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What do you think 'Harry Potter' is actually about?


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
Don't worry. This is not merely a fandom post about a jew's(?) franchise. I am asking the question seriously, and from a SS perspective.

So what do you think or have realised what Harry Potter is truly about? If using any part of the Harry Potter canon universe helps you, in any context, then by all means please use it/them.

There is one thing about the franchise that I didn't realise myself, but which might be a bombshell for some, and I also have my own realisation of what the franchise is about.

I'd might as well warn some of you - I expect there be spoilers ahead, so consider this a warning alert!
Well, I must confess I had watched the show some time [years] ago, but Iiii had not looked at it with a Satanic viewpoint.

If you think about it carefully enough though, in a mere psychological way, you see a child that is weak as fuck (Harry), always accepting his aunt/uncle's abuse, never raising his head etc... So, you see this meek, weak child (a jew on top of that!! but the audience doesn't know that) suddenly realizing his "heritage" (so to speak), being a freakin' magician and all that... He suddenly has power (and yet he STILL accepts his aunt/uncle's abuse whenever he's at home with them).

Then, you see cases like Hermione, the incredible smart girl, a genius really, very intellectual... You see her being a "mudblood" and, if I'm not mistaken, that means that not both of her parents are witch/wizards, right? Or, she had witch/wizards in her ancestors, but her parents are not ones (the are common people). This rings race mixing to my ears but I have no idea (and I may doubt it) that J. K. Rowling, the author of these books, had such an intention.

Maybe I'm being naive for loving story telling so much, to think that she wouldn't have bad intentions, to write such a story...

Finally, you've got someone like Ron who.... well.... :? He's not that good at magick, not that good intellectually and such... And he comes from a family that's full gingers, and you can tell, a "pure-blood" family. It's a beautiful thing to watch. But oh well, Ron turned out to be a failure...

I don't know how many "coincidences" can a story have. And what the author's true intentions are.

Interestingly enough, I've discovered that many people who love writing fiction stories, also love conversing with other cultures and learning about other races/interacting with them.
I've come to think that this happens because the 9th rules publishing, also rules foreign coutnries and cultures, as well as one's overall beliefs and philosophies.
It is most likely for these people to be mixing things up in their minds/hearts, and especially with the jewish brainwashing, to literally "lose" themselves (self dignity, self pride/racial pride) and to consider all races as equal and the best to live all together like a fucking lump of swamp.
atmos said:
well it got the Christians to show their judgmental side. they didn't like it. but I like the idea of their being a magical world... but it doesn't knock your front door down and guide you to power... we must take that journey.
Scare you into kowtowing to the door-knocker, lest ye be punished if ye do not! See this -
Savitar said:
Yeah, that one was so obvious! Notice also daniel radcliffe, kike, had a lot of gold that mummy and daddy left it after Lord Voldy killed its parents. I also once saw a site which listed Child actors/actresses and their riches, and Macaulay Culkin used to be in first place until radcliffe came along.
This book was marketed square at my generation and everyone I knew adored it.
I never liked it.
I did like His Dark Materials, where the child with a demon and psychic powers destroys the evil church and kills the angel metatron who is the right hand of YHVH (interesting)... the religious press kvetched about it for a few weeks, saying the books should be burned, before deciding to totally ignore it. They went into over the top mode with Harry Potter 24/7, shilling it everywhere as 'satanic'...
I find it absolutely hilarious how JK Rolling tweets to tell us years-after-the-fact that certain Harry Potter characters are gay.

Also Voldemort seems to be associated with the Serpent, and since he is labeled as "bad", maybe the author was trying to make the unwitting audience associate 'the serpent" with evil.
It’s blatantly obvious that the SJW J.K Rowling knew about the satanic origins of the (white) Gentiles. Given the occult knowledge that exists - certainly of late and all of the info from the JoS (which has grown massively since 2000/2001). She or cohorts knew about Hitler being the saviour of the Gentiles - the truth is now out there that Hitler and the leading national socialists were dedicated Satanists and against the plan of world jewry and race-mixing and slavery of the Gentiles. ⁣⁣⁣
Voldemort was an enlightened being and was the founder of the Slytherin philosophy. Voldemort taught racial purity and racial pride - to maintain the bloodline of ‘pure bloods’. Pure bloods are pure magickal beings - to not mix with ‘mud bloods’ or outsiders. He taught black magick (which is the most powerful form of magick and only the adept can use it effectively) unlike the rest of the houses/teachers. ⁣⁣⁣
His pet or best friend is a Snake. The creature that represents Slytherin is the serpent. We know that when we raise the kundalini serpent - we become enlightened. The serpent is the most sacred symbol and is symbolic of the leader of the pagan gods. Satan. Satan is the god the Gentiles - again, a teacher of racial purity. Satan is also the master of the occult. Many of us SS only marry or have children with other satanists to keep the satanic bloodline going. It’s only natural. ⁣⁣⁣
Now, the main family of Slytherin are the Malfoys. Both Lucius and Draco are tall, white, blonde hair and blue eyed - Nordic features. Again, symbolic of Satan and national socialism They are aristocratic, witty and take great pride in being racially and magickally elite creatures. The name ‘lucius’ is of the name ‘Lucifer’ which means ‘light-bearer’ - Satan is Lucifer. Draco means ‘dragon’ - again, another great creature to symbolise our almighty god, Satan. See the theme?⁣⁣⁣
Satan is the god of National Socialism and the occult for Gentiles. Voldemort was the father of the ‘national socialists’ = Slytherin in Harry Potter

Follow my IG : luciensatanas
Hail Satan!
For the sake of clarity, Voldemort was a 'half-blood', meaning one who is mixed both with magic and non-magic parents; he hated that and wanted to restore his own race/full-blood line. Mixing pure-blood/strong-magic with non-magic, i.e. diluting it, weakens the magic, not to mention weakens the race/line.
luis said:
Stormblood said:
luis said:
But still what I see is (at least in the movies) chosen ((HOLY)) jewish Potter destroy the Aryan Nazi ((evil)) Voldemort. Now, of course, they make Voldemort more evil like how they make Hitler and other SS evil in other movies, so in the mind of people what they will understand is SS are evil and need to be eliminated by the ((HOLY)) chosen jews.

What I meant is that Jewish fiction has multiple layers of meaning, not just one. It is made so to confuse and trap the Gentiles no matter what... unless you are awoken.

Got it.

The real star of the show. Gellert grindewald.

The jewess also tried to paint muggleborns as if they were the ultimate Chad with powers and aptitude for witchcraft superior to any pureblood, while purebloods have a harder time being smart, learning witchcraft and so on.

It's also interesting to note how the represented the Weasleys. Redhead, blue eyes, fair skin... the traits of priest-kings, especially Egyptian Pharaohs. They painted them as racial traitors. The eldest brother, Bill (William), has a connection to both Egypt and kikes. He's an accomplished curse-breaker who works for the kikes (the Gringott's goblins) and has helped them get a lot of artifacts by breaking curses in Egyptian pyramids and stealing stuff. The second eldest, Charlie, has a connection with Dragons, beoming an elite dragonologist. The other siblings are so mediocre just like the parents, but all are part of the Order of the Phoenix, created by another racial traitor, Dumb-ledore. She surely knew about the Egyptian kingly mummies.

There's the Black family, most of which is on Riddle's side, and it's a strong association to alchemy.
Aldrick said:
luis said:
Stormblood said:
What I meant is that Jewish fiction has multiple layers of meaning, not just one. It is made so to confuse and trap the Gentiles no matter what... unless you are awoken.

Got it.

The real star of the show. Gellert grindewald.


Fixed the picture for you. I agree with your statement. He's also the strongest wizard of his time time, apparently. Just a spell of his and how many brainwashed people took to counter it? 8? 9? I don't remember. The film is not fresh in my mind.
Stormblood said:
Aldrick said:
luis said:

The real star of the show. Gellert grindewald.


Fixed the picture for you. I agree with your statement. He's also the strongest wizard of his time time, apparently. Just a spell of his and how many brainwashed people took to counter it? 8? 9? I don't remember. The film is not fresh in my mind.

Danke ^ ^
Stormblood said:
The jewess also tried to paint muggleborns as if they were the ultimate Chad with powers and aptitude for witchcraft superior to any pureblood, while purebloods have a harder time being smart, learning witchcraft and so on.
I noticed that, as well. It is biblical, afterall - "those who are first will be last, and those who are last will be first", which doesn't make sense, because the pure-bloods are magical and by Nature. That's oil and water; they don't mix - saying oil, which is the muggles, is better for your Body than water, which is the pure-bloods. (I could reference this back to the jew being a robot again in another post I just made, actually!)

It's also interesting to note how the represented the Weasleys. Redhead, blue eyes, fair skin... the traits of priest-kings, especially Egyptian Pharaohs. They painted them as racial traitors.
Yeah, not to mention that they are more pure-blood, if I am not mistaken, despite what Hagrid said - "Why, there isn't a wizard alive today that's not half-blood or less", but the Weasleys appear to be trying to hold on while associating with muggles and then Ron getting with mud-blood Hermione. I haven't made my point yet - my point, with what I just said in mind, is that the Weasleys seem to be more pure-blood/magical, and despite that, they are still dirt poor. Why do they need to buy books and equipment? Just magic it into existence! That shit doesn't make sense. Oh - the jew doesn't know that a wordbook, lexicon and dictionary are all the same, but it still isn't a wordbook, dictionary nor lexicon about hebrew...despite it being a wordbook, dictionary and lexicon about fecking hebrew............! OK, fine, about yiddish, then... Again - I stress that that non-book book is a revised edition, as well, no less! Sigh on a fucking stick, lol. The mess itself is messy, if that makes sense! Lol. Plus that the Weasleys do look pure, and that is psychology against Whites - "It's OK to Race-mix, Whites; you'll still be you; you'll be fine; your Children will still look like you!", plus with Chang and Harry kissing. Then we have the White Dursleys being "the worst sort of muggles imaginable".

The eldest brother, Bill (William), has a connection to both Egypt and kikes. He's an accomplished curse-breaker who works for the kikes (the Gringott's goblins) and has helped them get a lot of artifacts by breaking curses in Egyptian pyramids and stealing stuff. The second eldest, Charlie, has a connection with Dragons, beoming an elite dragonologist. The other siblings are so mediocre just like the parents, but all are part of the Order of the Phoenix, created by another racial traitor, Dumb-ledore. She surely knew about the Egyptian kingly mummies.

There's the Black family, most of which is on Riddle's side, and it's a strong association to alchemy.
I haven't read the books and I haven't read much on the Wikia nor Pottermore; I've only seen the films. As for the Black Dean Thomas, then, obviously he ignores that some Blacks are on Riddle's side, while he is on Potter's - and as we know, Potter and Riddle are 'connected', just like that "there is neither jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there Male and Female, for you are all one in jewsus". Also remember that the jew is a parasite, and Riddle, as Voldemort, was parasitising off Quirrel, who himself is also half-blood...
FancyMancy said:
I noticed that, as well. It is biblical, afterall - "those who are first will be last, and those who are last will be first", which doesn't make sense, because the pure-bloods are magical and by Nature. That's oil and water; they don't mix - saying oil, which is the muggles, is better for your Body than water, which is the pure-bloods. (I could reference this back to the jew being a robot again in another post I just made, actually!)

Muh fresh blood and sheet.

Yeah, not to mention that they are more pure-blood, if I am not mistaken (...) the Weasleys seem to be more pure-blood/magical, and despite that, they are still dirt poor.

Yes, they are. They're also part of the so-called "Sacred Twenty-Eight", or at least they were before Ron polluted the bloodline. I see half-blood and muggle-born as kikes. In the wiki, in the pureblood page at the bottom you can find Jewling's comparison with the Reich.

as we know, Potter and Riddle are 'connected', just like that "there is neither jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there Male and Female, for you are all one in jewsus". Also remember that the jew is a parasite, and Riddle, as Voldemort, was parasitising off Quirrel, who himself is also half-blood...
Riddle being a half-blood... I see him as LaVey.

All I can say is that I feel like I wasted part of my childhood reading and watching that crap. Still, less damaging that playing videogames several hours in a day like some others do, especially now most of Generation Z.
FancyMancy said:
Don't worry. This is not merely a fandom post about a jew's(?) franchise. I am asking the question seriously, and from a SS perspective.

So what do you think or have realised what Harry Potter is truly about? If using any part of the Harry Potter canon universe helps you, in any context, then by all means please use it/them.

There is one thing about the franchise that I didn't realise myself, but which might be a bombshell for some, and I also have my own realisation of what the franchise is about.

I'd might as well warn some of you - I expect there be spoilers ahead, so consider this a warning alert!

Hey, I personally still love the movies if I ignore the blasphemy and try to spin it in a different light. Especially later in the series. But there is, of course, a fuck ton of blasphemy in the movie. The first movies about the chamber of secrets ect, have you noticed the chamber is where the serpent lies and they slay it? Have you noticed the slitheryns or however you spell it are represented by the blondies? They’re stronger and exercise free will but it’s just kind of blasphemy. I could see how you could get a different idea off of the movie and I think the movies are really fun to watch. Just good to be aware of this stuff. Dementors remind me of the christian thought-forms.
Doesn’t Voldemort have his soul concealed in 7 horcruxes? Tom Riddle's diary.
Marvolo Gaunt's ring.
Salazar Slytherin's locket.
Helga Hufflepuff's cup.
Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem.
Nagini, the snake.
Harry Potter himself.
In the series, maybe not the movies.

Represents the chakras. They destroy the 7 chakras.
Sundara said:
have you noticed the chamber is where the serpent lies and they slay it?
Actually, I didn't realise that. It is the second of 7 books (8 films; 7 in 2 halves), and the serpent lays at the bottom Chakra, and is slayed in the 2nd Chakra which has been blocked in Humans to keep the serpent down.

Dementors remind me of the christian thought-forms.
Represents the chakras. They destroy the 7 chakras.
Excellent. I did notice 7 books and 7 Chakras, but now it makes more sense.

I probably said this above, but I can remember learning that rowling did do years' worth of research into the occult and similar things - Paganism, mythology, etc. - before writing each book.
Stormblood said:
FancyMancy said:
I noticed that, as well. It is biblical, afterall - "those who are first will be last, and those who are last will be first", which doesn't make sense, because the pure-bloods are magical and by Nature. That's oil and water; they don't mix - saying oil, which is the muggles, is better for your Body than water, which is the pure-bloods. (I could reference this back to the jew being a robot again in another post I just made, actually!)

Muh fresh blood and sheet.

Yeah, not to mention that they are more pure-blood, if I am not mistaken (...) the Weasleys seem to be more pure-blood/magical, and despite that, they are still dirt poor.

Yes, they are. They're also part of the so-called "Sacred Twenty-Eight", or at least they were before Ron polluted the bloodline. I see half-blood and muggle-born as kikes. In the wiki, in the pureblood page at the bottom you can find Jewling's comparison with the Reich.

as we know, Potter and Riddle are 'connected', just like that "there is neither jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there Male and Female, for you are all one in jewsus". Also remember that the jew is a parasite, and Riddle, as Voldemort, was parasitising off Quirrel, who himself is also half-blood...
Riddle being a half-blood... I see him as LaVey.

All I can say is that I feel like I wasted part of my childhood reading and watching that crap. Still, less damaging that playing videogames several hours in a day like some others do, especially now most of Generation Z.
Maybe I should read the books to know more about how it is against Humanity's growth, advancement and empowerment.
Sundara said:
Represents the chakras. They destroy the 7 chakras.

Destroying Gentile's people chakras is exactly what the kikes have been doing gradually throughout the centuries. There are kikes like EA Koetting and other who even "invented" temporary chakra removal and other insane crap.
Stormblood said:
Sundara said:
Represents the chakras. They destroy the 7 chakras.

Destroying Gentile's people chakras is exactly what the kikes have been doing gradually throughout the centuries. There are kikes like EA Koetting and other who even "invented" temporary chakra removal and other insane crap.
Become a living god with Chakra-removal? Erm...
FancyMancy said:
Sundara said:
have you noticed the chamber is where the serpent lies and they slay it?
Actually, I didn't realise that. It is the second of 7 books (8 films; 7 in 2 halves), and the serpent lays at the bottom Chakra, and is slayed in the 2nd Chakra which has been blocked in Humans to keep the serpent down.

Dementors remind me of the christian thought-forms.
Represents the chakras. They destroy the 7 chakras.
Excellent. I did notice 7 books and 7 Chakras, but now it makes more sense.

I probably said this above, but I can remember learning that rowling did do years' worth of research into the occult and similar things - Paganism, mythology, etc. - before writing each book.

Exactly! Sometimes it really sucks to learn things we enjoyed are riddled with bullshit. But it’s also a good thing because we’re all waking up.

I’ve been noticing some more positive themes though, like the Frozen movie series and the new movie Onward. Onward is slightly jewy, but has really powerful magical concepts. They teach about using the mind, the will, believe, and energy to make something happen. Frozen is sick as fuck though. Her magic, the instant manifestation, how she learns to release her powers... I cry. LOL. I still have yet to see the corruption in frozen, I’m sure it’s there.
Zephyr said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Harry Potter is a social justice warrior fighting against the evil "Pure Bloods" who all seem to have blonde hair and Nordic features. And were of the society that deity was the serpent.

And people were surprised when the author of this trash, Rowling came out of the closet as total social justice warrior in real life......lol

The next film make sure to give Harry Potter purple hair and a "Smash Fascism" shirt. And a magic wand that is just a pink dildo.

Yeah, people hail Rowling as some literary genius, but she's pretty cringey with her tweets. Character was actually gay, minor character was a Jew, vague character was probably autistic. She's a mediocre author who refuses to die out.

Lol Mageson, don't forget Harry Potter's transgender friend Ron, and autistic friend Hermione!
also hermione was RUNNING around in a wheelchair this entire time :lol:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
