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Jun 20, 2020
Hey why don't you ashkeNAZIS come clean and tell the truth about jew Hitler.
Also for those who have been brainwashed by these spiritual clowns---> *** Oh and stop denying my posts I would appreciate it okey? thx
OneWithThousandEyes said:

Hitler is not a Jew. He doesn't even look remotely Jewish. This is just classic disinfo. The term Nazi is not what the Nazis actually called themselves, so you cannot claim them similar to Ashkenazis just by name alone.

It should be clear to you that racialism is a part of Satanism, regardless of the status or Hitler or the Nazi's. I am curious to know how you can reconcile your ideas of race whilst simultaneously denouncing Hitler. It doesn't take a genius to see who pushed to first deconstruct racialism, then pushed for immigration and race mixing.

The point of Hitler coming to power was to stop the Soviet Union from bulldozing Europe. He was successful in this aim and bought us 50-100 years while the Jews were forced to build up their next wrecking ball (China). It was impossible for Hitler to ever beat the Soviet Union in addition to every other country on Earth.

I think I could go on and on about this, but I should try to sum up. HPS Maxine was in contact with Hitler at some point in time, so how could he be Jewish? It is listed on one of the meditation pages that it was given to her by the Antichrist. She also spoke of him in some other announcements pertaining to the Gods coming back to Earth.

Last, but not least, if you still have faith in Satan, why don't you just ask him the truth on this?

"'National' and 'Social' are two identical conceptions. It was only the Jew who succeeded, through falsifying the social idea and turning it into Marxism, not only in divorcing the social idea from the national, but in actually representing them as utterly contradictory. That aim he has in fact achieved. At the founding of this Movement we formed the decision that we would give expression to this idea of ours of the identity of the two conceptions: despite all warnings, on the basis of what we had come to believe, on the basis of the sincerity of our will, we christened it 'National Socialist.' We said to ourselves that to be 'national' means above everything to act with a boundless and all-embracing love for the people and, if necessary, even to die for it. And similarly to be 'social' means so to build up the state and the community of the people that every individual acts in the interest of the community of the people and must be to such an extent convinced of the goodness, of the honorable straightforwardness of this community of the people as to be ready to die for it."

- Adolf Hitler, speech of April 12th, 1922 in Munich.

(Nazi, Neo-Nazism) is a political epithet invented by Konrad Heiden (7 August 1901 – 18 June 1966) during the 1920s as a means of denigrating the NSDAP and National Socialism.[1] Heiden was a journalist and member of the Social Democratic Party of Germany, whose mother was a Jewess.

The word itself derives from the German word for National Socialism: "Nationalsozialismus". It was coined for its negative sound and connection, as the word "sozi" had previously been used to refer to Marxists in Germany, particularly those of the Social Democratic Party of Germany - "Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands". It is also a political pun similar to an Austro-Bavarian word for "simpleton".[2] It was then popularised abroad by various individuals, including Heiden himself, who fled the country after the NSDAP gained power.


The word was and is used almost exclusively by opponents.

The NSDAP briefly adopted the word in attempt to give it a more positive sense but soon gave up this effort and generally avoided it while in power.[2] A rare example of its usage by a NSDAP member can be taken from a 1931 work by Joseph Goebbels called The Nazi-Sozi: Questions and Answers for National Socialists.

In the Soviet Union, the terms National Socialist and Nazi were said to have been forbidden after 1932, presumably to avoid any taint to the word "socialist". Soviet literature instead referred to fascists.[2]

George Lincoln Rockwell reluctantly adopted the use of word in 1959 when he founded the American Nazi Party. He chose to use it for its publicity and shock value.

As an example of popular political correctness and political bias compare the usage of the term "Soviet Union" with "Commie Russia", cheap name calling.

Despite this, using "Nazi" or "Nazism" instead of "National Socialist" or "National Socialism" is extremely common. For example Wikipedia routinely uses "Nazi" despite not using "Commie".

Today the term is widely used as ad hominem against a wide variety of politically incorrect individuals who are not National Socialists.
ahkenazi is as Nazi as Caucasian is Asian. You are funny. The link you provided is as teen-girl-personal-site-y as Piczo and Freewebs were. It's like those bad-acting adverts on TV.
OneWithThousandEyes said:
Hey why don't you ashkeNAZIS come clean and tell the truth about jew Hitler.
Also for those who have been brainwashed by these spiritual clowns---> *** Oh and stop denying my posts I would appreciate it okey? thx

Pls go and suck your mothers dick
OneWithThousandEyes said:
Hey why don't you ashkeNAZIS come clean and tell the truth about jew Hitler.
Also for those who have been brainwashed by these spiritual clowns---> *** Oh and stop denying my posts I would appreciate it okey? thx

First you write posts not so long ago that encourage members to break the law and engage in physical violence that would get them into jail, now you have the audacity to complain about having your posts rejected. As for the rest of your current shit-post, its not even worth commenting on.

While it is not up to me to ban people, you're as obvious in your trolling as it gets.
This troll was writing on how he'll kill us all "Satanist Imposters" and hang us or something. It thinks it's hardcore and stuff. It's banned now.
NinRick said:
OneWithThousandEyes said:
Hey why don't you ashkeNAZIS come clean and tell the truth about jew Hitler.
Also for those who have been brainwashed by these spiritual clowns---> *** Oh and stop denying my posts I would appreciate it okey? thx

Pls go and suck your mothers dick
Heyyy. I used to say that, but more like "Give your mum a blowjob".

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This troll was writing on how he'll kill us all "Satanist Imposters" and hang us or something. It thinks it's hardcore and stuff. It's banned now.
My attitude - and antagonising nature - would be to egg the poster on to do such things against us, but with me only being sarcastic and taking the piss against the OP... but I probably shouldn't do that!
One more shit post like this and I publish Lokis NatalChart bitches >:D

Why do you acephalocardius think this would affect us at all?

The Gods guide us all, they help us all. They have infinite ways of telling us anything, even someone as dense and sceptical as me gets their messages

Besides the HPs actually listen to Satan‘s and our Gods words and consult them.

You are powerless against our loyalty.

You are powerless to change us.

You are powerless against Satan and out Gods!
FancyMancy said:
NinRick said:
OneWithThousandEyes said:
Hey why don't you ashkeNAZIS come clean and tell the truth about jew Hitler.
Also for those who have been brainwashed by these spiritual clowns---> *** Oh and stop denying my posts I would appreciate it okey? thx

Pls go and suck your mothers dick
Heyyy. I used to say that, but more like "Give your mum a blowjob".

You and I are not so different my friend :D
OneWithThousandEyes said:
Hey why don't you ashkeNAZIS come clean and tell the truth about jew Hitler.
Also for those who have been brainwashed by these spiritual clowns---> *** Oh and stop denying my posts I would appreciate it okey? thx

"Let me spew my jewish disinformation on your private forum without you doing anything about it". No, piss off Shlomo. It's amazing how jewish trolls think every online place belongs to them.
"You are powerless against our loyalty.

You are powerless to change us.

You are powerless against Satan and out Gods!"

Hail father Satan forever 😍
NinRick said:
FancyMancy said:
NinRick said:
Pls go and suck your mothers dick
Heyyy. I used to say that, but more like "Give your mum a blowjob".

You and I are not so different my friend :D

Damon said:
OneWithThousandEyes said:
Hey why don't you ashkeNAZIS come clean and tell the truth about jew Hitler.
Also for those who have been brainwashed by these spiritual clowns---> *** Oh and stop denying my posts I would appreciate it okey? thx

"Let me spew my jewish disinformation on your private forum without you doing anything about it". No, piss off Shlomo. It's amazing how jewish trolls think every online place belongs to them.
How every W6W6W6 place belongs to it? Erm... lol? Daj00 luffs da 666?! Qu'est-ce que f00k?! :p
NinRick said:
One more shit post like this and I publish Lokis NatalChart bitches >:D

That is funny, but seriously, I would not. I do not think this is Loki, nor do I think Loki would shitpost or troll us in this manner. I think he was genuinely confused and trying to wrap his head around certain matters. He was very intellectual oriented and would instead write paragraphs upon paragraphs instead of a simple shitpost.

Loki is already outed IRL about being a Nazi and has criminal charges against him. The last thing he needs is for someone to attack him with information based on his natal chart.
OneWithThousandEyes said:
Hey why don't you ashkeNAZIS come clean and tell the truth about jew Hitler.
Also for those who have been brainwashed by these spiritual clowns---> *** Oh and stop denying my posts I would appreciate it okey? thx
I'm really sorry for your mother To have such a troll child And idiot🖕
Blitzkreig said:
NinRick said:
One more shit post like this and I publish Lokis NatalChart bitches >:D

That is funny, but seriously, I would not. I do not think this is Loki, nor do I think Loki would shitpost or troll us in this manner. I think he was genuinely confused and trying to wrap his head around certain matters. He was very intellectual oriented and would instead write paragraphs upon paragraphs instead of a simple shitpost.

Loki is already outed IRL about being a Nazi and has criminal charges against him. The last thing he needs is for someone to attack him with information based on his natal chart.

I also give Loki the benefit of the doubt, but I will not tolerate more crapping from him. I think Mageson used him in a sense, where he made a fake account, got into his channel [he saw that the community was trying to help Loki] and abused this to try to find a place of attention to shill. Then Loki was confused and he promoted this even in videos.

The above is the good end.

The negative ending is that they were somehow in this with some sort of agreement, and I can't comprehend how he goes around in a country like Canada, shoving swastikas and doing Sieg Heils all over the place, like a fringe "Nazi" or something.
Blitzkreig said:
NinRick said:
One more shit post like this and I publish Lokis NatalChart bitches >:D

That is funny, but seriously, I would not. I do not think this is Loki, nor do I think Loki would shitpost or troll us in this manner. I think he was genuinely confused and trying to wrap his head around certain matters. He was very intellectual oriented and would instead write paragraphs upon paragraphs instead of a simple shitpost.

Loki is already outed IRL about being a Nazi and has criminal charges against him. The last thing he needs is for someone to attack him with information based on his natal chart.

Tbh if he is not a SS I do not care what happens to him.

It is his fault for his stupidity, that he has criminal charges in the bag.

It is his own fault, for providing on a friggin SPIRITUAL FORUM, enough information to recreate his natal chart, in less than 5 minutes of effort.

It is his fault for teaming up with mageson, with our ducking enemies!

And lastly the final nail in his coffin is that he is not a SS and does not „believe“ in Satan. Fucking shit, we are all Satanists, we all KNOW that Satan is real and cares for us. Many here had even interactions with Satan and experienced his powers first hand.

Sorry but if he does all this stupid things, then fuck off, I call it natural selection.

If he were a SS I would actually care for him in a way or another, at least I would never ever considering to harm him in any way.

But come on, he found the Truth and Light, and does not treat it with enough respect.

Fucking shit, just out of respect he should become a Satanist, Satan did SOO MANY THINGS FOR HUMANITY. So if you find out the Truth, YOU FUCKING HAVE TO COMMIT, OR YOU ARE A FUCKING DISRESPECTFUL CUNT.

And in closing, I really do believe that he is a jew. He said it once himself that he is a jew lol because of his Grandfather or something. Because if he WERE a gentile, and FOUND the JoS, and THINKS about Satan and our Gods, they will NOTICE him and start to INTERACT with you, to show YOU that they are REAL and that you BELONG to THEM.

I only became a SS because the Gods gave me MANY MANY signs. So don’t tell me he is a gentile, or even better a SS lol - he is not of Satan, so he is not family and he is not an ally. He is the opposite.
NinRick said:

I was operating under the belief that he was just a normal gentile that was perhaps NS, but not SS.
Can you elaborate any information you know about his involvement with Mageson? I thought I heard something similar, and I know his account got banned at the same time, but I just didn't ever figure out exactly what he did. If he did something bad, and if he is actually a Jew, then I agree in saying fuck him. If this was not the case and he was simply being retarded (and not malicious in any way), then I would say to go easy on him.
OneWithThousandEyes said:
Hey why don't you ashkeNAZIS come clean and tell the truth about jew Hitler.
Also for those who have been brainwashed by these spiritual clowns---> *** Oh and stop denying my posts I would appreciate it okey? thx

Maybe if you give us free blowjobs you may get unblocked...
Nah JK our dicks are cleaner than your mouth so no way.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This troll was writing on how he'll kill us all "Satanist Imposters" and hang us or something. It thinks it's hardcore and stuff. It's banned now.

Lol fuckn mental hey some people I wonder what that fuckn persons Neptune is aspecting or some other placement or mayb just a kike
Hitler was the best man ever.
He saved us.
I don't even care what anyone has to say but if it wasn't for Hitler we wouldn't be here today.
Just think about that.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
