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How can we protecting ourselves from the negative aspects of the natal chart?


New member
May 5, 2023
Greetings, my brothers and sisters,

First of all, I know that we should not share our natal chart information with anyone, but this is a person I trust and have been consulting for a long time (I’ll be more careful from now on). Since, I am not specialized in reading natal charts, so I rely on someone else’s insights. She is not an SS, but her visions have always resonated with me. Her readings for this year are daunting, and I’ve even started experiencing some of the visions she's foreseen. Due to accusations against me in the legal field, I was told I might need to leave the country which I live in currently, potentially abandon everything I’ve worked so hard for, including my academic career, loosing my home and even break up with my boyfriend. Despite having proof and being in the right, my natal chart placements could mean I may not be able to clear my name.

As an SS, I am unsure of what to do to overcome these situations. I'm currently in a 40-day meditation program, so I’m not in a position to perform advanced workings, at least not without the aid of the gods. And also I’d like to believe that I shouldn’t be affected by the influence of the stars like a random ppl.
First, I know the priority is identifying and working on the challenging areas in my chart, but unfortunately, I lack both the time and experience for this kind of advanced rituals. In this regard, what can I do to avoid harm and, on the contrary, seek support?

Also, I failed our Father multiple times, I couldn't keep my promises I made and I started to worry that he no longer saw any reason to care, but I was really going through a rough phase. I still am, but now it feels like things have started to come together a bit, and I had even returned to my meditations. And I am dedicated to myself continue everything related to SS, I hope I am not that late.

I am waiting your advices, my Satanic family

Since you are on a 40-day working schedule, you might consider trying another version of Freeing the Soul. This working is highly effective but may need to be repeated depending on the severity of your situation and the strength of your soul. The impact of this working will also depend on its duration.

It is essential to perform this during a Waning Moon under the signs of Aquarius, Scorpio, Capricorn, or Taurus, avoiding the Void of Course Moon. This should be done for 9, 18, or 40 consecutive days. You can work with one or more runes, but using just one is efficient, especially if you are short on time or new to these types of workings. Starting small and gradually building up to higher repetitions is advisable as you gain experience and can handle more energy.

Use the runes Uruz and Algiz (you may include Ansuz, though it is not essential if it feels overwhelming). Choose a number of repetitions you wish to vibrate each day. The chosen number should be repeated daily for the duration of your consecutive days in this working:

Vibrate Uruz x9 or x18 times.

Vibrate Algiz: x9 or 18 times.

Vibrate Ansuz: x9 or 18 times.

Breathe in powerful electric-blue energy into your chakra, and on the exhale, vibrate the selected rune while imagining or visualizing this powerful electric-blue energy filling your entire chakra until it radiates like a miniature sun. Repeat this with each breath and vibration in all of the chakras.

After completing one rune, affirm something along the lines of, "I am always totally and completely free from any negativity, hindrance, and obstacle preventing me from a satisfactory and fulfilling life." Adjust this affirmation as you see fit. You may affirm it after completing each chakra individually, or wait until you've completed this process in all chakras.

I hope this helps. Take care!

In regards of Astrology the best thing you could do is to learn it yourself , many truly fail to understand and see that this knowledge is literally power in itself.

When one learn Astrology is like he's being able to pull up a map out of his pocket and in that very map is YOU , surrounded by everything else, affected and affecting everything else, one manages to SEE and UNDERSTAND his own very existence in full by just looking into the planets and the stars.

Of course this take time but I am just saying to everyone that, this time spent upon studying the most divine thing it's very worth. - [It's literally the best thing ever]

As per your question there's a few things you could do:
1. You got to understand your natal chart , this is more complex then in actual words and it took me years of studying it , deeply , every day , as this was always one of my very 'passions' beside many others. - So for example you got to look upon your planets , their zodical sings , their houses , if they are retro or not and what aspects they make towards other planets and in which form, the form of the aspect is important by the 'form' I am reffering to the so called connection or how most call it 'aspect' [Conjunction,Square,Trine,Sextile] and a few other minors one such as [Semi-Sextile] and etc.

For present: For the present you could look upon your actual transits that are going on, I have learned that by many experiences that 'sudden' happen in my life were due to some transits that were going trough my natal chart at the time. For instance as a very good example: You could let's say have mars square pluto in your natal chart and then at the present time in your current transits planets might have mars square pluto again or you might have it in another aspect such as mars conjunction pluto which having it both in the natal chart and in a transit will multiply this energy to happen and manifest and it is more bigger and impactful in your life.
One has to learn which aspects are good and favorable and what for if they would like to 'predict' and take most advantage of the universe energies at that very own time which will increase the power of a spell extremely! Anybody could be as low as possible being on a spiritual level [in power level I mean] but if He knows Astrology and takes advantage upon "time" then he will have a better working then somebody who would be as 100x more powerful then Him but that's because he has the knowledge which if used is Power.
I will come with a few topics about astrology and other various studies that I came across.

Take 'time' advantage:
If let's say somebody wish to aim towards some specific goal in their life, then depending of what you want then you could just look upon on your future transits.
On JOS's astrology website you could see more in depth about the transits, not only that you would see when it starts and ends [let's say 39 days] but it also shows you in those 39 days when this very aspect is more powerful and potent , in which date and a what time, if one is aware about those then he could try to get what he desires then, you could either do a spell or just go physical yourself and just try your "luck" , both being best to do tbh.

But yea , very beneficial aspects in transits to happen and have are many and they vary , they can be as powerful and impactful as the other but in another way , some might let's say give you a marriage but some other aspect is redirected towards giving you wealth WITH[maybe] a slightly problematic issue in your marriage , as an example , but this is not always the case , as I said all depends of the very many things.

When one looks upon his current transits he will see and understand that all makes more sense now, everything that ever happens it's not just a coincidence and all can be explained.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
