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Useless Junk: How to Have a More Spiritual Material Life

HPS Lydia

High Priestess
Sep 20, 2017
[email protected]
Most people have experienced when they go looking for something specific in their home, having to annoyingly stumble across and sort through random useless junk that they don’t even know what purpose it serves.

Or when tidying up the home, seeing all the random useless things that take up space. This can also create mental clutter as well, having all these random things that serve no purpose in your life, cluttering up your home.

Having items in the home that are not important or meaningful also brings to attention all the cheap, mass-produced, made-by-child-slaves junk that will only add to overflowing landfills, create pollution, and further the feeling of empty meaninglessness of existence. Why is something produced, if it is not for a meaningful reason?

The solution is to keep in mind these 3 qualifications for items. Everything in your home must meet at least 1 qualification:

1. Useful. The item must serve a purpose and be used on a regular or recurring basis, such as daily/weekly use (kitchenware, for example), or even just yearly such as holiday decorations.

2. Beautiful. The item is pleasing to look at; helps the mind be calm or expansive; or showcases your interests, heritage, personality, etc.

3. Sentimental (Meaningful). The item must have a sentimental meaning, which is healthy for your heart and soul to have it in your home. Something a loved one gave to you; something you inherited from your family; something you loved as a child; something you made for yourself; or something that reminds you of a specific time or event in your life, as some examples.

Everything that does not meet one of these qualifications is useless junk and worth no value to you. Go over each item in your home (this could take a while, don’t plan on doing it all in one round), and anything that does not meet 1 of the above 3 qualifications, consider getting rid of it. This will also help you understand how important each of your selected remaining items are, which is a healthy mindset to have.

Why keep something that has no value to you, when you can:

1. Have a clearer home environment, which has the bonus side-effect of allowing you to feel more mentally refreshed in your home.

2. Make room for something else that does have value to you.

3. Make room for more clear space in your home, thereby allowing your home to look larger and tidier.

4. Know that every single thing in your home is important, meaningful to you, and has a purpose.

5. Sell it for money to spend on something better.

6. Donate it or give it to someone who will appreciate it (and they will appreciate you for giving it to them).

And when you purchase new items, make wise decisions here, as your money is valuable and should never be wasted. (Reminder: Never buy new items during a Void of Course Moon.) Examine carefully, the item you are contemplating buying:

1. Is it something that will make your life better in some way? (Useful)

2. Is it something that truly makes you happy, and will continue to bring joy to your life every time you see or use it? (Beautiful; Sentimental)

3. Is it something necessary, that you will use on a recurring basis? (Useful)

4. Is the item well made, of lasting quality? If not, look elsewhere. (Tip: If the item has a defect that does not hinder its use, or that you can fix yourself, you can talk to the seller about buying it at a discount.)

5. Is it something that will continue to make a good impression on you; or will you be bored of it after a short time? Be honest with yourself and your interests and personality.

Your money is valuable. It is far better to save it up for quality purchases, or make wise investments, or have it saved up. Many people who struggle to make ends meet, continually waste money on random items they don’t actually need, and/or serve no real purpose in their lives. It is better to make less purchases and have more money, than to be flat broke with useless junk cluttering your house and closets.

Keeping all of the above in mind will also enable a person to feel more spiritual in their everyday life. When everything you own is important and has value and meaning to you, then you will feel much more content and fulfilled, both in your mind and in your heart.
Thank you for this topic JG Lydia. Really helpful advice.

This aspect of life is easy to overlook and affects the mind a lot more than one may be aware of.

I'll be doing this in the next few weeks.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=445893 time=1685263557 user_id=57]

There are ppl that have a hard time letting go of stuff.
For some it might be books, for others its the stuff the children played with but no longer do.

I haven't had much space to place things and it becomes cluttered easily. Sometimes I don't know where to put something for months and it just sits out on my desk. Super annoying.

Last night I found a bug infestation in my tea cabinet. I had one previously, 2 years ago, but I didn't throw out all packaging thinking itd be fine for just this one to stay a bit longer. I haven't used it since. And of course 2 years later it caused a new infestation. I threw it out and moved all teabags that were still in boxes into glass jars.
I should have done that in the first place. Store all your dried goods in airtight bins or jars.
Also for tea. Don't leave it in the plastic or paper packaging that you bought it in.

Do you have any tips for those that find it hard to let go of stuff?
This information is great Lydia... Thank you

Am always amazed on how women facisnate us men, coz if it was us men, trust me the house would have been a great mess, probably destroyed

Jokes aside, Thank you for the info, what you have said is true
Thank you Lydia this is great advice. I myself have always had a bad habit of allowing my space at work and home to be constantly cluttered. It gets to a point where I finally tidy up but then later the same thing comes back. I have been trying to work on this and these are awesome tips to keep in mind. I also believe this helps discipline and sharpen the mind. I think also that it's part of feng shui that a neat and orderly environment brings mental peace and positivity as well as helps you attract things much faster.

There are people who hoard a lot of useless junk too that they legitimately think that they need or feel an emotional attachment to. It comes from trying to fill up a void, oftentimes a loneliness or other from what is missing in their life so they try to subconsciously compensate by having this manifest as filling the space up with useless clutter. Some of these people will get frantic if someone tries to throw something away saying "I need that leave it there!" when it is just a piece of junk or even triple of some item. Getting to the root problem of the void that causes this can help solve a hoarding problem.

Luckily I have never had this, but I have sadly always been messy :p
This goes for life, too. Everybody's life is "full" in a sense. We all have the same amount of time in our days. So, how can people get 100 or even 10,000 times greater results than us?

It's about getting rid of the 90% of the stuff you do that provides no value in your life and filling it with productivity.
Be firm with yourself. Go over the points again, and realize that many things are unnecessary and you'd be better off without. Focus on goals in life, not useless objects.

This is a good point, filling a void within oneself. People in this instance should find a fulfilling hobby, goal, or companionship instead.

Powerofjustice said:
This goes for life, too. Everybody's life is "full" in a sense. We all have the same amount of time in our days. So, how can people get 100 or even 10,000 times greater results than us?

It's about getting rid of the 90% of the stuff you do that provides no value in your life and filling it with productivity.
Very true! Same with friends, get rid of the toxic ones and have more time for meaningful friendships, or working on goals.
After reading this post ,I went and threw out all of the useless trinkets my wife had bought with my credit card. Now she's banned from using the Credit Card ,period. 😤
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=446091 time=1685338887 user_id=57]
Be firm with yourself. Go over the points again, and realize that many things are unnecessary and you'd be better off without. Focus on goals in life, not useless objects.

I noticed when meditating sometimes I seem to have lost all desire and wants in life that I usually have.
I am not sure if that has to do with stilling the mind or that I simply remove the source of said desires aka things I see irl.

Growing up it was hard to throw anything out. My grandmother told me that her father kept everything, "just in case". But I don't even have a proper storage here.
At home its also been difficult to throw things out just because there was no space. I was stuck with a doll house living underneath my desk for ages. I think it finally moved from there when I was 15-16 years old.
My parents didnt want to throw things out. And I can understand that things you paid quite a bit for like a childrens carriage or a toy horse swing, that you wouldn't throw those out. But every room was used like a room, basicly. So.. It was messy and cluttered everywhere.

Ive never really had an example of cleaning up properly.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Ive never really had an example of cleaning up properly.
You can practice uncluttering your personal spaces by taking everything that you do not need on a daily and weekly basis and putting such objects temporarily away in another space and then seeing how the result impacts you. The next step would be to organize in full based on Lydia's post.

You might want to look into renting small storage space and or buying new or used furniture that has storage space, such as cabinets and shelves. Shelves as an example do not take floor space and are a good option to store items such as books that might be used more rarely than on a weekly basis while still being useful items to keep.

Further, you might also want to look up examples online. If I had to guess there are countless youtube videos explaining interior design that can serve as an inspiration, for example.
Henu the Great said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Ive never really had an example of cleaning up properly.
You can practice uncluttering your personal spaces by taking everything that you do not need on a daily and weekly basis and putting such objects temporarily away in another space and then seeing how the result impacts you. The next step would be to organize in full based on Lydia's post.

You might want to look into renting small storage space and or buying new or used furniture that has storage space, such as cabinets and shelves. Shelves as an example do not take floor space and are a good option to store items such as books that might be used more rarely than on a weekly basis while still being useful items to keep.

Further, you might also want to look up examples online. If I had to guess there are countless youtube videos explaining interior design that can serve as an inspiration, for example.

Uhm thanks Henu but your advice is not exactly applicable to my current circumstances.
One thing, I can't hang up shelves. The walls arent suited for that.
It's good to be reminded of the importance of this on the obvious, literal but even more so on the deeper level like Powerofjustice pointed out.

I had periods ranging from borderline hoarder to the opposite extreme, none of which work to ones advantage. The ocd part of me that is now under control had helped me organize everything material and now it's time for people, habits and all the other things that hold a person down when left in a messy state.

I had a wonderful vision once long ago about the perfect living space. Imagine a huge room with a very high ceiling (only downside could be that it will be very difficult to heat or cool) that's completely empty. Everything you want to have/might need is stored in the floor or the walls and comes out at the push of a button. Furniture, appliances, objects, even whole rooms can be "summoned" and put away as they're needed. When completely empty you can sit or stand in your preferred spot and meditate. My favorite form of meditation is void in motion for which a large empty space is the perfect setting. Kind of like living in a dojo that's also a sci-fi dwelling operated by advanced mechanical devices and almost no electronics.

Just thought I'd share this. Reading the op reminded me of a lovely dream that's not that far out of reach. It would probably cost a lot to have this built but still, it's not impossible.

Thank you Lydia, inspiring and helpful as always.

I sacrifice Israel to the lake of fire as payment to the Existence for my financial and spiritual prosperity. ( I also, work, and , meditate .)
Loved the post, thank you!!!!
What could I do to stop being a consumerist? Sometimes I buy because I feel the sense of pleasure after buying, but that can ruin me in the future. After a lot of meditation I am becoming more conscious, but still the consumption is apparent. :?
Thats great, thanks, it reminds me this needs to be done here. I have found when one declutters the mental closet, like old beliefs and unresolved issues or contradictions in the mind, then the physical junk moves out more easily also at times. Seems like one affects the other. Great post thanks.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=445893 time=1685263557 user_id=57]

1. Useful. The item must serve a purpose and be used on a regular or recurring basis, such as daily/weekly use (kitchenware, for example), or even just yearly such as holiday decorations.

Just to add onto the Useful category "For Emergency Use" should also be here. Guns/weapons/ammo/medical supplies/fire extinguisher/emergency food if you're that worried (which you perhaps shouldn't necessarily be, but hard times may be coming depending where you are)

I think this is implied in calling for useful items, just wanted to make this explicit and clear.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Henu the Great said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Ive never really had an example of cleaning up properly.
You can practice uncluttering your personal spaces by taking everything that you do not need on a daily and weekly basis and putting such objects temporarily away in another space and then seeing how the result impacts you. The next step would be to organize in full based on Lydia's post.

You might want to look into renting small storage space and or buying new or used furniture that has storage space, such as cabinets and shelves. Shelves as an example do not take floor space and are a good option to store items such as books that might be used more rarely than on a weekly basis while still being useful items to keep.

Further, you might also want to look up examples online. If I had to guess there are countless youtube videos explaining interior design that can serve as an inspiration, for example.

Uhm thanks Henu but your advice is not exactly applicable to my current circumstances.
One thing, I can't hang up shelves. The walls arent suited for that.

That's ok I'll weld them on for you. I'll just get two angle irons and drill them into the corners and weld some plates on for shelves. You will be good to go :cool:
Thank you for this post. Perfect timing, as I am just about to move to a new place and have been considering what to take with me and what to give away. I have also noticed that excess items that are just laying around without any use just make me feel bad. This post confirms I wasn't just imagining it.
Very actual topic, this is what definitely is lingering in everyone’s daily life. Also I strongly believe how we manage to keep our home tidy and etc., reflects how we manage ourselves inside. As HP Maxine has stated our things is extensions of ourselves.
THANK YOU! ❤️ This is something to think about.
I am one of these spenders! And I have to admit... I get bored once in awhile and spend a good stack of cash on clothes books and other silly things! And this will give me a chance to look through these books! And keep what is a value! And what is worth reading even if I read it once or twice if it's a good book it's a keeper! And clothes you grow out of them.. and they get worn out! Plus by the following year they're pretty well dated and have seen their days! I have a whole closet full of shoes that I have kept for many years a lot of these shoes or Oldies But Goodies and they look nice with a lot of my outfits.. and they are pretty well old and worn! It is going to take me awhile to clean out at least one room! :D But then again enjoying the pleasures of looking through things and reminiscing! Yes I may have had a lot of fun with some of these things and yet a lot of these things I have are useless and have taken up a lot of space! And it would be nice if I could have that extra money. And some of these things could be useful to somebody else especially children! And teenagers. And some of this stuff is just going to end up in the garbage! You can always buy new clothes and new shoes! And when it comes to pots and pans and cookware! You do get tired of it after a while and want something new! This is going to be a pain in the butt but it's going to be worth it! Just to be able to get rid of the clutter in my house as well! Out with the old and in with the new! And change is very healthy and when it comes to getting rid of garbage and clutter it's also fun looking at your room and thinking about the fun things that you can do with your room! Getting a new bed? Or if you want to redecorate and Paint and Wallpaper your room! All of these new white is going through my head! When you think about house cleaning and getting rid of junk! The possibilities are endless but then again when it comes to saving money?.. it's easy to spend money and spend money you don't have! And then of course you later regret it! I've learned that lesson pretty well....🙄... and I am a big big spender! And then I kick myself in the ass later on because of the amount of money I've spent on something silly! Yes it may have been fun and yes maybe it was a Temptation at the moment! But when you want your money there's no way you can get it back unless you decide to have a garage sale? You can try to sell a lot of your junk? Or just simply give it to somebody who might be interested in it! And taking the time to look at things and Shop around..
It makes it all the more entertaining and all the more exciting! Coming up with new ideas and all the many ways to redecorate your home or to remodel it? Anything for improvement! And to make things more comfortable!? Especially if you're looking to save money. :D Thank you for sharing this sermon! ❤️ HAIL SATAN Lydia ❤️
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=445893 time=1685263557 user_id=57]

Very good post. Thank you for sharing!

I definitely have too much stuff myself and most of it belonged to other people who have passed away.

I've not really parted with it or tried to get rid of it but I would be happier without all of the clutter I've been putting it off but it's time some of it went away.

There are some important family heirlooms that one can keep but beyond this it's unnecessary to have a whole bunch of unneeded junk.

I also have too many clothes lol. But I can't help it I have to dress appropriately for every occasion. I've even donated clothes and still have too many lol
This is my guilty pleasure. My closet is packed with my shame :lol: I don't even wear them all.

But regardless, a clean environment leads to a calm mind. Whenever my home is clean and not cluttered up I always feel more relaxed.
TerKorian666 said:
Shadowcat said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Uhm thanks Henu but your advice is not exactly applicable to my current circumstances.
One thing, I can't hang up shelves. The walls arent suited for that.

That's ok I'll weld them on for you. I'll just get two angle irons and drill them into the corners and weld some plates on for shelves. You will be good to go :cool:

Cool women… 🫣

I'm gunna need a scaffold over here :3
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=445893 time=1685263557 user_id=57]
Most people have experienced when they go looking for something specific in their home, having to annoyingly stumble across and sort through random useless junk that they don’t even know what purpose it serves.

Or when tidying up the home, seeing all the random useless things that take up space. This can also create mental clutter as well, having all these random things that serve no purpose in your life, cluttering up your home.

Having items in the home that are not important or meaningful also brings to attention all the cheap, mass-produced, made-by-child-slaves junk that will only add to overflowing landfills, create pollution, and further the feeling of empty meaninglessness of existence. Why is something produced, if it is not for a meaningful reason?

The solution is to keep in mind these 3 qualifications for items. Everything in your home must meet at least 1 qualification:

1. Useful. The item must serve a purpose and be used on a regular or recurring basis, such as daily/weekly use (kitchenware, for example), or even just yearly such as holiday decorations.

2. Beautiful. The item is pleasing to look at; helps the mind be calm or expansive; or showcases your interests, heritage, personality, etc.

3. Sentimental (Meaningful). The item must have a sentimental meaning, which is healthy for your heart and soul to have it in your home. Something a loved one gave to you; something you inherited from your family; something you loved as a child; something you made for yourself; or something that reminds you of a specific time or event in your life, as some examples.

Everything that does not meet one of these qualifications is useless junk and worth no value to you. Go over each item in your home (this could take a while, don’t plan on doing it all in one round), and anything that does not meet 1 of the above 3 qualifications, consider getting rid of it. This will also help you understand how important each of your selected remaining items are, which is a healthy mindset to have.

Why keep something that has no value to you, when you can:

1. Have a clearer home environment, which has the bonus side-effect of allowing you to feel more mentally refreshed in your home.

2. Make room for something else that does have value to you.

3. Make room for more clear space in your home, thereby allowing your home to look larger and tidier.

4. Know that every single thing in your home is important, meaningful to you, and has a purpose.

5. Sell it for money to spend on something better.

6. Donate it or give it to someone who will appreciate it (and they will appreciate you for giving it to them).

And when you purchase new items, make wise decisions here, as your money is valuable and should never be wasted. (Reminder: Never buy new items during a Void of Course Moon.) Examine carefully, the item you are contemplating buying:

1. Is it something that will make your life better in some way? (Useful)

2. Is it something that truly makes you happy, and will continue to bring joy to your life every time you see or use it? (Beautiful; Sentimental)

3. Is it something necessary, that you will use on a recurring basis? (Useful)

4. Is the item well made, of lasting quality? If not, look elsewhere. (Tip: If the item has a defect that does not hinder its use, or that you can fix yourself, you can talk to the seller about buying it at a discount.)

5. Is it something that will continue to make a good impression on you; or will you be bored of it after a short time? Be honest with yourself and your interests and personality.

Your money is valuable. It is far better to save it up for quality purchases, or make wise investments, or have it saved up. Many people who struggle to make ends meet, continually waste money on random items they don’t actually need, and/or serve no real purpose in their lives. It is better to make less purchases and have more money, than to be flat broke with useless junk cluttering your house and closets.

Keeping all of the above in mind will also enable a person to feel more spiritual in their everyday life. When everything you own is important and has value and meaning to you, then you will feel much more content and fulfilled, both in your mind and in your heart.

Lydia is collecting barbie dolls or other objects wrong?

I have been obsessed with barbie dolls since I was born and I have a lot of them)))

I was planning to start buying again to set a record.
I like how they look)
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Uhm thanks Henu but your advice is not exactly applicable to my current circumstances.
One thing, I can't hang up shelves. The walls arent suited for that.
Alright. But let's get the ball rolling so that you can move forward toward less clutter, shall we? If anything, Lydia already said to be firm about this subject.

What kind of walls are there? Plaster walls? There are plugs made specifically for those kinds of walls too. With two or more connection points walls like that can support a few kilograms at the very least with no problem.

Aside from practical means, I get the feeling that you would benefit from working with fire- and especially earth-type of energies to get better at organizing and having a more balanced outlook (you mentioned a lack of material desires during meditation).
Shadowcat said:
TerKorian666 said:
Shadowcat said:
That's ok I'll weld them on for you. I'll just get two angle irons and drill them into the corners and weld some plates on for shelves. You will be good to go :cool:

Cool women… 🫣

I'm gunna need a scaffold over here :3

just one more pipe over there and that's it. :cool:
Thanks everyone for the input :)

I understand, my parents kept everything too. But then we moved when I was a teenager, and we went through a lot of things, and gave much of it away to people who appreciated them. No point throwing away things that someone else can use. As the saying goes, "one man's junk is another man's treasure".

These are good suggestions for most people, thanks :)

ba666 2.0 said:
Loved the post, thank you!!!!
What could I do to stop being a consumerist? Sometimes I buy because I feel the sense of pleasure after buying, but that can ruin me in the future. After a lot of meditation I am becoming more conscious, but still the consumption is apparent. :?
Keep in mind that all these new items we have available to purchase, are fairly recently. For many lifetimes most people had hardly anything, like 2 outfits for the week, barely any decorations or fun things. So now people are happy and excited to buy things, which is perfectly fine, as long as they have some importance to us and make us happy.

kajo said:
Thank you for this post. Perfect timing, as I am just about to move to a new place and have been considering what to take with me and what to give away. I have also noticed that excess items that are just laying around without any use just make me feel bad. This post confirms I wasn't just imagining it.
I'm glad my post was good timing for you :)

Missrainbow1 said:
Lydia is collecting barbie dolls or other objects wrong?

I have been obsessed with barbie dolls since I was born and I have a lot of them)))

I was planning to start buying again to set a record.
I like how they look)
It's perfectly fine to have collections that suit our personalities :) If you love them, keep them!
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=446342 time=1685447336 user_id=57]
Thanks everyone for the input :)

I understand, my parents kept everything too. But then we moved when I was a teenager, and we went through a lot of things, and gave much of it away to people who appreciated them. No point throwing away things that someone else can use. As the saying goes, "one man's junk is another man's treasure".

These are good suggestions for most people, thanks :)

ba666 2.0 said:
Loved the post, thank you!!!!
What could I do to stop being a consumerist? Sometimes I buy because I feel the sense of pleasure after buying, but that can ruin me in the future. After a lot of meditation I am becoming more conscious, but still the consumption is apparent. :?
Keep in mind that all these new items we have available to purchase, are fairly recently. For many lifetimes most people had hardly anything, like 2 outfits for the week, barely any decorations or fun things. So now people are happy and excited to buy things, which is perfectly fine, as long as they have some importance to us and make us happy.

kajo said:
Thank you for this post. Perfect timing, as I am just about to move to a new place and have been considering what to take with me and what to give away. I have also noticed that excess items that are just laying around without any use just make me feel bad. This post confirms I wasn't just imagining it.
I'm glad my post was good timing for you :)

Missrainbow1 said:
Lydia is collecting barbie dolls or other objects wrong?

I have been obsessed with barbie dolls since I was born and I have a lot of them)))

I was planning to start buying again to set a record.
I like how they look)
It's perfectly fine to have collections that suit our personalities :) If you love them, keep them!

Thank God😄Thank you🌸
SapphireDragon said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=445893 time=1685263557 user_id=57]

Very good post. Thank you for sharing!

I definitely have too much stuff myself and most of it belonged to other people who have passed away.

I've not really parted with it or tried to get rid of it but I would be happier without all of the clutter I've been putting it off but it's time some of it went away.

There are some important family heirlooms that one can keep but beyond this it's unnecessary to have a whole bunch of unneeded junk.

I also have too many clothes lol. But I can't help it I have to dress appropriately for every occasion. I've even donated clothes and still have too many lol
This is my guilty pleasure. My closet is packed with my shame :lol: I don't even wear them all.

But regardless, a clean environment leads to a calm mind. Whenever my home is clean and not cluttered up I always feel more relaxed.

I have exactly the same problem and now that my brother is divorced and has come to live in my house bringing all his belongings and junk even more.
Thank you JG Lydia, wonderfully written.

Do you think we can simply call this minimalism or spiritual minimalism?
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=445893 time=1685263557 user_id=57]
Most people have experienced when they go looking for something specific in their home, having to annoyingly stumble across and sort through random useless junk that they don’t even know what purpose it serves.

Or when tidying up the home, seeing all the random useless things that take up space. This can also create mental clutter as well, having all these random things that serve no purpose in your life, cluttering up your home.

Having items in the home that are not important or meaningful also brings to attention all the cheap, mass-produced, made-by-child-slaves junk that will only add to overflowing landfills, create pollution, and further the feeling of empty meaninglessness of existence. Why is something produced, if it is not for a meaningful reason?

The solution is to keep in mind these 3 qualifications for items. Everything in your home must meet at least 1 qualification:

1. Useful. The item must serve a purpose and be used on a regular or recurring basis, such as daily/weekly use (kitchenware, for example), or even just yearly such as holiday decorations.

2. Beautiful. The item is pleasing to look at; helps the mind be calm or expansive; or showcases your interests, heritage, personality, etc.

3. Sentimental (Meaningful). The item must have a sentimental meaning, which is healthy for your heart and soul to have it in your home. Something a loved one gave to you; something you inherited from your family; something you loved as a child; something you made for yourself; or something that reminds you of a specific time or event in your life, as some examples.

Everything that does not meet one of these qualifications is useless junk and worth no value to you. Go over each item in your home (this could take a while, don’t plan on doing it all in one round), and anything that does not meet 1 of the above 3 qualifications, consider getting rid of it. This will also help you understand how important each of your selected remaining items are, which is a healthy mindset to have.

Why keep something that has no value to you, when you can:

1. Have a clearer home environment, which has the bonus side-effect of allowing you to feel more mentally refreshed in your home.

2. Make room for something else that does have value to you.

3. Make room for more clear space in your home, thereby allowing your home to look larger and tidier.

4. Know that every single thing in your home is important, meaningful to you, and has a purpose.

5. Sell it for money to spend on something better.

6. Donate it or give it to someone who will appreciate it (and they will appreciate you for giving it to them).

And when you purchase new items, make wise decisions here, as your money is valuable and should never be wasted. (Reminder: Never buy new items during a Void of Course Moon.) Examine carefully, the item you are contemplating buying:

1. Is it something that will make your life better in some way? (Useful)

2. Is it something that truly makes you happy, and will continue to bring joy to your life every time you see or use it? (Beautiful; Sentimental)

3. Is it something necessary, that you will use on a recurring basis? (Useful)

4. Is the item well made, of lasting quality? If not, look elsewhere. (Tip: If the item has a defect that does not hinder its use, or that you can fix yourself, you can talk to the seller about buying it at a discount.)

5. Is it something that will continue to make a good impression on you; or will you be bored of it after a short time? Be honest with yourself and your interests and personality.

Your money is valuable. It is far better to save it up for quality purchases, or make wise investments, or have it saved up. Many people who struggle to make ends meet, continually waste money on random items they don’t actually need, and/or serve no real purpose in their lives. It is better to make less purchases and have more money, than to be flat broke with useless junk cluttering your house and closets.

Keeping all of the above in mind will also enable a person to feel more spiritual in their everyday life. When everything you own is important and has value and meaning to you, then you will feel much more content and fulfilled, both in your mind and in your heart.

Thank you Lydia! Actually a very useful post!
To all SS: Order in your house, apartment, room is order in your head and in your life!

Most people spend a significant part of their time at home (remote work, recreation, entertainment with family and friends).
The environment in your home affects your psyche, emotional state, mood and performance and also affects how you feel.
The way you furnish a room is partly a reflection of you and determines the order in your daily affairs, which are an integral part of your life.
I visit people with different social status (mostly my relatives, or their friends), I have seen rooms of poor and rich people. For example, I know well a person from a rich family who has problems finding a good job, although this person has both the education and skills to find it, I also know well a person from a poor family who has a good job, but this person constantly has some problems (recently this person was hacked by scammers). Both of these people have different social status, but both constantly have some problems, which are often solved not by themselves, but by their loved ones, they cannot adjust their lives. What unites them? The mess and mess in the house/ room, it catches the eye, even when one of them tries to hide it, or thinks that he has cleaned up well. Another creepy hoarder (this is typical for many of my compatriots). They do not want to clean up their house, it affects their head and their life.

On the other hand, there is a positive example, it's me. My house is tidy and clean. I threw away all the junk if it appears, I immediately throw it away, even if a loved one who lives in an old apartment is against it. The objects in my old apartment delight me and reflect my inner world: these are my favorite collectible figures from the real art of cinema (my favorite characters), these are decorative weapons (real weapons are prohibited in my country - that's why they are decorative at home), which can even easily kill a person (since it is sharp). The situation in my old apartment is clean and tidy, I am surrounded only by the objects I need (some of which are only aesthetic in nature).

I am actively furnishing my new apartment. All the furniture is comfortable, convenient and practical, and also pleasant to me and my guests (from the point of view of aesthetics). In the new apartment I hung motivational posters, each of them reflects my life goals, as well as the success to which I go every day step by step. Guests tell me that these posters have a very strong effect on them, motivate and cheer up.

I communicate with successful people who have their own business (going uphill every day), they never have a mess, junk and other garbage, they are always clean and tidy, they are surrounded only by their favorite, necessary items (for example, a guitar).

If you have any problems, do a serious cleaning and rearrangement, it will clear your mind and help solve your problems! Your room is your microcosm! Start with it, finish with order in your life and in any everyday affairs!

I wish all SS a rich and happy life! Thanks to Lydia for bringing up this topic!
Thank you Lydia!

Yesterday I finally went through the clothing I had over the years and got from my sister. I had to take 2 bags worth of no longer fitting or no longer needed or torn clothing!

I found a couple music boxes that hold sentimental value to me. I forgot that I had a few from my childhood. It's nice!
Shadowcat said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Henu the Great said:
You can practice uncluttering your personal spaces by taking everything that you do not need on a daily and weekly basis and putting such objects temporarily away in another space and then seeing how the result impacts you. The next step would be to organize in full based on Lydia's post.

You might want to look into renting small storage space and or buying new or used furniture that has storage space, such as cabinets and shelves. Shelves as an example do not take floor space and are a good option to store items such as books that might be used more rarely than on a weekly basis while still being useful items to keep.

Further, you might also want to look up examples online. If I had to guess there are countless youtube videos explaining interior design that can serve as an inspiration, for example.

Uhm thanks Henu but your advice is not exactly applicable to my current circumstances.
One thing, I can't hang up shelves. The walls arent suited for that.

That's ok I'll weld them on for you. I'll just get two angle irons and drill them into the corners and weld some plates on for shelves. You will be good to go :cool:

Awh ty ! :)
Henu the Great said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Uhm thanks Henu but your advice is not exactly applicable to my current circumstances.
One thing, I can't hang up shelves. The walls arent suited for that.
Alright. But let's get the ball rolling so that you can move forward toward less clutter, shall we? If anything, Lydia already said to be firm about this subject.

What kind of walls are there? Plaster walls? There are plugs made specifically for those kinds of walls too. With two or more connection points walls like that can support a few kilograms at the very least with no problem.

Aside from practical means, I get the feeling that you would benefit from working with fire- and especially earth-type of energies to get better at organizing and having a more balanced outlook (you mentioned a lack of material desires during meditation).

Uhm.. probably more fire.
I do have a tendency to want to shift around everything about once a year. It does give a different energy flow in the house too. Doing that.

Ive thrown out useless papers and stupid mcdonalds toys or toys from those kinder chocolate eggs if you know what that is, I even got rid of some cds I had as a kid at some point which Im regretting a little every now and then but its fine.

I think it also depends on the person, there is a kind of thing that one keeps and another would totally throw it out.

I have all my clothes in one wardrobe and its spilling out but people used to switch their wardrobes around. Have a summer and winter wardrobe. what wasn't used was stored elsewhere, maybe in a suitcase. And when the seasons changed they took the clothes out of the wardrobe and swapped them with the ones in the suitcase.

I have a small desk that I try to tidy up and it feels so nice when its empty but within 3 days to 2 weeks its a complete mess again..
Upon reading this I don't think as some others did that this had to do with not owning "too many things". On the contrary, it just tells you to not get into the consumerist trap of just getting things that are nothing to you [ie, getting smarter things] and that you could own too many, but they have to be meaningful, ie, no junk.

Great post JG Lydia, thank you for this.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
