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Void meditation (beginner's doubts)


New member
Dec 6, 2024
Hello everyone, I have doubts about the meditation of emptiness, well the main thing is that during meditation you are supposed to have the mind totally blank, but reading the forum I saw that many concentrate on something, is not it a little contradictory, or is that I did not understand what is the meditation of emptiness itself? I would also like to ask for advice since I live in a place where the external noises (vehicles, tools, motorcycles, music, etc) during the day are enough, and these generate a distraction, could I do the meditation of emptiness and at the same time listen to a mantra of Satan (

Hail satya, Hail Zeus!
Hello everyone, I have doubts about the meditation of emptiness, well the main thing is that during meditation you are supposed to have the mind totally blank, but reading the forum I saw that many concentrate on something, is not it a little contradictory, or is that I did not understand what is the meditation of emptiness itself? I would also like to ask for advice since I live in a place where the external noises (vehicles, tools, motorcycles, music, etc) during the day are enough, and these generate a distraction, could I do the meditation of emptiness and at the same time listen to a mantra of Satan (

Hail satya, Hail Zeus!

I would also like to know if I am doing the meditation and a song, thought or whatever comes to my mind, can I resume the meditation without starting again?
I would also like to know if I am doing the meditation and a song, thought or whatever comes to my mind, can I resume the meditation without starting again?

Hello everyone, I have doubts about the meditation of emptiness, well the main thing is that during meditation you are supposed to have the mind totally blank, but reading the forum I saw that many concentrate on something, is not it a little contradictory, or is that I did not understand what is the meditation of emptiness itself? I would also like to ask for advice since I live in a place where the external noises (vehicles, tools, motorcycles, music, etc) during the day are enough, and these generate a distraction, could I do the meditation of emptiness and at the same time listen to a mantra of Satan (

Hail satya, Hail Zeus!

I can't watch the video if it's a verified mantra from ToZ than yes.
As a beginner you should do basic void meditation. Advanced people still do basic void meditation.
Hello everyone, I have doubts about the meditation of emptiness, well the main thing is that during meditation you are supposed to have the mind totally blank, but reading the forum I saw that many concentrate on something, is not it a little contradictory, or is that I did not understand what is the meditation of emptiness itself? I would also like to ask for advice since I live in a place where the external noises (vehicles, tools, motorcycles, music, etc) during the day are enough, and these generate a distraction, could I do the meditation of emptiness and at the same time listen to a mantra of Satan (

Hail satya, Hail Zeus!
Even if there is distraction, you can focus on a point on wall or something.. in the begining it will be hard but, when you progress your mind will be sharp, and also distractions will no more be problem. It is also important that you know what is happening around you, some people live in their imagination and dont know what is happening around them. So if there are distractions and you know what is happening around you this should be normal.
Hello everyone, I have doubts about the meditation of emptiness, well the main thing is that during meditation you are supposed to have the mind totally blank, but reading the forum I saw that many concentrate on something, is not it a little contradictory, or is that I did not understand what is the meditation of emptiness itself? I

there is more than one single correct way to do void meditation. if you're doing it with your eyes open, focusing on a small object in front of you can actually help you avoid distractions in your surroundings, as it gives you a clear point of focus. the object itself is unimportant, it can be anything.
if you're doing it with your eyes closed, you can visualise yourself in complete still darkness, or just focus on emptying your mind, or whatever works for you.
I would also like to ask for advice since I live in a place where the external noises (vehicles, tools, motorcycles, music, etc) during the day are enough, and these generate a distraction, could I do the meditation of emptiness and at the same time listen to a mantra of Satan (
ideally you would get used to the noise and be able to focus on your meditation regardless. but still, using headphones to cancel out the noise is fine. personally, i wouldn't listen to mantras while doing void meditation, if i were to listen to anything it would be calm instrumental melodies that are usually made for meditation and/or calming the mind.
I would also like to know if I am doing the meditation and a song, thought or whatever comes to my mind, can I resume the meditation without starting again?
no need to stop and restart, just continue. not every meditation will be perfect, just do the best you can, it will get easier with time
Hello everyone, I have doubts about the meditation of emptiness, well the main thing is that during meditation you are supposed to have the mind totally blank, but reading the forum I saw that many concentrate on something, is not it a little contradictory, or is that I did not understand what is the meditation of emptiness itself?

When you are concentrating on something physical such as your body, breath or sounds in the environment and you are observing it without judging it, you aren't really thinking.

Ironically it's much easier to empty your mind of thoughts this way than when you try "to not think". When I tell you "don't think about a blue Ferrari", what's the first thing that comes into your mind? Your mind can't process a negative, it just focuses on it as if you wanted to think about it.

I would also like to ask for advice since I live in a place where the external noises (vehicles, tools, motorcycles, music, etc) during the day are enough, and these generate a distraction, could I do the meditation of emptiness and at the same time listen to a mantra of Satan

If you there are distractions you can just observe them without judging.

I have no idea what video you were trying to post, but it doesn't exist. If it came from fake Satanists and not mentioned here then avoid it. 99% of "Satanic" things on Youtube are fake, gay and jewish.

I would also like to know if I am doing the meditation and a song, thought or whatever comes to my mind, can I resume the meditation without starting again?

Yes, just bring your mind back.
The meaning of void meditation is mastering your mind, so you can focus your thoughts like a laser, at will.
Thoughts direct and manipulate energy; therefore mastering your mind for specific purposes, directing your intentions, is the basis of working with energy. This is the point of void meditation.
A properly trained mind can implant thought in others and communicate with animals.
This is why focusing on something specific, such as the sigil of Satan, can be considered an exercise of void meditation.
It is completely normal that something is coming in your mind while you try to focus, just ignore it, and continue your meditation.
You can listen to music if this doesn't distract you. But you should train your mind even without it, just ignore the external noises.
Everyone approaches meditations differently, normally at the beginning you will have all types of intrusive thoughts.

At the beginning I would focus on a candle light for 2-3 mins tops while having random thoughts constantly. Right now i do it up to 10 minutes and if i get any thoughts I gently let them pass while focusing on my breath.

After a while the outside sounds don't bother you however if they are too intrusive for this time being, try to meditate at times where they are minimum.

It's important that you don't stop meditating daily, preferably multiple times a day since it builds up and the opposite occurs when you don't meditate.
Single-pointed focus, and focusing in the void, even though similar, are not completely the same. Training the mind to be able to control thoughts via void meditation is a very important, key cornerstone ability.

A more seasoned approach to single-pointed meditation of a mantra is to vibrate it yourself immersing your mind with it, and nothing but it.
Single-pointed focus, and focusing in the void, even though similar, are not completely the same. Training the mind to be able to control thoughts via void meditation is a very important, key cornerstone ability.

A more seasoned approach to single-pointed meditation of a mantra is to vibrate it yourself immersing your mind with it, and nothing but it.
I also believe this, it helps to naturalize a single point of focus without random music, thoights, worriee, detracting from it in that moment.
Not some emptying your soul or being nothing like some Buddist crap I would associate it with
No tengo ni idea de qué video intentabas publicar, pero no existe. Si proviene de falsos satanistas y no se menciona aquí, evítalo. El 99% de las cosas "satánicas" en YouTube son falsas, gays y judías.
It is a mantra of Satanas repeated 108 times, it was uploaded by a SS of the Hispanic community! I didn't know I couldn't post links, but if you are interested the channel is "El reino de enki", it divulges information as it is in ToZ (JoS before), and thanks to that channel I have immersed myself in the domains of the Gods, Blessed are they!
Hello everyone, I have doubts about the meditation of emptiness, well the main thing is that during meditation you are supposed to have the mind totally blank, but reading the forum I saw that many concentrate on something, is not it a little contradictory, or is that I did not understand what is the meditation of emptiness itself? I would also like to ask for advice since I live in a place where the external noises (vehicles, tools, motorcycles, music, etc) during the day are enough, and these generate a distraction, could I do the meditation of emptiness and at the same time listen to a mantra of Satan (

Hail satya, Hail Zeus!
There is no such thing as being "totally blank" for any extended period of time - unless you are on life support and brain dead! The brain works on electrical impulses transmitted through the neural network and is always active, even in sleep. There are various levels of consciousness: beta waves, which is when the active/logical left (male) side of the brain is being used. Alpha, Theta and Gamma wave, which when the quiet/creative (female) side of the brain is being used or in trance activity.

All that aside; the point of Void Meditation is to concentrate on a single object, to the exclusion of everything else. This is to discipline the mind to exclude disruptive, unwanted thoughts, that unnecessarily takes up a lot of our time and energy during the day.

The link below has various examples, but start out on the basis methods first, and then progress to the higher techniques:

The more you bring your attention back to nothingness, the more this specific skill is trained, which is the equivalent of a mental bicep curl... having a noisy environment can actually be the perfect "training ground" in this instance.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
