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What causes transgender?

Alt123 said:

I tried to clear up a misunderstanding with my previous post, but I feel like the answer I wrote might just cause more confusion. As I initially thought, the things I saw, felt and understood in those moments, as well as the matters of the past that led up to it, go deeper than I can explain with just words and logic. As such, I apologise for wasting your time by trying to explain it.

I know how pathetic it sounds to say that I was traumatised by something like that. I act tough on the outside, but on the inside I'm just that sensitive. At least being tough saved me a lot when I was younger because it made me too bothersome to target. I apologise to anyone I may have offended by mentioning how much being so alone and emotionally isolated from others affected me.

We are all individuals, what shatters and destroys your mind may do nothing to me, what shatters and destroys my mind may do nothing to you.

Stop viewing the world from the perspective of how others view things. View the world through the perspective of yourself and nothing else. We are all individuals, as such, it is not pathetic that you were traumatized by that at all.

Also, you have no need to apologize to me nor anyone, I haven't been offended by you or anyone on these forums, people who allow themselves to become offended by their fellow humans are lacking self control. it is different if you become "offended" at an enemy, their very existence is antithetical to life, it is natural that you would despise such vile creatures.

The only time you should ever apologize is if you've done something genuinely wrong and have worked to fix it, if you haven't done anything wrong then stop apologizing, this only de-values your apology and makes your word meaningless, also, before you apologize, work on the problem and improve yourself, apologies before change only exist to make the person saying them feel better. Apologies after change exist to let the other person know you have acknowledged your wrongdoings and have changed your ways.
MrIntrepid said:
I don't know too much of the science behind it but it's obvious one of the biggest reasons for the proliferation of trans-culture and thus, trans individuals, is the influence of the jews. Five or six years ago if I typed in the word 'femboy' on a pornsite I'd find next to nothing and now you're just immediately flooded by dozens of pages of filth if you do that now (No, I don't watch porno anymore). On apps like Discord the trans stuff has become so common among teens and preteens that mods on popular groups have to constantly remind their underage users not to post nude images of themselves, or you could look on Tik-Tok and see a similar trend.

Being trans is being treated as the new normal so all the susceptible children and teenagers go out and attempt to become trans. Rachel Levine, that jewess bitch Biden selected as his health secretary, is right now trying and succeeding at making it legal to use hormones to stop "the wrong kind of puberty" in children in an effort to further this agenda. Now we won't just have teens falling prey to this nonsense but also children at risk of being changed against their own will because their parents are still mentally children themselves.

Here's a father who the courts ruled against when he tried to stop his kid's mom from transitioning his kid:


And here's one of Levine's unscientific, unproven, asinine "studies" that back its use of puberty blockers:


In other news we have more scum arrested for child pornography after being involved in "drag queen story hour" which peddles more trans bullshit to kids.


Oh and here's a list of colleges that will transition their students and put it on their parents' bill without telling their parents.


I've ranted for long enough but I think it's clear that that the jews are doing their best to put all the freaks in charge. And when the freaks run the show, everyone has to be like them.

Very telling information. Thank you for sharing this :D
Artisan said:
Alt123 said:
Hey, at least I made an effort to understand it right after I said "I'm not sure why"! And is it really wrong to say "perhaps" and "probably" when I'm just figuring something out and haven't given it enough thought yet to ascertain it?
I'm making progress here in my efforts to understand my behavior, I don't think that's something you need to scold me for.

Maybe it wasn't meant to scold me but just to remind me. In that case, rest assured that I'm always trying to understand myself better when I notice there's something I don't understand, as you can tell from how I immediately tried to think of an explanation after I noticed there was something I didn't understand. Is there something else you think I should do besides that, or did you have an issue with me not thinking about this when I was exhibiting this behavior in the first place?
You are making excuses. What you are doing is detrimental to your sense of self understanding and yet you tell me "well at least I did this". That is nothing more than foolish and enables a self-perpetuating cycle of never doing your best to exist. If you recognize the problem, instead of making excuses, do something to fix it.

You say "is it really wrong to say "perhaps" and "probably" when I'm just figuring something out and haven't given it enough thought yet to ascertain it?" and the answer is a resounding YES. All you are doing by not giving "it enough thought" is creating that same self-perpetuating cycle.

Also, you must be aware that there are others who will come to this thread and read it, while I will not tell anyone what to do with their lives, I will tell them if something they are doing is harmful and allow them to make the choices for themselves, as such, I am telling you and anyone else who reads this thread that it IS wrong to live in ignorance of yourself.

You say "rest assured that I'm always trying to understand myself better when I notice there's something I don't understand" If that's true then why do you make excuses instead of try to figure it out?

You say "as you can tell from how I immediately tried to think of an explanation after I noticed there was something I didn't understand." So you recognize the fact that you are lacking explanation, and instead of sitting down and taking time to understand what the truth is, you "tried to think of an explanation", is that right?

You say "Is there something else you think I should do besides that, or did you have an issue with me not thinking about this when I was exhibiting this behavior in the first place?" and my answer to this is your own words.

Any time you recognize that you have ignorance about yourself, sit down ask yourself if you've "given it enough thought yet to ascertain it?" If the answer is no, then, give it more thought then ask again, continue to do this until the answer is yes.

I see. Do I understand correctly that you are urging me to allocate more time to understand even the subtle nuances of my behaviour, no matter how inconsequential?

When it comes to choices that affect me, I give them an immense amount of thought, probably more than most people would ever consider. I've actually started to realise a while ago that sometimes I simply think too much and that it distracts from actually doing anything productive, but fortunately meditation has proven to be a more powerful tool in self-reflection than just logical thought, which helps to save a lot of time in understanding myself more deeply. Even my GD said to me a few months ago: "instead of spending so much time worrying, spend that time focusing on your studies, and then everything will be fine."
However, when it comes down to it I still try to understand the decisions I make very deeply, as I always want to make absolutely sure I'm always doing the right thing.

Deliberately missing the point of your metaphor did not negatively affect me in any way, and it helped you realise how you can be more precise in your wording. As such, unless I am missing something (for example, you might hypothetically have experienced it as inconvenient that you had to reiterate, although it didn't seem to me like you minded too much), it was not a bad thing that I responded so literally.

Do you believe that giving thought to every single action one takes, no matter how inconsequential, is an efficient use of one's time and focus? Or did you not mean that one needs to be conscious about their every action, but rather that one should understand their every habit? I don't fully comprehend your point yet, although I am curious about it, so I hope that it's fine to ask you to elaborate.

I would provide you with further interpretations of what I think you may have meant so that you can give me feedback, but now I'm too afraid to tell you any thoughts I have that I have not fully ascertained, and I cannot ascertain it without feedback, so I'll refrain from speculating and leave it to you to explain it further.

Alt123 said:
Absolutely :D

By the way, have you received my email?
Alt123 said:
I see. Do I understand correctly that you are urging me to allocate more time to understand even the subtle nuances of my behaviour, no matter how inconsequential?
In a sense yes, there must be balance however, it is important to eliminate ignorance about yourself. Start out with the large parts of your nature after you have worked out the ignorance of the large parts of your nature, move to the smaller parts.

An easy way to figure out where to start is to monitor your own speech and thoughts, write down anything you say or think for an entire day which involves self-ignorance.

Alt123 said:
When it comes to choices that affect me, I give them an immense amount of thought, probably more than most people would ever consider. I've actually started to realise a while ago that sometimes I simply think too much and that it distracts from actually doing anything productive, but fortunately meditation has proven to be a more powerful tool in self-reflection than just logical thought, which helps to save a lot of time in understanding myself more deeply. Even my GD said to me a few months ago: "instead of spending so much time worrying, spend that time focusing on your studies, and then everything will be fine."
However, when it comes down to it I still try to understand the decisions I make very deeply, as I always want to make absolutely sure I'm always doing the right thing.

This is why balance must be present, thinking can be a good servant to a bad master, or a good servant to a good master. It all depends on how you, the master, direct it. Over-thinking will lead to nothing but problems, under-thinking will lead to nothing but problems as well.

As for your tendency to overthink, you have recognized that, just make sure you haven't replaced it with a tendency to under-think. The only replacing crack with cocaine, sure they may look different but they are near identical.

Alt123 said:
Deliberately missing the point of your metaphor did not negatively affect me in any way, and it helped you realise how you can be more precise in your wording. As such, unless I am missing something (for example, you might hypothetically have experienced it as inconvenient that you had to reiterate, although it didn't seem to me like you minded too much), it was not a bad thing that I responded so literally.
I didn't mind, also, that is not what I am talking about, I didn't mind that you missed the point, the issue I had was when you use language which allowed for the cycle of self-ignorance to continue to take place. Thoth said "breath is life" and this is true in the physical realm, as well as the mental, not just the spiritual. When you say something it creates a synapse in your neural network, then, the more you repeat such phrase, it grows stronger and stronger, the brain changes it's physical structure to suit it's environment through neural plasticity, this is something well known and understood by science.

On the mental side, every time you say something you change the structure of your internal reality, by that I mean it changes the structure of how you see the outside world, the combination of the two above are why affirmations work so well for people, not to mention, you have experienced changing the structure of your mind in a past life because you wanted to be a woman if you remember. You know that these things are very real and happen. What you did was instant and as such it is easy to track it from before and after, however, these things I am talking about take place over a very long span of time, as such, they are harder to track and can slip by unnoticed, growing until it's near impossible to escape them.

Alt123 said:
Do you believe that giving thought to every single action one takes, no matter how inconsequential, is an efficient use of one's time and focus? Or did you not mean that one needs to be conscious about their every action, but rather that one should understand their every habit? I don't fully comprehend your point yet, although I am curious about it, so I hope that it's fine to ask you to elaborate.
I believe it is imperative for one to know themselves. You do not have give thought to every single action you take but you should know why you take every single action. You not only need to understand your every habit, but you should also understand how your habits are formed and structured so that you may deconstruct bad ones and construct new ones(Atomic Habits - James Clear is a great book for this).

You could sum up everything I believe in regards to knowing yourself in a single phrase. I believe in balance. Part of balance is accepting once self, this is needing for the Kundalini. Now, tell me, how can one accept themselves without knowing themselves? That which is above is the same as that which is below(As above, so below). Balance is something that needs to be achieved in all areas of life. And it is impossible to obtain balance of something you don't understand. Sure you can use SaTaNaMa to restore balance to your energies and that's great, however that's not what I am talking about. I am referring to balance of self, a deep balance which can only be derived from self understanding.

Alt123 said:
I would provide you with further interpretations of what I think you may have meant so that you can give me feedback, but now I'm too afraid to tell you any thoughts I have that I have not fully ascertained, and I cannot ascertain it without feedback, so I'll refrain from speculating and leave it to you to explain it further.
As I said, when speaking to others you must have ignorance about them. It is completely understandable that you wouldn't understand what I think, or what I am saying, you are not me and as such it's find to have ignorance about me. My issue comes from people accepting ignorance about themselves.

Alt123 said:
By the way, have you received my email?
The email provider for hitler.rocks has been having some issues over the past few days. I haven't been receiving any emails unfortunately. I just checked and it looks like my email is all fucked up, I sent a test email and it vanished into the void, how wonderful. I made a new email for communication from a much more reliable host. Please email me here instead.

[email protected]

I have been keeping an eye out for a few days for an email from you so, believe me when I tell you that I was shocked to see I received nothing. I had assumed you decided that emailing me wasn't worth the risk and accepting that. I am glad that my assertion was incorrect however. I look forward to your emails :D
Artisan said:
Alt123 said:

I tried to clear up a misunderstanding with my previous post, but I feel like the answer I wrote might just cause more confusion. As I initially thought, the things I saw, felt and understood in those moments, as well as the matters of the past that led up to it, go deeper than I can explain with just words and logic. As such, I apologise for wasting your time by trying to explain it.

I know how pathetic it sounds to say that I was traumatised by something like that. I act tough on the outside, but on the inside I'm just that sensitive. At least being tough saved me a lot when I was younger because it made me too bothersome to target. I apologise to anyone I may have offended by mentioning how much being so alone and emotionally isolated from others affected me.

We are all individuals, what shatters and destroys your mind may do nothing to me, what shatters and destroys my mind may do nothing to you.

Stop viewing the world from the perspective of how others view things. View the world through the perspective of yourself and nothing else. We are all individuals, as such, it is not pathetic that you were traumatized by that at all.

Also, you have no need to apologize to me nor anyone, I haven't been offended by you or anyone on these forums, people who allow themselves to become offended by their fellow humans are lacking self control. it is different if you become "offended" at an enemy, their very existence is antithetical to life, it is natural that you would despise such vile creatures.

The only time you should ever apologize is if you've done something genuinely wrong and have worked to fix it, if you haven't done anything wrong then stop apologizing, this only de-values your apology and makes your word meaningless, also, before you apologize, work on the problem and improve yourself, apologies before change only exist to make the person saying them feel better. Apologies after change exist to let the other person know you have acknowledged your wrongdoings and have changed your ways.

You're right.

I was afraid of being ridiculed because of what I went through or because of the way I worded things, so I pre-emptively ridiculed myself and apologised. But that's no different from doing to myself what I was afraid of in the first place. It's not a good habit.

You helped me realise that there's no need to be afraid in the first place. Even if others ridicule me, it's only because they dislike me or don't understand me. What others think doesn't change what I went through or how it affected me.

I appreciate your advice. I think you tried to convey it before but I didn't really understand it at first because the context was different; but now I understand. It's very good advice.
Alt123 said:
Artisan said:
Alt123 said:
I tried to clear up a misunderstanding with my previous post, but I feel like the answer I wrote might just cause more confusion. As I initially thought, the things I saw, felt and understood in those moments, as well as the matters of the past that led up to it, go deeper than I can explain with just words and logic. As such, I apologise for wasting your time by trying to explain it.

I know how pathetic it sounds to say that I was traumatised by something like that. I act tough on the outside, but on the inside I'm just that sensitive. At least being tough saved me a lot when I was younger because it made me too bothersome to target. I apologise to anyone I may have offended by mentioning how much being so alone and emotionally isolated from others affected me.

We are all individuals, what shatters and destroys your mind may do nothing to me, what shatters and destroys my mind may do nothing to you.

Stop viewing the world from the perspective of how others view things. View the world through the perspective of yourself and nothing else. We are all individuals, as such, it is not pathetic that you were traumatized by that at all.

Also, you have no need to apologize to me nor anyone, I haven't been offended by you or anyone on these forums, people who allow themselves to become offended by their fellow humans are lacking self control. it is different if you become "offended" at an enemy, their very existence is antithetical to life, it is natural that you would despise such vile creatures.

The only time you should ever apologize is if you've done something genuinely wrong and have worked to fix it, if you haven't done anything wrong then stop apologizing, this only de-values your apology and makes your word meaningless, also, before you apologize, work on the problem and improve yourself, apologies before change only exist to make the person saying them feel better. Apologies after change exist to let the other person know you have acknowledged your wrongdoings and have changed your ways.

You're right.

I was afraid of being ridiculed because of what I went through or because of the way I worded things, so I pre-emptively ridiculed myself and apologised. But that's no different from doing to myself what I was afraid of in the first place. It's not a good habit.

You helped me realise that there's no need to be afraid in the first place. Even if others ridicule me, it's only because they dislike me or don't understand me. What others think doesn't change what I went through or how it affected me.

I appreciate your advice. I think you tried to convey it before but I didn't really understand it at first because the context was different; but now I understand. It's very good advice.

You seem to have an issue with taking things to the extreme. It seems that you are taking the things I say and viewing them as either black and white. You need to find balance in the middle.

Yes, there will be those who ridicule you out of disliking you or not understanding, however, there are also those who will ridicule you out of caring and compassion, out a desire to help you, for instance, I can assure you that those who have ridiculed you in this thread have done it out of a desire to help you. I can see the kindness in all of their replies, and in some, I can feel the compassion of their energy. We are a family here and we care for one another.

What I was trying to convey to you is to stop viewing the world through the perspective of others, stop letting others opinions and beliefs affect your self image.


I was not saying to ignore others. There is valuable information that others will try to give you and it's important to not ignore that. Even if someone disagrees with you, is rude to you, even if you choose not to talk to them, it is very important to learn from their words. There are many here who are more knowledgeable than either of us, and sure, that doesn't mean they will always be right, or that we will always be wrong and that's fine, we are humans and we make mistakes.

What isn't fine is to ignore other peoples knowledge, when learning something new you must make sure you don't let your emotion or your logic cloud your judgement. When someone says something, especially one of your brothers and sisters, it is important to think about it with a rational mind which has an active balance of logic and emotion.

Avoid thinking with one side only, if you think only with logic, then you will avoid all nuances and signs which will come from your emotional, creative, and spiritual understanding.

If you think only with emotion, then you will avoid all the nuances and signs which will come from your reasoning, inquisitive, and material understanding.

There must be balance in all areas of life, this is true regardless of what you are trying to achieve, balance is a must.
Artisan said:
Alt123 said:
Artisan said:
We are all individuals, what shatters and destroys your mind may do nothing to me, what shatters and destroys my mind may do nothing to you.

Stop viewing the world from the perspective of how others view things. View the world through the perspective of yourself and nothing else. We are all individuals, as such, it is not pathetic that you were traumatized by that at all.

Also, you have no need to apologize to me nor anyone, I haven't been offended by you or anyone on these forums, people who allow themselves to become offended by their fellow humans are lacking self control. it is different if you become "offended" at an enemy, their very existence is antithetical to life, it is natural that you would despise such vile creatures.

The only time you should ever apologize is if you've done something genuinely wrong and have worked to fix it, if you haven't done anything wrong then stop apologizing, this only de-values your apology and makes your word meaningless, also, before you apologize, work on the problem and improve yourself, apologies before change only exist to make the person saying them feel better. Apologies after change exist to let the other person know you have acknowledged your wrongdoings and have changed your ways.

You're right.

I was afraid of being ridiculed because of what I went through or because of the way I worded things, so I pre-emptively ridiculed myself and apologised. But that's no different from doing to myself what I was afraid of in the first place. It's not a good habit.

You helped me realise that there's no need to be afraid in the first place. Even if others ridicule me, it's only because they dislike me or don't understand me. What others think doesn't change what I went through or how it affected me.

I appreciate your advice. I think you tried to convey it before but I didn't really understand it at first because the context was different; but now I understand. It's very good advice.

You seem to have an issue with taking things to the extreme. It seems that you are taking the things I say and viewing them as either black and white. You need to find balance in the middle.

Yes, there will be those who ridicule you out of disliking you or not understanding, however, there are also those who will ridicule you out of caring and compassion, out a desire to help you, for instance, I can assure you that those who have ridiculed you in this thread have done it out of a desire to help you. I can see the kindness in all of their replies, and in some, I can feel the compassion of their energy. We are a family here and we care for one another.

What I was trying to convey to you is to stop viewing the world through the perspective of others, stop letting others opinions and beliefs affect your self image.


I was not saying to ignore others. There is valuable information that others will try to give you and it's important to not ignore that. Even if someone disagrees with you, is rude to you, even if you choose not to talk to them, it is very important to learn from their words. There are many here who are more knowledgeable than either of us, and sure, that doesn't mean they will always be right, or that we will always be wrong and that's fine, we are humans and we make mistakes.

What isn't fine is to ignore other peoples knowledge, when learning something new you must make sure you don't let your emotion or your logic cloud your judgement. When someone says something, especially one of your brothers and sisters, it is important to think about it with a rational mind which has an active balance of logic and emotion.

Avoid thinking with one side only, if you think only with logic, then you will avoid all nuances and signs which will come from your emotional, creative, and spiritual understanding.

If you think only with emotion, then you will avoid all the nuances and signs which will come from your reasoning, inquisitive, and material understanding.

There must be balance in all areas of life, this is true regardless of what you are trying to achieve, balance is a must.

I think you misunderstood what I meant; I did not take anything to an extreme. Also, I haven't noticed anyone ridicule me in this thread so far. If someone intended to, then I did not take it personally. If anything was directed towards me specifically, then I apologise for not noticing. When it comes to this topic, there are so many crazy people that I strongly agree with most of the criticisms.
I've always tried to learn from it so I can try to and make sure that I do not fall into the same traps that others were ridiculed for. Ensuring I always do the best thing has always been very important to me, so I take all the knowledge I can get into consideration.

I should have been more precise with my words, as I meant undue ridicule specifically.
Last year I made a mistake, and I was ridiculed for it by a friend. That served as a warning not to make that kind of mistake again, so I took it to heart and felt ashamed. I didn't particularly need that feedback as I felt ashamed to begin with, but my friend neither disliked me nor misunderstood me; I was simply deserving of ridicule at that time. I'm well aware that ridicule serves a purpose in social interactions and can sometimes be a positive influence.

I'll reiterate now what I meant. If others ridicule me unduly, it is only because they dislike me or misunderstand me. If neither of those are the case, then it would be due.
In the case of my trauma and how I healed from it, I was not able to convey it fully which could lead to misunderstandings, and even if it might seem insignificant to someone else it still affected me a lot, so saying that it should not have affected me would have been pointless, since it did. I realised that even if someone ridiculed me for that, it would be completely pointless to let it bother me.

Do you disagree? You said yourself that different people are sensitive to different things, so I assume you agree.
What I realised is that even if someone misunderstands or dislikes me, it doesn't harm me; my internal state remains the same unless I choose to let it bother me. Isn't that what you wanted to convey to me?

I have no intention of ignoring people's knowledge; I always take the things I hear or read into consideration, taking the credibility of the source as well as the context into account, then see how it fits in with all the other knowledge I have. In fact, most of my current knowledge comes from conversations I had with people at some point in my life. It's one of the reasons I enjoy talking to people so much. It allows me to acquire knowledge from other people's perspectives as I listen, and then I can organise it as I reply.

By the way, did you receive my email this time?
Artisan said:
Alt123 said:
I see. Do I understand correctly that you are urging me to allocate more time to understand even the subtle nuances of my behaviour, no matter how inconsequential?
In a sense yes, there must be balance however, it is important to eliminate ignorance about yourself. Start out with the large parts of your nature after you have worked out the ignorance of the large parts of your nature, move to the smaller parts.

An easy way to figure out where to start is to monitor your own speech and thoughts, write down anything you say or think for an entire day which involves self-ignorance.


I forgot to say earlier, but I read all of this post, and I understand what you mean now.
I respect your choice of not accepting expressions of gratitude, but I feel like I would appear ungrateful if I don't thank you, and that makes me uncomfortable.
As such, I will thank you for my own sake regardless. Thank you for taking the time to write such a clear, in-depth explanation.
Artisan said:
Stormblood said:
Why is transgender/abrahamic propaganda of "I am superior to the Gods and the universe, and can do whatever I wanted just because I said so" being allowed to get to this far extent? To show how deeply Neptunian delusions with enemy brainwashing can get?

Responsibility to the responsible, in the end, the only one who has to live with the consequences are the people who's actions decide them. I do not support someone in their desire to harm themselves, the only thing we can do is advise one to seek knowledge for themselves.

Even if you proved to someone with 100% accuracy that their actions are harmful, they will only stop those actions because they want to stop them, nothing any of us say or do can make someone do something they don't want to do, nor can we stop someone from doing what they want to do.

I believe that if you desire to help someone, then do help them in a way they will accept and understand. In regards to the trans individual in the replies of this thread, they have already made up their mind on what they do, nothing we say or do can dissuade them from making whatever choice they want to make, only they can make a choice in the end and only they have to live with the consequences.
The issue is with readers seeing this being allowed and thinking it's legitimate and SS to have their stance, when in truth any act of violence against the self is to be frowned upon like it used to happen in the past, before xtardanity. Now acts of violence against the self are encouraged and even legitimised to the point one receives peer pressure in committing them (i.e. alcohol, smoke, other drugs/intoxicants, stimulants, etc). I do not want to see this garden of souls to become like the herbivore enemy society.
Alt123 said:
Artisan said:
Alt123 said:
You're right.

I was afraid of being ridiculed because of what I went through or because of the way I worded things, so I pre-emptively ridiculed myself and apologised. But that's no different from doing to myself what I was afraid of in the first place. It's not a good habit.

You helped me realise that there's no need to be afraid in the first place. Even if others ridicule me, it's only because they dislike me or don't understand me. What others think doesn't change what I went through or how it affected me.

I appreciate your advice. I think you tried to convey it before but I didn't really understand it at first because the context was different; but now I understand. It's very good advice.

You seem to have an issue with taking things to the extreme. It seems that you are taking the things I say and viewing them as either black and white. You need to find balance in the middle.

Yes, there will be those who ridicule you out of disliking you or not understanding, however, there are also those who will ridicule you out of caring and compassion, out a desire to help you, for instance, I can assure you that those who have ridiculed you in this thread have done it out of a desire to help you. I can see the kindness in all of their replies, and in some, I can feel the compassion of their energy. We are a family here and we care for one another.

What I was trying to convey to you is to stop viewing the world through the perspective of others, stop letting others opinions and beliefs affect your self image.


I was not saying to ignore others. There is valuable information that others will try to give you and it's important to not ignore that. Even if someone disagrees with you, is rude to you, even if you choose not to talk to them, it is very important to learn from their words. There are many here who are more knowledgeable than either of us, and sure, that doesn't mean they will always be right, or that we will always be wrong and that's fine, we are humans and we make mistakes.

What isn't fine is to ignore other peoples knowledge, when learning something new you must make sure you don't let your emotion or your logic cloud your judgement. When someone says something, especially one of your brothers and sisters, it is important to think about it with a rational mind which has an active balance of logic and emotion.

Avoid thinking with one side only, if you think only with logic, then you will avoid all nuances and signs which will come from your emotional, creative, and spiritual understanding.

If you think only with emotion, then you will avoid all the nuances and signs which will come from your reasoning, inquisitive, and material understanding.

There must be balance in all areas of life, this is true regardless of what you are trying to achieve, balance is a must.

I think you misunderstood what I meant; I did not take anything to an extreme. Also, I haven't noticed anyone ridicule me in this thread so far. If someone intended to, then I did not take it personally. If anything was directed towards me specifically, then I apologise for not noticing. When it comes to this topic, there are so many crazy people that I strongly agree with most of the criticisms.
I've always tried to learn from it so I can try to and make sure that I do not fall into the same traps that others were ridiculed for. Ensuring I always do the best thing has always been very important to me, so I take all the knowledge I can get into consideration.

I should have been more precise with my words, as I meant undue ridicule specifically.
Last year I made a mistake, and I was ridiculed for it by a friend. That served as a warning not to make that kind of mistake again, so I took it to heart and felt ashamed. I didn't particularly need that feedback as I felt ashamed to begin with, but my friend neither disliked me nor misunderstood me; I was simply deserving of ridicule at that time. I'm well aware that ridicule serves a purpose in social interactions and can sometimes be a positive influence.

I'll reiterate now what I meant. If others ridicule me unduly, it is only because they dislike me or misunderstand me. If neither of those are the case, then it would be due.
In the case of my trauma and how I healed from it, I was not able to convey it fully which could lead to misunderstandings, and even if it might seem insignificant to someone else it still affected me a lot, so saying that it should not have affected me would have been pointless, since it did. I realised that even if someone ridiculed me for that, it would be completely pointless to let it bother me.

Do you disagree? You said yourself that different people are sensitive to different things, so I assume you agree.
What I realised is that even if someone misunderstands or dislikes me, it doesn't harm me; my internal state remains the same unless I choose to let it bother me. Isn't that what you wanted to convey to me?

I have no intention of ignoring people's knowledge; I always take the things I hear or read into consideration, taking the credibility of the source as well as the context into account, then see how it fits in with all the other knowledge I have. In fact, most of my current knowledge comes from conversations I had with people at some point in my life. It's one of the reasons I enjoy talking to people so much. It allows me to acquire knowledge from other people's perspectives as I listen, and then I can organise it as I reply.

By the way, did you receive my email this time?
Thank you for explaining, our thoughts on this are in line with each other completely :) It seems I keep misunderstanding you though haha.

Also, yes I got your email and replied.

Alt123 said:
Artisan said:
Alt123 said:
I see. Do I understand correctly that you are urging me to allocate more time to understand even the subtle nuances of my behaviour, no matter how inconsequential?
In a sense yes, there must be balance however, it is important to eliminate ignorance about yourself. Start out with the large parts of your nature after you have worked out the ignorance of the large parts of your nature, move to the smaller parts.

An easy way to figure out where to start is to monitor your own speech and thoughts, write down anything you say or think for an entire day which involves self-ignorance.


I forgot to say earlier, but I read all of this post, and I understand what you mean now.
I respect your choice of not accepting expressions of gratitude, but I feel like I would appear ungrateful if I don't thank you, and that makes me uncomfortable.
As such, I will thank you for my own sake regardless. Thank you for taking the time to write such a clear, in-depth explanation.

My pleasure, also, :D I accept your gratitude as it is for your own sake and not for mine.
Stormblood said:
Artisan said:
Stormblood said:
Why is transgender/abrahamic propaganda of "I am superior to the Gods and the universe, and can do whatever I wanted just because I said so" being allowed to get to this far extent? To show how deeply Neptunian delusions with enemy brainwashing can get?

Responsibility to the responsible, in the end, the only one who has to live with the consequences are the people who's actions decide them. I do not support someone in their desire to harm themselves, the only thing we can do is advise one to seek knowledge for themselves.

Even if you proved to someone with 100% accuracy that their actions are harmful, they will only stop those actions because they want to stop them, nothing any of us say or do can make someone do something they don't want to do, nor can we stop someone from doing what they want to do.

I believe that if you desire to help someone, then do help them in a way they will accept and understand. In regards to the trans individual in the replies of this thread, they have already made up their mind on what they do, nothing we say or do can dissuade them from making whatever choice they want to make, only they can make a choice in the end and only they have to live with the consequences.
The issue is with readers seeing this being allowed and thinking it's legitimate and SS to have their stance, when in truth any act of violence against the self is to be frowned upon like it used to happen in the past, before xtardanity. Now acts of violence against the self are encouraged and even legitimised to the point one receives peer pressure in committing them (i.e. alcohol, smoke, other drugs/intoxicants, stimulants, etc). I do not want to see this garden of souls to become like the herbivore enemy society.

I can understand your concern, however, we cannot censor others thoughts and beliefs on matters, the only thing we can do is educate them, if we censor others thoughts on a specific matter than we would be no better than the x-ian idiots who refuse to see both sides of the coin. With discussion we are able to educate others on how and why their beliefs are wrong, and this can serve as information for those who will see the discussion in the future.

If we censor someones beliefs and thoughts on a topic then we will create an issue similar to what is happening all over the world. Racial Bigotry(not racism) is rampant in countries with hate speech laws. The reason is because people are not allowed to express their ideologies in public so they express them privately in an echo chamber of fellow racial bigots. In order to educate someone we must have clear, open, and public discussion.

If we avoid public discussion then the only thing we will accomplish is forcing people to create private communities of SS off the forums where members who hold the ignorant beliefs will live in an echo-chamber. This will not only harm the people being forced to go to other platforms to communicate on a subject, but also harm more members who will be brought into an echo-chamber filled with members that they very well may trust. As such, the best thing to do is have a public conversation like this, to not only educate those who are confused but prevent confusion in the future.

The only thing we would do by censoring such discussion, even if the beliefs we are discussing are antithetical to life, is divide our family and pit us against each other. We will cause a massive rift in the SS community and completely destroy ourselves. Public discussion is a must.
grandfitzpoobah666 said:
the 41 percent suicide rate of transgender people is the statistic that gets thrown in trans peoples faces alot, because it seems to prove a mental illness, as suicide is often associated with schitzo, bipolar etc. however in my opinion and experience, every single trans person who suicides or has severe depression all give the same reason.

"i only wish i could have transitioned sooner, i wish i was an early transitioner"

the push to help young trans kids is not to hurt or abuse the youth, its to help treat us and give us happy lives worth living. no doubt this comes with huge sacrifices. infertility is one of the greatest struggles for a woman in general, but consider the idea that trans people may at least deserve the right to make that choice ourselves.

its nothing new and human beings are not lower animals, we change evolve and advance. life is bloody, change is shocking , but anyone who is calling for the abolition of lgbt and such is either light years away from being smart enough to get into office or simply too rotten and low level for anyone to care.

I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to disagree with you. Gender and race occur on a soul level and aren't things that can just be changed. Also, transitioning children against their will when they're a decade and a half away from drinking age is a recipe to have a bunch of them commit suicide, despite what your opinion is on trans-suicide. Here are a few articles on just how many "trans kids" cease to be trans when they grow older, because this is nothing but a cultural phenomenon:


"Of the 15 kids who received a diagnosis, two continued to be transgender in adulthood (13/15 = 87% desistance), and of the 10 without a diagnosis, one continued to be transgender (9/10 = 90% desistance). Drummond thus reported their combination, that (22/25 =) 88% desisted. That is, both the “too wide” net and the narrow net each support the very same conclusion: The majority of kids cease to feel transgender when they get older."


"A trans activist woman who detransitioned in 2018 has sparked controversy by claiming that many people who have gender reassignment regret the decision and want to return to their original sex."


"Had I not been misled by media stories of sex change “success” and by medical practitioners who said transitioning was the answer to my problems, I wouldn’t have suffered as I have. Genetics can’t be changed. Feelings, however, can and do change. Underlying issues often drive the desire to escape one’s life into another, and they need to be addressed before taking the radical step of transition."

If you want a very specific story on an individual who was forced to grow up as a girl after the doctors damaged his penis, here you go:


"A tragic accident meant baby Bruce was brought up as Brenda."

"She was very rebellious. She was very masculine, and I could not persuade her to do anything feminine. Brenda had almost no friends growing up. Everybody ridiculed her, called her cavewoman.

"She was a very lonely, lonely girl."

Faced with their daughter's sadness, Brenda's parents stopped taking her to see Dr Money.

Soon after, they did the one thing Dr Money had warned them against: they told her she had been born a boy.

Within weeks Brenda had chosen to become David.

If an adult wants to have reassignment surgery then I think they should be able to because it's their own body, but the children need to be left alone and not be allowed to become victims of jewish insanity.
grandfitzpoobah666 said:
6 year olds don't start transitioning, doctors wont prescribe puberty blockers until the child is at least 11.
the doctor then wont perscribe hormone replacement until the child is at least 13.
this is 7+ years of costly therapy, if a kid continues to ask to transition then its not abuse.

also people change, sometimes they detransition. yes a whopping 11 percent do *oh my*

"If you want a very specific story on an individual who was forced to grow up as a girl after the doctors damaged his penis, here you go"

funny enough i know of a person who had the exact thing happen to them, and they ended up transitioning when they turned 30. you linked some very weird and specific biased cherry picked examples of unconsenting kids going through some crap that they could have avoided if they wanted.

by the way you're required to present as your desired gender for a full 12 months generally before doctors will even start prescribing an adult hrt. the doctors literally force you to experience life for a year as a freak crossdresser before they even treat you. and you have to be on a full dose of hrt for another 12 months before you can legally get any cosmetic surgery.

you're saying they give 6 year-olds reassignment surgery? absolute lie
anyways im just wasting my time
Yes, you in fact are wasting your time promoting degenerate practices that harm people and prey on their naivety. You should stop this bullshit. If you want, people on reddit are gonna be more open to listening to your jewish trash.
grandfitzpoobah666 said:
funny enough i know of a person who had the exact thing happen to them, and they ended up transitioning when they turned 30. you linked some very weird and specific biased cherry picked examples of unconsenting kids going through some crap that they could have avoided if they wanted.

Where we're headed if the trans agenda is allowed to thrive:


Imagine allowing a rapist who claims to be a woman stay in a women's prison then being surprised when some nonsense goes down.

Here's a man failing to get the courts to realize that his five year old child should not be "gender reassigned" because they're not old enough to make that decision. His ex-wife insists that it should happen though, most likely to hurt the father. Could this five year old have avoided this, as you just claimed? They don't know any better. I understand that the official story is that hormone blockers aren't used at this age, but brainwashing a child until they're old enough to be changed is still not okay. It's grooming. Look at "Desmond is Amazing" or "Queen Lactatia." Drag queen children is not okay.


Mr Younger and Dr Georgulas' four-year marriage was annulled in 2016, at which point Dr Georgulas was given exclusive control of decisions regarding medical, psychological and educational issues.

"[The child] has been dressing as a girl in public, going to school in public as a girl, and requests that she be named Luna," a lawyer for Dr Georgulas, Kim Meaders, told a court last year.

At the child's five-year-old medical check-up, the doctor diagnosed the child with "gender identity disorder", Dr Georgulas testified.

After the next annual check-up, the doctor wrote that child was "still referring to self as female".

Just remember that you agree with a transgender jew on this issue.

Stormblood said:
One should that "sociology" is pseudoscience. It is not fact-based, but assumption-based. It is enemy brainwashing masked as science. The method of their inquiries and "researches" is completely unscientific: they purposefully ignore to investigate counter-thesis and their hypothesis are "corroborated" by semantics, not evidence. What they call evidence is nothing mass brainwashing/hypnosis through the media, educational establishments and political organisations (lgbt, feminism, etc). In other words, coercive control.

For example, their "we're all one human race" and replacing race with "ethnicity" is disproven by both genetics and metagenics. Likewise, transgenderism is just gender dysphoria. It is disproven by nature on all levels. There is no difference on a brain level. Those are fabricated by the enemy just like they fabricate stats for covid.

One does not need to ask the Gods on their "opinion" when facts speak for themselves. Fact trumps opinion, as the former is based on truth and the latter on unproven assumptions.

People need to do freeing the soul workings to free themselves from the deep self-loathing they have which is unnatural and caused by the enemy. You are wasting time and energy on strengthening your brainwashing when you should be focusing it on empowering yourself and fighting the enemy, which are the top priorities currently.

I fully agree with what you're saying, but I just want to point out that there is gender morphing in nature. I don't mean to use this as an argument for anything at all. It's just a fact. Even though I agree with the point being made, when I see people say that such things don't occur in nature I kind of freeze a bit and am like "Hmm... That's not entirely true." I can't deny the existence of clownfish and whatnot.

That doesn't mean humans should change their sex though. If they were meant to then they would already be equipped with that natural function and capability.

Aquarius said:
No matter how much you want to be a unicorn, you're always gonna be a human.

I'll be a squirrel one day. Just you wait and see.
grandfitzpoobah666 said:
6 year olds don't start transitioning, doctors wont prescribe puberty blockers until the child is at least 11.
the doctor then wont perscribe hormone replacement until the child is at least 13.
this is 7+ years of costly therapy, if a kid continues to ask to transition then its not abuse.

also people change, sometimes they detransition. yes a whopping 11 percent do *oh my*

"If you want a very specific story on an individual who was forced to grow up as a girl after the doctors damaged his penis, here you go"

funny enough i know of a person who had the exact thing happen to them, and they ended up transitioning when they turned 30. you linked some very weird and specific biased cherry picked examples of unconsenting kids going through some crap that they could have avoided if they wanted.

by the way you're required to present as your desired gender for a full 12 months generally before doctors will even start prescribing an adult hrt. the doctors literally force you to experience life for a year as a freak crossdresser before they even treat you. and you have to be on a full dose of hrt for another 12 months before you can legally get any cosmetic surgery.

you're saying they give 6 year-olds reassignment surgery? absolute lie
anyways im just wasting my time

Yes, you are. Children, especially in this age, lack the maturity to understand what it actually means to transition or be of each gender. They are constantly bombed by propaganda from all media of how it is normal and okay to think they are the other sex, when it's not. That gets impressed in the mind during developmental stages and they get brainwashed, especially those who have homosexual parents or jewish guardians or any brainwashed people as guardians.

Keep also in mind that GLBT organisations do not healthily represents homosexuals and bisexuals. The promote a Zoomer culture of instant gratification and cultural marxism, based on the zero self-awareness.

Uvall is not your Guardian. You are talking to a Grey or an angelic thoughtform. Bringing a Deity into an argument does not make you look good. If anything, it makes you look even worse. So bad that you have to resort to using the Gods as your personal alibi because you are not mature, aware and well-read enough to handle a conversation on your own. Try meditating first and taking less drugs, instead of deluding yourself that you are talking to any God.
grandfitzpoobah666 said:
my close friends guardian demon is uvall you dummies are out of your minds

I don't think appearing unisex and using drugs and surgery to become the opposite sex are the same thing. I'm not attacking you over your opinion though, willing to listen if you're willing to explain.
grandfitzpoobah666 said:
MrIntrepid said:
grandfitzpoobah666 said:
my close friends guardian demon is uvall you dummies are out of your minds

I don't think appearing unisex and using drugs and surgery to become the opposite sex are the same thing. I'm not attacking you over your opinion though, willing to listen if you're willing to explain.
forgive me if i dont understand what you wanted me to explain

im a bit annoyed with the tone of this whole tread honestly, i hate the idea that every dedicated ss thinks that i shouldnt exist, or that people like me dont have the right to live happily. but ill answer the original question.

im not certain on this, but in my introspection i have come to believe that being transgender may occur when a very close husband and wife die of old age. and their souls come together one way or another, either willingly or automatically, possibly out of weakness or love. somewhere in the process of turning two developed adults into a fetus, the separation between two extremely compatible people becomes much less distinct.

keep in mind there is a diverse group of people that do transition in some way. (including tomboys and femboys) there are big differences between us mainly in terms of what we want to be, and who we are attracted to. so i can only speak for myself.
Absolute nonsense. Two souls do not become one body, that is insane. It seems like you are inventing more delusions to try to justify the ones you already have.
grandfitzpoobah666 said:
im a bit annoyed with the tone of this whole tread honestly, i hate the idea that every dedicated ss thinks that i shouldnt exist, or that people like me dont have the right to live happily. but ill answer the original question.
People understandably aren’t going to like it when you promote dangerous and damaging things like taking drugs/hormones with the purpose of becoming the opposite Sex. It’s already been explained that this is not a place for freaks and cretins to come and spread their strange theories.

keep in mind there is a diverse group of people that do transition in some way. (including tomboys and femboys) there are big differences between us mainly in terms of what we want to be, and who we are attracted to. so i can only speak for myself.
A girl or “tomboy” can do enjoy dressing like boys and doing “boy things”, I’ve known some growing up. This does not make them a man. They are just a girl that likes to express masculinity.

The opposite is true. A man can enjoy crossdressing or acting womanly, this does not mean that they are a woman. You need to listen very carefully to this next part.

People can channel and express the opposite sex but they can never BECOME it. Why is that so hard for you to understand? You can take hormones and mutilate your genitals but it will NEVER change your sex.
grandfitzpoobah666 said:
Stormblood said:
grandfitzpoobah666 said:
6 year olds don't start transitioning, doctors wont prescribe puberty blockers until the child is at least 11.
the doctor then wont perscribe hormone replacement until the child is at least 13.
this is 7+ years of costly therapy, if a kid continues to ask to transition then its not abuse.

also people change, sometimes they detransition. yes a whopping 11 percent do *oh my*

"If you want a very specific story on an individual who was forced to grow up as a girl after the doctors damaged his penis, here you go"

funny enough i know of a person who had the exact thing happen to them, and they ended up transitioning when they turned 30. you linked some very weird and specific biased cherry picked examples of unconsenting kids going through some crap that they could have avoided if they wanted.

by the way you're required to present as your desired gender for a full 12 months generally before doctors will even start prescribing an adult hrt. the doctors literally force you to experience life for a year as a freak crossdresser before they even treat you. and you have to be on a full dose of hrt for another 12 months before you can legally get any cosmetic surgery.

you're saying they give 6 year-olds reassignment surgery? absolute lie
anyways im just wasting my time

Yes, you are. Children, especially in this age, lack the maturity to understand what it actually means to transition or be of each gender. They are constantly bombed by propaganda from all media of how it is normal and okay to think they are the other sex, when it's not. That gets impressed in the mind during developmental stages and they get brainwashed, especially those who have homosexual parents or jewish guardians or any brainwashed people as guardians.

Keep also in mind that GLBT organisations do not healthily represents homosexuals and bisexuals. The promote a Zoomer culture of instant gratification and cultural marxism, based on the zero self-awareness.

Uvall is not your Guardian. You are talking to a Grey or an angelic thoughtform. Bringing a Deity into an argument does not make you look good. If anything, it makes you look even worse. So bad that you have to resort to using the Gods as your personal alibi because you are not mature, aware and well-read enough to handle a conversation on your own. Try meditating first and taking less drugs, instead of deluding yourself that you are talking to any God.
you are very jealous and angry, i know becasue you didnt slow down to read. i dont know why you would want trans girls to be forced into manhood, to be fathers and husbands. how can we be expected to raise sons and daughters and fulfill a loyal wife, if we're living a lie and hate ourselves.

self acceptance and empowerment is the only way to achieve anything worthwhile in satanism. therefore the white race doesn't lose anything by supporting our trans people. im sorry you hate us so much, but you will be much more sorry when you come to learn just how strong a soul is when a person contains the power of a man and woman in one. a bigoted man will never win the love of a pure woman either, and you as a man will not know the golden power that is naturally created from such unions.

you had better learn to unlock your empathy and kindness before it bites you. im not sure what is to become of me personally, but i know exactly how anubis treats impure jerks who oppose freedom.
I can pretty much say with certainty on Stormblood's behalf that he is not jealous of you. Nobody is, or is gonna be, because who would be jealous of a delusional person?
You speak of the Gods as if you some kind of high and mighty individual, instead it seems that the whole personality you created for yourself is a complete lie and delusion.
You promote like a fucking piece of shit jew that kids should be able to fuck their whole hormonal system with drugs, not realizing that if kids want to be of the opposite gender is just because you disgusting mind cursed pieces of shit spread your delusional and sickly filth on all society and especially on children who you especially prey on to normalize your mental sickness. You're not different from a fucking jew, and maybe you are one too.

How convient to come her with your 10 posts and post degeneracy from day 1, may I call you schlomo perhaps?

I'm pretty sure I can speak on behalf of the forum and say that your disgusting shit is not accepted here. Retarded filth.
grandfitzpoobah666 said:
I don't think appearing unisex and using drugs and surgery to become the opposite sex are the same thing. I'm not attacking you over your opinion though, willing to listen if you're willing to explain.
forgive me if i dont understand what you wanted me to explain

im a bit annoyed with the tone of this whole tread honestly, i hate the idea that every dedicated ss thinks that i shouldnt exist, or that people like me dont have the right to live happily. but ill answer the original question.

im not certain on this, but in my introspection i have come to believe that being transgender may occur when a very close husband and wife die of old age. and their souls come together one way or another, either willingly or automatically, possibly out of weakness or love. somewhere in the process of turning two developed adults into a fetus, the separation between two extremely compatible people becomes much less distinct.

keep in mind there is a diverse group of people that do transition in some way. (including tomboys and femboys) there are big differences between us mainly in terms of what we want to be, and who we are attracted to. so i can only speak for myself.

I'm sorry if I came off like I was being insensitive. I should really be more careful with the way I word things given I have a habit of accidentally starting drama due to my impatience and cynicism. I don't have any issue with adults doing as they please though, as I said. On the issue of children being transitioned early I do have to say no because I don't believe they're mature enough to make that decision, nor that they should have that decision made for them.

I tend to view all attempts to slide further down the slippery slope as jewish trickery (I'm not referring to you here), hence my apparent hostility. Need to remember that we can have these conversations in a more civil fashion.
grandfitzpoobah666 said:
transitioning early in life is important because in order to become beautiful, one needs to have the right proportions and development. and to become happy, one needs to lead a fulfilling life. if you wait too long, you can never go back and youre basically doomed. its positive and altruistic to give young people the right to shape their future.
Quit using vague language such as “early in life” and just say you want kidz to chop their ballz off. Into the pit unreason you go. This is not a decision anyone under the age of 25 (full brain maturity) should make.

Oh also I found a pic of your dwelling.
The power to shape one's future has to have this behind it: you have to understand the choice you are making.

Young people do not understand the world and have no longterm thinking in most cases.

I am sure when the Vatican was snatching 3 year olds to make into Jesuits, they also said, "we are simply giving them a choice!". What choice can a 7 year old or 10 year old make, seriously?

"Psychologists" who setup children for this, supposedly can "track the issue" since these age of formative years. Giving them puberty blockers is only the last level of this. The preying happens sooner.

There is no choice in one's early years on these decisions as the outcomes and everything cannot be mentally articulated.

Nobody thinks you should not exist, nor hates you, nor has any right on a person basis to cancel you out of your decisions.

However, preying on the children, let alone the children of other people, to create a consensus that they need to be seized for questionable treatments, at questionable age, in the minds of some people won't look progressive, but criminal.

We have to also admit that there are too many jews in Gender studies, psychologist jews, and jews who love to butcher kids for a profit, and that this does not help to have a normal conversation as if pretending the landscape for these talks is clear, because it really is not, nor scientifically, nor physically or morally.

On another perception, the thought that one's kids should be seized over questionable claims of jews, is nothing less than Communism and losing one's right on one's children. We aren't talking about spanish flu or cancer here, but something that is not objectively verifiable by any chromosome or anything of the human body.

It's based on the perceived feeling of a person, and is therefore psychological, not strictly biological.

Nobody hates you but you have to consider these things, as others are reading your replies.

grandfitzpoobah666 said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
grandfitzpoobah666 said:
im a bit annoyed with the tone of this whole tread honestly, i hate the idea that every dedicated ss thinks that i shouldnt exist, or that people like me dont have the right to live happily. but ill answer the original question.
People understandably aren’t going to like it when you promote dangerous and damaging things like taking drugs/hormones with the purpose of becoming the opposite Sex. It’s already been explained that this is not a place for freaks and cretins to come and spread their strange theories.

keep in mind there is a diverse group of people that do transition in some way. (including tomboys and femboys) there are big differences between us mainly in terms of what we want to be, and who we are attracted to. so i can only speak for myself.
A girl or “tomboy” can do enjoy dressing like boys and doing “boy things”, I’ve known some growing up. This does not make them a man. They are just a girl that likes to express masculinity.

The opposite is true. A man can enjoy crossdressing or acting womanly, this does not mean that they are a woman. You need to listen very carefully to this next part.

People can channel and express the opposite sex but they can never BECOME it. Why is that so hard for you to understand? You can take hormones and mutilate your genitals but it will NEVER change your sex.

why is it so hard for you to understand that i know hormones and mutilation wont make me a woman?
its not that we are unaware of the biological reality. this "delusion" accusation has gone far enough, its so cheap and brainless. who the hell said that hormones change the sex chromosomes in every single cell in the body and force a massive transformation?


im sick of getting called a jew trash, everytime i have an opinion that differs from the rest.
you don't even understand what im writing, you just take a general guess at it, clouded brains.

transitioning early in life is important because in order to become beautiful, one needs to have the right proportions and development. and to become happy, one needs to lead a fulfilling life. if you wait too long, you can never go back and youre basically doomed. its positive and altruistic to give young people the right to shape their future.

all you guys say is, you'll never be this! you cant do this!
its a bullshit attitude, anyhow i think im done here, you guys are all so right and im so wrong
There seems to be a mix of normal natural inclinations to this. These people can be rare, it can show in chromosomes, and in other verifiable cases.

Added on top of it a recent marketing scheme with many negative undertones, becoming famous by jewish over-representation and advertising on weak minds on formative ages which can't articulate what is what in life.

Unless the second factor of advertising, mass brainwashing, and even hormonal imbalance in foods and other things is addressed, we cannot say for sure what is the "natural" occurrence of this vs what is happening now in the West, nor we can clearly address the subject as a natural subject unless we are decided to lie to justify it or something.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There seems to be a mix of normal natural inclinations to this. These people can be rare, it can show in chromosomes, and in other verifiable cases.

Added on top of it a recent marketing scheme with many negative undertones, becoming famous by jewish over-representation and advertising on weak minds on formative ages which can't articulate what is what in life.

Unless the second factor of advertising, mass brainwashing, and even hormonal imbalance in foods and other things is addressed, we cannot say for sure what is the "natural" occurrence of this vs what is happening now in the West, nor we can clearly address the subject as a natural subject unless we are decided to lie to justify it or something.
Another thing now that is getting worse, is microscopic pieces of plastic inside of food and water. This does a lot of damage to people's hormones and hormone balance, as the body tries to get rid of the platic pieces that are irritating it.

Also women's birth control. These enormously raise the amount of female hormones, and synthetic female hormones. Then these get into the water supply, and the water treatment is not able to filter these out.
grandfitzpoobah666 said:
i ended up running over the overpass i used to have dreams about diving off of.
Totally sane person that we should take advice from and be basing policy around.
I also don’t see how taking hormones can solve a problem within someone. It just looks like putting a band-aid on your mental/spiritual issues instead of solving the root problem.
Something worse than your worst dreams is coming to this world, if you don't say no right now.

Anarchism and Queer Theory Jeopardy

The liberals accepted mental disorder and normalized all sorts of mental illnesses veiled in sociological dissertations. The next front is pedophilia, which the jews tried to push with the netflix film, Cuties. They are going for broke here.

Transgenderism must be the red line which no one in society must accept. Absolutely no one. Its a mental disorder and it needs to be treated as a mental illness.
grandfitzpoobah666 said:
Stormblood said:
you are very jealous and angry, i know becasue you didnt slow down to read. i dont know why you would want trans girls to be forced into manhood, to be fathers and husbands. how can we be expected to raise sons and daughters and fulfill a loyal wife, if we're living a lie and hate ourselves.

self acceptance and empowerment is the only way to achieve anything worthwhile in satanism. therefore the white race doesn't lose anything by supporting our trans people. im sorry you hate us so much, but you will be much more sorry when you come to learn just how strong a soul is when a person contains the power of a man and woman in one. a bigoted man will never win the love of a pure woman either, and you as a man will not know the golden power that is naturally created from such unions.

you had better learn to unlock your empathy and kindness before it bites you. im not sure what is to become of me personally, but i know exactly how anubis treats impure jerks who oppose freedom.

I feel very generous today and I will ignore all the insults and assumptions.

The way I see it there is problem you have. Instead of understanding the root of the problem, it seems you are looking just at the symptoms, falling into the rabbit hole the enemy has specifically created for people like you. Going deeper than what you already have is what's going to give you the answer here, not the assumptions of the poisoned well from the enemy.

Nobody hates you, is jealous or angry at you for your personal decision. The issue is that you are pushing something to a community and that's what people can get angry about. On the other hand, you seem to have deep self-hatred, as only one who is like that would have your "diving" thoughts. Lydia has an amazing programme for healing psychological, mental and emotional damage and pain. How about trying it? Depending on how deeply you are damaged and other factors, it may take several rounds to kick in.

I never suffered from self-loathing but I had my share of trauma to heal from and I can attest it took me over 2 years to do that, with more than two 90-days cycles of Lydia's working. If I had been on the same level as I am now, it would have taken less but trauma can undermine everything you do and it can take very little effort to trigger it. The enemy is very skilled at that, using any new and old connection to do it. They went full-on into that with me after I permanently and defeated the "Am I jewish?" attacks.

Do yourself a favour and help yourself. Meanwhile, you can also explore the deepest levels of your unsconscious by putting yourself into a very deep stage of self-hypnosis to find what's causing you to have gender dysphoria or whatever else it is that you have.
Jack said:
Something worse than your worst dreams is coming to this world, if you don't say no right now.

Anarchism and Queer Theory Jeopardy

The liberals accepted mental disorder and normalized all sorts of mental illnesses veiled in sociological dissertations. The next front is pedophilia, which the jews tried to push with the netflix film, Cuties. They are going for broke here.

Transgenderism must be the red line which no one in society must accept. Absolutely no one. Its a mental disorder and it needs to be treated as a mental illness.

They're also going for incest, vampirism and the human/animal chimera research. All they've already been doing but are now making public, of course.


Blood from young people to slow aging:


Human/Animal chimeras:


The infamous slippery slope and soft disclosure of the jews.
Meteor said:
Jack said:
Something worse than your worst dreams is coming to this world, if you don't say no right now.

Anarchism and Queer Theory Jeopardy

The liberals accepted mental disorder and normalized all sorts of mental illnesses veiled in sociological dissertations. The next front is pedophilia, which the jews tried to push with the netflix film, Cuties. They are going for broke here.

Transgenderism must be the red line which no one in society must accept. Absolutely no one. Its a mental disorder and it needs to be treated as a mental illness.

So many of these cases could be prevented if people just understood better where their problems really come from, and realised how many other, far healthier ways there are to improve their lives and get what they want. I doubt therapy would help considering how deeply rooted some of these issues are and how useless most therapists are, though. Meditation would probably help, but on the other hand, power meditations could just amplify the problems instead in some cases.
Truly understanding oneself can be extremely difficult, but at the very least people's illness should not be encouraged.

Out of curiosity, what do you think should happen to those who already went down that kind of path?
They need to be hypnotized and the gender dysphoria solved by doing age regressions. If you eliminate the dissonance of the self at the root (the every first instance) ,all the subsequent instances will go away.

If they consensually admitted to this procedure we could very quickly eliminate the other self. But if they don't we'll we could always ask our CIA friends who invented mind control.

They must have had huge breakthroughs if they can create sleeper cells and they've been doing this stuff for decades.
Aquarius said:
This thread has attracted many with delusional views of reality.
Your gender is your biological sex, you don't change that no matter how much you wish to be something else nor how much you mutilate yourself or alter your hormones.
Simply you have self acceptance issues. And delusions.
It's not about what makes you happy, it's reality. No matter how much you want to be a unicorn, you're always gonna be a human. And no matter how much you want to be of the opposite sex, you're always gonna be what you are, you might aswell advance and accept yourself for what you are.

First of all your statement that your gender is your sex is entirely wrong, there is also people who is intersexual and has both male and female sex charasteristics, however this group of individuals pass through a lot of abuse since babies as parents think they have the audacity to cut and destroy their intersexual baby body cuz they wanted a "girl" or a "boy" and preventing them to become a "boy" or a "girl" forcing them into specific hormones

It is a fact that a trans individual in no ways is going to be a full biological male or biological female, whoever trans person mentions that they can be cis is an entire desilusional mess and has a lot of issues within. Accepting facts is not transphobic. Facts are not to please anyone's feelings. Hormones do change your physical sex and body but it wont turn you into a full bio-male/female.

You are born trans just like someone is born gay, bisexual, heterosexual, cisgender; nobody in their right mind would say "uwu I wanna b a tranny cuz gender dysphoria so neat! owo something that not even an actual transsexual individual desire to be in is the bestiest laif uwu" a 'transtrender' is not by any means a real transsexual individual, detransitioners are also not actual transsexual individuals

Actual transsexual individuals accept the facts, biology and science. Again, is not transphobic to say that a transsexual person is not a cisgender person and it will never be one. Gender dysphoria(sex doesn't match gender) is a thing and also it shouldn't be confused with body dysmorphia. Actual trans people don't stop being trans just because "you have to accept yourself as you are" this is like telling a person with depression "don't be sad then" or someone with PTSD "get over with it"

The ones who are crying out loud cuz muh feelings are the kikes and kikes kucks who support them

There is a reason that is highly imperative for a transsexual individual to seek psychological help first of all and have a clear mind. Meditation can also help a lot, however this also does not mean that when a transsexual individual self accept themselves as they are is that they are not trans anymore, this is the huge misconception.

I don't blame no one for their ignorance on this subject, I understand that this is an issue that is complicated to explain and thanks to kikes invading these spaces with their tranny fetish, "you don't need dysphoria to be trans"* and pushing medical transition to kids and making people just because they like things of the other gender (tomboys, femenine guys ect) makes you automatically trans is the reason there is tons of detransitioners because they didn't worked with their problems on the first place,PTSD, trauma, low self esteem and other issues with meditation and a psychologist and see and use the trans label as a scapegoat of their problems believing they will be solved if they transition to the other gender.

I hope I helped to clarify this issue and make it make sense :)

Oh! on a side note "if you don't date trans people you are transphobic" literally no one fucking say it, it was all the kikes! Remember, nobody shall feel in the obligation to date absolutely anyone! You do not feel the slightest attraction to transsexual people? Fine, is alright, everyone has their preferences. I am someone on what the kike LGBTQwhatever-the-fuck-goes-next calls a Conservative Trans/Trans-med because I accept facts as they are, period!

* started by a jewess on tumblr pretending to be a trans woman and it all has gone downhill since then
Just want to put my 2cents here.

There's discussion on trans people to both genders specifically and it's cause but another view is this.

But a problem is our diet. How many people have xenoestrogenical substances in their system like unfermented soy(fermented soy eliminates the xenoestrogen, safe to eat). How many boys are brainwashed with substances, media, etc.etc. Men are to be Women and Women are to Men as the jews/jewesses state in their rantings.

So then what about all that. I understand the Spiritual, Physical, Mental, and Technological. Ignoring the above, and focus on the below. What is happening to our food, drinks, water, and education.

Are they wanting to change cause it's their decision fully 100% no strings attached? OR are they having issues with their substances and education affecting their minds.
RYanK said:
You are born trans just like someone is born gay, bisexual, heterosexual, cisgender;
Wrong! Not everyone is born with a certain gender or sexuality locked in, it can change. For 18 years I was strictly hetero but now I find myself drawn to males as well. I wasn’t bisexual all my life, it’s a recent phenomena.
Psychological programming can go deep. This is well known.

If for example, a very young child, sees their father and their mother constantly says "Men are pigs, they are worthless, they are evil" to the child, the male child may internalize this hate and then by the time you are 8 [and don't even remember] you may be like "Oh, I definitely hate myself for being a man, I must be the one causing pain to my mother". If this goes very far, one might as well want to change their gender [perceived source of negativity] at all costs.

The above is just basic psychology and nothing else. This is not about more elaborate brainwashing that the media, manipulation of hormones, and all sorts of other things can do.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
RYanK said:
You are born trans just like someone is born gay, bisexual, heterosexual, cisgender;
Wrong! Not everyone is born with a certain gender or sexuality locked in, it can change. For 18 years I was strictly hetero but now I find myself drawn to males as well. I wasn’t bisexual all my life, it’s a recent phenomena.

Gender is part of one's biological body. It's decided before one is born. It can be observed every time you look down at your pants, to make nothing of a grosser example.

At the same rate, one's attractions, could theoretically fluctuate. But this is not for everyone. And also, that doesn't mean that every thought that comes to one's head is a viable thought.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Gender is part of one's biological body. It's decided before one is born. It can be observed every time you look down at your pants, to make nothing of a grosser example.
It is my understanding that Gender=Sex but I was going by this persons idea that Gender/=Sex. This is why I hate having this conversation. There’s always confusion because people cannot agree on the meaning of words.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Gender is part of one's biological body. It's decided before one is born. It can be observed every time you look down at your pants, to make nothing of a grosser example.
It is my understanding that Gender=Sex but I was going by this persons idea that Gender/=Sex. This is why I hate having this conversation. There’s always confusion because people cannot agree on the meaning of words.

Gender is a biological physical thing. It is about genitals and other material things which show what one is. At birth. The same is observable in almost every species.

In my village we lifted a dog, looked at the genitals, and we simply knew the gender. Male or female. Thousands of years of practice into that. Nature says for itself here.

Sex or sexual vocation, is what one wants to have sex with and feels attracted by. The reasons for attractions are psychological, and rooted also in physical need [procreation, relief, companionship etc].

Behavior, can have undertones of feminine and masculine expression, better to be termed Yin and Yang, in different balances. These have to do with the personality of someone, and are also related to one's sexual attractions.

Yeah, thanks to Magnus Hierschfield, and a bunch of other mentally disturbed jews, we have nothing to understand anymore, and every next week, we have a different theory in contrast to what we kind of knew since our inception as human species.

It is a pain to even open these topics, since I feel like one has to argue Magnus Hierschfield and other jews who always answer with yet another confusion bomb everytime something is shared.
Meteor said:
I'll reply to your post from that other thread here, as to not derail it.

Jack said:

This paragraph contains the issue I have with your thinking; unless I misunderstand you, it seems far too generalised. In most cases transgenderism is caused by psychological issues, and in that case what you're saying is right, but in other cases it's caused by neurological issues, or in some cases chromosomal issues (although these often also come with external physiological sypmtoms).

So then what about a 3 year old boy who thinks he's a girl, then finds out a year later that he isn't but feels like he should be one and wants to be one, but finds out it's not possible so he tries to give up on it. But his feelings still didn't change a decade later, and once again they still didn't change another decade later and he became increasingly depressed and suicidal due to the distress he went through as puberty affected him in a way that felt like a nightmare to him. There are cases like that whose subjective issues were resolved after they received hormone therapy and/or had plastic surgery. I believe in such cases, it was likely a neurological problem that existed since birth, which could've been caused by a genetic disorder or who knows what else (the causes haven't been researched enough yet to know for sure, but there does appear to be a genetic cause behind it in some cases).

Thinking about it logically, while hypnosis can help people for whom the root cause was psychological because it'll get them out of their ill mindset after which they'll return to their natural, healthy selves, it could only temporarily help someone for whom the cause is neurological. Because if it was indeed a neurological issue, then it would re-emerge every time the hypnosis comes loose, as it's their brain's default settings that contains the issue. I feel bad for those people, so if medical intervention despite its shortcomings helps them cope with their condition, then I think that's good for them. Especially if such a person is a decent SS, I believe he or she deserves to be happy, and if that's what it takes for him or her, then that's what it takes. That's why I believe at a certain point in advancement it should be the person's own responsibility, as it's evident that hypnosis and meditation can't always cure it, and I think someone who is advanced enough would be able to tell best whether or not that is the case for him-/herself (just hope that people don't underestimate their advancement and fall into delusion regarding their situation).

However, the knowledge that medical intervention can improve the lives of those for whom it's a seemingly incurable neurological issue, doesn't excuse allowing medical intervention for those whose illness is psychological and curable. I wonder if at some point brain scans could be used to detect and regulate this kind of thing. I think homosexuals with a rough childhood can be especially vulnerable to this kind of trap, and if they could just get a scan done to reassure them that it's just a mental health issue they can overcome, then I think that would really help their mindset and stop them from falling into such things. Meanwhile those who actually do have an underlying neurological issue will know they're not just imagining it, and can gain access to physical treatments that can at least help their situation a bit, even if it's not perfect. Although maybe that's a bit too sci-fi for now, I don't know.

Once again, maybe I'm just misunderstanding your point. I don't think it's normal either. I just know that for some people it runs deeper than a psychological issue as they suffered from it their whole lives, and there's a small amount of research backing that up, although it's nothing particularly noteworthy yet (much about it is currently still unknown). Even so, I think that it's important to look at the full picture and understand and account even for the exceptions. I understand that it's a complicated issue and that it's currently causing problems in society, but I believe that's just because currently not enough of a distinction is being made between the different things that cause it, because it's not very well understood.

Many people discriminate against Satanism because there's many bad stereotypes about it and because a lot of self-proclaimed Satanist out there (those who are not really with Satan) are depraved psychopaths and kikes that definitely shouldn't be tolerated. I think something similar may be the case with transgenderism as well, where it's an at least somewhat legitimate thing for some rare individuals (in the sense that medical intervention improves their quality of life more than other options would, and they're well-behaved so that they don't cause problems for other people), but it also attracts many confused weirdos with who knows how many mental problems. I believe it's important to look past the stereotypes and look at the individual. I still wonder if you think the same and it's just a gap in our communication as you tend to focus more on the bigger picture in discussions, whereas I can't ignore details.
Brain Neurobiology is extremely transient so Neurological disorders are not permanent. It has only been this way because the Jews have suppressed the technological advances that cures all diseases.

One such invention is Bioresonance for example. Here's the Deal - I don't believe in what the scientists are saying is true. I think that for the most part ,they are lying. I was convinced of this because of how much lying they did during the Coronavirus hoax. So what is stopping them from lying their ass off on all other issues ? Nothing.

We know about Brain Plasticity about how changeable it is. Maybe they hoaxed all these graphs and brain scans because I still haven't seen a comparative analysis by taking a large group of People identifying as Trans and comparing them with Men who are Feminine but don't identify as trans.

So we don't even know if the neurological condition issue is real of fake. We need research on this. Real research.

Also the 3 year old trans issue is a fuckup on the parents side. I don't think there is a neurological issue there. It can be caused by confusion and trauma.

When i was very little my mother had made braids of my hair which probably lasted for 2 years. Everyone used to exclaim "Ohhh. He's so cute, just like a girl." And she used to dress me up in a dress for social gatherings. Many people mistook me for a girl also because I was so cute. That was when i was very little. But i never played with dolls even though my mother bought a couple for me and I always had it at the back of my head that i was a boy. I don't know if it was my grandfather or who ,but they affirmed my identity as a boy multiple times. Even if they didn't i always knew i was a boy anyway because I had divine providence from the time I was young.

Its primarily because of negligent mothers who want to virtue signal or get social validation (her child is so cute) that the child gets traumatized and becomes trans. People with bad astrological makeup are already having Identity issues. Then comes the CIA with bad information from disinformation agents about Sexuality and Gender and creates Queer Theory, and shoves it down unsuspecting public.

Majority of Women will go along with everything that the establishment says. You see in most of these cases the woman is affirming the Confused childs transgender identity while the father is against it. It was seen that common people will commit murder if an authority figure told them to do it, according to the Stanford and Milgram research.

I think its a common practice for mothers to dress up cute boys in dresses and shit like this because ive heard many other men report the same things that my mother did. But i think this is a horrible crossdressing thing that is a disgusting fetish and we need to stop letting parents do this to their children. I already had a strong identity when I was born so i was never confused when mom dressed me up as a girl. But a lot of people will get extremely traumatized, especially when everyone gives them attention when they're dressed up in a girl's outfit. Thankfully for me it just lasted when i was very young and by the time I was going to school it had totally stopped but the confused people keep this habit and become crossdressers and eventually transgenders.

I think every transgender person will have this feminine brain scan issue as will every feminine man. And i also think a lot of lesbians will have the brain scans of masculine men. It means nothing. If there is a case for transgenders it would be Hermaphrodites, which is a chromosome disorder.

This crossdressing madness has been going on since centuries. What the jews did is normalize and push it onto everyone and created transgenderism where a man thinks he is a woman just because he feels like it.

And i think if we won't be able to save every single last of them ,that is an acceptable collateral damage to cleanse society at large. I don't believe we can save everyone or that every single life matters. I would say this for all other cleanings and all other groups. I don't care if an extreme minority of people become collateral damage when we're trying to affect the entire group at large. To me that is a necessary sacrifice.
RYanK said:
Aquarius said:
This thread has attracted many with delusional views of reality.
Your gender is your biological sex, you don't change that no matter how much you wish to be something else nor how much you mutilate yourself or alter your hormones.
Simply you have self acceptance issues. And delusions.
It's not about what makes you happy, it's reality. No matter how much you want to be a unicorn, you're always gonna be a human. And no matter how much you want to be of the opposite sex, you're always gonna be what you are, you might aswell advance and accept yourself for what you are.

First of all your statement that your gender is your sex is entirely wrong, there is also people who is intersexual and has both male and female sex charasteristics, however this group of individuals pass through a lot of abuse since babies as parents think they have the audacity to cut and destroy their intersexual baby body cuz they wanted a "girl" or a "boy" and preventing them to become a "boy" or a "girl" forcing them into specific hormones

It is a fact that a trans individual in no ways is going to be a full biological male or biological female, whoever trans person mentions that they can be cis is an entire desilusional mess and has a lot of issues within. Accepting facts is not transphobic. Facts are not to please anyone's feelings. Hormones do change your physical sex and body but it wont turn you into a full bio-male/female.

You are born trans just like someone is born gay, bisexual, heterosexual, cisgender; nobody in their right mind would say "uwu I wanna b a tranny cuz gender dysphoria so neat! owo something that not even an actual transsexual individual desire to be in is the bestiest laif uwu" a 'transtrender' is not by any means a real transsexual individual, detransitioners are also not actual transsexual individuals

Actual transsexual individuals accept the facts, biology and science. Again, is not transphobic to say that a transsexual person is not a cisgender person and it will never be one. Gender dysphoria(sex doesn't match gender) is a thing and also it shouldn't be confused with body dysmorphia. Actual trans people don't stop being trans just because "you have to accept yourself as you are" this is like telling a person with depression "don't be sad then" or someone with PTSD "get over with it"

The ones who are crying out loud cuz muh feelings are the kikes and kikes kucks who support them

There is a reason that is highly imperative for a transsexual individual to seek psychological help first of all and have a clear mind. Meditation can also help a lot, however this also does not mean that when a transsexual individual self accept themselves as they are is that they are not trans anymore, this is the huge misconception.

I don't blame no one for their ignorance on this subject, I understand that this is an issue that is complicated to explain and thanks to kikes invading these spaces with their tranny fetish, "you don't need dysphoria to be trans"* and pushing medical transition to kids and making people just because they like things of the other gender (tomboys, femenine guys ect) makes you automatically trans is the reason there is tons of detransitioners because they didn't worked with their problems on the first place,PTSD, trauma, low self esteem and other issues with meditation and a psychologist and see and use the trans label as a scapegoat of their problems believing they will be solved if they transition to the other gender.

I hope I helped to clarify this issue and make it make sense :)

Oh! on a side note "if you don't date trans people you are transphobic" literally no one fucking say it, it was all the kikes! Remember, nobody shall feel in the obligation to date absolutely anyone! You do not feel the slightest attraction to transsexual people? Fine, is alright, everyone has their preferences. I am someone on what the kike LGBTQwhatever-the-fuck-goes-next calls a Conservative Trans/Trans-med because I accept facts as they are, period!

* started by a jewess on tumblr pretending to be a trans woman and it all has gone downhill since then
My fucking goodness, there's even a word to indicate people who accept their sex? clown world for real.
You did not clarify nothing, you're the nth transgender scientist who comes here and thinks we don't understand what transgender means and tries to explain it to us.
There are males, females, and those who are born with both vagina and penis, these last ones are an extreme minority and don't represent the transexuals. Being trans is all about mental hangups and delusions.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
