America is a country built by White people, and we didn't steal it. No other races have any right or entitlement to what we have built up for ourselves as a race, and yet we share it anyway. If we went to Japan and tried to pull this crap, it would never be accepted. These spoiled rotten degenerates sure love to complain with their smartphones on tiktok which they wouldn't be enjoying if not for America and White people. And no, TV is not a human right. What ignorant brats. They could use a timeout in the wilderness.
The sooner they learn some real history to realize that jews were the ones who enslaved their ancestors just like the jews enslaved our White ancestors, the sooner we can all be happy building our futures instead of whining about the past which didn't happen to us in our current lifetimes.
The video maker tried his best, and obviously there are things he can't say like how segregation is logical for all races and that we need our own racial territories. However, it stung on the inside hearing him make concessions to these overgrown children about my ancestors. White people decades ago were trying to live in peace just like White people today. Nothing has changed in that regard. I'm fed up with this jewish projection onto us.
A position of strength needs to be taken by society against these Marxist brainwashed zombies. The appeasement needs to end.