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Vaccination, Aliens, Lockdown, Human Genome Alteration

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
As time goes, "We", the "Conspiracy Theorists", those who say things that are actually for real and not just hoax bollocks, will merely be prophets. The sad news is that none of this is going to be pleasant. Normally, when things are written, an approach for "Everyone" is taken here. This time, I will briefly go directly to the explanations, because there is no real point to keep things in a form of "simplified content" now.

The enemy, as everyone knows, are aliens. Everyone who has read our material, knows and understands what they want, and what their "plan" is for humanity. If one does not, go read our material, before it is too late and/or it becomes outlawed or it disappears. It is our mission to simply keep going for as long as possible.

The enemy takes over planets, and enslaves them in a fashion, similar to that of the borg. While humans are told a lot of bullshit excuses on a lot of events, the enemy alien plan is rather simple. As one human enslaves a lot of bees, quite easily, and can manipulate them, so humans are being collectively lured into their damnation.

One aspect of this, is race mixing. To humans, this makes no sense. Some people even think there is nothing bad or something in this. In alien eyes, "Race mixing", especially in those advanced in Genetic Engineering, means one thing: Create a singular gene pool. This is only for easier manipulation purposes. They don't care about anything else, but wiping out adverse genetic content [remnants of other hostile aliens such as the Nordics of our side, and other code instilled into Gentiles by our Gods, the creators]. They only care to create a singular, easy to manipulate, unified pool.

When this purpose is achieved, and while this happens, the enemy, also has a clear plan, to systematically, wipe out segments of human DNA that are a problem to them. Now, with the so called mRNA vaccine, we have a first attempt to see how this would work on the large scale, and how this new technology could be utilized. One might as well call this a first, and global, human guinea pig experiment. China and other countries have done a lot of this to humans, and have went as far as making hybrids.

This technology will be pivotal in the future for the enemy, to remove specific segments from the "Gene pool" of humanity. It would be far better to do this all on a "Global Scale" and to "Solve a Pandemic", rather than have many individuals disappearing and being experimented solely by themselves, which could backfire such as the case in China. China went as far as to create half human, half animal hybrids, half human half pigs, and other similar..."Creations".

While this technology could be used in trusted or decent purposes, there is no guarantee this is happening now or is safe. Rather, just observe the pressure and force that is pushed on people to take this vaccine, and use your brain to work it out. How naive does one have to be to not understand that this is in the very least, an experiment? Nobody should be put to be experimented upon without their consent.

For those who think this is a conspiracy theory, go read on what mRNA Vaccination is supposed to do, and what it aims at doing. The actual procedure, and what it aims to achieve. Then make some thoughts on how this could go, given the situation with the enemy? Or simply what happens if this goes "Wrong"?

Well, Pfizer, Moderna, or Oxford, definitely will not take any responsibility for it, and they know very well the reasons they aren't taking any responsibility for their "Vaccines". This is however only the surface of this.

The above, as I have explained many years earlier [shared to me directly by the Gods] is what Lucifuge said and shared, in the early beginning stages. Progressively, if the enemy is in control, the above, in the far end of history, will generate a situation of "homogenized" clump of humans, that will progressively be turned to another species through applications of the above technology, and will end up as a slave race.

Don't buy the propaganda, none of the "World Leaders" are getting any of this vaccine or any other down the line. It will be water for them.

This is not to criminalize vaccination or potential application, but to just display how the enemy could use this.

Lucifuge also showed me other things, which involve turning humans and populations into greys through a combination of genetic manipulation and technology. While this may look as if it's too far for humans, this is not far for more advanced civilizations. This would be non feasible however with such huge amount of humans on this planet. Greys are themselves, a genetically homogenized, communized, technology enslaved, alien species.

The enemy is at war with humanity, because we have latent psychic ability, we also have "allies" [our Gods that we don't even know, but they do] and plus, we are big in numbers and the enemy does not have as many numbers as we do. We would not be at "war" if they had won or had an easy victory, and they are aware of other potentials inside humanity that we are not.

Part of this also is a fear the enemy has that in case we evolve past a point and we are not under their thumb, we may resist them or attack them. The enemy rants about "Diversity", and their path to "Diversity" is going to kill all so called "Diversity", until all humans look and are, more or less, entirely the same.

The plan to homogenize humanity, is going slow however, and therefore, manual application such as potential future DNA alteration on the large scale, is now appearing to come in the horizon as a goal to accelerate things before the enemy experiences a major reaction by humanity and/or our Gods. They have to try this at all costs.

All of this is also related to identification purposes as everyone knows, which will be based on the future of mass surveillance. Gabi, Bill Gate's company, is about digital identification. Most of this is just a "Trust exercise", and the enemy divides now the goats from the sheep, measuring how many individuals are with them and obedient, and how many are going to pose an obstacle in the future. This war is reaching a spearhead, and more of this are going to happen worldwide. Data is gathered on people at unprecedented rates, dividing flock from flock.

The unfortunate case, is that humanity, and the so called "Leading Nations", such as the United States, are in communication with these hostile alien entities. These entities know very well how to manipulate and to lie to humanity, and they have individuals working for them. Two sides have been fighting for this world for a very long time. None of what is happening is "Fated", "Mandatory for the future", or even "Necessary". None of this is also to "Evolve humanity" or anything like this.

People in leading positions do understand this, and they get constantly approached by our side and that of the enemy. They will have to choose. For some other situations, the power to choose is rather limited and strangulated. Just look at what happened to the US elections, and understand, that the dogma of humanity 'choosing for itself', where the choice is not the enemy, will be forced to always be the enemy.

All of this sudden "Lockdown" was proven to be unnecessary. Countries that have went without like Sweden, have been for the most part, just fine. Other countries were used as guinea experiments to consider how these things in the severe level could fly in the future.

Rumors are also circulating, a second round of this "Co-Vid" or some other related illness, is going to circulate itself, to create more pressure than the first round. That will depend on how far the enemy perceives they can promote this situation. Where there are no reactions, it's guaranteed, they will keep pushing it to the limit.

All of this has a lot of aims which have been discussed here by ourselves and members - these are political, economic, and social issues that are around the lockdown, and a major power grab is also taking place now. The "disease" itself is not any justifiable ground for most of the things happening, nor is the so called "Pandemic" situation. But the pandemic is the only excuse this could happen, to "Unite" people in a "Global" effort, or for lack of other words, bring "Globalism" together.

In the heat of their high, the "Globalists", or in plain, Jews and their alien reptilian cohorts, also revealed all the rest of the Communist plans that come with this. No ownership, forced DNA manipulation, forced "Socialism", total end of "Free Speech" and information, etc.

The enemy attempted a huge attack on the JoS by 2019 and during 2020, both from the inside and externally, in a combination that was supposed to be a fatality to the JoS. Things we have said have been too "far" and have only been correct and will become more obvious and correct as time goes.

We were warned as early as 2017 and we were prepared, unbeknowst to enemies on the inside and outside. They were caught for fools. We will do whatever is possible to do to continue for as long as possible. The situation of the world is heading to the head of the spear, and this will continue in the upcoming years. Those truly of Satan do understand this and what this means and entails.

Now, on the heavens, astrologically, there are configurations that happened again in the Middle Ages, towards both their beginning and the end. This is to say the least a very pivotal time. Humanity is now going through a case of "Janus", which is the symbol responsible for the opening and closing of dimensions, and moving from one era to the other.

We are heading on either a new, digital form of Middle Ages, with all the new tools of the new "Century", or the actual Age of Aquarius. While many praise the Age of Aquarius, Aquarius also presents extreme technology, aliens, and advanced beyond human comprehension. How these will evolve, is up to the energies that run here. Humans can do our end, and our Gods have to do their end.

The world is changing and there is no back button to it. During the time of good news [that people are finally seeing this and have a choice to fight back], there is also the time for bad news: that this might actually go through if humans do not react to it.

We will do our duty and upcoming Rituals to steer the wheel, for as long as we can.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
There is good news. The big vaccine companies are saying they won’t be able to get the second round of doses supplied until the middle of next year. That’s 6 more months to plan, and for other things to manifest in between then.

Yes please another RTR schedule, we need it.
Now is the time to fight!
off topic as usual, but I was wondering about this for quite a while now.
So times are getting more and more intense and people will die in the future and etc.
Where I'm going with this is that, should we focus more on dealing with enemy (RTR and so fort) rather then trying to achieve personal goals (like music career for myself and something else for others) spiritual progression is important also but just asking because if that is the case I don't mind putting aside my dreams and focusing on the spiritual and war stuff.

Maybe somebody can answer this if you understood me well.
thank you.

Taio said:
off topic as usual, but I was wondering about this for quite a while now.
So times are getting more and more intense and people will die in the future and etc.
Where I'm going with this is that, should we focus more on dealing with enemy (RTR and so fort) rather then trying to achieve personal goals (like music career for myself and something else for others) spiritual progression is important also but just asking because if that is the case I don't mind putting aside my dreams and focusing on the spiritual and war stuff.

Maybe somebody can answer this if you understood me well.
thank you.


Nobody can decide for you, it is your live and you are a free individual.

In my view we have to be primarily Satanist, then anything else.
Taio said:
off topic as usual, but I was wondering about this for quite a while now.
So times are getting more and more intense and people will die in the future and etc.
Where I'm going with this is that, should we focus more on dealing with enemy (RTR and so fort) rather then trying to achieve personal goals (like music career for myself and something else for others) spiritual progression is important also but just asking because if that is the case I don't mind putting aside my dreams and focusing on the spiritual and war stuff.

Maybe somebody can answer this if you understood me well.
thank you.


If Aquarius saw your post he would say do your rtrs hahaha

I personally would say go for your life goals but i think we are now fighting for our lives,so better do the fRTR as much as you can. Maby im wrong so wait for someone other than me for a reply.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
in the far end of history, will generate a situation of "homogenized" clump of humans, that will progressively be turned to another species through applications of the above technology, and will end up as a slave race.
Definitely is not a far from now, is about a period of maximum 30 years. In terms of age most people here would have been alive by the time when this new species of human borg slaves would be completed.
USSR have been experimenting all these things tens of years ago.

As about the situation nowadays, as I said couple weeks ago we have to concentrate all our activism capacity to anti-vaccine activism, informing people everywhere we can about the dangers that are due to come only months away from now, eventually we should make a plan or something to better organize this `informational offensive`. In UK they have already started to vaccinate voluntary people.
Taio said:
off topic as usual, but I was wondering about this for quite a while now.
So times are getting more and more intense and people will die in the future and etc.
Where I'm going with this is that, should we focus more on dealing with enemy (RTR and so fort) rather then trying to achieve personal goals (like music career for myself and something else for others) spiritual progression is important also but just asking because if that is the case I don't mind putting aside my dreams and focusing on the spiritual and war stuff.

Maybe somebody can answer this if you understood me well.
thank you.


For me this equation is 1% me, 99% everything else. This is not good for nobody.

I believe, most people would be fine in a 50% - 50% situation. Our world needs to live and so will we. But one cannot be a Satanist without following their goals and doing what is required of them to do.
Taio said:
off topic as usual, but I was wondering about this for quite a while now.
So times are getting more and more intense and people will die in the future and etc.
Where I'm going with this is that, should we focus more on dealing with enemy (RTR and so fort) rather then trying to achieve personal goals (like music career for myself and something else for others) spiritual progression is important also but just asking because if that is the case I don't mind putting aside my dreams and focusing on the spiritual and war stuff.

Maybe somebody can answer this if you understood me well.
thank you.


I was told by the Gods they wanted me to focus more on rtrs and spiritual warfare right now directly back in March apparently for as long as i am able without really being low on money or at least for now didnt fully get it as i was not as open. The same day my work shut down for good and I had no idea that was going to happen so I definitely think it was a message. This is just my case and yeah I tend to be really dedicated to this so I can see why the Gods want it for me.

I would say mostly focus on warfare if you can right now. If not make time for it and of course also living life in some way.

In the future I would like to do something in the physical too but I feel that if possible focus more on warfare and advancing right now. If not at least try to make as much time as possible for it. We are all probably going to live much longer without the Jew curses anyways once they are gone since a lot of the curses deal with shortening the lifespan and aging etc even those that didn't meditate especially us that do. So we will have time for that i believe. I am hoping in a few years some opportunities come up to do some cool stuff helping out in the Satanic World or that we have better ability to train for or do more meaningful things.

I am just going off my experience.
Meteor said:
I think this new technology could be used for so many amazing things. To make humans a stronger and more resilient species, to increase life spans, and even to generally increase people's quality of life.
But there's so many ways this could go horribly wrong, whether on purpose or by accident. When it comes down to it, I simply can't trust it, especially if it's mandated. That's just the most suspicious thing ever and there's so many ways it could be abused.

It definitely can be used for good. There are many keys in there, and this is why the enemy manipulates us before we discover specific things. They know the Gods want us to reach immortality and to do well, and advance. Now that we are moving to this end, they try to manipulate our history to just harm us or finish us.

Extreme extension of the human lifespan, healing genetic diseases, and all sorts of other things, can be achieved with this technology.

People need however to go volunteer for this. There are many who would like to do this, willingly too. We cannot be experimenting on humans en masse with things that may prove to be ruinous. Several decades are needed for the proper advancement of these things. The possibility of backfiring is too big to ignore.
So if I agree to be injected with this vaccine, I'm done, the end? What I'll write now may sound stupid to You or/and naive, but what about my family? I don't want to risk their safety. This virus is a real deal, right? Some sort of a biological weapon? I don't believe it's a mystification, the virus itself that is.

What will happen to people who won't choose Satan? When they die, will they instantly cease to exist or still keep reincarnating? What will happen to my family if they get injected with the current vaccine?
Meteor said:
I think this new technology could be used for so many amazing things. To make humans a stronger and more resilient species, to increase life spans, and even to generally increase people's quality of life.
But there's so many ways this could go horribly wrong, whether on purpose or by accident. When it comes down to it, I simply can't trust it, especially if it's mandated. That's just the most suspicious thing ever and there's so many ways it could be abused.

The fact that the Jews know they are losing right now and are showing a lot of signs of that and are suddenly pushing this stuff is really bad. Many people here know their mindset if they really think they are going to lose they may try to take as many with them as possible or even extinct the human race. Also they want us as slaves. This is so suspicious indeed. I heard stuff awhile back talked about there being a "god gene" or something both on here or other places I could have sworn Maxine talked about it in a sermon but that was in the old yahoo groups so dont know where to find it. It was said that gene deals with people conforming or being servile and may be able to be switched on or off causing a person to become much more slave like in mindset. Is it possible they could change mindsets this way and create a much more enslaved person. I wouldn't want to find out on myself. I am really worried I will try to avoid this if at all possible. I am really freaked out about this.
On a positive note, it’s been said this ‘pandemic’ has dramatically increased the number of members we have and views to our sites as people have been on the web more than ever. Not only this, but for those who have a large social circle, think about the way people think and question things compared to even just a few years ago? People are waking up like never before. These people waking up are being led to our sites, and the best of them are joining our ranks.

Every time a new rtr schedule is posted on these forums take a look at the comments. It’s excitement, it’s fuel, it’s our people rallied wanting to and ready to fight our enemies. People have had enough and our rtrs have revealed so much to the masses that people are questioning everything and even if the enemy gets what they think is a win from time to time, it never truly is. People are on to them. Whoever wins the presidency, a threshold has been crossed. It’s too late. If Biden wins doesn’t change that people now know the election was a hoax and this will effect the future for the better.

As was said, our gods are gonna do their part and what we need now is to do our part. And look at these forums, look at the comments section of social media, look at the people in your life and how they’re thinking. People are ready to do their part. They want to fight this. The gods are ready and so are we. This is good.
Taio said:
off topic as usual, but I was wondering about this for quite a while now.
So times are getting more and more intense and people will die in the future and etc.
Where I'm going with this is that, should we focus more on dealing with enemy (RTR and so fort) rather then trying to achieve personal goals (like music career for myself and something else for others) spiritual progression is important also but just asking because if that is the case I don't mind putting aside my dreams and focusing on the spiritual and war stuff.

Maybe somebody can answer this if you understood me well.
thank you.


I think I perfectly understand your answer.

Don't feel guilt. Become an istagram influencer for all anyone cares. Just do RtR as relentlesly as living your god-damn pation!!!!!
slyscorpion said:
Taio said:
off topic as usual, but I was wondering about this for quite a while now.
So times are getting more and more intense and people will die in the future and etc.
Where I'm going with this is that, should we focus more on dealing with enemy (RTR and so fort) rather then trying to achieve personal goals (like music career for myself and something else for others) spiritual progression is important also but just asking because if that is the case I don't mind putting aside my dreams and focusing on the spiritual and war stuff.

Maybe somebody can answer this if you understood me well.
thank you.


I was told by the Gods they wanted me to focus more on rtrs and spiritual warfare right now directly back in March apparently for as long as i am able without really being low on money or at least for now didnt fully get it as i was not as open. The same day my work shut down for good and I had no idea that was going to happen so I definitely think it was a message. This is just my case and yeah I tend to be really dedicated to this so I can see why the Gods want it for me.

I would say mostly focus on warfare if you can right now. If not make time for it and of course also living life in some way.

In the future I would like to do something in the physical too but I feel that if possible focus more on warfare and advancing right now. If not at least try to make as much time as possible for it. We are all probably going to live much longer without the Jew curses anyways once they are gone since a lot of the curses deal with shortening the lifespan and aging etc even those that didn't meditate especially us that do. So we will have time for that i believe. I am hoping in a few years some opportunities come up to do some cool stuff helping out in the Satanic World or that we have better ability to train for or do more meaningful things.

I am just going off my experience.

I can't claim to have been told anything specific myself but I've seemingly been entirely changed of mind not of my own direct volition in what my priorities are now going forward and in desiring to only ever want to focus on my efforts spiritually and physically (in health). Jobs, careers, once upon time this was important to me, immensely so, but over the ages up to this point and just this year I can say this has pretty much near completely died out onto the backburner for the foreseeable future as nothing on this planet befits my true desire of Satanic purpose, being here and advancing my soul and self as Satan desires us to for him and every job or career I found or look into I have no real devotion to the people I'd be working for, it'd be like if a demon was working some meaningless money grab job for a lowly human who doesn't even grasp the basics in giving a damn enough to so much as recycle. These people know nothing we know, they live their life not giving a damn about the planet, their future generations, consuming literal poison from a bottle when they're down on their luck, waiting to die and then we just work 8 to 12 hours of our life on a regular basis for them, I just don't resonate with them anymore, this society, it feels so wrong. I have only been working and searching in better alternatives to find means of having more access in time for spiritual efforts and workings on correcting and bettering myself for future endeavors on this path and preserving what I can of myself for this too.

Now this is my own opinion, nobody else's, not to project some kind of view upon anyone to think, but I've spent so long thriving in service and care for other Satanists here in their own development that I did not put in the appropriate care for my own self on this matter, sure I gained a lot of power and can now do some interesting things that as a kid I thought would be cool to be able to do of which apparently now it's so casual it doesn't even have an 'awesome' factor to it, but what did I really do on the deeper aspects of this? If this is something that continues to be spread thin in the years to come and if I let myself fade away somehow then I won't be able to help anyone, ever again, and that is not what I want. This is why I have been spending progressively less and less time on the forums compared to how I used to to the point where I hardly make 3 posts a week when I used to be making like 8 a day, I wouldn't be surprised if others here and advanced as long as I have have been getting the same idea/feeling. My loyalty forever remains with Satan and it has ever increasingly been a growing feeling that it is this very loyalty that is my drive to preserve myself and stay alive by all physical and spiritual means through all of this that I can in time to remain as a soul of Satan and keep going.

I might be called selfish on this, but pride and devotion doesn't mean much if your spirit is dead. I did lots on my part here for a couple years now every single day and blasted RTRs like a beast for much of the same and all our rituals we did throughout the past decade of which are fond memories in working to take back what is ours, but with things getting very serious in the next few years to come especially as we approach 2024, I have my own new priorities now to try and brace and prepare for this. This ministries may not last forever with censorship and a wall of bullshit possibly coming down at some point in the future, but I will be damn sure my Satanic soul does last forever.

Should shit really hit the fan, the enemy can do all they fucking want, but our souls still belong to us and with Satan. Steel your hearts and your minds, that's all I can say because believe me, I know what happens and what it's like when you don't.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
There is good news. The big vaccine companies are saying they won’t be able to get the second round of doses supplied until the middle of next year. That’s 6 more months to plan, and for other things to manifest in between then.


Hitlers Speech
APoleWhoLostAlot said:
So if I agree to be injected with this vaccine, I'm done, the end? What I'll write now may sound stupid to You or/and naive, but what about my family? I don't want to risk their safety. This virus is a real deal, right? Some sort of a biological weapon? I don't believe it's a mystification, the virus itself that is.

What will happen to people who won't choose Satan? When they die, will they instantly cease to exist or still keep reincarnating? What will happen to my family if they get injected with the current vaccine?

The vaccine will not protect you from any virus in any way. Even the flu vaccine doesn't protect people from becoming infected with influenza, actually the people who are getting the flu shot very often have worse symptoms when subsequently infected by the virus than the unvaccinated people.

And the way the mRNA Covid-19 vaccine works, I don't think it is meant to protect you against viruses, it has other purposes, not to protect you...The Pfizer vaccine needs to be stored at minus 70 degrees Celsius, while all vaccines in the past were stored between 2 and 8 degrees Celsius, and freezing them or exposing them to freezing temperatures was forbidden, as it was damaging the vaccine... Why the covid-19 vaccine needs to be stored in an ultra-low temperature? Simply because this is not a vaccine, this is genetic material. This is how genetic material or DNA is being stored.

Electroporation of mRNA into our cells is the method they will be using, which is supposed to make foreign proteins, that supposedly generates immunity. But the problem is, electroporation is literally a method for genetic modification, this is the exact same procedure they are using to transfer foreign DNA into the cells. No one knows what will happen when one gets injected with this vaccine, but my suspicion is that infertility will be the most common 'side effect'. Another very possible side effect is prion disease, as the mRNA vaccine instructs your cells to make protein it doesn’t normally make. It could be malformed. And malformed proteins lead to prion disease. This is incurable and fatal neurodegenerative disorder that has very long incubation period (several years) during which the disease may not reveal any signs.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Taio said:
off topic as usual, but I was wondering about this for quite a while now.
So times are getting more and more intense and people will die in the future and etc.
Where I'm going with this is that, should we focus more on dealing with enemy (RTR and so fort) rather then trying to achieve personal goals (like music career for myself and something else for others)
Maybe somebody can answer this if you understood me well.
I personally would say go for your life goals but i think we are now fighting for our lives,so better do the fRTR as much as you can. Maby im wrong so wait for someone other than me for a reply.

Lots of careers will be destabilized in the future either directly or indirectly. We already saw what happened with just 1 round of covid lockdowns. Just keep in mind that working 10 or 12 hours on your career for it all to get destroyed later isn't the best use of your energy. How much time exactly do you need for personal goals? Most people already work 8 hours per day on their job, and I think this is enough time for whatever you want to study, train, or work on, as far as careers go.

Besides specifically jobs or careers, hobbies should be pursued for only 1 hr or 30 minutes per day, or better yet, done on the weekend with the extra time. I don't see how one can have enough time during the workday with their day jobs, chores, rtr's, yoga, workings, and other meditations. Don't stress yourself out, but don't skimp on meditations just to pursue something that may fall apart as society hammered by the enemy.

Lastly, consider how much your spiritual advancement will help your career. Imagine the difference between 4 years of solid advancement vs 4 years of college and what that would make on your career/productivity. Even just 4 years of solid void meditation would make you so much more productive, perhaps the top 5% of people. Don't think that your spiritual advancement and careers are somehow distinct even now, let alone decades in the future when being an SS is public and used in daily life.

With the situation we are in, one should always be prioritizing what is important. You should not give up every aspect of your "normal" life, but you should not be pursuing any of it at the expense of your advancement.
Not sure if this was said before, but do you think the George Floyd protests were a mockery of how we were supposed to react to the covid-19 situation? Like think of it "I can't breath" was the slogon being shouted repeatedly, how coincidental for the situation. Or maybe was this just to offset any astrological influence for a potential uprising to the situation? Either way it looks here that the enemy has made these people a laughing stock, the very definition of a clown world.
Let us all just remember that we all still need to continue to perform the Final RTR until a new schedule comes out.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Taio said:
off topic as usual, but I was wondering about this for quite a while now.
So times are getting more and more intense and people will die in the future and etc.
Where I'm going with this is that, should we focus more on dealing with enemy (RTR and so fort) rather then trying to achieve personal goals (like music career for myself and something else for others) spiritual progression is important also but just asking because if that is the case I don't mind putting aside my dreams and focusing on the spiritual and war stuff.

Maybe somebody can answer this if you understood me well.
thank you.


If Aquarius saw your post he would say do your rtrs hahaha

I personally would say go for your life goals but i think we are now fighting for our lives,so better do the fRTR as much as you can. Maby im wrong so wait for someone other than me for a reply.
What I'd say would be to be balanced, you can't do rtrs all day. You need both the physical and spiritual to advance so you should advance in both spiritual and material endeavours.
APoleWhoLostAlot said:
So if I agree to be injected with this vaccine, I'm done, the end? What I'll write now may sound stupid to You or/and naive, but what about my family? I don't want to risk their safety. This virus is a real deal, right? Some sort of a biological weapon? I don't believe it's a mystification, the virus itself that is.

What will happen to people who won't choose Satan? When they die, will they instantly cease to exist or still keep reincarnating? What will happen to my family if they get injected with the current vaccine?
This virus is a joke for any healthy person with no underlying conditions. Just like influenza is. Would you want your or your familys dna be changed because of influenza?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Meteor said:
I think this new technology could be used for so many amazing things. To make humans a stronger and more resilient species, to increase life spans, and even to generally increase people's quality of life.
But there's so many ways this could go horribly wrong, whether on purpose or by accident. When it comes down to it, I simply can't trust it, especially if it's mandated. That's just the most suspicious thing ever and there's so many ways it could be abused.

It definitely can be used for good. There are many keys in there, and this is why the enemy manipulates us before we discover specific things. They know the Gods want us to reach immortality and to do well, and advance. Now that we are moving to this end, they try to manipulate our history to just harm us or finish us.

Extreme extension of the human lifespan, healing genetic diseases, and all sorts of other things, can be achieved with this technology.

People need however to go volunteer for this. There are many who would like to do this, willingly too. We cannot be experimenting on humans en masse with things that may prove to be ruinous. Several decades are needed for the proper advancement of these things. The possibility of backfiring is too big to ignore.

So i was not a mad scientist after all. In your face Rick!!
He lied and said my over unity radiant energy device was a lie,guess the Alien technology will open his mind,or make him stop lying. There's are so much possibilities that wee humans cannot even imagine.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Meteor said:
I think this new technology could be used for so many amazing things. To make humans a stronger and more resilient species, to increase life spans, and even to generally increase people's quality of life.
But there's so many ways this could go horribly wrong, whether on purpose or by accident. When it comes down to it, I simply can't trust it, especially if it's mandated. That's just the most suspicious thing ever and there's so many ways it could be abused.

It definitely can be used for good. There are many keys in there, and this is why the enemy manipulates us before we discover specific things. They know the Gods want us to reach immortality and to do well, and advance. Now that we are moving to this end, they try to manipulate our history to just harm us or finish us.

Extreme extension of the human lifespan, healing genetic diseases, and all sorts of other things, can be achieved with this technology.

People need however to go volunteer for this. There are many who would like to do this, willingly too. We cannot be experimenting on humans en masse with things that may prove to be ruinous. Several decades are needed for the proper advancement of these things. The possibility of backfiring is too big to ignore.

So i was not a mad scientist after all. In your face Rick!!
He lied and said my over unity radiant energy device was a lie,guess the Alien technology will open his mind,or make him stop lying. There's are so much possibilities that wee humans cannot even imagine.
A bit of background about me, because people have asked. I am a writer in my spare time. Nothing professional. I started writing a story about magic when I was in my mid teens. I'm in my late 30's now. Still working on my writing when I get a minute. I figured if I was going to write about it I should know about it. I started down a path then that I haven't let up on yet. I had almost everything said on the JOS website figured out on my own by the time I found out about SS. I won't go much into detail about all that unless anyone else wants to know. I can't say I am 100% SS, I'd say its closer to about 90%. I started probably about 5 years ago. I didn't start doing RTRs in any form until about a year ago. The last year I do them pretty much nightly. And because someone asked before: I haven't sworn an oath to Satan. All I will say is I've only communicated with the gods deeply once, and we had an understanding after that. They speak to me briefly when I have questions that need answering. I don't disturb them more than that because I know they're busy. I know the path I need to walk and how to get there. I don't need them holding my hand.

I say all of this to let you know a): I have read the entirety of the JOS website. b): I was told to ask these questions here. If I'm not welcome because I'm not 100% by all means do as you wish. Just know that last 10% is NOT Jewish, or Xian as you guys put it, but instead my own questions that haven't been answered.

My post is a few simple questions. If we continue doing RTRs and removing power from the enemy what keeps them from just completely destroying mankind after that? I mean we are talking about beings that even our gods have trouble with. Plus you've said yourself that they destroy worlds. Is our job solely to just make it through until our gods save us? When people outside of SS ask, do we suggest putting up a fight at all? After all you can't progress if your dead.

Taio said:
Should we focus more on dealing with enemy (RTR and so fort) rather then trying to achieve personal goals (like music career for myself and something else for others) spiritual progression is important also but just asking because if that is the case I don't mind putting aside my dreams and focusing on the spiritual and war stuff.

When I asked a similar question a while ago of my guardian I was suddenly introduced to the idea of Satori. It was explained to me that in Satori you are so focused on what you are doing you have not only entered trance, but you have also entered a state of meditation where the only thing that exists is you and your work. It is described as Enlightenment. ;) While it may not be said that the act of creating music is the same as doing Asana it is still a physical act. Combined with meditation it sounds like a pretty powerful combination to me.

Anyway, just wanted to say Hi guys. Kind of introduce myself, and ask a couple questions.
APoleWhoLostAlot said:
So if I agree to be injected with this vaccine, I'm done, the end? What I'll write now may sound stupid to You or/and naive, but what about my family? I don't want to risk their safety. This virus is a real deal, right? Some sort of a biological weapon? I don't believe it's a mystification, the virus itself that is.

What will happen to people who won't choose Satan? When they die, will they instantly cease to exist or still keep reincarnating? What will happen to my family if they get injected with the current vaccine?

Mate I don't know. But I found all of these medical experts and professionals very inspiring to listen to:

On December 21, 2020, Jupiter and Saturn will be about 0.1 degrees apart in the sky during what is called the "Great Alignment." Jupiter and Saturn will be so close that they appear to form "a single planet." This event has not happened for 800 years! And this is the winter solstice on December 21, 2020, and the great bond between Jupiter and Saturn, which has been their closest connection for hundreds of years.

The end of the age of fish and the beginning of the age of Aquarius

One of these is the miscalculation of the end of the Mayan calendar because the leap years were never taken into account and the Mayan calendar was equivalent to 360 days each year, making it actually December 21, 2020.

What do you think about this?
Eric13 said:
On a positive note, it’s been said this ‘pandemic’ has dramatically increased the number of members we have and views to our sites as people have been on the web more than ever. Not only this, but for those who have a large social circle, think about the way people think and question things compared to even just a few years ago? People are waking up like never before. These people waking up are being led to our sites, and the best of them are joining our ranks.

Unfortunately many people believe we are a "forums only" organization. Not realizing we have several websites showing information on our organization.


Most people seem like they pick up the websites fast with links by members but it's getting out of hand with "forum only believers".

I'm also concerned with people being introduced with National Socialism, our political aspect. It seems the second they detect Hitler, NS, or anti-semitism they go berserk. Now I have noticed with certain people coming in that strange, alternative and or extreme political solutions aren't much of an issue. Look at Trumpers they are even promoting the idea Trump should call a Limited Marshall Law, put the military as poll watchers to run the election, and run for a second election vote to eliminate fraud which is being discovered each day being covered by people like Tim Pool, Black Conservative Patriot(BCP), as well as Alt-News like OAN, Newsmax, Stichfield, etc.etc.

It's not that I'm being anti-NS but I recall many years ago people being freaked out by our politics especially the indoctrination of "Hitlerz wuz ebil 'n' sheit". Like one forum poster member: [Lydia] mentioned to a person. They replied JoS anti-simetic(the simetic was deliberate) and she [Lydia] replied "It's okay study our websites".

I'm hoping the Hitler, Nazi rhetoric backfire on the enemy. Trump = Hitler or Trump is a Nazi or Trump is a second Hitler. I hope those narratives backfire and make people come to our websites and study us. My only concern is IF people accept National Socialism as their political background, well secretive that isn't in existence yet.

Then my biggest concern is how do we feed the hungry bellies of information with information we don't have. Like HP.Cobra mentioned most documents and information on National Socialism are doctored to conform to some current judiac world view. We don't have information on NS, some people might feel we are just NS in name only but have no political aspects.

I believe HP.Cobra and former HPs and other people have been very good at providing as much detail as possible about NSDAP and NS and as well as O.R.I.O.N. NS like Knuffjen's NS from Nordic Resistance Movement. But it seems like as each day passes I and many people grow hungrier for the truth. And the truth is NSDAP and NSG were so destroyed that the scant amount of information we have on the NSDAP is tantamount to lying because we really have no idea what Hitler's political background is in detail coming from THEM. Not from monitored sources or doctored sources and or even from people studying this and going "Let me change it cause this doesn't make sense to me".

Like I've said before and no one except one person who took the time to type some counter information on my posting, like I stated. National Socialism is a centralist, black-spectrum political opposition, in opposition to other political groups. EVEN though you could argue that NSDAP is a injection of truth and curing of the virus. Because we have to attach ourselves to previous political system in place and slowly go through everything till everything becomes NS.

Think of it like the US it's a Constitutional Republican Senatorial system with limited or semi-direct democracy. It is not a full democracy. Right now in my personal opinion US is the closest to the NSDAP system in terms of providing a platform for the NS government to take over the US system and implement changes. NSDAP is constitutional, it has a constitution but has to piggy back on the previous administration i.e. the Weimar Republic because it cannot start out of nothing. NS was created as en emergency system to prevent communization. But we never had for LONG periods of time NS as a peaceful transitional system. Only from '33 to '39 was there any peace and NS was destined to be destroyed since it popped up on the radar.

So my biggest concern is we disenfranchise our own members and future prospect elite warriors. Because we lack information. But then when do others provide information. Most people are just into sucking christ's cock, at least we provide the Amalek Evilgoy Warrior(A.E.W.) information like blacksun666 website on Satanic quotes on Hitler and the NSDAP which should be updated hopefully sometime next year as new information has popped up on quotes. And exposing-christardity etc.etc.

My only hope is we grow but correctly not through bullshit. At least we are doing good with rituals and exposing the enemy and preventing the extra-terrestrial threat from kabalatizing into reality.
Although the fight is hard and painful, we must be convinced and determined.
And we must be driving and convincing in saving others, unaware of the impending danger, as this artifact vaccine.
Meanwhile RTRF with constancy in anticipation of the next sessions.
Although, in all honesty, I can not be optimistic, I remain and will always remain on a war footing.
Thanks Hodeed Cobra, both in timing and in its intentions, you are a true guide for all of us.
Greeting to all. Has the new RTR schedule been posted, for Dec 8th and onward?

Hail Satan and all the gods.
Gear88 said:
Eric13 said:
On a positive note, it’s been said this ‘pandemic’ has dramatically increased the number of members we have and views to our sites as people have been on the web more than ever. Not only this, but for those who have a large social circle, think about the way people think and question things compared to even just a few years ago? People are waking up like never before. These people waking up are being led to our sites, and the best of them are joining our ranks.

Unfortunately many people believe we are a "forums only" organization. Not realizing we have several websites showing information on our organization.


Most people seem like they pick up the websites fast with links by members but it's getting out of hand with "forum only believers".

I'm also concerned with people being introduced with National Socialism, our political aspect. It seems the second they detect Hitler, NS, or anti-semitism they go berserk. Now I have noticed with certain people coming in that strange, alternative and or extreme political solutions aren't much of an issue. Look at Trumpers they are even promoting the idea Trump should call a Limited Marshall Law, put the military as poll watchers to run the election, and run for a second election vote to eliminate fraud which is being discovered each day being covered by people like Tim Pool, Black Conservative Patriot(BCP), as well as Alt-News like OAN, Newsmax, Stichfield, etc.etc.

It's not that I'm being anti-NS but I recall many years ago people being freaked out by our politics especially the indoctrination of "Hitlerz wuz ebil 'n' sheit". Like one forum poster member: [Lydia] mentioned to a person. They replied JoS anti-simetic(the simetic was deliberate) and she [Lydia] replied "It's okay study our websites".

I'm hoping the Hitler, Nazi rhetoric backfire on the enemy. Trump = Hitler or Trump is a Nazi or Trump is a second Hitler. I hope those narratives backfire and make people come to our websites and study us. My only concern is IF people accept National Socialism as their political background, well secretive that isn't in existence yet.

Then my biggest concern is how do we feed the hungry bellies of information with information we don't have. Like HP.Cobra mentioned most documents and information on National Socialism are doctored to conform to some current judiac world view. We don't have information on NS, some people might feel we are just NS in name only but have no political aspects.

I believe HP.Cobra and former HPs and other people have been very good at providing as much detail as possible about NSDAP and NS and as well as O.R.I.O.N. NS like Knuffjen's NS from Nordic Resistance Movement. But it seems like as each day passes I and many people grow hungrier for the truth. And the truth is NSDAP and NSG were so destroyed that the scant amount of information we have on the NSDAP is tantamount to lying because we really have no idea what Hitler's political background is in detail coming from THEM. Not from monitored sources or doctored sources and or even from people studying this and going "Let me change it cause this doesn't make sense to me".

Like I've said before and no one except one person who took the time to type some counter information on my posting, like I stated. National Socialism is a centralist, black-spectrum political opposition, in opposition to other political groups. EVEN though you could argue that NSDAP is a injection of truth and curing of the virus. Because we have to attach ourselves to previous political system in place and slowly go through everything till everything becomes NS.

Think of it like the US it's a Constitutional Republican Senatorial system with limited or semi-direct democracy. It is not a full democracy. Right now in my personal opinion US is the closest to the NSDAP system in terms of providing a platform for the NS government to take over the US system and implement changes. NSDAP is constitutional, it has a constitution but has to piggy back on the previous administration i.e. the Weimar Republic because it cannot start out of nothing. NS was created as en emergency system to prevent communization. But we never had for LONG periods of time NS as a peaceful transitional system. Only from '33 to '39 was there any peace and NS was destined to be destroyed since it popped up on the radar.

So my biggest concern is we disenfranchise our own members and future prospect elite warriors. Because we lack information. But then when do others provide information. Most people are just into sucking christ's cock, at least we provide the Amalek Evilgoy Warrior(A.E.W.) information like blacksun666 website on Satanic quotes on Hitler and the NSDAP which should be updated hopefully sometime next year as new information has popped up on quotes. And exposing-christardity etc.etc.

My only hope is we grow but correctly not through bullshit. At least we are doing good with rituals and exposing the enemy and preventing the extra-terrestrial threat from kabalatizing into reality.
Gear88 said:
Unfortunately many people believe we are a "forums only" organization. Not realizing we have several websites showing information on our organization.

I'm also concerned with people being introduced with National Socialism, our political aspect. It seems the second they detect Hitler, NS, or anti-semitism they go berserk. ....

It's not that I'm being anti-NS but I recall many years ago people being freaked out by our politics especially the indoctrination of "Hitlerz wuz ebil 'n' sheit". Like one forum poster member: [Lydia] mentioned to a person. They replied JoS anti-simetic(the simetic was deliberate) and she [Lydia] replied "It's okay study our websites".

I'm hoping the Hitler, Nazi rhetoric backfire on the enemy. Trump = Hitler or Trump is a Nazi or Trump is a second Hitler. I hope those narratives backfire and make people come to our websites and study us. My only concern is IF people accept National Socialism as their political background, well secretive that isn't in existence yet.
You’re worrying over nothing here mate. For people who think we’re a forum only organization, in the long run, this isn’t really an issue. It doesn’t take long for people to read these forums and figure out we’re doing rtrs and we’re meditating and empowering ourselves. We have a pinned thread for new people to read and realize we have the jos. It all falls in to place. Not a big deal.

With National Socialism, don’t worry about that either. NS is the political twin of our spiritual beliefs. They’re one and the same. The fact we have the numbers we have proves once people except the spiritual side, the NS side comes naturally with a little education. Which our forums our filled with. It’s the next logical step.

None of these concerns are a real issue. Especially as our rtrs break down the bindings that made these concerns valid in the past. As you said, it was years ago you were seeing resistance. Things are changing. I see it all the time. It’s not as hard to get through to people. People are discovering us. Whether they find our forums or main site, the serious ones will discover both. Again, the serious ones also, will study and understand the truth of NS too. Our numbers and constant growth prove this isn’t an issue. We’re on winz road. This war is ours to lose.
Taio said:
off topic as usual, but I was wondering about this for quite a while now.
So times are getting more and more intense and people will die in the future and etc.
Where I'm going with this is that, should we focus more on dealing with enemy (RTR and so fort) rather then trying to achieve personal goals (like music career for myself and something else for others) spiritual progression is important also but just asking because if that is the case I don't mind putting aside my dreams and focusing on the spiritual and war stuff.

Maybe somebody can answer this if you understood me well.
thank you.

I’ll put it this way. You have to have some kind of job to make a living and support yourself no matter what. That is time you have to invest no matter what. Having spiritual obligations or not, in this world you have to work.

If you’re saying to yourself, I won’t worry about it I’ll just put my energies into the war. Well that’s not practical and you’re putting yourself into a position of senseless suffering. Doing a job not aligned with your nature and doing something that is hurting your soul.

You’re quality of life will directly effect your ability to perform at your best spiritually as well.

So having said all of this, pursue your goals and don’t have guilt. This is the way life is. You have to fight and you have to work. Spend your time fighting, doing just that and spend your time working very wisely. Use that time to make practical thought out decision and steps to get you towards the road you want to be on. Make consistent active moves and in time you’ll be where you want to be and all the while you were fighting and contributing as well and you’ll be better off and you’ll be a better asset to Satan and the gods as you’ll have more balance in your soul and life.
'Historic moment': Health Canada approves Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine

Look at the dislikes and the comment section, good to know the citizens aren't entirely cucked.
Fuck the ugly kikes, grays, reptilians and nasty human bastard slaves who have chosen their barricade and religious hominis for shekels and VIP state, who know nothing but to unconsciously and full of ignorance wreak havoc on everyone globally with their erroneous beliefs and religions, bringing death. Some people are so idiotic that they knowingly attract their illnesses, modern slavery through obedience, loyalty and excessive and blind paranoia towards the media, education, family, social, political and religious environment.
At the risk of being banned, on a planetary level absolutely no one deserves to be transformed into a hybridized and perfectly enslaved gray, destructive whores of flourishing civilizations and not only ...
Sometimes I seem to have a vague satisfaction that if the vaccine is successfully implemented on the market, some idiots deserve to die but of course, I do not think there will be few in number, to call it natural selection, those unable to return to Satanism, to accept the ancient heritage of noble gentiles, the children and direct descendants of our Gods, really deserves to die, that is, it seeks it with the candle and in the end everyone will reap what it will look like. In short, no one can vaccinate, for example, a world of 8 billion people, but there will be enough who alone will decide and accept the vaccine under the presumption that it inoculates them and protects them from the "disease" Co-dick19, and other shit. All those who feed so passionately in the name of judeo-christian religions and others, the reptilian infected egregor by accepting modern slavery, will certainly be the first to be wiped off the face of the earth, they may not die too quickly, but their existence will become even worse. lamentable as a cockroaches. Of course, I hope that on a global level to save as many as possible, from those we are dedicated, I do not worry because we will find solutions together and under the careful guidance of our Gods to protect and eliminate them in the end. I notice enough people still starting to wake up but I noticed enough people who have an even fiercer faith in their jewish shit god, they don't have access to their shitty churches, that's good, religious fanatics and idiots you meet everywhere dicks every 10 meters.
slyscorpion said:
Meteor said:
I think this new technology could be used for so many amazing things. To make humans a stronger and more resilient species, to increase life spans, and even to generally increase people's quality of life.
But there's so many ways this could go horribly wrong, whether on purpose or by accident. When it comes down to it, I simply can't trust it, especially if it's mandated. That's just the most suspicious thing ever and there's so many ways it could be abused.

The fact that the Jews know they are losing right now and are showing a lot of signs of that and are suddenly pushing this stuff is really bad. Many people here know their mindset if they really think they are going to lose they may try to take as many with them as possible or even extinct the human race. Also they want us as slaves. This is so suspicious indeed. I heard stuff awhile back talked about there being a "god gene" or something both on here or other places I could have sworn Maxine talked about it in a sermon but that was in the old yahoo groups so dont know where to find it. It was said that gene deals with people conforming or being servile and may be able to be switched on or off causing a person to become much more slave like in mindset. Is it possible they could change mindsets this way and create a much more enslaved person. I wouldn't want to find out on myself. I am really worried I will try to avoid this if at all possible. I am really freaked out about this.
This confirms the importance of astrology. If the hairy brains of the jews want to do something stupid in the future, we'll act in time.
Ghost in the Machine said:

Not to criticize but isn't this the wrong attitude to have and mentioned by HP.Cobra.

I'm one to talk as I've been unemployed for a while now. I'm scared and concerned for my future I never went to higher education. But isn't this attitude you have of setting aside your financial aspect bad?

I'm not saying you won't work or find a job. I understand spirituality is tough. But it seems like your going about it unrealistically. How will you survive if you don't have support?

Anyways like I said I'm concerned with myself and your kind a making it sound like it's okay the Gods will take care of you. When that couldn't be further from the truth.

But on the one hand you sound a lot like my friend he is bothered by the World. It seems no one takes life seriously and seems like too many negatives around. I agree with you GitM the World is a mad house clown world.

But it seems like we have to go this way. I myself agree we need breaks for spirituality but at the same time. It's not like the Gods are around changing things around and even then I doubt when they come does anything change until large masses are producing results.
My opinion as well as my modest suggestion is that we must work to evolve, to become with each passing day, our best version at the same time as the war we are waging, it is our duty to protect ourselves and to protect and save. planet sickened by wars and genocides.
My opinion is that if you do not fight primarily for your deepest aspirations, needs and desires, you do not have the motivation, courage and energy necessary to fulfill our mission in this media, biological, cyber war. I have found that if I take back my basic needs, I do not have the energy and vigor to fulfill my role as a spiritual warrior. It's not selfishness, it's reality, some will probably not understand, of course, that I don't care what others say, I have exactly the life I want, the right partner, the right home, the downside is that I just lost my job , in fact, I resigned because I do not accept to be humiliated and enslaved for a shit salary and to be away from home for many hours plus the commute. I found that by giving myself first and foremost the time necessary for my needs, desires, necessities, I have the vigor and anger necessary to fulfill my role voluntarily chosen as a warrior and my future husband, who is also freshly dedicated, is interesting to "work" together spiritually, where there are two, the power increases substantially. Those who of course will want to criticize, I kindly ask them to come up with constructive criticism, they often mask valuable information. But many keep their mouths shut in vain, just wanting to assert themselves and get a little attention in the spotlight.
slyscorpion said:
Meteor said:
I think this new technology could be used for so many amazing things. To make humans a stronger and more resilient species, to increase life spans, and even to generally increase people's quality of life.
But there's so many ways this could go horribly wrong, whether on purpose or by accident. When it comes down to it, I simply can't trust it, especially if it's mandated. That's just the most suspicious thing ever and there's so many ways it could be abused.

The fact that the Jews know they are losing right now and are showing a lot of signs of that and are suddenly pushing this stuff is really bad. Many people here know their mindset if they really think they are going to lose they may try to take as many with them as possible or even extinct the human race. Also they want us as slaves. This is so suspicious indeed. I heard stuff awhile back talked about there being a "god gene" or something both on here or other places I could have sworn Maxine talked about it in a sermon but that was in the old yahoo groups so dont know where to find it. It was said that gene deals with people conforming or being servile and may be able to be switched on or off causing a person to become much more slave like in mindset. Is it possible they could change mindsets this way and create a much more enslaved person. I wouldn't want to find out on myself. I am really worried I will try to avoid this if at all possible. I am really freaked out about this.
You meant human species.

The species is a classification category of organisms that includes individuals capable of mating with each other and generating fertile offspring; in the case of organisms with asexual reproduction it is defined by morphological or physiological criteria; several similar species constitute a genus: the s. animals, plants; conservation of the s .; s. human, men as distinct from other animals.

The race is a group of individuals of a species characterized by common external and hereditary characteristics: r. human; r. equine, bovine, canine; r. potatoes; etc.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
