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US Army warns soldiers to be ready for potential 'incel' violence at ’Joker’ film screening


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017

Incel alert! US Army warns its soldiers that they could be shot by a disgruntled virgin if they go see new movie ‘Joker’

Army warns soldiers to be ready for potential violence by incels at 'Joker' screenings: reports

Oklahoma Army base memo warns of potential theater threat

Warner Bros. says "Joker" is not an endorsement of violence

Am in in, or have I been in, statis? I can't believe that today is not April Fools' Day. O.O
I think genuinely the last movie I ever saw was when I was a pre-teen, I think genuinely the last one might have been the jackass films, never even bothered with movies. Last movie on TV I enjoyed was the Batman series and even then it was a bit boring though found Heath Ledger's performance great. I wanted to watch the John Wick movies but no desire to even watch.

In reality I have no desire to waste time watching TV or movies.

But my question is what makes this movie so special? I notice in the past they had Suicide Squad and I found it funny, at first I wanted to watch it but something told me don't. And then I discover the movies thread on our forums how it hides pagan Sigils on the enemy of the film. (((Oy vey goyim ebul pagan witch))).

So my question is what makes this movie so special? Isn't this movie just another Jewlywood special. I mean for fucks sake for like the last ten years they've been making the same movies ALL the time. It's just avengers this or super hero that or I mean really there is no ingenuity anymore.

No idea why people waste their time watching the same schlock of shit all the time.
How many women are killed by promiscuous, low impulse-control men, or killed by boyfriends or partners, compared to the number of women killed by autistics who can't leave the basement without having a panic attack? Not saying some incels aren't bad people, but this obsession with the fictitious "epidemic" of violence related to them seems more about increasing government control and ignoring real social issues like isolation.
I truly see many points in this:

1. When movies and other things do essentially recommend and force people to become murders and zealots [provided the movie is jewish] its all fine.

2. People of young generations are ridiculed and indirectly they are advertised to do murder and heinous crimes. Like seriously that is indirect advertising here. "Become Joker and the Nation will take interest in you, incel!"

Could go on and on.

I wonder how movies like this, which according to the yippies do cause all this mental turmoil, are then any better than the KKK, can someone explain this to me?

Are we gonna do anything about the Extremism such as the Netflix series that promoted the suicide of 12 and 13 year old kids? And caused the deaths of so many kids?

But hey- that is collateral damage of jews making shekels. Therefore, it's not violence advice or extremism. That is Jewish Supremacism and that is Acceptable and Good, and Moral supremacism. OY VEY!
HailVictory88 said:
How many women are killed by promiscuous, low impulse-control men, or killed by boyfriends or partners, compared to the number of women killed by autistics who can't leave the basement without having a panic attack? Not saying some incels aren't bad people, but this obsession with the fictitious "epidemic" of violence related to them seems more about increasing government control and ignoring real social issues like isolation.
Consider the police, probation, and "law" "systems". People try and explain how shit it is and that it is not helping. Seeing just 1 episode of a male jail programme, they are telling the "professionals" how they need to be helped with things, but all the "professionals" say is that it is about public protection. Another programme was on but I didn't watch it but I read a bit about it, and it said that a repeat offender tried explaining about her upbringing, as to why she is like she is. "It comes down to money", when big (((companies))) don't pay by tax, yet the little man gets shat on. (((They))) take the piss.
SJWs the new xtian zealots, "White Supremacism" is the new Satanic Panic. This is the most ridicule "Joke" (drop the credits) since "Yu-Gi-Oh cards and Dragon Ball will make your kids be possessed by the Devil". This will supposedly to turn "White men into violent terrorists" but of course they'll not mention the mandatory race mixing and (((class struggle)))... Yeah...
Incels are the scum of the earth. Of course the likes don’t label them as the terrorists that they are. They need to read Richard La Ruina ‘The Natural’ bad.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I truly see many points in this:

1. When movies and other things do essentially recommend and force people to become murders and zealots [provided the movie is jewish] its all fine.

2. People of young generations are ridiculed and indirectly they are advertised to do murder and heinous crimes. Like seriously that is indirect advertising here. "Become Joker and the Nation will take interest in you, incel!"

Could go on and on.

I wonder how movies like this, which according to the yippies do cause all this mental turmoil, are then any better than the KKK, can someone explain this to me?

Are we gonna do anything about the Extremism such as the Netflix series that promoted the suicide of 12 and 13 year old kids? And caused the deaths of so many kids?

But hey- that is collateral damage of jews making shekels. Therefore, it's not violence advice or extremism. That is Jewish Supremacism and that is Acceptable and Good, and Moral supremacism. OY VEY!

Visual media, such as that of TV, is an incredibly good propaganda device due to its ability to program the subconscious. While watching something so lifelike as TV content, the subconscious cannot actually distinguish between scripted events and real life, and it will start to confuse the two. Someone will see something on TV, and consciously they will recognize it as scripted, but their subconscious brain still "learns" from the events as if they occurred in real life ("X good, Y bad"). In other words, people's perceptions of their reality and what is the correct action in certain scenarios becomes skewed.

Best and most simply example of this is the operation of guns and how most people now think anyone can headshot 10 people with a pistol with no training.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I truly see many points in this:

1. When movies and other things do essentially recommend and force people to become murders and zealots [provided the movie is jewish] its all fine.

2. People of young generations are ridiculed and indirectly they are advertised to do murder and heinous crimes. Like seriously that is indirect advertising here. "Become Joker and the Nation will take interest in you, incel!"

Could go on and on.

I wonder how movies like this, which according to the yippies do cause all this mental turmoil, are then any better than the KKK, can someone explain this to me?

Are we gonna do anything about the Extremism such as the Netflix series that promoted the suicide of 12 and 13 year old kids? And caused the deaths of so many kids?

But hey- that is collateral damage of jews making shekels. Therefore, it's not violence advice or extremism. That is Jewish Supremacism and that is Acceptable and Good, and Moral supremacism. OY VEY!
This film is created by a Jew so definitely there is an underlying threat of this kind of situation happening. It seems to be based on venting male frustration through violence, which is common in our generation. They seem to be trying to manufacture events so that more Dylan Roof type shooters are created and they will have a justified moral imperative to take away the second amendment rights.
Gear88 said:
I think genuinely the last movie I ever saw was when I was a pre-teen, I think genuinely the last one might have been the jackass films, never even bothered with movies. Last movie on TV I enjoyed was the Batman series and even then it was a bit boring though found Heath Ledger's performance great. I wanted to watch the John Wick movies but no desire to even watch.

In reality I have no desire to waste time watching TV or movies.

But my question is what makes this movie so special? I notice in the past they had Suicide Squad and I found it funny, at first I wanted to watch it but something told me don't. And then I discover the movies thread on our forums how it hides pagan Sigils on the enemy of the film. (((Oy vey goyim ebul pagan witch))).

So my question is what makes this movie so special? Isn't this movie just another Jewlywood special. I mean for fucks sake for like the last ten years they've been making the same movies ALL the time. It's just avengers this or super hero that or I mean really there is no ingenuity anymore.

No idea why people waste their time watching the same schlock of shit all the time.

I share much of this sentiment. If I had to put a finger on why this movie in particular is just tickling people's tits, it's likely a few things.

Even though the Avengers/superhero shit is indeed getting old, it's still up there what with Endgame and whatever the other comic movies are called having come out recently. So this is just riding that wave as long as it can - and this particular wave of interest may continue longer due to everyone getting excited for DC 'cause of Justice League and Suicide Squad.

Secondly, the Joker. That's pretty much a reason in and of itself; he is arguably one of the most iconic comic villains out there with a strong, decades-old cultural and historical backing that really burns his persona into people's minds. As in he's often one of if not the first name a person will spout off if you tell them "quick, name some villains/archenemies of superheroes."

Lastly, this movie is, like the rest of the bad apples in a shit orchard, Jewish as fuck, with a Jewish director, mostly Jewish producers, Jewish writers and a Jewish star. Thus it is advertised like mad to make sure the masses are aware of it whether they want to be or not.

Ultimately nothing really makes this movie that special. It's not that different from many other films that people lost their shit over as they're doing now. I just think that, whether you're an SS that enjoys movies or otherwise, you can't sell Satan's Children on standard garbage polluted with Jewish everything. Thus we'll never fully understand the appeal and frankly that's for the better.
TheAncientReligion666 said:
Incels are the scum of the earth. Of course the likes don’t label them as the terrorists that they are. They need to read Richard La Ruina ‘The Natural’ bad.

Incels are not scum, they are regular 20 and so year olds that live in a world where the standardization of merely getting laid has reached such alien proportions that Instagram and other stuff has ruined gender so much that women think they are Khaleesi and they deserve due to female entitlement by default their Khal Drogo [and will settle from nothing less until 35 years old], all while being a lazy slobs while at it.

Men on the other hand are so brainwashed they believe that by literally having let go by the time they are 20 and being a nothing, totally underdeveloped personalities that play video games all day long, and that is to be found attractive by girls, and that it's the girls fault for not finding this attractive. They feel hate that girls do not find attractive slobbish, lazy, unfocused, and so forth, young men, who look like they are 50 years old while they are 18 from the amount of time they sit down on a computer.

This society has made people have extremely strange expectations and unnatural demands, which only backfire and are standards that make people confused in the very least, and mentally insane in some deep end cases.

We're living in clown land the situation is really dire for relationship between two genders. It's like if you're white and you need a White girl you need to be like Batman, but if you're just an invading homeboi you'll just find some really good girl and instantly have 5 children. These things happen, and these things shatter the minds of young people, both male and female.

For these generations also, the demands for merely flipping burgers at MacDonalds, are too high. You need like 2 degrees to get a half rent paying job, that pays you jack shit, leaving you unable to even live alone, let alone to get involved with a partner. Gotta count the shekels to take a girl you like to some cinema or something, to the last cent. As such one is confined to eternally fuck robot waifu or spend all their life in pornhub instead.

And those in power just watch and also blame them, spit at their face, and attack them for not being like older generations whom at their age already were married, had at least one house, and two children and two side partners at their age. So yes, the situation is about to implode, and incels do not appear to be all that bad to me. They may be flipped out or mentally ill, but more than half of it is caused by the society we live in.

When people see that certain lesser qualities are desirable and people of the lowest end just get laid while more decent people sit by and watch, I can see why someone mentally flips out, and joins MGTOW or Inceldom gang as an attempt to save themselves somehow.

Incels are just a symptom, the problems are really deeper, and deeply social. The incel class also is something that happens universally because the wages and normal life is becoming scarce in ever increasing amount of places.
HailVictory88 said:
How many women are killed by promiscuous, low impulse-control men, or killed by boyfriends or partners, compared to the number of women killed by autistics who can't leave the basement without having a panic attack? Not saying some incels aren't bad people, but this obsession with the fictitious "epidemic" of violence related to them seems more about increasing government control and ignoring real social issues like isolation.

People are living in an increasingly clown world, isolated, and strange lifestyle. Those in power know this. But because to reverse this would need the reversal of many things, and because they are too difficult and incapable to lead, they instead go with the flow towards damnation, and try to cover the symptoms.

Incels are a symptom, as are symptoms many other things socially, which are condemned. It's easier however to just condemn the "lower ones" than to help fix the situation.
Understood Commander Cobra. Good points. Thank you! Fuck neo-feudal failed free market corporatism and hail victory!

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
TheAncientReligion666 said:
Incels are the scum of the earth. Of course the likes don’t label them as the terrorists that they are. They need to read Richard La Ruina ‘The Natural’ bad.

Incels are not scum, they are regular 20 and so year olds that live in a world where the standardization of merely getting laid has reached such alien proportions that Instagram and other stuff has ruined gender so much that women think they are Khaleesi and they deserve due to female entitlement by default their Khal Drogo [and will settle from nothing less until 35 years old], all while being a lazy slobs while at it.

Men on the other hand are so brainwashed they believe that by literally having let go by the time they are 20 and being a nothing, totally underdeveloped personalities that play video games all day long, and that is to be found attractive by girls, and that it's the girls fault for not finding this attractive. They feel hate that girls do not find attractive slobbish, lazy, unfocused, and so forth, young men, who look like they are 50 years old while they are 18 from the amount of time they sit down on a computer.

This society has made people have extremely strange expectations and unnatural demands, which only backfire and are standards that make people confused in the very least, and mentally insane in some deep end cases.

We're living in clown land the situation is really dire for relationship between two genders. It's like if you're white and you need a White girl you need to be like Batman, but if you're just an invading homeboi you'll just find some really good girl and instantly have 5 children. These things happen, and these things shatter the minds of young people, both male and female.

For these generations also, the demands for merely flipping burgers at MacDonalds, are too high. You need like 2 degrees to get a half rent paying job, that pays you jack shit, leaving you unable to even live alone, let alone to get involved with a partner. Gotta count the shekels to take a girl you like to some cinema or something, to the last cent. As such one is confined to eternally fuck robot waifu or spend all their life in pornhub instead.

And those in power just watch and also blame them, spit at their face, and attack them for not being like older generations whom at their age already were married, had at least one house, and two children and two side partners at their age. So yes, the situation is about to implode, and incels do not appear to be all that bad to me. They may be flipped out or mentally ill, but more than half of it is caused by the society we live in.

When people see that certain lesser qualities are desirable and people of the lowest end just get laid while more decent people sit by and watch, I can see why someone mentally flips out, and joins MGTOW or Inceldom gang as an attempt to save themselves somehow.

Incels are just a symptom, the problems are really deeper, and deeply social. The incel class also is something that happens universally because the wages and normal life is becoming scarce in ever increasing amount of places.
I thought, from assuming these incels were a bunch of weirdos, that they were building their confidence by saying "the US Army fears you".

But since they're not I guess we have less antifa wannabe's to worry about.
I had to read this over and over again to realize that this isn't coming from The Onion or The Babylon Bee. They seriously think some virgin is gonna shoot up the theatre....I MEAN COME ON! This headline is something you would expect out of The Onion which was literally designed to be fake news.
"Incel rebellion" is simply another, fairly recent branch in the (((gun-grabbing narrative))).
Islamists, neo-nazis, random crazies, incels, etc. are being rotated for the mass shooting false flags and stagings for refreshing variety.
Egon said:
SJWs the new xtian zealots, "White Supremacism" is the new Satanic Panic. This is the most ridicule "Joke" (drop the credits) since "Yu-Gi-Oh cards and Dragon Ball will make your kids be possessed by the Devil". This will supposedly to turn "White men into violent terrorists" but of course they'll not mention the mandatory race mixing and (((class struggle)))... Yeah...

Harry Potter had been banned in Tennessee; the curses and spells are real, conjuring evil spirits

Catholic school bans Harry Potter claiming ‘the curses and spells are real’

Catholic School Bans ‘Harry Potter’⁠—But According To Free Speech Advocates, It’s Nothing New

Harry Potter books removed from school library because they contain 'real' curses and spells

Tennessee Catholic school bans Harry Potter books over fears they contain ‘actual curses and spells’

Tennessee School Bans Harry Potter Books Because the Spells Could ‘Conjure Evil Spirits’

Tennessee school bans Harry Potter books after pastor declares they contain 'real' curses and spells

Harry Potter books removed from Catholic school 'on exorcists' advice'

This comes to you from the same state in which,

Tennessee school apologizes after assignment told students to pretend families own slaves


Tennessee woman charged with murder after her newborn twins die from drugs in their system, report says

Now when I say "state", remember that that word has multiple meanings...

It's OK, for example, in wrestling to be "dropped on [one's] head for a living" [ref: Chris Jericho]. Ohhhhh, but that's entertainment. I asked someone quite a while ago, or they mentioned it to me, that WWE has been less bloody recently (at that time) because Children are starting to watch it again, but it is coming back again. I think it was regarding TNA Impact and comparing it with WWE. It's OK to bloody each other up - rather, cut yourself with a blade - but it's not OK to say some pretend Latin words. Lol. Besides, all of the Children everywhere, not just in Tennessee, who have been forced to be xians who have enunciated these pretend incantations have never caused anything to happen, and this banning also proves how much faith they, with "Child-like faith", have in jewsus! PMSL! Stop using your brain, as "god" demanded after giving you one, but start just faithing extra hard again. Then all of these pretend magic words will do no harm. "god" did say, afterall, "do not test me"! That's because it would never be able to perform! "Do not test me because I cannot do it, but just accept it anyway, mmmmkay?"

Yeah, JK Rowling might have done research into lore and legend for years before doing the books, but the things in it were chosen - sorry, I meant to say chozsen - carefully; surely real, actual Magick would have been discovered, even in small parts, but obviously they were ignored. Then we have one of the current "the" popeses praising Rowling for "good defeating evil". Stupid xians, stupid "god". Get your retarded act together. Better yet - get an act! Get an act, and stop acting the goat.

Also about being possessed by the devil - someone who enjoys historical themes and stories and things, told me that during the time when xian hymns first came out, the powers that be thought that they, too, were evil and devilish. That makes sense. Now as we can see, we have xians trying to be hardcore metalheads ("Christian metal, also known as white metal, Jesus metal or heavenly metal, is a form of heavy metal music usually defined by its message using song lyrics as well as the dedication of the band members to Christianity." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_metal), with an example of a band band "Demon Hunter", and punks ("Christian punk is a form of Christian music and a subgenre of punk rock with some degree of Christian lyrical content." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_punk), and things. Oy, vey. Come on jewsusgod, what are you waiting for? Iron (metal music) to rust and weaken so you can try to defeat it (judges 1:19)?!
Blitzkreig said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I truly see many points in this:

1. When movies and other things do essentially recommend and force people to become murders and zealots [provided the movie is jewish] its all fine.

2. People of young generations are ridiculed and indirectly they are advertised to do murder and heinous crimes. Like seriously that is indirect advertising here. "Become Joker and the Nation will take interest in you, incel!"

Could go on and on.

I wonder how movies like this, which according to the yippies do cause all this mental turmoil, are then any better than the KKK, can someone explain this to me?

Are we gonna do anything about the Extremism such as the Netflix series that promoted the suicide of 12 and 13 year old kids? And caused the deaths of so many kids?

But hey- that is collateral damage of jews making shekels. Therefore, it's not violence advice or extremism. That is Jewish Supremacism and that is Acceptable and Good, and Moral supremacism. OY VEY!

Visual media, such as that of TV, is an incredibly good propaganda device due to its ability to program the subconscious. While watching something so lifelike as TV content, the subconscious cannot actually distinguish between scripted events and real life, and it will start to confuse the two. Someone will see something on TV, and consciously they will recognize it as scripted, but their subconscious brain still "learns" from the events as if they occurred in real life ("X good, Y bad"). In other words, people's perceptions of their reality and what is the correct action in certain scenarios becomes skewed.
HD TV is better than real-life -

Sony 4K Ultra HD TV - Better than real life.

"How do you...explain something...you have never seen?"
You be an xian.

That had some over-the-top bad acting in it. It's bluer than blue.
- Did you actually believe that shit?
- Nah. I was just getting paid to say (sh)it.

Why does HDTV look so much clearer than real life?

Why does the HD or 4K video look so much sharper than the same scene look in real life?

I know why - because you're an idiot. Alternatively, the actual answer is because you are too-easily impressed and over-wowed by the over-the-top colours, preservatives and E-numbers from Willy Wonka. You're living in Wonderland and have eaten too many funny, funkaayy things you found in the forest. You're not in Kansas anymore. That's why.

Have you seen any 4K adverts on your HD TV? How amazing did it look, better than your HD-ness? Did you realise what I just asked?! Besides, you don't need to waste hundreds or thousands on a few extra inches of plastic and glass. Just turn your brightness, contrast and colour up on your current HD, non-4K TV, and enjoy saving some money; sell your TV and get a smaller one. The picture will look sharper and amazinger.

Oh, here we go -

Why does the picture quality on HDTV adverts look better than normal, despite being viewed on a non-HDTV?

"Appears sharper than we think it should"?
Does that include idiots who don't understand such things; therefore, don't think anything should anything, or others who don't care, but ask of whom can still see that the "higher resolution" stuff still looks better on lower-resolution TVs?

Are we at a point where HDTV looks better than real life?
All brawn and no brains. That says a lot for those who have no brawn, either...

Why Are Screens Better Than Real Life?

Why Does My New HDTV’s Picture Look Sped Up and “Smooth”?

WTF Just Happened: My New HDTV Makes Movies Look Unnaturally Smooth

Top 10 HDTV Myths: Fact vs. Fiction, Hi-Def Style

This souped-up crap is processed sugar and fat food versus fruit and healthy living. Then we'll be living "in" the Internet; here are a few clips from Futurama episodes about being "in" the Internet/virtual reality -


In an episode, Farnsworth is too old to stay a citizen, so he is transported to a Near Death Star. The crew want to get him back so they go to that star and are pretending, to some robot guards, to be bringing him back to the star, saying that he escaped, so they actually can go in and take him back home. He lives on Maple Drive.

In the next clip, we'll see a virtual version of this exact same thing, which is not shown in this clip.
7:38 short version of an episode
1:14 to 3:52 and 06:55

Celibacy and sexual repression-leading-to-false-pent-up-rage is life, is the way to go, and is the future, biatchezzz. It makes sense, because we are no longer slaves to our "baser urges"; instead, we can either live "in" virtual reality, or we can be real or fake violent no-onefuckers, shooting up cinemas with soldiers in, and we must do Spock (Vulcan) versus What's-His-Name (Vulcan) (in the '60s) or Vorik (Vulcan) versus Torres (half-Human/half-Klingon) (in the '90s) to get all of the energy out, instead of having proper sex. As for Torres, despite being half-Human/half-Klingon and rejecting the Klingon side forever, she then becomes full-Klingon and embraces it, ignoring her Humanness. Also in one episode, her Klingon and Human DNAs are separated, and the Klingon her is beastly while the Human her is weak and pathetic. Also the "correct" spelling of "Human" in Star Trek is with a lowercase H, whereas every other species has capital initials. To get around this, Humans sometimes are called Terrans, with a capital T, just like in other sci-fi. (There is so much anti-Human, anti-White, pro-Race-mixing narrative in Star Trek.)

That Vulcan logic-cannot-defeat-Nature 7-year cycle is based on the real-life mating cycle of some Animals. Did you know? With the exception of Humans, dolphins are the only other Animal who have sex for pleasure. I don't want to know how they figured that one out...

Droxine: You only take a mate once every seven years?
Spock: The seven-year cycle is biologically-inherent in all Vulcans. At that time, the mating drive outweighs all other motivations.
Droxine: ...and is there nothing that can disturb that cycle, Mister Spock?
Spock: Extreme feminine beauty is always disturbing, madam.


So no amount of intestinal fortitude, pure moral fiber, nor impeccable logic, Mr Spock, will stop the cardinal, original, dirty, evil sin of needing to get your rocks off. In reality, sex is - dare I say something way...too...so blatantly obvious and sound stupid by saying it - Natural. Not to mention it is a necessity, like eating, etc., not just a nice fucking feeling (pun not intended). Even the incel Mr no-cock couldn't resist the demi-urge of love-making and/or fucking. As with Vulcan Tuvok, when his time...erm...came, he had to use the holodeck because of his principles (which I am in two minds about, to be honest). He had the facsimile of his wife on the holodeck and...got up-and-down to business. I hope that after he finished the deed of planting the seed and turned off the holodeck after he himself was turned off, that he cleaned up his mess in there... Eek. Anyway - haven't the immeasurable-logical Vulcans never heard of masturbation and using their technology - replicators - to fashion a pocket pussy or a dildo or something?! Surely the real-feel technology of some sex toys would be "better than real-life" by then. Sheesh.

Best and most simply example of this is the operation of guns and how most people now think anyone can headshot 10 people with a pistol with no training.
Well, if you shoot from the hip, then you're cool; if you smoke while you do it, then you're cooler; but if you can shoot the ash off the tip end of someone's cigarette while they're smoking it from 50 yards...then even Chuck Norris wouldn't mess with you!

I am guessing that a lot real-life incels are what some would call losers, and spend a lot of money on sex toys and possibly porn...but by the sounds of it, not on prostitutes (not that the latter would be recommended - possibly clean escorts). If the 7-year itch of these incels became too wild, then they most certainly will be in cells for a whiley - then they could get all the... well, Boypussy they could ever want - or be the Boypussy... Does "incel" include girls, or is it just sad loser males who think that they love My Little Brony?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
For these generations also, the demands for merely flipping burgers at MacDonalds, are too high.
I have talked to several business owners and HR managers. At least over here it seems that many members of the so-called snowflake generation (18-22 years old) can't handle even constructive criticism aimed at the quality of their work. "I'm so wonderful or I walk". And they really walk! Many also don't want any responsibility nor being held accountable. Entitlement syndrome mixed with delusions of grandeur, I guess. They are in for a hard landing if they ever wake up.
I forgot to mention to

Gear88 said:
and ill also say to you, as well
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
that a newer film which came out, Shazam! is just the Flash. I haven't seen much, if anything, of DC and Marvel (Star Wars and Star Trek are the same thing to the ignorant), and I have neither seen the Flash nor Shazam!, but just from seeing an advert of it, I know Shazam! is the Flash plagiarised. I would say that if they both are the same (DC or Marvel), then it would be OK, but if not - everything after Star Trek TOS needs permissions and they must pretend to pay to use the name and trademarks, etc. I am guessing that all of the fans are enjoying them all, regardless of the plagiarism. If the jew had enough time, you can bet it would fizzle out a brand or character, do a "new" one, then later on after that, "discover" that the original character used to exist and was very big. The jew has to speed things up now, though.

By the way, in the link I shared to a body-building website, one of the users there had in their siggie that they were a member of the no-fap club. Oy gevalt.
This is because these generations have grown up in a plastic world. As such we have the demands for stupid stuff like forced equalizing and "Socialism" which in their mind they will all be important and unjudged snowflakes, respected and honored only because they breathe.

These meltdowns there are in internet videos are real unfortunately, I have seen it too, done live. People in their 30's that never had someone be critical of them once in their life. Told since 5 they are princesses that can do no wrong at anything.

This is not everyone but it is coming more and more at alarming rates.

I am not saying they are solely victims as these behaviors only further the general movement towards slavery. Toughness is required, and these new generations are corn fed with weakness and entitlement.

But it is not this generations problem only this has began sometime ago. Its just now the Marxist pacifism and indoctrination is just becoming boundlessly obvious due to the movements that allow it more and more.

Apprentice said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
For these generations also, the demands for merely flipping burgers at MacDonalds, are too high.
I have talked to several business owners and HR managers. At least over here it seems that many members of the so-called snowflake generation (18-22 years old) can't handle even constructive criticism aimed at the quality of their work. "I'm so wonderful or I walk". And they really walk! Many also don't want any responsibility nor being held accountable. Entitlement syndrome mixed with delusions of grandeur, I guess. They are in for a hard landing if they ever wake up.
HailVictory88 said:
How many women are killed by promiscuous, low impulse-control men, or killed by boyfriends or partners, compared to the number of women killed by autistics who can't leave the basement without having a panic attack? Not saying some incels aren't bad people, but this obsession with the fictitious "epidemic" of violence related to them seems more about increasing government control and ignoring real social issues like isolation.

The very phrase and meme of "incels" is basically just an attack on whites, particularly white men. 1 to meme whites as crazy/undesirable and 2 to meme them as "LOL pathetic whitey can't get sexors!!". When someone uses this term it's basically another word for white introvert kid and usually follows an attempt to meme white domestic terrorism as the #1 threat in the country. zero coverage of the hundreds of nonwhite gang violence that happens daily, but when a white person does something they make sure to take advantage because of how rare it is(that is if it's not a jew false flagging in the first place which it often is).

the funny thing is that there are probably just as many if not more "involuntary celibate" nonwhite men as there are white men especially for those nonwhites distanced from any semblance of a racial community of their own. if one opens their eyes to reality this is obvious and doesn't just live in a virtual media world (something increasingly common) of a small number of negro multimillionaire athletes/rappers, and porno sets distorting their views. I remember browsing ACTUAL incel forums as recently as a couple months ago and the majority of the posters were nonwhites who cited being nonwhite as one of if not their biggest issue.
Incels are as trash and stupid as the fat weirdo losers who believe that anything with a vagina is royalty. I could care less about the ones who too weak to better themselves but I do agree there is problem with men especially the really young ones being ridiculed for the most superficial reasons and most of society beu ng ok with it. Tho like I said, they need to not be insecure and better themselves and not chase after superficial women who just waste time and don't help you grow spiritually, physically or mentally.

This joker movie is still (((Hollywood))). Are people actually, especially the ones aware of the JP, believing that this movie is somehow against the (((establishment)))? Lol :roll:
hailourtruegod said:
Incels are as trash and stupid as the fat weirdo losers who believe that anything with a vagina is royalty. I could care less about the ones who too weak to better themselves but I do agree there is problem with men especially the really young ones being ridiculed for the most superficial reasons and most of society beu ng ok with it. Tho like I said, they need to not be insecure and better themselves and not chase after superficial women who just waste time and don't help you grow spiritually, physically or mentally.

This joker movie is still (((Hollywood))). Are people actually, especially the ones aware of the JP, believing that this movie is somehow against the (((establishment)))? Lol :roll:

You should pity incels, as opposed to hate them. They are just as frustrated as you are with the world, however their knowledge is lacking, comparatively. They are angry, but do not understand why the world is as it currently is, and how they can improve.
hailourtruegod said:
Incels are as trash and stupid as the fat weirdo losers who believe that anything with a vagina is royalty.

There's only two kinds of men in the world....

1. "All wahmen are queens"
The problem isn't just Men, it's both Men and Women.

Feminism tears down and corrupts Women, and MGTOW / Inceldom tears down Men. Though, Men in general have the raw end of the deal. Especially regarding sex with Women, this is where Inceldom comes from.

And it effects society as a whole. Sure, I mean I'd LOVE to have a GF and have a family at some point. But not only would I need to find someone who either is a SS, or will become a SS. But I would need to move to either a city / larger town, or be extremely lucky in finding someone interested in me :/ And this is roughly the same situation Men my age face.

- Don't make enough to attract a GF

- Don't have many options if any

- And don't have many / know of many (Practical, not bars, night clubs, etc.) places around here to meet someone let alone someone to date or start a family with.

On top of that forget about online dating, it's always the same; Rules for thee, but not for me.

I know this is all temporary too, and that we're going to fix society, and the World. But it just kinda sucks right now, and while I as a SS have options like a Succubus if I ask (and when I open my Astral Senses). Others don't and it's messing with them badly.

But perhaps I'm just a bitter Incel, eh? Lmfao XD

As for the Movie itself, might see it. I know it's going to be filled with bullshit but I am honestly curious as to what everyone's up in arms about.
Apprentice said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
For these generations also, the demands for merely flipping burgers at MacDonalds, are too high.
I have talked to several business owners and HR managers. At least over here it seems that many members of the so-called snowflake generation (18-22 years old) can't handle even constructive criticism aimed at the quality of their work. "I'm so wonderful or I walk". And they really walk! Many also don't want any responsibility nor being held accountable. Entitlement syndrome mixed with delusions of grandeur, I guess. They are in for a hard landing if they ever wake up.

I think you mean 30~ to 22? Gen Z is far from snowflakes (though they're some of the most messed up :/ ), the bar is so low to the floor all you have to do is show up and actually work and you can have a decent job where I am. Sure there's a probationary period before you make your full pay, but after that it's that easy. Though that may just be the company I'm at and where I'm at. Everyone seems to think EVERYONE lives in a city / needs to live in a city when there are good paying jobs elsewhere. Especially in the U.S., but that's a whole other topic for a whole other type of thread.
Blitzkreig said:
hailourtruegod said:
Incels are as trash and stupid as the fat weirdo losers who believe that anything with a vagina is royalty. I could care less about the ones who too weak to better themselves but I do agree there is problem with men especially the really young ones being ridiculed for the most superficial reasons and most of society beu ng ok with it. Tho like I said, they need to not be insecure and better themselves and not chase after superficial women who just waste time and don't help you grow spiritually, physically or mentally.

This joker movie is still (((Hollywood))). Are people actually, especially the ones aware of the JP, believing that this movie is somehow against the (((establishment)))? Lol :roll:

You should pity incels, as opposed to hate them. They are just as frustrated as you are with the world, however their knowledge is lacking, comparatively. They are angry, but do not understand why the world is as it currently is, and how they can improve.

Pity for the weak? How very xian lol. Never. I do not care for the mentally inferior.
ShadowTheRaven said:
There's only two kinds of men in the world....

1. "All wahmen are queens"
hailourtruegod said:
Pity for the weak? How very xian lol. Never. I do not care for the mentally inferior.

Now, normally I'm the one advocating for the total annihilation of weakness in our society but I'm sorry to say that the word "Incel" has a definition so loose these days that it could apply to any man who's been sexless in the past year regardless of whether they're actually part of the community.
ShadowTheRaven said:
hailourtruegod said:
Pity for the weak? How very xian lol. Never. I do not care for the mentally inferior.

Now, normally I'm the one advocating for the total annihilation of weakness in our society but I'm sorry to say that the word "Incel" has a definition so loose these days that it could apply to any man who's been sexless in the past year regardless of whether they're actually part of the community.

Indeed. And this applies to people of both sexes and all ages ;) So by the current definition the largest group of Incels would be the elderly.
They're figuratively shooting the clown now as the jews have decided enough with entertainment. It is not going their way as they have planned.
I'm honestly surprised how much protection this site has and the ADL hasn't tried taking it down. Maybe they're just as afraid of retribution and would give the site free press
hailourtruegod said:
Blitzkreig said:
hailourtruegod said:
Incels are as trash and stupid as the fat weirdo losers who believe that anything with a vagina is royalty. I could care less about the ones who too weak to better themselves but I do agree there is problem with men especially the really young ones being ridiculed for the most superficial reasons and most of society beu ng ok with it. Tho like I said, they need to not be insecure and better themselves and not chase after superficial women who just waste time and don't help you grow spiritually, physically or mentally.

This joker movie is still (((Hollywood))). Are people actually, especially the ones aware of the JP, believing that this movie is somehow against the (((establishment)))? Lol :roll:

You should pity incels, as opposed to hate them. They are just as frustrated as you are with the world, however their knowledge is lacking, comparatively. They are angry, but do not understand why the world is as it currently is, and how they can improve.

Pity for the weak? How very xian lol. Never. I do not care for the mentally inferior.
We’ve found the incel boys!
hailourtruegod said:
Pity for the weak? How very xian lol. Never. I do not care for the mentally inferior.

you sound like an incel tbh


is this u
FancyMancy said:
I forgot to mention to

Gear88 said:
and ill also say to you, as well
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
that a newer film which came out, Shazam! is just the Flash. I haven't seen much, if anything, of DC and Marvel (Star Wars and Star Trek are the same thing to the ignorant), and I have neither seen the Flash nor Shazam!, but just from seeing an advert of it, I know Shazam! is the Flash plagiarised. I would say that if they both are the same (DC or Marvel), then it would be OK, but if not - everything after Star Trek TOS needs permissions and they must pretend to pay to use the name and trademarks, etc. I am guessing that all of the fans are enjoying them all, regardless of the plagiarism. If the jew had enough time, you can bet it would fizzle out a brand or character, do a "new" one, then later on after that, "discover" that the original character used to exist and was very big. The jew has to speed things up now, though.

By the way, in the link I shared to a body-building website, one of the users there had in their siggie that they were a member of the no-fap club. Oy gevalt.

I guess the story is that the actor playing Shazam isn't a Jew as Levi is just his middle name given by unknowing parents, but...I dunno. I just don't trust his face. But regardless of that, the movie never appealed to me for pretty much everything stated already. There's definitely heavy Flash imagery and concepts taken, but then mixed with some wizard shit and random powers from other heroes thrown in because yes. On top of that, it really exhibits this sense of snarky, dry sarcastic comedy mixed with playful goofs that got popularized by Marvel - Iron Man in particular. I've seen too many movies like that to be entertained by that humor at this point; even the new Star Wars movies show some moments of it.

And that's all to say nothing of the fact that there's once again this low-key sexualization of children, since the character's technically a kid that they make into an adult and therefore it's okay to add some sex appeal. Thanks Jews, very cool.
Poweredbythesun said:
Indeed. And this applies to people of both sexes and all ages ;) So by the current definition the largest group of Incels would be the elderly.

...or teenagers under the age of 16. The age itself varies, but 16 seems to be a good average.
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
There's definitely heavy Flash imagery and concepts taken, but then mixed with some wizard shit and random powers from other heroes thrown in because yes.
I've been watching only a few other films which have come out in the last... say... decade or less, maybe just few years, and I was like "That's taken from X", "I've seen that before in Y", "Zed did that already"... It gets so boring.

Well... you know what? Quite frankly, my dear Powstanie, I don't give a damn.

- unintelligible echo in the distance
- What? That's from a film, as well? Oh, for fuck sake.

And that's all to say nothing of the fact that there's once again this low-key sexualization of children, since the character's technically a kid that they make into an adult and therefore it's okay to add some sex appeal. Thanks Jews, very cool.
I don't watch a lot of films, and not many programmes, but the closest I have to that is from seeing adverts/a top-ten review programme which included a bit about that Dora the Explorer film (lost city of gold, of course), where she is not chubby and is too old for the part, compared with the cartoon. I bet that they "argued" that it's believable in a cartoon but not in a real-live-action setting. Well, real-live-action sci-fi and fantasy seems rather unbelievable, especially when there is zero jeopardy for the main characters, etc. At least in that Dora film it is was a bit continuous, whereas in Harry Potter, they changed Hermione from being White to being Black, which the only continuity there is that Hermione is a female. "It never said that Hermione was White. " It also never said that she was Asian, Black or the jew, either. The jew is seriously scraping the bottom of the toilet bowl here. Though, (((they))) don't give a damn, quite frankly; (((tbey))) know you're going to waste money on it, so you are poor and (((they))) are rich, and that's all that matters.

Based on what I have seen, I am guessing it is, among others, some celibate or "incel" types, (despite it having a non-description, as mentioned above) who are the ones who fill the void of things with this shit.
Egon said:
Thankfully the Gods don't think like that otherwise they'd have forsaken our planet for good. Blaming the victim is the jewish-xtian morality.

hailourtruegod said:
Pity for the weak? How very xian lol. Never. I do not care for the mentally inferior.

Incels are not victims. They have their own selves to blame if they can't get over something so superficial as being angry because the Stacys in the world don't like them. You're comparing something serious and deep as what the enemy has dont with angry virgins who get mad that pretty women have privileges that men don't.
Last time I checked not every women or even man are superficial normies but incels are dead on dedicated to only being with a Stacy. Incels are just former "Nice Guys" who got fed up with women not being into them just because they're "nice" and lack a personality.

Dahaarkan said:
hailourtruegod said:
Pity for the weak? How very xian lol. Never. I do not care for the mentally inferior.

you sound like an incel tbh


is this u

Last time I checked incels just bitch and don't do anything to better themselves. Which that last part is what I was ridiculing them for.

Aquarius said:
hailourtruegod said:
Blitzkreig said:
You should pity incels, as opposed to hate them. They are just as frustrated as you are with the world, however their knowledge is lacking, comparatively. They are angry, but do not understand why the world is as it currently is, and how they can improve.

Pity for the weak? How very xian lol. Never. I do not care for the mentally inferior.
We’ve found the incel boys!

Lol. No. Don't put me in your weird war between soft fat losers and angry fat losers.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
