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What happens after inhaling grey energy?


Apr 23, 2022
If I breathe in a lot of gray energy in order to die, how will the process proceed? Will I die instantly? Or will it be slow and painful?
Why do you want to die and do this kind of thing?

Rather than breathing in grey energy to kill yourself, you can breathe in Solar energy to revitalize your mind and soul, as a start.
If I breathe in a lot of gray energy in order to die, how will the process proceed? Will I die instantly? Or will it be slow and painful?
You won’t even die, you’re not that powerful. You’re just inviting ruin, degradation, and misfortune into you.
Why do you want to die and do this kind of thing?

Rather than breathing in grey energy to kill yourself, you can breathe in Solar energy to revitalize your mind and soul, as a start.
Because I feel like Gods hate me. They never help me and answer my prayers. I left SS for one and half a year and converted to another religion. After that, I turned back to SS but they still don't care about me. How can you claim life is meaningful after this? They don't want me in their religion because I had done another ritual to convert 'that' another religion.

I saw this in JoS website:

"Q:Can I reverse the ritual at a later date?

A:Satanic rituals, unlike the rituals in other religions, are real and permanent. I received a very small number of letters from people who were confused and harassed by Christians. One person performed a reverse ritual, and Satan left him. Totally. Satan does not push Himself on anyone.

Christians are deceived. They believe their "God" to be "loving" and "forgiving." In truth, this monster is a spiteful, hateful attacker of human beings. When one is with Satan, one is always under his protection. He looks out for us, and we enter a new life where we no longer have the worries that others endure. Things are not perfect, but they are always much better. Satan does not punish people who reject him; he simply leaves, and one is left all alone to endure the torments of the enemy.

These people wrote to me because, after several months, they were begging for Satan to take them back. The enemy did absolutely nothing for them. All were extremely regretful they ever left and very desperate to come back."

So they probably left me.
Because I feel like Gods hate me. They never help me and answer my prayers. I left SS for one and half a year and converted to another religion. After that, I turned back to SS but they still don't care about me. How can you claim life is meaningful after this? They don't want me in their religion because I had done another ritual to convert 'that' another religion.

The limit is always you in these cases, not them. For whatever reason, you had left. Therefore, of course the relationship is not going to be as strong. However, you are making the incorrect assumption that the Gods would not allow you to rekindle this and move past your mistakes.

If you are feeling suicidal, you are probably feeling an overwhelming amount of shame and no way out, but it is this same kind of feeling that is subconsciously blocking yourself from the Gods and not allowing yourself to feel like they care.

Instead of perpetuating this sort of self-destructive mindset, the action to help resolve it is to do the rituals of the Gods multiple times and ask for them to help you rectify what drove you away in the first place. Put your intentions into actions and therefore solidify your loyalty to them.
It sounds like you're depressed.

Wunjo is a good Rune for banishing depression, do 2 or 3 rounds of 8 reps, be consistent with it daily:

As for your feelings towards the Gods, a lot of this is enemy energies that attempt to give you a negative opinion of the Gods.

The Final RTR is excellent for getting rid of these energies, it's like getting rid of a cobweb:

Work on you solar Chakra:

Opening the Soul can also be useful since idk if you ever did that when you were SS or perhaps they've closed or gotten blocked up since you left, follow the schedule as layed out:

Hatha and Kundalini Yoga will help you open up blockages:

Clean your aura, start with a 2-5 min session, go as long as you wish till you feel "clean":

It sounds like you're depressed.

Wunjo is a good Rune for banishing depression, do 2 or 3 rounds of 8 reps, be consistent with it daily:

As for your feelings towards the Gods, a lot of this is enemy energies that attempt to give you a negative opinion of the Gods.

The Final RTR is excellent for getting rid of these energies, it's like getting rid of a cobweb:

Work on you solar Chakra:

Opening the Soul can also be useful since idk if you ever did that when you were SS or perhaps they've closed or gotten blocked up since you left, follow the schedule as layed out:

Hatha and Kundalini Yoga will help you open up blockages:

Clean your aura, start with a 2-5 min session, go as long as you wish till you feel "clean":

This sounds like a lot, but do at least 1 of these exercises a day until it becomes a habit, it's the build up. The depression energy will be slowly weeded out.
You're not spiritually developed enough to effectively kill yourself with spiritual methods, just as you can't kill someone else. Best case scenario you'll get a headache.

As someone who's been in your position and was suicidal, I'll be blunt. If you are triggered by graphic imagery, just don't read ahead, but I have a feeling you'd hear me out.

If you genuinely had no other wish but to die, you would have taken a knife to an artery already.
But the pain kinda reminds you that you aren't broken enough to wish to die. That even if the mind is hurting, emotions are out of whack, the soul is not developed, the physical body will still yearn for life.

Most completed suicides aren't self shooting or cutting. They are longer processes that you can't back down from. Hanging, jumping off a high building, etc., where the initial decision does not outright kill you.
This is because you will ALWAYS change your mind at the last moment.

If you are jumping off a building, during those last couple seconds of free fall, you will desperately want to live like you never had before. But oops, you can't back down, because you're in free fall.

Suicide should never be an option if it is because you hate life and are feeling sad.
You and me both know that you're not stupid enough to think you "hate life". You don't need a huge brain to know life can be good.
You hate your current life.

But killing yourself is the equivalent of having one of your tires pop, and in frustration, you grab some gas and set your car on fire. Pretty damn stupid, right?

This is completely ignoring the fact that suicide most likely is not going to end your soul.
Simply by virtue of having found this site, I am certain you are not the lowest of the low, and have enough energy to reincarnate, which, believe me, you can't just "not do", or "wait to dissipate".
The astral, for you in your current state, will literally feel like you are gasping for air and suffering from dementia. Nothing makes sense and you are desperately looking for something familiar.

Then you end up in the same kind of bad family, same kind of life problems, because your strongest bonds of familiarity are to negative things.

Because I feel like Gods hate me. They never help me and answer my prayers. I left SS for one and half a year and converted to another religion. After that, I turned back to SS but they still don't care about me. How can you claim life is meaningful after this? They don't want me in their religion because I had done another ritual to convert 'that' another religion.

I saw this in JoS website:

"Q:Can I reverse the ritual at a later date?

A:Satanic rituals, unlike the rituals in other religions, are real and permanent. I received a very small number of letters from people who were confused and harassed by Christians. One person performed a reverse ritual, and Satan left him. Totally. Satan does not push Himself on anyone.

Christians are deceived. They believe their "God" to be "loving" and "forgiving." In truth, this monster is a spiteful, hateful attacker of human beings. When one is with Satan, one is always under his protection. He looks out for us, and we enter a new life where we no longer have the worries that others endure. Things are not perfect, but they are always much better. Satan does not punish people who reject him; he simply leaves, and one is left all alone to endure the torments of the enemy.

These people wrote to me because, after several months, they were begging for Satan to take them back. The enemy did absolutely nothing for them. All were extremely regretful they ever left and very desperate to come back."

So they probably left me.

The Gods are eternal beings, in your life a year and a half has passed, while for the Gods this is nothing. They don't judge you based on this in the way you think they do.
How many people do you think have made mistakes, spend lifetimes away from the Gods, forgot about Them or made poor choices that lead them away from the Gods in the past 2000 years? For the Gods, if someone rediscovers Them, They never give up on you, They are the Eternally present, Eternally immutable Existence, all human errors are known to Them and understood by Them, and can be absolved Through Them.

Stop worrying about these things, and take better care of yourself. You live here now, and the purpose of this life is to live well, evolve as best as you are able to and become a more capable human being so that you can exist in a higher capacity as a living being and progress on the Path towards the Eternal Godhead eventually, whether that is in 50 years or in 50 lifetimes.

Begging Satan to take you back accomplishes nothing.

All you have to do is step onto the Path of Satanas by taking your life seriously, start healing yourself, start meditating by the methods of the JoS which are the teachings of the Gods, and start solving the issues with your material life that are making you feel as if life in general or your own life is worthless.

Just do as I say and breathe in Solar energy, bright White Golden light, and ask Satan to help you get out of this depressed state, while taking steps to improve your situation and showing to Him that you are trying.

It is better to have an ugly struggle than to give up and do nothing. Life is to struggle, this is a good thing. The joy in existence is found in the struggle to evolve and exist better, more full and more vibrantly.

There is no point in skulking as you do. The depression you feel is only something you feel because you are allowing yourself to be depressed, and denying yourself joy or success as a strange form of self inflicted punishment or torture.

The Gods aren't punishing you for anything, nor have They left you. The one who left Them is you and the one who is punishing you inexplicably is yourself. So it is also up to you to change this, which you can do very easily starting right now by taking small steps to improve your situation, and taking actions that will heal and empower you to live better.
Vivivi said:
Because I feel like Gods hate me.
Get more knowledge, clean your karma if needed, empower your soul, perform other rituals. Members above gave you lots of ideas that can and should be used right away. Satanic rituals are binding for eternity, so it is impossible to throw away your so-called golden ticket. On the other hand, using or not using it is your own decision. Gods are not going to force it upon you as making the decision and acting upon it is necessary for you to actually advance.

Vivivi said:
So they probably left me.
It is actually you who left temporarily. People make lots of mistakes, and Gods know this, thus They are always ready to help us. Do rituals to the Gods, ask them to help you get back on track. You can also read the following sermon to get a better understanding of how the Gods really view us: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/the-gods-will-never-give-up-on-you-ups-downs-in-life.294064/ .

I know you can feel shame and feel like there is no way out, but since you are here, it means there is a way out, and it is up to you to make the decision to take this way out. If Gods would really hate you as you imagine, then probably you would not be even here.
They don't want me in their religion because I had done another ritual to convert 'that' another religion.
How do you know they don’t want you? Did they communicate that with you? You seem like you really want to believe that, “woe is me”.

Are you a jew? If you’re not a jew you’re always welcome with the Gods, try doing a standard ritual or a dedication ritual to be back.

They never help me and answer my prayers.
One question, do you meditate? Do you help yourself? Do you allow the Gods to guide you and help you? What are your expectations of the Gods exactly? Do you think they are miracle workers? Or do you expect to be rich, powerful, and a God because you’re an SS now?

Do you know how fucking hard you have to work to become a strong and spiritual human being? (And how rewarding it can be)

Did you know High Priestess Maxine Dietrich (now Daemoness) used to be homeless at one point? Suicidal (or apathetic) at another, had to go through some real hard and tough shit (that most of us can’t even dream to survive), work multiple full-time jobs, besides meditating for hours, doing work for the Gods and building the JoS from the ground up and that’s like the 1% we even heard of.

We help ourselves! The Gods support us and guide us and we would never be here without them.

But what are you doing to help yourself?? Are you doing the bare minimum? Or are you doing nothing at all?

The Gods haven’t left you! You left yourself!
How do you know they don’t want you? Did they communicate that with you? You seem like you really want to believe that, “woe is me”.

Are you a jew? If you’re not a jew you’re always welcome with the Gods, try doing a standard ritual or a dedication ritual to be back.

One question, do you meditate? Do you help yourself? Do you allow the Gods to guide you and help you? What are your expectations of the Gods exactly? Do you think they are miracle workers? Or do you expect to be rich, powerful, and a God because you’re an SS now?

Do you know how fucking hard you have to work to become a strong and spiritual human being? (And how rewarding it can be)

Did you know High Priestess Maxine Dietrich (now Daemoness) used to be homeless at one point? Suicidal (or apathetic) at another, had to go through some real hard and tough shit (that most of us can’t even dream to survive), work multiple full-time jobs, besides meditating for hours, doing work for the Gods and building the JoS from the ground up and that’s like the 1% we even heard of.

We help ourselves! The Gods support us and guide us and we would never be here without them.

But what are you doing to help yourself?? Are you doing the bare minimum? Or are you doing nothing at all?

The Gods haven’t left you! You left yourself!
Okay, that’s way more than one question lmao. But you get my point.
If I breathe in a lot of gray energy in order to die, how will the process proceed? Will I die instantly? Or will it be slow and painful?
Killing yourself now = a lot more problems down the line. The vast majority of people think in terms of "years" and "one life" because they cannot grasp the reality of their soul existing across multiple lifetimes and bringing existing issues on the next life. For example imagine that someone has "one life" between 20-50 years old to do something with their lives and a second life from 50 and beyond. If you are lazy when you are young and do nothing with your life then you will face life difficulties when you are older (I actually know people experiencing exactly this and at an advanced age they are simply cornered by problems they would have never had if they would have been a lot more responsible over the decades). Is the same with death and reincarnation, if you are not fixing your problems now in this lifetime you are going to experience these problems later in life and in the next ones, which has already happened before and you experience these issues now. If you would be consistent dedicated to meditating and advancing you will get into a position where you will be able to see what you have been doing in your previous lifetimes and what has caused the problems that are causing you to be suicidal.

Even with simple things or at work I always had the mindset to do the most difficult tasks now in the present and let the easier ones for later. Same applies here but just on a much bigger and more serious scale.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
