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US Army warns soldiers to be ready for potential 'incel' violence at ’Joker’ film screening

ShadowTheRaven said:
hailourtruegod said:
Pity for the weak? How very xian lol. Never. I do not care for the mentally inferior.

Now, normally I'm the one advocating for the total annihilation of weakness in our society but I'm sorry to say that the word "Incel" has a definition so loose these days that it could apply to any man who's been sexless in the past year regardless of whether they're actually part of the community.

I don't see how incels are just "sexless" individuals. That's actually the first time I'm hearing this. To me they've always been angry virgins and that's still what it means to me. And no this isn't me attacking virginity. :roll: it's just annoying seeing these type of dudes consistently attack women for getting by on their looks. Like get over it. In reality they don't care. They would date them if they could because they're as basic and normie as a lot of those type of women. I've been getting out more since I was getting bored beu ng single but hooking up and dating normies and not having any real connection and not having things to talk about that *I* find interesting and deep has remind me why I stopped going out to those types of places. I've been thinking of taking yoga classes to meet people who are into bettering themselves in that regard and maybe are into spirituality but anyways.

If what you say is true that sexless guys all in general are being branded as incels then I don't agree with that branding. As I understand there are many guys who don't want to be with just anyone and looking for Ms right.

With my definition of incels I find it weird that people here who are part of a community of bettering yourself spiritually, physically and mentally are defending incels. But if incels now are what you wrote here then I can understand the their reasoning.
Shael said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
There's only two kinds of men in the world....

1. "All wahmen are queens"

Behold, the two sides of the same stupid ass jewish coin. The video should have an extra part put in at the end where the jew is laughing and pulling on their strings.

Unfortunately a lot of people do think that you either have to be a "white knight" or an incel. Like why can't I just love women in general and their amazing looks but also be able to talk shit if some of them are boring and stupid or are drug taking race mixing whores. Let a man live. :|

I might be wrong but in the urban community with Hispanics and blacks the "white knight" and incel war doesnt really exist. I like that part but to be fair they have their own set of problems as well in the relationship context that I have ran into.

I really hate that they've made the word white knight as a bad meaning. That shit used to he the guys who would sacrifice himself for his people and the ladies would love him. Now it's a creepy fat dude who in his mind no women can do evil or he judged badly.
hailourtruegod said:
I don't see how incels are just "sexless" individuals. That's actually the first time I'm hearing this. To me they've always been angry virgins and that's still what it means to me. And no this isn't me attacking virginity. :roll: it's just annoying seeing these type of dudes consistently attack women for getting by on their looks. Like get over it. In reality they don't care. They would date them if they could because they're as basic and normie as a lot of those type of women. I've been getting out more since I was getting bored beu ng single but hooking up and dating normies and not having any real connection and not having things to talk about that *I* find interesting and deep has remind me why I stopped going out to those types of places. I've been thinking of taking yoga classes to meet people who are into bettering themselves in that regard and maybe are into spirituality but anyways.

If what you say is true that sexless guys all in general are being branded as incels then I don't agree with that branding. As I understand there are many guys who don't want to be with just anyone and looking for Ms right.

With my definition of incels I find it weird that people here who are part of a community of bettering yourself spiritually, physically and mentally are defending incels. But if incels now are what you wrote here then I can understand the their reasoning.

"To me they've always been angry virgins and that's still what it means to me." That's what it originally meant. An angry virgin who went completely nuts, the prime example being Elliot Rodger. Nowadays if you're sexless, even if you're a normie, even if you've already lost your virginity you can still be branded an incel. It went from a defined term to a generic pejorative that took the place of "virgin". Call a virgin a virgin, call a virgin an incel, call an incel a virgin, or just call them what they are because there's a difference.

I've also gotten bored with being single all the time but absolutely nobody wants to connect and have a conversation because they're too busy looking at their phones and either swooning over some Instagram model, sperging out over a typo in one of Donald Trump's tweets, or texting their drug dealer asking if they have more weed, molly, cocaine, or whatever it is these kids smoke, snort, or shoot nowadays. I've also had the same idea of going to yoga classes, but chances are, you're going to meet a lot of self-righteous pricks that are just impossible to be around. Maybe if you're lucky you'll find a woman (or man, idk your gender or sexuality) who is legitimately open minded and simply wants to better themselves.

Normies have hijacked the word "incel" and have used it as a pejorative similar to schoolyard bullying in order to convince a person to do the opposite of what an incel would do, which is basically get high, get drunk, and fuck a lot of bitches like it's nobody's business.
hailourtruegod said:
Egon said:
Thankfully the Gods don't think like that otherwise they'd have forsaken our planet for good. Blaming the victim is the jewish-xtian morality.

hailourtruegod said:
Pity for the weak? How very xian lol. Never. I do not care for the mentally inferior.

Incels are not victims. They have their own selves to blame if they can't get over something so superficial as being angry because the Stacys in the world don't like them. You're comparing something serious and deep as what the enemy has dont with angry virgins who get mad that pretty women have privileges that men don't.
Last time I checked not every women or even man are superficial normies but incels are dead on dedicated to only being with a Stacy. Incels are just former "Nice Guys" who got fed up with women not being into them just because they're "nice" and lack a personality.

Dahaarkan said:
hailourtruegod said:
Pity for the weak? How very xian lol. Never. I do not care for the mentally inferior.

you sound like an incel tbh


is this u

Last time I checked incels just bitch and don't do anything to better themselves. Which that last part is what I was ridiculing them for.

Aquarius said:
hailourtruegod said:
Pity for the weak? How very xian lol. Never. I do not care for the mentally inferior.
We’ve found the incel boys!

Lol. No. Don't put me in your weird war between soft fat losers and angry fat losers.
Meant it for the other guy, brotha.
Aquarius said:
hailourtruegod said:
Egon said:
Thankfully the Gods don't think like that otherwise they'd have forsaken our planet for good. Blaming the victim is the jewish-xtian morality.

Incels are not victims. They have their own selves to blame if they can't get over something so superficial as being angry because the Stacys in the world don't like them. You're comparing something serious and deep as what the enemy has dont with angry virgins who get mad that pretty women have privileges that men don't.
Last time I checked not every women or even man are superficial normies but incels are dead on dedicated to only being with a Stacy. Incels are just former "Nice Guys" who got fed up with women not being into them just because they're "nice" and lack a personality.

Dahaarkan said:
you sound like an incel tbh


is this u

Last time I checked incels just bitch and don't do anything to better themselves. Which that last part is what I was ridiculing them for.

Aquarius said:
We’ve found the incel boys!

Lol. No. Don't put me in your weird war between soft fat losers and angry fat losers.
Meant it for the other guy, brotha.

Oh lol. My mistake, bru.
Everything about this Joker and anti-Joker stuff and all the memes are so fucked up and gross. I've said it once on the other post but this entire thing is engineered to silence male victims of sex abuse especially in the wake of the Hollywood scandals. What happens is basically it preys on people to intently convince them men with sex issues are all virgin rapists and enforces "safe bullying" (aka group harassment and mass legal issues) to clog up court systems and just ruin relationships between people. The goal is to break down those who have the ability to expose things like mass rape and child annihilation cults in places like Hollywood by breaking them and "fixing" them diagnosing with general-crazy-liar-disease and permanently ruining their faith and discrediting them. Now of course people are incredibly stupid compared to even what we think of them, so now this is backfiring and extending into even trans men, literal trans men, being labelled as ugly sexless rapist virgins. Hopefully this bullshit of people wanting to tear apart young mens souls and buttr*** them with strapons will stop soon, because there are so many young boys out there who desperately need help and none of them are out shooting up the place. I remember being just a fifteen year old boy and being told by a woman she wanted to rape me in the asshole, like it was just her sexuality so therefor it was okay to say since I must have gotten laid with a hotter girl than her at least once. So the average person clearly has some guilty feelings or resentment around this hate of young boys as well.
hailourtruegod said:
Last time I checked incels just bitch and don't do anything to better themselves. Which that last part is what I was ridiculing them for.

Incels are people who already have issues to begin with and things simply get worse because of their terrible sex life. This alone causes many issues on the mental level and it seems the meme nowadays is putting a spotlight upon these people and mocking them further and reinforcing their feelings of worthlessness and more importantly making them feel cornered and hated by the world.

This ties into psychopathic tendencies where a person falls into a mentality that it is them vs the whole world that despises them, slowly leading to a total loss of empathy for others along with their hopeless "nothing to lose" state plus general hate and jealousy for everybody around them is the cocktail that makes a mass shooter.

Guys become incels because they have dogshit for social skills this can be because of a number of factors out of the person's control. I see sex as a basic need and a guy that can't get laid is on the same level as a person with a physical disability in my eyes. These people are sick and need therapy and help with their social skills.

Not being mocked and harassed until they shoot up a school. I don't know why it's so hard to understand this incel meme was created for a reason, at a time when our best friends forever are desperate and need as much killing and chaos as possible. Yes let's push and harass people who are already mentally unstable until they snap, it will be hilarious.

Egon's reply is spot on. Imagine if everyone here thought like you JoS wouldn't even exist. Why uplift and educate our people fuck the weak amirite. Haha their fault for being stupid goyim let them suffer

I've made posts about this before and I'll say it again: fuck yourself if you blame your own people for the suffering the jews inflict upon them.

And for the record an incel is a person that is unable to connect with anybody on a romantic or sexual level as far as I know. To my understanding in incel communities members try to incite and encourage violence and shootings. I'd love to know how many of those "members" are just kikes trying to get these clowns to shoot up a school.
Id rather meet someone that is deep and into spirituality and wants to be free on a social and mental level and not told what to do I am happy. Actual positive energy is nice and not wanting to be lazy but do something be dedicated to spirituality hopefully Satanism since anything anyone is ever lazy with these days is boring.

I want them to see that the earth is pointless and boring and make it so we have meaning in life. I want us to do everything toghether. I like lighthearted and fun people not mean and Aggressive.

What I don't get is why girls don't seem to go for guys that are nice and have positive energy everyone says I am yet they go for people that are really negative no problem.

Also a plus is not to many oppositions or squares or signs that are right next to mine in astrology. As I have dealt with that the most and people that have signs right next to mine too much just don't take an interest that much in anything I do or fully understand me even though often it's not like we are not compatible we get along nicely but I'm bored.

I have all this I am happy. I have never had a relationship where I can fully be with the person cause I always sense something deep within me conflicts with them.

I also can't seem to get any real connection with anyone. I don't have that many friends let alone lovers and I am not even fully sure how to interact in today's world but I am fine whenever I was chatting with anyone who was Satanic even if they are nothing like me or have a conflicting personality.

I don't really want to waste time much with humanity it is pointless everything they are into and worry about is petty and it gets us nowhere.

This is why it is not easy for me to find many friends let alone partners. If I don't have a connection on a deeper level with someone it's hard even to focus or orgasm.

All of this is why I think any actual positive guy who is into girls would be an incel in today's world cause women are attracted to the wrong things and hard to be with or get along with. Even worse though is other guys.

This is why for the most part I only have one friend and she would agree with most of what I said on here we talked about it a lot.

I want friends and a social life and to get out but I don't feel like I am part of the world at all or meant to be. I feel like I am just stuck here and it all does not really apply to me. I feel like I am a college student taking elementary school classes being on Earth this is the best analogy I can think of.

After a point after I have to keep incarnating here I isolate myself cause there is nothing to do it's all boring pointless and feels repetetitive I do remember some of my lives and I only stuck with a few people throughout them I never remember having that many friends at least not since the enemy took over.

This is my thoughts.
slyscorpion said:

You want to mesh satanism with your social life that's your problem. The two are not compatible it's that simple.

I have two friends that are total nihilists and see everything as pointless and they are very boring people, and most importantly their libido is totally fucked and basically non existent. I can't stand guys like this and I imagine that's close to what a straight incel is like.
slyscorpion said:
What I don't get is why girls don't seem to go for guys that are nice and have positive energy everyone says I am yet they go for people that are really negative no problem.
There's a bunch of "reasons" behind this. For one, many people think that the "bad guys" would have some kind of mysterious and hidden side to them, which creates curiosity and attraction.

For two, the "nice guys" are often perceived as more submissive and "beta" kind of males, which for obvious reasons makes them seem less attractive to people than the "bad guy" who isn't afraid of doing bad things. I believe people work off the illusion that befriending (or taking as a lover) a bad guy, would mean that this person would somehow be nice to them and only be bad to others, which would create a sense of being protected. This however is not what happens in most cases, and the "bad guy" just turns abusive towards their partner.
But even despite this, most people still prefer the bad guy over the submissive beta "nice guy". Not to mention that the abrahamic faiths program people subconsciously to invite suffering and slavery into their lives, which also adds towards making them prefer the bad guy.

If you want people to look at you with more attraction, then try building some masculinity. Do some workouts regularly and work on your confidence. A nice guy who isn't afraid to pick a fight and engage in conflict, is the one who will stand superior to any "bad guy" out there.
Shael said:
slyscorpion said:
What I don't get is why girls don't seem to go for guys that are nice and have positive energy everyone says I am yet they go for people that are really negative no problem.
There's a bunch of "reasons" behind this. For one, many people think that the "bad guys" would have some kind of mysterious and hidden side to them, which creates curiosity and attraction.

For two, the "nice guys" are often perceived as more submissive and "beta" kind of males, which for obvious reasons makes them seem less attractive to people than the "bad guy" who isn't afraid of doing bad things. I believe people work off the illusion that befriending (or taking as a lover) a bad guy, would mean that this person would somehow be nice to them and only be bad to others, which would create a sense of being protected. This however is not what happens in most cases, and the "bad guy" just turns abusive towards their partner.
But even despite this, most people still prefer the bad guy over the submissive beta "nice guy". Not to mention that the abrahamic faiths program people subconsciously to invite suffering and slavery into their lives, which also adds towards making them prefer the bad guy.

If you want people to look at you with more attraction, then try building some masculinity. Do some workouts regularly and work on your confidence. A nice guy who isn't afraid to pick a fight and engage in conflict, is the one who will stand superior to any "bad guy" out there.

Yee, confidence is one of the best things someone can have. Confidence is magnetic. I have met several guys who were not even attractive or did not havr a good personality but their confidence is what still made people flock to them. Dont underestimate.

Like Shael said, have a balance of tough and masculine, yet noble and caring. Also, if I was a guy, I wouldnt even care to try to attract girls who go for the bad boy type and only see those qualities in high regard. In this day in age, most people-the masses- either dont know what they want, are superficial in some way, aren't emotionally mature and not spiritually open which causes these problems. In a way it effects all of us, especially SS people, in finding quality people to befriend or partner with.
Shael said:
slyscorpion said:
What I don't get is why girls don't seem to go for guys that are nice and have positive energy everyone says I am yet they go for people that are really negative no problem.
There's a bunch of "reasons" behind this. For one, many people think that the "bad guys" would have some kind of mysterious and hidden side to them, which creates curiosity and attraction.

For two, the "nice guys" are often perceived as more submissive and "beta" kind of males, which for obvious reasons makes them seem less attractive to people than the "bad guy" who isn't afraid of doing bad things. I believe people work off the illusion that befriending (or taking as a lover) a bad guy, would mean that this person would somehow be nice to them and only be bad to others, which would create a sense of being protected. This however is not what happens in most cases, and the "bad guy" just turns abusive towards their partner.
But even despite this, most people still prefer the bad guy over the submissive beta "nice guy". Not to mention that the abrahamic faiths program people subconsciously to invite suffering and slavery into their lives, which also adds towards making them prefer the bad guy.

If you want people to look at you with more attraction, then try building some masculinity. Do some workouts regularly and work on your confidence. A nice guy who isn't afraid to pick a fight and engage in conflict, is the one who will stand superior to any "bad guy" out there.

I back to this reply up. It does work having a balance of nobility and tough guy. Some guys here are obviously hung up on getting those normie superficial girls and being balanced, as Shael described, will not only attract those type of people but the noble side combined with masculinity does attract women who smarter and better people than the latter. Not perfect but better is better. Of course this is just my opinion based on experience and with talking to people.

Actually if you guys look at a pro strongman called Brian Shaw you'll see his demeanor is like a friendly teddy bear towards friends and family but no one would mess with him. I think that's a good example lol. Don't have to be exactly like him but I think that gives a good idea.
Shael said:
slyscorpion said:
What I don't get is why girls don't seem to go for guys that are nice and have positive energy everyone says I am yet they go for people that are really negative no problem.
There's a bunch of "reasons" behind this. For one, many people think that the "bad guys" would have some kind of mysterious and hidden side to them, which creates curiosity and attraction.

For two, the "nice guys" are often perceived as more submissive and "beta" kind of males, which for obvious reasons makes them seem less attractive to people than the "bad guy" who isn't afraid of doing bad things. I believe people work off the illusion that befriending (or taking as a lover) a bad guy, would mean that this person would somehow be nice to them and only be bad to others, which would create a sense of being protected. This however is not what happens in most cases, and the "bad guy" just turns abusive towards their partner.
But even despite this, most people still prefer the bad guy over the submissive beta "nice guy". Not to mention that the abrahamic faiths program people subconsciously to invite suffering and slavery into their lives, which also adds towards making them prefer the bad guy.

If you want people to look at you with more attraction, then try building some masculinity. Do some workouts regularly and work on your confidence. A nice guy who isn't afraid to pick a fight and engage in conflict, is the one who will stand superior to any "bad guy" out there.
There be an old saying - nice guys finish last. That could be...erm...taken cough in different...erm...ways cough, and I'm not talking about Green Day nor the Orion Experience. Here are some links regarding "nice guys finish last" -

“Nice guys finish last.” Really? What does the research say?

Why “Nice Guys Finish Last” is Wrong
Is being nice a losing strategy?

Why Do Nice Guys Always Finish Last?
Here's a crazy notion: maybe they don't.


Do Nice Guys Really Finish Last?
New research into agreeableness and financial success yields some surprises.


Jordan Peterson: Why Do Nice Guys Nice Finish Last? (MUST WATCH)

Nice Guys Finish Fast and Bad Guys Finish Last: Facilitatory vs. Inhibitory Interaction in Parallel Systems.

NCBI is the National Centre for Biotechnology Information and it advances science and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic information. That page on this link mentions Systems Factorial Technology -

Systems Factorial Technology: A Theory Driven Methodology for the Identification of Perceptual and Cognitive Mechanisms explores the theoretical and methodological tools used to investigate fundamental questions central to basic psychological and perceptual processes. Such processes include detection, identification, classification, recognition, and decision-making.

This book collects the tools that allow researchers to deal with the pervasive model mimicry problems which exist in standard experimental and theoretical paradigms and includes novel applications to not only basic psychological questions, but also clinical diagnosis and links to neuroscience.

Researchers can use this book to begin using the methodology behind SFT and to get an overview of current uses and future directions. The collected developments and applications of SFT allow us to peer inside the human mind and provide strong constraints on psychological theory.

  • Provides a thorough introduction to the diagnostic tools offered by SFT
  • Includes a tutorial on applying the method to reaction time data from a variety of different situations
  • Introduces novel advances for testing the significance of SFT results
  • Incorporates new measures that allow for the relaxation of the high accuracy criterion
  • Examines tools to expand the scope of SFT analyses
  • Applies SFT to a spectrum of different cognitive domains across different sensory modalities

So the term "incel" is not defined - or should I say it is not "defined", so from what I have gathered, "incels" are too nice to get laid, and can be, but not are necessarily, angry because of that. This, in some people's opinions, makes them losers and shouldn't be pitied nor helped, when they needed someone else to wipe their arse for a few years, but also elderly people, very technically, do fall into this "category", dare I call it. Well... whatever the weather, there is so-called scientific research into the cognitive processes of it and interaction (sociopsychology, or sexosociopsychology)... but also contradictory...erm...evidence(?) which states that those who are too nice don't finish last...

So now then... which way will it go? The jew "puts out some 'feelers'" to see what will happen and to see how things will happen, so that it can then decide what to do next. If I were a betting person, I'd bet each person who visits this forum, the Yahoo! Groups, and all of JoSM sites and profiles/accounts/pages that there will not be any gun-totin', penis-strokin', ...surely also for girls... vagina-finger-pokin' shootings in any cinemas showing this film. Girls can be whatever gender-fluid-change-my-mind-every-day-LGBTQROFLCOPTER-incel-is-supposed-to-be-today, as well...can't they?! They seem to be less-bothered about it, though.

Maybe the Boy whatever-incel-is-today-s should get together and have some FwB (friends with benefits) fun privately, and not be upset with gettin' they dick wet, bwoi. For those who are very lonely, then they should improve themselves so that they could at least get with someone. Attend Gay Night and see about getting some dick, whether they're gay or bi or not. You don't need to be non-heterosexual to have non-heterosexual sex, but you need sex! It also goes without saying - with someone of your own Race!
An arab satanist here watching a post about the westren problems caused by jews.... We have our problems too and gusse what??? the Causer is the same..

In my country sex before marrige could get your ass Whipped in public by the police and there is an organization in my country called (the organization of Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice) the men who work in this Authority have the right to arrest and whip any unmarried couple who show any type of flirting in public and if they Caught having sex they will be whipped or stoned and these guys have the right to break into houses and arrest people just because they where partying and drinking Alcohol...but at the same time Princes and ministers could party and drink and do whatever they want and get away with it... And the Sexual deprivation and sexual repression in my country is so high that you see many 16 years old teens may turn into pedos and have sex with 8 years olds i saw this with my own eyes!

...In short words If you in the west and america complain about being a virgin at 20 years old then what should i say about a society where you find a 40 years olds that never (((handshake))) a woman let alone having sex.....
Shael said:
slyscorpion said:
What I don't get is why girls don't seem to go for guys that are nice and have positive energy everyone says I am yet they go for people that are really negative no problem.
There's a bunch of "reasons" behind this. For one, many people think that the "bad guys" would have some kind of mysterious and hidden side to them, which creates curiosity and attraction.

For two, the "nice guys" are often perceived as more submissive and "beta" kind of males, which for obvious reasons makes them seem less attractive to people than the "bad guy" who isn't afraid of doing bad things. I believe people work off the illusion that befriending (or taking as a lover) a bad guy, would mean that this person would somehow be nice to them and only be bad to others, which would create a sense of being protected. This however is not what happens in most cases, and the "bad guy" just turns abusive towards their partner.
But even despite this, most people still prefer the bad guy over the submissive beta "nice guy". Not to mention that the abrahamic faiths program people subconsciously to invite suffering and slavery into their lives, which also adds towards making them prefer the bad guy.

If you want people to look at you with more attraction, then try building some masculinity. Do some workouts regularly and work on your confidence. A nice guy who isn't afraid to pick a fight and engage in conflict, is the one who will stand superior to any "bad guy" out there.

I get all your posts. I have cancer moon and Mars in Libra (as I have said before anyways I don't want to reveal too much) so I am kind of sensitive anyways not extremely masculine. This will be hard for me.

I do admit myself to not liking people that are full on goodie goodies I don't think I fit that persona either but I not the bad guy or tough guy either However yes I am a lot more confident than I was this is a good thing.

I can work on this but I don't know I don't even like at all "tough guys" I lump them in with gangsters and thugs and those that just superficiality talk about and brag about getting laid with any woman that walks all the time and seem to have women friends all around them yet they are complete Jerks that is what I didnt and kind of still cannot fathom in a way because being attracted to that is foregn to my way of thinking completely but I do get what you are saying. When guys that are kind and sweet are basically incels as they call it now. I don't even really like that word to be honest. It seems like this is another label that is and will be pushed to make people conform to some kind of group and divide the genders with men just like feminism did to women.
HPS Shannon said:
Shael said:
slyscorpion said:
What I don't get is why girls don't seem to go for guys that are nice and have positive energy everyone says I am yet they go for people that are really negative no problem.
There's a bunch of "reasons" behind this. For one, many people think that the "bad guys" would have some kind of mysterious and hidden side to them, which creates curiosity and attraction.

For two, the "nice guys" are often perceived as more submissive and "beta" kind of males, which for obvious reasons makes them seem less attractive to people than the "bad guy" who isn't afraid of doing bad things. I believe people work off the illusion that befriending (or taking as a lover) a bad guy, would mean that this person would somehow be nice to them and only be bad to others, which would create a sense of being protected. This however is not what happens in most cases, and the "bad guy" just turns abusive towards their partner.
But even despite this, most people still prefer the bad guy over the submissive beta "nice guy". Not to mention that the abrahamic faiths program people subconsciously to invite suffering and slavery into their lives, which also adds towards making them prefer the bad guy.

If you want people to look at you with more attraction, then try building some masculinity. Do some workouts regularly and work on your confidence. A nice guy who isn't afraid to pick a fight and engage in conflict, is the one who will stand superior to any "bad guy" out there.

Yee, confidence is one of the best things someone can have. Confidence is magnetic. I have met several guys who were not even attractive or did not havr a good personality but their confidence is what still made people flock to them. Dont underestimate.

Like Shael said, have a balance of tough and masculine, yet noble and caring. Also, if I was a guy, I wouldnt even care to try to attract girls who go for the bad boy type and only see those qualities in high regard. In this day in age, most people-the masses- either dont know what they want, are superficial in some way, aren't emotionally mature and not spiritually open which causes these problems. In a way it effects all of us, especially SS people, in finding quality people to befriend or partner with.

Not to ask for a hand-holding sort of tutorial on building confidence. But how exactly does one go about building confidence? :/

I personally am going to start doing the 28 day program in Ming Shi Yan's book: The Shaolin workout and it says that is a start to building confidence, by getting to know yourself and trust yourself.

FancyMancy said:
Maybe the Boy whatever-incel-is-today-s should get together and have some FwB (friends with benefits) fun privately, and not be upset with gettin' they dick wet, bwoi. For those who are very lonely, then they should improve themselves so that they could at least get with someone. Attend Gay Night and see about getting some dick, whether they're gay or bi or not. You don't need to be non-heterosexual to have non-heterosexual sex, but you need sex! It also goes without saying - with someone of your own Race!

Oof, that is possible but would probably backfire for people who are straight as an arrow XD As for FwB, I can only speak from my one (1) experience I had with a Woman that did stuff like that and it sucked :/ No cuddling, barely any kissing, and I only orgasmed once the entire time we were seeing each other. Though that might be from the circumcision the damned doctor did to me after I was born X(

As well, not everyone has as many options. Though I guess if I tried hard enough I could go to the city on a weekend and try to meet someone at a bar or somewhere else, but I also fear getting accused of 'rape' with the whole #metoo craze. Will probably just ask Father Satan about getting a Succubus sooner rather than later :) For someone like me it's more of a lack of intimacy sort of issue, rather than a lack of sex. I don't remember what the MRA and MGTOW community called it (when I was involved with them) but they had a word for it.
Ok I can be Noble if that is what it's called. I am less afraid of conflict than some people but I am not really tough guy. I am working on confidence.

The only problem is I don't know how or where to talk to people. If society was set up with more structure id bet I would have a lot of friends right now and stuff to do most the time when not meditating or doing spiritual things.

My problem with not knowing how to interact is mainly the lack of structure. I already still don't understand Normies or why they are attracted to certain types.

I think I am the only one on here that I remember commenting on this. In society many people in my generation actually are lost cause of lack of structure so that is one of the real reason a lot of people turn to drugs or screens like tv video games etc

I think by far even a lot of Normies would agree with me here there is no structure in the world people kind of walk around lost most the time.

I am not saying people should set up a regemented Society where everyone is told what to do at all what I am saying is there is no good options for structure. If people are to meet others where are they supposed to do it, what are they supposed to do when doing this, etc

I think more options outside of drinking drugs and enemy stuff or pointless things should be offered. Really when I say those things are out all structure and social events are pretty much out the window. Except maybe a few things and I am having trouble finding it.
slyscorpion said:
I get all your posts. I have cancer moon and Mars in Libra (as I have said before anyways I don't want to reveal too much) so I am kind of sensitive anyways not extremely masculine. This will be hard for me.

I do admit myself to not liking people that are full on goodie goodies I don't think I fit that persona either but I not the bad guy or tough guy either However yes I am a lot more confident than I was this is a good thing.

I can work on this but I don't know I don't even like at all "tough guys" I lump them in with gangsters and thugs and those that just superficiality talk about and brag about getting laid with any woman that walks all the time and seem to have women friends all around them yet they are complete Jerks that is what I didnt and kind of still cannot fathom in a way because being attracted to that is foregn to my way of thinking completely but I do get what you are saying. When guys that are kind and sweet are basically incels as they call it now. I don't even really like that word to be honest. It seems like this is another label that is and will be pushed to make people conform to some kind of group and divide the genders with men just like feminism did to women.
Don't worry. There is no need to become some kind of abrasive caveman or anything. Just make sure that you have confidence in yourself and that you aren't afraid to defend yourself, your opinion, and your loved ones.
Poweredbythesun said:
Not to ask for a hand-holding sort of tutorial on building confidence. But how exactly does one go about building confidence? :/
Definitely look into using Sun energies. Try to stay away from Mars for this as it can make you an insensitive asshole in some cases. Once the Sun is in a better sign again, start a working with its planetary mantra. Either a square, or just a simple working with the same number of reps every day. I used one single Sun square with an affirmation to fully clean my 3rd chakra (not even a direct affirmation for confidence) and this passively destroyed most if not all issues I've had about confidence.

Sun will leave Libra on the 23rd of October. From that point onward you can begin workings with Sun energies again. The strongest times for these are when the Sun is in Aries or Leo, but it will take until ~March next year until this happens. You'll be able to check with the new SS calendar once it comes out.

Use the Sun's planetary mantra, with Svaha at the end. Try to vibrate it right into your 3rd chakra for maximum effect. While you vibrate, you can also visualize strong, vibrant and warm rays of sunlight shining onto your 3rd chakra. This is what I did and it felt nice.
If you do not want to do the square, I would recommend going for 18x or 36x the planetary mantra, to further tie into Sun energies.

Also, check the audio by Maxine on how to vibrate the planetary mantra of the Sun.

I hope this helps you :)
The main reason why some men couldnt get the attention of the ladies is having low sexual energy and the main cause is too much mastrubating this is the reason why men who orgasm too much report things like people treating them like shit and being awkward when to talking to women.. However too much Definition is diffrent from man to man... People who have low sex drive shouldnt push themselves and orgasm multiple times in the same day or it will turn from Pleasure to stress.. The solution is short term ((seed Preservation))
Just orgasm once a week if you have low sex drive

And if you think about it you will discover that great guys through history didnt waste thier time on having sex or mastrubation 10 times a day most of these men Organized thier lives and do whats importent first than the sex will come after
I will post that the Venus square does seem to helping in this area even though I am doing the material square for money.

I notice people are a lot nicer and more talkative to me. That is cool and since I have a positive vibration anyways I think I pulled in the higher vibration energy of venus.

I know about utilizing sexual energy I didn't think of this honestly but I can try having that vibe around me with Venus.

I am just waiting for Mars in Scorpio to see what I can do with this lol.

Thanks for the info on this. I planned to use Mars in Scorpio to attract an ideal sexual partner which hopefully would also be another friend I can talk to and share interests with and maybe even help me with my idea for making more money in the future (I have a job I am going to try and save up as much as I can for it but I need a partner to work with in this)
Dahaarkan said:
slyscorpion said:

You want to mesh satanism with your social life that's your problem. The two are not compatible it's that simple.

I have two friends that are total nihilists and see everything as pointless and they are very boring people, and most importantly their libido is totally fucked and basically non existent. I can't stand guys like this and I imagine that's close to what a straight incel is like.

Then why do you call them "friends"? I'd call them acquaintances. Friends are like family members.
Stormblood said:
Then why do you call them "friends"? I'd call them acquaintances. Friends are like family members.

I mean I can't stand them in terms of being in a relationship with them and spending lots of time with them. It gets quite annoying when all they want to talk about is how much life sucks and everything is screwed.
Stormblood said:
Then why do you call them "friends"? I'd call them acquaintances. Friends are like family members.

Gotta agree with Storm here. Sorta like "love", people throw the word "friend" around far too easily. Acquaintance far better describes most fleeting relationships. Friends are the people you truly care about and vice versa.

Amusingly, this whole system is yet another jewed up thing. It was common for men of older eras to speak affectionately and emotionally of one another. In some cultures even today its common for male friends to hold hands. But in much of the modern west men have to be emotionally dead to one another because anything else would be "ew gay." The bond my grandfather had with his war veteran friends probably would've been called "gay" by "men" in the here and now. But anyway, friends definitely are not people you can't otherwise stand. All my friends know about my beliefs and respect them and even inquire about them even if they do not partake themselves.
Dahaarkan said:
You want to mesh satanism with your social life that's your problem. The two are not compatible it's that simple.

I have two friends that are total nihilists and see everything as pointless and they are very boring people, and most importantly their libido is totally fucked and basically non existent. I can't stand guys like this and I imagine that's close to what a straight incel is like.

There's plenty of reasons why people who call themselves your "friends" are bullshitting you. There is no such thing as friends. People will use you if you give them a reason to, and I'd rather live my life in solitude than subject myself to such humiliation. Not anymore, not ever again.

The only thing that's important is getting these RTRs done and accomplishing our goal to rid the Earth of the jewish menace and to ascend to Godhood. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less.
ShadowTheRaven said:
There's plenty of reasons why people who call themselves your "friends" are bullshitting you. There is no such thing as friends. People will use you if you give them a reason to, and I'd rather live my life in solitude than subject myself to such humiliation. Not anymore, not ever again.

The only thing that's important is getting these RTRs done and accomplishing our goal to rid the Earth of the jewish menace and to ascend to Godhood. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less.

So because you're an incompetent judge of character and make friends with the wrong people now it's a mistake in general to have friends. Nice.

There's nothing like having good friends that support you and want to watch you succeed at life, and it's good for your spiritual and mental health to surround yourself with such people.

Yes people can betray your trust and abuse you that's why you don't give them reason or means to do so.
Dahaarkan said:
So because you're an incompetent judge of character and make friends with the wrong people now it's a mistake in general to have friends. Nice.

There's nothing like having good friends that support you and want to watch you succeed at life, and it's good for your spiritual and mental health to surround yourself with such people.

Yes people can betray your trust and abuse you that's why you don't give them reason or means to do so.

Friends that support you and want me to succeed? Ha, where are they? Cause they ain't in America, that's for sure. Friendship can't be fostered in a culture of decadence, degeneracy, and selfishness.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Dahaarkan said:
So because you're an incompetent judge of character and make friends with the wrong people now it's a mistake in general to have friends. Nice.

There's nothing like having good friends that support you and want to watch you succeed at life, and it's good for your spiritual and mental health to surround yourself with such people.

Yes people can betray your trust and abuse you that's why you don't give them reason or means to do so.

Friends that support you and want me to succeed? Ha, where are they? Cause they ain't in America, that's for sure. Friendship can't be fostered in a culture of decadence, degeneracy, and selfishness.
I think that is why it is termed "make friends". Plus with Magick, you very much can very well make friends - and you can do it very well!
ShadowTheRaven said:
Friends that support you and want me to succeed? Ha, where are they? Cause they ain't in America, that's for sure. Friendship can't be fostered in a culture of decadence, degeneracy, and selfishness.

This organization is proof of your ignorance. People like this are hard to find but they exist. Keep looking.
Dahaarkan said:
This organization is proof of your ignorance. People like this are hard to find but they exist. Keep looking.

This organization isn't a forum of friends, it's one gargantuan family under Satan and the Gods. Family will always be better than friends.
ShadowTheRaven said:
The only thing that's important is getting these RTRs done and accomplishing our goal to rid the Earth of the jewish menace and to ascend to Godhood. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less.

You're half right. The Final RTR is of the utmost importance, and SHOULD be practiced by EVERY SS every day without fail. But to live to only do the RTR and Meditate is to discard what it is to Live.

I'm sure others can elaborate better. But more or less we are NOT machines, and your overzealousness will lead you to burn out if you decide to do more than you can handle. And then you will have to start over, again.
Poweredbythesun said:
You're half right. The Final RTR is of the utmost importance, and SHOULD be practiced by EVERY SS every day without fail. But to live to only do the RTR and Meditate is to discard what it is to Live.

I'm sure others can elaborate better. But more or less we are NOT machines, and your overzealousness will lead you to burn out if you decide to do more than you can handle. And then you will have to start over, again.

I don't want to burn out, but I also want to get this shit done as quickly and efficiently as possible. I literally have no time for a social life anymore, it's just go to work, come home, meditate, RTR, sleep, repeat. Only thing I do in-between is help my father with some errands like yard work, fixing his truck, and what have you? So people like me have no time for "living", by that I mean going out to the movies, the club, hanging out at a bar with friends, or whatever.
Poweredbythesun said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
The only thing that's important is getting these RTRs done and accomplishing our goal to rid the Earth of the jewish menace and to ascend to Godhood. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less.

You're half right. The Final RTR is of the utmost importance, and SHOULD be practiced by EVERY SS every day without fail. But to live to only do the RTR and Meditate is to discard what it is to Live.

I'm sure others can elaborate better. But more or less we are NOT machines, and your overzealousness will lead you to burn out if you decide to do more than you can handle. And then you will have to start over, again.

Let's just say this. I do the RTR so I can eventually make friends. I am hoping in a couple years our beliefs become popular enough so that at someone or a few people in my current area (or where I am living at the time) become Satanists and I can actually make friends. I'd trust one of us a lot more cause they can't screw me over or do anything wrong to me or at least they understand me. I know some of us are not compatible or would not get along in real life for whatever reason like Hoodedcobra mentioned several times. However my hope is to find someone who is compatable with me or a couple people not start a huge group or anything like that. So I don't think that is impossible I mean some of us on here are lucky enough to have SS partners or friends.

I don't really want to relate to outsiders that much anymore I am getting more and more sick of everything. I think I'd be fine though if I knew someone in real life so at least I'd have someone to talk to. On the 13th or 14th I may talk to Bael about it and see if he can do this since I know him and feel like he understands me but I don't want to bother any of the God's during this time as it's Yom Kippur I know they are busy.

I will be fine but I don't know how anyone really relates that much to total outsiders well at least on a closer level. You know if you connected with them on any deeper level or try to you'd be fucked by the enemy and completely open in a way that might take hours or days of bad attacks to close off yourself too. I really am a deeper person who likes to connect with others. Also I am an outer planet person like literally all the outer planets except Pluto are rulers or co rulers in my chart and Pluto is in my 8 th house in Scorpio. So yeah I don't know how I would ever be understood by a regular person.

It does make me feel sad sometimes and alone but I am ok.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Family will always be better than friends.
This statement in itself shows that you have a lot of hangups about these things. In reality, real friends are what one would consider family. Family and friend-relationships are very similar to each other, with the only difference being blood-relation when speaking of direct family.

The fact that you think of these in such a seperated manner shows quite directly that you have only had superficial and shitty friends in your life, which is why you started perceiving these two things as so different from each other. Superficiality is very prevalent with all the programmed normies out there nowadays.

There are lots and lots of shitty people out there. I get that. But do not let your traumas and scars shut you out from the fact that every SS, even you, can find real and true friends in this world.

As long as you keep searching, you will find somebody eventually. If you are scared of being hurt again, then do a little working for it to lower the odds of meeting shitty people on your search. :)
Shael said:
This statement in itself shows that you have a lot of hangups about these things. In reality, real friends are what one would consider family. Family and friend-relationships are very similar to each other, with the only difference being blood-relation when speaking of direct family.

The fact that you think of these in such a seperated manner shows quite directly that you have only had superficial and shitty friends in your life, which is why you started perceiving these two things as so different from each other. Superficiality is very prevalent with all the programmed normies out there nowadays.

There are lots and lots of shitty people out there. I get that. But do not let your traumas and scars shut you out from the fact that every SS, even you, can find real and true friends in this world.

As long as you keep searching, you will find somebody eventually. If you are scared of being hurt again, then do a little working for it to lower the odds of meeting shitty people on your search. :)

I'll tell you this much. I grew up in a major city, and I lived in the ghetto of that major city. I had absolutely no choice in the matter until I finally saved up enough money, paid off my lease, moved out of the city and into a rural area where I know absolutely nobody. I didn't just leave the city though, I left the state. I wanted to make sure I'm at least 200 miles from the motherfuckers. With the help of the Gods whom I will always be grateful to I got out of there, and I don't regret leaving that shithole at all.

Family, blood family, they're going to be your family no matter what. Friends come and go, no matter if they're pieces of shit or they're the best people you've ever met. I might have two people that I hang out with once a month, one of which is my father, the other is the girl of my dreams....but that's another story.

Of course there are a bunch of shitty people, I had to live in an area with over 300,000 of these assholes. One thing these people have in common is by day they're silent workhorses, and by night they're the most hedonistic, degenerate, addicted to dope (and when I say "dope" I mean heroin, fentanyl, oxys), conniving motherfuckers I've ever had the displeasure of knowing or even meeting for the first time. It was like there's absolutely nobody there who doesn't have a rig in their arm. Luckily, I've never had that kind of poison as I hated it so much. Fentanyl is responsible for the deaths of people that I had considered friends, and no, I had no idea they were using until I got the phone call that such-and-such is dead.

In my experiences, it seems like it isn't just a metropolitan way of life it was everywhere. Sure, the area I'm in now, the people smoke pot instead of shoot up, that's better but it's still not ideal obviously. From my childhood up until now this was all I knew. It's hard to get over.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Poweredbythesun said:
You're half right. The Final RTR is of the utmost importance, and SHOULD be practiced by EVERY SS every day without fail. But to live to only do the RTR and Meditate is to discard what it is to Live.

I'm sure others can elaborate better. But more or less we are NOT machines, and your overzealousness will lead you to burn out if you decide to do more than you can handle. And then you will have to start over, again.

I don't want to burn out, but I also want to get this shit done as quickly and efficiently as possible. I literally have no time for a social life anymore, it's just go to work, come home, meditate, RTR, sleep, repeat. Only thing I do in-between is help my father with some errands like yard work, fixing his truck, and what have you? So people like me have no time for "living", by that I mean going out to the movies, the club, hanging out at a bar with friends, or whatever.

At least you have drive then, that's very important. Sorry for not taking your circumstances into account, I was in that situation a year ago too :/

And what I have is a full time job, a family member to take care of, a mediation schedule to keep, and maybe a bit of free time to myself in a weekday day, but not much privacy most of the time. A lot of us are in a somewhat similar boat, eh?

slyscorpion said:
Poweredbythesun said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
The only thing that's important is getting these RTRs done and accomplishing our goal to rid the Earth of the jewish menace and to ascend to Godhood. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less.

You're half right. The Final RTR is of the utmost importance, and SHOULD be practiced by EVERY SS every day without fail. But to live to only do the RTR and Meditate is to discard what it is to Live.

I'm sure others can elaborate better. But more or less we are NOT machines, and your overzealousness will lead you to burn out if you decide to do more than you can handle. And then you will have to start over, again.

Let's just say this. I do the RTR so I can eventually make friends. I am hoping in a couple years our beliefs become popular enough so that at someone or a few people in my current area (or where I am living at the time) become Satanists and I can actually make friends. I'd trust one of us a lot more cause they can't screw me over or do anything wrong to me or at least they understand me. I know some of us are not compatible or would not get along in real life for whatever reason like Hoodedcobra mentioned several times. However my hope is to find someone who is compatable with me or a couple people not start a huge group or anything like that. So I don't think that is impossible I mean some of us on here are lucky enough to have SS partners or friends.

I don't really want to relate to outsiders that much anymore I am getting more and more sick of everything. I think I'd be fine though if I knew someone in real life so at least I'd have someone to talk to. On the 13th or 14th I may talk to Bael about it and see if he can do this since I know him and feel like he understands me but I don't want to bother any of the God's during this time as it's Yom Kippur I know they are busy.

I will be fine but I don't know how anyone really relates that much to total outsiders well at least on a closer level. You know if you connected with them on any deeper level or try to you'd be fucked by the enemy and completely open in a way that might take hours or days of bad attacks to close off yourself too. I really am a deeper person who likes to connect with others. Also I am an outer planet person like literally all the outer planets except Pluto are rulers or co rulers in my chart and Pluto is in my 8 th house in Scorpio. So yeah I don't know how I would ever be understood by a regular person.

It does make me feel sad sometimes and alone but I am ok.

I feel that's actually where a lot of us are at in our lives, somewhat alone, just doing the final RTR and advancing. Looking forward to a day where we don't have to hide, and the Jews are destroyed completely and permanently. I know for sure I want to have friends, and it hurts when people give me the advice of "Just go to church to meet people" or "Do x to attract people". It's not hard, just lonely. But I am hoping that will change soon :) But first I need to get more sleep regularly, and stay consistent.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
TheAncientReligion666 said:
Incels are the scum of the earth. Of course the likes don’t label them as the terrorists that they are. They need to read Richard La Ruina ‘The Natural’ bad.

Incels are not scum, they are regular 20 and so year olds that live in a world where the standardization of merely getting laid has reached such alien proportions that Instagram and other stuff has ruined gender so much that women think they are Khaleesi and they deserve due to female entitlement by default their Khal Drogo [and will settle from nothing less until 35 years old], all while being a lazy slobs while at it.

Men on the other hand are so brainwashed they believe that by literally having let go by the time they are 20 and being a nothing, totally underdeveloped personalities that play video games all day long, and that is to be found attractive by girls, and that it's the girls fault for not finding this attractive. They feel hate that girls do not find attractive slobbish, lazy, unfocused, and so forth, young men, who look like they are 50 years old while they are 18 from the amount of time they sit down on a computer.

This society has made people have extremely strange expectations and unnatural demands, which only backfire and are standards that make people confused in the very least, and mentally insane in some deep end cases.

We're living in clown land the situation is really dire for relationship between two genders. It's like if you're white and you need a White girl you need to be like Batman, but if you're just an invading homeboi you'll just find some really good girl and instantly have 5 children. These things happen, and these things shatter the minds of young people, both male and female.

For these generations also, the demands for merely flipping burgers at MacDonalds, are too high. You need like 2 degrees to get a half rent paying job, that pays you jack shit, leaving you unable to even live alone, let alone to get involved with a partner. Gotta count the shekels to take a girl you like to some cinema or something, to the last cent. As such one is confined to eternally fuck robot waifu or spend all their life in pornhub instead.

And those in power just watch and also blame them, spit at their face, and attack them for not being like older generations whom at their age already were married, had at least one house, and two children and two side partners at their age. So yes, the situation is about to implode, and incels do not appear to be all that bad to me. They may be flipped out or mentally ill, but more than half of it is caused by the society we live in.

When people see that certain lesser qualities are desirable and people of the lowest end just get laid while more decent people sit by and watch, I can see why someone mentally flips out, and joins MGTOW or Inceldom gang as an attempt to save themselves somehow.

Incels are just a symptom, the problems are really deeper, and deeply social. The incel class also is something that happens universally because the wages and normal life is becoming scarce in ever increasing amount of places.

I get what you’re saying. Like you said, these issues run so much deeper than entitlement, being lazy, and women refusing to have sex with men. Women who actually look like Khaleesi are for one targeted by jews and all of the filth related to it, the entitlement to something better comes from a need to feel safe and secure from the actual dangers many types of men do pose to them, including an incel type.

From personal experience and friends that I’ve seen, women who are too compromising and “genuine” wind up dead or traumatized. Three blonde women I knew were murdered in the month of April by their male partners. Even the hottest of women, often shoot far lower than society would view their pay grade to be. It is most often “loser” men who want the best of the best, and they cheat on anything that isn’t a supermodel as well. Men who are actual incels do often seem deserving of the title. Women do want sex, and they want it more than men even in my opinion. They refrain from it because 1. Without emotional value, empty sex is lame. Masturbation literally is better because 2. Men really don’t know how to please women these days, pornhub definitely part of the problem. It’s not really sex if there’s no value to it, whether it be non monogamous or monogamous. There’s a lot of men lacking the emotional value to have better sex, the same lack that turns them into woman beater psychos. There’s a lot of women who can’t control their emotions enough to make men feel comfortable with being more emotional, too. Vicious cycles.

I definitely think any blonde woman who looks like Khaleesi should shoot as high as possible and Aryan as possible at any rate, and she should keep looking like khaleesi :lol:

Emilia Clarke is CGI’d as fuck in that show though.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
