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Was a born Again Christian !!

Alex Llaine Guzman

New member
Jul 23, 2008
 I was a Born Again Christian from birth until last month, when I Realized that I am expecting nothing and wasting my life from my known GOD.. I am 19 now and living with my so called "blue-flamed warrior of Christ" in an apartment. They are my friends. But they are all hypocrites.Sinning from morning till night and then at midnight, I woke up from their noises, praying, singing, asking forgiveness, but after that, same routine.
  I just have this doubt if Satan did really exist. same question with God and gods and goddesses. last month I did the dedication ritual inside our apartment. But before that, my xtian friends do some warfare inside our room and wiping some "anointing" oil all over the house and reciting bible verses out loud. Does the "anointed oil" has something to do with my ritual? like it probably prohibit my dedication or something? because I can't feel unusual thing.
 its 3 weeks since i've been doing a chakra meditation but i still don't see demons. "It doesn't mean that it's not their if you just cannot see it."  well I kinda believe that saying, and so after I meditate, I talk, addressing to my demon, imagining they are/ it is with me .. but then, I laugh cause it was just my imagination. and it would be different if I see them.
Lord Satan and our Guardian Demons DO hear us. Keep meditating consistently, open and empower all  your chakras (major and minor). It will take time to see, hear, and feel the Gods, depending on how opened your soul was from past lives. 
Please also see www.exposingchristianity.com and keep studying the JoS site. On Saturday, April 26, 2014 3:20:58 PM, Alex Llaine Guzman <alexllaineguzman@... wrote:
   I was a Born Again Christian from birth until last month, when I Realized that I am expecting nothing and wasting my life from my known GOD.. I am 19 now and living with my so called "blue-flamed warrior of Christ" in an apartment. They are my friends. But they are all hypocrites.Sinning from morning till night and then at midnight, I woke up from their noises, praying, singing, asking forgiveness, but after that, same routine.
  I just have this doubt if Satan did really exist. same question with God and gods and goddesses. last month I did the dedication ritual inside our apartment. But before that, my xtian friends do some warfare inside our room and wiping some "anointing" oil all over the house and reciting bible verses out loud. Does the "anointed oil" has something to do with my ritual? like it probably prohibit my dedication or something? because I can't feel unusual thing.
 its 3 weeks since i've been doing a chakra meditation but i still don't see demons. "It doesn't mean that it's not their if you just cannot see it."  well I kinda believe that saying, and so after I meditate, I talk, addressing to my demon, imagining they are/ it is with me .. but then, I laugh cause it was just my imagination. and it would be different if I see them.

Its not your imagination mate trust me, I used to be Christian, now a satanist! :) The supernatural are real and ive had some supernatural experiences before. Demons are real!! Dont believe otherwise! To get rid of angels or any other evil entities say "I rebuke the fictitious Christian God and Jesus Christ, and any beings that wish to harm me in any way. Hail Satan!" (Out loud) and don't worry about not seeing Demons, they appear to who they want to be seen by and when, so be patient! I doubt the annointed oil would interfer with the ritual, but ask the Gods while meditating in your mind that you want rid Christian influence in your bedroom. And by the way Demons can be in the room with you if objects start to move!
On 26 Apr 2014 20:20, "Alex Llaine Guzman" <alexllaineguzman@... wrote:
   I was a Born Again Christian from birth until last month, when I Realized that I am expecting nothing and wasting my life from my known GOD.. I am 19 now and living with my so called "blue-flamed warrior of Christ" in an apartment. They are my friends. But they are all hypocrites.Sinning from morning till night and then at midnight, I woke up from their noises, praying, singing, asking forgiveness, but after that, same routine.
  I just have this doubt if Satan did really exist. same question with God and gods and goddesses. last month I did the dedication ritual inside our apartment. But before that, my xtian friends do some warfare inside our room and wiping some "anointing" oil all over the house and reciting bible verses out loud. Does the "anointed oil" has something to do with my ritual? like it probably prohibit my dedication or something? because I can't feel unusual thing.
 its 3 weeks since i've been doing a chakra meditation but i still don't see demons. "It doesn't mean that it's not their if you just cannot see it."  well I kinda believe that saying, and so after I meditate, I talk, addressing to my demon, imagining they are/ it is with me .. but then, I laugh cause it was just my imagination. and it would be different if I see them.
Hello, Congratulations on your dedication.
I just dedicated this week and a lot of stuffs has been happening all around me.

I see the astral world clearly and I have travelled to times before there was even a sun up in the sky. I have come to see the Hebrew god for the filth that it really is.

The day I dedicated, the hebrew god sent three lightening bolts after me but though I never saw the demons, I felt their presence all around as they protected me from threat. There was a sudden rush of wind and my front door was flung open just immediately before the first lightening struck. I see the sun quite differently now and I'll like to mention to you that before now, when I dream, it's always in black and White. Now I dream and see lots of wonderful colours.

Hail Lucifer,
Hail Our Lords of Hell
Hail Arthur Pendragon
Hail Aldolf Hitler
Hail Karashika
Hail Azazel!!!
We shall bring this all to an end.Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTNFrom: Magus Immortalis <magus.immortalis@... Sender: [email protected] Date: Sat, 26 Apr 2014 15:06:36 -0700 (PDT)To: [email protected]<[email protected]ReplyTo: [email protected] Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Was a born Again Christian !!
  Lord Satan and our Guardian Demons DO hear us. Keep meditating consistently, open and empower all  your chakras (major and minor). It will take time to see, hear, and feel the Gods, depending on how opened your soul was from past lives. 
Please also see www.exposingchristianity.com and keep studying the JoS site. On Saturday, April 26, 2014 3:20:58 PM, Alex Llaine Guzman <alexllaineguzman@... wrote:
   I was a Born Again Christian from birth until last month, when I Realized that I am expecting nothing and wasting my life from my known GOD.. I am 19 now and living with my so called "blue-flamed warrior of Christ" in an apartment. They are my friends. But they are all hypocrites.Sinning from morning till night and then at midnight, I woke up from their noises, praying, singing, asking forgiveness, but after that, same routine.
  I just have this doubt if Satan did really exist. same question with God and gods and goddesses. last month I did the dedication ritual inside our apartment. But before that, my xtian friends do some warfare inside our room and wiping some "anointing" oil all over the house and reciting bible verses out loud. Does the "anointed oil" has something to do with my ritual? like it probably prohibit my dedication or something? because I can't feel unusual thing.
 its 3 weeks since i've been doing a chakra meditation but i still don't see demons. "It doesn't mean that it's not their if you just cannot see it."  well I kinda believe that saying, and so after I meditate, I talk, addressing to my demon, imagining they are/ it is with me .. but then, I laugh cause it was just my imagination. and it would be different if I see them.

Ok I think i got the gist of what you are saying. The "anointed oil" or whatever had no effect on your dedication. What does effect your dedication is your intention or "heart". If you truly dedicated not just with words or pointless props but with your soul then the ritual is valid. The xian crap such as "holy water", the stale bread, or any other stuff they try and say have power in it is all fake that doesnt do anything to anyone or anything. 

The whole cant feel anything is most likely because you are weak in spirituality. Of course that is not your fault. Due to centuries of being beaten to the ground many Spiritual Satanists that are newly dedicated usually have no power. Just like working out to build muscle or studying to increase knowledge you need to train yourself by doing the meditations (you can do any of the meditations and with any combination you desire) consistently, daily, and with great perseverance. 3 weeks is definitly NOT enough time to gain any significant power. It may take several months to a couple of years in order to obtain astral senses. The amount of time depends on how repressed your soul was. 

Meditation is all in the mind. People have the misconception that its only their imagination and nothing happens. THAT IS WRONG. Anything that the mind thinks manifests into the physical world. This is especially true for those that have real power under their command. Ask any High Priest/ess or any spiritual satanist that has been here for years, and they will tell you that the mind can make anything reality be it positive or negative. The more you think that nothing is happening, the more you think its fake, the more you think its all for nothing the longer you stay stagnated or worse end up making you weaker. The first thing you need to do is change your frame of mind into a more positive outlook. Think you can do it, it is happening, it is working.  
The daemons and such are all real. They hear you when you speak to them, they can even appear before you if they so wish. More often though they leave signs to know that they were there. The problem is many newcomers, myself included, sometimes cannot see these signs. What you must do is keep your eyes open. There is no such thing as a coincidence. Something happens because it was will by something or someone, wether it be a person, the planets, or a god. 
Now then if you are truly skeptical about everything, if you truly dont believe in any of this BUT if you want to believe, you want to be here, you truly see this as truth then do a ritual asking Father Satan to bestow you the power to see, hear, feel the astral OR to make his presence known to you. If you have pure intentions (pure as in honest) then Father Satan will help you. If you merely see this as a tool for personal gain and disregard Satan then neither he nor I will help you any further.
Welcome to the family!

On 4/26/14, neokagashi@... <neokagashi@... wrote:
Ok I think i got the gist of what you are saying. The "anointed oil" or
whatever had no effect on your dedication. What does effect your dedication
is your intention or "heart". If you truly dedicated not just with words or
pointless props but with your soul then the ritual is valid. The xian crap
such as "holy water", the stale bread, or any other stuff they try and say
have power in it is all fake that doesnt do anything to anyone or anything.

The whole cant feel anything is most likely because you are weak in
spirituality. Of course that is not your fault. Due to centuries of being
beaten to the ground many Spiritual Satanists that are newly dedicated
usually have no power. Just like working out to build muscle or studying to
increase knowledge you need to train yourself by doing the meditations (you
can do any of the meditations and with any combination you desire)
consistently, daily, and with great perseverance. 3 weeks is definitly NOT
enough time to gain any significant power. It may take several months to a
couple of years in order to obtain astral senses. The amount of time depends
on how repressed your soul was.

Meditation is all in the mind. People have the misconception that its only
their imagination and nothing happens. THAT IS WRONG. Anything that the mind
thinks manifests into the physical world. This is especially true for those
that have real power under their command. Ask any High Priest/ess or any
spiritual satanist that has been here for years, and they will tell you that
the mind can make anything reality be it positive or negative. The more you
think that nothing is happening, the more you think its fake, the more you
think its all for nothing the longer you stay stagnated or worse end up
making you weaker. The first thing you need to do is change your frame of
mind into a more positive outlook. Think you can do it, it is happening, it
is working.

The daemons and such are all real. They hear you when you speak to them,
they can even appear before you if they so wish. More often though they
leave signs to know that they were there. The problem is many newcomers,
myself included, sometimes cannot see these signs. What you must do is keep
your eyes open. There is no such thing as a coincidence. Something happens
because it was will by something or someone, wether it be a person, the
planets, or a god.

Now then if you are truly skeptical about everything, if you truly dont
believe in any of this BUT if you want to believe, you want to be here, you
truly see this as truth then do a ritual asking Father Satan to bestow you
the power to see, hear, feel the astral OR to make his presence known to
you. If you have pure intentions (pure as in honest) then Father Satan will
help you. If you merely see this as a tool for personal gain and disregard
Satan then neither he nor I will help you any further.
If you want my opinion, I'm not as experienced as some of the members here that been at this longer than me, but I personally think there is nothing you can say nor do, that being bible verses, the oil, and ect. ect. that can ruin your dedication to Father Satan, Satan is the God of all Gods, he is beyond the power of the enemy... The only way Satan can leave you is if you decide to give up and leave him, that is the only way... As for seeing Demons,  continue the meditations... Trust me, I can vouch on this, after a while you'll begin to start seeing the astral... I was like you when I first started at the meditation thing, I saw nothing until 5 or 6 months... and that's when I started experiencing the astral. Give it time, it will work, you'll see what I mean.
Hail Satan!
This livingtestimony5333 guy, what the fuck did you just post? When I first came here u sent me a personal email saying u're the priest of some occult in Africa etc... Of course, i didn't listen to ur nonsense cos i'd seen warnings here and on JoS about infiltrators. Now I know what you really are doing here, is it that u're not succeeding? Is that why u had to come out and make urself this fool you are right now? How can somebody be saying 'hail Arthur pendragon'? A novel character and 'hail karashika'? A stupid movie character. This guy needs to be thrown out of this place and now is the time. I think he's a fraud star looking for people he can dupe from this group. I'm sure I'm not the only one he's emailed about how he's going to help you in scrying and ask you to join his cult and tell you how he can read ur tarrot cards, how he dedicated when he was 5 and started scrying around then etc... Can you imagine? Someone I thought was an adapt coming here to say he dedicated yesterday and look at the things he said happened? Look at all the stupid codes. He thinks we're all crazy people making things up or he's just making jest of the whole issue. And if this is u guys first time of seeing him here with his little green picture, then you should know he's been here a very long time cos when I first joined this group he emailed me for some days, almost got my trust, I'm sure it was my guardian demon that spoilt the show for him cos at a point he complained that he didn't get my previous email and I had to stop responding to his emails cos that was when I suspected foul play and here now... This is the confirmation!
On Apr 28, 2014 4:09 AM, <neokagashi@... wrote:
  Ok I think i got the gist of what you are saying. The "anointed oil" or whatever had no effect on your dedication. What does effect your dedication is your intention or "heart". If you truly dedicated not just with words or pointless props but with your soul then the ritual is valid. The xian crap such as "holy water", the stale bread, or any other stuff they try and say have power in it is all fake that doesnt do anything to anyone or anything. 

The whole cant feel anything is most likely because you are weak in spirituality. Of course that is not your fault. Due to centuries of being beaten to the ground many Spiritual Satanists that are newly dedicated usually have no power. Just like working out to build muscle or studying to increase knowledge you need to train yourself by doing the meditations (you can do any of the meditations and with any combination you desire) consistently, daily, and with great perseverance. 3 weeks is definitly NOT enough time to gain any significant power. It may take several months to a couple of years in order to obtain astral senses. The amount of time depends on how repressed your soul was. 

Meditation is all in the mind. People have the misconception that its only their imagination and nothing happens. THAT IS WRONG. Anything that the mind thinks manifests into the physical world. This is especially true for those that have real power under their command. Ask any High Priest/ess or any spiritual satanist that has been here for years, and they will tell you that the mind can make anything reality be it positive or negative. The more you think that nothing is happening, the more you think its fake, the more you think its all for nothing the longer you stay stagnated or worse end up making you weaker. The first thing you need to do is change your frame of mind into a more positive outlook. Think you can do it, it is happening, it is working.  
The daemons and such are all real. They hear you when you speak to them, they can even appear before you if they so wish. More often though they leave signs to know that they were there. The problem is many newcomers, myself included, sometimes cannot see these signs. What you must do is keep your eyes open. There is no such thing as a coincidence. Something happens because it was will by something or someone, wether it be a person, the planets, or a god. 
Now then if you are truly skeptical about everything, if you truly dont believe in any of this BUT if you want to believe, you want to be here, you truly see this as truth then do a ritual asking Father Satan to bestow you the power to see, hear, feel the astral OR to make his presence known to you. If you have pure intentions (pure as in honest) then Father Satan will help you. If you merely see this as a tool for personal gain and disregard Satan then neither he nor I will help you any further.
We are all the same but different because of the past life experiences, if one can see A God on the first day of meditation the second can be the same or not all depends on power of the aura you have. these things are sometimes like a woman with pregnancy! it starts with few substance from man then in the womb it grows and give birth som at nine other at7 month and so on, so keep up remember you are a hero never give up and don't keep doubling   
On Sunday, April 27, 2014 8:09 PM, "neokagashi@..." <neokagashi@... wrote:
  Ok I think i got the gist of what you are saying. The "anointed oil" or whatever had no effect on your dedication. What does effect your dedication is your intention or "heart". If you truly dedicated not just with words or pointless props but with your soul then the ritual is valid. The xian crap such as "holy water", the stale bread, or any other stuff they try and say have power in it is all fake that doesnt do anything to anyone or anything. 

The whole cant feel anything is most likely because you are weak in spirituality. Of course that is not your fault. Due to centuries of being beaten to the ground many Spiritual Satanists that are newly dedicated usually have no power. Just like working out to build muscle or studying to increase knowledge you need to train yourself by doing the meditations (you can do any of the meditations and with any combination you desire) consistently, daily, and with great perseverance. 3 weeks is definitly NOT enough time to gain any significant power. It may take several months to a couple of years in order to obtain astral senses. The amount of time depends on how repressed your soul was. 

Meditation is all in the mind. People have the misconception that its only their imagination and nothing happens. THAT IS WRONG. Anything that the mind thinks manifests into the physical world. This is especially true for those that have real power under their command. Ask any High Priest/ess or any spiritual satanist that has been here for years, and they will tell you that the mind can make anything reality be it positive or negative. The more you think that nothing is happening, the more you think its fake, the more you think its all for nothing the longer you stay stagnated or worse end up making you weaker. The first thing you need to do is change your frame of mind into a more positive outlook. Think you can do it, it is happening, it is working.  
The daemons and such are all real. They hear you when you speak to them, they can even appear before you if they so wish. More often though they leave signs to know that they were there. The problem is many newcomers, myself included, sometimes cannot see these signs. What you must do is keep your eyes open. There is no such thing as a coincidence. Something happens because it was will by something or someone, wether it be a person, the planets, or a god. 
Now then if you are truly skeptical about everything, if you truly dont believe in any of this BUT if you want to believe, you want to be here, you truly see this as truth then do a ritual asking Father Satan to bestow you the power to see, hear, feel the astral OR to make his presence known to you. If you have pure intentions (pure as in honest) then Father Satan will help you. If you merely see this as a tool for personal gain and disregard Satan then neither he nor I will help you any further.

Hail Satan, bros and sisters;  I have a bad thing moving around my bed
 as I m getting bad dreams of fighting with super ones whom I m no recognizing at all I didi meditations they went away but still feeling lazy. Yes I m not free at all coz I can,t light a candle at one's place while he is a pastar and my big brother. I have no money to rent right now but I m doing a small work where I can find it in future so Pastor is chasing me out of his house if I don't go church !!! so I m not asking you bros  and sisters to bless me as I know Father Satan is the one to Give All to me, but advice me should I use Hypocrisy and go church until I find my own place or I keep resisting him completely? plz your advice is needed as Father asks us to be in a bound unity!!! Hail Satan and demons our Gods.   
On , pesca natas <pescathekingsinatas@... wrote:
We are all the same but different because of the past life experiences, if one can see A God on the first day of meditation the second can be the same or not all depends on power of the aura you have. these things are sometimes like a woman with pregnancy! it starts with few substance from man then in the womb it grows and give birth som at nine other at7 month and so on, so keep up remember you are a hero never give up and don't keep doubling   
On Sunday, April 27, 2014 8:09 PM, "neokagashi@..." <neokagashi@... wrote:
  Ok I think i got the gist of what you are saying. The "anointed oil" or whatever had no effect on your dedication. What does effect your dedication is your intention or "heart". If you truly dedicated not just with words or pointless props but with your soul then the ritual is valid. The xian crap such as "holy water", the stale bread, or any other stuff they try and say have power in it is all fake that doesnt do anything to anyone or anything. 

The whole cant feel anything is most likely because you are weak in spirituality. Of course that is not your fault. Due to centuries of being beaten to the ground many Spiritual Satanists that are newly dedicated usually have no power. Just like working out to build muscle or studying to increase knowledge you need to train yourself by doing the meditations (you can do any of the meditations and with any combination you desire) consistently, daily, and with great perseverance. 3 weeks is definitly NOT enough time to gain any significant power. It may take several months to a couple of years in order to obtain astral senses. The amount of time depends on how repressed your soul was. 

Meditation is all in the mind. People have the misconception that its only their imagination and nothing happens. THAT IS WRONG. Anything that the mind thinks manifests into the physical world. This is especially true for those that have real power under their command. Ask any High Priest/ess or any spiritual satanist that has been here for years, and they will tell you that the mind can make anything reality be it positive or negative. The more you think that nothing is happening, the more you think its fake, the more you think its all for nothing the longer you stay stagnated or worse end up making you weaker. The first thing you need to do is change your frame of mind into a more positive outlook. Think you can do it, it is happening, it is working.  
The daemons and such are all real. They hear you when you speak to them, they can even appear before you if they so wish. More often though they leave signs to know that they were there. The problem is many newcomers, myself included, sometimes cannot see these signs. What you must do is keep your eyes open. There is no such thing as a coincidence. Something happens because it was will by something or someone, wether it be a person, the planets, or a god. 
Now then if you are truly skeptical about everything, if you truly dont believe in any of this BUT if you want to believe, you want to be here, you truly see this as truth then do a ritual asking Father Satan to bestow you the power to see, hear, feel the astral OR to make his presence known to you. If you have pure intentions (pure as in honest) then Father Satan will help you. If you merely see this as a tool for personal gain and disregard Satan then neither he nor I will help you any further.

Well, obviously, there are some things you wouldn't understand.

When I speak of Arthur Pendragon, you should understand that it's a metaphor for the one who is in the sea.

Read about arthur. The books say he disappeared into the Sea after his fight with Modred, the Christian king in the 5th Century.

Regarding my previous Occult beliefs, I do not deny. Something attracted me into this realm. I just only got to know it was Father Lucifer recently.

Hail SatanSent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTNFrom: Ass Hole <stripsilly1989@... Sender: [email protected] Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 11:04:30 +0100To: <[email protected]ReplyTo: [email protected] Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Was a born Again Christian !!
  This livingtestimony5333 guy, what the fuck did you just post? When I first came here u sent me a personal email saying u're the priest of some occult in Africa etc... Of course, i didn't listen to ur nonsense cos i'd seen warnings here and on JoS about infiltrators. Now I know what you really are doing here, is it that u're not succeeding? Is that why u had to come out and make urself this fool you are right now? How can somebody be saying 'hail Arthur pendragon'? A novel character and 'hail karashika'? A stupid movie character. This guy needs to be thrown out of this place and now is the time. I think he's a fraud star looking for people he can dupe from this group. I'm sure I'm not the only one he's emailed about how he's going to help you in scrying and ask you to join his cult and tell you how he can read ur tarrot cards, how he dedicated when he was 5 and started scrying around then etc... Can you imagine? Someone I thought was an adapt coming here to say he dedicated yesterday and look at the things he said happened? Look at all the stupid codes. He thinks we're all crazy people making things up or he's just making jest of the whole issue. And if this is u guys first time of seeing him here with his little green picture, then you should know he's been here a very long time cos when I first joined this group he emailed me for some days, almost got my trust, I'm sure it was my guardian demon that spoilt the show for him cos at a point he complained that he didn't get my previous email and I had to stop responding to his emails cos that was when I suspected foul play and here now... This is the confirmation!
On Apr 28, 2014 4:09 AM, <neokagashi@... wrote:
  Ok I think i got the gist of what you are saying. The "anointed oil" or whatever had no effect on your dedication. What does effect your dedication is your intention or "heart". If you truly dedicated not just with words or pointless props but with your soul then the ritual is valid. The xian crap such as "holy water", the stale bread, or any other stuff they try and say have power in it is all fake that doesnt do anything to anyone or anything. 

The whole cant feel anything is most likely because you are weak in spirituality. Of course that is not your fault. Due to centuries of being beaten to the ground many Spiritual Satanists that are newly dedicated usually have no power. Just like working out to build muscle or studying to increase knowledge you need to train yourself by doing the meditations (you can do any of the meditations and with any combination you desire) consistently, daily, and with great perseverance. 3 weeks is definitly NOT enough time to gain any significant power. It may take several months to a couple of years in order to obtain astral senses. The amount of time depends on how repressed your soul was. 

Meditation is all in the mind. People have the misconception that its only their imagination and nothing happens. THAT IS WRONG. Anything that the mind thinks manifests into the physical world. This is especially true for those that have real power under their command. Ask any High Priest/ess or any spiritual satanist that has been here for years, and they will tell you that the mind can make anything reality be it positive or negative. The more you think that nothing is happening, the more you think its fake, the more you think its all for nothing the longer you stay stagnated or worse end up making you weaker. The first thing you need to do is change your frame of mind into a more positive outlook. Think you can do it, it is happening, it is working.  
The daemons and such are all real. They hear you when you speak to them, they can even appear before you if they so wish. More often though they leave signs to know that they were there. The problem is many newcomers, myself included, sometimes cannot see these signs. What you must do is keep your eyes open. There is no such thing as a coincidence. Something happens because it was will by something or someone, wether it be a person, the planets, or a god. 
Now then if you are truly skeptical about everything, if you truly dont believe in any of this BUT if you want to believe, you want to be here, you truly see this as truth then do a ritual asking Father Satan to bestow you the power to see, hear, feel the astral OR to make his presence known to you. If you have pure intentions (pure as in honest) then Father Satan will help you. If you merely see this as a tool for personal gain and disregard Satan then neither he nor I will help you any further.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
