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Very wary but open


New member
Jun 12, 2005
I have not been satisfied with a lot of our current western religious quotas. The religious mass is extremely hypocritical and they are living under lies, both about their beliefs and how they live their life. Their entire life is a lie; no one has an honest face. So I've been searching for ideals that are close to mine, and I know next to nothing about satanism except for the obvious stereotypes. I love buddhism and have been studying the ever living hell out of it but I need more religions under my belt. I strongly believe every religion has a hint of truth, but none are 100% truthful.

So satanism... I am very wary of this simply because of the biases against it and my ignorance towards the subject. What are the core beliefs to live a humans life, and are they to improve the lives of everyone around you, or is it an "every man for himself" attitude? I am trying to be very open and throwing all biases aside, but it is hard with how little I know. Any help on this belief is greatly appreciated, and if theres anything that can help alleviate the biases, that would also be great.

Who is evil, and what is your definition of evil? Is there even such a thing as evil, or is it only a different point of view on the outlook of our existence? How do you qualm the fear you cant help but feeling when you think of the unknown and the potential consequences for going the wrong direction in your beliefs? How do you know who's right and who is wrong? Can Satanism answer all of this?
SATAN is not evil, just lied about. SATAN helps us in time of need and yet teaches us how to live our lives and fight in the war. Jews are evil, just as their masters are. The Jew lies and twists the truth to do it's bidding....but the Jew itself isn't free, it is a slave to its masters. True evil comes in the form of the reptilian aliens. Blood and energy sucking, true terror comes from it's victims because they (the victims) are terrorized before being eaten. Reptilians also possess people, not demons.
Hello and welcome. You need to read JoyofSatan.org for sources and more knowledge but I will give you a basic rundown. You see, back in ancient times, the reason for religion was to teach humanity about the human soul and how to empower it into the enlightened state and eventually reach immortality.. This is accomplished through meditation and yoga/true spiritual practice and through the kundalini serpent. This is why you see the emphasis on the serpent in Egypt and other cultures, they were very spiritually advanced

^This is what Satan taught to humanity after creating them from the tale of ancient sumeria where the God Enki(Satan) creates humanity and teaches them the knowledge of the gods:spiritual knowledge.

And that’s what the original religions were about; becoming your own enlightened godlike being.

The religions today were made solely to prevent you from obtaining that knowledge and applying it so it can be kept in the hands of a few while they abuse this power to obtain mass wealth and power and keep humanity asleep.

It’s evident that nearly everything in the Bible was stolen from the ancient pagan religions just made into a Jewish version. The original pagan stories were not literal but symbolic for spiritual transformation through meditation and practice. Hence Christianity isn’t a true religion but a fraud.

That is also why the one known as Satan is spoken about so badly today. Because the enemy made it so your average person fears the name Satan and stays far away from him, because if your average person goes to Satan with an opened mind they will see that he is not evil at all but in fact teaches one to reach enlightenment, without a book.

Most other religions that talked about enlightenment were of Satan and did have the real steps for enlightenment at one point in time but the enemy over time has got ahold of all true knowledge and religion they can and stole the knowledge and corrupted the religion and teachings so you do not reach enlightenment but do the opposite.

*Knowledge has been corrupted. This is a very important point to understand here, especially for someone interested in Buddhism. Satan is Shiva in Hinduism, Satan is Melek Taus in The Yezidi religion. My point is that the non Jewish people worshipped the same gods and practiced the same knowledge that was given to humanity from the gods just in different forms.

Satan and the Demons aren’t angels but are the original prechristian gods that you see in ancient cultures who all claim the same thing. That the gods came down and created humanity and taught them the spiritual knowledge.

Satanism is about elevating and empowering humanity into gods.

To answer your question, yes good and evil does exist but the worlds view of it is backwards. Satan is the liberator of humanity.

Study the JoyofSatan website and exposingchristianity.com
Sent from my iPhone
Hello, allow me to tell you a few things about Satanism to clear those questions. The rest can be read and embraced on the joyofsatan.org website. Okay so first, we do not do any of that sacrificial stuff and what not. This is a lie to make you think our true god, Satan; is evil. The "god" that is known as Yaweh, is the deciever. This religion used to be the main religion, up until the Jews and Christianity came and wiped all the knowledge of reaching godhead. Godhead is the complete evolution of humanity and the goal of this religion. I have no personal experience with Demons except they watch over you once you dedicate yourself to Satan. Dedication by the way, is the first step to become a Satanist. If you don't dedicate then the enemy will take advantage over you. It doesn't require you to kill a cat and place it in a circle, it just requires you to drop a little bit of blood.

To completely answer how this religion works, it's about self-empowerment. We meditate and do yoga to advance our soul, not sell it. Once you do the 40 day meditation program(Which I am currently doing) it will have a very positive effect on your soul. We are supposed to advance ourselves spiritually, to the point we can speak to Demons. Demons are gods that will help us advance ourselves and protect us from the enemy. I can't because I wasn't spiritually advanced in my past life; thus why we have some psychics using their ability they were "gifted" by "god". Of course most are just master decievers of the mind.

Now I will tell you my personal experience. I am up to opening my solar plexus chakra. I can't see auras and see or sense Demons. But they have been here for me, teaching me in forces that lead me. I ask myself what to do next, they will lead me to a certain post or place and what do you know? I got my answer. I ask Satan to present himself in a way that only I could know. The next day my teacher's word of the day she comes up with "randomly" had to do with not believing in a religion. I can't remember the word, but that was the definition. I used to smoke weed, now I am on a path to being clean as smoking puts holes in the soul. The more you do for Satan, the more he will do for you.

I hope to see you here soon,
Hail Satan!
One of our slogans is, "The meaning of life is to better yourself and the Universe"

Buddhism often has devout followers believe that life is all for others. The jews at the core believe that life is all for the self/jewish people. However we look at things realistically and understand that there's no reason why you can't do both. In fact, you have to eat and be strong enough to help others in the first place so its a false dichotomy.

Evil is the corruption of good and Satan is good. I think evil is more or less just common sense. As a Satanist you are expected to fix your mind and your soul so that you can do the right thing more often than you do the wrong thing.

I never experience any fear from my beliefs at all anymore. After a while you find it hard to talk to any other religious person on this path because they may not be having spiritual experiences, and that is where newbies might be worried about just being crazy or something. Many of us have seen the faces of demons and while nobody has perfect memory its usually the same being we're seeing. I saw a Nordic Alien, just in a lucid dream when I was just a kid, coincidentally became a Satanist and then after realized that the Nordic Alien I saw in a dream was a Demon named Haures. They are really really compassionate, upfront Gods, they never lie to us or make us think they're something they aren't. Unlike the enemy who will tell you they are Jesus Christ over and over again even though sometimes you can plainly see that there are two entities simultaneously claiming to be Jesus.

You have to make up your own mind but if you want a good idea of what's right and wrong you can look at who is in power and what they are telling you to do and not to do. If the people running this disgusting world tell you not to praise Demons you can assume that Demons are a thing to be praised. There's no need to go full epistemological over it and wonder if "you ever truly know the truth" because we are at war and we have to defend ourselves immediately
It’s said that father Satan transcends good and evil. I think there is a negative and positive aspect of things but I don’t think there is a good and evil. Pain for instance in itself is not evil but can be very negative both emotionally spiritually and physically. Hanging around toxic people is negative. On the other hand doing what you like such as sport dancing video games walking being liked by the people you surround yourself with are all positive. I think it goes without saying it’s important to help yourself to a large degree before you can really help others. If you’re not ready for this kind of thing I suggest you leave just in case you may hear and see things that may freak you out a bit for me it’s 100% worth it although difficult at times having being raised fucking Christian.
It’s about finding out the the real truth. Also I think personality is very important and that’s what Satanism for me brings back. Live your life the way you want to.  To able to trust yourself is a great thing. To Know what’s bad for you and what’s good. I think Buddhism for me is to alien to a western mind to grasp its not of the western culture in my opinion. Every man to himself? No. Every man to know the truth and helps those who knows it to? Yes. That’s just my take so far but pretty new to I’m still learning. Hope this helps. Also you will hopefully know who and what is wrong. And what is right. Hail satan. 

Sent from my iPhone
On 4 May 2018, at 2:09 pm, wertynosbest@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  I have not been satisfied with a lot of our current western religious quotas.. The religious mass is extremely hypocritical and they are living under lies, both about their beliefs and how they live their life. Their entire life is a lie; no one has an honest face. So I've been searching for ideals that are close to mine, and I know next to nothing about satanism except for the obvious stereotypes. I love buddhism and have been studying the ever living hell out of it but I need more religions under my belt. I strongly believe every religion has a hint of truth, but none are 100% truthful.

So satanism... I am very wary of this simply because of the biases against it and my ignorance towards the subject. What are the core beliefs to live a humans life, and are they to improve the lives of everyone around you, or is it an "every man for himself" attitude? I am trying to be very open and throwing all biases aside, but it is hard with how little I know. Any help on this belief is greatly appreciated, and if theres anything that can help alleviate the biases, that would also be great.

Who is evil, and what is your definition of evil? Is there even such a thing as evil, or is it only a different point of view on the outlook of our existence? How do you qualm the fear you cant help but feeling when you think of the unknown and the potential consequences for going the wrong direction in your beliefs? How do you know who's right and who is wrong? Can Satanism answer all of this?
The most of the information you will find on JoyOfSatan.org

Like you, I value truth. And I think all of us here do.

As for buddhism.. Its a rip off of hinduism.
Rip offs you need tl be careful about as they are corrupted and their practices can be very harmful.

True satanism is the old paganism. What you see and hear in the media are Jewish corruptions of the bible. See also exposingchristianity on josru website. Youll have to put that in a search machine though..

We do acknowledge evil, as there are things out there that just want to kill and that is basicly their only purpose. To bring to ruins.
But no Gentile is truly evil at the core.
However there are those ignorant stupids that want to side with those that bring to ruin anyway.. Those are not our friends nor on our side.

Dear.. Spiritual Satanists do not worry about Fear. Fear is an enemy tactic to scare you away from spiritual things.
Fear can be overcome and let go of.
Yes there are scary things out there. But it is unreasonable to be afraid of things you dont know. Being careful is not the same as being afraid you know.

Read the website and when youre ready, dedicate.
If you ever come at a point where you are uunsure of dedicating or are afraid, that can be the enemy trying to scare you away.
Many of us have felt that way when they first came here too.
Yes we encourage everyone improving their own lives through meditation. It's important to remember that black magick is to bring about JUSTICE so those that cannot defend themselves against abusers have an opportunity to do so. And yes good and evil are cultural, it's not a universal constant
To alleviate biases just study exposingchristianity.com and the lies of abrahamism will be obvious to you and you will be sure you are not taking the wrong decision when you have been power meditating for a while. You will experience things the majority of people never will (Buddhists included) and that is a promise. Just begin a program when you are ready
Naturally, we recommend that you visit these links and go through them - https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1379

Satan's Library has a lot of PDF and MP3 sermons, as well.

In any 'in-group', everything which falls outside of that, i.e. in the 'out-group', is or could be 'evil'. Basically, Humanity is supposed to have knowledge and understanding much further, beyond, and greater than what we have currently. We used to before, but then things happened which minimised and destroyed what we know. e.g. The Antikythera Mechanism "shouldn't exist" because "people were stupid back then", but it is based on Astronomy and Astrology, with Prime Numbers, and it works. Consider the great Library of Alexandria having been destroyed as one example. Now, we are re-learning this lost knowledge. Of course, that takes time.

If one wants to argue that more people agreeing about something makes that thing 'right' or 'correct', then all of Spiritual Satanism, the Spiritual Satanists, and the hosts Satan and the many Gods, Goddesses, and other Friendlies (people who used to be 'low' similar to us, but then empowered and advanced) are all 'wrong' and 'incorrect'. Why? Because our side, us, we are outnumbered vastly, by some (well, not some; rather, many, many) who have a 'different point of view'. If, however, numbers and might does not make right or correct, then maybe it's the opposite.

The link I shared has links to visit, which explains a heck of a lot of things. You can, of course, ask more questions, and if you choose to you can dedicate yourself to our Cause and advance and empower yourself so that you can then detect lies and not be deceived, and also so you can then communicate with our Friendlies. We do not "sell our Souls to Satan". We keep our Souls; they are ours. What we do is we choose to dedicate our Souls to Satan and his Cause. The Soul has power and abilities far greater than the mediocrity of what most people think they know.

The reason christianity, islam, and a bunch of other things exist is to stop us from having this knowledge, having this understanding, and advancing and empowering ourselves, so that we can be controlled as slaves and be nothing and no-one. Social control.

Our Friendlies are physical individual persons, who live 'out there', i.e. are ETs, but we can still communicate with them through spiritual means, which are explained, with exercises - or 'meditations' and 'workings', via the links I gave.
I do believe you will find your answers on the Joy of Satan website.

Hail Satan!


On Thu, 5/3/18, wertynosbest@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Very wary but open
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Thursday, May 3, 2018, 9:09 PM


I have not been satisfied with a lot of our current
western religious quotas. The religious mass is extremely
hypocritical and they are living under lies, both about
their beliefs and how they live their life. Their entire
life is a lie; no one has an honest face. So I've been
searching for ideals that are close to mine, and I know next
to nothing about satanism except for the obvious
stereotypes. I love buddhism and have been studying the ever
living hell out of it but I need more religions under my
belt. I strongly believe every religion has a hint of truth,
but none are 100% truthful.

So satanism... I am very wary of this simply because of the
biases against it and my ignorance towards the subject. What
are the core beliefs to live a humans life, and are they to
improve the lives of everyone around you, or is it an
"every man for himself" attitude? I am trying to
be very open and throwing all biases aside, but it is hard
with how little I know. Any help on this belief is greatly
appreciated, and if theres anything that can help alleviate
the biases, that would also be great.

Who is evil, and what is your definition of evil? Is there
even such a thing as evil, or is it only a different point
of view on the outlook of our existence? How do you qualm
the fear you cant help but feeling when you think of the
unknown and the potential consequences for going the wrong
direction in your beliefs? How do you know who's right
and who is wrong? Can Satanism answer all of this?

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Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
