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Vegan gains communicates with enemy greys


Jun 20, 2019
Youtubes biggest vegan channel admitted to communicating with the enemy greys. This is just more proof to show that veganism is an alien diet. I remember watching this video and thinking about making a post on it years ago but never did.


Old video by GradeAUnderA where he shows how insane vegan gains is. at 7:05 it shows a comment from vegan gains old account of him talking about aliens.

I'm sure many of you already know veganism is an alien diet but here is some information that could help you show to other people how bad it is.
I don't understand this trend with greys and why people like to communicate with them a lot. They must get it from that American Dad show, just like Family guys agenda to "normalize" jews and American dad to normalize Greys including the subliminal messages.
#sv3rige interviews LOKI Ex-Vegan (3 Years): Trapped In The Hell-th Matrix
Specter said:
I don't understand this trend with greys and why people like to communicate with them a lot. They must get it from that American Dad show, just like Family guys agenda to "normalize" jews and American dad to normalize Greys including the subliminal messages.

Some people are delusional. For instance my partners family members seek out evil entities or any entities willing to communicate with them for the purpose of being contacted by some shit. Suffice to say that family member is fucked up. People who thing they are blessed by jewhova also do crazy shit.
loki88 said:
#sv3rige interviews LOKI Ex-Vegan (3 Years): Trapped In The Hell-th Matrix

sv3ringe is funny as fuck. I remember him and milkjar are the dudes who went and ate raw meat in front of vegans. Funniest shit.
Syntax said:
Specter said:
I don't understand this trend with greys and why people like to communicate with them a lot. They must get it from that American Dad show, just like Family guys agenda to "normalize" jews and American dad to normalize Greys including the subliminal messages.

Some people are delusional. For instance my partners family members seek out evil entities or any entities willing to communicate with them for the purpose of being contacted by some shit. Suffice to say that family member is fucked up. People who thing they are blessed by jewhova also do crazy shit.

Is it for thrill seeking? or are they genuinely toxic person with a negative mindset and negative expressions?

It's weird that humanity is so low in spirituality that you just summon malefic entities for shits and giggles. I guess by you saying that family member is fucked up. Shows just how fucked up the World is in that person's own little World.
Gear88 said:
Syntax said:
Specter said:
I don't understand this trend with greys and why people like to communicate with them a lot. They must get it from that American Dad show, just like Family guys agenda to "normalize" jews and American dad to normalize Greys including the subliminal messages.

Some people are delusional. For instance my partners family members seek out evil entities or any entities willing to communicate with them for the purpose of being contacted by some shit. Suffice to say that family member is fucked up. People who thing they are blessed by jewhova also do crazy shit.

Is it for thrill seeking? or are they genuinely toxic person with a negative mindset and negative expressions?

It's weird that humanity is so low in spirituality that you just summon malefic entities for shits and giggles. I guess by you saying that family member is fucked up. Shows just how fucked up the World is in that person's own little World.

I have no idea. My partner has tried to warn their mother before. I remember one time the mother tried to steal something from an area which held the same importance as a burial site or ritual ground. Basically stealing from a temple. We had to tell her not to take it. The area we were at was a sacred area within canyons on a nature hike. She's so fucking dumb it's unreal.

Not to mention something was haunting her and giving her nightmares(Someone died in their attic). I offered to help remove the problem and help the spirit move on but to do it properly I needed to go to the addict to reach the point where the being was trapped. I don't know the specifications of why it was trapped there but there was a specific spot in the attic which had the energy.

The attic was open and all I had to do was climb up a latter. After removing other problems there like a violent spirit she decided to refuse me access. Apparently it causes her to have nightmares everynight and she refused to let me go up and fix the issue. She is really really fucking dumb man. She's a pretty evil person in general but she's getting better apparently. Both me and my partner are trans and for most of my partners life she belittled him a lot. She's pretty mental.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
