HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
..Nihilistic properties...
Unfortunately HP.Cobra your natural Nazi George Lincoln Rockwellian Ideological, Idealistic, and Fanatical. Outlook is not what is in existence.
Perhaps if Axis victory I can see everything you state and I'll agree with you. But I have to disagree with you. People already have this mentality or they accept it. No one fights back, no one is rising up. If one rises up in such manner Feds or something groom these people and instill.
Face it at this point in time except inasmuch mass spiritual warfare Ground-level us or Supersky-level Gods.
The enemy basically interacts with entities that push slavery and put this in everyone's head. For example just the other day more J6 non-sense came out how the Q-Shaman was escorted around by police being helped and opened doors with which the capitol police do. For 99% of the goyim-NPCs-shabbos-whomever it's either yay fuck the elites or Oy gevalt look at duh violenk acktions. Oy vey vey goy trump magots all trumpists. Even if Kash Patel and others state it's a Fed op and a long time planned one.
Sometimes and this isn't to criticize JoS. Though I do perform OpFort[Oppositional Force Training], for example What if JoS is fake? What if Chakras are fake? I've been at it for a long time and it gets old. But I keep trying and keep working on my soul even if I sit down and go "Is religion and spirituality life long preoccupations to simply be good and do good?"
Sheer fact is most people are burnt out. Coof lockdowns and now environmental lockdowns either destroyed people who believe life is work and pray, work and pray, and pump the opiate of the masses Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Or people were so shat upon by their civilization and society that they left their job and educated themselves and said, "There must be a higher purpose in life".
Sheer fact is people are drummed into their heads to be slave for a measly workers pay check. Goyims go to schoo learning non-sense. Not even accounting or personal finances or home loans or HOMSA Home Savings Account making money while paying off a home bi-weekly, monthly, or yearly.
For example you put down 60,000 dollars on a downpayment for a 300,000 dollar home to avoid bank private insurance another sucker of shekelberging. And then your 270,000 dollars is in a savings account they give you a fair monthly interest rate say 3.3% thus with 270,000 dollar you make money as you slowly over bi-weekly, monthly, or yearly pay amortization for the home. Thus you make money while this savings account is being done. It's a way people can make money with their collapsing financial 3.3% gains as you slowly pay off first month 270,000 + 3.3% interest, then you pay off the home over 7 years for example and over the bi-weekly, monthly, or yearly payments your interest gains gets lower and lower as you slowly pay off the home.
Most people are sick and tired of living. They are NPCs they react to things and are amused by stupidity. The person you replied to is nihilistic okay so what? In his case and his understanding society failed to provide to this person.
The person is seeing societal failure not at an epic scale. No at a guarantee, society = it is meant to fail the person.
As Aristotle said in a quote put in Civilization 6.
Animals posses no laws, justice per say except violent outburst or revenge for example a monkey pulling another monkey's tail and getting slapped in the head by that monkey, nor anything having to do with ethics nor anything but Natures Laws.
Humans posses ethics, laws, Justice, and a higher form of Natures Law which is not just the basic but furthering of Natures law.
When Humans abandon justice and ethics they can become a beast worst than an animal.
LITERALLY there are 8 billion mortals on this planet. MORTALS not even long living Giants like 8,000bce till 7,000bce with some people living nearly 900 years or having Demi-Gods Godmen or Heroes or even the very actual Gods either Human descended evolved or Nordic entities.
In all the years of being a JoS member I've never once witnessed any occult or vimana or flying saucer or whatever. But as reality changes and information moves more and more to other people or certain people shit happens.
Sheer fact is WE know inasmuch time is needed. But people have been groomed to fail. People have been groomed from day one from the very inception of their genetic extension for failure. Even the most successful people even someone who is rich like Musk or Buffet or Trump can fail. And they also fail at one more thing. They are mortal they can be killed or left to die over several decades. Buffet seriously how long does he have? Look at Biden 82 when he runs for second term, Trump nearly 80.
People are sick and tired of everything. When life wore out a long time. We still got people who laugh at science and don't want science. We got people who are muzzies the lowest life form.
Funny like Styxhexenhammer666 said, More Islam exist outside the middle east rather in Indonesia and world-wide than the middle east.
How do we even wake mass people. I know the Gods are coming or so we say. If they come expect a few hundred million of their forces to come.
But again UNLESS these entities we call Gods liberate mankind and pump these realities into sites and reconstruct and rebuild and reattenuate mankind. Man is simply a slave and the nihilistic statements aren't nihilistic but a reality a Saturn life or death mentality.
Sheer fact is it's like the episode of Rick and Morty with Wooden Jerry. He is found on the floor by bird people. Then taken to a cowboy bar with various aliens he speaks they all attack him and burn him outside. Then he wakes up eras later with xtianity back around with some jesus figure crucified in Gentile version with a Saturn Cross rather than the ISA binding like Roman law dictates Gentiles on a Furka, Yehudim on a ISA stick.
And funny enough Jerry despondently goes, First Cowboys now back to Christianity, Oh MAN what a NIGHTMARE.
The reality is people are into eating shit, people are doing stupid shit. Imagine these anti-fa people organizing this shit somewhere in Portland or some stronghold.
WHO the fuck wants to travel nearly a thousand miles across the United States to set fire to Atlanta police equipment. Who wants to destroy society but nothing but time burglars BURG/BERG -lers.
Satan and the Gods state the Ultimate Sacrifice is Time. Satan is both Time purveyor and Time Destroyer. He can signify in his shadowplay, blur the technicolor expressions of alchemy that time is one in the same. Just as it can be given it can be taken and then if given you got plenty of time to continue but if your mortal and continue in the ever lasting ROTAR eventually not just your mortal life ends with Saturn/Chronus eating you up but on top of that your soul is inching ever closer to that Ultimate/Second Death.
That is why my family is always pissed off at me. I see these fools on facebook which is funny because facebook has become late night TV shows like Colbert simply for people in their 40s-50s-60s using it while all the young people have moved on to other platforms. I always order them around and pump shit in their heads. I hate them I hate my family but I need them to help me live. But I still hate them and hate I can't provide for myself nor wanting nor feeling to do so.
Sheer fact is HP.HoodedCobra your far farsightedness and futuristic views as well as your Ack-Ack|88|HH insight is great and I love it. Your Orwellian/Kane: He who controls the past, commands the future; He who controls the future, Commands the Present. But I think your not seeing just how pathetic humans can be.
I never knew Humans could be so learned helpless even such as myself who is just as much a failure as other humans if not worse. At least other Humans do stuff.
Sheer fact is I don't care I can be extremely Plutonic Nihilistic. But the person you replied to is completely correct.
Humanity gives zero fucks. They just move they are simply things to move around and command and control.
It's easier to make a million dollars asking hundreds of thousands of people for a small amount donation. Than getting a million from one person.
Humanity just wants to live in this hellhole. If Humans could live 150-200-300 years okay cool.
But what I see IF the Gods are real I don't know if they are or not I've never even not even Beyond a Reasonable Doubt. No just reasonable evidence. Humans need not just the Gods to pump all these sites and build kabbalah blaster sites but also teach mankind. Hijack the entire network of telecommunications like the Internet and just have their AIs teach everything to Humans at their own pace.
Sheer fact is you have people who want to be spiritual but don't put the effort. People who mostly don't care. People who are sick and tired and just want to go to sleep or relax and die in peace. And finally people who think that is life work and pray, work and pray like some of the latinos that just suck christ cock and believe heaven awaits me oy vey I can enter heaven and avoid all this hard stuff.
Sheer fact is Humanity SUCKS. BIG TIME.
The monstrous ramming cocks up the ass and around the corner of Humanity and down it's throat and for the women into their pussy. Is beyond even what the Gods can do reasonably.
Sheer fact is I can easily unless certain Protocols are done by the Gods I can easily see 65-75% of Humanity die off without ever touching anything spiritual because it's too late to work on the soul. Even basic stuff like Clean/Protect/Void,Trance/EZ Spin/ not even hardcore mantra or anything just a basic guide to help people improve like the Egyptians in the older kingdoms providing meditation or two for year growth.
Even that I can see that isn't the great immortals of the Ancient eras.
I'm trying to be as positive as possible and your probably gonna reply that I'm not just a byproduct of a failed society and a society that fails you on purpose but your also going to state I'm just a failure loser who should correct themselves.
Unfortunately that isn't how it works. I can't just fix myself it requires a great deal of time especially if the spiritual strata is limited and society is under banefulness plus with the way my body is and the why I am in the physical to truly encapsulate a betterment is a tough, tough climb to me.
I think Humanity is at it's limits physically, mentally, and spiritually. They got suckered and conned into being slaves. Than slavery it shall be. I'd rather just enslave a bunch of these NPCs and have them provide me with their capital.
Sheer fact is there are TREMENDOUS amounts of people who love being slaves and relish in it.
Nihilistic or not but your Rockwellian technology is outdated.
The technology of the Nazis to fix society and upgun Humanity is gonna take a Herculean effort by Humanity.
The fact we want, nay, need the Gods. And the fact Humanity is the way it is shows everyone like Gottfried Feder is a Spiritual Yehudim, Mammonistically Poisoned.
HP.Cobra I think you underestimate how many Spiritual Yehudim i.e. Goyim are.
You see this great idealism and I respect it especially your Pluto in Scorpio and Saturnian principle.
But I think you greatly underestimate stupid and or ignorant people. And you greatly underestimate Humanities ability to SUCK and EAT SHIT and DIE like Duke Nukem states.
Humanity needs to be fully disengaged from this Mammonistic, Spiritual Yehudim poisoned acclimation. They literally posses the HEART of CHRIST. They literally pump the yehudimism in them.
I know my post is going to incite a very angry reply from you and your gonna be like G88 you are not spiritually advanced nor do you do anything to help mankind except Spiritual Warfare and a few discussions on our Forums.
Okay fair enough I'm mostly useless.
But Humanity can suck big time.
Humanity is a shred of it's Ancient Gods ruling time. Humanity has been locked into mortal combat since the downfall of the Golden Age.
So never underestimate the Aristotelian Quote of Humanity can be a beast worst than an animal. Not even a an Animal at least with animals they'll fuck shit up if threatened. No Goyim below animals it's no surprise humanity loves to swim in shit.
Your probably gonna state I'm worse than the original poster. Yeah I can be extreme I can march down a dark alley and pull things out it that scare the shit out of people. But you know full well I speak the truth look at people in the past wanting to destroy the jews or xtianity or islam or any of this stuff. NPCs NPCs everywhere as Buzz Lightyear States.
It's time for a change. But Humanity is just birth, live, die. Birth, live Die. Like MDK from Demolition Man, Murder, Death Kill. Humanity is either live to die or die to live. And don't forget to berg and stein, stein and berg, don't forget to act out stupid and don't forget the violence.
Like Marilyn Manson states in Beautiful People modfied by me. Humanity can't see the forest nor the trees and it can't smell it's own shit and the shit the jews threw in on it's knees.
Humanity can be outright useless. The sleeping masses. We still have people wanting to doom and gloom the planet.
The voices of the terrorizers far in as much screams out everywhere with the silent majority.
If that is the case then Humanity can rest easy it's going to slavery and they should embrace it. After all they spent their entire life working towards enslavement of themselves and others. Like xtians the beautiful baby I gave birth to finally another slave to krast.
Not another brick in the wall. But another slave in the masses of slavery.
Your right we got things we got money and we got items to buy. All worthless stuff that breaks down is cheap and low-quality. People got stuff okay sure. But people also get fucked over. And besides for many they are just renting it. Large masses of interest, credit, and even amortization or even leases.
If Humanity isn't a slave at this point slowly going back I don't know what is. And people even if listening still continue trudging along to slavery.
At this point our only hope is large mass spiritual warfare to kabbalistically eviscerate the enemies plans. And wait for the Gods. If our people can gather up masses of money and become powerful and rich and impose reality fearlessly without reprisal. Okay.
But honestly I think UNLESS these aliens of ours come. Then the poster you replied to is correct to a great degree.