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Walking Into Enlightenment

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
While commonly in texts it's written that one will experience certain things like "epiphanies" from meditation, that is only one aspect of meditation and it's outcome in producing enlightenment. Enlightenment is an ongoing process.

It is very important that when one walks on this path to have patience. Meditation cumulates inside your soul, and it might look like you are building step by step, making little progress day by day. Then at the point you are about to stop, the accumulated effort manifests itself inside you, and you suddenly rise to another level.

This can happen also in meditation related practices, or in things you want to know or discover in this path. Enlightenment will only arrive for the brave and those who put the necessary effort into this. Then, as you dig and keep digging, you'll discover at some point that the wall comes down, your mind changes, and oftentimes, these changes are permanent.

Those of us who meditate for years on end and adhere to the practice, do understand that who one was previously, is a version of inner self one overcomes and improves. The improvement is cumulative, because the more you improve, the more you can improve.

Going back to the point about the sudden evolution, one must respect this process, but also allow one's self to observe the small changes that happen on the daily. If you do not stand at any point to look behind at your mental or spiritual changes, then you will not be aware of them, and you will likely think that less distance has been covered than what you have already covered.

Events which relate to major and "sudden" enlightenment, need to build up on the foundation which deals with daily meditations. These events can be more obvious, or less obvious, or even very subtle.

Falsely, people also think that enlightenment can arrive suddenly, which it cannot; but certain openings can happen suddenly, yet this "sudden" is the process of an ongoing effort that comes behind you like the wagons of a train that has been set in motion for a long time.

Lastly, if you will get enligthened or not, depends also strongly on your mental and emotional progress and even certain aspects of physical actions and physical progress. I will explain these further in the new updates of the JoS. Our behavior, actions, and progress in all levels does matter.

It's imperative in this path to sit back, allow joy to stay in your heart that you are in the eternal path of straight and upwards. To breathe in and venerate the Gods for helping you find the path instead of you dwelling in ignorance, to calm down desire and allow it too to marvel at the infinity of the higher powers and the Gods, and say to one's self "You are doing well, just keep walking towards the eternal light of the Truth".

Try to appreciate your existence and that of others who help you in that endeavor, and have faith in the path towards enlightenment.

Praised be the Gods for helping us in that regard,


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I've noticed at times I've seen flashes of knowledge, I see a very bright vibrating white void, and things moving extremely fast, and within it I catch glimpses of engines, machines, computers, advanced mathematics and strange, advanced technology.

Is this related to enlightenment? I've had trouble pinpointing what this exactly is. I'll see lines and lines of computer code, geometry and calculus.

Besides this, I have definitely noticed the changes in the mind, but this first thing I mention is hard for me to describe.
Dear Master,

This is exactly what I've been feeling strongly since August the 25th of this year. Not that the date matters, I am just mentioning it.

I have certainly experienced like "boosts" of energy, will and empowerment during my 8 years with JoS and it has been an extraordinary experience, attaining many things, getting important answers never gotten before, and yet, since that date, I felt like it was the biggest feeling of elevation so far.

I felt a little confused, what if I was just misunderstanding the situation? But upon asking my Guardian, she let me know, more or less with the same words you used in your sermon, that it's all part of the process and I am in the right path, that I should disregard the hardships and hold on strong to the achievements, and keep going on.

Thank you Master, I believe many of us must be feeling the same.
Thanks for the inspiring words HP!

I sometimes find myself wondering about rituals and if I'm succeeding with them.

The Azazel ritual and prosperity ritual were beautiful. Although I'm not very powerful yet I could feel a strong connection to the JoS community and I got a brief feeling that we (collectively) have unparalleled strength in this world. It was a strange feeling but it really made me think how a few of us could overpower the will of hundreds, if not thousands of xianists/etc.

The biggest thing that prevents me from seeing this is left-brain dominance. I get too focused on black/white, good/bad and I forget the objective truth that our consciousness is spiritual and continually evolving. We aren't machines but the world seems to want us to think that way, working for little pay followed by escapism (alcohol, drugs, junk food, entertainment; i.e giving money back to a system that's already robbing us) to distract us from past mistakes and the harshness of living in today's society.

Breaking out of this cycle has been a recurring struggle for me as nearly all my friends and relatives drink and use cannabis. The only thing that has helped so far is deciding that I can't afford anything and putting money only towards necessities. I still go out once a week to karaoke and I try not to drink yet people are almost always offering me one.

On this note, what does the JoS say about alcohol? I remember reading it can make one more vulnerable while I've also read that it can be safely consumed in extreme moderation.

A typical karaoke night includes 1 to 3 beers. Any more than that is extremely rare and usually is brought on by special encounters/interactions with people.

The best alternative would be to find better ways to express my singing and better places to socialize with like-minded people. I've been going to this pub for 4 years and I do love the people and bustling environment. Change sure can be difficult. Sorry for the vague question BTW. :?
Hail Satan!

Whenever I do look back at my past self only 2 years ago, I cringe or feel disappointed at how I used to be. I've noticed the cringe and disappointment doesn't stop as long I keep improving :lol: .

Things that might take a lifetime, or several lifetimes, for non-Satanists to overcome, we can do so in a matter of a couple of years.
Walking into enlightenment

Knowing youself beyond your own mask created by society,needs, obsessions or desires is very important, that self aware and real self comes out slowly with meditation and sometimes is completly different from what we used and tought we were , by slowly seeing how you change , you slowly see what you were inside your soul , and just when that soul , purified , manifest entierly into the mind, we become who we truly are and we can achieve our true full potential on all perspectives.

Acceptance of our bad side, the one that need to change is as important. If you want to clean a machine that outside is shiny(how people pretend to be)but is not working because inside is full of dirt(how people really are) , you have to get dirty yourself, bad smeels bad feelings , regrets that you even started, the shiny aperance itself will get dirty in the process , but through time if you continue , the machine functions will start to work and progress will be seen , which add motivation and so , a easier way to the goal of cleaning your soul and mind.

Before adding you have to TAKE AWAY everything that is affecting negativly what you add positivly.

Our souls are just as our bodies, you want to get strong muscles(empowerment of soul/mind) but you get hurt, you get dirt in your wound, you don't put medicine on the dirt, because it will prevent the medicine from working or even create bad chemical reactions, so you clean it, purify it, and just them add medicine to heal and JUST after it heals you actually empower the muscles by making exercises.

Now it is the same with the soul and the MIND, purify it, heal it and just then you'll reach your full potential of empowerment.
I thought there was going to be mention about the health benefits of walking without any distractions.

There is a book that talks about going for walks and not having any phone or music or anything.

That the movement of the body and quiet to think is great for mental health.

To think.

Anyway we take our spiritual journey and progress one step at a time.

As we used to say Rome wasn't built in a day.

And the start of the building of an empire starts with the laying of the first brick.
Knowledge, and the power that comes from it, protects itself! That is to say that, if we are not ready, a really deep understanding, a click will not be made. And then one day... boom, we really understand, as if it had always been in front of our eyes but that we could not see!

This path is more than PASSIONATE. And only patience, willpower, love for the Gods, allow us to pass the stages. Necessary stages so that our emotional and psychic being, and a certain wisdom, are set up.
An ascending spiral, but not always on the same rhythm!

Nice sermon HP, thank you!
HP HoodedCobra666 ❤️ Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I'm on the level of enlightemt were I can match my way of functioning with that of vibrational frequency of a specific God. It's like a completely natural process were your thought conect to the energies of the idea of what a god stands for. I think I make some progress with this with time. But I do feel love that comes out of this indeed. It would help if more god would have more elaborate descriptions.

Be well.
Recently I have finally realized that I'm not too much into my personal physical world as much as the spiritual because my personal life that consists of physical world is so dull and lacks spirituality. I couldn't help myself be part of the everyday cycle everyone is part of and it's been to my detriment. The problems have bled into my emotional status for all these years.

You say we need to appreciate our lives but I have been in conflict of being appreciative of finding this path while at the same time hating being alive at this time of humanity being in this horrible position. I never really faced this problem until recently as it has blown up in my face and have to now face this more than ever.

Wasted so much time not bettering my physical surroundings because of how much it consisted of me being part of the the modern world and I'm pretty sure the positive outcomes I have been building up to for all these years (like my mind becoming more aware and healed and soul getting stronger etc) from meditating and being part of the rituals have been in conflict with how I couldn't be bothered to make my physical life better for reasons I mentioned.

Of course now I'm "sucking it up" and working on this. Reading this post and seeing were I was in the wrong in and messing up together does help me understand how I should go about things now.
Mam High Priestess Maxine Dietrich read this (***) miss and I have five babies with blonde hair as well as blue eyes mam.
Very true. It is a gradual process that does not happen to someone all of a sudden. The people coming here claiming certain happenings with their kundalini or other are actually experiencing some form of delusion or something else entirely, although accidents can happen from what I hear, but are not exactly desired. The big changes always happen over time :)
Thank you for the enlightening post.

To breathe in and venerate the Gods for helping you find the path instead of you dwelling in ignorance, to calm down desire and allow it too to marvel at the infinity of the higher powers and the Gods, and say to one's self "You are doing well, just keep walking towards the eternal light of the Truth".

May I ask what you mean by calming down one's desire? It was to my understanding that, through empowerment and meditation, that it is precisely our desire which fuels the manifestation of what we wish to obtain in our personal lives. Is there perhaps a particularly wrong way to desire something, that you state we should tame, in a sense?

I remember learning about the symbolism of the Sphinx and calming down base desires, if that's what you mean.
I've been having so many periods of enlightenment lately. So many walls have come down. 'Miracles' is the word those without would use. I am at a much higher level of evolution than I was even a year ago. Everything is better. I am humbled by how blessed I have been, and at all the guidance from our Gods and Goddesses I have been given. All because I have never skipped a day of meditation in my 13 years of being dedicated. I kept struggling to overcome all the obstacles in my life, and now I am like a rocket with unlimited fuel I keep creating myself... only going up.

To those who feel they are struggling, just keep at it. Perhaps change up your routine, that really helped me when I felt stuck.

I am looking forward to these new updates you mentioned, HP HoodedCobra. I await with great anticipation.
Blue said:
Dear Master,

This is exactly what I've been feeling strongly since August the 25th of this year. Not that the date matters, I am just mentioning it.

I have certainly experienced like "boosts" of energy, will and empowerment during my 8 years with JoS and it has been an extraordinary experience, attaining many things, getting important answers never gotten before, and yet, since that date, I felt like it was the biggest feeling of elevation so far.

I felt a little confused, what if I was just misunderstanding the situation? But upon asking my Guardian, she let me know, more or less with the same words you used in your sermon, that it's all part of the process and I am in the right path, that I should disregard the hardships and hold on strong to the achievements, and keep going on.

Thank you Master, I believe many of us must be feeling the same.

You did a great thing to remain aware and curious about it, asking your Demon on this and keeping a well balanced and open mind. That's why you got a correct answer. Listen to what your Demon tells you.

After 8 years, you also have experience and you know how this is on experientially. If there are any issues that are major, you will either see these answered in a topic when these have arose, or you can e-mail directly.

Truly wish you the best in your developmental journey. Thanks for the kind words. Trying to do my best for the family here.

Invictus said:
Hail Satan!

Whenever I do look back at my past self only 2 years ago, I cringe or feel disappointed at how I used to be. I've noticed the cringe and disappointment doesn't stop as long I keep improving :lol: .

Things that might take a lifetime, or several lifetimes, for non-Satanists to overcome, we can do so in a matter of a couple of years.

This is how you know you have for a fact developed. Congratulations brother.

Personal Growth said:
I thought there was going to be mention about the health benefits of walking without any distractions.

There is a book that talks about going for walks and not having any phone or music or anything.

That the movement of the body and quiet to think is great for mental health.

To think.

Anyway we take our spiritual journey and progress one step at a time.

As we used to say Rome wasn't built in a day.

And the start of the building of an empire starts with the laying of the first brick.

"There hasn't been a great thought that was not conceived by walking" or so, as said by Nietzsche. I underline that statement, walks help tremendously. All very correct statements indeed.

OhNoItsMook said:
Thank you for the enlightening post.

To breathe in and venerate the Gods for helping you find the path instead of you dwelling in ignorance, to calm down desire and allow it too to marvel at the infinity of the higher powers and the Gods, and say to one's self "You are doing well, just keep walking towards the eternal light of the Truth".

May I ask what you mean by calming down one's desire? It was to my understanding that, through empowerment and meditation, that it is precisely our desire which fuels the manifestation of what we wish to obtain in our personal lives. Is there perhaps a particularly wrong way to desire something, that you state we should tame, in a sense?

I remember learning about the symbolism of the Sphinx and calming down base desires, if that's what you mean.

Yes, this is what this is about. The issue with desire is that when it's allowed out of control, it produces a never ending array of reactions through itself due to itself being without understanding. We could say that desire at this state is blind.

Therefore, it needs to be calmed down as explained in the line of this post, so that it can become a participant too in enlightenment, which by itself it couldn't become.

Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=395933 time=1666937003 user_id=57]
I've been having so many periods of enlightenment lately. So many walls have come down. 'Miracles' is the word those without would use. I am at a much higher level of evolution than I was even a year ago. Everything is better. I am humbled by how blessed I have been, and at all the guidance from our Gods and Goddesses I have been given. All because I have never skipped a day of meditation in my 13 years of being dedicated. I kept struggling to overcome all the obstacles in my life, and now I am like a rocket with unlimited fuel I keep creating myself... only going up.

To those who feel they are struggling, just keep at it. Perhaps change up your routine, that really helped me when I felt stuck.

I am looking forward to these new updates you mentioned, HP HoodedCobra. I await with great anticipation.

That's because you are awesome and have been walking the path for a very long time in loyalty, so the path rewards you by itself.
I had some weird experiences with all this. By this I mean I achieved stuff like this but then kinda didn't understand it anymore after half minute. Had this experience where I could understand bilocation and everything made perfect sense to me. Also understood that this is entry level stuff compared to Gods who can project in even more than two places. Then after like 20 seconds I could not understand/forgot all of this again. *sigh*
BlackJackal said:
I had some weird experiences with all this. By this I mean I achieved stuff like this but then kinda didn't understand it anymore after half minute. Had this experience where I could understand bilocation and everything made perfect sense to me. Also understood that this is entry level stuff compared to Gods who can project in even more than two places. Then after like 20 seconds I could not understand/forgot all of this again. *sigh*

Exposure to these states highlights to you their validity and existence, so you can build up for more progress. You will not remaining these forever, as humans before the Soul is well built are kind of in a state where limitations are very high. Soul development bridges gaps.

Yet we can occasionally look above the limited fence, which is a very big stride in progress. The real fundamental change is what changes in you as a result of these experiences in a day to day basis.

First one takes a look on what lies beyond, as a sleeper who wakes up.
A great post as always. Indeed, the last ten years was the hardest yet most rewarding decade of my life and the discovery of the JoS ministries and the spiritual practices came as a blessing for overcoming those hardships successfully. I've had spiritual gifts and experiences as a kid and coming to this path showed me how to use it properly in my life. The reason I was possessed by a malevolent entity(as stated in my last testament) as a kid was because I was more open than anyone in my family.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
While commonly in texts it's written that one will experience certain things like "epiphanies" from meditation, that is only one aspect of meditation and it's outcome in producing enlightenment. Enlightenment is an ongoing process.

It is very important that when one walks on this path to have patience. Meditation cumulates inside your soul, and it might look like you are building step by step, making little progress day by day. Then at the point you are about to stop, the accumulated effort manifests itself inside you, and you suddenly rise to another level.

This can happen also in meditation related practices, or in things you want to know or discover in this path. Enlightenment will only arrive for the brave and those who put the necessary effort into this. Then, as you dig and keep digging, you'll discover at some point that the wall comes down, your mind changes, and oftentimes, these changes are permanent.

Those of us who meditate for years on end and adhere to the practice, do understand that who one was previously, is a version of inner self one overcomes and improves. The improvement is cumulative, because the more you improve, the more you can improve.

Going back to the point about the sudden evolution, one must respect this process, but also allow one's self to observe the small changes that happen on the daily. If you do not stand at any point to look behind at your mental or spiritual changes, then you will not be aware of them, and you will likely think that less distance has been covered than what you have already covered.

Events which relate to major and "sudden" enlightenment, need to build up on the foundation which deals with daily meditations. These events can be more obvious, or less obvious, or even very subtle.

Falsely, people also think that enlightenment can arrive suddenly, which it cannot; but certain openings can happen suddenly, yet this "sudden" is the process of an ongoing effort that comes behind you like the wagons of a train that has been set in motion for a long time.

Lastly, if you will get enligthened or not, depends also strongly on your mental and emotional progress and even certain aspects of physical actions and physical progress. I will explain these further in the new updates of the JoS. Our behavior, actions, and progress in all levels does matter.

It's imperative in this path to sit back, allow joy to stay in your heart that you are in the eternal path of straight and upwards. To breathe in and venerate the Gods for helping you find the path instead of you dwelling in ignorance, to calm down desire and allow it too to marvel at the infinity of the higher powers and the Gods, and say to one's self "You are doing well, just keep walking towards the eternal light of the Truth".

Try to appreciate your existence and that of others who help you in that endeavor, and have faith in the path towards enlightenment.

Praised be the Gods for helping us in that regard,


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Walking to enlightenment helps me think like they have Taoism monks and Hinduism who do semen retention like retaining it without releasing is part of the path what is actually the life force I wonder? Is it the breath itself or it’s more too it cause I can’t help but think of Satan is the most power and they say the demon sorath is even more powerful then Satan then does that mean Satan the second powerful one

Also as these abilities go how do we know it’s real if the world program us to think it’s false how do we actually know what’s real and false you know they barely show us we can do things you know is we like the star wars? Are we the sith what power do we possess as satanist

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
