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Video on Reparations for Blacks

Cowboy123 said:
Aquarius said:
Cowboy123 said:
Some Members of Non white races Are tired of whites. So ditto.

The reparations video is simply a discussion on the topic. As for it being bullshit what the Japanese got in return for the internment camp’s wasn’t bullshit. Neither is what native Americans get. It’s also not bullshit or degenerate when congress has hearings on it and so does the UN. Whether you like it or not reparations has already been brought to the highest levels of government for debate and consideration. It’s neither about “victimization “ when the discussion is about history not present problems. It’s ironic to call blacks victimized when white are the ones complaining about “white genocide “ “ muh replacement “ etc. it seems every has their own wagon to pull.
White genocide is real, and so is the damage that jews have inflicted on Africa, but if you want reparations ask them from israel, not from White countries. Germany is paying reparations to israel for something that never happened, is that another reason why we should pay reparation to blacks? This whole reasoning makes no sense, the fact that the whole reparation idiocy was brought to the highest levels of government also makes no sense as you know who the people who want that are. You act like one of the stupid blacks who blame Whites for their degeneration but you're an SS, makes me wonder if you keep this whole agenda because of ego or because of stupidity.

Or I act like the blacks who want reparations should be given a listen. Which is why I shared the video. Why should Israel pay when Israel was established in the 40s. What the blacks who want reparations want some of the grievances were prior to the founding also it wasn’t in Israel but America so there fire they’re addressing America along with other European nations. The horrible things done to blacks is real too that was done by the hands of the U.S government. I don’t keep any agenda but sharing the info in the video. It want intended for any whites. It’s a discussion between blacks. No one is saying blacks are eternal victims at all. Also the black American reparations isn’t just about slavery a large part of it is redlining , housing segregation gi Bill discrimination etc. which just ended in some blacks parents and grandparents generation. Not that long ago.
Brother in all honesty I see you have a problem with whites, which I can't ask you to drop anyway. But I'd like to ask you to look at things from a Satanist's POV. Who really benefits when blacks and whites are at each other's throats? Historical crimes between the races were inevitable in a spiritually degenerate world. Everyone has done crimes against the other races, and vice versa.

The best we can do is burry the hatchet with regards to the past and focus on racial problems today. Today it's us blacks who are on the offense against whites.

White genocide is not mainly some BLM troops shooting a 21 year old white mother and getting away with it.

It is also how strangely, everyone has a problem with whites. How in a white country, white pride is a crime. How everyone wants to sleep with white women and it's 'racist' for whites to not want it to happen. How one just needs to cry oppressed and a white will lose their rights.

Let's not forget how their achievements are stolen from them in plain sight. Blacks can falsely claim Egypt in it's entirety and lies like all ancient white civilizations are based on knowledge stolen from blacks. Or how blacks even in Africa are conditioned to blame the state of Africa on whites (like whites run their countries).

This is how white genocide happens. To make people as unfeeling as possible towards the fate of whites, so that when finally that degenerate Arab or black shoots a white in plain sight in their own country, the backlash is minimal. 'But they have caused us problems in the past'. Haven't we all done that to each other?

How about the world would have long been a Communist global dictatorship if Hitler and the Nazis had not done what no one else had the courage to do? We also know what's in store for us if white genocide was to be accomplished today.

Racial conflict is a thing one would expect from other people and not necessarily our own. Do you think a thousand years from now when we're flourishing in Africa you'll be concerned about what some white guy did centuries ago?

If there's a problem blacks should address today, it's the jews who own Africa and China.. China is bad news for Africa and they are planning to literally invade the continent, which is also why the ridiculous debts given all the time to silly African leaders. Ironically, you know what prevents Communist China from expanding and establishing global communism? The existence of white nations.

I remember reading a news article in 2018 how Malawi had lost full control of it's airports to China because they couldn't pay back their debts. This is just one of the many examples of African countries that are seriously screwed from taking debts from China. This is a real threat to Africa, far more than the petty one blacks have with whites.

I don't attack our Asian members in any way. But we all know what the Chinese government is all about.
Aquarius said:
Cowboy123 said:
Aquarius said:
You really think that in the future you blacks are just gonna be allowed to stay in the USA, I've got bad news for you pal.

Lol are your feelings hurt? They must be to be so offended that you took the time to write all that. You and SWG feel this way about blacks yet you show up on the black forum. You clearly don't like blacks but always commenting on our discussions. WHY?
Butthurt? I'm just here to instill you little victims some realism, Whites are fed up of your Race in our countries. Impossible to get butthurt from blacks knowing your situation.
Also, just like blacks comment on White threads we comment on this degeneracy so that other more smart and less victimized black don't believe your bullshit.
You mean (((Blacks))).
Cowboy123 said:
HPS Shannon said:
My opinion on the reparations is it is too late and if it was to happen, it should have happen much earlier. Just like other racial groups did receives
some funds and assistance as was mentioned but blacks have alot of support these days and alot of it is black priviledge...

Not really. There’s still a race wealth gap which is caused by what happened during Jim Crow not slavery. And there are still victims of this who live today. Other groups got compensation for tragedies caused by the US but blacks in America are told to forget and ignore. If no one wants to agree on reparations that’s fine . But I think their arguments should be heard which is why I shared the video.
The unspoken truth is that many of the blacks who ask for reparations do it from a victim mindset. Why can't we just build our own wealth? Reparations+victim mindset tend to go hand in hand.

A better approach to reparations is if there are blacks who worked for the government and never got paid, getting their late payments today (or their descendants). Not just anyone asking for them. As for slavery, weren't the Jews over 90% of slave owners? And we honestly shouldn't care much whether Israel was built today or decades ago. The Jews will pay for their crimes wherever they live.
Cowboy123 said:
HPS Shannon said:
My opinion on the reparations is it is too late and if it was to happen, it should have happen much earlier. Just like other racial groups did receives
some funds and assistance as was mentioned but blacks have alot of support these days and alot of it is black priviledge...

Not really. There’s still a race wealth gap which is caused by what happened during Jim Crow not slavery. And there are still victims of this who live today. Other groups got compensation for tragedies caused by the US but blacks in America are told to forget and ignore. If no one wants to agree on reparations that’s fine . But I think their arguments should be heard which is why I shared the video.
The unspoken truth is that many of the blacks who ask for reparations do it from a victim mindset. Why can't we just build our own wealth? Reparations+victim mindset tend to go hand in hand.

A better approach to reparations is if there are blacks who worked for the government and never got paid, getting their late payments today (or their descendants). Not just anyone asking for them. As for slavery, weren't the Jews over 90% of slave owners? And we honestly shouldn't care much whether Israel was built today or decades ago. The Jews will pay for their crimes wherever they live.
I just finished reading this thread and almost pulled my hair out because of all the unnecessary drama. At the end of the day, Cowboy123 is black and will put blacks first as expected, even though how he goes about it is silly at times (no offense brother).

At the same time, white SS who are the guardians of their race will not sit around and let their race be unfairly treated which is what they should do. And from this some animosity is also expected.

The biggest lesson to learn from this is that multiculturalism WILL NEVER WORK. I honestly just want black people to return to Africa so we can start fixing our problems properly. As long as there is forced integration, we will always put our own first.

Lastly, I now understand where Cowboy123 is coming from and it's not the usual reparations talk meant to extort other races so hopefully this thread will be more peaceful after his clarification.
Blackdragon666 said:
I just finished reading this thread and almost pulled my hair out because of all the unnecessary drama. At the end of the day, Cowboy123 is black and will put blacks first as expected, even though how he goes about it is silly at times (no offense brother).

At the same time, white SS who are the guardians of their race will not sit around and let their race be unfairly treated which is what they should do. And from this some animosity is also expected.

The biggest lesson to learn from this is that multiculturalism WILL NEVER WORK. I honestly just want black people to return to Africa so we can start fixing our problems properly. As long as there is forced integration, we will always put our own first.

Lastly, I now understand where Cowboy123 is coming from and it's not the usual reparations talk meant to extort other races so hopefully this thread will be more peaceful after his clarification.

Thanks for giving me a fair listen. Also to to ur point of me having negative feelings toward whites. It isn’t whites u can say I have a problem with. It’s certain white members who make anti black posts. If Aquarius and SWG, who u can say have negative views towards blacks, I wouldn’t have replied initially the way they did it wouldn’t have gone as far as it did. You notice I didn’t go there in that tone toward Argdeco.
Blackdragon666 said:
A bit unrelated but I always thought Argedco was male.
I am.
Cowboy123 said:
Last time I checked it’s asking the us government for it. Which is funded by people of different races and ethnicities. Also served in the military by people of different races and ethnicities. Also having people of different races and ethnicities in politics. So you’re the one who sounds unaware of the topic.
Black people are only about 14% of America. So either way, you are taking part of someone else's paycheck, taking from another race just because you are black. If your race was funding it, there would be no point to it because it would be going from you right back to yourself. The entire point of reparations is taking money from Evil White Devil because we somehow owe you the world.

Did you read the comment I posted about all the actual problems that harm your race? I would like to learn more if you have anything else to add. How about we work on fixing all those problems and see how much it helps you. Hundreds of billions of dollars have been thrown at the black community in America and it jas not made their lives even the slightest bit better. Mostly because almost all that money has been stolen by the democrat leaders of those communities, going right into their pocket instead of going to fix anything.
Blackdragon666 said:
I just finished reading this thread and almost pulled my hair out because of all the unnecessary drama. At the end of the day, Cowboy123 is black and will put blacks first as expected, even though how he goes about it is silly at times (no offense brother).

At the same time, white SS who are the guardians of their race will not sit around and let their race be unfairly treated which is what they should do. And from this some animosity is also expected.

The biggest lesson to learn from this is that multiculturalism WILL NEVER WORK. I honestly just want black people to return to Africa so we can start fixing our problems properly. As long as there is forced integration, we will always put our own first.

Lastly, I now understand where Cowboy123 is coming from and it's not the usual reparations talk meant to extort other races so hopefully this thread will be more peaceful after his clarification.

Good points brother. It's very agonizing seeing this crap go on and on. I understand Cowboy's point as well, but it's a secondary thing, as the main point is this war. We can integrate back to Africa when this is done.

Focusing on the supposed faults of the Whites will just spew hatred. Cowboy isn't helping. I wanted to stay out of this, but it gets a little stupid after a while. If you get my meaning.
Blackdragon666 said:
Aquarius said:
Cowboy123 said:
Lol are your feelings hurt? They must be to be so offended that you took the time to write all that. You and SWG feel this way about blacks yet you show up on the black forum. You clearly don't like blacks but always commenting on our discussions. WHY?
Butthurt? I'm just here to instill you little victims some realism, Whites are fed up of your Race in our countries. Impossible to get butthurt from blacks knowing your situation.
Also, just like blacks comment on White threads we comment on this degeneracy so that other more smart and less victimized black don't believe your bullshit.
You mean (((Blacks))).
Of course I am, black SS who don't act like degenerates have my respect.
Blackdragon666 said:
HPS Shannon said:
All this back and fourth should not escalate. Whites are being genocided and its very serious just like the black race is on its way to becoming the ultimate tool slave on the Jewish plantation completely. We should not make light of the situation that each race is going through. I agree with Ol Argdeco completely on the situation with what she posted. Thank you for that.

My opinion on the reparations is it is too late and if it was to happen, it should have happen much earlier. Just like other racial groups did receives
some funds and assistance as was mentioned but blacks have alot of support these days and alot of it is black priviledge...

A new article on slavery will be put out and this should helo clear up some things.

Yes, blacks have been screwed in many ways but we are not going to talk as if the black race is the eternal victim. Thats bullshit. We are all victims but I'm so tired and cant stand how the white and black gentiles keep blaming and calling eachother names and throwing each other's jewish created problems in each other's faces. What kind of shit is that? It should stop. We need to start thinking like the gods.

All gentiles should be owed "reparations" and justice from the Jews but we will get that and they can and will pay greatly, the ultimate scarifice when we raise our serpents and when the gods come back. I wont say what I want to do to the Jews but I know you all feel the same.

So please stay peaceful and not build up and animosity for things we are not responsible for.

Jews get reparations and other things all the time and no one brings that up much.
A bit unrelated but I always thought Argedco was male.

Speaking of reparations, the Jews with all their wealth would still be unable to adequately pay reparations to all gentiles. Look at what they've done to the planet. How do you even pay reparations for that?

I didnt mean reparations literally which is why I out quotation marks aside the word. They will pay us reparations with their spiritual and physical destruction.

There is nothing, other than that, they can do to repay gentile humanity for what they have done. Their extermination is how they will pay us back.
Cowboy123 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
I just finished reading this thread and almost pulled my hair out because of all the unnecessary drama. At the end of the day, Cowboy123 is black and will put blacks first as expected, even though how he goes about it is silly at times (no offense brother).

At the same time, white SS who are the guardians of their race will not sit around and let their race be unfairly treated which is what they should do. And from this some animosity is also expected.

The biggest lesson to learn from this is that multiculturalism WILL NEVER WORK. I honestly just want black people to return to Africa so we can start fixing our problems properly. As long as there is forced integration, we will always put our own first.

Lastly, I now understand where Cowboy123 is coming from and it's not the usual reparations talk meant to extort other races so hopefully this thread will be more peaceful after his clarification.

Thanks for giving me a fair listen. Also to to ur point of me having negative feelings toward whites. It isn’t whites u can say I have a problem with. It’s certain white members who make anti black posts. If Aquarius and SWG, who u can say have negative views towards blacks, I wouldn’t have replied initially the way they did it wouldn’t have gone as far as it did. You notice I didn’t go there in that tone toward Argdeco.
I understand Brother :)
Cowboy123 said:
Last time I checked it’s asking the us government for it. Which is funded by people of different races and ethnicities. Also served in the military by people of different races and ethnicities. Also having people of different races and ethnicities in politics. So you’re the one who sounds unaware of the topic.

The government is funded by white taxpayers. Every other race takes out way more than they give in.
You really think that in the future you blacks are just gonna be allowed to stay in the USA, I've got bad news for you pal

Firstly the entire concept of reparations is disgusting to me, even if i did deserve them, why would i want anything from people who have victimized me? I take pride in what I earn not what I'm given.

I would like to think that as a Black man who has spent over five years in America's Army even fighting against ISIL in Iraq, that me and other Black people like me who have fought for America have earned a stake in America. If all my service to America hasn't earned me the right to live and work in America, and that eventually I'll be forced to leave because I'm not White. Then what you're really saying is that at it's core America is an evil country that has used/allowed Black people to fight it's wars for generations, while little did they know all their effort and merit was for nothing.

Clown, you want reparations after your race were accepted in a White nation that would've thrived greatly without you, you're lucky to have the privilege of living in a White country, if anything it's your race that owes us reparations for everything your race has done against the White people after we let you stay in White countries.

Actually nevermind, We'll pay your reparations, a one way ticket for Africa, no returning to the White USA or Europe though.

When were we accepted in your White country exactly? It hasn't been that long since Black people were getting lynched and slaughtered en mass all across America (Red Summer, Tulsa race massacre) but boy we sure are privileged. We sure are privileged to have our every attempt to unify and do for ourselves in America thwarted. SS of all gentile races are supposed to be welcome in these forums but it sure doesn't seem like it, and it never has. I'm honestly surprised SouthernWhiteGentile or Aquarius didn't just go ahead and call us niggers along with their other name calling. The point of an argument is to get the other person to come to your point of view, hard to do that when your insulting the people your arguing with.
hierophant2411 said:
The point of an argument is to get the other person to come to your point of view, hard to do that when your insulting the people your arguing with.
That is true and I do apologize for that, I should've been more constructive in my replies. Anger sometimes takes the lead in my mind and I write things that I don't really even believe.

As for you wanting to stay in America, certainly you wouldn't be sent to Africa as in deported, most likely you would be compensated for what you did. But it really makes no sense for Blacks to stay in the USA, their homeland is Africa, their roots are there, America was created to be a White only state. You would also take part in the development of Africa and creating a Black Satanic continent, why would you stay in a place in which the majority of the people are of a race different than yours?

Cowboy123 said:
Sorry for insulting you, the next time I will chime in in one of your threads we'll have a more respectable discussion.
hierophant2411 said:
You really think that in the future you blacks are just gonna be allowed to stay in the USA, I've got bad news for you pal

Firstly the entire concept of reparations is disgusting to me, even if i did deserve them, why would i want anything from people who have victimized me? I take pride in what I earn not what I'm given.

I would like to think that as a Black man who has spent over five years in America's Army even fighting against ISIL in Iraq, that me and other Black people like me who have fought for America have earned a stake in America. If all my service to America hasn't earned me the right to live and work in America, and that eventually I'll be forced to leave because I'm not White. Then what you're really saying is that at it's core America is an evil country that has used/allowed Black people to fight it's wars for generations, while little did they know all their effort and merit was for nothing.

Clown, you want reparations after your race were accepted in a White nation that would've thrived greatly without you, you're lucky to have the privilege of living in a White country, if anything it's your race that owes us reparations for everything your race has done against the White people after we let you stay in White countries.

Actually nevermind, We'll pay your reparations, a one way ticket for Africa, no returning to the White USA or Europe though.

When were we accepted in your White country exactly? It hasn't been that long since Black people were getting lynched and slaughtered en mass all across America (Red Summer, Tulsa race massacre) but boy we sure are privileged. We sure are privileged to have our every attempt to unify and do for ourselves in America thwarted. SS of all gentile races are supposed to be welcome in these forums but it sure doesn't seem like it, and it never has. I'm honestly surprised SouthernWhiteGentile or Aquarius didn't just go ahead and call us niggers along with their other name calling. The point of an argument is to get the other person to come to your point of view, hard to do that when your insulting the people your arguing with.
Seeing as you have even fought for the country, it is understandable that you are deeply attached to it. A false impression is that Blacks have entirely never earned a right to stay in America.

Much of the stereotype Blacks carry in America is directly the work of the enemy. And to top it off, the major Black activist group is a jewish funded terrorist group.

Even the so called privilege Blacks have is a Jew move meant to further divide America. It was purposely meant for Blacks to suffer extensively in America and to come up after centuries with a deep seated hatred for Whites who they will assume are chiefly behind their suffering. And for America to fall under a race war between the guilt tripped Whites and aggravated Blacks. White genocide is part of this.

How many of the modern cases of White cops killing Blacks have Hebrew kabbalistic numerology all over? Others are even faked. One can see that it's all a clever attempt to destroy America by having the two main races there hate each other. While the Jews laugh in the background.

It's not a mistake that one of the first things the Jews did in America is to bring in Black slaves from Africa. They are perfect at scheming, like what they did in Turkey (Donmeh Jews) and they do carry out centuries old conspiracies. Which is why I never have a vendetta against Whites. We have all been pawns on a Jewish game.

I think Blacks like yourself who contribute to America should be at peace and enjoy their lives there. When the time is right, all people will go back to their ancestral homes.

The separation of races is to happen for the best reasons, which are to bury the hatchet between them and because integration can't work, much less in a spiritual world. I also believe it will happen under the direct supervision of the Gods, and even the Whites in non-white lands will be going back home.

Africa is not in a beautiful state today but this is very reversible when all the relevant factors like traitor leaders and abrahamic religions are addressed. Couple that with direct help from the Gods and it becomes a beautiful place.

Hope to see you around more. :)
As for you wanting to stay in America, certainly you wouldn't be sent to Africa as in deported, most likely you would be compensated for what you did. But it really makes no sense for Blacks to stay in the USA, their homeland is Africa, their roots are there, America was created to be a White only state. You would also take part in the development of Africa and creating a Black Satanic continent, why would you stay in a place in which the majority of the people are of a race different than yours?

For the same reason that White people in Africa, I'm assuming haven't left. We've been here so long that we can't identify with Africa as our homeland, or the culture and practices of it's current Black populace. I agree that all Blacks going back to Africa would be the best solution. However the more I think about it the more problems arise in the accomplishment of that goal. Without an entire corps of Ascended Black SS and at least a couple thousand Blacks well versed in all arts and sciences under their direction, I can't see any attempt to mass migrate back to Africa succeeding without resulting in the deaths of at least tens of millions. Even assuming the jew was out of the equation, a few problems I foresee are:

1. Intelligence services CIA, MI5, SAD, manipulating and interfering with the governments of Africa.

2. The extreme diversity of tribes, languages, and religions all across Africa.

3. Lack of infrastructure that adding millions too would result in famine etc.

Hope to see you around more. :)

I'm always here in the shadows.
hierophant2411 said:
As for you wanting to stay in America, certainly you wouldn't be sent to Africa as in deported, most likely you would be compensated for what you did. But it really makes no sense for Blacks to stay in the USA, their homeland is Africa, their roots are there, America was created to be a White only state. You would also take part in the development of Africa and creating a Black Satanic continent, why would you stay in a place in which the majority of the people are of a race different than yours?

For the same reason that White people in Africa, I'm assuming haven't left. We've been here so long that we can't identify with Africa as our homeland, or the culture and practices of it's current Black populace. I agree that all Blacks going back to Africa would be the best solution. However the more I think about it the more problems arise in the accomplishment of that goal. Without an entire corps of Ascended Black SS and at least a couple thousand Blacks well versed in all arts and sciences under their direction, I can't see any attempt to mass migrate back to Africa succeeding without resulting in the deaths of at least tens of millions. Even assuming the jew was out of the equation, a few problems I foresee are:

1. Intelligence services CIA, MI5, SAD, manipulating and interfering with the governments of Africa.

2. The extreme diversity of tribes, languages, and religions all across Africa.

3. Lack of infrastructure that adding millions too would result in famine etc.

Hope to see you around more. :)

I'm always here in the shadows.
Of course we're not talking about 10 years from now, this will happen in many years time.
Fenrir216 said:
Cowboy123 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
It shouldn't be about slavery because you enslaved yourselves. Your black brothers in Africa conquered and sold you to Arabs, Jews, and minority of Europeans so you go around playing the victim, pathetic. Why don't you give Europeans reparations for us lifting you out of the proto-Bronze-age state in which you existed? You got your alphabets or languages from either Europeans or Arabs, so where's the reparations? You were afforded greater food security than ever before after colonialism which coincided with your population boom, where's the reparations? Advanced medicine and science beyond the likes of which you'd ever experienced, where's the reparations?

Wow talk about being triggered. As for population boom. 14th century Timbuktu was larger than 14th Gedi. This idea that after Europeans Africa and other non white civilizations had a population boom is a lie. The Aztec city of Tenochtitlan was greater than most European cities. Non white populations have always had larger numbers. As for Bronze Age Africa was iron smelting over 1,500 years ago. We went from stone to iron in ancient times unlike others. Europeans didn’t really lift non white civilizations out of anything. Historically they destroyed them. Such as Benin expedition, the destruction of Tenochtitlan, the Portuguese destruction of kilwa and the Ajuran empire the British destruction of the Ashanti empire, the destruction of the maya codixes etc.
As for advanced medicine and science Africa and other non white civilizations had its own. I’d refer you to sources but it’s a waste of time you’re clearly an angry white male who won’t read them.

You can logically talk shit about Europeans once you actually forsake all the things you gained from colonialism, but you won't because you're ultimately a beneficiary of colonialism, otherwise you wouldn't be able to reply to me on this forum. Logic evades you because the average IQ in Africa is borderline retarded, so it makes sense you wouldn't critically evaluate your argument.

There’s plenty of environmental evidence on IQ. In the case of Africa it’s Poverty and the parasite stess theory of IQ

There have been instances of atrocities committed against Europeans by Moors in Southern Europe, as well as white minorities in Southern Africa. The reality is the entire Africa is a backward self-destructive entity as a whole, which is why you don't go back to Africa in the first place. It's much easier to live beneath the heels of the hardworking majority of Europeans.

Lol plenty of blacks in the diaspora has moved to Africa. As for Africa being backward why don’t you blame the world bank , imf for the insane debt and foreign corporations that exploit the natural resources.

It amazes me how a simple video of an African woman talking about a topic triggers you Angry White Men so much. Is that your superior Aryan mind?
Fenrir216 said:
hierophant2411 said:
You really think that in the future you blacks are just gonna be allowed to stay in the USA, I've got bad news for you pal

Firstly the entire concept of reparations is disgusting to me, even if i did deserve them, why would i want anything from people who have victimized me? I take pride in what I earn not what I'm given.

I would like to think that as a Black man who has spent over five years in America's Army even fighting against ISIL in Iraq, that me and other Black people like me who have fought for America have earned a stake in America. If all my service to America hasn't earned me the right to live and work in America, and that eventually I'll be forced to leave because I'm not White. Then what you're really saying is that at it's core America is an evil country that has used/allowed Black people to fight it's wars for generations, while little did they know all their effort and merit was for nothing.

Clown, you want reparations after your race were accepted in a White nation that would've thrived greatly without you, you're lucky to have the privilege of living in a White country, if anything it's your race that owes us reparations for everything your race has done against the White people after we let you stay in White countries.

Actually nevermind, We'll pay your reparations, a one way ticket for Africa, no returning to the White USA or Europe though.

When were we accepted in your White country exactly? It hasn't been that long since Black people were getting lynched and slaughtered en mass all across America (Red Summer, Tulsa race massacre) but boy we sure are privileged. We sure are privileged to have our every attempt to unify and do for ourselves in America thwarted. SS of all gentile races are supposed to be welcome in these forums but it sure doesn't seem like it, and it never has. I'm honestly surprised SouthernWhiteGentile or Aquarius didn't just go ahead and call us niggers along with their other name calling. The point of an argument is to get the other person to come to your point of view, hard to do that when your insulting the people your arguing with.
You don't need reparations because you're already a massive beneficiary of colonialism, don't lie about it being about pride. You have pride in using a European language and alphabet? Using our inventions and ideas? What that you have or take pride in today isn't of European making? I'll wait, I understand you have an IQ problem so I'll be patient. The fact of the matter your pride is built on self-deception.

So you brag about joining the US (Israeli) Army and fighting for Jewish interests, are you certain this is something to take pride in on a forum where people are anti-Jewish where those of intelligence realize the US Army fights for Israel? Also, your same argument for fighting for a country can be used on Southern African whites, don't see you defending those who have been in that country for over 360 years? Oh, and how's Zimbabwe doing, you know after kicking out the Europeans and now begging them to come back... History repeats itself.

There is no use in arguing with people who don't have the ability to comprehend your argument in the first place. With regards to your race massacre question, are you implying that blacks are treated differently in Africa? They haven't murdered, raped, cannibalized, and enslaved each other throughout history, and still don't do so? So you want white people to treat you better than you treat yourselves? Seems ridiculous as a notion.

So if we’re so dumb why get so angry and make three replies?

Some say only a fool argues with a fool. Or is that your superior Aryan intellect?
You don't need reparations because you're already a massive beneficiary of colonialism

Your entire colonialism argument is illogical. To think I'm a beneficiary of colonialism is the same as thinking Whites should feel guilty about slavery. Africans had colonialism brutally forced on them, what since does it make to be grateful to have your once free people subjugated? By your failed logic they should be grateful for all the horrors and atrocities inflicted on them under colonialism as well.

The fact of the matter your pride is built on self-deception

My pride is based on my own accomplishments in my life, not on the accomplishments others.

You have pride in using a European language and alphabet? Using our inventions and ideas? What that you have or take pride in today isn't of European making?

What language or alphabet have you created? What have you invented? What have you contributed to society? You said "our inventions and ideas" as if you yourself have given to society by inventing anything. Trying to take personal credit for things you didn't accomplish and then use that in an argument is pathetic.

I'll wait, I understand you have an IQ problem so I'll be patient.
If you were actually superior to me, i.e someone who has actually contributed to society or your race more than I have I might take your insults seriously.

So you brag about joining the US (Israeli) Army and fighting for Jewish interests, are you certain this is something to take pride in on a forum where people are anti-Jewish where those of intelligence realize the US Army fights for Israel?

My intent wasn't to brag, I genuinely wanted to know what my prospects for America should be. However to answer your question, yes I am proud to be one of the elite. The majority of Americans don't even qualify for my job. The US military keeps America safe from a lot of the savages in the world, that would quickly turn the US post apocalyptic if America's military were to suddenly disappear because everyone lost the spine to serve. The Jew influence is of course unfortunate, but name any industry that isn't controlled by Jews. Should no one aspire to be doctors anymore because the medical industry is Jew owned? I've openly defended the military on these forums before so your attempt to shame/scare me is half baked.

Also, your same argument for fighting for a country can be used on Southern African whites, don't see you defending those who have been in that country for over 360 years?

Did I speak against them? You're arguing with yourself here.

There is no use in arguing with people who don't have the ability to comprehend your argument in the first place.

It's ironic you say that considering you replied to us.

With regards to your race massacre question, are you implying that blacks are treated differently in Africa? They haven't murdered, raped, cannibalized, and enslaved each other throughout history, and still don't do so? So you want white people to treat you better than you treat yourselves? Seems ridiculous as a notion.

I meant exactly what I said without implying anything. I know your understanding is godly, however I will explain it to you. My statement was in regards to the claim that Blacks had been accepted and privileged in America. Africa and how Africans treat each other had nothing to do with it. Surely you knew that though given your great intelligence. The same great intelligence that lead you to the O9A.
Fenrir216 said:
Because as a noble it's my duty to oversee and correct the behavior of those beneath me.
And who is beneath you? What have you ever contributed to the world in any way? What have you ever contributed to Satan or Satan's family in any way? You've had an account since March, and I have never seen you make a single useful or helpful comment about anything. 6 months and you haven't done shit. You know how many people I helped in my first 6 months? And in every 6 months since then?

I have not seen a single piece of evidence to show that there is anything about you that has ever been any amount of benefit to anybody. So you aren't really a good example of someone who should talk against anyone else. You talk about people taking credit for other people's accomplishments, but I have never seen anything about you to show that you have ever accomplished anything.
Fenrir216 said:
Cowboy123 said:
Fenrir216 said:
You don't need reparations because you're already a massive beneficiary of colonialism, don't lie about it being about pride. You have pride in using a European language and alphabet? Using our inventions and ideas? What that you have or take pride in today isn't of European making? I'll wait, I understand you have an IQ problem so I'll be patient. The fact of the matter your pride is built on self-deception.

So you brag about joining the US (Israeli) Army and fighting for Jewish interests, are you certain this is something to take pride in on a forum where people are anti-Jewish where those of intelligence realize the US Army fights for Israel? Also, your same argument for fighting for a country can be used on Southern African whites, don't see you defending those who have been in that country for over 360 years? Oh, and how's Zimbabwe doing, you know after kicking out the Europeans and now begging them to come back... History repeats itself.

There is no use in arguing with people who don't have the ability to comprehend your argument in the first place. With regards to your race massacre question, are you implying that blacks are treated differently in Africa? They haven't murdered, raped, cannibalized, and enslaved each other throughout history, and still don't do so? So you want white people to treat you better than you treat yourselves? Seems ridiculous as a notion.

So if we’re so dumb why get so angry and make three replies?

Some say only a fool argues with a fool. Or is that your superior Aryan intellect?
Because as a noble it's my duty to oversee and correct the behavior of those beneath me.
It's only some noobs like you who usually have some pointless superiority complex. Old White members certainly don't feel the need to step on other Gentiles to feel better. Even the White Gods are the best allies of non-White Gentiles.

You should also be aware that there are Black members who are superior to you.
Fenrir216 said:
Cowboy123 said:

Lol plenty of blacks in the diaspora has moved to Africa. As for Africa being backward why don’t you blame the world bank , imf for the insane debt and foreign corporations that exploit the natural resources.

It amazes me how a simple video of an African woman talking about a topic triggers you Angry White Men so much. Is that your superior Aryan mind?
No, but the language, alphabet, and technology stems from my superior Aryan mind. Nobody's "triggered", I'm not a stupid American. I don't talk about the world bank or the IMF, because why do you need foreign investment if you claim you're capable of building your own civilizations? You're not entitled to white people giving you handouts, and if you accepted them then you weren't really developing separately then were you?

Here's some news about your beloved Zimbabwe.


Fenrir eh? You absolutely disgust me with you petty arguments. Shame on you for being malignant, malicious, and above all abominable. You talk about your Aryan nobility? Scum you are below some gods that aren't Aryan! You did nothing, your ancestors did more than you. And this is how you repay them? Acting like some incompetent, babbling fool.

I'm not as elevated as my ancestors, but I'll say this, they were more elevated than you can dream, because they, like your ancestors were taught by our gods. Go back to class and learn your truths besides spouting insults that you might choke on due to you accumulating that negative energy.

Do yourself a favor, go troll on your White Satanist forum, because it won't be tolerated here.
Fenrir216 said:
Because as a noble it's my duty to oversee and correct the behavior of those beneath me.

Actually that’s my job. I’m the enforcer of the white race on this forum, and it seems that you are the one out of line. I understand having rage against the negro race I have dealt with it before but the black people on this forum are very reasonable and smart.

Used to when I was a rookie, I would occasionally screw up say things like this (usually worse), and other Aryan members would have to come and clean my mess up. Except now I’ve learned and am now one that’s watching over others.

It’s like prison rules in a way. Every race sticks and answers to their own, when you have another race upset with you, you don’t answer to them, you answer to us, because you are not representing us well.

You’ve seen my posts on this thread and likely other ones, so if anyone is telling to simmer down this isn’t worth it, it would be me.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Fenrir216 said:
Because as a noble it's my duty to oversee and correct the behavior of those beneath me.

Actually that’s my job. I’m the enforcer of the white race on this forum, and it seems that you are the one out of line. I understand having rage against the negro race I have dealt with it before but the black people on this forum are very reasonable and smart.

Used to when I was a rookie, I would occasionally screw up say things like this (usually worse), and other Aryan members would have to come and clean my mess up. Except now I’ve learned and am now one that’s watching over others.

It’s like prison rules in a way. Every race sticks and answers to their own, when you have another race upset with you, you don’t answer to them, you answer to us, because you are not representing us well.

You’ve seen my posts on this thread and likely other ones, so if anyone is telling to simmer down this isn’t worth it, it would be me.

Fenrir, keep being disrespect and your posts will not be approved on this part of the forum anymore. You have one more chance.

All this blacks and whites going against each other is not the godly thing to do.
Everyone here is working to reach godhead and become superior beings as Satan intended. The JoyofSatan forums is for all races from Satan to ascend and overcome all the atrocities and tragedy that has befallen this world, as well as find peace and understanding between us all. To embrace and acknowledge our differences.

If you feel like you want to vent and be a dick, you can go on the white subforum and do that? Do you comprehend this?

No one here needs you telling black gentiles what we are and what we are capable of. You are here like all of us beneath the white aryan demon gods and you are here to become a superior being like the gods. Is this correct?

I mean last time I checked the superior aryan race here on earth is being destroyed and genocided and tricked into hating their own race and carrying out their own genocide. Because of superiority?

If it wasnt for Satan and the gods, the white race would be destroyed by the Jews and their poison and lies.

So please humble yourself because you are ultimately here asking the superior beings for help.

If you are here to troll or wanting to hurt feelings, you can go back to the dailystormer and some place else like that.

The black race was created by Satan, the black race came fron the mind of a superior white creator god, so if you have a problem with us, you can take it up with him.

I was told that our race has degenerated greatly and that I should have more confidence in my race, this was by the great Azazel and much information has come out showing the black race has its own greatness. All this comparing the white race and black race constantly is pointless.

I get to have Azazel, an Aryan deamon god who is the literal son of Satan, help me evolve while pushing me to be the best I can be almost daily so that can become a goddess. In experiencing that, all this calling black gentiles inferior and this and that is just utter bullshit.

Wow, the white race is technologically advanced. Okay, so? What does any of that truly mean when all the other races will reach godhead and have super abilities while being able to do anything a white god can? I mean that's the point. The gentile races all have Satan's essence and kundalini in us which is why we are able to reach godhead in the first place.

When the black race becomes ascended and divine beings, when we finish what Satan intended, there will be nothing for anyone else to say when it comes to what we are. Not that we need any degenerate wanna be "noble" white to tell us this when they are in the same boat as the other races because the Jew has duped even your race into near extinction. So work on helping your race break the spell of the Jew instead of coming on this part of the forum talking about superiority and all that stuff.

I dont agree with the reparations thing at all but I am not being an asshole about it.
Whitecloud said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Cowboy123 said:
Instead your race behaves like Jews when it comes to “slavery”, I’ve heard BN figures say that slavery was worse than the supposed Jewish Holocaust, and I thought wow, what a great comparison, because both are an overblown hoax.
I know that blacks should not cry over spilled milk and seek to developed them selves and blaim the jews but don't call slavery a haox because it is not,millions of blacks were captured and putting in a state worst than animals in months journey to the us,they drank their own piss and eat feces because of the kind of state they put them through
Meanwhile the holocost is not real and it has been proven

Thing is every race has been caught captive and/or enslaved by another race at some point in history. Greeks were enslaved under Arabs for about 350 years. So what, Greeks gotta ask for reparations? Then, Arabs were under occupation of other Arabs, and they also kept slaves in India, with the Muslim invasions.

What about the Irish? And what about so many others?

If everyone wants to ask reparations, it's well known Blacks also owned White slaves before, aside the Arabs, and races from the mediterranean have been enslaved before?

Who is gonna pay who? This mentality is a bottomless pit where nobody will find justice, because this is not how it works. Reparations don't fix anything, but moving on with a better idea to treat other humans actually does change something in everything.

If anything, only jews owe reparations to EVERYONE, if there is such a thing as "reparations".

They definitely owe us our past, because they robbed it all, and this caused all the slavery that emerged after them. Were it not for them, all of the above would be way more minimal.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
