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Want to scream. News from Australia, New Caledonia and Italy


Jul 17, 2021
The news is bad.
Australia is a laboratory of Dictatorship that has nothing to envy to China. New Caledonia, a French territory, and Italy vote for compulsory vaccination.


I feel the hot breath of the jab in our neck. I will do EVERYTHING so that my family and I can escape.

Some articles :


"It is only a matter of time before Macron the tyrant proclaims compulsory vaccination for the Gallic insurgents and their children.

In Italy, Mario Draghi, the Goldman Sachs man appointed prime minister by international Jewish finance, has just announced compulsory vaccination for the entire population.


The goal is to transform Western countries into Bolshevik states whose population will be eternal slaves to the Jewish debt, with the added bonus of tens of millions of mercenaries imported from the Third World to terrorize the natives with the help of the police.

It is already almost impossible to leave France if you are not vaccinated and it will be even worse in the coming months. The whole of Western Europe is following the same process of totalitarian re-education of the population."


"Traduction en : anglais (USA)
It was a short night in Congress. The work and the procedures related to the draft text on the vaccination obligation lasted until very late, Thursday September 2. And after reflection in the plenary commission, it was in the permanent commission that the decision, heavy with meaning, was taken this Friday, September 3: the eleven elected officials who make up the "Small Congress" were unanimous in their support for the introduction of a mandatory vaccination against the SARS-Co V-2 virus in New Caledonia."

Total covidism: Australia introduces a geolocation and facial recognition control application to monitor every movement of the population

"Traduction en : anglais (USA)
If you want to know how far the globalist oligarchy's takeover of Western societies will go, you have to look at the situation in Australia.

For some time now, the army has been patrolling the streets to ensure that the population is under house arrest.

But this is only one of the many aspects of the implementation of a total surveillance and control system.

For years the oligarchy has been complaining about peasants protesting on the internet without being identified, arrested and socially eradicated or even thrown into concentration camps. This is about to be resolved.

"The Australian federal government plans to de-anonymize the internet to introduce a social credit system to combat "online abuse". Police will have access to individuals' social media accounts, which will be linked to their passports."

But it gets better.

The police will be able to edit the content of what people post online.


In just 24 hours, the Australian government pushed a bill through Parliament that allows police to hack into the devices of anyone involved in an ongoing investigation. With this new law, police will be able to alter or delete data, take control of social media accounts, and collect network activity to the extent they deem necessary to further their investigations. This can be done by creating one of three warrants, which critics say are far too easy to obtain.

Titled "Surveillance Legislation Amendment (Identify and Disrupt) Bill 2021" (an already rather ominous title), the legislation grants police the power to obtain three new warrants:

1. Data disruption warrants: these allow police to alter or delete a suspect's data entirely;
2. Network activity warrants: police can obtain information stored on a suspect's computers, as well as any suspected criminal network and users linked to the individual ;
3. Account takeover warrants: police can take control of a suspect's social media and online accounts.

To obtain these warrants, the police do not need to seek a judge's authorization. Instead, they simply need to request them from the administrative appeals tribunal, a review body within the government that independently reviews decisions made by public officials, but only has jurisdiction when the law specifically provides for it. This will make it much easier to obtain warrants for data collection or modification without having to justify them to a judge.

The government has given itself the right to take control of a person's Internet within 24 hours to delete or add to all or part of the content they have posted online. The police will not only be able to censor content they deem politically deviant, but also post illegal content on the accounts of targeted individuals and use it as a pretext to arrest them.

This is on the level of the Stasi.

When I talk about concentration camps, I mean it literally. Australia has just launched the official construction of its first internment camp for covidist state draft dodgers. As in the video below which takes place in the state of Queensland where you can see the Premier of that state announcing the launch of the construction of a camp with the construction machinery in the background.

The covidist police are already using anti-terrorist units to target and spot the holdouts.

If you want to see something creepy, it's this way:

If you sneeze, you'll have SWAT at your door in this country.

New tools are being deployed to monitor the population in real time and control their every move.

The latest was featured in the American press.

The Atlantic:

Travel within Australia is also severely restricted. And the government of South Australia, one of the country's six states, has developed and is testing an application as Orwellian as any in the free world to enforce its quarantine rules.

South Australians will be forced to download an app that combines facial recognition and geolocation. The state will send them text messages at random times, after which they will have 15 minutes to take a photo of their face at the location they are supposed to be at. If they fail, the local police department will be sent to follow up in person.

"We don't tell them how often or when, on a random basis, they have to respond within 15 minutes," explained Premier Steven Marshall. "I think every South Australian should feel pretty proud that we are the national pilot for the home quarantine application."

As planned, Cohen19 was used as an excuse to launch a campaign of systematic psychological warfare against the population before implementing a brutal regime of surveillance and control that will never be abolished as long as the oligarchic caste is in power.

You say to yourself, "All Australians have to do is leave the country. This is impossible: the government has indefinitely forbidden the population to leave the country. Australia being an island, it is impossible for the population to leave a country that has reverted to its original function: being an open-air penitentiary.

It remains to be seen how long before the government in France faces exactly the same thing."

On September 1st:
72.6% of French people have received at least one dose of which .....66,6% - this is not invented :( - have received 2 doses.
There are still 27.4% of French people who have not been vaccinated, including children.

I let you imagine the few adults who have not yet received the jab: The non-vaccinated over 18 years are ultra-minority...

Statistics taken from this official site :

Soon to be tracked down.
Personally I have never felt any kind of pressure regarding covid othen than some fear when it started, and the mask bullshit(clown world demands masks then they themselves let their noses stick out LOL), I just put the mask on when getting inside shops.

Even if it become obbligatory they are gonna have to get it over my dead body, I'm not budging and if they have the audacity to come to my house to restrain me or other bullshit then I'll say goodbye to my comfortable life and I'll have to take drastic decisions, like emigrating illegally or stuff like that, the USA takes thousands of illegals, might aswell take a decent one, lol.
Aquarius said:
Personally I have never felt any kind of pressure regarding covid othen than some fear when it started, and the mask bullshit(clown world demands masks then they themselves let their noses stick out LOL), I just put the mask on when getting inside shops.

Even if it become obbligatory they are gonna have to get it over my dead body, I'm not budging and if they have the audacity to come to my house to restrain me or other bullshit then I'll say goodbye to my comfortable life and I'll have to take drastic decisions, like emigrating illegally or stuff like that, the USA takes thousands of illegals, might aswell take a decent one, lol.

What if the vaccine becomes mandatory in the USA too?

When I was new to Spiritual Satanism, I wanted to move to the USA but with racial awareness and understanding, I changed my mind afterwards. I will not leave Europe for any reason.
Aquarius said:
Personally I have never felt any kind of pressure regarding covid othen than some fear when it started, and the mask bullshit(clown world demands masks then they themselves let their noses stick out LOL), I just put the mask on when getting inside shops.

Even if it become obbligatory they are gonna have to get it over my dead body, I'm not budging and if they have the audacity to come to my house to restrain me or other bullshit then I'll say goodbye to my comfortable life and I'll have to take drastic decisions, like emigrating illegally or stuff like that, the USA takes thousands of illegals, might aswell take a decent one, lol.

They already want to ban travel to other countries in the US, now I know it is not to that point yet
Aquarius said:
Personally I have never felt any kind of pressure regarding covid othen than some fear when it started, and the mask bullshit(clown world demands masks then they themselves let their noses stick out LOL), I just put the mask on when getting inside shops.

Even if it become obbligatory they are gonna have to get it over my dead body, I'm not budging and if they have the audacity to come to my house to restrain me or other bullshit then I'll say goodbye to my comfortable life and I'll have to take drastic decisions, like emigrating illegally or stuff like that, the USA takes thousands of illegals, might aswell take a decent one, lol.

I can run away with you. Nothing keeps me in my "home".
MiniMe3388 said:
Aquarius said:
Personally I have never felt any kind of pressure regarding covid othen than some fear when it started, and the mask bullshit(clown world demands masks then they themselves let their noses stick out LOL), I just put the mask on when getting inside shops.

Even if it become obbligatory they are gonna have to get it over my dead body, I'm not budging and if they have the audacity to come to my house to restrain me or other bullshit then I'll say goodbye to my comfortable life and I'll have to take drastic decisions, like emigrating illegally or stuff like that, the USA takes thousands of illegals, might aswell take a decent one, lol.

I can run away with you. Nothing keeps me in my "home".
Your boyfriend is coming with us? He would be the third wheel :p
Aquarius said:
MiniMe3388 said:
Aquarius said:
Personally I have never felt any kind of pressure regarding covid othen than some fear when it started, and the mask bullshit(clown world demands masks then they themselves let their noses stick out LOL), I just put the mask on when getting inside shops.

Even if it become obbligatory they are gonna have to get it over my dead body, I'm not budging and if they have the audacity to come to my house to restrain me or other bullshit then I'll say goodbye to my comfortable life and I'll have to take drastic decisions, like emigrating illegally or stuff like that, the USA takes thousands of illegals, might aswell take a decent one, lol.

I can run away with you. Nothing keeps me in my "home".
Your boyfriend is coming with us? He would be the third wheel :p

W-who d-do you m-mean?
MiniMe3388 said:
Aquarius said:
Personally I have never felt any kind of pressure regarding covid othen than some fear when it started, and the mask bullshit(clown world demands masks then they themselves let their noses stick out LOL), I just put the mask on when getting inside shops.

Even if it become obbligatory they are gonna have to get it over my dead body, I'm not budging and if they have the audacity to come to my house to restrain me or other bullshit then I'll say goodbye to my comfortable life and I'll have to take drastic decisions, like emigrating illegally or stuff like that, the USA takes thousands of illegals, might aswell take a decent one, lol.

I can run away with you. Nothing keeps me in my "home".

Traitors. When your nation is doing well it is a treasure, when it has problems it suddenly becomes shit.

Where would your nation be if your ancestors behaved this way? Such a thing should only be the case in extreme situations where it is not possible to live.

You have in your hands potentially infinite power and you are filling your underpants, what a shame. You are the best of your peoples and now that your people need you the most, you want to run away. Let them fight and let others better the nation, right? Then don't complain because those inferior to you didn't do what you could do.

Instead of complaining about your nation, try to improve it. You have all the power you need to improve yourself and your people.
Ramier108666 said:
Aquarius said:
MiniMe3388 said:
I can run away with you. Nothing keeps me in my "home".
Your boyfriend is coming with us? He would be the third wheel :p

You’re more than welcome down here in texas. I’m down here if ya need help( just teach me some cuisine you guys like. I love to cook different stuff. lol) I figured it would get bad. I was told by Azazel to keep doing my meditations diligently so I could raise my serpent. Now I see why. These parasites are beyond insane. I want them eradicated.
That's extremely loving of you and I won't forget that. Thank you.
Master said:
Aquarius said:
Personally I have never felt any kind of pressure regarding covid othen than some fear when it started, and the mask bullshit(clown world demands masks then they themselves let their noses stick out LOL), I just put the mask on when getting inside shops.

Even if it become obbligatory they are gonna have to get it over my dead body, I'm not budging and if they have the audacity to come to my house to restrain me or other bullshit then I'll say goodbye to my comfortable life and I'll have to take drastic decisions, like emigrating illegally or stuff like that, the USA takes thousands of illegals, might aswell take a decent one, lol.

What if the vaccine becomes mandatory in the USA too?

When I was new to Spiritual Satanism, I wanted to move to the USA but with racial awareness and understanding, I changed my mind afterwards. I will not leave Europe for any reason.

Master, I was living in London and seeing all of the race mixing was paining me. So I moved to Scotland which was much more homogenous. The enemy realised this. And after seeing only one race you now see loads of different races here.

So quickly it happens because it's the government housing them.

I saw in the free newspaper that Glasgow City Council has already recieved and housed 70 Afganistan families. Brought in under the refugee plan by the government.

And Scotland will be receiving a further 20 000. Under the refugee act or something over the next five years.

Shocking for a country of only 5 million. This truly does change the feel of a society because the people have different ways about them and the relaxed harmony feel goes out the window. So you cannot escape it, it seems.

But with this injection we may have even a worse problem because who knows what that will make of our fellow mankind. Could they become docile Borg cattle. As the enemy said future humans will, 'Own nothing and be happy.'

David Icke has said a couple things about this shot that it attacks chromosome eight. Which would attack the intelligence, rationalising gene. Who knows what will become of the vaccinated.

I'm very concerned about all of this myself.

David Icke said in the future there will be two different type of humans. One only materialistic and bound in the five senses. And those that hadn't had their sixth sense cut off by the shot. The unvaccinated will still have their intuition and be open to infinity.

He went on to say that we are not our brain or biological body. That we are the consciousness that's eternal behind it. We are pure consciousness.

That say you take this shot. You could live into your 90's. But when you die you would really die because you killed the sixth sense with the shot.

But if you don't take it and die, your soul still lives.

Absolutely shocking times. Good luck. They're trying to steal our very souls.
I know. Very disheartening. I fear because as we in Scotland approach the Autumn and Winter. The vaccinated will start dropping like flies and the enemy will blame the unvaccinated. But it will be the shot causing all the illness. And they will then come after us here too. Very sobering. I feel vulnerable. Good luck my comrade.

I don't know they say after a few years we will win. Just working out how to avoid their injection until then is my concern.

Where there's a will, there's s way. Good luck.
Ramier108666 said:
You’re more than welcome down here in texas. I’m down here if ya need help( just teach me some cuisine you guys like. I love to cook different stuff. lol) I figured it would get bad. I was told by Azazel to keep doing my meditations diligently so I could raise my serpent. Now I see why. These parasites are beyond insane. I want them eradicated.

Do you happen to know what the situation is in US states with a better climate for fair-skinned White people? (i.e. Minnesota, Michigan, Oregon...)
Aquarius said:
MiniMe3388 said:
Aquarius said:
Personally I have never felt any kind of pressure regarding covid othen than some fear when it started, and the mask bullshit(clown world demands masks then they themselves let their noses stick out LOL), I just put the mask on when getting inside shops.

Even if it become obbligatory they are gonna have to get it over my dead body, I'm not budging and if they have the audacity to come to my house to restrain me or other bullshit then I'll say goodbye to my comfortable life and I'll have to take drastic decisions, like emigrating illegally or stuff like that, the USA takes thousands of illegals, might aswell take a decent one, lol.

I can run away with you. Nothing keeps me in my "home".
Your boyfriend is coming with us? He would be the third wheel :p

Who d-do you m-mean?
Stormblood said:
Ramier108666 said:
You’re more than welcome down here in texas. I’m down here if ya need help( just teach me some cuisine you guys like. I love to cook different stuff. lol) I figured it would get bad. I was told by Azazel to keep doing my meditations diligently so I could raise my serpent. Now I see why. These parasites are beyond insane. I want them eradicated.

Do you happen to know what the situation is in US states with a better climate for fair-skinned White people? (i.e. Minnesota, Michigan, Oregon...)

It really depends on what the person likes so far as weather. I don't like winters in Michigan that much sometimes but the rest of the time is pretty nice. Don't know that much about the other places.
Stormblood said:
Do you happen to know what the situation is in US states with a better climate for fair-skinned White people? (i.e. Minnesota, Michigan, Oregon...)
Minnesota is a dump now. Remember it was where the original riots happened last year. Obama also imported thousands of Muslims there (Dearborn). The twin cities are basically a free for all leftist dystopia.

Michigan isn’t too much better. There’s Detroit and a bunch of other “Enriched” areas. Other than that most of the state seems alright. Gretchen whitmer has been one of the most tyrannical covid governors there though.

Oregon/Washington is ANTIFA headquarters and the big cities (Portland/Seattle) are also a free for all where police no longer even prosecute property crimes and such. Criminals crackheads and bums are allowed to act with impunity in these places because of woke laws and judges. Other than that most of the state is right wing. Also terrible tyrannical governors and city governments there.
Stormblood said:
Ramier108666 said:
You’re more than welcome down here in texas. I’m down here if ya need help( just teach me some cuisine you guys like. I love to cook different stuff. lol) I figured it would get bad. I was told by Azazel to keep doing my meditations diligently so I could raise my serpent. Now I see why. These parasites are beyond insane. I want them eradicated.

Do you happen to know what the situation is in US states with a better climate for fair-skinned White people? (i.e. Minnesota, Michigan, Oregon...)

I’m not too sure per se about Michigan and Oregon, however regarding the Cohen-19 it’s not mandatory as of yet. I’ll look up on the other two. My assumption is that you prefer warm climate but occasional snow, correct
Personal Growth said:
Master said:
Aquarius said:
Personally I have never felt any kind of pressure regarding covid othen than some fear when it started, and the mask bullshit(clown world demands masks then they themselves let their noses stick out LOL), I just put the mask on when getting inside shops.

Even if it become obbligatory they are gonna have to get it over my dead body, I'm not budging and if they have the audacity to come to my house to restrain me or other bullshit then I'll say goodbye to my comfortable life and I'll have to take drastic decisions, like emigrating illegally or stuff like that, the USA takes thousands of illegals, might aswell take a decent one, lol.

What if the vaccine becomes mandatory in the USA too?

When I was new to Spiritual Satanism, I wanted to move to the USA but with racial awareness and understanding, I changed my mind afterwards. I will not leave Europe for any reason.

Master, I was living in London and seeing all of the race mixing was paining me. So I moved to Scotland which was much more homogenous. The enemy realised this. And after seeing only one race you now see loads of different races here.

So quickly it happens because it's the government housing them.

I saw in the free newspaper that Glasgow City Council has already recieved and housed 70 Afganistan families. Brought in under the refugee plan by the government.

And Scotland will be receiving a further 20 000. Under the refugee act or something over the next five years.

Shocking for a country of only 5 million. This truly does change the feel of a society because the people have different ways about them and the relaxed harmony feel goes out the window. So you cannot escape it, it seems.

But with this injection we may have even a worse problem because who knows what that will make of our fellow mankind. Could they become docile Borg cattle. As the enemy said future humans will, 'Own nothing and be happy.'

David Icke has said a couple things about this shot that it attacks chromosome eight. Which would attack the intelligence, rationalising gene. Who knows what will become of the vaccinated.

I'm very concerned about all of this myself.

David Icke said in the future there will be two different type of humans. One only materialistic and bound in the five senses. And those that hadn't had their sixth sense cut off by the shot. The unvaccinated will still have their intuition and be open to infinity.

He went on to say that we are not our brain or biological body. That we are the consciousness that's eternal behind it. We are pure consciousness.

That say you take this shot. You could live into your 90's. But when you die you would really die because you killed the sixth sense with the shot.

But if you don't take it and die, your soul still lives.

Absolutely shocking times. Good luck. They're trying to steal our very souls.

Live with your people for your people and not for the invaders, they are bound to leave sooner or later, by good or bad means. The victory is ours and not the jews.

David Icke may not be very accurate about consciousness. I don't think the whole consciousness is contained in a chromosome, I think it is in the whole DNA.
Ramier108666 said:
Stormblood said:
Ramier108666 said:
You’re more than welcome down here in texas. I’m down here if ya need help( just teach me some cuisine you guys like. I love to cook different stuff. lol) I figured it would get bad. I was told by Azazel to keep doing my meditations diligently so I could raise my serpent. Now I see why. These parasites are beyond insane. I want them eradicated.

Do you happen to know what the situation is in US states with a better climate for fair-skinned White people? (i.e. Minnesota, Michigan, Oregon...)

I’m not too sure per se about Michigan and Oregon, however regarding the Cohen-19 it’s not mandatory as of yet. I’ll look up on the other two. My assumption is that you prefer warm climate but occasional snow, correct

I like the temperature to never exceed 24C/75F and snow makes me very happy, especially in winter. Ice is great too. The best thing is fog, but I never lived in an area where it was sufficient. Higher temperatures are a psychological (and physical) nuisance. I believe climate is not just a preference, but something that relates to our genes. It is safe to assume that it will be more difficult for a black man to achieve happiness in Scotland than it would be in Africa. This is because climate affects us both psychologically and physically, as both are interrelated. Another thing is landscape, obviously, but landscape is intrinsic to the climate.

I hear many Brits complaining about the rain and how they want Mediterranean heat, not understanding it would be unhealthy for them to be in a Mediterranean climate for longer than a few weeks, unless obviously they are of Southern European origin and thus have a tan/olive skin, rather than being fair or even pale. They also lack the understanding that periodic rain is necessary for the landscape to remain green, plant to grow, etc. If it didn't rain as often, they'd have less meadows, plains and hills, and more 'golden'/yellow areas, as well as less fertility overall.

I should research this in-depth when I have the time and write a dissertation, as well as one on the links between genetics and the kind of partners you like (appearance-wise).

Here, they are about to rollout vaccine passports, which will be mandatory for indoor venues. In my ugly birth country, you are also about to be unable to shop for groceries without being vaxxed. We should have brown and black shirts marching toward the MPs' houses and setting them on fire, also taking their family hostage. Maybe then they will start thinking straight and turn their backs on the enemy. Or the government and the parliament could be stormed while they are in session, and the people in there executed for high treason and conspiracy against the citizens. We are reaching a melting point where even I would be advocating for drastic measures. Desperate times call for desperate measures, after all.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Stormblood said:
Do you happen to know what the situation is in US states with a better climate for fair-skinned White people? (i.e. Minnesota, Michigan, Oregon...)
Minnesota is a dump now. Remember it was where the original riots happened last year. Obama also imported thousands of Muslims there (Dearborn). The twin cities are basically a free for all leftist dystopia.

Michigan isn’t too much better. There’s Detroit and a bunch of other “Enriched” areas. Other than that most of the state seems alright. Gretchen whitmer has been one of the most tyrannical covid governors there though.

Oregon/Washington is ANTIFA headquarters and the big cities (Portland/Seattle) are also a free for all where police no longer even prosecute property crimes and such. Criminals crackheads and bums are allowed to act with impunity in these places because of woke laws and judges. Other than that most of the state is right wing. Also terrible tyrannical governors and city governments there.

Seems like a purge is overdue. Yesterday, I read the NSFM's 25 points and it seems perfect to me, except a minor detail that says that homosexuals shouldn't be citizen, which I honestly didn't expect from Mr. Herrington.
slyscorpion said:
Stormblood said:
Ramier108666 said:
You’re more than welcome down here in texas. I’m down here if ya need help( just teach me some cuisine you guys like. I love to cook different stuff. lol) I figured it would get bad. I was told by Azazel to keep doing my meditations diligently so I could raise my serpent. Now I see why. These parasites are beyond insane. I want them eradicated.

Do you happen to know what the situation is in US states with a better climate for fair-skinned White people? (i.e. Minnesota, Michigan, Oregon...)

It really depends on what the person likes so far as weather. I don't like winters in Michigan that much sometimes but the rest of the time is pretty nice. Don't know that much about the other places.
All I have is pictures and internet data, as I never lived there. Obviously, I would prefer states that, other than having a suitable climate (and landscape), also have at least 90% White population. If these Whites are of Northern and Central European ancestry, even better.
Stormblood said:
All I have is pictures and internet data, as I never lived there. Obviously, I would prefer states that, other than having a suitable climate (and landscape), also have at least 90% White population. If these Whites are of Northern and Central European ancestry, even better.
You need to be looking at the Midwest. Wyoming, North/South Dakota, Montana all fit this criteria very well.
Personal Growth said:
They're trying to steal our very souls.
Honestly, I do not think that soul can be grabbed with one, or even two shots of anything. It would need quite a bit more work, if I'm not mistaken.

Not only shots, but possibly a chip, plus of course the will has to be hijacked completely. Even before the shots. What use do the Demons have for someone who is not willing to improve, has no interest in Truth and so on(is willingly walking into the enemies hands), right?
Henu the Great said:
Personal Growth said:
They're trying to steal our very souls.
Honestly, I do not think that soul can be grabbed with one, or even two shots of anything. It would need quite a bit more work, if I'm not mistaken.

Not only shots, but possibly a chip, plus of course the will has to be hijacked completely. Even before the shots. What use do the Demons have for someone who is not willing to improve, has no interest in Truth and so on(is willingly walking into the enemies hands), right?

You hit the nail on the head. It's me that said that.
Henu the Great said:
Personal Growth said:
They're trying to steal our very souls.
Honestly, I do not think that soul can be grabbed with one, or even two shots of anything. It would need quite a bit more work, if I'm not mistaken.

Not only shots, but possibly a chip, plus of course the will has to be hijacked completely. Even before the shots. What use do the Demons have for someone who is not willing to improve, has no interest in Truth and so on(is willingly walking into the enemies hands), right?

I asked something similar HPHC did answer:

"Vaccines are given to prevent people from advancing thear souls." Statement from a probably new age guy in a video. Do you think this is possibel? This would be, the wet dream of the enemy."

"At this point in time and for the foreseeable future, no. However, this shows how the grey worshipping Steiner was actually quite attracted to these insane ideals of the greys.

Only a grey would want of such disgusting thing."

Henu the Great said:
Personal Growth said:
They're trying to steal our very souls.
Honestly, I do not think that soul can be grabbed with one, or even two shots of anything. It would need quite a bit more work, if I'm not mistaken.

Not only shots, but possibly a chip, plus of course the will has to be hijacked completely. Even before the shots. What use do the Demons have for someone who is not willing to improve, has no interest in Truth and so on(is willingly walking into the enemies hands), right?

Except in as much like Lucifuge Rofocal's Green spectrum aliens. If they got borged then there might not be in the Universe another alien race or alien body such as themselves.

But for us Humans if people get borged I think the first thing they'd try and do is somehow remove the soul and add some sort of grey borg soul. Either the enemy creates feeble souls to match the body and perform spirituality and digital calculation. A cybernetically enhanced bio-machine a biological computer. The digital with Spiritual.

Or they keep the soul of the person and degenerate it in essence creating a "Human Grey". For example if the aliens wish to borg advanced animal souls they might upgun the animal in their own way and create a "Animal Grey", despite the limitations upgunning and using cybernetics the Grey is taken up to levels of spiritual combat and spiritual openness with an emphasis on slavish combat.

As for jews as it's been said minus the very top spiritual jews most jews would be borged by the enemy why allow the jews free reign they are threat to their own creators as well. Imagine the kvetching jews do to their reptilian/grey masters. The reptards would just order the greys to kill them.

Funny enough a "Jewish grey". It's still a grey but it's easier to grey them up as their genetic system is modified by their hostile gods originally with reptilian and grey genetics I guess a combination of being a slaver and a slave i.e. having grey mass consciousness and love and or hatred for each other. I notice jews love jewishness a lot but even still hate jewishness a lot and create both a love AND hate relationship with their own. Some sort of grey, human, reptilian mental fuck up since their pathetic gods can't even comprehend genetics at our Gods levels.

Either way I think greyification is very simple since it's easy to destroy down. But might be a very long process the so-called Pax Judiaca of 10,000 years of jewish rule. Which is funny because do the enemy want degenerated human souls. Do they really wish to have a risk of possible rebellion from a human soul maybe the human soul has not been degenerated enough and is creating a soul issue in greys i.e. rebellion. Or do the reptilians manufacture grey souls with genetic patterns of the host civilization/s. In other words they come down they borg jewmanity/hu's-manity. And then a combinant for genetic diversity to avoid genetic abnormalities and create a new "grey". A Human/jewish grey that is still a grey like any other grey.

In other words is the "greying" process slow and steady whereby you see enslaved jews and humans seeing greys before their eyes or humans in various levels of greyification. For example you see a Human who achieved his 300th death in 10 years and is part human with one eye that is grey and other grey features.

To reiterate is the process slow and steady till the only thing Humans are is grey or even natural greys for the ones they deem worthy of remaining with reproductive parts. Or is the process come in upgun, modify, add databanks of genetic data, borg animals as well and genetics of animals, and then poof a grey is born.

I'd like to study the greyficiation process if the Gods have books and videos on the process. Is it slow and steady or immediate modifications to create as much weapons as possible for spiritual warfare and slavery.
Stormblood said:
Ramier108666 said:
Stormblood said:
Do you happen to know what the situation is in US states with a better climate for fair-skinned White people? (i.e. Minnesota, Michigan, Oregon...)

I’m not too sure per se about Michigan and Oregon, however regarding the Cohen-19 it’s not mandatory as of yet. I’ll look up on the other two. My assumption is that you prefer warm climate but occasional snow, correct

I like the temperature to never exceed 24C/75F and snow makes me very happy, especially in winter. Ice is great too. The best thing is fog, but I never lived in an area where it was sufficient. Higher temperatures are a psychological (and physical) nuisance. I believe climate is not just a preference, but something that relates to our genes. It is safe to assume that it will be more difficult for a black man to achieve happiness in Scotland than it would be in Africa. This is because climate affects us both psychologically and physically, as both are interrelated. Another thing is landscape, obviously, but landscape is intrinsic to the climate.

I hear many Brits complaining about the rain and how they want Mediterranean heat, not understanding it would be unhealthy for them to be in a Mediterranean climate for longer than a few weeks, unless obviously they are of Southern European origin and thus have a tan/olive skin, rather than being fair or even pale. They also lack the understanding that periodic rain is necessary for the landscape to remain green, plant to grow, etc. If it didn't rain as often, they'd have less meadows, plains and hills, and more 'golden'/yellow areas, as well as less fertility overall.

I should research this in-depth when I have the time and write a dissertation, as well as one on the links between genetics and the kind of partners you like (appearance-wise).

Here, they are about to rollout vaccine passports, which will be mandatory for indoor venues. In my ugly birth country, you are also about to be unable to shop for groceries without being vaxxed. We should have brown and black shirts marching toward the MPs' houses and setting them on fire, also taking their family hostage. Maybe then they will start thinking straight and turn their backs on the enemy. Or the government and the parliament could be stormed while they are in session, and the people in there executed for high treason and conspiracy against the citizens. We are reaching a melting point where even I would be advocating for drastic measures. Desperate times call for desperate measures, after all.

I've actually been thinking for months, would it be necessary at some point for SS to take spiritual action against some of these scum?

I have also considered that it's not just an easy thing where you throw a curse and everything's fixed. You can deal with one rogue politician or leader and the next one still kisses the enemy's ass. Or you can even throw the nation into chaos and have the safety of many compromised.

I know a few politicians in my country I'd curse beyond recognition any day.
Blackdragon666 said:
Stormblood said:
Ramier108666 said:
I’m not too sure per se about Michigan and Oregon, however regarding the Cohen-19 it’s not mandatory as of yet. I’ll look up on the other two. My assumption is that you prefer warm climate but occasional snow, correct

I like the temperature to never exceed 24C/75F and snow makes me very happy, especially in winter. Ice is great too. The best thing is fog, but I never lived in an area where it was sufficient. Higher temperatures are a psychological (and physical) nuisance. I believe climate is not just a preference, but something that relates to our genes. It is safe to assume that it will be more difficult for a black man to achieve happiness in Scotland than it would be in Africa. This is because climate affects us both psychologically and physically, as both are interrelated. Another thing is landscape, obviously, but landscape is intrinsic to the climate.

I hear many Brits complaining about the rain and how they want Mediterranean heat, not understanding it would be unhealthy for them to be in a Mediterranean climate for longer than a few weeks, unless obviously they are of Southern European origin and thus have a tan/olive skin, rather than being fair or even pale. They also lack the understanding that periodic rain is necessary for the landscape to remain green, plant to grow, etc. If it didn't rain as often, they'd have less meadows, plains and hills, and more 'golden'/yellow areas, as well as less fertility overall.

I should research this in-depth when I have the time and write a dissertation, as well as one on the links between genetics and the kind of partners you like (appearance-wise).

Here, they are about to rollout vaccine passports, which will be mandatory for indoor venues. In my ugly birth country, you are also about to be unable to shop for groceries without being vaxxed. We should have brown and black shirts marching toward the MPs' houses and setting them on fire, also taking their family hostage. Maybe then they will start thinking straight and turn their backs on the enemy. Or the government and the parliament could be stormed while they are in session, and the people in there executed for high treason and conspiracy against the citizens. We are reaching a melting point where even I would be advocating for drastic measures. Desperate times call for desperate measures, after all.

I've actually been thinking for months, would it be necessary at some point for SS to take spiritual action against some of these scum?

I have also considered that it's not just an easy thing where you throw a curse and everything's fixed. You can deal with one rogue politician or leader and the next one still kisses the enemy's ass. Or you can even throw the nation into chaos and have the safety of many compromised.

I know a few politicians in my country I'd curse beyond recognition any day.
I've focused the soul shattering on the lizard Mario Draghi :p
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Stormblood said:
Do you happen to know what the situation is in US states with a better climate for fair-skinned White people? (i.e. Minnesota, Michigan, Oregon...)
Minnesota is a dump now. Remember it was where the original riots happened last year. Obama also imported thousands of Muslims there (Dearborn). The twin cities are basically a free for all leftist dystopia.

Michigan isn’t too much better. There’s Detroit and a bunch of other “Enriched” areas. Other than that most of the state seems alright. Gretchen whitmer has been one of the most tyrannical covid governors there though.

Oregon/Washington is ANTIFA headquarters and the big cities (Portland/Seattle) are also a free for all where police no longer even prosecute property crimes and such. Criminals crackheads and bums are allowed to act with impunity in these places because of woke laws and judges. Other than that most of the state is right wing. Also terrible tyrannical governors and city governments there.

Dearborn is in Michigan BTW down near Detroit and yes that place is bad it feels like another country. The larger cities in Michigan if you can avoid it although Grand Rapids area is more conservative but that is strongly xtian so you probably want to avoid it as well. The smaller towns and farther up north is really nice. There is a difference between Urban and Rural. Same with Minnesota and most other states. The upper peninsula and up north is mostly white many areas.
Stormblood said:
I like the temperature to never exceed 24C/75F and snow makes me very happy, especially in winter. Ice is great too.

You know it's funny if it weren't for the kosher bullshit. Ukraine/Black Sea/Crimea. Would be ideal, I recall a lot of Russian and Ukrainian people actually having a killer time in certain U.S. places walking around in plain clothes in the middle of Winter. So you see American's with some winter coverings due to the breezy semi-to-non snowy areas(lower Southern) but the Russkies and Ukrainians are like beach time.

Winter is like in some Southern areas 50s-60s-low 70s and they are like this is perfect like the Motherland. Even though I recall some people mentioning at certain times the Black sea areas heat up a bit the temperature rise is quite low basically it's like Southern U.S. spring/pre-summer temps. Not too hot, not too cold just right. Especially being near the water the temperatures are more assured there's a environmental balance. Usually the beach water provides the cooling to make high temperature 70-80-90 tolerable and along with shade. And it snows/ice in Ukraine as well so there is that although never being in snow myself I've always wondered how the hell people manage to drive cars or walk through the streets like in shithole New York city and being able to identify the business they wish to enter.

Unfortunately 75F and Winter some snow is rare combination. I only mention Black Sea as that is usually resort haven for some Europeans(Seems it happens to other Euro people they feel comfortable in the lower but warm temperatures not too hot, not too cold). But other nations there's is a lack of balance. I would only mention another good nation as Japan. Strong summers in some areas but comfortable in others and winter snow/ice.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Stormblood said:
All I have is pictures and internet data, as I never lived there. Obviously, I would prefer states that, other than having a suitable climate (and landscape), also have at least 90% White population. If these Whites are of Northern and Central European ancestry, even better.
You need to be looking at the Midwest. Wyoming, North/South Dakota, Montana all fit this criteria very well.

Thank you for your suggestion. I did study climates yesterday, and came up with my own rankings based on experience, although I take climate classifications with a grain of salt because Mediterranean climate is described as 'temperate' when it's everything but temperate most of the year, with Southern Italy having temperatures above 35 for 4 months a year.

:arrow: Wyoming - some areas have a B-tier climate and some a D-tier, so I gave it a C for climate. With an A for population, a low population density, and it being mostly republican, I graded it B+ overall.
:arrow: North Dakota - same
:arrow: South Dakota - worse in terms of climate, and not as many Whites as the previous two.
:arrow: Montana - similar climate rankings as WY and ND, but slightly lower White population.

That being said, I have never visited those places. So, who knows. I also realised I was quite ignorant about Southern states, especially South-Eastern. Texas and other are not as terrible as I thought, even though they can get pretty hot. West Virginia and Rhode Island seem ideal from a climate standpoint (and, yes, I know they are not in the South lol). I have relatives in MD, PA and WA, but we only spoke like once or twice my whole life lol WA seems great, climate-wise, but only in the coastal areas. Forks is awesome. Too bad they had to use it as a setting for a shitty novel series lol

Ultimately, I am not looking to move anyway. It was more an experiment of thought. If I had to move, I'd stay within Europe.

Ireland top tier... if only the government wasn't being so messy.
Scotland just below... same about the government, worse than the English one currently.
Netherlands, parts of Denmark and parts of Germany come third.
I've also been considering Northern France, since my ancestors were there at some point, but I don't really fancy it.

slyscorpion said:
The smaller towns and farther up north is really nice. There is a difference between Urban and Rural. Same with Minnesota and most other states. The upper peninsula and up north is mostly white many areas.
I agree with you. I am honestly trying to stay clear of bigger cities where I am now and would prefer living in small market towns or even farms, but the issue is that metropolises have the most jobs. Smaller towns rarely if ever have vacancies and places to rent/buy are more difficult to find too. One risks getting settled in a dump house/flat and having not enough money to fix it and redecorate.

Gear88 said:
Stormblood said:
I like the temperature to never exceed 24C/75F and snow makes me very happy, especially in winter. Ice is great too.

You know it's funny if it weren't for the kosher bullshit. Ukraine/Black Sea/Crimea. Would be ideal, I recall a lot of Russian and Ukrainian people actually having a killer time in certain U.S. places walking around in plain clothes in the middle of Winter. So you see American's with some winter coverings due to the breezy semi-to-non snowy areas(lower Southern) but the Russkies and Ukrainians are like beach time.

Winter is like in some Southern areas 50s-60s-low 70s and they are like this is perfect like the Motherland. Even though I recall some people mentioning at certain times the Black sea areas heat up a bit the temperature rise is quite low basically it's like Southern U.S. spring/pre-summer temps. Not too hot, not too cold just right. Especially being near the water the temperatures are more assured there's a environmental balance. Usually the beach water provides the cooling to make high temperature 70-80-90 tolerable and along with shade. And it snows/ice in Ukraine as well so there is that although never being in snow myself I've always wondered how the hell people manage to drive cars or walk through the streets like in shithole New York city and being able to identify the business they wish to enter.

Unfortunately 75F and Winter some snow is rare combination. I only mention Black Sea as that is usually resort haven for some Europeans(Seems it happens to other Euro people they feel comfortable in the lower but warm temperatures not too hot, not too cold). But other nations there's is a lack of balance. I would only mention another good nation as Japan. Strong summers in some areas but comfortable in others and winter snow/ice.

I am not sure. Maybe you are right. I don't see much CFB climate there, but DFB might be good. I haven't lived in a place with dfb climate yet. I am usually short-sleeved and in short until about 8C, but I am not pale-skinned (I'm fair) so I doubt I'd be in 'plain clothes' in winter there lol Here they are hitting us hard with climate tech. Last September we did not have 27C, which is an abnormal temperature for a cfb climate zone. We had anywhere between 12 and 16C. This temperature we have now is higher than what we had in July and really annoying. It's weird because last week we did have 12C for a few days. I guess they are fabricating reasons to justify climate lockdowns next.


The temperatures described as perfect winter, sounds like perfect summer to me instead lol At 50s you do not even have snow. Funny you say the beach water makes higher temperature bearable. It never occurred to me in Italy when I still live there by the sea, as it was bearably breathable and you even sweat naked.

I think there was a misunderstanding in my speech. 75F is the maximum threshold throughout the year, not the temperature in winter. Ideally, that threshold is never even reached and temperature settles at 64F as they daily mean in the warmest month. I would look at New Zealand, rather than Japan. And Tasmania, but being in Australia it is a no-go zone in this period.
Stormblood said:
Thank you for your suggestion. I did study climates yesterday, and came up with my own rankings based on experience, although I take climate classifications with a grain of salt because Mediterranean climate is described as 'temperate' when it's everything but temperate most of the year, with Southern Italy having temperatures above 35 for 4 months a year.

:arrow: Wyoming - some areas have a B-tier climate and some a D-tier, so I gave it a C for climate. With an A for population, a low population density, and it being mostly republican, I graded it B+ overall.
:arrow: North Dakota - same
:arrow: South Dakota - worse in terms of climate, and not as many Whites as the previous two.
:arrow: Montana - similar climate rankings as WY and ND, but slightly lower White population.
The thing that makes the heat here in the gulf coast states and also in southern Italy so unbearable is the humidity. 80/90 F in place like Montana is absolutely nothing compared to that temperature here because of the dry air and high elevation of the state. The winters will have snow maybe once every few years but otherwise they are nice with an average temperature of 50/60 F for December/January/ February. It will get down to 30/40 F when a cold front comes through.

That being said, I have never visited those places. So, who knows. I also realised I was quite ignorant about Southern states, especially South-Eastern. Texas and other are not as terrible as I thought, even though they can get pretty hot. West Virginia and Rhode Island seem ideal from a climate standpoint (and, yes, I know they are not in the South lol). I have relatives in MD, PA and WA, but we only spoke like once or twice my whole life lol WA seems great, climate-wise, but only in the coastal areas. Forks is awesome. Too bad they had to use it as a setting for a shitty novel series lol
The Pacific Northwest is probably the climate you’d be most familiar with as it is almost identical to the UK.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
The thing that makes the heat here in the gulf coast states and also in southern Italy so unbearable is the humidity. 80/90 F in place like Montana is absolutely nothing compared to that temperature here because of the dry air and high elevation of the state. The winters will have snow maybe once every few years but otherwise they are nice with an average temperature of 50/60 F for December/January/ February. It will get down to 30/40 F when a cold front comes through.

The Pacific Northwest is probably the climate you’d be most familiar with as it is almost identical to the UK.

These are the maps I found:



A curious thing I notice is that the guys I am most attracted to usually come from the areas with my favourite climate. I never noticed a correlation before.

Anyway, I do wonder if people in the Pacific Northwest are as hospitable as people from the South. And, you are right, a dry climate may be different. I do not know because I never lived in one, not even for a short amount of time like a weekend getaway.

Do you know of an accurate map of the political division in the united states, as well as one that illustrates the vaccine situation (with mandates, not the number of vaxtards)? To put it into different words, a map or graph that shows which states have outlawed mandates, which ones are doubtful or considering it, and which ones are going for them? I remember seeing one here somewhere but I can't find it.

We should make one for Europe and Oceania too.
Master post said:
Traitors. When your nation is doing well it is a treasure, when it has problems it suddenly becomes shit.

Where would your nation be if your ancestors behaved this way? Such a thing should only be the case in extreme situations where it is not possible to live.

You have in your hands potentially infinite power and you are filling your underpants, what a shame. You are the best of your peoples and now that your people need you the most, you want to run away. Let them fight and let others better the nation, right? Then don't complain because those inferior to you didn't do what you could do.

Instead of complaining about your nation, try to improve it. You have all the power you need to improve yourself and your people.

You are of no use to your people starving in a shithole country that is sinking. It's better to move somewhere where you can have security and stability so that you can keep your soul healthy and keep pumping out RTR's and such.

We are not martyrs, if the cattle that passes for human beings nowadays is merrily embracing their own nation's collapse you leave them to their fate and move on. You are of no use to Satan or your nation if you are under immense stress or constantly struggling because you live in a shithole country.

Pragmatism over pride, always.
If things get that bad and people still feel like they need social media that's their problem. The internet has turned people's brains into mud. We need to figure out how to use word of mouth again, instead of through wires. If we go back to the year 1980 they'll having nothing to control. We don't need the grid, the mind control, or the talking heads.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
