even pathologists told me that after seeing many people die from the vaccine, they didn't want to take it themselves.

My personal opinion about what happens also is that it affects the Soul because it is connected to the DNA.
It changes your whole existence. Any spiritual growth/progress will probably die off.

Also you should try to avoid those who took it and don't have any sexual contact with them.

If they try to force it (they are already discussing it), we have every right to defend ourselves.

Your statements and personal account are precisely the things JoS has been warning people since we opened up on covid-19 since what was it late-February, early-March when Covid-19 literally made things SHTF even if Covid-19 may have started as early as sometime as August or September of 2019. Pretty much since the murder of Kobe Bryant we've been covering various maneuvers and incidents occurring.

Yeah people who are vaccinated are a risk to unvaccinated people. Apparently the situation that has been examined is people vaccinated radiate spike protein. Like literally they are irradiating their surroundings with said spikes. Even women who are not pregnant experience alterations of their period and even false miscarriages. Pregnant women should stay the bloody fucking hell away from vaccines and vaccinated people. Mortality rates among miscarriages is up on pregnant women.

Frankly it seems like whomever were the powers that be that setup this covid issue may have lucked out on covid-19. Cause like it's been mentioned there was a collection of Sars style virus from a batcave of Unon province and the virus batlady discovered was at 15% mortality rate. So I don't know whether the enemy fucked up or we just got lucky. But my guess is at this point in time the enemy is trying to put the genie in the bottle and with the extraordinary measures societies and Governments placed on people. The enemy is time after time being revealed.

Even if the enemy has massive physical and financial powers. They just keep stepping on landmines and setting up explosions of reveals to the masses. Kinda begs the question when the nuclear bouncing betty pops up and instead of being a nuke against Humanity, it completely destroys the enemy.

But we gotta wait, hopefully humanity isn't dumb enough to ignore said situation and return back to some pathetic normalcy and due to the daily issues with masks, vaccine, lock-downs etc.etc. it just makes it impress in their mind. Normalcy should never return, not to support the enemy but people need to wake the fuck up. Like Hitler said in the Dalton edition of Mein Kampf, propaganda should target both as a science and an art-form the lowest common denominator. Even if some of the anti- propaganda is wrong or not appropriate it's still just more fuel for the masses to go "What the bloody fucking hell is going on with my City, my Nation, and our World?".
Wildfire said:
slyscorpion said:
Henu the Great said:
From the perspective of higher beings, we have won. From our perspective, the fight still goes on this planet.

Working for Satan, on ourselves, this planet (and ultimately other planets), our species and so on never ever ends.

This is not to say that working can not be fun or chilling can not be done.

Yeah but despite what we still have to do we win we finally have the ability to live life and enjoy it more without enemy on the surface. Helping out other places will be cool I am down. Maybe blowing up or making unlivable for them the reptilian home planets :lol:

I am down. That sounds cool.

If people can make space tourism become a thing sooner, so would turning reptilian and grey worlds into
hot asteriods the same way they did it to phaeton. Spirituality+money+science+defense=better world order against bug headed and lizard fucks. Let's just try not to be stupid like play with AI too much... :D I might want to consider getting enough money and stability first and once a space force is formed under Satan's world order, I'm more than happy to join so I can shed some xeno mofo blood across the stars.

I think money is completely a Jew system and before anyone thinks I am saying I want the Communist system where everything is free and owned by the state no not at all. It was mentioned by Cobra several times that the Gods use a different currency and system.
Personally the way I would set it up if I had a day is opposite of the way it is now. As in the people who contribute the most to the world in some way either spiritually or physically have the most while those that do little to nothing and sit around or parasite off others struggle to survive. That may be somehow similar to the way the system of the Gods works at least in philosophy. If we are to become a space bearing civilization with the ability to do something like this money will have long ceased to be an issue. As we evolve the system gets different. Notice crypto a step above what we have now is becoming popular and could take over the financial world. That is cause some of humanity at least is evolving.

Think where this will be in 100 years. I think earth should adopt the system of Orion as it is practiced by the Gods eventually myself but who knows that may not be the plan.
slyscorpion said:
I think money is completely a Jew system and before anyone thinks I am saying I want the Communist system where everything is free and owned by the state no not at all. It was mentioned by Cobra several times that the Gods use a different currency and system.
Personally the way I would set it up if I had a day is opposite of the way it is now. As in the people who contribute the most to the world in some way either spiritually or physically have the most while those that do little to nothing and sit around or parasite off others struggle to survive. That may be somehow similar to the way the system of the Gods works at least in philosophy. If we are to become a space bearing civilization with the ability to do something like this money will have long ceased to be an issue. As we evolve the system gets different. Notice crypto a step above what we have now is becoming popular and could take over the financial world. That is cause some of humanity at least is evolving.

Think where this will be in 100 years. I think earth should adopt the system of Orion as it is practiced by the Gods eventually myself but who knows that may not be the plan.
Mankind is not spiritually advanced enough for using energy as a currency. Money in its current material form is okay, but like with any thing when jews are in the mix its ruined for the most part.

Keywords are usury, and jewish central banking. Remove these and do a little fix here and there and we'll have a decent system where each and everyone has for their needs. Also, no one should be struggling, not even lazy bums. But instead lazy bum status should simply pale in comparison to what those who put in the effort are having.
Yes Humanity is too spiritually inept to do anything. Like HP.Cobra said except in as much as some mild spiritual warfare. Spiritual warfare at the levels of Gods or even less advanced but spiritual societies is retarded for a Human to do it. What we need is more physical weapons.

As for the use of alternative currency like the Gods. HP.Cobra posted this on two occasions one in a sermon and one in which he replied to me. As much as I'm sure HP.Cobra would have loved to discuss this, he can't, cause newagers or kikes rip his information and create new non-sense.

But basically on both occasions they use energy as currency something to do with Akasha. He was shown an insight into this. And HP.Cobra was like WTF that seems so bizarre.

Shame we can't talk about it and discuss it but I agree the enemy will just twist his shit up. Remember guys Humanity was created from the ground up to be spiritual. To do what the Gods do to elevate our civilization.
Henu the Great said:
slyscorpion said:
I think money is completely a Jew system and before anyone thinks I am saying I want the Communist system where everything is free and owned by the state no not at all. It was mentioned by Cobra several times that the Gods use a different currency and system.
Personally the way I would set it up if I had a day is opposite of the way it is now. As in the people who contribute the most to the world in some way either spiritually or physically have the most while those that do little to nothing and sit around or parasite off others struggle to survive. That may be somehow similar to the way the system of the Gods works at least in philosophy. If we are to become a space bearing civilization with the ability to do something like this money will have long ceased to be an issue. As we evolve the system gets different. Notice crypto a step above what we have now is becoming popular and could take over the financial world. That is cause some of humanity at least is evolving.

Think where this will be in 100 years. I think earth should adopt the system of Orion as it is practiced by the Gods eventually myself but who knows that may not be the plan.
Mankind is not spiritually advanced enough for using energy as a currency. Money in its current material form is okay, but like with any thing when jews are in the mix its ruined for the most part.

Keywords are usury, and jewish central banking. Remove these and do a little fix here and there and we'll have a decent system where each and everyone has for their needs. Also, no one should be struggling, not even lazy bums. But instead lazy bum status should simply pale in comparison to what those who put in the effort are having.

The most important thing in ones life is what they contributed to the world or their community or race. Not necessarily what career they have or job or how much money they have at any given time in their life we are only told these are most important because the Jews want us to focus only on the material system all the time. It is on the person what they want to do with their life but when a person doesn't contribute something to society then that means they failed at life and are unethical.

A person might be able to be totally lazy under our definition of the term and achieve something in life.

If a person consistently makes contributions big or small to the world and community then they are successful at life.

That was my thoughts when saying this.

I also know that we are not spiritually advanced enough to set up energy as currency and don't understand how that would work. Doesn't there have to be something material in the economy or currency in order to not make it fall apart since currency is most often used to buy or sell goods and services or material property.
Ok, I don't know what really happens if you take the vaccine, but let me share a dream I had.

Tonight I dreamt about being at my parents place, there were 4 nurses and it seemed like a hospital, I asked for something like a heart vaccine but they brought me the covid vaccine. I was like hey I don't want the covid vaccine because people have to pay for it in the end and the planet will run out of resources. I said I don't even want a heart vaccine, just a simple pacemaker would do. Don't know why I would need that in the first place, but that was the dream.

They seemed sympatethic enough and left. But soon after, a blonde nurse tried to do it anyway, but I pushed her arm and the needle went into her neck. Later on, she was in the bathtub in a coma like state, covered in a mucus stuff, a membrane formed around her, purple with white spots if that makes any sense and white zombified eyes. I said to her, see this is what happens if you take the vaccine, do you still think is good for you? To which she replied yessss.

Soon after, all the nurses and other patients got infected and they were out to get me. I got ejected simply by flying myself out through the balcony door. As I flew out, I got to see buildings on fire and exploding and saw similar people flying as well. We were all going to the sun and be safe there as the earth had run out of atmosphere. And somehow, it felt like a full-blown alien invasion.

Hell yeah, i rejected the poison even in my dream, lol. But still, what a fucked up dream.
Ziontech beats me down at the first. First my allergy exist on my right hand. Completely getting reddened and swollen. It was like an getting electric shock all along my arm's nerves.Then I had to make pain relief needle on it.

1 week before I was woke up with sickness. I was vomit 9 times, now I am nice a little with medicines but still sick.

Next wednesday I will get second of it. But I am partially scare. I hope it will not effect like the first.
I was forced to take it by my mother or I couldn’t finish college.. I severely regret it i have heart pains now and I feel different. I feel abandoned by the gods... I just want the end to come quickly now... is there any hope for me? Or am I finished.. enki have mercy on my soul.
Stormblood said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Stormblood said:
All you shared is a 1x1 picture, ma'am.

This appears to be an attempt at cyberattack or cyberstalking by jews. It's been recurring and consistent.

Ignore and move on. They can't do much to anyone here unless they open a line of communication with them [which is why we strongly advise against that] so they resort to this stupid crap. This appears to be IP phishing from them.

Good thing I only access the website through VPNs lately.

Slows mine right down Stormblood maybe im using an inferior VPN bro
slyscorpion said:
Henu the Great said:
slyscorpion said:
I think money is completely a Jew system and before anyone thinks I am saying I want the Communist system where everything is free and owned by the state no not at all. It was mentioned by Cobra several times that the Gods use a different currency and system.
Personally the way I would set it up if I had a day is opposite of the way it is now. As in the people who contribute the most to the world in some way either spiritually or physically have the most while those that do little to nothing and sit around or parasite off others struggle to survive. That may be somehow similar to the way the system of the Gods works at least in philosophy. If we are to become a space bearing civilization with the ability to do something like this money will have long ceased to be an issue. As we evolve the system gets different. Notice crypto a step above what we have now is becoming popular and could take over the financial world. That is cause some of humanity at least is evolving.

Think where this will be in 100 years. I think earth should adopt the system of Orion as it is practiced by the Gods eventually myself but who knows that may not be the plan.
Mankind is not spiritually advanced enough for using energy as a currency. Money in its current material form is okay, but like with any thing when jews are in the mix its ruined for the most part.

Keywords are usury, and jewish central banking. Remove these and do a little fix here and there and we'll have a decent system where each and everyone has for their needs. Also, no one should be struggling, not even lazy bums. But instead lazy bum status should simply pale in comparison to what those who put in the effort are having.

The most important thing in ones life is what they contributed to the world or their community or race. Not necessarily what career they have or job or how much money they have at any given time in their life we are only told these are most important because the Jews want us to focus only on the material system all the time. It is on the person what they want to do with their life but when a person doesn't contribute something to society then that means they failed at life and are unethical.

A person might be able to be totally lazy under our definition of the term and achieve something in life.

If a person consistently makes contributions big or small to the world and community then they are successful at life.

That was my thoughts when saying this.

I also know that we are not spiritually advanced enough to set up energy as currency and don't understand how that would work. Doesn't there have to be something material in the economy or currency in order to not make it fall apart since currency is most often used to buy or sell goods and services or material property.
By my definition when someone is a lazy bum, they are a lazy bum. Their biggest contribution is doing minimal amount of any kind of work , if at all, and simply get drunk or stoned, or whatever. Just go to your local commercial establishment, like a gas station or dollar store, or some street corner to see an example.

When someone contributes to the whole, no matter the amount of contribution, they are not lazy bums. Amount of contribution is another matter. Everyone does what they are capable and inclined to do.

In regards to your point about currency. I had to re-read your post, and I understood it better this time. Yes, I agree with you on that one. I was under impression that the material wealth should be swapped to another form, but this was not your point.
Henu the Great said:
slyscorpion said:
Henu the Great said:
Mankind is not spiritually advanced enough for using energy as a currency. Money in its current material form is okay, but like with any thing when jews are in the mix its ruined for the most part.

Keywords are usury, and jewish central banking. Remove these and do a little fix here and there and we'll have a decent system where each and everyone has for their needs. Also, no one should be struggling, not even lazy bums. But instead lazy bum status should simply pale in comparison to what those who put in the effort are having.

The most important thing in ones life is what they contributed to the world or their community or race. Not necessarily what career they have or job or how much money they have at any given time in their life we are only told these are most important because the Jews want us to focus only on the material system all the time. It is on the person what they want to do with their life but when a person doesn't contribute something to society then that means they failed at life and are unethical.

A person might be able to be totally lazy under our definition of the term and achieve something in life.

If a person consistently makes contributions big or small to the world and community then they are successful at life.

That was my thoughts when saying this.

I also know that we are not spiritually advanced enough to set up energy as currency and don't understand how that would work. Doesn't there have to be something material in the economy or currency in order to not make it fall apart since currency is most often used to buy or sell goods and services or material property.
By my definition when someone is a lazy bum, they are a lazy bum. Their biggest contribution is doing minimal amount of any kind of work , if at all, and simply get drunk or stoned, or whatever. Just go to your local commercial establishment, like a gas station or dollar store, or some street corner to see an example.

When someone contributes to the whole, no matter the amount of contribution, they are not lazy bums. Amount of contribution is another matter. Everyone does what they are capable and inclined to do.

In regards to your point about currency. I had to re-read your post, and I understood it better this time. Yes, I agree with you on that one. I was under impression that the material wealth should be swapped to another form, but this was not your point.

I was thinking the societal definition of it to be honest. A lot of people see anyone who wants to be independent in how they make money as in not working for someone as a lazy bum (see comments on fox news and other news sites the boomers probably :lol: ). Me personally I see that as the best approach with the Jews around. As long as someone can make or have money and not do something totally unethical it's great.

I am coming to the conclusion though that none of it is really relevant in today's society. Cause it's messed up to the edge of total social and likely economic collapse (see Rome) so a person really successful now will be at the same point as everyone else in the near future logically unless they buy assets that still will have value. Such as land or a house gold or silver maybe food and basic supplies they will be seen as awesome by everyone in the future and get a lot out of selling this.

That is the great reset it's basically imposing the principals of communism on a worldwide scale and putting everyone in the environment that communism traditionally created. I am sure though even many Jews probably are hesitant on this and don't want to do it cause it would mean many of them too would end up in this bad position and they might lose all material control due to that and become "equal" to the person on the street.

This might end up being a fatal error for the enemy. So it's not like I am wanting them to stop right now. A couple years of some hardship is worth it if the enemy is gone.
The vaccine creates mRNA antibodies. Instead of that, your body should be creating enzymes. YOur body will produce more mRNA then enzymes. Because that is where your energy goes. You can treat covid with enzymes. What happens when you take the vaccine, is you fall into the enemies hands.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
