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Vaccination, Aliens, Lockdown, Human Genome Alteration

Ghost in the Machine said:
slyscorpion said:
Taio said:
off topic as usual, but I was wondering about this for quite a while now.
So times are getting more and more intense and people will die in the future and etc.
Where I'm going with this is that, should we focus more on dealing with enemy (RTR and so fort) rather then trying to achieve personal goals (like music career for myself and something else for others) spiritual progression is important also but just asking because if that is the case I don't mind putting aside my dreams and focusing on the spiritual and war stuff.

Maybe somebody can answer this if you understood me well.
thank you.


I was told by the Gods they wanted me to focus more on rtrs and spiritual warfare right now directly back in March apparently for as long as i am able without really being low on money or at least for now didnt fully get it as i was not as open. The same day my work shut down for good and I had no idea that was going to happen so I definitely think it was a message. This is just my case and yeah I tend to be really dedicated to this so I can see why the Gods want it for me.

I would say mostly focus on warfare if you can right now. If not make time for it and of course also living life in some way.

In the future I would like to do something in the physical too but I feel that if possible focus more on warfare and advancing right now. If not at least try to make as much time as possible for it. We are all probably going to live much longer without the Jew curses anyways once they are gone since a lot of the curses deal with shortening the lifespan and aging etc even those that didn't meditate especially us that do. So we will have time for that i believe. I am hoping in a few years some opportunities come up to do some cool stuff helping out in the Satanic World or that we have better ability to train for or do more meaningful things.

I am just going off my experience.

I can't claim to have been told anything specific myself but I've seemingly been entirely changed of mind not of my own direct volition in what my priorities are now going forward and in desiring to only ever want to focus on my efforts spiritually and physically (in health). Jobs, careers, once upon time this was important to me, immensely so, but over the ages up to this point and just this year I can say this has pretty much near completely died out onto the backburner for the foreseeable future as nothing on this planet befits my true desire of Satanic purpose, being here and advancing my soul and self as Satan desires us to for him and every job or career I found or look into I have no real devotion to the people I'd be working for, it'd be like if a demon was working some meaningless money grab job for a lowly human who doesn't even grasp the basics in giving a damn enough to so much as recycle. These people know nothing we know, they live their life not giving a damn about the planet, their future generations, consuming literal poison from a bottle when they're down on their luck, waiting to die and then we just work 8 to 12 hours of our life on a regular basis for them, I just don't resonate with them anymore, this society, it feels so wrong. I have only been working and searching in better alternatives to find means of having more access in time for spiritual efforts and workings on correcting and bettering myself for future endeavors on this path and preserving what I can of myself for this too.

Now this is my own opinion, nobody else's, not to project some kind of view upon anyone to think, but I've spent so long thriving in service and care for other Satanists here in their own development that I did not put in the appropriate care for my own self on this matter, sure I gained a lot of power and can now do some interesting things that as a kid I thought would be cool to be able to do of which apparently now it's so casual it doesn't even have an 'awesome' factor to it, but what did I really do on the deeper aspects of this? If this is something that continues to be spread thin in the years to come and if I let myself fade away somehow then I won't be able to help anyone, ever again, and that is not what I want. This is why I have been spending progressively less and less time on the forums compared to how I used to to the point where I hardly make 3 posts a week when I used to be making like 8 a day, I wouldn't be surprised if others here and advanced as long as I have have been getting the same idea/feeling. My loyalty forever remains with Satan and it has ever increasingly been a growing feeling that it is this very loyalty that is my drive to preserve myself and stay alive by all physical and spiritual means through all of this that I can in time to remain as a soul of Satan and keep going.

I might be called selfish on this, but pride and devotion doesn't mean much if your spirit is dead. I did lots on my part here for a couple years now every single day and blasted RTRs like a beast for much of the same and all our rituals we did throughout the past decade of which are fond memories in working to take back what is ours, but with things getting very serious in the next few years to come especially as we approach 2024, I have my own new priorities now to try and brace and prepare for this. This ministries may not last forever with censorship and a wall of bullshit possibly coming down at some point in the future, but I will be damn sure my Satanic soul does last forever.

Should shit really hit the fan, the enemy can do all they fucking want, but our souls still belong to us and with Satan. Steel your hearts and your minds, that's all I can say because believe me, I know what happens and what it's like when you don't.

I like what you said but since most interaction is pointless in day to day life kind of for now as most people are complete braindead NPCs often I think coming here is helpful. Its not like I completely isolate myself never leave my home or anything but nothing really to do or any structure in anything and almost all social things are closed now. So i like coming here. I mean i am starting to advance more but want to help others out. Plus I like the structure in rituals posted here so seeing it each day gives me more motivation. I hope they keep posting rtr scendules and other stuff even if we just do the final rtr some days I find it helpful. What could be done is like final rtr somedays full on others then regular etc. I like structure.

A comment on structure. I think the lack of structure and meaningful things to do is why so many in my generation turn to drugs or seem aimless. I mean some dont struggle with that but more do than you think. It was much different in ancient times with community events a place in society being much easier and more natural. A day to day structure some could have. That lacks today in the USA at least its every man for himself this is why many struggle. Total freedom/individualism doesn't equal happiness and is only an illusion its not freedom at all. I like the system under National Socialism much better.
DiscipleOfSatan said:
Personal Growth said:
Henu the Great said:

(I wrote [...] in the quotes to not end up with a huge message)

Of course I don't want to be injected with anything that will make me more pathetic than I already am. Especially brain damaged, like DiscipleofSatan wrote, can be one of the side effetcs. APoleWhoLostAlot is a name referring to my tragedy connected with brain damage exactly.
But there's no way I can succeed in making my family to not take this vaccine. I'd be more likely kicked from house. Also, if they die, I'm screwed as it's about money too.
So I don't know what to do. I'm both afraid for them and myself. So if I take it I've already failed? And can never be one of Satan's allies? And am enemy's forever?
I understand the great possibilities of going wrong and the plan that has been emerging in these last decades to make everything worse to put pressure on our people, since we are bigger in quantity and strength, however with regard to vaccination: perhaps I suspect? perhaps. many here advocate not only vaccinating covid-19, but all vaccinations from birth. I am really appalled by this; I am from the health area and I say: those who are not in the eye of the hurricane are left with chances. People known to me and my family who died of beast causes that vaccination protected, were precisely anti-vaccine as well as had horrible consequences of not walking anymore and not controlling movements in the leg and limbs. The vaccine for covid that we will receive in my state and in my country is through the virus disabled as the tactic used decades ago. Yes, this virus is real, yes it came to attack the economy and yes it exists. Acquaintances of mine and people close to loved ones died of this shit. my colleagues and I, teachers, witness the most horrible things about the lack of beds and people suffocating dying begging for help and some of them without ANY adjacent disease. It is choosing who lives and who dies. I'm going to get vaccinated and I'm with Satan. The vaccine will make you have the asymptomatic form of the disease when the virus is in contact with your immune system and will not let you get worse. The importance of everyone being vaccinated is precisely that you do not transmit the virus to people who have problems with the components of the vaccines and cannot take them. I have always been vaccinated and will continue, an act of responsibility towards you and others. Knowledge of medicine / science was taught by the gods, the way it is handled by the leaders is that it is not reliable, however there are those who know everything that is happening and are also not letting everything go down the drain. If you, like me, are on the front line, you are a risk group and you live with people who are a risk group (in this case, I am all three) and you are afraid, confused, take it. We who are with Satan will not perish and he knows our circumstances. I'm already waiting for a reply saying that I'm not a real Satanist and I don't care, that's my opinion based on what I see and not what I see on the news or something. someone's relationship with satan concerns only himself and Himself. Sorry the English*
Gear88 said:
Eric13 said:
On a positive note, it’s been said this ‘pandemic’ has dramatically increased the number of members we have and views to our sites as people have been on the web more than ever. Not only this, but for those who have a large social circle, think about the way people think and question things compared to even just a few years ago? People are waking up like never before. These people waking up are being led to our sites, and the best of them are joining our ranks.

Unfortunately many people believe we are a "forums only" organization. Not realizing we have several websites showing information on our organization.


Most people seem like they pick up the websites fast with links by members but it's getting out of hand with "forum only believers".

I'm also concerned with people being introduced with National Socialism, our political aspect. It seems the second they detect Hitler, NS, or anti-semitism they go berserk. Now I have noticed with certain people coming in that strange, alternative and or extreme political solutions aren't much of an issue. Look at Trumpers they are even promoting the idea Trump should call a Limited Marshall Law, put the military as poll watchers to run the election, and run for a second election vote to eliminate fraud which is being discovered each day being covered by people like Tim Pool, Black Conservative Patriot(BCP), as well as Alt-News like OAN, Newsmax, Stichfield, etc.etc.

It's not that I'm being anti-NS but I recall many years ago people being freaked out by our politics especially the indoctrination of "Hitlerz wuz ebil 'n' sheit". Like one forum poster member: [Lydia] mentioned to a person. They replied JoS anti-simetic(the simetic was deliberate) and she [Lydia] replied "It's okay study our websites".

I'm hoping the Hitler, Nazi rhetoric backfire on the enemy. Trump = Hitler or Trump is a Nazi or Trump is a second Hitler. I hope those narratives backfire and make people come to our websites and study us. My only concern is IF people accept National Socialism as their political background, well secretive that isn't in existence yet.

Then my biggest concern is how do we feed the hungry bellies of information with information we don't have. Like HP.Cobra mentioned most documents and information on National Socialism are doctored to conform to some current judiac world view. We don't have information on NS, some people might feel we are just NS in name only but have no political aspects.

I believe HP.Cobra and former HPs and other people have been very good at providing as much detail as possible about NSDAP and NS and as well as O.R.I.O.N. NS like Knuffjen's NS from Nordic Resistance Movement. But it seems like as each day passes I and many people grow hungrier for the truth. And the truth is NSDAP and NSG were so destroyed that the scant amount of information we have on the NSDAP is tantamount to lying because we really have no idea what Hitler's political background is in detail coming from THEM. Not from monitored sources or doctored sources and or even from people studying this and going "Let me change it cause this doesn't make sense to me".

Like I've said before and no one except one person who took the time to type some counter information on my posting, like I stated. National Socialism is a centralist, black-spectrum political opposition, in opposition to other political groups. EVEN though you could argue that NSDAP is a injection of truth and curing of the virus. Because we have to attach ourselves to previous political system in place and slowly go through everything till everything becomes NS.

Think of it like the US it's a Constitutional Republican Senatorial system with limited or semi-direct democracy. It is not a full democracy. Right now in my personal opinion US is the closest to the NSDAP system in terms of providing a platform for the NS government to take over the US system and implement changes. NSDAP is constitutional, it has a constitution but has to piggy back on the previous administration i.e. the Weimar Republic because it cannot start out of nothing. NS was created as en emergency system to prevent communization. But we never had for LONG periods of time NS as a peaceful transitional system. Only from '33 to '39 was there any peace and NS was destined to be destroyed since it popped up on the radar.

So my biggest concern is we disenfranchise our own members and future prospect elite warriors. Because we lack information. But then when do others provide information. Most people are just into sucking christ's cock, at least we provide the Amalek Evilgoy Warrior(A.E.W.) information like blacksun666 website on Satanic quotes on Hitler and the NSDAP which should be updated hopefully sometime next year as new information has popped up on quotes. And exposing-christardity etc.etc.

My only hope is we grow but correctly not through bullshit. At least we are doing good with rituals and exposing the enemy and preventing the extra-terrestrial threat from kabalatizing into reality.

I really like your writing
Thank you for the reassurance and for continuing to instill confidence in us. We all know what we must do...

As far as 2021 goes, there will probably be virus round 2 but from what I have gathered, the national powers of the world are preparing for an orchestrated cyber attack. According to the World Economic Forum, they are claiming a cyber attack in 2021 would have a bigger impact than covid-19. They specifically mentioned utility companies as being main targets.

Not trying to scare anyone but do not sleep on this. Israel isnt the worlds cyber security leader for nothing. Eventually they will use this knowledge and expertise against the civilians of the world.
$ignificant$un said:
Thank you for the reassurance and for continuing to instill confidence in us. We all know what we must do...

As far as 2021 goes, there will probably be virus round 2 but from what I have gathered, the national powers of the world are preparing for an orchestrated cyber attack. According to the World Economic Forum, they are claiming a cyber attack in 2021 would have a bigger impact than covid-19. They specifically mentioned utility companies as being main targets.

Not trying to scare anyone but do not sleep on this. Israel isnt the worlds cyber security leader for nothing. Eventually they will use this knowledge and expertise against the civilians of the world.
This is what I have anticipated. So that's why printing out all of the JoS material and as much as possible posts from forum for personal use is going to be my priority for the very near future.

I don't remember it all and it's no use if computer refuses to work, or network fails or anything else of the sort.
APoleWhoLostAlot said:
So if I agree to be injected with this vaccine, I'm done, the end? What I'll write now may sound stupid to You or/and naive, but what about my family? I don't want to risk their safety. This virus is a real deal, right? Some sort of a biological weapon? I don't believe it's a mystification, the virus itself that is.

What will happen to people who won't choose Satan? When they die, will they instantly cease to exist or still keep reincarnating? What will happen to my family if they get injected with the current vaccine?

My grandmother, 70-year old woman, got the virus a few months ago. She has had a few health issues, even had cancer a few years back, and the virus for her wasn’t anything more than what the flu would be. She is a hypochondriac too and always wants everything to be wrong with her, but this virus just wasn’t that. Not to say it can’t effect other people worse, but it seems unlikely to, really. The same can be said about the flu and other diseases. It’s the same with the flu vaccine every year. They’ve been building up to it. Take it or you’re killing your family and the sick and the babies and the old people. I haven’t had the flu vaccine since I was 13. Same year, I got the flu. Also got chicken pox boosters that year and my younger brother got the chicken pox. Coincidentally...

It really depends on how into the enemy program they are, whether they stop existing or not. The more robotic they are about their beliefs and life in general, the less likely they will reincarnate. Being a Satanist or not doesn’t really determine reincarnation. It just gives you a better chance at reincarnating into a better situation and eventually into a lifetime where you could complete the magnum opus. Some people want to keep living and keep reincarnating, regardless of belief. I think people that do this will eventually come to Satan because they have that intrinsic will to search for something more. Some people want to become one and “ascend” into the enemy borg. Their energy is absorbed by the enemy. Some just stop existing, in the case of severe nihilism. Their energy just dissipates. But I think that’s less likely to happen, I think very few people want to stop existing on an instinctual level and the enemy is too opportunistic to let that kind of energy go to waste. It all depends on the individual what happens to their soul after they die, but Satanism is the path to godhead.
APoleWhoLostAlot said:
DiscipleOfSatan said:
Personal Growth said:
Henu the Great said:

(I wrote [...] in the quotes to not end up with a huge message)

Of course I don't want to be injected with anything that will make me more pathetic than I already am. Especially brain damaged, like DiscipleofSatan wrote, can be one of the side effetcs. APoleWhoLostAlot is a name referring to my tragedy connected with brain damage exactly.
But there's no way I can succeed in making my family to not take this vaccine. I'd be more likely kicked from house. Also, if they die, I'm screwed as it's about money too.
So I don't know what to do. I'm both afraid for them and myself. So if I take it I've already failed? And can never be one of Satan's allies? And am enemy's forever?

Hi Mate,

I see the link I posted earlier above I messed it up. It was on the BitsandBobs channel and was just quick snippets of medical professionals saying the vaccine is not safe. And that it's not what the establishment is saying it all is.

Luckily there is information on the Internet. You will need to do your research and present it to your family. Build your case but unfortunately you need to keep yourself safe as well. Good luck.

This has been in the planning for a very long time. I'll make a quote someone made about a hundred years ago.

Rudolf Steiner 1861 - 1925:

"In the future we will eliminate the soul with medicine. Under the pretext of a 'healthy point of view', there will be a vaccine that by which the human body will be treated as soon as possible after birth. So that the human being cannot develop the thought of the existence of soul and spirit.

To materialistic doctors will be entrusted the task of removing the soul of humanity.

As today people are vaccinated against this disease or that disease. So in the future children will be vaccinated with a substance that can be produced precisely in such a way that people thanks to this vaccination will be immune to being subjected to the "madness" of spiritual life.

He would be extremely smart, but he would not develop a conscience. And that is the true goal of some materialistic circles. With such a vaccine you can easily make the ethnic body loose in the physical body.

Once the etheric body is detached, the relationship between the universe and the ethnic body would become extremely unstable. And man would become an automaton. For the physical body of man must be polished on this Earth by spiritual will.

So the vaccine becomes a kind of arymanique force. Man can no longer get rid of a given materialistic feeling. He becomes materialistic in constitution and can no longer rise to the spiritual"
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
: "While many praise the Age of Aquarius, Aquarius also presents extreme technology, aliens, and advanced beyond human comprehension. How these will evolve, is up to the energies that run here. Humans can do our end, and our Gods have to do their end."

Many people in New age and occultism (including pop millennial astrologers) tout the age of Aquarius, they're waiting for it to arrive because this is the 'IT' age for humanity. I see only the millennial/young folks who're into astrology/tarot (I call it pop astrology) and new age paint it as a solely wonderful age.

I, otoh, have always thought the age of Aquarius can be just like how you described it. It could very well turn out to be like these sci-fi TV shows or movies with sci-fi twist, of people living amongst human-looking robots. Sex with robots. Robo strippers. Robo nurses even. Just everything connected to technology. Digital this. Digital that.

I can see how the advent of robots will kill the medical industry. Where nurses were once highly needed and a highly needed profession, will no longer be needed as much in the future due to these techs/robots. There's already robot that can perform certain surgical procedures
This is advancement for sure, but you know with the enemy, there always comes a high and heavy risk with it.

Or! The medical profession and the schooling will include medical info technology course(s) or something of that sort. Which means more $, expensive student loans people will spend years of their life to pay back.

And I can see in the future the job industry will change. So much will change for the better or the worst. If it's worse in the future, it will be the kind where blind people think it is not, that they're living in a great age when really they're living like a blind and mindless ape.

More sickness. More cell towers. More diseases. More race mixing in the name of diversity. More vaccines in the name of health. More mind numbing tv/video games/virtual reality.

Virtual reality will definitely get better in the future for reasons they know and we had better steer clear of. The enemy speaks of their intentions for us in tv shows and movies. Sometimes the message is blatant. Other times, it's subliminal. There has been many movies out that depicts a dystopian society where people interact less and less in real life and more and more on virtual reality. This will do us in mentally and physically.

The age of Aquarius won't be a pretty age to live in if we don't fight for a healthier society in the NOW.

Each and every moment of the day doing rtr is crucial. Each moment we spend advancing, and spreading awareness of what the enemy is and what their agendas are, and each moment we spend to spread awareness of SS, is crucial for us individually and for the whole of humanity.

New SS need to know this. Don't fall for the new age version of the age of Aquarius. We don't want an extended kaliyuga, now, do we?

$ All hail Satan and the Gods and Goddesses $
Henu the Great said:
This is what I have anticipated. So that's why printing out all of the JoS material and as much as possible posts from forum for personal use is going to be my priority for the very near future.

I don't remember it all and it's no use if computer refuses to work, or network fails or anything else of the sort.

You should put all of the important posts and rituals into one file on MEGA so people can download them. Then link it in your signature.
I really don't know why most of you got impression that I only do music and don't follow RTR schedule and don't do any meditations and etc. I'm doing the most I can.. 60% spiritual and 40% other stuff like I was just asking about how we should go about living life and spiritual stuff. I really enjoy doing music and improving on this skill and also me personally if I'm only going to work and then doing spiritual stuff. I feel like slave or like normal people who work/eat/sleep/repeat. (party on weekends) and so fort.
Everything is cool in my situation and I hope everything is ok in all my SS brothers lives.

APoleWhoLostAlot said:
So if I agree to be injected with this vaccine, I'm done, the end?
No, but you are taking a big risk as the negative effects are still completely shrouded in mystery. You're opening yourself up to a myriad of possible problems that it could create for you. It's not designed specifically to destroy the people who take it, but it's a highly volatile and untested new method that easily can have shitty effects. It's a world-wide experiment with no regard for the people involved in it.
Libra said:
Personal Growth said:
Shael said:

You know what guys? Today something struck me, a thought. I'm a healthy, young man. I rarely, very rarely get things like flu and never get a cold. I almost don't leave my house, plus if most people in my country get the vaccine, the virus will be more likely gone so there'd be no need for me to get injected. Besides, I've plenty of time to decide as I'm almost 30, so I'm not in the group of a first treatment.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I have to be honest, for maybe the first or second time a post worries me, the situation worries me. Rage fills me up a lot, but I can feel fear in my heart too. What should I do about this fear? I don't want to be scared. I want to destroy the enemy so much, I won't let that slide. I've always been terrorized of death since I was a kid, I don't know why. But fuck it, I'd rather go to Hell as a Human than being manipulated to the point of becoming a filthy grey. Fuck them. I'm so fucking angry that this is happening to our planet.
I had a very profound experience last night that was very important despite the negative side effects of bioelectricity and the only question I was left with is how the FUCK this filth found a way to LIVE and take over planets. It’s so extremely unnatural and anti-life, I’m just stunned that reptilians even exist. How have they not killed themselves off yet? How can they even have an ounce of intelligence? The only way it makes sense is if they completely thrive off of the destructive forces of the universe, in which case they’d have to eventually die out entirely.
Ghost in the Machine said:
slyscorpion said:
Taio said:
off topic as usual, but I was wondering about this for quite a while now.
So times are getting more and more intense and people will die in the future and etc.
Where I'm going with this is that, should we focus more on dealing with enemy (RTR and so fort) rather then trying to achieve personal goals (like music career for myself and something else for others) spiritual progression is important also but just asking because if that is the case I don't mind putting aside my dreams and focusing on the spiritual and war stuff.

Maybe somebody can answer this if you understood me well.
thank you.


I was told by the Gods they wanted me to focus more on rtrs and spiritual warfare right now directly back in March apparently for as long as i am able without really being low on money or at least for now didnt fully get it as i was not as open. The same day my work shut down for good and I had no idea that was going to happen so I definitely think it was a message. This is just my case and yeah I tend to be really dedicated to this so I can see why the Gods want it for me.

I would say mostly focus on warfare if you can right now. If not make time for it and of course also living life in some way.

In the future I would like to do something in the physical too but I feel that if possible focus more on warfare and advancing right now. If not at least try to make as much time as possible for it. We are all probably going to live much longer without the Jew curses anyways once they are gone since a lot of the curses deal with shortening the lifespan and aging etc even those that didn't meditate especially us that do. So we will have time for that i believe. I am hoping in a few years some opportunities come up to do some cool stuff helping out in the Satanic World or that we have better ability to train for or do more meaningful things.

I am just going off my experience.

I can't claim to have been told anything specific myself but I've seemingly been entirely changed of mind not of my own direct volition in what my priorities are now going forward and in desiring to only ever want to focus on my efforts spiritually and physically (in health). Jobs, careers, once upon time this was important to me, immensely so, but over the ages up to this point and just this year I can say this has pretty much near completely died out onto the backburner for the foreseeable future as nothing on this planet befits my true desire of Satanic purpose, being here and advancing my soul and self as Satan desires us to for him and every job or career I found or look into I have no real devotion to the people I'd be working for, it'd be like if a demon was working some meaningless money grab job for a lowly human who doesn't even grasp the basics in giving a damn enough to so much as recycle. These people know nothing we know, they live their life not giving a damn about the planet, their future generations, consuming literal poison from a bottle when they're down on their luck, waiting to die and then we just work 8 to 12 hours of our life on a regular basis for them, I just don't resonate with them anymore, this society, it feels so wrong. I have only been working and searching in better alternatives to find means of having more access in time for spiritual efforts and workings on correcting and bettering myself for future endeavors on this path and preserving what I can of myself for this too.

Now this is my own opinion, nobody else's, not to project some kind of view upon anyone to think, but I've spent so long thriving in service and care for other Satanists here in their own development that I did not put in the appropriate care for my own self on this matter, sure I gained a lot of power and can now do some interesting things that as a kid I thought would be cool to be able to do of which apparently now it's so casual it doesn't even have an 'awesome' factor to it, but what did I really do on the deeper aspects of this? If this is something that continues to be spread thin in the years to come and if I let myself fade away somehow then I won't be able to help anyone, ever again, and that is not what I want. This is why I have been spending progressively less and less time on the forums compared to how I used to to the point where I hardly make 3 posts a week when I used to be making like 8 a day, I wouldn't be surprised if others here and advanced as long as I have have been getting the same idea/feeling. My loyalty forever remains with Satan and it has ever increasingly been a growing feeling that it is this very loyalty that is my drive to preserve myself and stay alive by all physical and spiritual means through all of this that I can in time to remain as a soul of Satan and keep going.

I might be called selfish on this, but pride and devotion doesn't mean much if your spirit is dead. I did lots on my part here for a couple years now every single day and blasted RTRs like a beast for much of the same and all our rituals we did throughout the past decade of which are fond memories in working to take back what is ours, but with things getting very serious in the next few years to come especially as we approach 2024, I have my own new priorities now to try and brace and prepare for this. This ministries may not last forever with censorship and a wall of bullshit possibly coming down at some point in the future, but I will be damn sure my Satanic soul does last forever.

Should shit really hit the fan, the enemy can do all they fucking want, but our souls still belong to us and with Satan. Steel your hearts and your minds, that's all I can say because believe me, I know what happens and what it's like when you don't.

I agree with you here that the path can be difficult and I think it’s okay to dismiss and detach from things to get grounded and focus on other matters completely. You’ve got to take care of yourself first so that you can give more and that looks different for everyone. Some of us have been through a lot and have underlying issues that need addressed, and any service to the Gods is an honor. They don’t stop caring about us or kick us to the curb. They meet us halfway if not more in every situation. The more involved in warfare the more involved they’ll be due to the nature of it, but they will still be involved in your personal path as much as they need to be. They do truly love us ghost, no matter what we go through or where we go we are always true in heart and will always find our way back home and I think it’s important we find what that is outside of just warfare. They want us to be happy. I feel like I personally have to let myself go down to a lower spiritual level and let myself grow at my own pace, which sucks and it’s hard to let go. It can be easy to get lost in astral matters and to become obsessed with it.
Young Faith said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I have to be honest, for maybe the first or second time a post worries me, the situation worries me. Rage fills me up a lot, but I can feel fear in my heart too. What should I do about this fear? I don't want to be scared. I want to destroy the enemy so much, I won't let that slide. I've always been terrorized of death since I was a kid, I don't know why. But fuck it, I'd rather go to Hell as a Human than being manipulated to the point of becoming a filthy grey. Fuck them. I'm so fucking angry that this is happening to our planet.

Fear is not abnormal. What is the important thing is what one does after fear arises. Some people run, some people fight.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Young Faith said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I have to be honest, for maybe the first or second time a post worries me, the situation worries me. Rage fills me up a lot, but I can feel fear in my heart too. What should I do about this fear? I don't want to be scared. I want to destroy the enemy so much, I won't let that slide. I've always been terrorized of death since I was a kid, I don't know why. But fuck it, I'd rather go to Hell as a Human than being manipulated to the point of becoming a filthy grey. Fuck them. I'm so fucking angry that this is happening to our planet.

Fear is not abnormal. What is the important thing is what one does after fear arises. Some people run, some people fight.
Being scared makes me even more angry about this, I feel like I'd deal with* one of them with my bare hands in this very moment, they deserve to evaporate from this universe
Guess I won't run. Never. Hail Satan!
Gear88 said:
Ghost in the Machine said:

Not to criticize but isn't this the wrong attitude to have and mentioned by HP.Cobra.

I'm one to talk as I've been unemployed for a while now. I'm scared and concerned for my future I never went to higher education. But isn't this attitude you have of setting aside your financial aspect bad?

I'm not saying you won't work or find a job. I understand spirituality is tough. But it seems like your going about it unrealistically. How will you survive if you don't have support?

Anyways like I said I'm concerned with myself and your kind a making it sound like it's okay the Gods will take care of you. When that couldn't be further from the truth.

But on the one hand you sound a lot like my friend he is bothered by the World. It seems no one takes life seriously and seems like too many negatives around. I agree with you GitM the World is a mad house clown world.

But it seems like we have to go this way. I myself agree we need breaks for spirituality but at the same time. It's not like the Gods are around changing things around and even then I doubt when they come does anything change until large masses are producing results.

I never said I wasn't going to ensure my financial stability, I of course will be working and not once ever thought the gods would babysit me for any such decision I make in those regards.

I simply mean I have no long-term career plan or laid-out path for myself in regards to 'moving up' in the economic world and plan to stick to casual jobs and alternative additions (freelancing perhaps on the side) to enable me just a bit more in spiritual efforts, even if by just one extra free hour in my day. It's not like anything is set in stone and it's mostly just one large thought and consideration going forward.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Henu the Great said:
This is what I have anticipated. So that's why printing out all of the JoS material and as much as possible posts from forum for personal use is going to be my priority for the very near future.

I don't remember it all and it's no use if computer refuses to work, or network fails or anything else of the sort.
You should put all of the important posts and rituals into one file on MEGA so people can download them. Then link it in your signature.
Thing is, it has already been done!

Joy of Satan Websites Offline Archive

Only need to print out stuff now and organize in physical folder.
APoleWhoLostAlot said:

Do not worry. If this vaccine was going to kill or destroy us, the Gods would have told us to focus all our efforts against us. This is nothing but an obstacle. You can heal the genetic, brain, or other damage with SaTaNaMa mantra (if the regular power meditation alone does not heal it). You can do the same for your family. You can also help maintain their health until Satanism is more mainstream, then they will be able to control their own destiny and health on their own.

Use holistic medicine systems for health and try to pitch in and make good food with them to sustain the household's health, for example. You can also clean their aura for them. In severe cases that are out of your control, the Gods will help you. Turn to them if you need guidance in anything related to this scenario or anything else and they will guide you to the best actions to take.

You are dedicated to Satan, right? Then you are his ally, vaccine or no vaccine. You will never be of the enemy, ever. Do not think something as trivial as the vaccine, which is just an enemy attack, would ruin your relationship with the Gods. Be strong and keep advancing and fighting!
I see the journalists here in Greece to try do hard on to .make us believe that we need vaccination, that I not teally believe in any danger. Just because of this.
Sundara said:
Ghost in the Machine said:

I agree with you here that the path can be difficult and I think it’s okay to dismiss and detach from things to get grounded and focus on other matters completely. You’ve got to take care of yourself first so that you can give more and that looks different for everyone. Some of us have been through a lot and have underlying issues that need addressed, and any service to the Gods is an honor. They don’t stop caring about us or kick us to the curb. They meet us halfway if not more in every situation. The more involved in warfare the more involved they’ll be due to the nature of it, but they will still be involved in your personal path as much as they need to be. They do truly love us ghost, no matter what we go through or where we go we are always true in heart and will always find our way back home and I think it’s important we find what that is outside of just warfare. They want us to be happy. I feel like I personally have to let myself go down to a lower spiritual level and let myself grow at my own pace, which sucks and it’s hard to let go. It can be easy to get lost in astral matters and to become obsessed with it.

As heartfelt as this is I also acknowledge the gods are not unthinking robots of nothing but love and understanding, they can be very stern when someone just isn't taking things seriously or isn't stepping up to do what is necessary, they can get 'irritated' or something of the sort as they have been with me in the past with certain issues. As Cobra said in a past sermon, if someone just isn't doing what is necessary or is exuding undesirable behaviours without correcting it as they are being signed to, the gods can feel less inclined to involve more personally with the individual on a directly assisting level and such people can be "put on ice" as he said until they change their ways and grow up.

Sure they can still guide and tell you what you need to do to fix such behaviours and get yourself set straight, but if all one does is incessant whining and seeking help or reaching constantly to the gods for comfort for the same problems and little things over and over and over and over again as if the gods will somehow fix the source problem for you causing all the difficulties, then that's how you stick yourself. At least trying with realness to practice a consistent effort of working more self-sufficiently upon yourself from every bit of guidance and signs that have been provided, then working to pinpoint and correct the source issues that cause such passiveness, distress, confusion among many other factors is what will aid one the most.

Keep getting rid of and correcting what holds you back and you can be an unstoppable beast of progress, at least in theory... It is very beneficial to stop for a moment, sit back, look at yourself, try to intuitively find what your biggest obstacles and problems are for you that you're dealing with far too frequently and narrow down the source cause, then try to fix it. And with such devotion, that is where I have found the gods will be there to help you most in guidance, but largely you will be on your own to do it. I've found that constantly trying to seek love and comfort is what facilitates weakness of the self... relying too much on others for that peace of mind instead of learning to create it for yourself of your own power.

Once you truly realize and place yourself in a confident position that you are manning your own fort and that it's your responsibility where nobody else is going to come and repair it and maintain it for you, that is what can help you to find that motivation and foundation to be self-sufficient. Birds gotta leave the nest at some point... and the gods are in fact very busy and can't come to the every beckon call. I think they most appreciate those who truly do try to save and be responsible for themselves in every way for real instead of always grasping out for a life-line. This is a strong character trait I once had last year and am working to get back again.

The less you practice and try to stand on your own two feet, the weaker your legs will get until they become entirely useless, I have indeed learned this the hard way. Nurture, grow, develop, look after and take of your own soul as if it was a beloved pet or child. A pet or child you love or even a partner, husband/wife or best friends, you want them to be in good health right? To eat properly and get all their healthy and balanced nutrition, you want them to get their exercise, brush their teeth, bathe and keep properly cleaned, get good sleep, have the fun and joy they need in life and do what is necessary for them to be at their top prime, growth and development both mentally and physically.

That is how we need to look after and take care of our own souls and bodies, this is true self-love. In the end we are responsible for who we are and what we become, not anyone else. If working on yourself is easy and fun instead of disciplined, laborious, fulfilling and satisfying, then we haven't been doing it right.
Blitzkreig said:
APoleWhoLostAlot said:

Do not worry. If this vaccine was going to kill or destroy us, the Gods would have told us to focus all our efforts against us. This is nothing but an obstacle. You can heal the genetic, brain, or other damage with SaTaNaMa mantra (if the regular power meditation alone does not heal it). You can do the same for your family. You can also help maintain their health until Satanism is more mainstream, then they will be able to control their own destiny and health on their own.

Use holistic medicine systems for health and try to pitch in and make good food with them to sustain the household's health, for example. You can also clean their aura for them. In severe cases that are out of your control, the Gods will help you. Turn to them if you need guidance in anything related to this scenario or anything else and they will guide you to the best actions to take.

You are dedicated to Satan, right? Then you are his ally, vaccine or no vaccine. You will never be of the enemy, ever. Do not think something as trivial as the vaccine, which is just an enemy attack, would ruin your relationship with the Gods. Be strong and keep advancing and fighting!

I'll remember Your words, thank You for them. No, I'm not dedicated yet that's why I was so scared, but I decided to not take this vaccine after reading posts here and thinking a while about it.
Blitzkreig said:
APoleWhoLostAlot said:

Do not worry. If this vaccine was going to kill or destroy us, the Gods would have told us to focus all our efforts against us. This is nothing but an obstacle. You can heal the genetic, brain, or other damage with SaTaNaMa mantra (if the regular power meditation alone does not heal it). You can do the same for your family. You can also help maintain their health until Satanism is more mainstream, then they will be able to control their own destiny and health on their own.

Use holistic medicine systems for health and try to pitch in and make good food with them to sustain the household's health, for example. You can also clean their aura for them. In severe cases that are out of your control, the Gods will help you. Turn to them if you need guidance in anything related to this scenario or anything else and they will guide you to the best actions to take.

You are dedicated to Satan, right? Then you are his ally, vaccine or no vaccine. You will never be of the enemy, ever. Do not think something as trivial as the vaccine, which is just an enemy attack, would ruin your relationship with the Gods. Be strong and keep advancing and fighting!

I agree with you Blitz. There are far worse things than this vaccine, but if we can avoid it legally we should. They seem to insist a lot for a virus that has a very low mortality rate. But I think we beat things that are far worse than this vaccine and clearly things that are worse than the virus. I had it and it was tolerable compared to other things I had in my life. I even know very old people with diabetes that healed by simply treating it at home. And this went very well considering I was a bit weakened after all this year of working from home. BTW, after covid I still had some persisting weakness in my chest and heart. Then my instinct told me "just go outside and run a little". Since I started doing this I feel great. I am just pointing out that quarantine does far worse and we should be careful and get our daily dose of sport and oxygen. Our body has the capacity to heal and ballance almost anything. Plus meditation and some healing runes help a lot. I usually use VIN (8th one).

Covid only seems to amplify existing weaknesses. Keep positive and work on yourself and there is no reason to fear. I did not fear this BS for one second, and I did not take anything except some vit C for one day, some natural pills for the throat that I take when I have a cold and lots of fruit ;)
I'm usually a quiet person. But I don't see much on the forums about the chinese threat. I figure these vacs would not come into play if it wasn't for the intentional spread of covid to the US. Which has now killed almost 300K. We will be probably be talking about over 500k by the end of next year. This according to what I read in the jos encyclopedia was a chinese goal. The use of bio weapons and we American gentiles are the main target. Now that we have communist in the WH we are even more screwed. Just a thought but maybe we should throw some ritual energy at the 3 gorges damn. It's already an accident waiting to happen and they are very nervous about it.. Down stream are a couple nuke plants. This would knock about a 1/3 of their energy out and wipe out a couple major cites. It would set them back 50 to 100 years . It would force America to retool their factories and become more independent. Just a meditative thought. Hail Satan !
Kinnaree said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
: "While many praise the Age of Aquarius, Aquarius also presents extreme technology, aliens, and advanced beyond human comprehension. How these will evolve, is up to the energies that run here. Humans can do our end, and our Gods have to do their end."

Many people in New age and occultism (including pop millennial astrologers) tout the age of Aquarius, they're waiting for it to arrive because this is the 'IT' age for humanity. I see only the millennial/young folks who're into astrology/tarot (I call it pop astrology) and new age paint it as a solely wonderful age.

I, otoh, have always thought the age of Aquarius can be just like how you described it. It could very well turn out to be like these sci-fi TV shows or movies with sci-fi twist, of people living amongst human-looking robots. Sex with robots. Robo strippers. Robo nurses even. Just everything connected to technology. Digital this. Digital that.

I can see how the advent of robots will kill the medical industry. Where nurses were once highly needed and a highly needed profession, will no longer be needed as much in the future due to these techs/robots. There's already robot that can perform certain surgical procedures
This is advancement for sure, but you know with the enemy, there always comes a high and heavy risk with it.

Or! The medical profession and the schooling will include medical info technology course(s) or something of that sort. Which means more $, expensive student loans people will spend years of their life to pay back.

And I can see in the future the job industry will change. So much will change for the better or the worst. If it's worse in the future, it will be the kind where blind people think it is not, that they're living in a great age when really they're living like a blind and mindless ape.

More sickness. More cell towers. More diseases. More race mixing in the name of diversity. More vaccines in the name of health. More mind numbing tv/video games/virtual reality.

Virtual reality will definitely get better in the future for reasons they know and we had better steer clear of. The enemy speaks of their intentions for us in tv shows and movies. Sometimes the message is blatant. Other times, it's subliminal. There has been many movies out that depicts a dystopian society where people interact less and less in real life and more and more on virtual reality. This will do us in mentally and physically.

The age of Aquarius won't be a pretty age to live in if we don't fight for a healthier society in the NOW.

Each and every moment of the day doing rtr is crucial. Each moment we spend advancing, and spreading awareness of what the enemy is and what their agendas are, and each moment we spend to spread awareness of SS, is crucial for us individually and for the whole of humanity.

New SS need to know this. Don't fall for the new age version of the age of Aquarius. We don't want an extended kaliyuga, now, do we?

$ All hail Satan and the Gods and Goddesses $

What we have to remember is Saturn does Co-rule Aquarius. Many people with Aquarius rising and placements either show them in a more Saturnian or more Uranian way. So who's to say that this couldn't happen with earth? An Age of Saturnian energy could be much worse than what Neptune brings. I believe this is why the enemy started their real serious shit in March when Saturn first moved into Aquarius and will make their move to try to establish the NWO when Saturn is in Aquarius.

This time cause we are at the very beginning of the earth being mostly or totally in Aquarius energy (dont know for sure when that happened as I was spiritually closed off for many years between when I was a child and recently but it seemed to me when I was younger it was totally Neptune/Pisces energy)

So long story short they are trying to shift earth into the Saturnian energy of Aquarius totally and make it permanent. It will be basically like a digital middle ages but much more nightmarish as Neptune is really like a child's birthday party compared to Saturn in Astrology especially with what the nature of the enemy is.

Now if we win we will have a wonderful time the energies of Saturn in this will be stabilizing and provide structure and won't be negative at all.

If they establish their NWO with Saturn in Aquarius this will print that energy onto earth forever as this planet won't survive age of Aquarius we will be long gone within 200 years or greys.

Now is the time they will make their move just like now we need to.

So yeah this is serious I dont mean to sound fear mongering but Age of Aquarius isn't automatically beautiful it is one or the other usually. I do think Uranus energies are going to be quite cool along with the way Saturn manifests with this BUT that is only if we win. We could have a beautiful age beyond comprehending or a nightmare that we can never again wake up from.

What happens now might imprint the general tone for this age and vibration. As you remember there was no changing Pisces energy in the middle of it.
The vaccination has started!

On the news they are already preaching like 90% success rate and they will push hard for this. They plan to achieve a 70% from the total population by end of 2021.

Wtf we do? Can we heal as someone said in here with some rituals or are we doomed if it comes to it? And it looks like we only have months at best...
I saw a video not long ago where a guy warns that the chip or whatever it is will make you immortal and save your consciousness in the grid and there will be no escaping from it forever. The jew goverments will have total control of your soul and will let you be born or die whenever they want you too
That is very scary shit!!
I am scared of that,i doen't want to be trapped in a computer forever.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
I saw a video not long ago where a guy warns that the chip or whatever it is will make you immortal and save your consciousness in the grid and there will be no escaping from it forever. The jew goverments will have total control of your soul and will let you be born or die whenever they want you too
That is very scary shit!!
I am scared of that,i doen't want to be trapped in a computer forever.

It might actually do that. There was a quote from the buybull in Revelations that says "During those days people will seek death but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will elude them" the thing is this kind of links everyone spirits and consciousness together in a hive somehow and into a computer. There is the things about greys needing to feed off energy. It may very well be that we are stuck forever with what is left of us and we may gain some spiritual power from this too. Because obviously greys are more powerful than humans in general by far in the spiritual. They couldn't have been taught that before being borged from the way the enemy works. It would kind of be impossible to dissipate into nothingness this way which is what I think everyone would wish for as its a nightmare.

So yeah we have to fight cause we don't want that if we are to live forever we want something we actually enjoy. That is possible too. Their system really is eternal torment and misery.
RAH55 said:
I'm usually a quiet person. But I don't see much on the forums about the chinese threat. I figure these vacs would not come into play if it wasn't for the intentional spread of covid to the US. Which has now killed almost 300K. We will be probably be talking about over 500k by the end of next year. This according to what I read in the jos encyclopedia was a chinese goal. The use of bio weapons and we American gentiles are the main target. Now that we have communist in the WH we are even more screwed. Just a thought but maybe we should throw some ritual energy at the 3 gorges damn. It's already an accident waiting to happen and they are very nervous about it.. Down stream are a couple nuke plants. This would knock about a 1/3 of their energy out and wipe out a couple major cites. It would set them back 50 to 100 years . It would force America to retool their factories and become more independent. Just a meditative thought. Hail Satan !

The CCP are jews and are getting hammered by our spiritual efforts. The Chinese people themselves are being hijacked by the CCP as a weapon against the other Gentiles of the world. If we attacked them directly, such as the Dam, this would only hurt the Chinese people themselves, while the real threat can continue to work against us.

The 300k/500k numbers are inflated by the CCP-corrupted media to get us to continue with vaccines and the lockdowns. The real number is no where near as much, and it would have been even less if proper measures like herbs, vitamins, fresh air/sunlight were used instead of using a respirator for weeks until their lung tissue is 100% scar tissue.

Trump is not perfect by any stretch of the mind, but he is willing to fight China as best as he can. If you follow the election fraud efforts, he is pursuing very valid legal means to secure his victory. He has all the evidence and his lawyers openly say the State governors are corrupt. They can do this without fear of being sued for defamation because they can prove it in court. Trump is legally allowed to declare a rebellion against him with the evidence of the stolen election, because this is treasonous behavior.

If the CCP cannot stop America here and now, they will not have another opportunity virtually ever. Everyone is waking up to how insidious and malicious they are, and they will be unable to do a slow corruption again. They cannot face us in open military conflict, not now and not when Trump dumps even more money into the military. China will be out of options while the SS of the world blast the enemy spiritually.
Immortal said:
The vaccination has started!

On the news they are already preaching like 90% success rate and they will push hard for this. They plan to achieve a 70% from the total population by end of 2021.

Wtf we do? Can we heal as someone said in here with some rituals or are we doomed if it comes to it? And it looks like we only have months at best...

They are bringing this in, yes. But whether or not it can be enforced, that is another subject.

The whole situation looks like overambitious claims by those in power. In the applied case, most people do not want to take this.

Resistance and RTR's are mandatory now if we wan't to have justice in this. Personally, be this bad or not, I am against forcing people in these nefarious things such as forced vaccinations.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Immortal said:
The vaccination has started!

On the news they are already preaching like 90% success rate and they will push hard for this. They plan to achieve a 70% from the total population by end of 2021.

Wtf we do? Can we heal as someone said in here with some rituals or are we doomed if it comes to it? And it looks like we only have months at best...

They are bringing this in, yes. But whether or not it can be enforced, that is another subject.

The whole situation looks like overambitious claims by those in power. In the applied case, most people do not want to take this.

Resistance and RTR's are mandatory now if we wan't to have justice in this. Personally, be this bad or not, I am against forcing people in these nefarious things such as forced vaccinations.
The more they know they are losing, the more they are pushing into communism. Forced vaccinations aren't new in communism, mongolia became the 2nd communist country after ussr in the 20th century and in all communist countries, the school nurseries vaccinate children, forcibly. Today, we became democratic and vaccination is not mandatory in those countries but actually, they still vaccinate children without their parents consent. To stop that, you must bring the certificate of a doctor warning to not vaccinate you cause of these and that, bullshit.
Immortal said:
The vaccination has started!

On the news they are already preaching like 90% success rate and they will push hard for this. They plan to achieve a 70% from the total population by end of 2021.

Wtf we do? Can we heal as someone said in here with some rituals or are we doomed if it comes to it? And it looks like we only have months at best...

We are not doomed, do not worry. If this was the event that would finish us off, we would've been doing rituals against it 5 years ago.

You can heal with SaTaNaMa, as this is known to alter genes. Not that everything else in the Eight Fold Path doesn't do this, but this mantra is said to basically heal anything. If you have to get the vaccine for work or whatever, you should blast away at SaTaNaMa. I expect most people doing yoga and meditation will be strong enough to withstand any acute damage from it. SaTaNaMa to heal anything more long term.

The vaccine is dangerous and this will work against them. The majority of the populace does not want it. There is too much time between now and the end of 2021 and the physical and spiritual realm will change too quickly for them. Trump is going to fight until the end to maintain power and we are going to be blasting them the whole time. Just the last few months alone have been brutal for them due to our efforts, let alone 12 more months.

Even if they succeed with the vaccine and everyone gets vaccinated, then what is the result? They inflicted us with a health attack, but we withstand and keep punching back. The health toll from the vaccine will be too great and they will be unable to hide this. Either the vaccine damages people with great magnitude, exposing them, or the vaccine does too little damage and the populace is left still strong. They are screwed either way.
Jew York Times has an article that says don't give vaccine to Elderly because they are are white so they should die to "level the playing field."

They don't even pretend anymore.

Also Cornell is saying that all white students are required to get the vaccine, but only white students. Other races are not required.

Vaccine has been shown in some studies to cause infertility. Make all young white poeple infertile, and kill all old white people, so white race becomes extinct.
AllhailEARTH said:
Free yourself from the telepaths who prevent you from learning telepathy. These telepaths want to keep you as a pet. Jos keeps you like a pet. DESTROY THE NETWORK. they enslave us. DEATH TO THE JOS DEATH TO THE NETWORK

Oh Mr.Mastery of telepathy please mind explaining to us how such telepathy is achievable? I mean I'd wager to state most JoS members have no telepathic training most receive signs from the Gods. Even if somehow we have telepathic messages unless your REALLY advanced telepathy could be hit or miss. In some cases it could even be yourself talking to your own mind.

Non the less I find your trolling and shilling funny. Why do you come to our organization and holler at us. If technically speaking we can't go to your forum or to your house and troll you.

I just find this funny I actually read it two or three times. And I wonder why your bothered by us. Did you not read our websites http://www.satanisgod.org

Telepathy isn't really about controlling people it's kinda like a smartphone or text message it's just transferring data. If you wanted to control someone well I'm sure there are other means available known by beings of higher power.

IF anything most people on here on the JoS want to change the World for the better. AllhailEARTH if you hail the Earth just as we do why attack us when we are helping the Earth?
AllhailEARTH said:
Free yourself from the telepaths who prevent you from learning telepathy. These telepaths want to keep you as a pet. Jos keeps you like a pet. DESTROY THE NETWORK. they enslave us. DEATH TO THE JOS DEATH TO THE NETWORK

Why don't you stfu and cope harder you hebbiefag/misinformed person? Our final rtr and tetragrammation rtr is what's ruining the anti-telepathic prison barrier on this world made by the kikes and their alien swine. You xtians and other enemy higher ups are the ones that prevent people from spiritual literacy and empowerment.

Do some reading instead of sniffing that disgusting asher yatzar bong made by pissrael. You are fucking annoying:
Blitzkreig said:
Immortal said:
The vaccination has started!

On the news they are already preaching like 90% success rate and they will push hard for this. They plan to achieve a 70% from the total population by end of 2021.

Wtf we do? Can we heal as someone said in here with some rituals or are we doomed if it comes to it? And it looks like we only have months at best...

We are not doomed, do not worry. If this was the event that would finish us off, we would've been doing rituals against it 5 years ago.

You can heal with SaTaNaMa, as this is known to alter genes. Not that everything else in the Eight Fold Path doesn't do this, but this mantra is said to basically heal anything. If you have to get the vaccine for work or whatever, you should blast away at SaTaNaMa. I expect most people doing yoga and meditation will be strong enough to withstand any acute damage from it. SaTaNaMa to heal anything more long term.

The vaccine is dangerous and this will work against them. The majority of the populace does not want it. There is too much time between now and the end of 2021 and the physical and spiritual realm will change too quickly for them. Trump is going to fight until the end to maintain power and we are going to be blasting them the whole time. Just the last few months alone have been brutal for them due to our efforts, let alone 12 more months.

Even if they succeed with the vaccine and everyone gets vaccinated, then what is the result? They inflicted us with a health attack, but we withstand and keep punching back. The health toll from the vaccine will be too great and they will be unable to hide this. Either the vaccine damages people with great magnitude, exposing them, or the vaccine does too little damage and the populace is left still strong. They are screwed either way.

What we are forgetting is those in power really dont know what they are doing with this. It is an experiment. Most likely they are trying to harm people. Doesn't mean its going to happen. Doesn't mean they know how to do it. It could be that not much happens to people that get this if we are lucky.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
