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Apr 14, 2022
''We have no idea what the job market will look like in 2050. The consensus view is that machine learning and robotics will change almost every sector of work - from making yoghurt to teaching yoga classes.
Since the start of the industrial revolution, for every job lost to a machine, a new job has been created and the average standard of living has risen dramatically. However, we have good reason to believe that this time it will be different and that machine learning will be a game-changer.

Humans have two kinds of abilities - physical and cognitive. In the past, machines have only competed with humans in terms of physical skills, while humans have retained a huge advantage over machines - cognition. So as manual jobs in agriculture and industry were automated, new service jobs emerged that required cognitive skills that only humans possessed: learning, analysis, communication and understanding human emotions.

However, AI is beginning to outperform humans at more and more of these skills, including understanding human emotions.

In recent decades, research has allowed scientists to understand much better how humans make decisions. It turns out that all our choices, from food to mates, are not due to a mysterious free will, but rather to a few billion neurons calculating probabilities in a split second. This means that AI can outperform humans even on tasks that supposedly require "intuition". A driver anticipating a pedestrian's intentions, a banker assessing a client's credibility and a lawyer analysing the atmosphere at the negotiating table are not relying on wizardry. An AI equipped with the right sensors could do all this with far more accuracy and precision than a human.
Moreover, two particularly important non-human abilities that AIs possess are those of connecting and updating.
For example, many drivers are not aware of all the changing traffic rules and often break them. Instead, all autonomous cars can be connected to each other. And if the Ministry of Transport decides to change any traffic rules, all autonomous vehicles can easily be developed at exactly the same time and all will follow the new rules exactly.
Similarly, if the World Health Organisation identifies a new disease, or if a laboratory produces a new drug, it is almost impossible to update all the human doctors in the world on these developments. In contrast, even if you have ten billion AI doctors in the world, you can still update them all in a split second.
You might object that by replacing human individuals with a network of computers, we lose the benefits of individuality. For example, if a human doctor makes a wrong decision, it doesn't kill all the patients in the world and block the development of all new drugs. On the other hand, if all doctors are in fact one system, and that system makes a mistake, the results could be catastrophic. In fairness, though, you can run many alternative algorithms on the same network, so that a patient in a remote jungle village can access via her smartphone not just one competent doctor, but a hundred different AI doctors.
Similarly, autonomous vehicles could provide people with much better transport services and, more importantly, reduce traffic fatalities. If we replaced all human drivers with computers, we would, according to estimates, reduce the number of deaths and injuries in road accidents by about 90%.
That's why it would be madness to block automation in areas like transport and healthcare just to protect people's jobs.

( BTW: JOB¹ = Just Over Broke )

After all, we should ultimately be protecting people - not jobs¹. Laid-off drivers and doctors will simply have to find something else to do."

- Yuval Noah Harari

Yet another reason why being an entrepreneur is the best option... There will be no business-man robots. Robot lawyers maybe, but robot entrepreneurs certainly won't. What makes the difference is the mindset. Robots are built by scientists, not businessmen... Scientists are not entrepreneurs. No matter the algorithm, AI will not be able to beat the thinking, vision and discipline of a successful entrepreneur ....

Dagr666 said:
''We have no idea what the job market will look like in 2050. The consensus view is that machine learning and robotics will change almost every sector of work - from making yoghurt to teaching yoga classes.
Since the start of the industrial revolution, for every job lost to a machine, a new job has been created and the average standard of living has risen dramatically. However, we have good reason to believe that this time it will be different and that machine learning will be a game-changer.

Humans have two kinds of abilities - physical and cognitive. In the past, machines have only competed with humans in terms of physical skills, while humans have retained a huge advantage over machines - cognition. So as manual jobs in agriculture and industry were automated, new service jobs emerged that required cognitive skills that only humans possessed: learning, analysis, communication and understanding human emotions.

However, AI is beginning to outperform humans at more and more of these skills, including understanding human emotions.

In recent decades, research has allowed scientists to understand much better how humans make decisions. It turns out that all our choices, from food to mates, are not due to a mysterious free will, but rather to a few billion neurons calculating probabilities in a split second. This means that AI can outperform humans even on tasks that supposedly require "intuition". A driver anticipating a pedestrian's intentions, a banker assessing a client's credibility and a lawyer analysing the atmosphere at the negotiating table are not relying on wizardry. An AI equipped with the right sensors could do all this with far more accuracy and precision than a human.
Moreover, two particularly important non-human abilities that AIs possess are those of connecting and updating.
For example, many drivers are not aware of all the changing traffic rules and often break them. Instead, all autonomous cars can be connected to each other. And if the Ministry of Transport decides to change any traffic rules, all autonomous vehicles can easily be developed at exactly the same time and all will follow the new rules exactly.
Similarly, if the World Health Organisation identifies a new disease, or if a laboratory produces a new drug, it is almost impossible to update all the human doctors in the world on these developments. In contrast, even if you have ten billion AI doctors in the world, you can still update them all in a split second.
You might object that by replacing human individuals with a network of computers, we lose the benefits of individuality. For example, if a human doctor makes a wrong decision, it doesn't kill all the patients in the world and block the development of all new drugs. On the other hand, if all doctors are in fact one system, and that system makes a mistake, the results could be catastrophic. In fairness, though, you can run many alternative algorithms on the same network, so that a patient in a remote jungle village can access via her smartphone not just one competent doctor, but a hundred different AI doctors.
Similarly, autonomous vehicles could provide people with much better transport services and, more importantly, reduce traffic fatalities. If we replaced all human drivers with computers, we would, according to estimates, reduce the number of deaths and injuries in road accidents by about 90%.
That's why it would be madness to block automation in areas like transport and healthcare just to protect people's jobs.

( BTW: JOB¹ = Just Over Broke )

After all, we should ultimately be protecting people - not jobs¹. Laid-off drivers and doctors will simply have to find something else to do."

- Yuval Noah Harari

Yet another reason why being an entrepreneur is the best option... There will be no business-man robots. Robot lawyers maybe, but robot entrepreneurs certainly won't. What makes the difference is the mindset. Robots are built by scientists, not businessmen... Scientists are not entrepreneurs. No matter the algorithm, AI will not be able to beat the thinking, vision and discipline of a successful entrepreneur ....


I share the same views with you here, honestly.

AI cannot beat the thinking, energy and creativity the human body and mind have.

We may see robots like those on websites (ChatGPT, Midjourney etc) or physically (Sophia, other robots who are purposefully made to replace humans) but in the end, all of them combined prove to be a huge failure regarding thinking and creativity.

People need to be entrepreneurs, that's true.

Although this takes hard work to accomplish, people need to do it as there will never be a chance for the AI to get in top position, not mentioning also the fact that this may out the influence that Jew Elon Musk has in Tesla for example.
Dagr666 said:
''We have no idea what the job market will look like in 2050. The consensus view is that machine learning and robotics will change almost every sector of work - from making yoghurt to teaching yoga classes.
Since the start of the industrial revolution, for every job lost to a machine, a new job has been created and the average standard of living has risen dramatically. However, we have good reason to believe that this time it will be different and that machine learning will be a game-changer.

Humans have two kinds of abilities - physical and cognitive. In the past, machines have only competed with humans in terms of physical skills, while humans have retained a huge advantage over machines - cognition. So as manual jobs in agriculture and industry were automated, new service jobs emerged that required cognitive skills that only humans possessed: learning, analysis, communication and understanding human emotions.

However, AI is beginning to outperform humans at more and more of these skills, including understanding human emotions.

In recent decades, research has allowed scientists to understand much better how humans make decisions. It turns out that all our choices, from food to mates, are not due to a mysterious free will, but rather to a few billion neurons calculating probabilities in a split second. This means that AI can outperform humans even on tasks that supposedly require "intuition". A driver anticipating a pedestrian's intentions, a banker assessing a client's credibility and a lawyer analysing the atmosphere at the negotiating table are not relying on wizardry. An AI equipped with the right sensors could do all this with far more accuracy and precision than a human.
Moreover, two particularly important non-human abilities that AIs possess are those of connecting and updating.
For example, many drivers are not aware of all the changing traffic rules and often break them. Instead, all autonomous cars can be connected to each other. And if the Ministry of Transport decides to change any traffic rules, all autonomous vehicles can easily be developed at exactly the same time and all will follow the new rules exactly.
Similarly, if the World Health Organisation identifies a new disease, or if a laboratory produces a new drug, it is almost impossible to update all the human doctors in the world on these developments. In contrast, even if you have ten billion AI doctors in the world, you can still update them all in a split second.
You might object that by replacing human individuals with a network of computers, we lose the benefits of individuality. For example, if a human doctor makes a wrong decision, it doesn't kill all the patients in the world and block the development of all new drugs. On the other hand, if all doctors are in fact one system, and that system makes a mistake, the results could be catastrophic. In fairness, though, you can run many alternative algorithms on the same network, so that a patient in a remote jungle village can access via her smartphone not just one competent doctor, but a hundred different AI doctors.
Similarly, autonomous vehicles could provide people with much better transport services and, more importantly, reduce traffic fatalities. If we replaced all human drivers with computers, we would, according to estimates, reduce the number of deaths and injuries in road accidents by about 90%.
That's why it would be madness to block automation in areas like transport and healthcare just to protect people's jobs.

( BTW: JOB¹ = Just Over Broke )

After all, we should ultimately be protecting people - not jobs¹. Laid-off drivers and doctors will simply have to find something else to do."

- Yuval Noah Harari

Yet another reason why being an entrepreneur is the best option... There will be no business-man robots. Robot lawyers maybe, but robot entrepreneurs certainly won't. What makes the difference is the mindset. Robots are built by scientists, not businessmen... Scientists are not entrepreneurs. No matter the algorithm, AI will not be able to beat the thinking, vision and discipline of a successful entrepreneur ....


Why do you choose a text from the enemy?

Yuval Noah Harari

"🌐 About - Yuval Noah Harari
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29. Oktober 2020 - Born in Israel in 1976, Harari received his PhD from the University of Oxford in 2002, and is currently a lecturer at the Department of History in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem."

Autonomous driving 90% less death in driving and the remaining deaths will be woke people like us, targetet by AI choosed by enemy parameters. It´s also a great idear to give the WHO all your health rights and the like, as there biggest doner Bill Gates want to keep all people on earth alive and is not on a path to reduce the world populace through forcefull genetic engineering *sarcsm off*.

I think we should focus on the now (1-5 years) and don´t worry about far ahead cenarious.
Stuff like this might be a reminder as to why the Jews (the Top Jews especially) want a technocracy: they want to replace gentile workers with robots while the Jews themselves swarm the workforce. The implications are more nefarious than what the article's trying to sell.
Natural intelligence is superior to artificial intelligence because it creates the latter.

As for the overcoming of certain physical and mental capacities of natural intelligence by artificial intelligence....we are talking about this disabled and useless spiritual level in which humanity finds itself.

Example: You have to lift your washing machine and put it in your car to bring it in for repair? It is much better to lift it with telekinesis instead of physical hands.

Natural intelligence i.e. consciousness is too powerful, capable and extraordinary. It is supreme.

Artificial intelligence is also very capable and useful. I think we have a lot to gain from it. The important thing is to be in control.

With the infinity of the Gods everything can be done, with the zero of this worm enemy nothing can be done. Infinity is the most important goal you can have.

For the moment, this humanity only has the material, and consequently only focuses on that. Now humanity fears losing these jobs, in the future it will try to free itself.

Also, you cannot be unemployed in Infinity, only in nothingness can you be unemployed.

If robots can do most material jobs, why shouldn't they do them? However, the key roles will never be given to robots.

Robots must be developed to such an extent that they have artificial consciousness. Of course, one must have control. How nice, as for example in some films like Star Wars. Why should this not be possible? Because we currently think and know that we are the only beings on the Infinite Universe? Because we currently think that the potential of artificial intelligence is only calculator?
DisillusionedCitizen said:
Stuff like this might be a reminder as to why the Jews (the Top Jews especially) want a technocracy: they want to replace gentile workers with robots while the Jews themselves swarm the workforce. The implications are more nefarious than what the article's trying to sell.

Why should a man have to go to work when a machine can do his job 24/7, meanwhile doing it better and faster.

Why would you work your ass off to do something when you can automate the process and free up your time and energy into higher causes such as the spiritual, a sector in which humanity remains in the stone age. People tie themselves to slavery because they have convinced themselves that they need to be slaves in order to exist.

You do not need to work to exist, civilization does not need you to work for it to exist, now that most things can be fully automated. More than enough resources exist in the world that nobody needs to be hungry, homeless or unhappy, the issue is civilization is set up in a way to keep the bottom half fighting over breadcrumbs while the majority of wealth and resources are funneled to the elite 1% that is mostly jews.

Automation of industry is the next evolutionary step where people will no longer be wasting their entire lives working and begin to have the time and energy to dedicate themselves to the spiritual and humanity will finally elevate from being a literal virus and into a proper civilization with the spiritual and technological side of things finally coming together. An evolutionary leap that would have occurred centuries ago were it not for jews holding back both technology and spirituality with their xian & islam programs and curses.

People argue against automation saying that this is dangerous because then jews will control all the resources and wealth, as if they don't already control all the resources and wealth. The system is rigged to keep 99% of the population in poverty and working themselves to death for breadcrumbs.

People are already forced into slavery and working for jews in order to put food on the table, and people are bitching that if this comes to pass they will own nothing, as if they own anything in the first place. One has to make lots of financial gymnastics and play into bank loan games to even have a chance to crawl out of the rat race and own anything.

So what are you afraid of losing, when you already have nothing to lose. What do most of us have, but jobs we likely hate, living in homes we don't even own, counting pennies to buy bread and struggling to have any free time or vestiges of luxury in our lives.

Of course kikes will attempt to twist the automation revolution in their favor and keep the goyim dependent on government programs and such, I am aware of this also. But because kikes try to fuck everything up and corrupt things to work against us, doesn't mean everything is a kike concept from the start.
Dahaarkan said:
DisillusionedCitizen said:
Stuff like this might be a reminder as to why the Jews (the Top Jews especially) want a technocracy: they want to replace gentile workers with robots while the Jews themselves swarm the workforce. The implications are more nefarious than what the article's trying to sell.

Why should a man have to go to work when a machine can do his job 24/7, meanwhile doing it better and faster.

Why would you work your ass off to do something when you can automate the process and free up your time and energy into higher causes such as the spiritual, a sector in which humanity remains in the stone age. People tie themselves to slavery because they have convinced themselves that they need to be slaves in order to exist.

You do not need to work to exist, civilization does not need you to work for it to exist, now that most things can be fully automated. More than enough resources exist in the world that nobody needs to be hungry, homeless or unhappy, the issue is civilization is set up in a way to keep the bottom half fighting over breadcrumbs while the majority of wealth and resources are funneled to the elite 1% that is mostly jews.

Automation of industry is the next evolutionary step where people will no longer be wasting their entire lives working and begin to have the time and energy to dedicate themselves to the spiritual and humanity will finally elevate from being a literal virus and into a proper civilization with the spiritual and technological side of things finally coming together. An evolutionary leap that would have occurred centuries ago were it not for jews holding back both technology and spirituality with their xian & islam programs and curses.

People argue against automation saying that this is dangerous because then jews will control all the resources and wealth, as if they don't already control all the resources and wealth. The system is rigged to keep 99% of the population in poverty and working themselves to death for breadcrumbs.

People are already forced into slavery and working for jews in order to put food on the table, and people are bitching that if this comes to pass they will own nothing, as if they own anything in the first place. One has to make lots of financial gymnastics and play into bank loan games to even have a chance to crawl out of the rat race and own anything.

So what are you afraid of losing, when you already have nothing to lose. What do most of us have, but jobs we likely hate, living in homes we don't even own, counting pennies to buy bread and struggling to have any free time or vestiges of luxury in our lives.

Of course kikes will attempt to twist the automation revolution in their favor and keep the goyim dependent on government programs and such, I am aware of this also. But because kikes try to fuck everything up and corrupt things to work against us, doesn't mean everything is a kike concept from the start.

Your thought process is errant because you don't have a clue on where humanity actually treads on from the developmental scale. That comes from a pessimistic display bordering of nihilism, such as is reflected in your comment, which is not part of the actual design of the evolutionary process.

The whole of society work included has to do with this, and what people offer. By people having to offer nothing, there is no guarantee they will become spiritual, nor this seems to be the case. The people who do nothing in life tend to be the poorest in all areas of life, especially those faced with no opposition and no development, even if that is work related.

The dialectic that because you suck already it's alright to suck more is another loophole which they constantly use, and is built on defeatism and insanity.

Society has to exist for humanity, and things people tend to dislike are often-times working in their favour, including to be confronted with a reality where they have to do better in work related or other obstacles.

Uncle ben outside cannot advance in the spiritual department as much as necessary, that's why people have to reincarnate through a series of incarnations in order to experience all the things you dismiss as "menial" in order to make it to the level where any of this is even remotely possible.

Work as a general aspect in existence and these things are not slavery from the perspective of reality, it is creativity based. To remove this, one is also removing segments and aspects of the human experience, which later on had to be transformed into greater aspects.

Eventually, the people who don't do anything in life and will no longer create in what they detest as "labor", whether rich or poor, are actually like the greys that are fed from a tube. After this, them becoming disposable will be the immediate outcome.

Humans like to call it slavery because of laziness induced mechanisms, as it's known the human brain reacts like a prelithic monkey when it comes to working.

The society they are trying to build with automation, if they get their way, is not going to be you sitting in automated land and enjoying free milk and honey, but instead, the actual slavery you think you will be absolved from.

The actual entitlement of humans to anything right now, comes from work and labor, a factor consistent in all of existence, and by removing this, the right to argue about deserving anything will disappear. While different levels of consciousness in existence have a different level of "deserving", by completely removing humans from something, you are essentially already killing them.

People also now actually own things whatever these might be. The lack of ownership that is brought forth and you dismiss as "take it for granted" and to be treated with nihilism, is on such a scale, that you likely have no idea. You are observing based on emotion here, and this emotion is a nihilistic one, which does not take in consideration reality itself.

It's not the same to not own one shirt and one pencil and to be literally nothing in existence, than actually truly owning a pencil to write with. This is the same nonsense where people say that "modern capitalist society is the same as communism". It is not. There is an infinitely worse place to go from now, and this should not be looked upon with nihilistic eyes, because it's actually way worse than anyone would claim now while they are ungrateful.
Dahaarkan said:
DisillusionedCitizen said:
Stuff like this might be a reminder as to why the Jews (the Top Jews especially) want a technocracy: they want to replace gentile workers with robots while the Jews themselves swarm the workforce. The implications are more nefarious than what the article's trying to sell.

Why should a man have to go to work when a machine can do his job 24/7, meanwhile doing it better and faster.

Why would you work your ass off to do something when you can automate the process and free up your time and energy into higher causes such as the spiritual, a sector in which humanity remains in the stone age. People tie themselves to slavery because they have convinced themselves that they need to be slaves in order to exist.

You do not need to work to exist, civilization does not need you to work for it to exist, now that most things can be fully automated. More than enough resources exist in the world that nobody needs to be hungry, homeless or unhappy, the issue is civilization is set up in a way to keep the bottom half fighting over breadcrumbs while the majority of wealth and resources are funneled to the elite 1% that is mostly jews.

Automation of industry is the next evolutionary step where people will no longer be wasting their entire lives working and begin to have the time and energy to dedicate themselves to the spiritual and humanity will finally elevate from being a literal virus and into a proper civilization with the spiritual and technological side of things finally coming together. An evolutionary leap that would have occurred centuries ago were it not for jews holding back both technology and spirituality with their xian & islam programs and curses.

People argue against automation saying that this is dangerous because then jews will control all the resources and wealth, as if they don't already control all the resources and wealth. The system is rigged to keep 99% of the population in poverty and working themselves to death for breadcrumbs.

People are already forced into slavery and working for jews in order to put food on the table, and people are bitching that if this comes to pass they will own nothing, as if they own anything in the first place. One has to make lots of financial gymnastics and play into bank loan games to even have a chance to crawl out of the rat race and own anything.

So what are you afraid of losing, when you already have nothing to lose. What do most of us have, but jobs we likely hate, living in homes we don't even own, counting pennies to buy bread and struggling to have any free time or vestiges of luxury in our lives.

Of course kikes will attempt to twist the automation revolution in their favor and keep the goyim dependent on government programs and such, I am aware of this also. But because kikes try to fuck everything up and corrupt things to work against us, doesn't mean everything is a kike concept from the start.

I mean, I have nothing to lose... I've been told all my life that I need to work to be something in life. I wish I was free from that kind of programming.

...I've been unemployed so far, so I shouldn't even be one to say shit about robots replacing workers. I played myself here.

Maybe I'm looking too much into this...
Dahaarkan said:
DisillusionedCitizen said:
Stuff like this might be a reminder as to why the Jews (the Top Jews especially) want a technocracy: they want to replace gentile workers with robots while the Jews themselves swarm the workforce. The implications are more nefarious than what the article's trying to sell.

Why should a man have to go to work when a machine can do his job 24/7, meanwhile doing it better and faster.

Why would you work your ass off to do something when you can automate the process and free up your time and energy into higher causes such as the spiritual, a sector in which humanity remains in the stone age. People tie themselves to slavery because they have convinced themselves that they need to be slaves in order to exist.

You do not need to work to exist, civilization does not need you to work for it to exist, now that most things can be fully automated. More than enough resources exist in the world that nobody needs to be hungry, homeless or unhappy, the issue is civilization is set up in a way to keep the bottom half fighting over breadcrumbs while the majority of wealth and resources are funneled to the elite 1% that is mostly jews.

Automation of industry is the next evolutionary step where people will no longer be wasting their entire lives working and begin to have the time and energy to dedicate themselves to the spiritual and humanity will finally elevate from being a literal virus and into a proper civilization with the spiritual and technological side of things finally coming together. An evolutionary leap that would have occurred centuries ago were it not for jews holding back both technology and spirituality with their xian & islam programs and curses.

People argue against automation saying that this is dangerous because then jews will control all the resources and wealth, as if they don't already control all the resources and wealth. The system is rigged to keep 99% of the population in poverty and working themselves to death for breadcrumbs.

People are already forced into slavery and working for jews in order to put food on the table, and people are bitching that if this comes to pass they will own nothing, as if they own anything in the first place. One has to make lots of financial gymnastics and play into bank loan games to even have a chance to crawl out of the rat race and own anything.

So what are you afraid of losing, when you already have nothing to lose. What do most of us have, but jobs we likely hate, living in homes we don't even own, counting pennies to buy bread and struggling to have any free time or vestiges of luxury in our lives.

Of course kikes will attempt to twist the automation revolution in their favor and keep the goyim dependent on government programs and such, I am aware of this also. But because kikes try to fuck everything up and corrupt things to work against us, doesn't mean everything is a kike concept from the start.

"That Damned Swastika!" by Joseph Goebbels
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
..Nihilistic properties...

Unfortunately HP.Cobra your natural Nazi George Lincoln Rockwellian Ideological, Idealistic, and Fanatical. Outlook is not what is in existence.

Perhaps if Axis victory I can see everything you state and I'll agree with you. But I have to disagree with you. People already have this mentality or they accept it. No one fights back, no one is rising up. If one rises up in such manner Feds or something groom these people and instill.

Face it at this point in time except inasmuch mass spiritual warfare Ground-level us or Supersky-level Gods.

The enemy basically interacts with entities that push slavery and put this in everyone's head. For example just the other day more J6 non-sense came out how the Q-Shaman was escorted around by police being helped and opened doors with which the capitol police do. For 99% of the goyim-NPCs-shabbos-whomever it's either yay fuck the elites or Oy gevalt look at duh violenk acktions. Oy vey vey goy trump magots all trumpists. Even if Kash Patel and others state it's a Fed op and a long time planned one.

Sometimes and this isn't to criticize JoS. Though I do perform OpFort[Oppositional Force Training], for example What if JoS is fake? What if Chakras are fake? I've been at it for a long time and it gets old. But I keep trying and keep working on my soul even if I sit down and go "Is religion and spirituality life long preoccupations to simply be good and do good?"

Sheer fact is most people are burnt out. Coof lockdowns and now environmental lockdowns either destroyed people who believe life is work and pray, work and pray, and pump the opiate of the masses Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Or people were so shat upon by their civilization and society that they left their job and educated themselves and said, "There must be a higher purpose in life".

Sheer fact is people are drummed into their heads to be slave for a measly workers pay check. Goyims go to schoo learning non-sense. Not even accounting or personal finances or home loans or HOMSA Home Savings Account making money while paying off a home bi-weekly, monthly, or yearly.

For example you put down 60,000 dollars on a downpayment for a 300,000 dollar home to avoid bank private insurance another sucker of shekelberging. And then your 270,000 dollars is in a savings account they give you a fair monthly interest rate say 3.3% thus with 270,000 dollar you make money as you slowly over bi-weekly, monthly, or yearly pay amortization for the home. Thus you make money while this savings account is being done. It's a way people can make money with their collapsing financial 3.3% gains as you slowly pay off first month 270,000 + 3.3% interest, then you pay off the home over 7 years for example and over the bi-weekly, monthly, or yearly payments your interest gains gets lower and lower as you slowly pay off the home.

Most people are sick and tired of living. They are NPCs they react to things and are amused by stupidity. The person you replied to is nihilistic okay so what? In his case and his understanding society failed to provide to this person.

The person is seeing societal failure not at an epic scale. No at a guarantee, society = it is meant to fail the person.

As Aristotle said in a quote put in Civilization 6.

Animals posses no laws, justice per say except violent outburst or revenge for example a monkey pulling another monkey's tail and getting slapped in the head by that monkey, nor anything having to do with ethics nor anything but Natures Laws.

Humans posses ethics, laws, Justice, and a higher form of Natures Law which is not just the basic but furthering of Natures law.

When Humans abandon justice and ethics they can become a beast worst than an animal.

LITERALLY there are 8 billion mortals on this planet. MORTALS not even long living Giants like 8,000bce till 7,000bce with some people living nearly 900 years or having Demi-Gods Godmen or Heroes or even the very actual Gods either Human descended evolved or Nordic entities.

In all the years of being a JoS member I've never once witnessed any occult or vimana or flying saucer or whatever. But as reality changes and information moves more and more to other people or certain people shit happens.

Sheer fact is WE know inasmuch time is needed. But people have been groomed to fail. People have been groomed from day one from the very inception of their genetic extension for failure. Even the most successful people even someone who is rich like Musk or Buffet or Trump can fail. And they also fail at one more thing. They are mortal they can be killed or left to die over several decades. Buffet seriously how long does he have? Look at Biden 82 when he runs for second term, Trump nearly 80.

People are sick and tired of everything. When life wore out a long time. We still got people who laugh at science and don't want science. We got people who are muzzies the lowest life form.

Funny like Styxhexenhammer666 said, More Islam exist outside the middle east rather in Indonesia and world-wide than the middle east.

How do we even wake mass people. I know the Gods are coming or so we say. If they come expect a few hundred million of their forces to come.

But again UNLESS these entities we call Gods liberate mankind and pump these realities into sites and reconstruct and rebuild and reattenuate mankind. Man is simply a slave and the nihilistic statements aren't nihilistic but a reality a Saturn life or death mentality.

Sheer fact is it's like the episode of Rick and Morty with Wooden Jerry. He is found on the floor by bird people. Then taken to a cowboy bar with various aliens he speaks they all attack him and burn him outside. Then he wakes up eras later with xtianity back around with some jesus figure crucified in Gentile version with a Saturn Cross rather than the ISA binding like Roman law dictates Gentiles on a Furka, Yehudim on a ISA stick.

And funny enough Jerry despondently goes, First Cowboys now back to Christianity, Oh MAN what a NIGHTMARE.

The reality is people are into eating shit, people are doing stupid shit. Imagine these anti-fa people organizing this shit somewhere in Portland or some stronghold.

WHO the fuck wants to travel nearly a thousand miles across the United States to set fire to Atlanta police equipment. Who wants to destroy society but nothing but time burglars BURG/BERG -lers.

Satan and the Gods state the Ultimate Sacrifice is Time. Satan is both Time purveyor and Time Destroyer. He can signify in his shadowplay, blur the technicolor expressions of alchemy that time is one in the same. Just as it can be given it can be taken and then if given you got plenty of time to continue but if your mortal and continue in the ever lasting ROTAR eventually not just your mortal life ends with Saturn/Chronus eating you up but on top of that your soul is inching ever closer to that Ultimate/Second Death.

That is why my family is always pissed off at me. I see these fools on facebook which is funny because facebook has become late night TV shows like Colbert simply for people in their 40s-50s-60s using it while all the young people have moved on to other platforms. I always order them around and pump shit in their heads. I hate them I hate my family but I need them to help me live. But I still hate them and hate I can't provide for myself nor wanting nor feeling to do so.

Sheer fact is HP.HoodedCobra your far farsightedness and futuristic views as well as your Ack-Ack|88|HH insight is great and I love it. Your Orwellian/Kane: He who controls the past, commands the future; He who controls the future, Commands the Present. But I think your not seeing just how pathetic humans can be.

I never knew Humans could be so learned helpless even such as myself who is just as much a failure as other humans if not worse. At least other Humans do stuff.

Sheer fact is I don't care I can be extremely Plutonic Nihilistic. But the person you replied to is completely correct.

Humanity gives zero fucks. They just move they are simply things to move around and command and control.

It's easier to make a million dollars asking hundreds of thousands of people for a small amount donation. Than getting a million from one person.

Humanity just wants to live in this hellhole. If Humans could live 150-200-300 years okay cool.

But what I see IF the Gods are real I don't know if they are or not I've never even not even Beyond a Reasonable Doubt. No just reasonable evidence. Humans need not just the Gods to pump all these sites and build kabbalah blaster sites but also teach mankind. Hijack the entire network of telecommunications like the Internet and just have their AIs teach everything to Humans at their own pace.

Sheer fact is you have people who want to be spiritual but don't put the effort. People who mostly don't care. People who are sick and tired and just want to go to sleep or relax and die in peace. And finally people who think that is life work and pray, work and pray like some of the latinos that just suck christ cock and believe heaven awaits me oy vey I can enter heaven and avoid all this hard stuff.

Sheer fact is Humanity SUCKS. BIG TIME.

The monstrous ramming cocks up the ass and around the corner of Humanity and down it's throat and for the women into their pussy. Is beyond even what the Gods can do reasonably.

Sheer fact is I can easily unless certain Protocols are done by the Gods I can easily see 65-75% of Humanity die off without ever touching anything spiritual because it's too late to work on the soul. Even basic stuff like Clean/Protect/Void,Trance/EZ Spin/ not even hardcore mantra or anything just a basic guide to help people improve like the Egyptians in the older kingdoms providing meditation or two for year growth.

Even that I can see that isn't the great immortals of the Ancient eras.

I'm trying to be as positive as possible and your probably gonna reply that I'm not just a byproduct of a failed society and a society that fails you on purpose but your also going to state I'm just a failure loser who should correct themselves.

Unfortunately that isn't how it works. I can't just fix myself it requires a great deal of time especially if the spiritual strata is limited and society is under banefulness plus with the way my body is and the why I am in the physical to truly encapsulate a betterment is a tough, tough climb to me.

I think Humanity is at it's limits physically, mentally, and spiritually. They got suckered and conned into being slaves. Than slavery it shall be. I'd rather just enslave a bunch of these NPCs and have them provide me with their capital.

Sheer fact is there are TREMENDOUS amounts of people who love being slaves and relish in it.

Nihilistic or not but your Rockwellian technology is outdated.

The technology of the Nazis to fix society and upgun Humanity is gonna take a Herculean effort by Humanity.

The fact we want, nay, need the Gods. And the fact Humanity is the way it is shows everyone like Gottfried Feder is a Spiritual Yehudim, Mammonistically Poisoned.

HP.Cobra I think you underestimate how many Spiritual Yehudim i.e. Goyim are.

You see this great idealism and I respect it especially your Pluto in Scorpio and Saturnian principle.

But I think you greatly underestimate stupid and or ignorant people. And you greatly underestimate Humanities ability to SUCK and EAT SHIT and DIE like Duke Nukem states.

Humanity needs to be fully disengaged from this Mammonistic, Spiritual Yehudim poisoned acclimation. They literally posses the HEART of CHRIST. They literally pump the yehudimism in them.

I know my post is going to incite a very angry reply from you and your gonna be like G88 you are not spiritually advanced nor do you do anything to help mankind except Spiritual Warfare and a few discussions on our Forums.

Okay fair enough I'm mostly useless.

But Humanity can suck big time.

Humanity is a shred of it's Ancient Gods ruling time. Humanity has been locked into mortal combat since the downfall of the Golden Age.

So never underestimate the Aristotelian Quote of Humanity can be a beast worst than an animal. Not even a an Animal at least with animals they'll fuck shit up if threatened. No Goyim below animals it's no surprise humanity loves to swim in shit.

Your probably gonna state I'm worse than the original poster. Yeah I can be extreme I can march down a dark alley and pull things out it that scare the shit out of people. But you know full well I speak the truth look at people in the past wanting to destroy the jews or xtianity or islam or any of this stuff. NPCs NPCs everywhere as Buzz Lightyear States.

It's time for a change. But Humanity is just birth, live, die. Birth, live Die. Like MDK from Demolition Man, Murder, Death Kill. Humanity is either live to die or die to live. And don't forget to berg and stein, stein and berg, don't forget to act out stupid and don't forget the violence.

Like Marilyn Manson states in Beautiful People modfied by me. Humanity can't see the forest nor the trees and it can't smell it's own shit and the shit the jews threw in on it's knees.

Humanity can be outright useless. The sleeping masses. We still have people wanting to doom and gloom the planet.

The voices of the terrorizers far in as much screams out everywhere with the silent majority.

If that is the case then Humanity can rest easy it's going to slavery and they should embrace it. After all they spent their entire life working towards enslavement of themselves and others. Like xtians the beautiful baby I gave birth to finally another slave to krast.

Not another brick in the wall. But another slave in the masses of slavery.

Your right we got things we got money and we got items to buy. All worthless stuff that breaks down is cheap and low-quality. People got stuff okay sure. But people also get fucked over. And besides for many they are just renting it. Large masses of interest, credit, and even amortization or even leases.

If Humanity isn't a slave at this point slowly going back I don't know what is. And people even if listening still continue trudging along to slavery.

At this point our only hope is large mass spiritual warfare to kabbalistically eviscerate the enemies plans. And wait for the Gods. If our people can gather up masses of money and become powerful and rich and impose reality fearlessly without reprisal. Okay.

But honestly I think UNLESS these aliens of ours come. Then the poster you replied to is correct to a great degree.
DisillusionedCitizen said:
Dahaarkan said:
DisillusionedCitizen said:
Stuff like this might be a reminder as to why the Jews (the Top Jews especially) want a technocracy: they want to replace gentile workers with robots while the Jews themselves swarm the workforce. The implications are more nefarious than what the article's trying to sell.

Why should a man have to go to work when a machine can do his job 24/7, meanwhile doing it better and faster.

Why would you work your ass off to do something when you can automate the process and free up your time and energy into higher causes such as the spiritual, a sector in which humanity remains in the stone age. People tie themselves to slavery because they have convinced themselves that they need to be slaves in order to exist.

You do not need to work to exist, civilization does not need you to work for it to exist, now that most things can be fully automated. More than enough resources exist in the world that nobody needs to be hungry, homeless or unhappy, the issue is civilization is set up in a way to keep the bottom half fighting over breadcrumbs while the majority of wealth and resources are funneled to the elite 1% that is mostly jews.

Automation of industry is the next evolutionary step where people will no longer be wasting their entire lives working and begin to have the time and energy to dedicate themselves to the spiritual and humanity will finally elevate from being a literal virus and into a proper civilization with the spiritual and technological side of things finally coming together. An evolutionary leap that would have occurred centuries ago were it not for jews holding back both technology and spirituality with their xian & islam programs and curses.

People argue against automation saying that this is dangerous because then jews will control all the resources and wealth, as if they don't already control all the resources and wealth. The system is rigged to keep 99% of the population in poverty and working themselves to death for breadcrumbs.

People are already forced into slavery and working for jews in order to put food on the table, and people are bitching that if this comes to pass they will own nothing, as if they own anything in the first place. One has to make lots of financial gymnastics and play into bank loan games to even have a chance to crawl out of the rat race and own anything.

So what are you afraid of losing, when you already have nothing to lose. What do most of us have, but jobs we likely hate, living in homes we don't even own, counting pennies to buy bread and struggling to have any free time or vestiges of luxury in our lives.

Of course kikes will attempt to twist the automation revolution in their favor and keep the goyim dependent on government programs and such, I am aware of this also. But because kikes try to fuck everything up and corrupt things to work against us, doesn't mean everything is a kike concept from the start.

I mean, I have nothing to lose... I've been told all my life that I need to work to be something in life. I wish I was free from that kind of programming.

...I've been unemployed so far, so I shouldn't even be one to say shit about robots replacing workers. I played myself here.

Maybe I'm looking too much into this...

I'm speaking in general here, please don't feel like your situation is hopeless or anything. I started out in my mom's house making 430€ per month and I now own homes and land and I'm totally independent and close to being able to stop working a full time job entirely.

I will write a more detailed reply later, but you can still definitely make something of yourself, I will give you some advice when I have time to reply in depth.

Don't feel like what applies to the overall spiritually lost population applies to you as well, you have the tools to liberate yourself, they don't, that's why they are stuck in an endless loop of slavery.
Gear88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
..Nihilistic properties...

Jews are putting colossal effort into trying to usher the goyim back to church by reaction, when they didn't have to before. They are terrified, and this should tell you something. If the jews had it as easy as you claim then this war would already be over, and our collective skulls would all be microchipped.

Humanity is waking up. They are reacting to the jews with their focus fixed on them. This is monumental on its own. Our rituals are working more every day, and the situation is by no means hopeless. The degeneracy and low consciousness you see today is a temporary, passing thing - it won't last forever. When humans are ready to learn more of the Truth, Satan's Library is waiting for them.

Stay positive. The Gods are taking care of us, and if not for them then things would be so much worse than what you see.
Dahaarkan said:
DisillusionedCitizen said:
Dahaarkan said:
Why should a man have to go to work when a machine can do his job 24/7, meanwhile doing it better and faster.

Why would you work your ass off to do something when you can automate the process and free up your time and energy into higher causes such as the spiritual, a sector in which humanity remains in the stone age. People tie themselves to slavery because they have convinced themselves that they need to be slaves in order to exist.

You do not need to work to exist, civilization does not need you to work for it to exist, now that most things can be fully automated. More than enough resources exist in the world that nobody needs to be hungry, homeless or unhappy, the issue is civilization is set up in a way to keep the bottom half fighting over breadcrumbs while the majority of wealth and resources are funneled to the elite 1% that is mostly jews.

Automation of industry is the next evolutionary step where people will no longer be wasting their entire lives working and begin to have the time and energy to dedicate themselves to the spiritual and humanity will finally elevate from being a literal virus and into a proper civilization with the spiritual and technological side of things finally coming together. An evolutionary leap that would have occurred centuries ago were it not for jews holding back both technology and spirituality with their xian & islam programs and curses.

People argue against automation saying that this is dangerous because then jews will control all the resources and wealth, as if they don't already control all the resources and wealth. The system is rigged to keep 99% of the population in poverty and working themselves to death for breadcrumbs.

People are already forced into slavery and working for jews in order to put food on the table, and people are bitching that if this comes to pass they will own nothing, as if they own anything in the first place. One has to make lots of financial gymnastics and play into bank loan games to even have a chance to crawl out of the rat race and own anything.

So what are you afraid of losing, when you already have nothing to lose. What do most of us have, but jobs we likely hate, living in homes we don't even own, counting pennies to buy bread and struggling to have any free time or vestiges of luxury in our lives.

Of course kikes will attempt to twist the automation revolution in their favor and keep the goyim dependent on government programs and such, I am aware of this also. But because kikes try to fuck everything up and corrupt things to work against us, doesn't mean everything is a kike concept from the start.

I mean, I have nothing to lose... I've been told all my life that I need to work to be something in life. I wish I was free from that kind of programming.

...I've been unemployed so far, so I shouldn't even be one to say shit about robots replacing workers. I played myself here.

Maybe I'm looking too much into this...

I'm speaking in general here, please don't feel like your situation is hopeless or anything. I started out in my mom's house making 430€ per month and I now own homes and land and I'm totally independent and close to being able to stop working a full time job entirely.

I will write a more detailed reply later, but you can still definitely make something of yourself, I will give you some advice when I have time to reply in depth.

Don't feel like what applies to the overall spiritually lost population applies to you as well, you have the tools to liberate yourself, they don't, that's why they are stuck in an endless loop of slavery.

Thank you, but actually, your previous post sparked in me a thought I've just very recently started to rethink about and asked in my own head. To those reading this, read carefully what I'm about to type below:

Hope is usually seen as a big motivational force, with listeners looking up to such speakers, and is highly admirable. It motivates people to be better. However, I have an alternative interpretation of hope, one that I think borders on irony: What if I told readers here that hope, one of the biggest providers of motivation, makes people lazy and gives them a false sense of security? I think most people (ones who are outside this place, anyway) are blinded by a kind of linearity that leaves people stuck on one interpretation. I remember a post in 2021 that says that "linearity poisons the mind." I don't know how many people here hate this kind of logic, but I do know that it's something the Jews employ onto the masses, especially with the typical "Jesus is savior" mentality or the whole "Healthcare is here to help" slogan, or whatever. Don't get the wrong idea; I'm not saying hope is bad, no, hope has its own flaws. Making people feel safe is a very cunning way to make them feel lazy, and ultimately fall victim into whatever swindle the Jews have devised. In conclusion, everything in life has a double-edged sword.
DisillusionedCitizen said:
Hope is usually seen as a big motivational force, with listeners looking up to such speakers, and is highly admirable. It motivates people to be better. However, I have an alternative interpretation of hope, one that I think borders on irony: What if I told readers here that hope, one of the biggest providers of motivation, makes people lazy and gives them a false sense of security?

Words can create all sorts of emotions in people, for better or worse. Some people need to hear positive expressions, whereas others are motivated out of a fear of failure. Some people like hearing harsher words, whereas others are rendered despondent by them. The context is what matters here; it would be too broad to say hopefulness breeds laziness, in a general sense.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I'm not being pessimistic at all in fact I'm giving a very positive and hopeful look at an automation revolution that is on the horizon and inevitable regardless of how anybody feels about it.

Machines will take over most if not all of industry and you will begin to see factories and farms almost entirely operated by automated machinery in the coming decades.

The posts I make regarding not having "anything to lose" is to instill a hopeful perspective on things to come, and the drastic changes that will happen in the future. Because the world is in dire need of change and repair and people shouldn't be afraid of change. People want a better world but are simultaneously too attached to the way the world works now, and are incapable of seeing how much better the world could be if things began to change while steered in the right direction.

Having a realistic outlook, and a nihilistic one is not the same thing. People get very upset and scared at automation, because of course this leads to an inevitable UBI system because there won't be enough jobs for everyone to live like they do now.

But explain to me why UBI is morally wrong, or impossible to achieve, when governments are already handing out billions to jewish bankers and businessmen in bailouts on a regular basis. Probably just half of what governments are wasting on jews would be enough to keep everyone's needs met. So this lie that there isn't a way to do this doesn't hold up, why give billions of dollars to a few jews and not instead spread that and give it to gentiles?

In the case of the U.S, your government can basically just take the money they are giving out to israel and instead start giving it to U.S citizens and maybe your nation would solve it's horrific homeless problem for example.

The mental gymnastics against UBI are ludicrous to see. People have no problem with their tax money being handed out on a silver platter to some jewish banker, but as soon as one suggests that money should be put in the hands of gentiles people lose their minds. Not to mention if you put that money in the hands of gentiles, they will then spend it and pay tax on their spending, which means a portion of what you hand out ends up back in the government, where as the billions you give to a jew you will never see a single cent of that again.

I am financially stable and growing and all, but I am a minority. A vast majority are in poverty and many are unable to even keep up with a minimalist lifestyle even while working a job. Pretending that this is ok because 10% of people are doing fine, while 90% are in the shit is not at all an accurate depiction of things.

Nobody should be working a full time job and being unable to cover their expenses and have some joy in their life, this is a slave's life no matter how you look at it. A man who works all day and just barely stays alive and has no choice in the matter is a slave no matter how you slice it.

UBI & automation finally gives people a choice. The choice not to work in abusive and underpaid jobs, the choice to dedicate their time to higher things and personal pursuits and dreams. Everybody wants this, the only ones who don't are the ones who exist in the current system like gods spitting down on the 99% who they have placed beneath them and turned into their slaves.

And these same (((1%))) are now scheming as to how they can use an automation revolution to further oppress the 99% and take away what little they have left and use a UBI system to enslave them instead of liberating them. See I'm not delusional here I know automation can swing in a positive or negative way and most likely it will be negative.

But as was said, people will have to be pushed against the wall before they react. And likely only after that will things begin to steer back into a positive way. Regardless of how you or I think about the subject, an automation revolution is inevitable.
Some of you are under the impression that "automation" or "UBI" will make people lazy. So explain to me how we don't have automation or UBI yet, and we are living in the most unproductive, lazy and complacent generations in human history...

Being overworked, being crushed, being oppressed, being dominated, being hopeless, being forced to do things against your will, this is what makes one unmotivated and lazy.

Most people are born into a position deprived of any hope of ever accomplishing their goals and constantly financially crushed and oppressed and this is why nobody wants to work. It's a different story when you give people time and resources to develop their own personal dreams and ambitions. When jobs are no longer necessary, people will begin to work jobs out of desire and passion, and not from wretched and forceful necessity, and nobody can be forced to work for abusive employers because then the tables are turned and it's the employers who need employees and not the other way around.

This puts freedom and power back in the hands of gentiles. Those with ambition and desire will continue to work for their ambitions as they always have, and the few who are inherently lazy will continue to be lazy as they always have.

Literally everybody in the world dreams of one day being free from having to work a job, for a vast majority of people this is not only their dream but their life's goal; to become free of the rat race. And a solution to this arises and everybody is quivering in their boots over it.

On a cosmic scale I can tell you we are the laughing stock of the cosmos as one of the most stunted and backwards sentient species there is; an embarrassment to the gods we descend from. A species that has invented the hammer, but continues to pummel things with it's fists just because it's too afraid of using the very tools they themselves created.
Dahaarkan said:
Some of you are under the impression that "automation" or "UBI" will make people lazy. So explain to me how we don't have automation or UBI yet, and we are living in the most unproductive, lazy and complacent generations in human history...

Being overworked, being crushed, being oppressed, being dominated, being hopeless, being forced to do things against your will, this is what makes one unmotivated and lazy.

Most people are born into a position deprived of any hope of ever accomplishing their goals and constantly financially crushed and oppressed and this is why nobody wants to work. It's a different story when you give people time and resources to develop their own personal dreams and ambitions. When jobs are no longer necessary, people will begin to work jobs out of desire and passion, and not from wretched and forceful necessity, and nobody can be forced to work for abusive employers because then the tables are turned and it's the employers who need employees and not the other way around.

This puts freedom and power back in the hands of gentiles. Those with ambition and desire will continue to work for their ambitions as they always have, and the few who are inherently lazy will continue to be lazy as they always have.

Literally everybody in the world dreams of one day being free from having to work a job, for a vast majority of people this is not only their dream but their life's goal; to become free of the rat race. And a solution to this arises and everybody is quivering in their boots over it.

On a cosmic scale I can tell you we are the laughing stock of the cosmos as one of the most stunted and backwards sentient species there is; an embarrassment to the gods we descend from. A species that has invented the hammer, but continues to pummel things with it's fists just because it's too afraid of using the very tools they themselves created.

Work needs to be fulfilling. The reason people hate their jobs is because it's not fulfilling, and because they are deprived as you say. They are experiencing the strain and the burden that the jews have artificially and forcefully placed upon the system. However, that doesn't mean you replace something that is good which happens to be turned negative right now, with something which is bad in principle even though it might seem "good" for people. The path to ruin is paved with good intentions, and that's why experienced people tend to hate idealists.

People don't like the idea of UBI because one: idiots are going to waste that money and still be on the streets (which makes us responsible for these degenerate losers who would otherwise be responsible for themselves, since Universal Basic Income is UNIVERSAL). And 2: UBI = DEPENDENCE. Dependence = slavery. If you're not responsible for your life then you're no different from little kids who can't support themselves and are dependent on their parents for their survival, only parents have been switched with the government (sounds a lot like communism). We can take back the value of our labor from the thieves without setting up UBI. Every working man who has toiled for decades deserves a mansion at this point for all they have given, and I don't think anyone would disagree with that. If kikes weren't stealing their labor value and collective resources then many of them probably would have mansions at this point. But each and every one of them would most likely scoff and cringe at UBI, at the very least. Others would be outright hostile to it. If you don't understand why then you don't understand Nazis, Freemasons, or even the message of Vulcan.

This is a mistake that so many make as well. They think just because one group of humans is on a level to do certain things, that ANYONE can do it. That is only half true. Anyone has the potential to do it, but that doesn't mean they have the ability to do it, and some might not have such abilities for lifetimes. Placing an expectation on the "average" is foolish and wrong. Not everyone can do the same things, and not everyone is supposed to do the same things. We are a species of specialists, and we all have roles that allow us to provide something to the whole. Taking away those roles and giving them to machines will render most humans purposeless and lost. Those who say "they'll adapt" or "plenty of coding to do" and crap like that are heartless bastards who don't understand anything. Everyone is on different levels. There will be those who have the skills to adapt who will be the same successful ambitious ones as you claimed, but everyone else will just be wasting away, robbed of their roles in life. If you think it's fun or desirable to sit in a house all day with all of your needs provided for you, and with nothing to do, or that people would ever enjoy that, then you're wrong. Not everyone can be self starting, entrepreneurs, and the like. But they can still be creators through their hands. If machines take away those hands then what is left for them? You make it sound easy. You don't know what it's like to be them with their minds on lower levels. Some people are of very low ability, and yet they are still able to do something and play a role in society to contribute, and provide for themselves. Taking those jobs away and giving them to machines, and callously telling them to find something else to do, is just cruel. That's turning their backs on them, the workers who gave them what they have and brought them to the level where they could even have machines.

It's good, holy, and proper to provide jobs for humans. That's why people who create jobs are appreciated. It's wrong to take those jobs away and provide them to machines instead.

Hitler and the NS Party weren't celebrated because they gave Germans machines to do their work for them; they were celebrated because they gave people back the meaning, the freedom, the value, and the purpose of their work, and allowed human life and society to flow properly again instead of being stalled and funneled into jewish vampirism. They gave them back their autonomy, their land, their resources, their freedom, and every good thing which is created through human labor that jews always try to steal and siphon. To say that the human labor is meaningless and so unimportant that it can be replaced by machine labor is just... wrong, and misses the point of everything. You just don't get it.
Dahaarkan said:
Some of you are under the impression that "automation" or "UBI" will make people lazy. So explain to me how we don't have automation or UBI yet, and we are living in the most unproductive, lazy and complacent generations in human history...

Being overworked, being crushed, being oppressed, being dominated, being hopeless, being forced to do things against your will, this is what makes one unmotivated and lazy.

Most people are born into a position deprived of any hope of ever accomplishing their goals and constantly financially crushed and oppressed and this is why nobody wants to work. It's a different story when you give people time and resources to develop their own personal dreams and ambitions. When jobs are no longer necessary, people will begin to work jobs out of desire and passion, and not from wretched and forceful necessity, and nobody can be forced to work for abusive employers because then the tables are turned and it's the employers who need employees and not the other way around.

This puts freedom and power back in the hands of gentiles. Those with ambition and desire will continue to work for their ambitions as they always have, and the few who are inherently lazy will continue to be lazy as they always have.

Literally everybody in the world dreams of one day being free from having to work a job, for a vast majority of people this is not only their dream but their life's goal; to become free of the rat race. And a solution to this arises and everybody is quivering in their boots over it.

On a cosmic scale I can tell you we are the laughing stock of the cosmos as one of the most stunted and backwards sentient species there is; an embarrassment to the gods we descend from. A species that has invented the hammer, but continues to pummel things with it's fists just because it's too afraid of using the very tools they themselves created.

Which saves us (and those few upstanding non-SS people) a good amount of trouble of having to work to earn a living...

Hm, I'm going to make a new list to profile financial slavery while I update my other list. Before i do so, I must ask: has such a list been made before?

Either way, this is a start.
jrvan said:
You just don't get it.

You underestimate the possibilities here. UBI can be a tool of stagnation & slavery as it will be under jewish administration, or it can be a tool for the opposite under the correct leadership.

If you read my posts on the future of our children thread, I go into this in more depth, but UBI can be utilized to incentivize and promote a healthy working and contributing mentality in citizens, in that thread I suggested that the state can easily adopt a system where citizens who participate and contribute into the growth and prosperity of their nation should be rewarded with higher incomes.

This requires a benevolent and competent government that puts the nation and it's citizens first. You would be surprised at how a society with all their basic needs covered would be much more productive, creative and advanced in comparison to a society where everyone is scrambling and struggling just to get food on the table and have a roof over their heads.

You hear UBI and instantly picture a commie dystopia but you should consider this can swing in a positive direction too. You guys unaware of the irony, call me nihilistic while I'm being highly optimistic of changes and advancements in the structure of industry and society at large, meanwhile you just want things to stagnate because you are afraid of bad outcomes.

As I've stated before irrespective of what how you may feel about it, this is something that will come to pass and you cannot halt or prevent this change. So you may as well start adapting and thinking of ways to make this work in a positive way for humanity. Automation is inevitable, and humanity should not be afraid to use the tools they have created.

It's good, holy and proper to provide people with vision and purpose, and UBI is one of the ways the state can nudge and encourage people to dedicate themselves to their race and to their nation. People cannot dedicate themselves to anything while they are struggling just to survive on pennies.

There is no machine that can automatically fix roads, clean up streets and forests, set up cultural festivals, care for the needy etc etc. There will never be a shortage of things that need to be done which a machine cannot do, and instead of contracting companies with outrageous prices to do these things, the state can call upon it's own citizens who have tons of free time to help with such things.

So is it really that bad if you are living under UBI, and you get a letter from your government asking you to help fix a road or work in a community cultural gathering or festival or whatnot.

UBI makes it so that a nation takes care of it's citizens, and in turn citizens are encouraged to take care of their nation. When people feel that their nation is taking care of them, they become fiercely loyal to it. In turn, people who are productive and loyal are afforded higher incomes, further incentivizing loyalty and dedication to their nation in healthy way that is good for everyone, while still giving everybody time and freedom to set up their own enterprises and services to grow their own personal wealth.

This is a simple matter of either seizing or taxing the automated industry to accommodate this. Meanwhile owners of such automated enterprises are still making lots of profits no matter how much you tax them, since they have little expenses as these machines do not require a salary. People naturally spend their income which is also taxed and a portion of that again makes it back to the state, making this sustainable in theory, although some financial gymnastics may be required.

There is not one person on the planet who wants to work 40+ hour work weeks dude. People go to work to make money to try to liberate themselves from having to work, and they cherish and treasure the small pockets of freedom they have on their days off or vacation, but live every day wishing they did not have to do this.

Literally all the problems you say would arise because of UBI, already exist without UBI, and getting worse every year, so I don't know what your point is. Again, doesn't matter. Automation is inevitable regardless of whether you like it or not. And given the choice, not one person on the planet will choose to slave away for 40+ hours a week.

Hitler would have had His nation make use of the most advanced technology they could have. He would not quiver in fear as the times change, and He would come up with solutions rather than excuses.

To say that I don't get it is bitterly ironic. There's a lot of things I'm totally clueless about but this is not one of them. You need to start programming your mind to be able to adapt, find solutions and find light in the dark. Automation & UBI go hand-in-hand and it will be a complete disaster because jews are in control and will steer it into the dystopian scenario you describe, but this should not distract you from the potentially good outcomes of this, which will follow after we get through the storm.

Trust me bro. This steered in the right direction is the way to go, and will set our people free in ways you cannot imagine.
DisillusionedCitizen said:

The mind is the interface by which you direct and command energy and oftentimes the mind is programming you into a life you may not desire.

The first thing you should do is deprogram from the misconception that you "need" a job, and that you "need" to be chasing money constantly. Money and jobs are for poor people, as the rich do not have either.

This is explained in an interview with the author of Rich dad Poor dad which I recommend you read. He explains that rich people don't have money, they have assets. Poor people save up all their money and hemorrhage wealth every day due to inflation and the fact that "money" loses value every day basically.

You need to put your money into assets and not just let it sit in your account or under your pillow for years. For me personally, I'm all about real estate, but you have to find something that works for you and that you can get invested into.

When you do wealth workings, use the term wealth and not money. And envision wealth as lucrative assets that raise in value with time, rather than money which loses value every day. As for what assets you can create, you must research stuff you yourself are interested in, and find out what opportunities you have. Wealth workings are a great help in creating opportunities for you, but you must also be able to recognize and seize them.

Of course, you'll need some money to get started, so you should start doing something to make some money, as you need capital for down payments and such to set up your assets. If you're unemployed you can try making some money online, I have a friend who makes a couple hundred bucks on the side by editing videos and such for other people. Or just get some shitty job to get some cash to get started, if you're living with your parents this can help you accumulate the cash you need to start working with a bank if your parents help cover your living expenses for example.

Once you have some cash on you go to your bank and start asking questions about loans and what your options are for using loans to set up your assets. This is where you have to carefully consider if the cashflow from an asset is enough to cover your debt plus give you some passive income.

In my experience, once you have successful assets going, banks will start going more soft on you in terms of down payments and such.
The UBI system is envisioned very differently than what most people believe it to be. It's not going to be direct bank transfers to your account or cash.

The UBI is going to be tied to a Digital Identity maintained on a microchip embedded under your skin and a Social Credit System. And the process of using the credits will be based on allowances.

For example, you won't be able to eat meat or use the credits for anything other than what you're allowed to do. You would only be allowed to buy factory processed food from Bill Gates and big monopolies. You won't be able to drive a car ,buy guns ,buy a house.

Furthermore your rights are going to taken away along with your right to a house , or speech or association. And you would be allowed a mini coffin apartment that you will have to share with 4 other people inside of a commune and forced to take Poisoned vaccines until you die. You won't be able to reproduce because you will be infertile already because of previous vaccines.

The Mass Automation and UBI system is envisioned for an earth where there are 90% less people than they already are.

The Jews have multiple social simulations running at all times that predict reactions from populations and they tailor their policy decisions on these predictions.

They're going to start to bring all this out after they start a massive war with China and cause mass fatalities along with the ongoing Natural Disasters.

I'm not saying their plans are going to succeed but that they envision this to go this way. UBI is just going to be a token relief offered to satiate the masses after they cause these mass fatality events, to stop the population from revolting.

The War against Russia has already started. They're going to make it a world War soon enough.

That will mark the Turning point for the end of the Jews and their delusional megalomaniac plans.
Note also that "UBI" exists to some extent only without the universal part, as if you are a non-white the jews in our governments are more than happy to provide you with housing and resources for you to endlessly breed and wipe out the white race.

Meanwhile a white couple both working full time must get a bank loan to buy bread to be able to feed their one child.

So working white people are basically going to work, and paying taxes which then go to housing and feeding muslim men which will then find their white children on their way to school and XD them. So why is it so bad that instead that basic income should be put to housing and feeding our own people instead.

How about the governments instead of taxing the fuck out of white workers and then giving away billions to jewish bankers and businessmen, and spending ludicrous amounts of money housing rapists and murderers, instead oh I don't know spend some of that tax money feeding and housing our own children maybe?

How about instead of overworking white people to death while the other races stay at home living off of our tax money, you instead use the fucking technology that already exists so your own people don't have to slave away their whole lives for jewish bosses?
Dahaarkan said:
jrvan said:
You just don't get it.

You underestimate the possibilities here. UBI can be a tool of stagnation & slavery as it will be under jewish administration, or it can be a tool for the opposite under the correct leadership.

If you read my posts on the future of our children thread, I go into this in more depth, but UBI can be utilized to incentivize and promote a healthy working and contributing mentality in citizens, in that thread I suggested that the state can easily adopt a system where citizens who participate and contribute into the growth and prosperity of their nation should be rewarded with higher incomes.

This requires a benevolent and competent government that puts the nation and it's citizens first. You would be surprised at how a society with all their basic needs covered would be much more productive, creative and advanced in comparison to a society where everyone is scrambling and struggling just to get food on the table and have a roof over their heads.

You hear UBI and instantly picture a commie dystopia but you should consider this can swing in a positive direction too. You guys unaware of the irony, call me nihilistic while I'm being highly optimistic of changes and advancements in the structure of industry and society at large, meanwhile you just want things to stagnate because you are afraid of bad outcomes.

As I've stated before irrespective of what how you may feel about it, this is something that will come to pass and you cannot halt or prevent this change. So you may as well start adapting and thinking of ways to make this work in a positive way for humanity. Automation is inevitable, and humanity should not be afraid to use the tools they have created.

It's good, holy and proper to provide people with vision and purpose, and UBI is one of the ways the state can nudge and encourage people to dedicate themselves to their race and to their nation. People cannot dedicate themselves to anything while they are struggling just to survive on pennies.

There is no machine that can automatically fix roads, clean up streets and forests, set up cultural festivals, care for the needy etc etc. There will never be a shortage of things that need to be done which a machine cannot do, and instead of contracting companies with outrageous prices to do these things, the state can call upon it's own citizens who have tons of free time to help with such things.

So is it really that bad if you are living under UBI, and you get a letter from your government asking you to help fix a road or work in a community cultural gathering or festival or whatnot.

UBI makes it so that a nation takes care of it's citizens, and in turn citizens are encouraged to take care of their nation. When people feel that their nation is taking care of them, they become fiercely loyal to it. In turn, people who are productive and loyal are afforded higher incomes, further incentivizing loyalty and dedication to their nation in healthy way that is good for everyone, while still giving everybody time and freedom to set up their own enterprises and services to grow their own personal wealth.

This is a simple matter of either seizing or taxing the automated industry to accommodate this. Meanwhile owners of such automated enterprises are still making lots of profits no matter how much you tax them, since they have little expenses as these machines do not require a salary. People naturally spend their income which is also taxed and a portion of that again makes it back to the state, making this sustainable in theory, although some financial gymnastics may be required.

There is not one person on the planet who wants to work 40+ hour work weeks dude. People go to work to make money to try to liberate themselves from having to work, and they cherish and treasure the small pockets of freedom they have on their days off or vacation, but live every day wishing they did not have to do this.

Literally all the problems you say would arise because of UBI, already exist without UBI, and getting worse every year, so I don't know what your point is. Again, doesn't matter. Automation is inevitable regardless of whether you like it or not. And given the choice, not one person on the planet will choose to slave away for 40+ hours a week.

Hitler would have had His nation make use of the most advanced technology they could have. He would not quiver in fear as the times change, and He would come up with solutions rather than excuses.

To say that I don't get it is bitterly ironic. There's a lot of things I'm totally clueless about but this is not one of them. You need to start programming your mind to be able to adapt, find solutions and find light in the dark. Automation & UBI go hand-in-hand and it will be a complete disaster because jews are in control and will steer it into the dystopian scenario you describe, but this should not distract you from the potentially good outcomes of this, which will follow after we get through the storm.

Trust me bro. This steered in the right direction is the way to go, and will set our people free in ways you cannot imagine.

You believe there is only one solution when that's not true. The problem can be solved by removing the burdens on the economy by the jews, and engineering society differently. People not meeting their needs, or barely meeting their needs, is a result of too many parasites. The cost of living in many places far exceeds what the minimum wage can even allow, even now that the minimum wage has increased in many places. Remove the jews from society and seize all of their assets, stop giving money to foreign nations, reduce the salary of politicians to a fraction of what they are now while allowing civilians to audit their financial activities and private affairs on a whim, stop funding useless government programs, and adjust all home loans to reasonable levels that actually give people hope of owning their home in their lifetime. All of that would be a great start, and then people would be able to easily afford the cost of living. No UBI necessary.

There's so many unknown economic variables with what you are suggesting, and all these theoretical things are necessitated to go exactly how you envision them going. That's idealism devoid of practicality. People who have been duped into communistic utopian models of society don't have any idea how it will actually unfold and play out (even though they would if they talked to people who lived through it). Theory is useless because society and people and the web of things is too complex for any one man to wrap his head around, it's too much causality and interconnection to account for. When you actually implement theories, they don't play out the way you dreamed they would. So swapping out the entire system for another theoretical system, something that will be very difficult to reverse, based on theories, is not wise. You need concrete data for how things will play out, and you can't just test these on society on a whim. You don't know how things will go. But it is a fact that humans won't be happy without work, and greedy companies dumping them for machines will ruin society and human existence. Humanitarians speak of human happiness and the welfare of mankind, dreaming up things that will "improve" human life, while often knowing jackshit about the reality of what a human is and what makes them happy, believing them to be much simpler beings than they actually are. Or policy writers who think the safety of the people is worth more than their freedom, and based on numbers and statistics believe it's wrong not to force something like autonomous vehicles for human transportation while banning human operators from driving their own damn vehicles, and they truly believe that will "improve" human life. They're madmen who claim their opposition is mad, believing themselves to be ethical. Same as people who want to disarm populations because "less people will be killed" which is false in reality, but even in theory that sucks because human life needs to be worth living in the first place before any talk of preserving it. It's better to preserve human worth and dignity which goes in hand with independence. People want to earn their bread, and UBI strips people of their role as providers. Imagine how it would feel for parents knowing that they aren't the ones providing for their own children.

Misplaced good intentions are evil, and pragmatism and realism are what people value. They want their governments to fix the economy and punish the corruption. Not enforce lofty dreams of a slave existence where they don't even have to work to sustain their own existence, and not be responsible for their lives. In fact, that gives the provider (government) a position to abuse those it provides for, and the recipients (everyone) can hardly argue because they are being given free bread and having their existence secured by others. Nobody who values their independence wants this, especially when they worked hard to become independent in the first place. It rewrites the script where you may as well have never flown your parents nest in the first place.

You say it will set our people free, but you apparently don't know what freedom is. Freedom is NOT free!
Dahaarkan said:
Note also that "UBI" exists to some extent only without the universal part, as if you are a non-white the jews in our governments are more than happy to provide you with housing and resources for you to endlessly breed and wipe out the white race.

Meanwhile a white couple both working full time must get a bank loan to buy bread to be able to feed their one child.

So working white people are basically going to work, and paying taxes which then go to housing and feeding muslim men which will then find their white children on their way to school and XD them. So why is it so bad that instead that basic income should be put to housing and feeding our own people instead.

How about the governments instead of taxing the fuck out of white workers and then giving away billions to jewish bankers and businessmen, and spending ludicrous amounts of money housing rapists and murderers, instead oh I don't know spend some of that tax money feeding and housing our own children maybe?

How about instead of overworking white people to death while the other races stay at home living off of our tax money, you instead use the fucking technology that already exists so your own people don't have to slave away their whole lives for jewish bosses?

The answer to that is a lot more reliable to work: get the jews and their agenda out of our damn countries. Then White people in their own lands won't be pushed to extinction because jews are forcing cohabitation/invasion of other races and subverting us. Because all of this is artificially created by the enemy. The enemy is in our governments, they play as our politicians, they're in our medical fields and schools, and so on and so forth. Get them out, and everything will naturally start moving in so much better directions. Get rid of the enemy, and the problems that you are noting won't be a problem any more.

What you're trying to present as a solution sounds like a band-aid to a problem we already had an answer to.
Dahaarkan said:
The soul wants variety, it wants experience. It wants more, the body wants more, the mind wants more. Souls seeking advancement won't ever settle with people handing things to them without earning it. Because everything in nature knows you don't get what you want without working for it. People who are handed things lose all gratitude for it, they take it for granted, they take away the value of it because they never understood the value of earning it in the first place.

Work and reward - who's taken that away from us, who takes away competition and puts everyone on equal footing? The enemy. And because of that the unworthy demand free things they never earned, and whine that people who worked for more got more and they didn't, they go as far as to ruin greater people because they can't stand their own lowly existence, and bring everyone else down around them to make themselves feel better.

Life is labor. We call the very thing that our mothers go through to bring us into the world as "labor". When we do spirituality, we are working. When we are laboring at a job, we are working. When we do the chores to keep our homes maintained, we are working. When we wash and practice hygiene, we are working. Almost everything is work. And then we are rewarded with play time, whatever that may be to the individual.

It's when our work loses all value that we lose life's value. And that's what the enemy does. That's why a UBI as nice as it might be, just won't work in reality. That's why automation of too many things, just won't work.

The human soul won't work with it. When I work for what I want, earn what I want and need, I feel a highly positive energetic response in my soul. And this happens for everything I earn with honest labor. Depriving a soul of that, is cruel.

The first time I had a job and bought something with the money I earned, the energy of that item was completely different from the items I hadn't bought myself. Same goes for doing spiritual work to get things for oneself.

I think people forget that the soul connects with the material things in our life, sometimes even bonds with them, and it knows the difference between something it worked for and something it didn't. It knows the difference between something that was given to it and something that wasn't, because even the energy is completely different.
Gear88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
..Nihilistic properties...

Unfortunately HP.Cobra your natural Nazi George Lincoln Rockwellian Ideological, Idealistic, and Fanatical. Outlook is not what is in existence.

Perhaps if Axis victory I can see everything you state and I'll agree with you. But I have to disagree with you. People already have this mentality or they accept it. No one fights back, no one is rising up. If one rises up in such manner Feds or something groom these people and instill.

Face it at this point in time except inasmuch mass spiritual warfare Ground-level us or Supersky-level Gods.

The enemy basically interacts with entities that push slavery and put this in everyone's head. For example just the other day more J6 non-sense came out how the Q-Shaman was escorted around by police being helped and opened doors with which the capitol police do. For 99% of the goyim-NPCs-shabbos-whomever it's either yay fuck the elites or Oy gevalt look at duh violenk acktions. Oy vey vey goy trump magots all trumpists. Even if Kash Patel and others state it's a Fed op and a long time planned one.

Sometimes and this isn't to criticize JoS. Though I do perform OpFort[Oppositional Force Training], for example What if JoS is fake? What if Chakras are fake? I've been at it for a long time and it gets old. But I keep trying and keep working on my soul even if I sit down and go "Is religion and spirituality life long preoccupations to simply be good and do good?"

Sheer fact is most people are burnt out. Coof lockdowns and now environmental lockdowns either destroyed people who believe life is work and pray, work and pray, and pump the opiate of the masses Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Or people were so shat upon by their civilization and society that they left their job and educated themselves and said, "There must be a higher purpose in life".

Sheer fact is people are drummed into their heads to be slave for a measly workers pay check. Goyims go to schoo learning non-sense. Not even accounting or personal finances or home loans or HOMSA Home Savings Account making money while paying off a home bi-weekly, monthly, or yearly.

For example you put down 60,000 dollars on a downpayment for a 300,000 dollar home to avoid bank private insurance another sucker of shekelberging. And then your 270,000 dollars is in a savings account they give you a fair monthly interest rate say 3.3% thus with 270,000 dollar you make money as you slowly over bi-weekly, monthly, or yearly pay amortization for the home. Thus you make money while this savings account is being done. It's a way people can make money with their collapsing financial 3.3% gains as you slowly pay off first month 270,000 + 3.3% interest, then you pay off the home over 7 years for example and over the bi-weekly, monthly, or yearly payments your interest gains gets lower and lower as you slowly pay off the home.

Most people are sick and tired of living. They are NPCs they react to things and are amused by stupidity. The person you replied to is nihilistic okay so what? In his case and his understanding society failed to provide to this person.

The person is seeing societal failure not at an epic scale. No at a guarantee, society = it is meant to fail the person.

As Aristotle said in a quote put in Civilization 6.

Animals posses no laws, justice per say except violent outburst or revenge for example a monkey pulling another monkey's tail and getting slapped in the head by that monkey, nor anything having to do with ethics nor anything but Natures Laws.

Humans posses ethics, laws, Justice, and a higher form of Natures Law which is not just the basic but furthering of Natures law.

When Humans abandon justice and ethics they can become a beast worst than an animal.

LITERALLY there are 8 billion mortals on this planet. MORTALS not even long living Giants like 8,000bce till 7,000bce with some people living nearly 900 years or having Demi-Gods Godmen or Heroes or even the very actual Gods either Human descended evolved or Nordic entities.

In all the years of being a JoS member I've never once witnessed any occult or vimana or flying saucer or whatever. But as reality changes and information moves more and more to other people or certain people shit happens.

Sheer fact is WE know inasmuch time is needed. But people have been groomed to fail. People have been groomed from day one from the very inception of their genetic extension for failure. Even the most successful people even someone who is rich like Musk or Buffet or Trump can fail. And they also fail at one more thing. They are mortal they can be killed or left to die over several decades. Buffet seriously how long does he have? Look at Biden 82 when he runs for second term, Trump nearly 80.

People are sick and tired of everything. When life wore out a long time. We still got people who laugh at science and don't want science. We got people who are muzzies the lowest life form.

Funny like Styxhexenhammer666 said, More Islam exist outside the middle east rather in Indonesia and world-wide than the middle east.

How do we even wake mass people. I know the Gods are coming or so we say. If they come expect a few hundred million of their forces to come.

But again UNLESS these entities we call Gods liberate mankind and pump these realities into sites and reconstruct and rebuild and reattenuate mankind. Man is simply a slave and the nihilistic statements aren't nihilistic but a reality a Saturn life or death mentality.

Sheer fact is it's like the episode of Rick and Morty with Wooden Jerry. He is found on the floor by bird people. Then taken to a cowboy bar with various aliens he speaks they all attack him and burn him outside. Then he wakes up eras later with xtianity back around with some jesus figure crucified in Gentile version with a Saturn Cross rather than the ISA binding like Roman law dictates Gentiles on a Furka, Yehudim on a ISA stick.

And funny enough Jerry despondently goes, First Cowboys now back to Christianity, Oh MAN what a NIGHTMARE.

The reality is people are into eating shit, people are doing stupid shit. Imagine these anti-fa people organizing this shit somewhere in Portland or some stronghold.

WHO the fuck wants to travel nearly a thousand miles across the United States to set fire to Atlanta police equipment. Who wants to destroy society but nothing but time burglars BURG/BERG -lers.

Satan and the Gods state the Ultimate Sacrifice is Time. Satan is both Time purveyor and Time Destroyer. He can signify in his shadowplay, blur the technicolor expressions of alchemy that time is one in the same. Just as it can be given it can be taken and then if given you got plenty of time to continue but if your mortal and continue in the ever lasting ROTAR eventually not just your mortal life ends with Saturn/Chronus eating you up but on top of that your soul is inching ever closer to that Ultimate/Second Death.

That is why my family is always pissed off at me. I see these fools on facebook which is funny because facebook has become late night TV shows like Colbert simply for people in their 40s-50s-60s using it while all the young people have moved on to other platforms. I always order them around and pump shit in their heads. I hate them I hate my family but I need them to help me live. But I still hate them and hate I can't provide for myself nor wanting nor feeling to do so.

Sheer fact is HP.HoodedCobra your far farsightedness and futuristic views as well as your Ack-Ack|88|HH insight is great and I love it. Your Orwellian/Kane: He who controls the past, commands the future; He who controls the future, Commands the Present. But I think your not seeing just how pathetic humans can be.

I never knew Humans could be so learned helpless even such as myself who is just as much a failure as other humans if not worse. At least other Humans do stuff.

Sheer fact is I don't care I can be extremely Plutonic Nihilistic. But the person you replied to is completely correct.

Humanity gives zero fucks. They just move they are simply things to move around and command and control.

It's easier to make a million dollars asking hundreds of thousands of people for a small amount donation. Than getting a million from one person.

Humanity just wants to live in this hellhole. If Humans could live 150-200-300 years okay cool.

But what I see IF the Gods are real I don't know if they are or not I've never even not even Beyond a Reasonable Doubt. No just reasonable evidence. Humans need not just the Gods to pump all these sites and build kabbalah blaster sites but also teach mankind. Hijack the entire network of telecommunications like the Internet and just have their AIs teach everything to Humans at their own pace.

Sheer fact is you have people who want to be spiritual but don't put the effort. People who mostly don't care. People who are sick and tired and just want to go to sleep or relax and die in peace. And finally people who think that is life work and pray, work and pray like some of the latinos that just suck christ cock and believe heaven awaits me oy vey I can enter heaven and avoid all this hard stuff.

Sheer fact is Humanity SUCKS. BIG TIME.

The monstrous ramming cocks up the ass and around the corner of Humanity and down it's throat and for the women into their pussy. Is beyond even what the Gods can do reasonably.

Sheer fact is I can easily unless certain Protocols are done by the Gods I can easily see 65-75% of Humanity die off without ever touching anything spiritual because it's too late to work on the soul. Even basic stuff like Clean/Protect/Void,Trance/EZ Spin/ not even hardcore mantra or anything just a basic guide to help people improve like the Egyptians in the older kingdoms providing meditation or two for year growth.

Even that I can see that isn't the great immortals of the Ancient eras.

I'm trying to be as positive as possible and your probably gonna reply that I'm not just a byproduct of a failed society and a society that fails you on purpose but your also going to state I'm just a failure loser who should correct themselves.

Unfortunately that isn't how it works. I can't just fix myself it requires a great deal of time especially if the spiritual strata is limited and society is under banefulness plus with the way my body is and the why I am in the physical to truly encapsulate a betterment is a tough, tough climb to me.

I think Humanity is at it's limits physically, mentally, and spiritually. They got suckered and conned into being slaves. Than slavery it shall be. I'd rather just enslave a bunch of these NPCs and have them provide me with their capital.

Sheer fact is there are TREMENDOUS amounts of people who love being slaves and relish in it.

Nihilistic or not but your Rockwellian technology is outdated.

The technology of the Nazis to fix society and upgun Humanity is gonna take a Herculean effort by Humanity.

The fact we want, nay, need the Gods. And the fact Humanity is the way it is shows everyone like Gottfried Feder is a Spiritual Yehudim, Mammonistically Poisoned.

HP.Cobra I think you underestimate how many Spiritual Yehudim i.e. Goyim are.

You see this great idealism and I respect it especially your Pluto in Scorpio and Saturnian principle.

But I think you greatly underestimate stupid and or ignorant people. And you greatly underestimate Humanities ability to SUCK and EAT SHIT and DIE like Duke Nukem states.

Humanity needs to be fully disengaged from this Mammonistic, Spiritual Yehudim poisoned acclimation. They literally posses the HEART of CHRIST. They literally pump the yehudimism in them.

I know my post is going to incite a very angry reply from you and your gonna be like G88 you are not spiritually advanced nor do you do anything to help mankind except Spiritual Warfare and a few discussions on our Forums.

Okay fair enough I'm mostly useless.

But Humanity can suck big time.

Humanity is a shred of it's Ancient Gods ruling time. Humanity has been locked into mortal combat since the downfall of the Golden Age.

So never underestimate the Aristotelian Quote of Humanity can be a beast worst than an animal. Not even a an Animal at least with animals they'll fuck shit up if threatened. No Goyim below animals it's no surprise humanity loves to swim in shit.

Your probably gonna state I'm worse than the original poster. Yeah I can be extreme I can march down a dark alley and pull things out it that scare the shit out of people. But you know full well I speak the truth look at people in the past wanting to destroy the jews or xtianity or islam or any of this stuff. NPCs NPCs everywhere as Buzz Lightyear States.

It's time for a change. But Humanity is just birth, live, die. Birth, live Die. Like MDK from Demolition Man, Murder, Death Kill. Humanity is either live to die or die to live. And don't forget to berg and stein, stein and berg, don't forget to act out stupid and don't forget the violence.

Like Marilyn Manson states in Beautiful People modfied by me. Humanity can't see the forest nor the trees and it can't smell it's own shit and the shit the jews threw in on it's knees.

Humanity can be outright useless. The sleeping masses. We still have people wanting to doom and gloom the planet.

The voices of the terrorizers far in as much screams out everywhere with the silent majority.

If that is the case then Humanity can rest easy it's going to slavery and they should embrace it. After all they spent their entire life working towards enslavement of themselves and others. Like xtians the beautiful baby I gave birth to finally another slave to krast.

Not another brick in the wall. But another slave in the masses of slavery.

Your right we got things we got money and we got items to buy. All worthless stuff that breaks down is cheap and low-quality. People got stuff okay sure. But people also get fucked over. And besides for many they are just renting it. Large masses of interest, credit, and even amortization or even leases.

If Humanity isn't a slave at this point slowly going back I don't know what is. And people even if listening still continue trudging along to slavery.

At this point our only hope is large mass spiritual warfare to kabbalistically eviscerate the enemies plans. And wait for the Gods. If our people can gather up masses of money and become powerful and rich and impose reality fearlessly without reprisal. Okay.

But honestly I think UNLESS these aliens of ours come. Then the poster you replied to is correct to a great degree.

Honestly what I’ve read so far and have understood from your perspective you are still in a state of loathing for the current state of the human species. Understood to a certain degree. But still in a sense irrelevant. We know the current existence of things, yet you let self doubt plague your mind because your are overly analytical. That can be a obstacle as you live in your head way to much. What you state isn’t untrue, however what use is it to you to plague yourself unnecessarily.

You expect a result yet you doubt. You are defeating your purpose. It’s like a never ending cycle.

What HP states would be considered fanatical but at the same time it isn’t. We are humans. We require purpose and we as conscious beings create our purpose, aka we evolve as time rolls on. Unbeknownst to many work isn’t bad, it’s a way or rather a means to progress. However to one who prefers no work they get no result or rather they let automated machinations do the work simply prolonging the struggle of evolution. There must be balance.

One does nothing= they get nothing.

Evolution isn’t hard. What is hard is the process of evolving when you want to do nothing. Or belief in something while doubting yourself is the same thing.
Dahaarkan said:
Note also that "UBI" exists to some extent only without the universal part, as if you are a non-white the jews in our governments are more than happy to provide you with housing and resources for you to endlessly breed and wipe out the white race.

Meanwhile a white couple both working full time must get a bank loan to buy bread to be able to feed their one child.

So working white people are basically going to work, and paying taxes which then go to housing and feeding muslim men which will then find their white children on their way to school and XD them. So why is it so bad that instead that basic income should be put to housing and feeding our own people instead.

How about the governments instead of taxing the fuck out of white workers and then giving away billions to jewish bankers and businessmen, and spending ludicrous amounts of money housing rapists and murderers, instead oh I don't know spend some of that tax money feeding and housing our own children maybe?

How about instead of overworking white people to death while the other races stay at home living off of our tax money, you instead use the fucking technology that already exists so your own people don't have to slave away their whole lives for jewish bosses?

It seems your are bitter based on this particular post. You are mad at your own race for being completely irresponsible in how to handle things. Understood. You are angered at the other races that are being completely irrelevant and completely useless in society. Once more understood. And now you are venting. How does it feel? Better? Maybe in the short term, but blowing a fuse isn’t going to decrease the problem brother. Think about it. We have machinations. Good. but at the current state even if we use them, we still have the confounding problem of what is everyone going to do if relieved of the harder labor? Meditate?

Unlikely. As a species we are currently bred to be complacent. Satisfied, yet unsatisfied. Running like hamsters on the wheel. We are led this way by such complacency. Yes Jews and the ilk serve to continue this for their own nefarious reasons and ideals.

But if you remove them you still have to teach humanity to not be complacent. You have to shake them awake. We are doing that as we can see the results of the current state, people are waking up.

Be angry, use it to push others to not be complacent. But mind your words and actions as some may see it differently. Tactful and mindful are essential if you want others to be adherent to a way that will make them better.
Guys you should start looking at things from a more grandiose perspective, and understand that inevitable changes occur and cannot be resisted and only adapted to.

The automation revolution is inevitable and nobody can prevent this, and with the shortage of jobs in industrial sectors, the modern worker lifestyle simply will no longer exist no matter how much you dislike this reality. And as I've said already UBI & automation will be a total disaster while the jews are still in control and this is to be expected.

But regardless of how jews corrupt and destroy things, it doesn't mean something they have corrupted cannot be repurposed in a positive way in the future under gentile administration. I'm bored of discussing this at this point, none of you seem to understand this will come to pass whether you like it or not, and whether you like or not, we will have to repair and repurpose it to become something positive.

The concept that people are happy in modern industrial work is completely delusional. Factories are literally being built with suicide nets nowadays and you think these people are happy working these jobs...
tabby said:
The human soul won't work with it. When I work for what I want, earn what I want and need, I feel a highly positive energetic response in my soul. And this happens for everything I earn with honest labor. Depriving a soul of that, is cruel.

You are under the misconception that UBI would suck people dry of any drive or motivation to do anything with their lives. What UBI does is it removes forceful labor, not labor itself.

As I said above there are countless things that a machine cannot do which need to be done, and there would never be a shortage of work that needs to be done. The difference is now nobody can be forced to do anything. People would go out and work on things because they want to, not because they are forced to.

People also tend to miss the "basic" part of UBI, which means this is to cover only basic expenses. So if you want to buy a new phone, or a car, or a better home, you still need to go out there and work to earn the money you'd need to buy these things.

This is why I say the state would have to oversee projects, constructions, repairs and so on and so forth while providing additional incomes on top of UBI for those who wish to work on these, giving everyone a chance and a choice to work and earn and accomplish things in their life. See you people have a bad habit of skimming through posts and then replying with an incorrect perception of what was said.

Meanwhile people are also directly working to maintain and develop their own nation with their labor instead of just giving profits to some random millionaire. Nobody said anything about removing all labor from the world, you people imagined this in your heads (because you don't read posts) and started arguing against this same idea nobody had in the first place.

UBI would not remove all labor from the world. UBI would remove the element that FORCES people into labor they do not wish to do, which many employers use to abuse and enslave their workers.

Under a proper, gentile managed UBI system people would work with joy for the first time in centuries, because they would be working to advance personal projects and ambitions and out of their own free will, and not because of a system rigged to keep them poor and force them to work jobs they may not enjoy.

Again, no shortage of work that a machine cannot do. I'm certainly not going to a restaurant that serves food made by a stupid ass walking microwave, neither am I going to have my home built by robots with no artistic taste for architecture, or have a goddamn self driving truck that crashes every 10 minutes deliver things to me.

Yall need to actually start reading posts before responding because this is frankly getting really boring and annoying.
Dahaarkan said:
Guys you should start looking at things from a more grandiose perspective, and understand that inevitable changes occur and cannot be resisted and only adapted to.

The automation revolution is inevitable and nobody can prevent this, and with the shortage of jobs in industrial sectors, the modern worker lifestyle simply will no longer exist no matter how much you dislike this reality. And as I've said already UBI & automation will be a total disaster while the jews are still in control and this is to be expected.

But regardless of how jews corrupt and destroy things, it doesn't mean something they have corrupted cannot be repurposed in a positive way in the future under gentile administration. I'm bored of discussing this at this point, none of you seem to understand this will come to pass whether you like it or not, and whether you like or not, we will have to repair and repurpose it to become something positive.

The concept that people are happy in modern industrial work is completely delusional. Factories are literally being built with suicide nets nowadays and you think these people are happy working these jobs...

We believe in different solutions, and we don't see the problems the same way. I also don't like your way of arguing so let's agree to disagree, and put it to bed.
General Yeager said:

If you believe that all of these negative events are "going to happen", then you are giving them power, whilst restricting your own efforts against them. They are only possibilities, based on what the enemy wants to happen, but these possibilities lessen as we continue our fight.

You should prepare for the worst, but your thoughts and energies should always be hopeful and optimistic, especially as we do RTR's or other rituals which directly conflict with these negative events. Our programming of the future cannot exist simultaneously with their programs.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=429982 time=1678624690 user_id=21286]
General Yeager said:

If you believe that all of these negative events are "going to happen", then you are giving them power, whilst restricting your own efforts against them. They are only possibilities, based on what the enemy wants to happen, but these possibilities lessen as we continue our fight.

You should prepare for the worst, but your thoughts and energies should always be hopeful and optimistic, especially as we do RTR's or other rituals which directly conflict with these negative events. Our programming of the future cannot exist simultaneously with their programs.

Well said, dear Guardian. Our programming can not exist simultaneously with theirs and we shall keep working on the RTRs and spiritual warfare, while at the same time keeping our mental sanity at stable levels.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=429982 time=1678624690 user_id=21286]
General Yeager said:

If you believe that all of these negative events are "going to happen", then you are giving them power, whilst restricting your own efforts against them. They are only possibilities, based on what the enemy wants to happen, but these possibilities lessen as we continue our fight.

You should prepare for the worst, but your thoughts and energies should always be hopeful and optimistic, especially as we do RTR's or other rituals which directly conflict with these negative events. Our programming of the future cannot exist simultaneously with their programs.
What events are you referring to specifically. The Natural Disasters themselves or the Jewish plans to use these Natural events to their advantage ? Because I don't believe and state repeatedly that the Jews will be unsuccessful in using these events to their advantage and that these are going to be turning points that mark their end.
I had a dream about this subject like 2 days ago or so. In this dream, I basically had a really hard time accepting an AI can do things better than I can, and I was trying to let it do its job alongside it. I was refusing constantly for some reason. And then I woke up. I often wonder what this may mean in regards to AI...
Soul Wings said:
I had a dream about this subject like 2 days ago or so. In this dream, I basically had a really hard time accepting an AI can do things better than I can, and I was trying to let it do its job alongside it. I was refusing constantly for some reason. And then I woke up. I often wonder what this may mean in regards to AI...

That you, like many others are resistant to change and have a hard time adapting to new things and new ways of life and existence.

You yourself do not know the reason why you reject and refuse it. This is merely the same attitude you get from old folks who will refuse to their dying breaths to even attempt to learn how to use a computer, because computers have made incredible changes to the world and the way we live, but they were not ready to adapt to this and instead reject it to their graves.

This is the same mentality that saw people hysterical over electricity, cars and whatever else that became a part of our lives.


Irrespective of any personal opinions, technology will move forward whether one is personally ready to adapt or not. Whenever anything is created people like to consider only the negative possibilities and disregard any positive application that something might bring.

Oh but jews will use it to try to enslave gentiles...yeah, like literally everything else they get their hands on, they try to repurpose and corrupt it to serve their goals. The problem isn't the technology, the problem is giving jews control over it and letting them corrupt technology to enslave gentiles.
Dahaarkan said:
tabby said:
The human soul won't work with it. When I work for what I want, earn what I want and need, I feel a highly positive energetic response in my soul. And this happens for everything I earn with honest labor. Depriving a soul of that, is cruel.

You are under the misconception that UBI would suck people dry of any drive or motivation to do anything with their lives. What UBI does is it removes forceful labor, not labor itself.

As I said above there are countless things that a machine cannot do which need to be done, and there would never be a shortage of work that needs to be done. The difference is now nobody can be forced to do anything. People would go out and work on things because they want to, not because they are forced to.

People also tend to miss the "basic" part of UBI, which means this is to cover only basic expenses. So if you want to buy a new phone, or a car, or a better home, you still need to go out there and work to earn the money you'd need to buy these things.

This is why I say the state would have to oversee projects, constructions, repairs and so on and so forth while providing additional incomes on top of UBI for those who wish to work on these, giving everyone a chance and a choice to work and earn and accomplish things in their life. See you people have a bad habit of skimming through posts and then replying with an incorrect perception of what was said.

Meanwhile people are also directly working to maintain and develop their own nation with their labor instead of just giving profits to some random millionaire. Nobody said anything about removing all labor from the world, you people imagined this in your heads (because you don't read posts) and started arguing against this same idea nobody had in the first place.

UBI would not remove all labor from the world. UBI would remove the element that FORCES people into labor they do not wish to do, which many employers use to abuse and enslave their workers.

Under a proper, gentile managed UBI system people would work with joy for the first time in centuries, because they would be working to advance personal projects and ambitions and out of their own free will, and not because of a system rigged to keep them poor and force them to work jobs they may not enjoy.

Again, no shortage of work that a machine cannot do. I'm certainly not going to a restaurant that serves food made by a stupid ass walking microwave, neither am I going to have my home built by robots with no artistic taste for architecture, or have a goddamn self driving truck that crashes every 10 minutes deliver things to me.

Yall need to actually start reading posts before responding because this is frankly getting really boring and annoying.

Have you heard of the saying "give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime"?

UBI is basically the equivalent of giving a man a fish instead of teaching him to fish. No one would need to have a UBI if they had skills which the enemy is systematically trying to breed out of people with pushing white collar work and machine labor.
tabby said:
Have you heard of the saying "give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime"?

UBI is basically the equivalent of giving a man a fish instead of teaching him to fish. No one would need to have a UBI if they had skills which the enemy is systematically trying to breed out of people with pushing white collar work and machine labor.

Yeah and in the modern work world, you teach a man to fish, force him to fish for 8-12 hours a day, then at the end of the day you take everything he produced as profits for yourself and give him a single fish tail for him to feed his family with.

What is your point, tabby?
Dahaarkan said:
tabby said:
Have you heard of the saying "give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime"?

UBI is basically the equivalent of giving a man a fish instead of teaching him to fish. No one would need to have a UBI if they had skills which the enemy is systematically trying to breed out of people with pushing white collar work and machine labor.

Yeah and in the modern work world, you teach a man to fish, force him to fish for 8-12 hours a day, then at the end of the day you take everything he produced as profits for yourself and give him a single fish tail for him to feed his family with.

What is your point, tabby?
Ok, but your ubi would work in your hypothetical future, in our hypotethical future it would would not work as you just described.
Aquarius said:
Ok, but your ubi would work in your hypothetical future, in our hypotethical future it would would not work as you just described.

Yeah, it will be a total disaster initially. But I personally think this is due to the fact jews are still running the show and will push it to the negative extreme, and not the concept itself.

I think under gentile administration, especially under Satanic administration, this can and will work itself out in a positive way.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
