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Vaccination, Aliens, Lockdown, Human Genome Alteration

AllhailEARTH said:
oy gevalt

"all those who bless the JoyofSatan are blessed and all those who curse the JoyofSatan are cursed"
Keep it up and you'll drop dead like the annoying little fly you are in no time.
RAH55 said:
I'm usually a quiet person. But I don't see much on the forums about the chinese threat. I figure these vacs would not come into play if it wasn't for the intentional spread of covid to the US. Which has now killed almost 300K. We will be probably be talking about over 500k by the end of next year. This according to what I read in the jos encyclopedia was a chinese goal. The use of bio weapons and we American gentiles are the main target. Now that we have communist in the WH we are even more screwed. Just a thought but maybe we should throw some ritual energy at the 3 gorges damn. It's already an accident waiting to happen and they are very nervous about it.. Down stream are a couple nuke plants. This would knock about a 1/3 of their energy out and wipe out a couple major cites. It would set them back 50 to 100 years . It would force America to retool their factories and become more independent. Just a meditative thought. Hail Satan !

Three points to consider:

1. There may be no pandemics, only a PCR test pandemics. PCR tests are not capable of detecting any virus, let alone Sars-CoV-2 that allegedly causes covid-19. This test was never designed to be used to diagnose viral infections and the last 2 statements come directly from who created the test.
2. The number are manipulated by governments. In truth, hospitals are paid to list patients as covid carriers, regardless of what they actually have. If covid exists, the numbers of infected and dead are considerably lower than advertised. Asymptomatics cannot transmit anything other than moral panic.
3. The actual recovery rate from this alleged infection is 99.97%. It is extremely unlikely the death rates you are presenting are corrected, meaning they a) are either hyperbolic, b) contain mostly people dead from other diseases, or c) both 'a' and 'b'.

Three things that do not add up is no coincidence, but a pattern. There is nothing to worry about this health ruse. The chance of contracting anything is unlikely. The chance, however, of being completely fucked up from this fake 'vaccine' is very high, almost certain. That's the whole point of the situation, as the title of the topic highlights.
Gear88 said:
Oh Mr.Mastery of telepathy please mind explaining to us how such telepathy is achievable? I mean I'd wager to state most JoS members have no telepathic training most receive signs from the Gods. Even if somehow we have telepathic messages unless your REALLY advanced telepathy could be hit or miss. In some cases it could even be yourself talking to your own mind.
Ignoring the rat, but on this I wanted to comment.

https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Psychic_Centers.html - This is basically on the beginner section of the meditation page.
Coraxo said:
AllhailEARTH said:
oy gevalt

"all those who bless the JoyofSatan are blessed and all those who curse the JoyofSatan are cursed"
Keep it up and you'll drop dead like the annoying little fly you are in no time.

This is some sort of psychopath that writes messages on how all "JoS Satanists" will all be killed, sued, murdered, tortured etc.

Every so often, it returns one step closer to the mental institution and with less and less sanity.
LOOK! Subvert the fucking vaccine, show them the trap that these bastard fucking rats have gamed this fucking matrix for depopulating 80%!!!!! Do what God would love you for... save nature, save everyone of true love, kind and compassion! Let's hear the fuckers squirm when they don't get what they tried gaming this fucking matrix for!
Chief Justice of South Africa on the vaccine

Im a Viking !
but i think im the hiccup type haha


I want Maxine to see this..
And i would like to add this to my prev post
Mabyvit is relevant im not sure;
The First Key

I reign over you, saith Satan/Lucifer in power exalted above the firmaments
and over the earth; in whose hands the sun is as a sword and the moon as a thorough-thrusting fire:
Who measureth your garments in the midst of my vestures and trussed you together as the palms of my hands and brightened your vestments with infernal light.
I made a law to govern my sons and daughters. I delivered truth and furnished to you the power of understanding. Moreover, ye lifted up your voices and swore obedience and
faith to Satan/Lucifer who liveth and triumpheth, whose beginning is not nor end cannot be. Who shineth as a flame in the midst of your palace and reigns amongst you as the
balance of righteousness and truth.

Move therefore and show yourselves! Open the mysteries of your creation!
Be friendly unto me! For I am the servant of the same!
The true worshipper of Satan/Lucifer In glory and power exalted, of the kingdom of the south.

First Key in Enochian

Ol sonuf vorsag goho Satan lonsh calz od vors caosgo; sobra zol
Ror i ta nazps od graa ta malprg:
Ds hol-q qaa nothoa zimz od Commah ta nobloh zien od luciftian oboleh a donasdogamatastos.
O ohorela taba ol nore od pasbs ol zonrensg vaoan od tooat nonucafe gmicalzoma. Pilah Farzm znrza od surzas adna od Gono de Satan, ds hom od
Toh. Soba croodzi ipam ul vls ipamis. Ds loholo vep nothoa poamal
Od bogpa aai ta piap piamol od vaoan.

Zacare ca od zamran! Odo cicle qaa! Zorge! Zir noco!
Hoath Satan bvfd lonsh londoh babage.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
As time goes, "We", the "Conspiracy Theorists", those who say things that are actually for real and not just hoax bollocks, will merely be prophets. The sad news is that none of this is going to be pleasant. Normally, when things are written, an approach for "Everyone" is taken here. This time, I will briefly go directly to the explanations, because there is no real point to keep things in a form of "simplified content" now.

The enemy, as everyone knows, are aliens. Everyone who has read our material, knows and understands what they want, and what their "plan" is for humanity. If one does not, go read our material, before it is too late and/or it becomes outlawed or it disappears. It is our mission to simply keep going for as long as possible.

The enemy takes over planets, and enslaves them in a fashion, similar to that of the borg. While humans are told a lot of bullshit excuses on a lot of events, the enemy alien plan is rather simple. As one human enslaves a lot of bees, quite easily, and can manipulate them, so humans are being collectively lured into their damnation.

One aspect of this, is race mixing. To humans, this makes no sense. Some people even think there is nothing bad or something in this. In alien eyes, "Race mixing", especially in those advanced in Genetic Engineering, means one thing: Create a singular gene pool. This is only for easier manipulation purposes. They don't care about anything else, but wiping out adverse genetic content [remnants of other hostile aliens such as the Nordics of our side, and other code instilled into Gentiles by our Gods, the creators]. They only care to create a singular, easy to manipulate, unified pool.

When this purpose is achieved, and while this happens, the enemy, also has a clear plan, to systematically, wipe out segments of human DNA that are a problem to them. Now, with the so called mRNA vaccine, we have a first attempt to see how this would work on the large scale, and how this new technology could be utilized. One might as well call this a first, and global, human guinea pig experiment. China and other countries have done a lot of this to humans, and have went as far as making hybrids.

This technology will be pivotal in the future for the enemy, to remove specific segments from the "Gene pool" of humanity. It would be far better to do this all on a "Global Scale" and to "Solve a Pandemic", rather than have many individuals disappearing and being experimented solely by themselves, which could backfire such as the case in China. China went as far as to create half human, half animal hybrids, half human half pigs, and other similar..."Creations".

While this technology could be used in trusted or decent purposes, there is no guarantee this is happening now or is safe. Rather, just observe the pressure and force that is pushed on people to take this vaccine, and use your brain to work it out. How naive does one have to be to not understand that this is in the very least, an experiment? Nobody should be put to be experimented upon without their consent.

For those who think this is a conspiracy theory, go read on what mRNA Vaccination is supposed to do, and what it aims at doing. The actual procedure, and what it aims to achieve. Then make some thoughts on how this could go, given the situation with the enemy? Or simply what happens if this goes "Wrong"?

Well, Pfizer, Moderna, or Oxford, definitely will not take any responsibility for it, and they know very well the reasons they aren't taking any responsibility for their "Vaccines". This is however only the surface of this.

The above, as I have explained many years earlier [shared to me directly by the Gods] is what Lucifuge said and shared, in the early beginning stages. Progressively, if the enemy is in control, the above, in the far end of history, will generate a situation of "homogenized" clump of humans, that will progressively be turned to another species through applications of the above technology, and will end up as a slave race.

Don't buy the propaganda, none of the "World Leaders" are getting any of this vaccine or any other down the line. It will be water for them.

This is not to criminalize vaccination or potential application, but to just display how the enemy could use this.

Lucifuge also showed me other things, which involve turning humans and populations into greys through a combination of genetic manipulation and technology. While this may look as if it's too far for humans, this is not far for more advanced civilizations. This would be non feasible however with such huge amount of humans on this planet. Greys are themselves, a genetically homogenized, communized, technology enslaved, alien species.

The enemy is at war with humanity, because we have latent psychic ability, we also have "allies" [our Gods that we don't even know, but they do] and plus, we are big in numbers and the enemy does not have as many numbers as we do. We would not be at "war" if they had won or had an easy victory, and they are aware of other potentials inside humanity that we are not.

Part of this also is a fear the enemy has that in case we evolve past a point and we are not under their thumb, we may resist them or attack them. The enemy rants about "Diversity", and their path to "Diversity" is going to kill all so called "Diversity", until all humans look and are, more or less, entirely the same.

The plan to homogenize humanity, is going slow however, and therefore, manual application such as potential future DNA alteration on the large scale, is now appearing to come in the horizon as a goal to accelerate things before the enemy experiences a major reaction by humanity and/or our Gods. They have to try this at all costs.

All of this is also related to identification purposes as everyone knows, which will be based on the future of mass surveillance. Gabi, Bill Gate's company, is about digital identification. Most of this is just a "Trust exercise", and the enemy divides now the goats from the sheep, measuring how many individuals are with them and obedient, and how many are going to pose an obstacle in the future. This war is reaching a spearhead, and more of this are going to happen worldwide. Data is gathered on people at unprecedented rates, dividing flock from flock.

The unfortunate case, is that humanity, and the so called "Leading Nations", such as the United States, are in communication with these hostile alien entities. These entities know very well how to manipulate and to lie to humanity, and they have individuals working for them. Two sides have been fighting for this world for a very long time. None of what is happening is "Fated", "Mandatory for the future", or even "Necessary". None of this is also to "Evolve humanity" or anything like this.

People in leading positions do understand this, and they get constantly approached by our side and that of the enemy. They will have to choose. For some other situations, the power to choose is rather limited and strangulated. Just look at what happened to the US elections, and understand, that the dogma of humanity 'choosing for itself', where the choice is not the enemy, will be forced to always be the enemy.

All of this sudden "Lockdown" was proven to be unnecessary. Countries that have went without like Sweden, have been for the most part, just fine. Other countries were used as guinea experiments to consider how these things in the severe level could fly in the future.

Rumors are also circulating, a second round of this "Co-Vid" or some other related illness, is going to circulate itself, to create more pressure than the first round. That will depend on how far the enemy perceives they can promote this situation. Where there are no reactions, it's guaranteed, they will keep pushing it to the limit.

All of this has a lot of aims which have been discussed here by ourselves and members - these are political, economic, and social issues that are around the lockdown, and a major power grab is also taking place now. The "disease" itself is not any justifiable ground for most of the things happening, nor is the so called "Pandemic" situation. But the pandemic is the only excuse this could happen, to "Unite" people in a "Global" effort, or for lack of other words, bring "Globalism" together.

In the heat of their high, the "Globalists", or in plain, Jews and their alien reptilian cohorts, also revealed all the rest of the Communist plans that come with this. No ownership, forced DNA manipulation, forced "Socialism", total end of "Free Speech" and information, etc.

The enemy attempted a huge attack on the JoS by 2019 and during 2020, both from the inside and externally, in a combination that was supposed to be a fatality to the JoS. Things we have said have been too "far" and have only been correct and will become more obvious and correct as time goes.

We were warned as early as 2017 and we were prepared, unbeknowst to enemies on the inside and outside. They were caught for fools. We will do whatever is possible to do to continue for as long as possible. The situation of the world is heading to the head of the spear, and this will continue in the upcoming years. Those truly of Satan do understand this and what this means and entails.

Now, on the heavens, astrologically, there are configurations that happened again in the Middle Ages, towards both their beginning and the end. This is to say the least a very pivotal time. Humanity is now going through a case of "Janus", which is the symbol responsible for the opening and closing of dimensions, and moving from one era to the other.

We are heading on either a new, digital form of Middle Ages, with all the new tools of the new "Century", or the actual Age of Aquarius. While many praise the Age of Aquarius, Aquarius also presents extreme technology, aliens, and advanced beyond human comprehension. How these will evolve, is up to the energies that run here. Humans can do our end, and our Gods have to do their end.

The world is changing and there is no back button to it. During the time of good news [that people are finally seeing this and have a choice to fight back], there is also the time for bad news: that this might actually go through if humans do not react to it.

We will do our duty and upcoming Rituals to steer the wheel, for as long as we can.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

France has recently allowed the Pfizer/Biontech vaccines. And as it appears, as someone who has received an organ transplantation and takes anti-rejection pills which suppresses your immunity sytem, i'll be on the 1st list to get it. Will it be safe as long as i keep up my AOP and yoga?
Jax911 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
As time goes, "We", the "Conspiracy Theorists", those who say things that are actually for real and not just hoax bollocks, will merely be prophets. The sad news is that none of this is going to be pleasant. Normally, when things are written, an approach for "Everyone" is taken here. This time, I will briefly go directly to the explanations, because there is no real point to keep things in a form of "simplified content" now.

The enemy, as everyone knows, are aliens. Everyone who has read our material, knows and understands what they want, and what their "plan" is for humanity. If one does not, go read our material, before it is too late and/or it becomes outlawed or it disappears. It is our mission to simply keep going for as long as possible.

The enemy takes over planets, and enslaves them in a fashion, similar to that of the borg. While humans are told a lot of bullshit excuses on a lot of events, the enemy alien plan is rather simple. As one human enslaves a lot of bees, quite easily, and can manipulate them, so humans are being collectively lured into their damnation.

One aspect of this, is race mixing. To humans, this makes no sense. Some people even think there is nothing bad or something in this. In alien eyes, "Race mixing", especially in those advanced in Genetic Engineering, means one thing: Create a singular gene pool. This is only for easier manipulation purposes. They don't care about anything else, but wiping out adverse genetic content [remnants of other hostile aliens such as the Nordics of our side, and other code instilled into Gentiles by our Gods, the creators]. They only care to create a singular, easy to manipulate, unified pool.

When this purpose is achieved, and while this happens, the enemy, also has a clear plan, to systematically, wipe out segments of human DNA that are a problem to them. Now, with the so called mRNA vaccine, we have a first attempt to see how this would work on the large scale, and how this new technology could be utilized. One might as well call this a first, and global, human guinea pig experiment. China and other countries have done a lot of this to humans, and have went as far as making hybrids.

This technology will be pivotal in the future for the enemy, to remove specific segments from the "Gene pool" of humanity. It would be far better to do this all on a "Global Scale" and to "Solve a Pandemic", rather than have many individuals disappearing and being experimented solely by themselves, which could backfire such as the case in China. China went as far as to create half human, half animal hybrids, half human half pigs, and other similar..."Creations".

While this technology could be used in trusted or decent purposes, there is no guarantee this is happening now or is safe. Rather, just observe the pressure and force that is pushed on people to take this vaccine, and use your brain to work it out. How naive does one have to be to not understand that this is in the very least, an experiment? Nobody should be put to be experimented upon without their consent.

For those who think this is a conspiracy theory, go read on what mRNA Vaccination is supposed to do, and what it aims at doing. The actual procedure, and what it aims to achieve. Then make some thoughts on how this could go, given the situation with the enemy? Or simply what happens if this goes "Wrong"?

Well, Pfizer, Moderna, or Oxford, definitely will not take any responsibility for it, and they know very well the reasons they aren't taking any responsibility for their "Vaccines". This is however only the surface of this.

The above, as I have explained many years earlier [shared to me directly by the Gods] is what Lucifuge said and shared, in the early beginning stages. Progressively, if the enemy is in control, the above, in the far end of history, will generate a situation of "homogenized" clump of humans, that will progressively be turned to another species through applications of the above technology, and will end up as a slave race.

Don't buy the propaganda, none of the "World Leaders" are getting any of this vaccine or any other down the line. It will be water for them.

This is not to criminalize vaccination or potential application, but to just display how the enemy could use this.

Lucifuge also showed me other things, which involve turning humans and populations into greys through a combination of genetic manipulation and technology. While this may look as if it's too far for humans, this is not far for more advanced civilizations. This would be non feasible however with such huge amount of humans on this planet. Greys are themselves, a genetically homogenized, communized, technology enslaved, alien species.

The enemy is at war with humanity, because we have latent psychic ability, we also have "allies" [our Gods that we don't even know, but they do] and plus, we are big in numbers and the enemy does not have as many numbers as we do. We would not be at "war" if they had won or had an easy victory, and they are aware of other potentials inside humanity that we are not.

Part of this also is a fear the enemy has that in case we evolve past a point and we are not under their thumb, we may resist them or attack them. The enemy rants about "Diversity", and their path to "Diversity" is going to kill all so called "Diversity", until all humans look and are, more or less, entirely the same.

The plan to homogenize humanity, is going slow however, and therefore, manual application such as potential future DNA alteration on the large scale, is now appearing to come in the horizon as a goal to accelerate things before the enemy experiences a major reaction by humanity and/or our Gods. They have to try this at all costs.

All of this is also related to identification purposes as everyone knows, which will be based on the future of mass surveillance. Gabi, Bill Gate's company, is about digital identification. Most of this is just a "Trust exercise", and the enemy divides now the goats from the sheep, measuring how many individuals are with them and obedient, and how many are going to pose an obstacle in the future. This war is reaching a spearhead, and more of this are going to happen worldwide. Data is gathered on people at unprecedented rates, dividing flock from flock.

The unfortunate case, is that humanity, and the so called "Leading Nations", such as the United States, are in communication with these hostile alien entities. These entities know very well how to manipulate and to lie to humanity, and they have individuals working for them. Two sides have been fighting for this world for a very long time. None of what is happening is "Fated", "Mandatory for the future", or even "Necessary". None of this is also to "Evolve humanity" or anything like this.

People in leading positions do understand this, and they get constantly approached by our side and that of the enemy. They will have to choose. For some other situations, the power to choose is rather limited and strangulated. Just look at what happened to the US elections, and understand, that the dogma of humanity 'choosing for itself', where the choice is not the enemy, will be forced to always be the enemy.

All of this sudden "Lockdown" was proven to be unnecessary. Countries that have went without like Sweden, have been for the most part, just fine. Other countries were used as guinea experiments to consider how these things in the severe level could fly in the future.

Rumors are also circulating, a second round of this "Co-Vid" or some other related illness, is going to circulate itself, to create more pressure than the first round. That will depend on how far the enemy perceives they can promote this situation. Where there are no reactions, it's guaranteed, they will keep pushing it to the limit.

All of this has a lot of aims which have been discussed here by ourselves and members - these are political, economic, and social issues that are around the lockdown, and a major power grab is also taking place now. The "disease" itself is not any justifiable ground for most of the things happening, nor is the so called "Pandemic" situation. But the pandemic is the only excuse this could happen, to "Unite" people in a "Global" effort, or for lack of other words, bring "Globalism" together.

In the heat of their high, the "Globalists", or in plain, Jews and their alien reptilian cohorts, also revealed all the rest of the Communist plans that come with this. No ownership, forced DNA manipulation, forced "Socialism", total end of "Free Speech" and information, etc.

The enemy attempted a huge attack on the JoS by 2019 and during 2020, both from the inside and externally, in a combination that was supposed to be a fatality to the JoS. Things we have said have been too "far" and have only been correct and will become more obvious and correct as time goes.

We were warned as early as 2017 and we were prepared, unbeknowst to enemies on the inside and outside. They were caught for fools. We will do whatever is possible to do to continue for as long as possible. The situation of the world is heading to the head of the spear, and this will continue in the upcoming years. Those truly of Satan do understand this and what this means and entails.

Now, on the heavens, astrologically, there are configurations that happened again in the Middle Ages, towards both their beginning and the end. This is to say the least a very pivotal time. Humanity is now going through a case of "Janus", which is the symbol responsible for the opening and closing of dimensions, and moving from one era to the other.

We are heading on either a new, digital form of Middle Ages, with all the new tools of the new "Century", or the actual Age of Aquarius. While many praise the Age of Aquarius, Aquarius also presents extreme technology, aliens, and advanced beyond human comprehension. How these will evolve, is up to the energies that run here. Humans can do our end, and our Gods have to do their end.

The world is changing and there is no back button to it. During the time of good news [that people are finally seeing this and have a choice to fight back], there is also the time for bad news: that this might actually go through if humans do not react to it.

We will do our duty and upcoming Rituals to steer the wheel, for as long as we can.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

France has recently allowed the Pfizer/Biontech vaccines. And as it appears, as someone who has received an organ transplantation and takes anti-rejection pills which suppresses your immunity sytem, i'll be on the 1st list to get it. Will it be safe as long as i keep up my AOP and yoga?

They cannot legally force you.
Jax911 said:
France has recently allowed the Pfizer/Biontech vaccines. And as it appears, as someone who has received an organ transplantation and takes anti-rejection pills which suppresses your immunity sytem, i'll be on the 1st list to get it. Will it be safe as long as i keep up my AOP and yoga?

Highly unlikely. This is an mRNA vaccine. I have no idea why they never bothered with a dead or dying culture of Covid-19 and done a traditional vaccine.

The mRNA connects with your DNA produces a protein or piece of protein then you go through a process of immunization.

The fact their fucking with your DNA is proof enough that it's gonna produce negativity as the years pass.

Shame about your issues but this has bad written all over it. IF you can avoid the vaccine but if not then well lets hope your the percentage of people who suffer no negativity.
On The killing the Tetragrammaton add on when it says "this world and all worlds" I think that part is supposed to refer to some thoughtforms related to YHVH placed on the planets that deal with how they interact with us in Astrology most specifically I am thinking of Saturn but there are probably others that the enemy created dealing with other planets likely Neptune too. This destroys them. I think I better understand that part now this insight kind of Just came to me and I wanted to write it down on here for anyones thoughts.

Is that correct.
Hello, I am called to make this post summarizing the hundreds of hours of research and self-testing I have done to find out what is real and what is fake. I stumbled a lot into traps and other lies and have came through them wiser to the other side where I have a more complete take on health and what really works. My goal posting here is to help you and for you to help others. I am not selling anything or profiting in anyway. I don't care about money, I believe you should take what I say and double check it. After you double check it try it. After you try it see how you feel. I will give you only claims and remedies that are backed by research. All research can be found online if that's your way. Okay lets start.

I will be brief, reason being it shouldn't be that hard to remain in good health, and the underlying concepts are quite simple.

Lets start with this simple idea. If you can keep toxic materials out of your body, and nourish it with the things that it needs you will always be healthy without exception no matter what. Now this is simpler said than done.

We are bombarded from every angle with poisons especially in city centers and highly populated areas.

So what's a good idea? Move out of the metropolis and go to a more remote area with fresh air! Yes this is a big first step. If you cant move right now whatever, there are still ways we can fight back.

Lets start with Nano. The only way we have discovered so far to remove the Nano "smart dust" and synthetic polymers which are magnetically attracted to the pineal gland are with the AMD machine I have talked about before. Or building the Nano device yourself for much cheaper.(Best way) However if you have a lot of extra money you can buy one from AMD called the ion cleanse footbath.


What should I eat? Short answer: Everything!

Long answer: In the year 2021 it is no longer what you eat but where it comes from. EVERY SINGLE THING you will ever buy at the supermarket will have some degree of nano-particle and glyphosate and GMO poisoning. In the USA the organic standard is a joke. It means nothing, absolutely nothing and don't be mislead to think otherwise. However there are certain products which are exceptions. Fermented dairy is one. Mineral salt is another. You are pretty safe to buy Kefir, Sour Cream and Yogurt as long as it is full bodied(full fat) and does not contain fruit or anything else. Just plain old whole milk. Even though it is pasteurized (killing everything good inside) it still contains ferments and enzymes that are AMAZING for your body and launch many many different enzymatic reactions.

Two: some of you will disagree with this and that's fine. All drugs are bad period. Weed, LSD, Mushrooms(exceptions), Ayahuasca etc. I have tried the first three In fact there are very few drugs I have not tried in my lifetime(Not bragging, I am nodding my head in shame) This "fake enlightened" agenda is being pushed down your throats. Weed was never used by the original Rastas only as a medicine they would put in their smoothies and food and eaten(NEVER smoked) as it turns a healthy plant toxic. Do you see the deception? (Instead of telling people to eat the herb to cure cancer, they tell you to smoke it to cause cancer)



Weed smoke especially with the stuff they spray it with in dispensaries is almost as bad as cigarette smoke. Mushrooms from my research can be used to treat a lot of different ailments. But in fractional doses, not enough to cause hallucinations as this will fry your nervous system.

Lets sum up the drugs. If you open your third eye you will be able to trip naturally for as long as you want forever. So those of you who feel they need dope to meditate or be spiritual clean the rocks out of the center of your head.(Don't worry Ill tell you how) You probably have nano-particle/fluoride/glyphosate/aluminum in your pineal and that's why you are dependent on these substances.

Next point how to clean the rocks out of your brain?

Step 1( Clean your gut from the GMO and toxic buildup so that the toxins can leave your body easily)

Don't ignore step 1, you will have detox reactions that are VERY unpleasant when this poison starts to leave your body with the next methods I will talk about. This stuff is some of the most toxic known to man and it is important to have a good elimination route.



How? Sodium thiosulfate and ascorbic acid. Watch this here(there are other ways and they are very slow and ineffective)

Step 2: Borax and magnesium. You really want me to eat laundry detergent Sam? No I'm not crazy, borax is the antidote to fluoride and chemtrails borax will clean your chakras and remove calcium buildup. Which is why it is ILLEGAL in some countries. Mix 1/8 of a teaspoon in water and drink it. Buy some ancient minerals magnesium and spray it all over your body and rub it in. They work together in the body! Ding ding ding you are a winner!



Step 3: Lugols Iodine. start with 1-2 drops and work your way up. Iodine displaces fluoride from the thyroid. Iodine increases sex hormones. Iodine regenerates your body. Iodine raises IQ. Enough said. Make sure you take selenium as well as they work together in the body.



Step 4: Copper and Zinc for supporting the adrenals. This is the copper I use. Do you take Zinc? if so, good. If you aren't taking copper while taking zinc you are highly deficient in copper. Most important, copper regenerates the brain synapses as well as supports the adrenals as the toxic waste is flushed from your cells. Copper kills parasites, mold and viruses. Copper prevents Alzheimer's and dementia. Copper cures arthritis (along with borax) This is very important. What I use


(contains no fillers just copper)

more in depth on copper


Step 5: Don't be lazy, go find a farmer. Buy almost everything from them Do it. You will avoid a lot of the poisons that are sprayed on every single crop in the USA.

Step 6: Drink distilled water. But my minerals? what about my minerals? That's a load of donkey dung. All minerals your body need will be from the food you get at step 5. Distilled water is the purest water you will ever find anywhere. Buy your own distiller don't buy it from the store as plastic in the containers from the store leech into water. (Synthetic estrogens and endocrine blockers, sounds great huh?). If you live outside the city and have a well that is fine.(test it to make sure) Anyone who tells you that distilled water is bad has no idea what they are talking about. Spring water is full of chemtrails and other poison's. End of story.

So if I drink clean water and eat clean food I will be healthy and strong? Yes. It really is that simple.

Last thing: any diet is garbage, eat everything if you can find it clean. Wild caught fish eat it, wild grass fed meat from a farmer not from the store eat it. Unpasteurized milk drink it.( avoid regular milk at the store like the plague it is poison) Drink kefir instead. Vegetables and fruits from your local farmer there you go!

The reason why so many vegetarians get sick is because of the nano-tech sprayed on every single commercial crop in the USA. In fact one who practices a lot of yoga should stay on a diet of mainly vegetables this is done to steer the energy from digestion to evolution. However if these vegetables are from the store you will die very fast. You have been warned.

Any questions. Send me a message, anything I missed or you disagree with comment or send me a message. All I ask is you keep an open-mind and free yourself from the prison you call your assumptions and programming.
369369369 said:
Hello, I am called to make this post summarizing the hundreds of hours of research and self-testing I have done to find out what is real and what is fake. I stumbled a lot into traps and other lies and have came through them wiser to the other side where I have a more complete take on health and what really works. My goal posting here is to help you and for you to help others. I am not selling anything or profiting in anyway. I don't care about money, I believe you should take what I say and double check it. After you double check it try it. After you try it see how you feel. I will give you only claims and remedies that are backed by research. All research can be found online if that's your way. Okay lets start.

I will be brief, reason being it shouldn't be that hard to remain in good health, and the underlying concepts are quite simple.

Lets start with this simple idea. If you can keep toxic materials out of your body, and nourish it with the things that it needs you will always be healthy without exception no matter what. Now this is simpler said than done.

We are bombarded from every angle with poisons especially in city centers and highly populated areas.

So what's a good idea? Move out of the metropolis and go to a more remote area with fresh air! Yes this is a big first step. If you cant move right now whatever, there are still ways we can fight back.

Lets start with Nano. The only way we have discovered so far to remove the Nano "smart dust" and synthetic polymers which are magnetically attracted to the pineal gland are with the AMD machine I have talked about before. Or building the Nano device yourself for much cheaper.(Best way) However if you have a lot of extra money you can buy one from AMD called the ion cleanse footbath.


What should I eat? Short answer: Everything!

Long answer: In the year 2021 it is no longer what you eat but where it comes from. EVERY SINGLE THING you will ever buy at the supermarket will have some degree of nano-particle and glyphosate and GMO poisoning. In the USA the organic standard is a joke. It means nothing, absolutely nothing and don't be mislead to think otherwise. However there are certain products which are exceptions. Fermented dairy is one. Mineral salt is another. You are pretty safe to buy Kefir, Sour Cream and Yogurt as long as it is full bodied(full fat) and does not contain fruit or anything else. Just plain old whole milk. Even though it is pasteurized (killing everything good inside) it still contains ferments and enzymes that are AMAZING for your body and launch many many different enzymatic reactions.

Two: some of you will disagree with this and that's fine. All drugs are bad period. Weed, LSD, Mushrooms(exceptions), Ayahuasca etc. I have tried the first three In fact there are very few drugs I have not tried in my lifetime(Not bragging, I am nodding my head in shame) This "fake enlightened" agenda is being pushed down your throats. Weed was never used by the original Rastas only as a medicine they would put in their smoothies and food and eaten(NEVER smoked) as it turns a healthy plant toxic. Do you see the deception? (Instead of telling people to eat the herb to cure cancer, they tell you to smoke it to cause cancer)



Weed smoke especially with the stuff they spray it with in dispensaries is almost as bad as cigarette smoke. Mushrooms from my research can be used to treat a lot of different ailments. But in fractional doses, not enough to cause hallucinations as this will fry your nervous system.

Lets sum up the drugs. If you open your third eye you will be able to trip naturally for as long as you want forever. So those of you who feel they need dope to meditate or be spiritual clean the rocks out of the center of your head.(Don't worry Ill tell you how) You probably have nano-particle/fluoride/glyphosate/aluminum in your pineal and that's why you are dependent on these substances.

Next point how to clean the rocks out of your brain?

Step 1( Clean your gut from the GMO and toxic buildup so that the toxins can leave your body easily)

Don't ignore step 1, you will have detox reactions that are VERY unpleasant when this poison starts to leave your body with the next methods I will talk about. This stuff is some of the most toxic known to man and it is important to have a good elimination route.



How? Sodium thiosulfate and ascorbic acid. Watch this here(there are other ways and they are very slow and ineffective)

Step 2: Borax and magnesium. You really want me to eat laundry detergent Sam? No I'm not crazy, borax is the antidote to fluoride and chemtrails borax will clean your chakras and remove calcium buildup. Which is why it is ILLEGAL in some countries. Mix 1/8 of a teaspoon in water and drink it. Buy some ancient minerals magnesium and spray it all over your body and rub it in. They work together in the body! Ding ding ding you are a winner!



Step 3: Lugols Iodine. start with 1-2 drops and work your way up. Iodine displaces fluoride from the thyroid. Iodine increases sex hormones. Iodine regenerates your body. Iodine raises IQ. Enough said. Make sure you take selenium as well as they work together in the body.



Step 4: Copper and Zinc for supporting the adrenals. This is the copper I use. Do you take Zinc? if so, good. If you aren't taking copper while taking zinc you are highly deficient in copper. Most important, copper regenerates the brain synapses as well as supports the adrenals as the toxic waste is flushed from your cells. Copper kills parasites, mold and viruses. Copper prevents Alzheimer's and dementia. Copper cures arthritis (along with borax) This is very important. What I use


(contains no fillers just copper)

more in depth on copper


Step 5: Don't be lazy, go find a farmer. Buy almost everything from them Do it. You will avoid a lot of the poisons that are sprayed on every single crop in the USA.

Step 6: Drink distilled water. But my minerals? what about my minerals? That's a load of donkey dung. All minerals your body need will be from the food you get at step 5. Distilled water is the purest water you will ever find anywhere. Buy your own distiller don't buy it from the store as plastic in the containers from the store leech into water. (Synthetic estrogens and endocrine blockers, sounds great huh?). If you live outside the city and have a well that is fine.(test it to make sure) Anyone who tells you that distilled water is bad has no idea what they are talking about. Spring water is full of chemtrails and other poison's. End of story.

So if I drink clean water and eat clean food I will be healthy and strong? Yes. It really is that simple.

Last thing: any diet is garbage, eat everything if you can find it clean. Wild caught fish eat it, wild grass fed meat from a farmer not from the store eat it. Unpasteurized milk drink it.( avoid regular milk at the store like the plague it is poison) Drink kefir instead. Vegetables and fruits from your local farmer there you go!

The reason why so many vegetarians get sick is because of the nano-tech sprayed on every single commercial crop in the USA. In fact one who practices a lot of yoga should stay on a diet of mainly vegetables this is done to steer the energy from digestion to evolution. However if these vegetables are from the store you will die very fast. You have been warned.

Any questions. Send me a message, anything I missed or you disagree with comment or send me a message. All I ask is you keep an open-mind and free yourself from the prison you call your assumptions and programming.

I'm not gonna argue with some of what you have said. You pretty much did your homework. My only critique is "Why on this forum post" and not "in the health section of our forums" or "main forum section". You would have gotten more views.

Also Nano-tech mind going into further mentioning of said thing. Are you trying to state nano-tech as in chemicals put together to cause harm? Or are you meaning advanced stuff like nanites and specific nano constructs that cause harm?

Either way I agree the food industry is bad. Back when I was about 7 or 8 years old when my dad picked me up from elementary I used to state "I hate food, I hate eating, etc.etc. same with other stuff like music or even life itself". Maybe in my ignorance as to WHY I said it maybe my sensitive nature caused me to hate food for said factors.

To be honest in my personal life I detest the act the act of eating. Everything we eat is poison and everything we do poisons us. So it's no hope situation. I HAVE to eat but at the same time most foods are trying to kill us.

As for distilled water despite drinking from gallon jugs for nearly two years only recently as of sometime last year getting a distiller and glass tap from Bed, Bath, and Beyond. I've never had issues with distilled water. Maybe it's just me but I gotta agree with distilled water.

Anyways keep us posted on other health benefits always like seeing health benefits even IF some people sound crazy. Although now a days with how crazy the World has gotten and how crazy it's gonna get with kike and China cocksucker Biden, we'll see whom really is the crazies and whom really are the NPCs.
Answering you question. Nano is a technology used to shut down our DNA and modify out the "unwanted" portions. It is HIGHLY concentrated in vaccines and also in chemtrails and obviously the food and water supply. Also to shorten you lifespan so you live just long enough to produce NPC offspring to slave in the jewtrix until they feed their AI enough DNA and no longer need humans to slave for them. The answer to your second question is once a particle is in a nano carrier they can put ANYTHING they want in it. XNA, mercury, alluminium, barium, viruses, Chimp DNA, aborted baby DNA. Literally anything. The scary thing is in nano form it bypasses all of your bodies defense mechanisms and enter tissues directly including the brain. Another part is there is no way in hell your body can remove this stuff by itself. It will stay there forever and ever unless you can remove it with some magnetic field. This is exactly what I have linked. This is a short synopsis an in depth explanation of what it is and how to fight it is here

I forgot which state it was, but in that state, the public school system will not allow for parents to pull their kids out of school.

Parents these days who want to avoid the cv19 shot, want to put their kids in homeschool. It is looking bad for parents these days.
You all seem to think this will end with just refusing to take it, apparently not:


Health and tech giants including Microsoft and Oracle are creating vaccination passports so that people can prove they've had a shot before boarding planes or entering stores

Well, damn me I thought that if all of you had your vaccines then you didn't have to worry about the rest of us that didn't, right? Discrimination and fumbled logic at its finest, but no worries people will accept it.

"For some period of time, most all of us are going to have to demonstrate either negative COVID-19 testing or an up-to-date vaccination status to go about the normal routines of our lives," Dr. Brad Perkins, the foundation's chief medical officer, told The New York Times.

Perkins added that that would happen "whether it's getting on an airplane and going to a different country, whether it's going to work, to school, to the grocery store, to live concerts or sporting events."

You can even notice the mistake "all of us" instead "most of us". Also "For some period of time" means indefinitely, in case you need translations. If you agree to the first step, then it will become common practice to go and get your shot twice a year every year with whatever they want.

And btw Thomas did you know people working in malls and supermarkets were forced to take the vaccin or they would not be allowed to work?

And ofcourse this is allowed because most Gentiles are stupid, brainwashed and cowards. This muh democracy is literally killing us. I know Cobra and others do believe in our people, but at moments like this I seem to wish the worst happens to them because how else could they possibly stop believing all the bullshit they are told? The rage...

Here is your death, sorry health passport, stupid cattle. Because this is exactly like branding your cattle with the hot iron. Except the animals fight it, our people go there willingly.

Immortal said:
You all seem to think this will end with just refusing to take it, apparently not:
Health and tech giants including Microsoft and Oracle are creating vaccination passports so that people can prove they've had a shot before boarding planes or entering stores

I wonder how they will get around HIPAA and the civil rights act. Refusing to serve people based on health/race/religious reasons is illegal but they don’t care about the very laws they created. This would NOT hold up in court but the past 3 months have shown us courts and judges are very corrupt and will simply refuse to hear a case that they don’t like.

Social pressure will play a huge part of this. Luckily my own family and the general area I’m in are opposed to the vax.
Wilson Percival Higgsbury said:
Interesting read but why does the vaccination contain 6.66ml of Luciferase?

Because they put it there purposefully naming this material like this, to blame this on Satan, like every crime that they are doing.

"Satan is the source of all evil in this world", is what the enemy claims. Jewsus, Mohammed, Jews, JWO, anyone else - they didn't do nothing. Even if it's obvious they do everything themselves.

Satanic symbolism is used frequently by the enemy to blame shift to Satan so that all people who oppose them will attack Satan instead, stopping the only source that may actually stop the enemy. This leaves the enemy free ground to do as they see fit.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Wilson Percival Higgsbury said:
Interesting read but why does the vaccination contain 6.66ml of Luciferase?

Because they put it there purposefully naming this material like this, to blame this on Satan, like every crime that they are doing.

It doesn't contain "6.66 ml". You made this up, didn't you? The name luciferase has nothing to do with Satan. It comes from Latin lux and ferre which means to bring light. They are enzymes that emit light and make certain animals and plants like fireflies glow, so the name is appropriate for them.
Damon said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Wilson Percival Higgsbury said:
Interesting read but why does the vaccination contain 6.66ml of Luciferase?

Because they put it there purposefully naming this material like this, to blame this on Satan, like every crime that they are doing.

It doesn't contain "6.66 ml". You made this up, didn't you? The name luciferase has nothing to do with Satan. It comes from Latin lux and ferre which means to bring light. They are enzymes that emit light and make certain animals and plants like fireflies glow, so the name is appropriate for them.
I have nothing to gain by making this up, I seen it on 4chan a while ago and here's the source - https://imgur.com/a/3vqXjOt .
Wilson Percival Higgsbury said:
I have nothing to gain by making this up, I seen it on 4chan a while ago and here's the source - https://imgur.com/a/3vqXjOt .

Oh so you didn't make it up but entirely misconsctrued what it is about.

Wilson Percival Higgsbury said:
Interesting read but why does the vaccination contain 6.66ml of Luciferase?

In the above pic you sent it says no such thing. What it really says is that to make luciferin they dissolved luciferin salt in 66.6 ml of solution.
I got tested for Covid and they sticked a thing up my nose that was as long as two pencils together.When they pulled it out my nose started to bleed. Is that normal? I heard someone say thats how they plant chips in your brain i really hope thats not the case
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Hi hoodedcobra. I know you for a long time but this is my first meet. I hope I would not doing something wrong. I can't find another person for my question I am sorry. I am *** years old and from *** . I was initiated in August-September of 2016. Then finished 40 days of meditations and important parts of chakras. I think I was good for my level. However, after 3 years I had to left Joy of Satan for a reason, stayed far from it like 1 years. But then I thought I discovered something or more things. I think I can understand what real satanism is. Even better than my previous Joy of Satan times. The help of Yoga practices was not overwhelming about that. So I want to return but I have some question as yours accept.
-Should I be re-İnitiate? Because I have from 2016.
--Should I be finish 40 days of meditations and chakras again?
-Can Satan and Gods accept me again?

I hope you have the time for reading and answering my question.

It's my last.

Thank You.
Putpriest said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Hi hoodedcobra. I know you for a long time but this is my first meet. I hope I would not doing something wrong. I can't find another person for my question I am sorry. I am *** years old and from *** . I was initiated in August-September of 2016. Then finished 40 days of meditations and important parts of chakras. I think I was good for my level. However, after 3 years I had to left Joy of Satan for a reason, stayed far from it like 1 years. But then I thought I discovered something or more things. I think I can understand what real satanism is. Even better than my previous Joy of Satan times. The help of Yoga practices was not overwhelming about that. So I want to return but I have some question as yours accept.
-Should I be re-İnitiate? Because I have from 2016.
--Should I be finish 40 days of meditations and chakras again?
-Can Satan and Gods accept me again?

I hope you have the time for reading and answering my question.

It's my last.

Thank You.

Hello. Please don't reveal your personal info on the board if you can. No, you won't need to do the initiation again. You may need to redo the program, and daily yoga, and to get back into a meditation schedule. Good luck.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
I got tested for Covid and they sticked a thing up my nose that was as long as two pencils together.When they pulled it out my nose started to bleed. Is that normal? I heard someone say thats how they plant chips in your brain i really hope thats not the case

This was just a CoVid test. Don't be paranoid. It can be really uncomfortable however.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
I got tested for Covid and they sticked a thing up my nose that was as long as two pencils together.When they pulled it out my nose started to bleed. Is that normal? I heard someone say thats how they plant chips in your brain i really hope thats not the case
Just saying, don't expect any accuracy from these kinds of tests, both the rapid tests (like what you did) and the PCR are not valid!(Rapid tests are just ridiculous)
Only a doctor can truly understand if you have the diseases related by seeing if you have the related symptoms and by doing an antibody test to see if the specific virus is causing it! (I am saying this in case you really need to now if you have the related disease, because any other method can only prove if the virus is inside you not if it makes you sick)!
Νίκος said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
I got tested for Covid and they sticked a thing up my nose that was as long as two pencils together.When they pulled it out my nose started to bleed. Is that normal? I heard someone say thats how they plant chips in your brain i really hope thats not the case
Just saying, don't expect any accuracy from these kinds of tests, both the rapid tests (like what you did) and the PCR are not valid!(Rapid tests are just ridiculous)
Only a doctor can truly understand if you have the diseases related by seeing if you have the related symptoms and by doing an antibody test to see if the specific virus is causing it! (I am saying this in case you really need to now if you have the related disease, because any other method can only prove if the virus is inside you not if it makes you sick)!

I got the Covid test not because i was sick but because everybody that enters this place where i am must have that test.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Putpriest said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Hi hoodedcobra. I know you for a long time but this is my first meet. I hope I would not doing something wrong. I can't find another person for my question I am sorry. I am *** years old and from *** . I was initiated in August-September of 2016. Then finished 40 days of meditations and important parts of chakras. I think I was good for my level. However, after 3 years I had to left Joy of Satan for a reason, stayed far from it like 1 years. But then I thought I discovered something or more things. I think I can understand what real satanism is. Even better than my previous Joy of Satan times. The help of Yoga practices was not overwhelming about that. So I want to return but I have some question as yours accept.
-Should I be re-İnitiate? Because I have from 2016.
--Should I be finish 40 days of meditations and chakras again?
-Can Satan and Gods accept me again?

I hope you have the time for reading and answering my question.

It's my last.

Thank You.

Hello. Please don't reveal your personal info on the board if you can. No, you won't need to do the initiation again. You may need to redo the program, and daily yoga, and to get back into a meditation schedule. Good luck.

Understand, thank you. But I wonder Can I get special contact with you? Is this possible and how?
Who is all going to take this jag.

Seemingly I wont be allowed to travel otherwise.
EnkiUK3 said:
Who is all going to take this jag.
At this time only NPC's are vaccinated ... voluntarily
EnkiUK3 said:
Seemingly I wont be allowed to travel otherwise.
Starting when?! we are not there yet and I hope we will never be there

And if the passport becomes, well, a pass into society, there are bound to be political considerations. Anti-vaxxers or vaccine-hesitant people may feel the vaccine and passport combination — if mandated — is an intrusion into their personal freedoms. “This will bring issues from a simmer to a boil,” he predicted.

Finally, there’s the science. We know that the current crop of vaccines is effective against serious disease. We are not yet sure they’re a barrier against transmission, and leaving even a slight risk of a passport-carrier transmitting the disease might not be a great idea as the virus rapidly mutates.

It’s enough to provoke worries of a “magical passport that gives people a false sense of security,” said Christine Lemke, the founder of Evidation Health, a startup aiding with digital health care research. Giving out passports may, at the level of society, promote risk-taking behavior that prolongs the pandemic. “It seems like an exercise in futility. It doesn’t feel particularly healthy to do.”
EnkiUK3 said:
Who is all going to take this jag.

Seemingly I wont be allowed to travel otherwise.
I was expecting that for UK. Some other larger countries will likely implement similiar restrictions.

No, I'm not going to play to their tune. If they do that where I live, I will simply double down on the rituals to vent that way.
Henu the Great said:
EnkiUK3 said:
Who is all going to take this jag.

Seemingly I wont be allowed to travel otherwise.
I was expecting that for UK. Some other larger countries will likely implement similiar restrictions.

No, I'm not going to play to their tune. If they do that where I live, I will simply double down on the rituals to vent that way.

Yeah my friend I was hoping to avoid it for obvious reasons.

Lets see how long i can last meant to be even holiday reps will want to see you have had it before letting you book.


Good luck my fellow ssr
Syd Silver said:
EnkiUK3 said:
Who is all going to take this jag.
At this time only NPC's are vaccinated ... voluntarily
EnkiUK3 said:
Seemingly I wont be allowed to travel otherwise.
Starting when?! we are not there yet and I hope we will never be there

And if the passport becomes, well, a pass into society, there are bound to be political considerations. Anti-vaxxers or vaccine-hesitant people may feel the vaccine and passport combination — if mandated — is an intrusion into their personal freedoms. “This will bring issues from a simmer to a boil,” he predicted.

Finally, there’s the science. We know that the current crop of vaccines is effective against serious disease. We are not yet sure they’re a barrier against transmission, and leaving even a slight risk of a passport-carrier transmitting the disease might not be a great idea as the virus rapidly mutates.

It’s enough to provoke worries of a “magical passport that gives people a false sense of security,” said Christine Lemke, the founder of Evidation Health, a startup aiding with digital health care research. Giving out passports may, at the level of society, promote risk-taking behavior that prolongs the pandemic. “It seems like an exercise in futility. It doesn’t feel particularly healthy to do.”

Only on the mSm its getting talked of for UK mate.

Wifes dad has took it my dad needs it for his work (non UK)
No way I actually got a message to go get the jag :lol: :lol: :lol:

I wish I never even opened my mouth (or Keyboard)

It says I can say no but if going to need it for a job abroad even a holiday I will get it.

Let you all know when get my microchip :eek:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
I got tested for Covid and they sticked a thing up my nose that was as long as two pencils together.When they pulled it out my nose started to bleed. Is that normal? I heard someone say thats how they plant chips in your brain i really hope thats not the case

This was just a CoVid test. Don't be paranoid. It can be really uncomfortable however.

Thank you Hp i see your post only now
I’m new here and I can’t tell you how refreshing it is to see minds that think alike and see the truth. I see how drastically the world has changed since I was only a teen (not too long ago) mainstream media has dumbed everyone down through mass manipulation. The uk has become completely polluted and over run with third world civilians which are mostly Muslims and dangerous types, it’s got to the point of where I no longer feel safe in my own streets (all orchestrated by the Jews and our own leaders) as a means to wash us out etc... when I say anything about this I’m outcasted by family and friends and deemed a racist! there minds are so polluted with Jewish run media and propaganda that there is no reasoning and they think I’m the one who needs help!. The fear driven into them and most people of the Uk is that if they do not embrace diversity they will be seen as the worst possible thing in most people’s minds of today “a racist!”. I feel like everyone around me are blind sheep and like I have nowhere to turn. So I came here. I watch the men around me become grossly feminised so they can’t fight when it’s time to protect there women (here in England) it’s fucking unbearable watching everyone around me walking blindly to our own demise. I can’t even watch the TV anymore because it’s gotten so bad with the constant subliminal messages/propaganda and lose brain cells each time. keep thinking of just ending my life because I feel trapped and like I was born in the wrong era with nobody to connect with. I refused the vaccination and haven’t had any injections since a child as knew it would be something sinister. I know something brought me here but I need help to understand the practices better.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
