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What Happens If You Take The Vaccine?

I think this is the best damn video on what happens when you take the vaccine and it puts all the arguments for not taking it in one very simple presentation. It should be spread far and wide.

The war is real.

Well I’ve been watching this pretty closely since the beginning…..I mean haven’t all of us? It just doesn’t make sense. And I’m calling bullshit.

Never have we isolated people who weren’t sick in a pandemic. We always isolated those that were.
Vaccine was rushed, is experimental, people who make it can’t be sued. I mean people are dying from the vaccine, some say more are dying from the vax than are dying from the virus right now.

You have a heart attack or stroke, you go to the hospital, they give you a PCR test and it comes back positive for Covid and then the hospital says you were admitted for Covid and then they don’t treat what you really went in for (heart attack/stroke) and because of this you die and then they say you died of covid.

I mean what the actual fuck?

Statistics are clear. If you catch Covid, for just about every age bracket you have a 99.99998% chance of surviving or close to it.

People are not dying of Covid. They are dying from diseases or ailments they already have. And then after all this fraud they are giving out shots…which have been killing people…but oh it was the covid that struck them down minutes after getting injected.

And this is worldwide…did I mention you have a 99.99998% chance of surviving covid and everyone is being pushed to get a shot anyway?

Not only do I call bullshit. I call genocide ala Georgian Stones, ala Agenda 21.

Do not take the shot. I’m with Clif High. If they mandate it and try to force me to take it, like they are trying to euthanize an animal, it’s as good a hill to die on as any and you can be sure I’ll have weapons and take those fucking jews down with me.

Clif’s analysis of events before they unfold are uncannily accurate. I highly recommend going to bitchute and checking out his channel. Clif_High. He lays out exactly what’s happening and what the elite are doing. He just doesn’t use the word Jews. He calls it the elite. But he certainly hints at who they are.
SShiva_fr said:
Good evening
I am going to post a long article which appeared on the most censored site in France, "DP" Democratie participative, the equivalent of the daily stormer.
Beware of exaggeration, therefore, but the explanations are clear, the author of the site has been documenting himself seriously on COVID since March 2020.
Of course, it also speaks of our Jewish friends ...

Why you shouldn't get vaccinated: an explanatory guide to escaping slavery
Captain harlock
Participative democracy
July 21, 2021

It is the most serious and potentially deadly attack on humanity that the Jews have ever attempted.

Blocking your natural immune system

Traduction de texte
Texte source
Votre système immunitaire naturel s’adapte en permanence aux nouvelles menaces et produit des anticorps spécialement adaptés à une menace Y à un instant T.

Face au Covid19, la vaccination actuelle suspend la production d’anticorps par votre système immunitaire naturel pour la remplacer par la production d’un anticorps spécifique théoriquement destiné à cibler la protéine Spike du virus.

Mais sous l’effet de la vaccination de masse, le virus mute pour échapper à ce mécanisme de destruction.

« Une chose que l’on apprend au cours de la première année de spécialisation, c’est qu’il ne faut jamais vacciner pendant une épidémie, car le virus réagit en mutant »

Dr. Pietro Luigi Garavelli

Vacciner pendant une pandémie, c’est-à-dire quand de nombreuses personnes portent le virus, revient à lancer artificiellement une sélection darwinienne des souches virales à grande échelle. Ce sont les variants les plus forts et les plus infectieux qui résistent et qui ensuite se répandent très vite face au vide laissé par les autres souches éradiquées. Ce cycle de sélection aboutit à créer des super variants.

A présent que le virus circule massivement chez les vaccinés, ce processus de mutation n’est qu’une question de temps.

Tant que le vaccin agit, c’est-à-dire tant que la production d’anticorps spécifiques est maintenue, votre système immunitaire naturel ne peut pas s’adapter et réagir aux mutations du virus en produisant des anticorps naturels mis à jour.

La personne vaccinée produit encore et toujours les mêmes anticorps, comme un robot. Le corps de la personne vaccinée produit donc des anticorps obsolètes qui deviennent incapables d’agir contre un variant résistant au vaccin.

Le plus important est ceci : une fois vacciné, on ne peut pas faire marche arrière tant que le vaccin ordonne la production d’anticorps périmés.

Le vaccin vous paralyse pendant des années
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Résultats de traduction
Your natural immune system constantly adapts to new threats and produces antibodies specially adapted to threat Y at time T.

Faced with Covid19, the current vaccination suspends the production of antibodies by your natural immune system to replace it with the production of a specific antibody theoretically intended to target the virus's Spike protein.

But under the effect of mass vaccination, the virus mutates to escape this mechanism of destruction.

"One thing you learn in the first year of specialization is that you should never vaccinate during an epidemic, because the virus reacts by mutating."

Dr. Pietro Luigi Garavelli

Vaccinating during a pandemic, that is, when many people carry the virus, is like artificially initiating a Darwinian selection of viral strains on a large scale. These are the strongest and most infectious variants that resist and then spread very quickly in the face of the void left by the other eradicated strains. This cycle of selection results in the creation of super variants.

Now that the virus is circulating massively among the vaccinated, this process of mutation is only a matter of time.

As long as the vaccine is working, that is, as long as the production of specific antibodies is maintained, your natural immune system cannot adapt and respond to mutations in the virus by producing updated natural antibodies.

The vaccinated person produces the same antibodies over and over again, like a robot. The body of the vaccinated person therefore produces obsolete antibodies which become incapable of working against a variant resistant to the vaccine.

The most important thing is this: once vaccinated, you cannot go back as long as the vaccine orders the production of expired antibodies.

The vaccine paralyzes you for years
The question then becomes: how long is the vaccine effective before the natural immune system is reconnected and produces new antibodies adapted to the viral threat?

This is the first reason why testing phases are necessary: to know how long the vaccine works.

The official answer is: no idea.

And for good reason, this vaccine is less than two years old.

Most likely, this progressively obsolete antibody production is blocked for several years. Studies indicate that people who have already contracted Covid19 who were subsequently vaccinated could have this production blocked for life.

It is therefore enough for the virus to manage to camouflage itself by mutating to suddenly be able to affect 2 billion vaccinated people.

Collective immunity impossible to achieve

Traduction de texte
Texte source
Le but officiel de la vaccination de masse était d’atteindre l’immunité collective. Avec l’apparition de variants d’échappement immunitaire générés par la vaccination de masse, cet objectif est inatteignable.

En réalité, l’immunité collective n’a jamais été l’objectif réel du système.

L’objectif du système était de débrancher le système immunitaire naturel de milliards de personnes pour les exposer à des variants générés par un virus militaire fabriqué en laboratoire qu’il a lui-même disséminé en 2019 – officiellement depuis Wuhan.

Ensuite, le système offre sa « solution » qu’est la dépendance à la vaccination perpétuelle.

Le cycle de la vaccination perpétuelle
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Résultats de traduction
The official goal of mass vaccination was to achieve collective immunity. With the emergence of immune escape variants generated by mass vaccination, this goal is unachievable.

In fact, collective immunity has never been the real goal of the system.

The system's goal was to shut down the natural immune systems of billions of people and expose them to variants generated by a laboratory-made military virus that it itself released in 2019 - officially from Wuhan.

Then the system offers its "solution" of lifelong immunization addiction.

The perpetual vaccination cycle
Precisely because the production of obsolete antibodies has been blocked by vaccination, vaccinees are dependent on updates modeled on anti-virus software in computers.

Soon, those vaccinated will learn that an "updated" vaccination will be needed every 6 months to deal with the variants.
This vaccination is piloted by the laboratory of the Jew Albert Bourla of Pfizer, in close coordination with the globalist elites.

Hence the order of 2 billion doses by the French government for, I quote, "vaccines suitable for variants and for possible future variants".

If, in the future, those vaccinated wanted to backtrack by resorting to a traditional influenza-type vaccination in order to allow their immune system to extend its capacity to recognize the virus well beyond just the Spike protein, this would not be possible.

Exposing to a moderate form of the virus for this purpose, production of the obsolete antibodies from the first vaccination would resume and they would be unable to fight off the new variants.

Natural immunity: your only shield
The unvaccinated still have the proven effectiveness of their natural immune system.
To be vaccinated is to dismantle this extremely effective natural immune system which is the only true guarantor of collective immunity against this virus.

In exchange for your natural immune system, the Jewish vaccination gives you perpetually renewed exposure to a virus that originally was just a big flu and which, under the effect of that same Jewish vaccination, still becomes more virulent, thus opening an endless speculative cycle.

All this will soon become clear to all. The globalist elites behind this Bolshevism by the weapon of biological terror still need the overwhelming majority of humanity to be vaccinated.

The countdown has therefore started.

Obligatory vaccination
This is the reason why, faced with some 25 million unvaccinated in France in July 2021, vaccination must be made compulsory by the State using two methods: the indirect obligation through massive infringements of anthropological freedoms. (travel, meetings, etc.) and direct obligation through coercion.

Including through organized unemployment.

The goal: total Jewish racial dictatorship
The one and only organizing force behind this neo-Bolshevik revolution led by the weapon of biological terror is the Jewish race, of which democracies are the secular arm.

The ultimate goal is the enslavement of the goyim as promised in the Torah, the Old Testament.

But it is always when the victory of the Jews seems imminent that disaster strikes their heads.

The Jews are not going to succeed. Instead, the world will witness the most gigantic anti-Semitic storm in its history.

Until then: don't be poisoned by the Jews. Do not get vaccinated

[I do not put the end to you .. it is blasphemous :( ... the author believes that the Jews are ... satanic ..:roll: ]

I haver been studying more about what happens. In 1977 project MkUltra, The CIA's Program on behavioral modification came out. in the document it says they used biological and chemical material on unknowing test subjects. I later found that mRNA can be used in rats to enhance their learning and memory when mRNA hits the m6 receptors of the brain. The mRNA gives instructions to the cell and then when it's finished, the mRNA goes to your brain. The mRNA can give instructions to your brain for whatever the program is. They are looking at it as a way to treat brain cancer.
Article sent to me by a dear Satanist friend


This article is very very long. It is in French but you can click on the link and activate the automatic translation.

I still put you a part of the translation but there are a lot of useful images in the article.
As the article is very long, it will take several posts...
Why the Spike protein is toxic in COVID-19 ... and also in mRNA and DNA vaccines
Published on 8/20/2021 6:33 PM

ANALYSIS - Researchers, academics, statisticians and a few journalists are trying to alert the population to "vaccine mortality", that is, to deaths caused by COVID vaccination, which already number in the thousands and which is also accompanied by hundreds of thousands of serious side effects around the world. These people who alert, too few in number if we consider the gravity of the situation, are victims of censorship and the States as well as the pharmaceutical companies, through the mouth of the media, deny or ignore these figures even though these data are official and accessible. if we make the effort to look for them (CDC-VAERS, Eudravigilance) and we estimate that these lifts only represent about 10% of reality.


From (Starr TN et al., 2020)

The aim of this article is to discuss the biological mechanisms that can explain the toxicity of vaccines that use genetic technologies based on mRNA and DNA, based on the manufacture by the human organism of a close replica of the protein. SARS-CoV2 spike. Once this protein is produced, it induces an immune reaction that allows the development of antibodies against the SARS-CoV2 virus, responsible for the pathology of COVID.

Introduction to the Spike protein

The now famous “Spike” protein (“advanced” protein in French) allows the SARS-CoV2 virus (the virus that causes COVID) to anchor itself in human cells thanks to its receptor: ACE2. The image above represents this connection with in red the spike proteins of the virus which moreover give it the name of coronavirus (crown); the pink part of the spike protein (RBD or receptor binding domain) is the precise part that allows binding to the ACE2 receptor (in blue) and then allows the virus to enter the human cell where it will release its RNA and bind replicate before infecting other cells.

The ACE2 receptor is a protein that crosses the membrane of cells that contain it (it is said to be transmembrane), and is called Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2.

Why the Spike is poisonous

Let's start by talking about the virus. Our "bad luck", as already written in my newsletter for parliamentarians , is that the ACE2 receptor is a key protein for our health! It is an enzyme (a protein that facilitates chemical reactions) which has extremely positive and crucial missions for our organism: it helps to regulate blood pressure and above all, which is particularly key in the pathology of COVID, it is very important to fight against inflammation in our body! And COVID is an inflammatory pathology.

The virus therefore attaches itself to a protein that is very useful for the balance of our health. By being solicited / occupied by its link with the virus, ACE2 can no longer play its essential anti-inflammatory role. This creates an imbalance with another enzyme with which it is normally in balance: ACE ( Angiotensin -converting enzyme) which activates inflammation and which is left free by the virus. The consequence of this ACE2 / ACE imbalance is hyper-inflammation which develops through four major biochemical pathways which will be discussed again in this article.

So it is precisely by binding to ACE2 that the spike protein of the SARS-CoV2 virus produces a significant part of the inflammation that is observed in COVID! And that can lead to the notorious “cytokine storm”, pneumonia and potential acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) with coagulation and ultimately death.

And it is this same spike protein that we ask mRNA and DNA vaccines to produce in large quantities (uncontrolled) in our body! With the same affinity for the ACE2 receptor, therefore capable of triggering the same inflammatory processes as the virus spike, this being well known in the scientific literature for at least ten years and therefore also by vaccine manufacturers.

Diffuse spike toxicity in the body, disseminated by the virus but also by vaccines

The second very worrying problem that increases the toxicity of this Spike / ACE2 interaction is that these ACE2 receptors are present almost everywhere in the body: pharynx, trachea, lungs, blood, heart, vessels, intestines, brain, male genitals. and kidneys, and also in body fluids (mucus, saliva, urine, cerebrospinal fluid, semen, and breast milk) (Trypsteen W et al., 2020).


Overview of the level of expression of ACE2 receptors in the body - The color gradient (orange) indicates the low or high level of expression of ACE2 in tissues or body fluids. The highest levels were detected in the oral cavity, gastrointestinal tract and male reproductive system - De (Trypsteen W et al., 2020)

This has for consequence for the virus, to be able to create this inflammation in many organs. Moreover, the majority of patients with COVID present various other symptoms in addition to respiratory disorders, in particular neurological, cardiovascular, intestinal and renal dysfunctions (Argenziano MG et al., 2020) (Huang Cet al., 2020) (Lin L et al., 2020) (Chu KH et al., 2005) (Mao L et al., 2020).

Since the spike protein is present in SARS-CoV2 (and its variants) and in the vaccines producing it, this toxicity therefore applies both to COVID (severe forms but also long COVIDs) but also potentially to allvaccines which are based on uncontrolled production of spike protein by cells, unlike vaccines which are made from whole virus deactivated or based on deactivated spike protein. Indeed, we now know that after injection of such vaccines, we find this spike protein both on the surface of cells (where the manufacturers told us it would be found) but we also find a large amount free and circulating in the blood and reaching various organs including the brain. All of these organs, including the brain, expressing ACE2 receptors. Inflammation can take place anywhere, including in vital organs: heart, brain, liver, kidneys, etc.

Then ? why do the files of vaccine companies (Moderna, Pfizer) only give (very incomplete) information on the toxicity of mRNA? And nothingon the safety of the spike protein !? Perhaps because researchers have shown that the spike protein alone can induce thrombosis. And we are talking here about the spike alone, without the whole virus, as in the case of mRNA and DNA vaccines producing the spike (Nuovo GJ, et al., 2021). It has in fact been shown that part of the spike proteins synthesized by the target cells of the vaccine are found in free form and circulate in the blood where they can interact with the ACE2 receptors expressed by various cells, including platelets, thus promoting the inflammatory phenomena mentioned (Angeli F et al., 2021) (Zhang S et al., 2020).

Toxicity of the spike protein from vaccines

A very interesting study has shown that by using a pseudo-virus on the surface of which the spike protein (part S1 which contains the RBD) of SARS-CoV2 but lacking viral RNA was expressed, one caused inflammation and damage in the arteries and lungs of mice exposed intratracheally (Lei et al., 2021). The same has been observed on human epithelial cells (those that line the wall of our vessels) with attack of the mitochondria (compartment which produces the energy of the cell). This work clearly shows that the spike protein alone, not associated with the rest of the viral genome, is sufficient to cause the cardiovascular damage associated with COVID-19. The implications for vaccines are obviously very worrying!


Confocal microscopic images above (Lei et al., 2021) show fragmentation of the mitochondria in vascular endothelial cells treated with the Spike SARS-CoV-2 protein (right) compared to normal cells (at left).

At least as concerning, in an in vitro study , researchers showed that the spike alone (part S1) induced a loss of integrity of the blood-brain barrier (which separates the vessels supplying the brain from the central nervous system) on a model reconstituting this barrier, suggesting the possibility of inflammation in the vessels of the brain and in the brain itself (Buzhdygan et al., 2020).


This passage of the blood-brain barrier has been confirmed in mice and the spike protein has been observed on neurons throughout the brain (Rhea EM et al., 2021). This is very disturbing because we know that the mRNA of vaccines can reach the brain (Bahl et al., 2017), as also specified by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) at the level of 2% of the plasma concentration ( European Medicines Agency, 2021). This mRNA can produce spike protein there and the ACE2 receptors being very numerous in the brain, we can expect nervous problems or degeneration? especially cells that are not renewed.

On the other hand, the spike protein of SARS-CoV2 and of the vaccine by mobilizing ACE2 also induces a decrease in serotonin, which worsens or can cause depressive or even suicidal states (Klempin F et al., 2018) (de Melo LA et al., 2020).

It should also be noted that loss of smell (anosmia) has been described following vaccination in subjects negative for COVID, which shows that symptoms identical to COVID can appear and have been triggered only by the spike protein (Konstantinidis I and al., 2020).

In view of this work easily accessible on databases or even Google… any conscientious researcher or doctor should ask himself the question of the toxicity of the spike protein in vaccines. AFP's statements, policies whatever their function, or the famous “ fact checkers ” should be ignored in favor of real critical research? because the health of most humans on this planet, including children, depends on it, since we have entered into a “logic” of mass vaccination.

In fact, many researchers and doctors around the world are aware of and are observing the toxicity of these new gene therapies, but they are given little media attention in this tightly controlled setting of the doxa of COVID and vaccination as the only solution. to the crisis we are going through, as mentioned in this video from the Independent Scientific Council of April 29, 2021.

Legitimate concerns on the subject sometimes pass the filter, such as this letter from Dr. J. Patrick Whelan of the University of California in a December 2020 letter to the FDA: https://www.regulations.gov/document/FDA- 2020-N-1898-0246

"As important as it is to stop the spread of the virus quickly by immunizing the population, it would be much worse if hundreds of millions of people suffered lasting, if not permanent, damage to their brain or heart microvascular systems as a result of a short-term misjudgment, an unintended effect of peak, full-length protein vaccines on these other organs.

Particular caution will be required with regard to the potential large-scale vaccination of children, before there is any real data on the safety or effectiveness of these vaccines in the pediatric trials which are only just beginning. . "

It is quite simply common sense, ethics and first of all a little bibliographical research since his letter is supported by publications.

What is even more serious is that the toxicity of the spike alone (as in vaccines) has been known for more than ten years (Chen IY et al., 2010) with SARS-CoV1! And the spike protein of SARS-CoV-1 is 76-78% identical to that of SARS-CoV-2 (Wan Y et al., 2021). Thus, in vivo studies have shown that the SARS-CoV-1 spike protein worsens acute lung failure through inflammatory pathways similar to SARS-CoV2 (Kuba K et al., 2005) (Patra T et al., 2020).

Even worse, studies also dating back to infection with MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV-1 have shown that vaccines based on the whole spike protein induce a strong inflammatory immune response in many organs and particularly in the lung. and the liver (Czub M et al., 2005) (Weingartl H et al., 2004). In these in vivo studies in ferrets, not only did the vaccination not prevent infection, but the vaccinated animals exhibited significantly stronger inflammatory responses than control animals and focal necrosis in liver tissue!

These and other studies have shown that it is very difficult to vaccinate against coronaviruses (Jaume M et al., 2012. Even Peter Daszak, the director of the EcoHealth Alliance who served as the financial relay between Dr. Fauci in collaboration with RalphS. Baric (University of North Carolina) and the Chinese laboratory in Wuhan, and which most likely led to the uniqueness of this SARS-Cov2, wrote about coronaviruses that "some of them can cause SARS disease in humanized mouse models. They are not treatable with therapeutic monoclonal antibodies and you cannot vaccinate against them with a vaccine ".

Which vaccines diffuse the spike and what consequences?

Indeed, it is this big difference that must be understood between vaccines:

so-called "classic" vaccines where the antigen is directly injected which is either the whole virus deactivated and containing all the proteins of the virus (the Chinese vaccine Sinovac, the French vaccine Valneva), or a protein (Novavax), which is to date the spike. In both cases, the amount of spike present is limited (and disabled); this will make the body produce antibodies against the virus but these injected proteins are in a defined quantity and will then be eliminated.
vaccines in which mRNA (Pfizer, Moderna) or DNA (Sputnik, Astrazeneca, Janssen) are injected which will cause human cells to produce the spike protein which then indirectly becomes the antigen . We must add that we do not know precisely which cells will do it and that moreover it is not their normal function anyway !!
A study from Pfizer shows that mRNA was detected in most tissues from the first moments after injection (15 minutes) and the results confirm that the injection site and the liver are the main sites of distribution (EMA, 2021 ). Low levels of radioactivity were detected in most tissues, with the highest levels in plasma observed one to four hours after dosing. After 48 hours (with a maximum of the concentrations observed 8 to 48 hours), this mRNA is found mainly in the liver (up to 21.5%), the adrenal glands, the spleen (≤ 1.1%) and the ovaries ( ≤ 0.1%).

So what looks "beautiful" on paper, to many scientists, also seems utterly reckless and potentially very dangerous, even outside of the clearly established toxicity of the spike for many other scientists! Even if too many of these are silent.

In reality, the production of spike protein by this mRNA takes place in an anarchic fashion and we do not know precisely how long this toxic protein is produced and remains present in the cells of our organs but also in the blood circulation. It seems that it is found after several weeks with the possibility of producing chronic inflammation in many organs.

In addition to the spike which is free and circulating, the spike is also expressed on endothelial cells and can activate blood platelets and activate coagulation, which also leads to thrombosis (by releasing platelet factor 4 or PF4) (Hermans C et al, 2021) (Greinacher A et al., 2021).

The problem is therefore that the vaccines which induce the production of spike protein have a very strong inflammatory and oxidative potential and over a period of time that it is still difficult to evaluate, since it is not known precisely from the studies of very incomplete security of the manufacturers. Almost all of humanity is undergoing clinical testing. We'll see ! One study showed that the protein was found for at least 15 days after vaccination for Moderna, with a peak between one and five days at around 68 ng / L (nanogram = billionth of a gram per liter of plasma) (Ogata AF et al. ., 2021). More studies are needed of course but this work should have been done and published by the companies themselves, given the known toxicity of this protein, and this did not shock either the FDA, the EMA or the 'WHO!

With the second injection (from 21 days) a new spike boost is produced even as the antibodies and the body are working to eliminate this protein. Even if Ogata and his team observe a much shorter presence than for the first dose (a few days), we potentially have an inflammation which can be chronic and spread over several weeks, which can thus permanently destabilize the inflammatory balance in the blood vessels, the liver, brain, kidneys etc.

We are therefore talking here about the possibility of causing the same symptoms as COVID but also potentially of promoting all inflammatory diseases in the medium and long term (cardiovascular, neurological, cancer, autoimmune), in particular in subjects who already have a ground inflammatory (eg diabetes) or history. “We should carefully monitor the long-term consequences of these vaccines, especially when given to otherwise healthy individuals” (Suzuki YJ, Gychka SG, 2021).

Vaccines: serious side effects, vaccine deaths and longer-term inflammatory pathologies
Why the Spike protein is toxic in COVID-19 ... and also in mRNA and DNA vaccines

End of the 1st post
2nd post. >>>> https://www.francesoir.fr/opinions-tribunes/pourquoi-la-proteine-spike-est-toxique-dans-le-covid-19-et-aussi-dans-les-vaccins

Vaccines: serious side effects, vaccine deaths and longer-term inflammatory pathologies

In the short term, we therefore observe a significant mortality largely underestimated by the States and the media with around 1000 deaths already in France.

Many people had foreseen this underestimation, given that the pharmaceutical companies took their responsibility away from serious side effects vis-à-vis the States, which did the same with the citizens. This is what explains in large part that it is estimated that the escalations of side effects represent only about 10% of the reality.

With regard to these serious effects, we know in particular that thromboses are due directly to vaccination, as well as myocarditis and pericarditis, stroke, etc. with high levels of D-dimer (marker of coagulation) and CRP (reactive protein C: marker of inflammation) (Greinacher A et al., 2021) (Diaz GA et al., 2021) (Dionne A et al., 2021) (Dionne A et al. al., 2021).

Thrombosis is the abnormal presence of a blood clot that results in partial or total occlusion? either from a vein ( venous thrombosis or "phlebitis"), or from an artery (infarction, stroke).

Myocarditis is an inflammation of the myocardium (a muscle which, by contracting, allows blood to flow through blood vessels and nourish the organs of the body ) resulting in the destruction of its cells and thus decreasing its ability to contract and its ability to deliver blood supply. Gradually, the heart is no longer able to pump blood . The inflammation can spread throughout the heart muscle or be limited to one or a few areas. Extensive inflammation throughout the heart can lead to severe heart failure, severe heart rhythm disturbances, and sometimes sudden death .


The inflammation at the base of these phenomena very probably occurs, as mentioned previously, when the circulating spike proteins react with the ACE2 receptors ubiquitous in the body and disrupt the ACE2 / ACE balance (Seneff S and Nigh, 2021) ( Ogata AF et al., 2021). And precisely, we know that in almost all pathological conditions, in particular those of the cardiovascular system but also neurodegenerative, there is a decrease in the ACE2 / ACE ratio within the organs (Bernardi S et al., 2012) (Lavrentyev EN et al., 2009) (Mizuiri S et al., 2008) (Yuan YM et al., 2015) (Kehoe PG et al., 2016).

In a post-vaccination study with the AstraZeneca vaccine, thromboses were observed in eleven subjects (between 22 and 49 years old, average 36 years old) who had developed venous thromboses including cerebral nodes, three with pulmonary embolisms. Six of the patients died of these serious side effects, at an age where one hardly ever dies from COVID (Greinacher A et al., 2021).

Faced with the deafening silence and the denial of politicians, doctors on television sets with multiple conflicts of interest, it is ultimately the researchers who express their fears in the face of these serious effects and at least ask for a post-vaccination follow-up. : "The evaluation should include a complete blood count, analysis for D-dimers, fibrinogen, a coagulation panel, renal and hepatic function and electrolytes, as well as an ELISA PF4-heparin test if available" (Long B et al., 2021).

With regard to neurotoxicity, the serious post-vaccination side effects can probably be linked to the circulation of mRNA to the brain but also to the circulation of free spike in the blood which crosses the blood-brain barrier (Buzhdygan et al., 2020) (Rhea EM et al., 2021). In addition to the neurological effects observed (including Bell's palsy) in the first months of vaccination, neurodegenerative diseases will be monitored in the years to come. (See Stéphanie Seneff SARS-Cov2 Vaccines & neurodegenerative disease )

Hepatitis is also observed following vaccination potentially involving autoimmune reactions (Bril F et al., 2019) (Rocco A et al., 2021), some of which are fatal (Rela M et al., 2021). The authors almost apologize for expressing it (here AstraZeneca): “While one patient recovered without incident, another succumbed to liver disease… We hope our report will not deter vaccination campaigns COVID. However, we also hope to raise awareness of its potential side effects and the increased role of pharmacovigilance in guiding treatment ”.

It should be noted that preliminary studies on vaccines, such as AstraZeneca for example, were carried out on fairly young subjects and excluded participants with severe and / or uncontrolled disorders of cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, hepatic, renal diseases, endocrine / metabolic, neurological diseases, as well as immunocompromised people, pregnant women (Voysey M et al., 2021). It is therefore a way of minimizing serious side effects and ultimately these populations are the first to be massively vaccinated because they are fragile ...

Antibody Facilitation (ADE)

We must also remember the phenomenon called ADE (facilitation by antibodies in French), where, when we have defective or insufficiently competent antibodies (they are called facilitators), the immune cells carrying the antibodies against the virus recognize it, but at the same time instead of destroying it, will “ingest” it and ultimately contribute to its dissemination. The production of facilitating antibodies has been observed in many viral diseases and / or after vaccination (dengue virus, Zika, Ebola, HIV, SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, measles, feline infectious peritonitis, etc.).

This was brilliantly popularized by Dr Fantini and Sabatier (Univ Aix-Marseille) in this article .

In summary, there are three categories of antibodies made following viral infection or vaccination:

antibodies that have no effect on the viral infection (neutral antibodies),
antibodies that block viral infection (neutralizing antibodies),
antibodies that facilitate viral infection (facilitating antibodies).
In the current context, if the antibodies that are acquired by people who vaccinate with current vaccines, based on the mRNA and DNA of the initial SARS-CoV2 (February 2020), become ineffective in destroying the delta variant or future variants (because these viruses would have evolved too much, mutated), then these variants would multiply even more easily on contact with these antibodies (then called facilitators), and infected people can often have a more serious form.

The authors of this article have also published their modeling work, which shows that the antibodies facilitating the diffusion of the virus (ADE), have more affinities with the spike protein than the neutralizing antibodies with regard to the delta variant (on the contrary from what is observed with the original 2020 ARS-Cov2 strain, Wuhan / D614G)!


Hence the authors' conclusion: "We therefore suggest evaluating as quickly as possible, in the sera of vaccinated individuals, the neutralization / ADE balance on the Delta variant." (Yahi Net al., 2021). This could explain the observed ineffectiveness of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines for example (used in France) on contamination. Regarding the evolution of the pathology in serious forms, for the effectiveness of the vaccination it is a little early to speak about it, and the official data lack transparency, we will be fixed in October-November.

This phenomenon occurs much more frequently with vaccines than with antibodies produced during infection (Ulrich H et al., 2020) (Lee WS et al., 2020) (Cardozo T et al., 2021). It is also a phenomenon that could partly explain the very large number of vaccinated people who develop COVID and die from it, such as the unvaccinated (eg from Israel, UK, Iceland). It is not ideal, even dangerous, to vaccinate in the midst of an epidemic.

Possibility of integrating RNA into DNA

End of the 2nd post
3rd post of this same article
>>>>> https://www.francesoir.fr/opinions-tribunes/pourquoi-la-proteine-spike-est-toxique-dans-le-covid-19-et-aussi-dans-les-vaccins

Possibility of integrating RNA into DNA

All scientists agree that the long-term risks of this vaccine are not known. The biggest would be that this mRNA or DNA integrates into our genome and produces the spike protein. This kind of phenomenon, in addition to producing spike continuously, can also interfere at the genome level on tumor promoter genes and induce cancer. This is a possible and described phenomenon, carried out by enzymes of reverse transcriptase type (from RNA to DNA).

The possibility, and this would be the worst, that RNA integrates definitively into DNA (at least two enzymes in the human body are capable of doing this) (Zhang, L et al., 2021) (Chandramouly G et al. ., 2021). There, it would then be an outbreak of cancers that could be observed between one and ten years. Neurological and autoimmune diseases can also result (Seneff S and Nigh, 2021).

Note on adjuvants

Some of the nanolipids used by Pfizer or Moderna to encapsulate mRNA have never been used, either by injection or orally, not presented on the ECHA reference site (type ALC-1059 nanolipids) and including the by-products are known potential carcinogens (N, N-Dimethyltetradecylamine) (EMA, 2021).

There is also the presence of allergenic adjuvants, such as PEG which can lead to anaphylactic shock (Shiraishi K et al., 2019) (Kounis NG et al., 2021)

A point of concern, in addition to the toxicity of the spike, is that these naonolipids are also known to cause clotting problems. In fact, Moderna admits it, even if one reads the patent on the injection of mRNA vaccine encapsulated in nanolipids, which is the basis of the technique of current vaccines: WO 2017/099823 A1. COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS FOR DELIVERY OF THERAPEUTIC AGENTS. June 15, 2017.

"In some embodiments, the adverse reaction includes coagulopathy, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), vascular thrombosis, complement activation pseudo-allergy (CARPA), acute phase response (APR) , or a combination of these. »This patent even provides for the addition of anticoagulants, antiallergics! :

"In some embodiments, the agent (additive molecule) inhibits platelet activation. In some embodiments, the agent is an inhibitor of platelet aggregation. In some embodiments, the inhibitor of platelet aggregation is aspirin or clopidrogrel (PLAVIX®). In some embodiments, the platelet aggregation inhibitor is selected from aspirin / pravastatin, cilostazol, prasugrel, aspirin / dipyridamole, ticagrelor, cangrelor, elinogrel, dipyridamole, and ticlopidine . In some embodiments, the agent inhibits CD36 ”(MODERNA, 2017). "

We clearly note that the harmful effects of these nanolipids have a lot in common with those of COVID, including in their inflammatory mode of action (complement pathway) (Bumiller-Bini V et al., 2021)!


For all the reasons set out in this article and supported by the scientific literature, we see that the serious forms and deaths observed, in particular with mRNA and DNA type vaccines, which are called vaccines a little quickly, even s 'they do indeed produce antibodies directed against the SARS-CoV2 virus, can be explained by biological and biochemical mechanisms.

This toxicity, in particular due to the spike protein, has been known for more than ten years. Some of the adjuvants and the nanolipids surrounding the mRNA are also of concern and may participate in the serious side effects observed, including, in particular, thrombosis.

We do not have enough perspective on these gene technologies as the inventor himself, Robert Malone calls them . It would be wiser to recommend conventional vaccines (despite the risks of ADE as well) or with a deactivated spike protein and safer and known adjuvants. This could also encourage many citizens, enlightened or not, to be vaccinated.

We are therefore witnessing total blind experimentation on a planetary scale and this is unacceptable, because the risk is totally inconsiderate, particularly in view of the mortality and low lethality of this COVID disease. The lethality (mortality in people who contract the virus) is on average, in the world, between 0.5 and 1% against 0.1% for influenza (John Hopkins data, July 2021).

There is still time to face the real benefits and the real risks of this vaccination, and in particular among young people, when they are very little affected by the disease, and vaccines do not prevent contamination. Let us not lose sight of the fact that vaccination, apart from populations at risk, is aimed at healthy subjects, on whom ethics dictate that they do not run any risk , primum non nocere .


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Author (s): Dr Jean-François Lesgards, for FranceSoir
Frinnis said:
One of the things people can do if they have already taken the shot through force or otherwise is do these three energy workings that I do along with the, 'Aura of Protection, one.

The first two are healing workings with the second one switching, 'thorough', to, 'quick'.

I am breathing in powerful healing energy. This energy is cleansing my body and soul of all disease and ailment. This cleansing is thorough and permanent.

The third one is for regeneration.

I am breathing in powerful regeneration energy. This energy is repairing any and all damage to my body and soul. This repair leaves my body and soul blemish free.

Doing each for ten breaths is good but if you are pressed for time, doing each for five is just fine.

Every morning I clean the chakras and aura, aura of protection. Cleansing again with mantra aum suryae in each ckacra and then in the four corners of the soul. After raum meditation, I raum from base to cardiac chakra and then repeat from cardiac to crown chakra. Then it went into the four corners of the soul. All this directly in the sun. After that I affirm 10x "I have a strong and powerful aura that protects me in every way and everywhere and repels all negative energies, illnesses and curses." I usually do this same cleaning daily after hatha yoga and rtr, which is already done at night. Is it okay or should I add something?
I am in a difficult situation because I will be forced to take the pfizer vaccine and I don't know what to do.

I cried all morning because I know the risks I'm going to take, but being a minor I don't have a voice in this house.

What should I do now?
SS666PaiSatan said:
What should I do now?
If you really don't want it, you will not get it.
For example getting out of the house the day your parents will bring you to take it(tell them by message your intentions).
You will get shouted at probably depending on how sick your parents are mentally, but if you don't want to get the vaccine you have to be ready at such things.
The veil is torn
The myth of the magnets was not a myth

Automatic translation of this article :


Japan suspends millions of doses of Moderna after "foreign substances that react to magnets" are found in the vaccine

Captain Harlock
Participatory Democracy
August 26, 2021

"These pseudo vaccines are getting weirder by the day.

Kyodo News:

Japan's health ministry said Thursday that foreign materials were found in some portions of unused doses of Moderna Inc.'s COVID-19 vaccine and that the use of about 1.63 million doses made on the same production line was suspended as a precaution.

Japanese drugmaker Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., which is responsible for the sale and distribution of the vaccine in the country, said it had not yet received any reports of safety problems. Some of the 1.63 million doses distributed to 863 vaccination centers have already been used.

"To date, no safety or efficacy problems have been identified," Moderna told Kyodo News, adding that it is "carefully evaluating this issue and at this stage has no further comments on the root causes."

The health ministry said the 1.63 million doses of Moderna vaccine were produced on the same production line at the same time in Spain, and have three batch numbers: 3004667, 3004734 and 3004956.

The ministry said it believed the risk of safety problems was "not significant," but that it would ask each facility that received these doses not to use them.

It disclosed the lot numbers so that affected individuals could check to see if they had received a potentially contaminated dose before the affected vaccine doses were suspended.

The size of the confirmed foreign substances in 39 vials is believed to be a few millimeters, with the components unknown. Moderna is investigating these substances, according to the ministry and Takeda.

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare said foreign substances have been confirmed since Aug. 16 at eight vaccination sites in Ibaraki, Saitama, Tokyo, Gifu and Aichi prefectures. Takeda reported them to the ministry on Wednesday.

Takeda requested an urgent investigation from the U.S. biotech company, while urging medical institutions and other entities not to use doses of the vaccine with abnormalities, even for doses not subject to the suspension.

The magnet myth was not a myth.

Asia Nikkei:

About 1.6 million doses of the Moderna coronavirus vaccine have been withdrawn from circulation in Japan due to contamination of some vials, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare announced Thursday.

Several vaccination centers reported that vaccine vials contained foreign bodies, according to an announcement by the ministry, which added that it would seek to minimize the impact of the withdrawal on the country's inoculation program.

The ministry said later in the day that the substance that had been mixed in could be metal. "It's a substance that reacts to magnets," a ministry official said. "It could be metal.

Japan appears to be more transparent than the rest of the developed world, with a few exceptions like Sweden and Denmark. The country follows the agenda set by Davos but with less interest and enthusiasm than extremist countries like Australia, France or Britain.


Imagine this: even the most conspiracy-ridden of conspiracies was true.

Those Japanese are very bad goyim.

There has been no actual containment in the country, no plans for a health passport have been announced at this point, and there is no law to fire people who don't want to get vaccinated.

Recently, their officials have called for the use of Ivermectin as a preventive treatment rather than vaccination.

Tokyo Medical Association president holds live press conference recommending #ivermectin to all doctors, for all Covid patients.

The Japanese government is one of the most conservative and cautious in the world. The data is clear. Great news.

This call to use Ivermectin is unthinkable in Davocracy-controlled European or North American countries.

Japan remains under globalist influence but Japanese society remains largely in Japanese hands. Typically, the Japanese avoid antagonizing the Americans but there is a limit to this alignment. The government is also much weaker than a government like France's where there is no counter power."
Question About Thought Control. I’d like to see if anyone else has experienced this and/or your thoughts.

So after some research there are quite a few people who are sensitive and trained in psychic abilities who have all been having the same experience. They have all put their foot down that they will not under any circumstance take the vaccine.

But over the last week or so they have been picking up thoughts which through their training they know is not them, but the thought is disguised to look like it is their own. The thought says to each of these people “It’s Ok. Take the Vax. It’s fine” (or a variation) and is accompanied by a feeling of warmth and safety, good feelings/vibes.

Is it possible that there is some kind of electronic thought wave machine that is placing thoughts in people heads? Or could it be psychic attack? Or is it just bullshit and these guys are blurring fantasy with reality?

There isn’t any reason for these guys to have opposite thoughts to take the vaccine if they have always said they wouldn’t and mean it. How would an opposite thought enter their heads to the point they have to fight the thought? And how does one protect oneself?

All of them live in different places in the US.
SShiva_fr said:
The veil is torn
The myth of the magnets was not a myth

Before, I partly doubted this. Videos didn't really do this justice and many people were trolling about that. Yet a few days ago, I saw this personally with my very own eyes.

I asked a person who has done the Moderna, and he told me "No joke, coins do REALLY stick on me". And he literally showed me. The chances this was a lie were slim. Other people who have done this, none had this happen.

The vaccine is somehow creating a magnetic reaction in the body around the area where the injection is done. This is causing cell magnetism in some people. This is a phenomenon that is rare, but it actually is the case.

I am sure nobody would admit this or scientifically observe it, or could explain "why" it happens.
Captain666 said:
Question About Thought Control. I’d like to see if anyone else has experienced this and/or your thoughts.

So after some research there are quite a few people who are sensitive and trained in psychic abilities who have all been having the same experience. They have all put their foot down that they will not under any circumstance take the vaccine.

But over the last week or so they have been picking up thoughts which through their training they know is not them, but the thought is disguised to look like it is their own. The thought says to each of these people “It’s Ok. Take the Vax. It’s fine” (or a variation) and is accompanied by a feeling of warmth and safety, good feelings/vibes.

Is it possible that there is some kind of electronic thought wave machine that is placing thoughts in people heads? Or could it be psychic attack? Or is it just bullshit and these guys are blurring fantasy with reality?

There isn’t any reason for these guys to have opposite thoughts to take the vaccine if they have always said they wouldn’t and mean it. How would an opposite thought enter their heads to the point they have to fight the thought? And how does one protect oneself?

All of them live in different places in the US.
These are psychic attacks, and one is protected by doing aura of protection. Hatha yoga boosts aura, so it will help, and so does control of mind help (void meditation). These watery type persons, psychic people, do need to keep in mind that the control of their emotions and thoughts is more paramount compared to others, so void meditation is very much key.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SShiva_fr said:
The veil is torn
The myth of the magnets was not a myth

Before, I partly doubted this. Videos didn't really do this justice and many people were trolling about that. Yet a few days ago, I saw this personally with my very own eyes.

I asked a person who has done the Moderna, and he told me "No joke, coins do REALLY stick on me". And he literally showed me. The chances this was a lie were slim. Other people who have done this, none had this happen.

The vaccine is somehow creating a magnetic reaction in the body around the area where the injection is done. This is causing cell magnetism in some people. This is a phenomenon that is rare, but it actually is the case.

I am sure nobody would admit this or scientifically observe it, or could explain "why" it happens.

Yes, even the most conspiracy theories become true. It's just crazy!
I think it's huge that government officials say clearly what they observe:
The Asia Nikkei newspaper clearly states:
"The ministry said later in the day that the substance that had been mixed could be metal. "It is a substance that reacts to magnets," a ministry official said. "It could be metal."

Obviously, they don't mean us any good.
But their intentions are being exposed by governments a little less subject to kikes. Gooood!

In the series "the veil is tearing, it's too crazy", I hesitated yesterday to post 2 videos where we see in particular the kike Bourla, Pfizer, breathing...like the batrachian he is.. haha :shock:
It may be caused by a health problem so I did not want to post misinformation. But...really curious!
Henu the Great said:
Captain666 said:
Question About Thought Control. I’d like to see if anyone else has experienced this and/or your thoughts.

So after some research there are quite a few people who are sensitive and trained in psychic abilities who have all been having the same experience. They have all put their foot down that they will not under any circumstance take the vaccine.

But over the last week or so they have been picking up thoughts which through their training they know is not them, but the thought is disguised to look like it is their own. The thought says to each of these people “It’s Ok. Take the Vax. It’s fine” (or a variation) and is accompanied by a feeling of warmth and safety, good feelings/vibes.

Is it possible that there is some kind of electronic thought wave machine that is placing thoughts in people heads? Or could it be psychic attack? Or is it just bullshit and these guys are blurring fantasy with reality?

There isn’t any reason for these guys to have opposite thoughts to take the vaccine if they have always said they wouldn’t and mean it. How would an opposite thought enter their heads to the point they have to fight the thought? And how does one protect oneself?

All of them live in different places in the US.
These are psychic attacks, and one is protected by doing aura of protection. Hatha yoga boosts aura, so it will help, and so does control of mind help (void meditation). These watery type persons, psychic people, do need to keep in mind that the control of their emotions and thoughts is more paramount compared to others, so void meditation is very much key.

Yes, I thought this could be some kind of attack whether mechanical or psychic. The reason I posted this is because years ago, like a couple of decades back I had left a group with a very high psychic ability dynamic. I left because I saw things I didn’t like from higher ups and about 4 months into separation I was hit with something where my mind was bombarded with “Come back. You are one of us. You are loved here and have a higher purpose” and it actually hurt physically and mentally. I knew the group was good at what they did, but I didn’t expect this. It went away after a few hours once I put up psychic protection and reached out to others to do the same. When I heard about the “Take the Vax” thought beam it sounded very similar….so I wanted to make sure this wasn’t a figment of their imagination, nor one of mine so many years ago.

Appreciate the insights.
Satanfire666 said:
Thats too late....,i had the first shoot, because the made a law that every civilian must take it before 1 augest or they will not be allowed to sign any new papers, or enter malls or public buildings, or marry someone, we also have our own phone app that hold a picture of our personal id cards and a "medical history" barcode, you can't enter any public building without showing the barcode to a security guard, this sound like some evil new age cattle.
you must be in Israel
bruby15 said:
Satanfire666 said:
Thats too late....,i had the first shoot, because the made a law that every civilian must take it before 1 augest or they will not be allowed to sign any new papers, or enter malls or public buildings, or marry someone, we also have our own phone app that hold a picture of our personal id cards and a "medical history" barcode, you can't enter any public building without showing the barcode to a security guard, this sound like some evil new age cattle.
you must be in Israel

No, saudi arabia, but they are allies anyway lol.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SShiva_fr said:
The veil is torn
The myth of the magnets was not a myth

Before, I partly doubted this. Videos didn't really do this justice and many people were trolling about that. Yet a few days ago, I saw this personally with my very own eyes.

I asked a person who has done the Moderna, and he told me "No joke, coins do REALLY stick on me". And he literally showed me. The chances this was a lie were slim. Other people who have done this, none had this happen.

The vaccine is somehow creating a magnetic reaction in the body around the area where the injection is done. This is causing cell magnetism in some people. This is a phenomenon that is rare, but it actually is the case.

I am sure nobody would admit this or scientifically observe it, or could explain "why" it happens.

"Vaccines are given to prevent people from advancing thear souls." Statement from a probably new age guy in a video. Do you think this is possibel? This would be, the wet dream of the enemy.
Japan suspends Moderna Covid vaccine after another million doses found contaminated, bringing total to 2.6 million


"Japanese officials have suspended the use of millions of doses of the Moderna Covid vaccine after foreign substances were found in a number of batches and two people died after receiving jabs from the affected lots.
The Japanese government discovered the contamination over the weekend in a batch of the Moderna Covid vaccine in Gunma prefecture, close to Tokyo, forcing officials to temporarily suspend use of the vaccines.

The decision to suspend a total of 2.6 million doses of the Moderna vaccines comes after 1.63 million shots were halted last week following the discovery of contaminants in some vials in a batch that was shipped to more than 860 vaccination centers across the country."

SShiva_fr said:
The veil is torn
The myth of the magnets was not a myth

Automatic translation of this article :


Japan suspends millions of doses of Moderna after "foreign substances that react to magnets" are found in the vaccine

Captain Harlock
Participatory Democracy
August 26, 2021

"These pseudo vaccines are getting weirder by the day.

Kyodo News:

Japan's health ministry said Thursday that foreign materials were found in some portions of unused doses of Moderna Inc.'s COVID-19 vaccine and that the use of about 1.63 million doses made on the same production line was suspended as a precaution.

Japanese drugmaker Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., which is responsible for the sale and distribution of the vaccine in the country, said it had not yet received any reports of safety problems. Some of the 1.63 million doses distributed to 863 vaccination centers have already been used.

"To date, no safety or efficacy problems have been identified," Moderna told Kyodo News, adding that it is "carefully evaluating this issue and at this stage has no further comments on the root causes."

The health ministry said the 1.63 million doses of Moderna vaccine were produced on the same production line at the same time in Spain, and have three batch numbers: 3004667, 3004734 and 3004956.

The ministry said it believed the risk of safety problems was "not significant," but that it would ask each facility that received these doses not to use them.

It disclosed the lot numbers so that affected individuals could check to see if they had received a potentially contaminated dose before the affected vaccine doses were suspended.

The size of the confirmed foreign substances in 39 vials is believed to be a few millimeters, with the components unknown. Moderna is investigating these substances, according to the ministry and Takeda.

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare said foreign substances have been confirmed since Aug. 16 at eight vaccination sites in Ibaraki, Saitama, Tokyo, Gifu and Aichi prefectures. Takeda reported them to the ministry on Wednesday.

Takeda requested an urgent investigation from the U.S. biotech company, while urging medical institutions and other entities not to use doses of the vaccine with abnormalities, even for doses not subject to the suspension.

The magnet myth was not a myth.

Asia Nikkei:

About 1.6 million doses of the Moderna coronavirus vaccine have been withdrawn from circulation in Japan due to contamination of some vials, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare announced Thursday.

Several vaccination centers reported that vaccine vials contained foreign bodies, according to an announcement by the ministry, which added that it would seek to minimize the impact of the withdrawal on the country's inoculation program.

The ministry said later in the day that the substance that had been mixed in could be metal. "It's a substance that reacts to magnets," a ministry official said. "It could be metal.

Japan appears to be more transparent than the rest of the developed world, with a few exceptions like Sweden and Denmark. The country follows the agenda set by Davos but with less interest and enthusiasm than extremist countries like Australia, France or Britain.


Imagine this: even the most conspiracy-ridden of conspiracies was true.

Those Japanese are very bad goyim.

There has been no actual containment in the country, no plans for a health passport have been announced at this point, and there is no law to fire people who don't want to get vaccinated.

Recently, their officials have called for the use of Ivermectin as a preventive treatment rather than vaccination.

Tokyo Medical Association president holds live press conference recommending #ivermectin to all doctors, for all Covid patients.

The Japanese government is one of the most conservative and cautious in the world. The data is clear. Great news.

This call to use Ivermectin is unthinkable in Davocracy-controlled European or North American countries.

Japan remains under globalist influence but Japanese society remains largely in Japanese hands. Typically, the Japanese avoid antagonizing the Americans but there is a limit to this alignment. The government is also much weaker than a government like France's where there is no counter power."

Automatic translation

Foreign substances found in vaccines even in Yaese Town, Okinawa Made by Pfizer
August 30, 2021 19:22

On the 29th, a foreign substance was found in Pfizer's new coronavirus vaccine at the inoculation site in Yaese Town, Okinawa Prefecture, and the town stopped using the vaccine with the same lot number.
So far, no information on health hazards has been received.

According to Yaese Town, the foreign body was found in Pfizer's vaccine, which he noticed while working to separate the bottle into six syringes.

The town stopped using the vaccine with the same lot number, including the one in the syringe when the foreign body was found, and resumed vaccination with a different lot number of vaccine.

So far, no information on health hazards has been received from 304 people vaccinated with the same lot number as the foreign body was found.

According to the town, Pfizer's Japanese subsidiary explained that most of the foreign matter was mixed by scraping the rubber stopper of the bottle with an injection needle, so the town sent the bottle where the foreign matter was found and detailed it. Checking it up.
Fuchs said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SShiva_fr said:
The veil is torn
The myth of the magnets was not a myth

Before, I partly doubted this. Videos didn't really do this justice and many people were trolling about that. Yet a few days ago, I saw this personally with my very own eyes.

I asked a person who has done the Moderna, and he told me "No joke, coins do REALLY stick on me". And he literally showed me. The chances this was a lie were slim. Other people who have done this, none had this happen.

The vaccine is somehow creating a magnetic reaction in the body around the area where the injection is done. This is causing cell magnetism in some people. This is a phenomenon that is rare, but it actually is the case.

I am sure nobody would admit this or scientifically observe it, or could explain "why" it happens.

"Vaccines are given to prevent people from advancing thear souls." Statement from a probably new age guy in a video. Do you think this is possibel? This would be, the wet dream of the enemy.

At this point in time and for the foreseeable future, no. However, this shows how the grey worshipping Steiner was actually quite attracted to these insane ideals of the greys.

Only a grey would want of such disgusting thing.
SShiva_fr said:

If these news are for real, they are promoting dangerous and non dangerous batches. I read of this before and also heard about that from people. Some for example, get the Pfizer shot and nothing happens, it's as if they had a glass of water. Others get a blunt of strange outcomes.

The quality control of this does appear to be unreliable. But they won't allow people to have conclusive evidence. If that is for real about Japan [highest quality checks in the world happen in this country], then that is worrisome.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SShiva_fr said:

If these news are for real, they are promoting dangerous and non dangerous batches. I read of this before and also heard about that from people. Some for example, get the Pfizer shot and nothing happens, it's as if they had a glass of water. Others get a blunt of strange outcomes.

The quality control of this does appear to be unreliable. But they won't allow people to have conclusive evidence. If that is for real about Japan [highest quality checks in the world happen in this country], then that is worrisome.

Hello HP Cobra
I can't say anything for sure about these articles, I just think it's important to share the information that everyone finds, and that seems reliable. But is this information really reliable?
In any case, some politicians in France have taken up this information and articles from the Japanese press.
SShiva_fr said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SShiva_fr said:

If these news are for real, they are promoting dangerous and non dangerous batches. I read of this before and also heard about that from people. Some for example, get the Pfizer shot and nothing happens, it's as if they had a glass of water. Others get a blunt of strange outcomes.

The quality control of this does appear to be unreliable. But they won't allow people to have conclusive evidence. If that is for real about Japan [highest quality checks in the world happen in this country], then that is worrisome.

Hello HP Cobra
I can't say anything for sure about these articles, I just think it's important to share the information that everyone finds, and that seems reliable. But is this information really reliable?
In any case, some politicians in France have taken up this information and articles from the Japanese press.

Keep them coming please, thank you.
DragonFire11 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Blitzkreig said:

Thank you for the very informative post, but it also quite negative and depressive. I mean, people want this shit to be over, to be finished and NOT to be continued. I experience it every day, on my colleagues who are vaxxed, they bevahe different as they have behaved before it. We use to talk normaly, I was telling them - do not take the vaccine, is a poison and is meant to depopulate the globe or cause major problems to human body, alter DNA and so on...
NO, they said. Many of them get the vaccine, just because of going to holiday, and the list goes, and they think is over, if they have the vaccine twice the story ended and they can live on their life like before the covid circus. THEY ARE TOTALY WRONG, but unfortunately they looking at my like I am crazy and better If I get the jab too. THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO CAN NOT BE SAVED!!!

You have mentioned something in your post - .....to keep a tyrranic narrative going.
If so many people aware of, the social platforms are full of information about how these vaccines are dangerous and might kill the weaks and those with poor health, how is it possible still, that they pushing it much harder, more aggressively??

Basicaly no sign, at least I havent seen, that this bullshit even slowing down, on the contrary it just keep switch on higher gears. I just cannot see what will happen if, lets say, 70% of the globe population will wake up and the globalist can manage to continue the tyranny, can not lie any more, and more importantly THEY CAN NOT HIDE ANYWHERE.

You think, they have a ´final solution´againts us??
Release some really nasty and deadly virus what will wipe out the population on earth??

I thinking about this because if the great reset what they planning to make will fall apart and people woke up, then is over, the globalist empire will have no power to do further actions, I mean they stay somewhere safe to re-gain power and start all over again?

I am not on advanced level in SS, but what I have learned and what I can see now, is that this is our final battle with them.
If we loose, we are all on the extermination list, but if we win .....
I hope we win the battle. People must seek the truth. In our age falsehood rule the world but people don't do anything about it. I hope the truth become clear one day and we all live in peace.
Rational Satanist said:
aamber666 said:
I found a site that explains all the effects of the vaccine are increable HAIL
**link here, I deleted the link**

aamber666 said:
great post,best site.hail

Protip: when a person's first post is a generic one like the above, like "great site", "nice post", "good thread", "I agree" and nothing useful you can be sure that person is either a bot or scammer. In this case, that is a scammer or a fed or a bot that send an IP logger link so that you click on it and it records your IP address. It's entire purpose here is to get people's IP addresses. If you are using VPN or Tor (which you should be, if you are browsing this site) there's no problem with this.

I just want people to see, that usually when people just say "Hail" without Satan, and or do not capitalize S in Satan/etc, that this is very revealing. shows that these type of people are often infiltrators.
Lili said:
Well, i had to take since i didn't want to spend rest of my time at home. It's been weeks and i am ok for now but who knows, i wish i didn't have to. :|

Keep meditating, keep doing healthy activities, exercise and yoga, vibrate SATANAMA with the intention of healing your DNA, try not to take it again, It's very telling that it's not likely permanent because they are trying to get people on a rollercoaster of shots every few months, I think the shot is very bad for you but I also do not think it's effects are yet permanent whatever it does to you, as long as you are still healthy a half of a year to a year from now, then you probably should be fine, I'm not a doctor, but I can't imagine one shot can change all of your dna permanently, so they are trying to force people to take multiple shots and get into a routine / groom people for whats most likely worse to come in the future. Most likely chipping which some sort of technology down the road.
Bone Dust said:
Rational Satanist said:

Why are you simultaneously warning others about an iplogger link and then in a subsequent message linking it indirectly through a quote? The five seconds you could have taken to preview and then remove it could prevent other ss from clicking it. Why is this not edited out by a mod yet?

yeah, agreed. although we are all should responsible enough to if we are quoting someone with damaging content you remove it yourself. Hopefully HPHC or other Mods see it and remove it.
SShiva_fr said:
Good evening, I put back the article, in English this time, in case it could be useful...

Why you shouldn't get vaccinated: an explanatory guide to escape slavery
Captain Harlock
Participatory Democracy
July 21, 2021


Sorry, if there are grammatical and meaning mistakes: I use an automatic translator
Thanks for the article,
I shared this up at minds
Necrorifter said:
SShiva_fr said:

Curious question but that view is with mRNA vaccine? What is your opinion of the old vaccines in that they use dead or live parts of the virus and is that better? if so, is there one for coronavirus vaccine that does not use MRNA technology?

The vaccines of the past where not used during pandemics from what i understand, and they where used using a weakened part of the virus, either dead or debitated, to work in unison with your immune system to naturally create antibodies.
Fuchs said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SShiva_fr said:
The veil is torn
The myth of the magnets was not a myth

Before, I partly doubted this. Videos didn't really do this justice and many people were trolling about that. Yet a few days ago, I saw this personally with my very own eyes.

I asked a person who has done the Moderna, and he told me "No joke, coins do REALLY stick on me". And he literally showed me. The chances this was a lie were slim. Other people who have done this, none had this happen.

The vaccine is somehow creating a magnetic reaction in the body around the area where the injection is done. This is causing cell magnetism in some people. This is a phenomenon that is rare, but it actually is the case.

I am sure nobody would admit this or scientifically observe it, or could explain "why" it happens.

"Vaccines are given to prevent people from advancing thear souls." Statement from a probably new age guy in a video. Do you think this is possibel? This would be, the wet dream of the enemy.

I would say it's possible. They might know our Gods are on the way so they are speeding things up.

all one has to do is look at the history of the greys provided to us by HPS Maxine Dietrich, she's clearly reveals from her conversations with the Gods that the greys where once sentient soul filled beings like us, but no one listened, and the enemy ended up chipping them, and genetically engineering them, very likely not all at once, you might not see the aftermath in one shot but 1-20 years later after a generation and thousands of shots with who knows with what in them, especially with nano-technology, could very well cause borg-ification through chipping. Not saying the shots right now are doing this, but this all is likely grooming for whats worse to come. I consider if a vaccine changes your DNA that is a form of genetically engineering.
I have a theory but I am not sure, I looked at very little data that's out there publicly and it doesn't quite support it but, I still think ill share my thoughts.

The data i looked at was population data, and I tried to find migration data but I couldn't find much, maybe someone else has better resources.

I want to know how many have moved from israel to russia, and how many have moved from elsewhere to israel in the last 3 years.

a few years ago the prime minister(I think it was the prime minister) of israel told jews world wide to go to russia if i remember correctly, I suspect that the jews are either, 1. following their overlord reptillians taking the vaccine themselves even knowing its affects, to convince the world, to get everyone to take the vaccine or groomed for worse later on. Or 2. the top of the line kikelords migrated to russia and are temporally throwing israel under the bus to convince everyone of the vaccine type of strategy. might likely be number 2 because of how many are complaining in israel for taking the vaccine (goes against the narrative of the kike lords but with all of our workings of course the ones being thrown under the bus are going to say something and the plan most likely will not go as planned either.)

we see in russia they are not taking the vaccine, and the government isn't forcing as bad as else where. I think its all an act in russia.

Either way its a win win if their objective is to get everyone to vaccinate regularly, the jew wise will see that "their enemy is taking the vaccine so it must not be the jewish agenda, the vaccine can't be that bad" type of mentality, vs the christards who worship the jew saying oh look they are taking the vaccine so we will too.

we can all see the vaccine to be extremely extremely dangerous and I truly believe this is a psyop by the jews, it has to be, the same people who own the companies that create this shit are jews, this is to get everyone closer to borg-ification in the long run. especially if it becomes the norm for people to take it over and over.

they might have a new deadline for world communism in the next 20 years or less. hence all the rushing, fuck ups and what not, but this is all playing into our favor. Mistakes will be made, people will wake up. coupled with our stronger rituals, and online warfare, I am surely convinced that we will win
AntonellaIT said:
Andromedus1488 said:
Yeah.. I mean as complicated as this entire situation is, getting through all of this is rather simple.

1.) Do no vaccinate under any circumstances, for your health, and to oppose the agenda as a whole so further attacks on freedoms are not implemented.
- If you have already vaccinated, don't do it anymore, and continue to meditate/protect your aura. Preform health workings on yourself if you feel its necessary. Advancing your soul/healing workings and working with the gods should repair any damage on your physical body already suffered, just don't add anymore damage.

2.) Clean your aura and do your aura of protection

3.) Keep firing off Final Rtr + Tetragrammaton + Shattering Defenses Rtr.

4.) Focus on yourself, find ways to grow. To learn. To stay happy. Be positive, focus on the positive aspects of life and take care of yourself emotionally, spiritually and physically.

Then the jewish plan for world enslavement fails completely, the whole pandemic fails completely, and the parasitic jew fails completely.

Easy peasy, lemon squeezy. Just keep your chin up Brothers and Sisters. Stay positive and motivated and keep firing away the Rtr's, we have this in the bag, just don't relent until its over. don't let up until it's over, but remain positive and determined!

Nice Summary!!! Any SS who hasn't folded to the (eu)genic shot and who wants to oppose the will of the Jews should be coherent and not take it.
I would add: DO NOT fall for the fear factor of these "toilet paper green passes" or "small laws" they rely on that!!! Virus and vaccines are dangerous but these fake rules and regulations will fall and any "fine" you will have will be annulled, for all these "rules" go against the constitution of most countries and Human Rights. I have seen this over and over in Italy and other places as well... The key is defy them and wait, there are employers that don't need a green pass actually prefer you not to have one, doctors, the same.

Wait this out, lots of people even 18 year olds are dying of the same causes in up to 2 months after the shot: strokes, heart attacks, thrombosis. Take into account that they are still doing "trials", so at least 50% of people are given placebo, there was a study though on macaques with mRNA vaccines and each and every one of them who took the vaccine died in 2 years from the time they took the vaccine

Now the good news if you have taken the vaccine (and in any other case if you live with someone who has, for they DO shed, we have reports of even pets of vaccinated people getting sick!!)

Against the effects of the Spike protein and Covid, an exercise to try, a taste of why I know that the research of www.peakstates.com/covid19.html should be released immediately, it has the ability to immunize without herbs or medicines, write to them in English or French and press for them to release it, they are stalling way too much!

1) Identify the association to be eliminated or the emotion associated with another, in this case, how do you perceive the covid virus, what feeling does it have for you, like something you have in front of you an object or a person? NOT how you feel towards the virus, but the virus itself, what feelings and sensation does it have and give off as if it were a person, an object? In fact, what emotions does it have? What about the Spike protein alone? If the feelings you feel are different, those of the covid and the spike, for now focus only on those of the covid for this exercise. At this point, BEFORE you begin, write down the sensations covid gives you and score the strength of the sensation, from 1 to 10. Jot down also any and all symptoms you have and the strength from 1 to 10!

2) Hold out one hand, palm up and fingers slightly cupped.
Imagine that there is a "crumpled paper bag" in your hand.... It is possible for there to be a bag in both hands. You must work with each hand separately.
More than just "imagining" the bag, "feel" it kinesthetically.
Feel the bag giving off the sensations of how you feel the covid, all of them at once as if there is the covid virus with all the sensations in the crumpled bad in your hand.
3) Gently tap the 9-gamut point on the back of the hand containing the crumpled imaginary bag with the fingertips of the other hand. (point 9 gamut: skin on the back of the hand between the ring finger and the little finger you can google "point 9 gamut eft" and find the precise point)
Continue until you feel the bag fly off or melt in your hand (usually 1 1/2 minutes)
Continue tapping for another 15 seconds or so after the bag is gone, don't stop right away!!

If at the same time you are tapping, you can also send love toward your belly the technique works with less resistance. The important thing though is to concentrate on the kinesthetic sensation of the crumpled bag feeling the sensations and emotions inside.

4) Repeat the same process with the other hand. If you do not feel a bag giving off the sensation in either hand then ignore this hand at this round

5)Recheck the initial hand, again cupped upward, if there is another "bag" with the same sensations or some of the remaining sensations, redo the technique on one or both hands depending on whether or not the sensations are present in one or both hands

6) Check the initial sensations, they must reach 0

The important thing is to feel the emotion, the sensation "radiating" from the cupped hand, if you feel it there is an association, if you have to "imagine" it and you don't feel almost kinesthetically, it is not there and the technique is not needed in that case

Repeat the exercise above with the Spike protein (if you are vaccinated and magnetic you can try with graphene as well) and also repeat by putting together in your hands a weird association that the body has created: the covid and the spermatozoa. The reptilian brain has created this association, and with this technique, by putting in each hand these two things together, always in the bag, covid and spermatozoa, you break this association and it doesn't feel anymore that "the covid is "natural"

(P.s. This technique additionally works with any critical or obsessive "voice" that speaks to you in the second or third person using that voe and l-emotion of the voice in the "bag" and that you perceive around you but does not work with the self-critical "how absent-minded I was!" voices that you perceive within you)

Disclaimer: Since this technique is present in a book, silence the voices, and its use for associations is reported in several Institute books and is not an exclusive technique of the ISPS therapist manuals, I am not breaking any law or copyright in any way by publishing it.

Please let me know your before and afters, your experiences, and share it FOR FREE with anyone who may need it!!!

And again, please pressure the Peak States Institute in any way you can to release the full treatment. From the page it is quite clear they have had the full treatment at least for the last 5 months, this is just the first step I have put together and I can share both because it is a safe, effective and public technique, but it can have powerful results
please share it, I'm fed up with the Institute not releasing the full treatment, and this technique, being both safe and effective may help some people

Hail Satan!

I haven't posted on here in a good while. Mostly because I have been looking into trying to advance myself and caring for my partner. It is a long distance relationship and neither of us have the money to get to one another. Neither her or her parents have much money to work with and mine kind of does but they are Christian... I am bisexual and we are the same gender. So I wouldn't be able to get them to help. I'm posting here because she has actually been forced to get the vaccine by her family and I am really scared because of that and reading this post. The other thing is that she isn't really strong enough to do any visualization for herself, so we meet online and are able to feel and connect with each other. That way I actually do the Aura cleansing for her. I have dedicated my soul to Satan myself last year. 3 months after that I met her. I have little doubt that she was sent to me thanks to Satan and his Demons and I do feel that I would do just about anything for her.
She is open to everything here in the JOS and understands what is trully happening with humanity. She hasn't done the dedication ritual because when I brought it up, she was a little scared of it, and unfortunetaly; although she believes everything that I've shared with her, it does scare her as well. We haven't really considered it that important to go through with it because of that. I am thinking about getting a job and enough money to get there as fast as I can but I'm wondering if there is anything more that I can/should do.
My wife and I have been keeping up on the news about the vaccines from several sources. Our research keeps pointing in the direction that all vaccines are a form of kill shot but that at some point in the beginning this was not true and that about 50% were benign, possibly saline. Our reasoning was that this was done mostly for the military because they would be needed to keep the populace subdued should the worst happen, a mass die off or at least incapacitation leading to rioting as people find out the truth. There are plenty of first hand accounts now of people who have taken the vax and are suffering horribly and these can be seen on places like Bitchute.

One very interesting video shows how a doctor used quite a few different microscopes with very powerful magnification and is finding heavy metals including graphene in quite a few tested vials and has created a protocol so any other doctor can duplicate the results, which is paramount to scientific methodology. And a new discovery is that there are microscopic parasites in the vax that are lethal to humans. I attach the video here for review.


If this is a form of Euthanasia in which the population is being culled, it is definitely an IQ test as to whether you should take the vax or not. It is now quite clear, and backed up by other researchers that natural immunity from contact is a much better solution than something given with a needle with these terrible side effects and possible death. The strange thing is this bit of irony that follows...

You would think that the Jews would be the last people to want to take some kind of unproven vaccine given that they keep saying the Nazi's did horrible experiments on them in concentration camps. If any group of people would protest this, especially if it is a culling, you would think it would be the Jews. Yet 80% of the population or higher in Israel have taken the jab. And in NYC which is a very high population of Jews, the shot is practically mandatory. Now one of the things also stated about the Vax is that for younger people if it doesn't kill you it has a very good chance of making you sterile. So in Israel and NYC with such a high amount of Jews inoculated, if they don't die from it, they won't be able to reproduce either. This means, if it is all true, which proof seems to be mounting, then Israel would cease to exist in a short amount of years, say 7-10 or at the least the Jew population would be a lot less than it is today.....same with NYC as far as population goes.

Therefore it is imperative that Satanists not get vaxxed and if you have, you need to take a D-Dimer test at least every 6 months to check for blood clots. Get one now and repeat. There is also a protocol to help counteract the bad effects of the vax which I have posted in this forum.

More and more people are becoming aware. I think it comes to a head this winter as flu season takes place and the sunlight shortens. Less Vitamin D means more sickness and this could also mean those who are vaxxed will also feel the effects more readily.

I hope this helps. Do your research. The MSM is a lying propaganda machine.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Fuchs said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Before, I partly doubted this. Videos didn't really do this justice and many people were trolling about that. Yet a few days ago, I saw this personally with my very own eyes.

I asked a person who has done the Moderna, and he told me "No joke, coins do REALLY stick on me". And he literally showed me. The chances this was a lie were slim. Other people who have done this, none had this happen.

The vaccine is somehow creating a magnetic reaction in the body around the area where the injection is done. This is causing cell magnetism in some people. This is a phenomenon that is rare, but it actually is the case.

I am sure nobody would admit this or scientifically observe it, or could explain "why" it happens.

"Vaccines are given to prevent people from advancing thear souls." Statement from a probably new age guy in a video. Do you think this is possibel? This would be, the wet dream of the enemy.

At this point in time and for the foreseeable future, no. However, this shows how the grey worshipping Steiner was actually quite attracted to these insane ideals of the greys.

Only a grey would want of such disgusting thing.

If your side, would be able to produce a "vaccine", which would prevent anyone injected from connecting to the reptilians/energys in anyway, wouldn´t we do this, because it is unethical, like in WW2 Hitler did refuse to use toxic gas?

For example: A christian attempts to pray to "god/reptiles", results in severe headage.

Much thanks for your reply HP. Hoodedcobra666.

moderna vaccine spill, treated with more caution then nuclear waste. first few seconds of the video is misleading to prevent instant shoa from the net.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
