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Waiting for a sign


New member
Jan 29, 2023
I’m starting to doubt all of this. I’ve meditated for months not seeing any progress. I’ve asked for signs from the Gods/ Satan. Received zero. Nothing.. I’ve asked to feel their presence nothing I’ve just wait. Feels like I’m wasting my time.
I’m starting to doubt all of this. I’ve meditated for months not seeing any progress. I’ve asked for signs from the Gods/ Satan. Received zero. Nothing.. I’ve asked to feel their presence nothing I’ve just wait. Feels like I’m wasting my time.
If you do Yoga for attest 15 minutes then lay on your back you should feel a buzz, the Sanskrit mantras will make you feel things if you chant them or do basic chi exercises. Void medition will help you destress so giving up 30 minis when you get home from work so the rest of your night is relaxing is worth it even if this is bullcrap. These things are worth your time even if you don't believe anything the JoS clergy has to say.

You don't need to have faith in any of this stuff to do things that befit your body and mind, it's worth your time even if this is all made up or another Pagan sect is more correct. Take the attitude of someone who wants to see for themselves what's on the other side rather than a believer in something and your practice will have more longevity.
How does your meditation routine look like?
There must be either something wrong with it, or something wrong with the way it is practiced.

Also are you dedicated? This also plays a big role in it..
Checking on your past posts, you might have to focus on healing.
Since heavy drug usage, and drugs in general, mess up and erode your brain.
Impeding your psychic and spiritual abilities..
I’m starting to doubt all of this. I’ve meditated for months not seeing any progress. I’ve asked for signs from the Gods/ Satan. Received zero. Nothing.. I’ve asked to feel their presence nothing I’ve just wait. Feels like I’m wasting my time.
Before any signs happen you must first nake the God's draw attention to you. They like when your spiritual power increases because it means you are serious. The stepa to increasing your spirtual power are the following:

1.Awareness - You must become aware of your energy and of how you pull in energy from the all energy field like we all do automatically when we breath in. When we breath out we normally expel energy to remain in balance. This balance can be bipassed using the mind.

2.Energy training/ Meditation to store more energy than you normally do - foundation meditation, bone breathing, standing meditation. You must pull energy at a 70 - 80% max effort from the quantum field all around us and in us. Then and this is very important, you store it. Start small and build up gradually.

3. Consistent effort and training. Then after you gain power keep it under control. You will gain as much power as your body/soul will be capable of, up to your genetic limit, maybe beyond in the course of many years of consistent daily training. In the first month of doing it right you will notice enhanced strength that is not your muslces. Then you will gain other abilities and learn to control them, such as moving objects, jumping high, hitting insanly hard, learning to surge your power, and others. Experiment.

A note of encouragement
I am on the journey as well. I have enhanced strength currently, some communication with father(when he chooses of course, he is busy but his conciouness is... far more expansive then ours I suppose you could say, he is the truest most powerful of the God's after all),

Finally I can form very transparent balls of spirtual power in the past but I got really lazy for a long time/ manipulated by jew crap making me fear my practices abit(big mistake), so now I only have the power to form heat/ pressure/ tingling at will others can feel too.

A far cry from my 17 year old self... In the past when visible they were similar to electricity and could burn things as well as effect matter, but they were still way different than electricity since this energy can move where ever I want and does not jump from a high charge area to a low charge area as long as I concentrate on holding it their with my awareness and will power. The visible center portion of my ball was only the size of a penny and lasted for maybe 2 to 3 seconds before my power would drop amd it turned to weak to be and I would need to charge for a minute of two. With more work though I know I could have done far more.

I regret becoming a chump for the Christian church. Being Christian I did not train, got depressed(alot), and believed things would come to me if they were meant to. I know stupid, right? For some reason though father Satan waited for me, and then showed me how wrong I was about everything I had been taught very recently. Once I started worshipping Yahweh I totally stopped training and my immune system crashed.

After coming back to Satan and training again though I am now able to avoid sickness more, am srronger, and feel better over all. Since I am training my power my abilities are coming back to. I can also once again talk to him telepathically sometimes.

Well this is getting to long. Do good, be good, get strong.

Hail Satan!

Ome las thing, currently I also have occasional telekinetic outbursts on accident. Very rarely though.
I’m starting to doubt all of this. I’ve meditated for months not seeing any progress. I’ve asked for signs from the Gods/ Satan. Received zero. Nothing.. I’ve asked to feel their presence nothing I’ve just wait. Feels like I’m wasting my time.
Crap, just proof-read my post. I appologize for the terrible grammer. I am typing on my phone. Maybe I should use word and copy/paste that to post. Well, be well and the God's blessing upon you.
I’m starting to doubt all of this. I’ve meditated for months not seeing any progress. I’ve asked for signs from the Gods/ Satan. Received zero. Nothing.. I’ve asked to feel their presence nothing I’ve just wait. Feels like I’m wasting my time.
How many months exactly?
What was your method to contact Father Satan or the Gods?

Please share your meditation routine.
Do you take part in spiritual warfare? Do you at least do the Final-RTR? The Final RTR is very powerful, it not only destroys the jewish magick, but it also helps to remove many curses from the person who is doing it.
Be honest.

In this whole time you've meditated. Have you been consistent every single day?

Also, remember, one thing and the most important thing I would say ,which can truly block you from progress, any kind of progress , is your own MIND.
As long as you say and think "it's not working" then don't be surprise that it's actually not working.
Maybe before you used more of a pessimistic kind of person, towards spirituality I mean. Open yourself and truly believe and also ,be consistent.
I’m starting to doubt all of this. I’ve meditated for months not seeing any progress. I’ve asked for signs from the Gods/ Satan. Received zero. Nothing.. I’ve asked to feel their presence nothing I’ve just wait. Feels like I’m wasting my time.

Everything has a reason and every action a consequence.

These practices have been proved to have beneficial effects on our soul, by many outside the JoS and also inside. We did not invented these. There have been also scientific researches around these.

So the reason why you don't see any progress is something about you. Maybe you are experiencing progress you just don't realize it. Maybe you are expecting too much.
Sure, I thought that when I'll dedicate myself Satan will appear in front of me. That is far from reality. It can also be astrological too, but the progress is still there, you just don't feel it yet.
Months is not a long time either.

Think of it as you have to prove yourself. For example, you have a high chance to stop now, but you can prove yourself by not. Everyone can meditate for a few months and stop, but not everyone can conquer their real problems and keep meditating even when they have zero will and motivation.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
