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Useless Junk: How to Have a More Spiritual Material Life

I have to admit I am a pretty big spender! And I am a collector of some things. I have books that I have collected since I was in Middle School and I have a porcelain doll collection that I've had since I was in the fifth grade.
And I know that I've got a whole house full of junk that I need to sort through myself! It is going to take me the whole rest of the summer to be able to sort through all of this shit that I have consumed throughout the years.
So THIS IS something to consider. Lydia thank you for sharing this ❤️
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Upon reading this I don't think as some others did that this had to do with not owning "too many things". On the contrary, it just tells you to not get into the consumerist trap of just getting things that are nothing to you [ie, getting smarter things] and that you could own too many, but they have to be meaningful, ie, no junk.

Great post JG Lydia, thank you for this.

Thanks HP HoodedCobra, this is true. Anything of those 3 that I mentioned (useful, beautiful, sentimental) can still be a lot of stuff in one's house, and this is fine as it depends on the individual. It's just about everything being important and not useless items of no meaning. It's perfectly fine to have collections, or many things that matter, as long as they do matter to the person who owns them :)
Me and my siblings had a "cleaning game" when we was a kid.
Our oldest brother would pretty much Give us orders to grab a specific object(socks, shoes, paper, et cetera.) Then we would put them in a big pile in the middle of the room, at least slightly organized as quickly as possible!

And then we would have literally everything in the middle of the room. Then we would put it up all neat and tidy until the middle of the room was empty.

This also works well if you plan on taking breaks, can't just leave a giant pile in the middle of the room for long without being like ..... uhhhhhh I have to clean this shit!!
Organize your mess first, and then clean it.
This sounds like a Diogenes post and also a wife trying to get her husband to get rid of all his stuff, lol. A lot of times I would become obsessed with something in real life, and it's actually the Gods trying to tell me something spiritual instead. Anyhow, good post. I will take it to heart and throw away all my junk. Been meaning to do it for a while now.
I had so much crap growing up, my room was like a dragon's den. And I loved all my crap. When my parent's kicked me out (they were catholic), I had to choose carefully what of my crap to take with me to live in a car until I could find my own place; the space was obviously very limited, so I had to say goodbye to 99% of my accumulated items.
I wonder looking back what on Earth I was thinking. So many precious and irreplaceable sentimental items were left, things like sketchbooks and photos and journals, card collections and things that would have appreciated in value. Instead, I took clothes I never wore, kitchenware (for car-living..), dice I never rolled, etc. I truly had no sense of what was actually important.
I wish I had the wisdom that Lydia shared here back when I was a teenager. I learned the hard way how to prioritize my belongings. At least now I know the true meaning of value, but I will never be able to see what I looked like as a child again, or reminisce on some of my best artworks, etc.
I always keep a clean and tidy space, though maybe I'll use this as a prompt for a spring clean.
Humble thanks for this post and all of its replies. Satanic well wishes to all.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=445893 time=1685263557 user_id=57]

The same can be said not only about physical objects and junk, but also about the data stored on computer, so about virtual things!

The many unnecessary files(images, videos, music, text documents, etc.) also good to get rid of and no sense storing useless stuff on pendrive and other storage drives.

coffee said:
Your name reminds me of this conversation. :)
This is a great post, thank you for writing it! :)

I also want to note that it's also very good to get rid of digital "clutter". Oftentimes, people don't realize how much it affects them. I've been in the process of clearing everything out lately (taking notes of what I need, downloading videos/songs I want, and getting rid of everything else), and it does make me feel so much more relaxed.

I will make a list of suggestions here, hoping it will help you folks in having more fulfilling and chaos-free everyday lives. :mrgreen:

As a side note, my friend had told me that in her previous workplace, one day a waiter was serving the customers, and his phone rang. As a result, the boss put a rule (that only lasted for two weeks, unfortunately), that all phones were to be placed in a box throughout the shift, and not to be used. What was the result of that? People actually started cleaning parts of the cafeteria that hadn't been cleaned in forever, and started talking with one another and having more meaningful relationship with one another. They were motivated to do things that they didn't do before, because they were on their phones whenever the work subsided.

So, here are my suggestions (and take note that this process may even take months, according to how much clutter exists in your electronic items):
  1. Close those gazillion tabs you have open. You don't need all of them, and you know it! If you see things that are of interest to you (eg an article that you want to read, but haven't had the time to do so, yet) bookmark it. And don't just drag it to the Bookmarks' bar, or click on the little star icon. Put it in a folder in your Bookmarks' bar (eg a folder named "I want to read" or "Interesting Articles"). You can get to reading that article in the future, but it doesn't have to remain as an open tab and create chaos in your Internet browser. :p
  2. Likewise, organize all your bookmarks. I know this may sound scary to some, but chances are that you have bookmarks of websites that aren't even active, anymore. Organize your bookmarks, place them into folders, create appropriate names for them, and when you have the time or will to do so, you can study what you need, take notes if you want, and then delete them.

    I am the kind of person who may want to listen to a 3 hour playlist of a specific type of music, so I will bookmark it, until I can get to it. Then I will either keep the music and delete the bookmark (download the track), or create a playlist on YouTube to always have that track available through my YouTube channel (which is a bit risky, in case the track gets deleted). This is just a suggestion by the way, feel free to suggest something else, if you have any other ideas. :)
  3. Organize your emails and unsubscribe from websites whose content is no longer relevant to you, or from online stores from where you bought a thing a couple of years ago.If you like a specific online store and want to keep buying from it, you can just bookmark the website (in the appropriate folder! :lol: ) and check it the next time you need to buy something. Don't just let the website/online store fill up your email with discounts of things you don't need, or articles that are of no interest to you.

    This extends to websites like Facebook etc... Facebook automatically sends you emails for new friend requests, messages etc, unless you unsubscribe from these.

Now, concerning Social Media... You can easily imagine how horrible of an effect a constantly beeping phone must have in your brain. I am sure you can find many studies online, but from my experience I can tell you that a beeping phone (getting notifications from messaging applications like WhatsUp, Viber, Messenger etc) can immediately get you out of your focus, and even get you out of whichever mood you were before in order to complete a task. More specifically, maybe you were ready to go to the gym (or workout at home), but your phone beeps with new messages, and your mind starts focusing on those, and in time you no longer want to workout, or do whichever activity you intended to do. Don't even get me started on how scattered your focus becomes in ANYTHING (from analyzing complicated formulas to doing simple tasks like cooking, or thinking of the chores you need to do throughout the day).

My suggestions regarding social media are these:
  1. If you are browsing websites like Facebook, DISABLE auto-play on videos.

    I know that many people tend to browse these websites and just do this "infinitely scrolling down" thing, but we need to be aware that this is the intention of the social media platforms. These platforms don't just want you to "keep in touch with old classmates" etc, but they want you to keep scrolling endlessly, and literally WASTING your time on them. They make money through advertisements they throw at you while you're mindlessly scrolling. I have also caught myself COUNTLESS TIMES visiting YouTube in order to find a specific tutorial or song etc, and I suddenly find myself scrolling through their suggested videos, and I end up wasting hours of my life, and not doing what I originally intended to. As a result, in order to counteract this process, we need to...
  2. Browse social media with INTENTION. If you have the desire to browse through a social media platform, ask yourself why you need to do that. Do you want to see the latest photos of a friend? (in case you went somewhere together, and want to find yourself in those photos, or if it's a girl/guy you're interested in, and are curious to see them :p ) Then DON'T just log into the website, and start scrolling! Go directly to the profile of that friend, and see what you need to.
    To be honest, my personal experience with this, is that I was always logging into social media platforms to find meme pictures and share them... And from one point onward, I noticed that I became eager to receive those "likes" in those posts, like a dog who's eager to receive their treat! So, I decided to stop doing that; stop logging into these platforms and stop the infinite scrolling, and only use them effectively and with a purpose (other than posting memes, for god's sake :lol: That's the worst kind of purpose, as it automatically makes you scroll endlessly).
  3. Disable the announcements from messaging apps (especially if you are part in bigger groups in those applications, such as a group that you have with a couple of friends). You can either disable (mute) the notifications from those specific groups, or disable the notifications from that app, in general. I would suggest the latter, so that YOU DECIDE when you want to spend time on this application and these messages. Otherwise, it's like having someone next to you constantly talking, while you're trying to go through your day.

    If you think that "but what if it's an emergency, and someone needs to talk to me immediately?", then this person will most likely call you, and not text you. Otherwise, see if you could have a specific application for that one person who may need to message you urgently. (by the way, I still message people with SMS when I need something urgently, but don't want to call and disturb them. So, SMS is a good option that is also available whether you have WiFi on or off)
  4. Disable WiFi (both for health, and for announcements) throughout the night, but also throughout the day when the Internet is of no use to you. You don't need to constantly be affected by the WiFi frequencies. I remember having seen a speech about the dangers from the phones, and they mentioned the case of a woman with no cancer history (not in her life, or her relatives' lives either), who was constantly putting her phone inside her bra... And eventually, she got breast cancer.
    ...I am not saying that you'll have cancer if you carry your phone on you. But I personally try to avoid it as much (especially not to have it very close to my body, or to my reproductive area as it can have damaging effects there). And I definitely turn off the WiFi when I don't need to use the Internet.

Finally, it is important to remember that social media websites will always promote what is going to "keep you scrolling". By being a victim to their agenda, it results in your losing precious time of your day that you could be spending elsewhere (either doing meditations, working out, reading a book and expanding your knowledge and betterment of yourself, or your relationship with others, having precious and invaluable conversations with other people, becoming better at your hobby etc). We can be so much more productive if we use technology as a TOOL, and not be used by technology itself. (and when I say "technology" here, I mean all these big companies, social media platforms etc)

I hope my suggestions above will help some people in their everyday lives.
I'm sorry to hear of your experience, but thank you for sharing it so it can help others know the importance of prioritizing. Sketchbooks and journals are very important as they reflect certain aspects of ourselves. Is there a chance your parents still have them? Perhaps you can ask them. They might have crammed it all into storage.

It's so true what you wrote about clothes you never wore. We all think "someday I will wear this" but the fact is, if we haven't worn it yet, we likely never will.

HauptSturm said:
This sounds like a Diogenes post and also a wife trying to get her husband to get rid of all his stuff, lol.
Then perhaps it is you who is the cynic and not I.
Henu the Great said:
Aside from practical means, I get the feeling that you would benefit from working with fire- and especially earth-type of energies to get better at organizing and having a more balanced outlook (you mentioned a lack of material desires during meditation).

I was looking through the retrograde influences within a natal chart.. and lack of desire for physical things also has to do with jupiter retrograde.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
I was looking through the retrograde influences within a natal chart.. and lack of desire for physical things also has to do with jupiter retrograde.
I would suggest a runic working with Fehu and Sowilo beginning this Summer Solstice to counter this issue. Jupiter square is another option, but only mediocre signs are available for it for a while.

I have a small desk that I try to tidy up and it feels so nice when its empty but within 3 days to 2 weeks its a complete mess again..
Dedicating places for objects when they are out of use would solve this.
What is the spiritual equivalent of getting rid of all of your material possessions?
HauptSturm said:
What is the spiritual equivalent of getting rid of all of your material possessions?

Lydia is referring to organization and cleaning which is different from ridding yourself of all material possessions. The spiritual equivalent of what Lydia refers to is found in the cleanliness and purity of the soul, plus balance of it, and shedding of negative karma.

If you are actually referring to losing all of your material possessions, then this would reflect in direct damage to the Venusian/Taurus/2nd house aspect of our existence, with indirect damage to one's solar energies (power/wealth), and possibly even 8th house (debts). Our material lives reflect our spiritual state and vice versa. A prosperous soul creates a prosperous material existence for itself.
Henu the Great said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
I was looking through the retrograde influences within a natal chart.. and lack of desire for physical things also has to do with jupiter retrograde.
I would suggest a runic working with Fehu and Sowilo beginning this Summer Solstice to counter this issue. Jupiter square is another option, but only mediocre signs are available for it for a while.

Our material possessions are ruled by Taurus energies and people with a lot of this energy may desire or need material comforts, so this would be one area to explore. Sowilo/Solar energies relate more to power and self-worth, which does reflect in wealth, but it is not as specific to material items, especially luxury.

In this sense, the current sign of Jupiter could be beneficial here. Fehu is useful as well, although Odthal is the best for material property.

There is a difference in being frugal and lacking a desire for material growth, so I hope Lunar Dance is able to distinguish this and avoid any problems here. Check all associated planets and houses for problems, and the usual likely spots for problems, like Saturn or Pluto placements, or the 12th house, and so on.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=447785 time=1686066030 user_id=21286]
And Sowilo also relates to desires and acts as a factor to increase the effectiveness of Fehu when paired together. I think Fehu is somewhat close to Jupiter's energies, no?
Lunar Dance 666 said:
I have a small desk that I try to tidy up and it feels so nice when its empty but within 3 days to 2 weeks its a complete mess again..
What I have found helpful for me personally, is to immediately put things in their place after I use them. So, after I have tidied up my desk, if I need a notebook for something, write on it, then put it back to its place again. Otherwise, it's very easy for clutter to build up without my realization.
Yagami Light said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
I have a small desk that I try to tidy up and it feels so nice when its empty but within 3 days to 2 weeks its a complete mess again..
What I have found helpful for me personally, is to immediately put things in their place after I use them. So, after I have tidied up my desk, if I need a notebook for something, write on it, then put it back to its place again. Otherwise, it's very easy for clutter to build up without my realization.

Half of the stuff is whats new in the house. Usually some form of paper that doesnt have a home yet.
Henu the Great said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Half of the stuff is whats new in the house. Usually some form of paper that doesnt have a home yet.
Ideas for storing papers can be found here: https://www.homestratosphere.com/types-of-office-storage/

Forget that I said anything about this.

I know that you are trying to help but you're just making assumptions at this point.

I said the paper thing and 5 min later I was like 'I shouldnt have said anything'.

Look, my house is very small. I don't have a spare room. I don't have a storage area in this place even for cleaning stuff (just bad house design).
The walls are gypsum plates. And occasionally there is something tough like metal or concrete behind them so you can't go through the wall at all.

How about you try fitting your entire life on a couple of square meters?

Ive done what I can. Everything is overflowing and all I can do is purge to get some breathing air back. It feels like a lot but there isn't even that much. Its just this place is too fucking small.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Half of the stuff is whats new in the house. Usually some form of paper that doesnt have a home yet.
You can have just one drawer, or one folder dedicated for just new papers, and arrange then when time allows it (just don't let it overflow, and then you'll have to store new papers on the desk instead :p ).
Lunar Dance 666 said:
How about you try fitting your entire life on a couple of square meters?
I would do my best with resources such as I have shared (plus some creativity and determination) and not get upset when someone tries to share something useful.
This is such and excellent and high quality post. I very much needed to hear it.

As of tomorrow I'm going to start selling my useless stuff online and clearing my living space up. I've been wanting to attend this issue for months. Thanks for always being so concise and easy to read, Lydia.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=447784 time=1686065373 user_id=21286]
HauptSturm said:
What is the spiritual equivalent of getting rid of all of your material possessions?

Lydia is referring to organization and cleaning which is different from ridding yourself of all material possessions. The spiritual equivalent of what Lydia refers to is found in the cleanliness and purity of the soul, plus balance of it, and shedding of negative karma.

If you are actually referring to losing all of your material possessions, then this would reflect in direct damage to the Venusian/Taurus/2nd house aspect of our existence, with indirect damage to one's solar energies (power/wealth), and possibly even 8th house (debts). Our material lives reflect our spiritual state and vice versa. A prosperous soul creates a prosperous material existence for itself.
I think what Lydia is saying in her post is the cleaning and purifying the soul, etc.
Sure, cleaning your house is fine and all but I think there is a spiritual aspect to it.
HauptSturm said:
I think what Lydia is saying in her post is the cleaning and purifying the soul, etc.
Sure, cleaning your house is fine and all but I think there is a spiritual aspect to it.

Yes, everyone should be cleaning their soul a lot, and then some more.
"As above, so below" applies here quite well, because our possessions & wealth are often the expression of ourselves. But one can affect the other in both ways too. This is a good opportunity to examine ourselves further and understand our issues.

A disorganised environment = disorganised mind and vice versa.

I've been going through a major financial restructure recently due to lots of poor spending habits and decisions, my motto has been "plain and simple is the way".

Thank you for this great post.
Apollo13 said:
This information is great Lydia... Thank you

Am always amazed on how women facisnate us men, coz if it was us men, trust me the house would have been a great mess, probably destroyed

Jokes aside, Thank you for the info, what you have said is true
Not true, both can have their own issues. Aren't women the heavy spenders? ;P
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Henu the Great said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Half of the stuff is whats new in the house. Usually some form of paper that doesnt have a home yet.
Ideas for storing papers can be found here: https://www.homestratosphere.com/types-of-office-storage/

Forget that I said anything about this.

I know that you are trying to help but you're just making assumptions at this point.

I said the paper thing and 5 min later I was like 'I shouldnt have said anything'.

Look, my house is very small. I don't have a spare room. I don't have a storage area in this place even for cleaning stuff (just bad house design).
The walls are gypsum plates. And occasionally there is something tough like metal or concrete behind them so you can't go through the wall at all.

How about you try fitting your entire life on a couple of square meters?

Ive done what I can. Everything is overflowing and all I can do is purge to get some breathing air back. It feels like a lot but there isn't even that much. Its just this place is too fucking small.

simplicity is elegance
thou are art
Henu the Great said:
And Sowilo also relates to desires and acts as a factor to increase the effectiveness of Fehu when paired together. I think Fehu is somewhat close to Jupiter's energies, no?

Yep. Fehu is like the expansion/mobile wealth aspect of Jupiter. Kenaz is where you can find more of the knowledge-seeking part of Jupiter.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=448674 time=1686510230 user_id=21286]
Henu the Great said:
And Sowilo also relates to desires and acts as a factor to increase the effectiveness of Fehu when paired together. I think Fehu is somewhat close to Jupiter's energies, no?

Yep. Fehu is like the expansion/mobile wealth aspect of Jupiter. Kenaz is where you can find more of the knowledge-seeking part of Jupiter.

Brother, where did you learn such extensive knowledge about the runes? Was it a specific book or did you use Dagaz for flashes of intuition, Laaz for energy sensitivity and Perthro to gain knowledge about the other runes?

I'm curious.
Lightning-Wings said:
Brother, where did you learn such extensive knowledge about the runes? Was it a specific book or did you use Dagaz for flashes of intuition, Laaz for energy sensitivity and Perthro to gain knowledge about the other runes?

I'm curious.

A lot of it was just personal interest which drove me to memorize and ponder the information available through JoS, https://runesecrets.com/ , and "Futhark, a Handbook of Rune Magic" by Edred Thorsson. Combine this with astrology knowledge, which gives additional background information on how various energies operate. Also, look at how the runes are used by the clergy in the various rituals.

Through the above resources, you can learn a lot if you think about it enough, combined with your personal use of the runes. Of course, I have not used every rune in each of its listed functions. The rest of the knowledge I credit to the Gods who have likely made things easier for me in various ways, but for them to do this you first have to memorize the basics.

No, I did not use Perthro or anything for a gain in knowledge, although I would like to when I get the time to do so.
Samkara said:
Apollo13 said:
This information is great Lydia... Thank you

Am always amazed on how women facisnate us men, coz if it was us men, trust me the house would have been a great mess, probably destroyed

Jokes aside, Thank you for the info, what you have said is true
Not true, both can have their own issues. Aren't women the heavy spenders? ;P

Yes they are :D :D
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=448769 time=1686543907 user_id=21286]
Lightning-Wings said:
Brother, where did you learn such extensive knowledge about the runes? Was it a specific book or did you use Dagaz for flashes of intuition, Laaz for energy sensitivity and Perthro to gain knowledge about the other runes?

I'm curious.

A lot of it was just personal interest which drove me to memorize and ponder the information available through JoS, https://runesecrets.com/ , and "Futhark, a Handbook of Rune Magic" by Edred Thorsson. Combine this with astrology knowledge, which gives additional background information on how various energies operate. Also, look at how the runes are used by the clergy in the various rituals.

Through the above resources, you can learn a lot if you think about it enough, combined with your personal use of the runes. Of course, I have not used every rune in each of its listed functions. The rest of the knowledge I credit to the Gods who have likely made things easier for me in various ways, but for them to do this you first have to memorize the basics.

No, I did not use Perthro or anything for a gain in knowledge, although I would like to when I get the time to do so.

Thank you so much, brother!!
Lightning-Wings said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=448674 time=1686510230 user_id=21286]
Henu the Great said:
And Sowilo also relates to desires and acts as a factor to increase the effectiveness of Fehu when paired together. I think Fehu is somewhat close to Jupiter's energies, no?

Yep. Fehu is like the expansion/mobile wealth aspect of Jupiter. Kenaz is where you can find more of the knowledge-seeking part of Jupiter.

Brother, where did you learn such extensive knowledge about the runes? Was it a specific book or did you use Dagaz for flashes of intuition, Laaz for energy sensitivity and Perthro to gain knowledge about the other runes?

I'm curious.

give me your email im talking to you

I put it on the russian board if you go there
Asurya said:
Lightning-Wings said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=448674 time=1686510230 user_id=21286]

Yep. Fehu is like the expansion/mobile wealth aspect of Jupiter. Kenaz is where you can find more of the knowledge-seeking part of Jupiter.

Brother, where did you learn such extensive knowledge about the runes? Was it a specific book or did you use Dagaz for flashes of intuition, Laaz for energy sensitivity and Perthro to gain knowledge about the other runes?

I'm curious.

give me your email im talking to you

I put it on the russian board if you go there

What are you talking about?
Apollo13 said:
Samkara said:
Not true, both can have their own issues. Aren't women the heavy spenders? ;P

Yes they are :D :D

How about not polluting these forums with jew-made memes. Learn astrology and about people. Many people of both genders are heavy spenders, and many people of both genders are frugal.
Apollo13 said:
Samkara said:
Apollo13 said:
This information is great Lydia... Thank you

Am always amazed on how women facisnate us men, coz if it was us men, trust me the house would have been a great mess, probably destroyed

Jokes aside, Thank you for the info, what you have said is true
Not true, both can have their own issues. Aren't women the heavy spenders? ;P

Yes they are :D :D

According to the planetary energies of a man they can be "big spenders" as well and this can be from buying food to the point of having big bellies to someone who buys facial cleansing products, hair and beard care products, expensive colognes, technology, tools etc etc.

Each gender also has their own general way of acting but in no way as extreme as the mainstream jewish originated memes. This meme is on par with the similar one that calls men messy brutes. We know this isn't a general thing but one can understand where it originated and become exaggerated and twisted.
hailourtruegod said:
According to the planetary energies of a man they can be "big spenders" as well and this can be from buying food to the point of having big bellies to someone who buys facial cleansing products, hair and beard care products, expensive colognes, technology, tools etc etc.

Each gender also has their own general way of acting but in no way as extreme as the mainstream jewish originated memes. This meme is on par with the similar one that calls men messy brutes. We know this isn't a general thing but one can understand where it originated and become exaggerated and twisted.

Damn, I use to spend a lot of money on web documentaries and online technology :D
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=449429 time=1686903961 user_id=57]
Apollo13 said:
Samkara said:
Not true, both can have their own issues. Aren't women the heavy spenders? ;P

Yes they are :D :D

How about not polluting these forums with jew-made memes. Learn astrology and about people. Many people of both genders are heavy spenders, and many people of both genders are frugal.

My brother and I are a good example of this: I am a frugal person who does not like to spend money on superfluous things and this is reflected in my natal chart and my brother is a spendthrift who likes to spend his money on brand name clothes, expensive perfumes and similar things.

That thing about all women being spendthrifts is a stupid meme.
CrimsongRaexius666 said:
hailourtruegod said:
According to the planetary energies of a man they can be "big spenders" as well and this can be from buying food to the point of having big bellies to someone who buys facial cleansing products, hair and beard care products, expensive colognes, technology, tools etc etc.

Each gender also has their own general way of acting but in no way as extreme as the mainstream jewish originated memes. This meme is on par with the similar one that calls men messy brutes. We know this isn't a general thing but one can understand where it originated and become exaggerated and twisted.

Damn, I use to spend a lot of money on web documentaries and online technology :D

As with Lydia's main point, as long as you yourself see it valuable in some way then that's more than fine. Fortunately for you web documentaries don't take up living space. :)
Wotanwarrior said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=449429 time=1686903961 user_id=57]
My brother and I are a good example of this: I am a frugal person who does not like to spend money on superfluous things and this is reflected in my natal chart and my brother is a spendthrift who likes to spend his money on brand name clothes, expensive perfumes and similar things.

That thing about all women being spendthrifts is a stupid meme.

I'm a wise spender myself, I hate expensive brand name clothes, and love getting something nice on massive discount. One of my favorite dresses, beautiful colors, I bought for $10!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
