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What does the black community need?


New member
Feb 25, 2021
Short post

What would you like to see being achieved by the black community?

All opinion and thoughts welcomed.

This post isn't necessarily a " What should we do " post more so a general post to gauge thoughts around us. From ourselves and other races.
The things that I would like to see achieved would be the regaining of the land that was stolen and the eliberation of the Black Gentiles that were once slaves on those lands and still are, sadly, because of Jewish control.

I would also like to see a lot of astrology schools opened by the members of the Black race and, the lessons to be based on the Astrology lessons our guardian, Blackdragon666 has.

I totally like his lessons :mrgreen:.
Promotion of good and positive role models.
Brandonn said:
Short post

What would you like to see being achieved by the black community?

All opinion and thoughts welcomed.

This post isn't necessarily a " What should we do " post more so a general post to gauge thoughts around us. From ourselves and other races.

Maybe we could have our own Satanic forum. An all Black forum. That we direct and share with our own people.
Big Doggo Boy said:
The things that I would like to see achieved would be the regaining of the land that was stolen and the eliberation of the Black Gentiles that were once slaves on those lands and still are, sadly, because of Jewish control.

I would also like to see a lot of astrology schools opened by the members of the Black race and, the lessons to be based on the Astrology lessons our guardian, Blackdragon666 has.

I totally like his lessons :mrgreen:.

Alll which would take a large amount of considerable efforts.

Regain land for the purpose of development and correction. As there's alot of cases where land that was allocated to black during slavery was undesirable choices for development. So we'd first need to correct the large amounts of people in unfavorable living conditions.

Yes in place of region studies, seeing spiritual & astrology classes would be so beneficial. I can imagine a day of school and then there's once class where you meditate and self focus.
Brandonn said:
Big Doggo Boy said:
The things that I would like to see achieved would be the regaining of the land that was stolen and the eliberation of the Black Gentiles that were once slaves on those lands and still are, sadly, because of Jewish control.

I would also like to see a lot of astrology schools opened by the members of the Black race and, the lessons to be based on the Astrology lessons our guardian, Blackdragon666 has.

I totally like his lessons :mrgreen:.

Alll which would take a large amount of considerable efforts.

Regain land for the purpose of development and correction. As there's alot of cases where land that was allocated to black during slavery was undesirable choices for development. So we'd first need to correct the large amounts of people in unfavorable living conditions.

Yes in place of region studies, seeing spiritual & astrology classes would be so beneficial. I can imagine a day of school and then there's once class where you meditate and self focus.

Well put! Land shall be given correctly as historically speaking, there really have been a lot of cases where land hasn't been attributed correctly and that was because of slavism which was enforced on the Black race.

As for the astrology and self focus in school, it will come that is for sure :D
The mind in all it's phases is already complete. What this means is that we simply shift our Awareness to an area of the mind and the Atma manifests that. We don't actually "do" anything. So if one is violent they are simply in area of the mind were violence exists. If they angry,sad, excited and so on their Awareness is simply in area where these states exist. These states are not created by the individual being ,they are already completed in the being ,a long time ago. So if you want innovation ,you shift Awareness where innovation exists and the Atma will bring it out arccording to what one wants to bring out. A mind highly trained in concentration doesn't even have to research ,they just concentrate and bring out the knowledge. Now we are not supposed to identify with these areas of the mind,the way a Satguru describes it ; is like a traveller moving through cities and countries. If you are in Paris,you are not Paris you are just going through Paris. A traveller doesn't identify with the place he is visiting. We should identify with the centre of Awareness ,the Atma. The static , Unchanging God Consciousness.
The problem with humanity no matter the race especially with us Gentiles is that people have made been made ignorant of the Atma within themselves. It's simple the mind is complete,if people shift their Awareness to the anchor of their existence ,the perfect ,ever blissful,auspicious Atma,then this is what will manifest in Maya ,in the society. Get it , everything is already accomplished.
So Blacks, Whites, Arabs, Orientals whatever the gentile race,just have to introduce Spiritual Culture that educates the people on who they are at their core,the Auspicious Atma and constantly focus their Awareness on it. The All Knowing Auspicious Atma and this was what was emphasised in Kemet with the Eye of Horus 👁️,the Pyramid themselves which used to shine bright in the Sunlight. Suffering goes and you have an Auspicious , prosperous society. Everyone understanding their role arccording to their unfoldment with the best ,the most unfolded towards or who have Realised the Absolute Reality,the Peak of the Pyramid ,the Void,Black Sun e.t.c within themselves. Atma Awareness is what is key. It's what even Thule Society was trying to do in Germany,with the
Swastika Flag. Make people aware of the Auspiciousness within themselves,they evolve ,they become more prosperous and so on. It's actually quite simple to fix things, because Auspiciousness ,Truth is always with us.
You introduce the Abrahamic Faiths which tell people God , Auspiciousness is separate from them, Communism even goes as far as saying there's no Auspiciousness ,and then suffering happens.
So with Blacks we reintroduce Ma'at spiritual culture ,it's already in the genetic memory of the race. This what liberates the Black mind or any other Gentle race for that matter. Truth is One.

"You think you are the doer so you fall into the trap of bondage but everything was accomplished a long time ago."- Yogaswami.
Everything is already there what's missing is that man needs to Realize the Self (Atma) by the self. That's all.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
