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Upholding The White Race - Abolishing White Guilt

HPS Shannon said:
This I already know these things so please spare me. All I did was quote your statement which wasnt neccessary especially since you just said you already know these things.

Of course we all are to blame in a way since we all have to make choices and mny choices made were in favor of the Jewish plans, 'tis still happening today. No one is exempt, not even the white race and history shows this which is what Cowboy was saying.

Cowboy doesnt hate blacks and he wasnt attacking them. He just made a reply to what HP HC said, which he does have a point but this thread was created to help whites uplift themselves.

But in the end, there is no point in putting so much emphasis on all negatives of the races. Thats not the SS way.

Some of you did get slightly enraged and that is because you are all tired of the white race being blamed, which is totally understandable. However, sometimes I do see that any sentiment towards whites that are even slightly negative is met with quick offense, yet its all well and normal to emphasize the negatives of non whites.

This is what the Jews have done to us all.

We all have to make choices. It is WRONG that whites are blamed for everything, thats common sense and anyone who cant see that doesnt have it all up there. And thats why I and other black SS are here to help blacks see this, because its wrong as no gentile deserves to be blamed.

There is a reason why Africa isn't developing and its the Jews. The Jews kill off any Black leader trying to make their own people and country wealthy and self sustaining. Poverty, starvations, wars, apathy, then you have the " brain drain", infectious disease,etc has caused tremendous drop in IQ in the black race to where they cannot develop and then you have these toxic programs of the mind which causes this.

Since blacks have created and maintained their own civilzations, they will do so again.

And as for the arguments in this entire thread-- Everyone is right. Simple.

All I know is the Gods are our superiors and the supreme saviours and uplifters of humanity and if it wasnt for them, the world would already be enslaved and destroyed. All of us would be screwed, even the human white race. No one would have gone far.

And if it wasnt for the Jew, we wouldnt be having this conversation in the first place...

I'll try my best to get my point without raging, and rightfully so. As we don't need more reasons to fight.

No, not everyone was correct in this thread. Jewedboy was mainly blaming the whites for the obvious degeneration of your race, yet you conveniently ignore his false statements and only intervene when we dare say something negative about the black race, which, by the way, isn't far from reality.

All races, including sub-races were and are still being jewed yet we all acknowledge that and we also acknowledge our own mistakes, but the majority of your race know literally nothing but to blame everything on whites, where in reality the harm whites did to blacks is only a fraction of what jews did and wasn't even more intense than what whites did to arabs, arabs to whites, asains to whites, etc..
This behavior is so epidemic and parasitic, so much so that even SS blacks are mimicking this behavior.
I do understand that this behavior is wrong and was created by jews, but ignoring it is definitely not the solution, and diverting ourselves from the truth just so we don't hurt someone's feelings is also not the way to go.

The black race need to get off of our backs for once and start take responsibility for your own mistakes. The black race isn't our responsibility.

We can't even have a thread for our own without blacks whining about us.
The difference is that Blacks have been very deeply brainwashed to act in this way, and Whites have likewise been brainwashed in a similar manner.

For example, most Black topics, people like HP Mageson will write something to elaborate and be positive. HP Mageson has went in to heal many of these misunderstandings and do positive things, and bring new knowledge and inquiry to light. This sets back the Jewish agenda on both them and everyone involved.

On the reverse, on some White topic, specific types like Cowboy will come in to tell people shit, because it's always this repetitive thing on how we are so evil, so aggressive, and the rest of the stuff some kike always pulls up their sleeve against White people. This just advances the Jewish agenda and is just echoing what jews already say.

I have many dear Black SS people who can see beyond this so I can considered that it's a good idea that Cowboy should be answered instead of it being kept in the darkness. This causes growth. Looming unpleasantness creates problems.

Anyway addressing this is important for the future of this group as I have seen there were looming unresolved issues and somehow this situation had to be brought to light and addressed. This process appears to have been going mostly better, because people are by now accustomed to recognize jewish shit, and that is a big gain for the long-term of things.
Cowboy123 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Cowboy is the type to tell you about Moors who were basically Arabic, ie, definitely part White, and only around 10% of them was Black. And who also by the way had endless Black slaves in Iberia, whom they had doing work and stuff, and who were the primary reason the 10% blacks existed after a couple centuries in them.

Arabs have clear contributions to mankind, that is beyond any dispute and well known. The same goes for Asia, and there is obviously no doubt about India also. India was extremely developed as well and still today is rapidly gaining ground even if they manage tremendous internal difficulties that don't exist anywhere else on earth.

Asians are also proving things once again about being on the level but this is nothing new, they were strong all these centuries. Arabs are also advanced with the jew directly onto their neck, neighbouring them and constantly causing them endless wars and damnation.

Unironically none of the above would doubt our contributions and we don't doubt theirs, there can never be doubt, because they exist and that is obvious. We know very very well if it wasn't for the Hindus we would have lost major things as humans at large. I don't think any Hindu would disagree that Europeans brought electricity to them, and we wouldn't disagree that they maintained extremely important spiritual knowledge that elevated mankind, or that Yogi Bhajan or Vivekanda gave tremendous help and boost for humanity by coming in the West.

It's only Blacks who tell everyone else that everything else is our fault. This unhealthy mentality is a huge impediment to advancement and all Black people knew this, and they told Blacks to take responsibility. The less responsibility is taken, the less Blacks can hope to develop.

Jews bolster this unhealthy mentality. This causes degeneration and the jew knows this very well.

If Arabs contributed to Amman kind then why state before white men there was nothingness? I’m not defending blacks only I’m defending non whites in general from your original post.

Your saying stuff that contradict your original post. And all you and others can do is be sarcastic and laugh at my argument.
Arabs got or derived all their information from vedic aryans from north India who are descendants of whites.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Enemies are enemies and friends are friends. Those who are our friends and allies have nothing to do with this. Those who are enemies do.

Those who just ransack us, loot us, and who knows what else, they will receive all the penalties just for doing that.

This is just normal and natural.

There is also a special place for people of "our own" who have backstabbed on our fallen body and have had enjoyment in hanging us over with the Jews. These will also pay the appropriate price.

Klassen explained the reality that Jews have their own interests so when you bring them in, they try to take you over. To them any foreign people that exist in your territory is just cannon fodder to create a civil war and take a civilisation down. Everyone pays the price for this. The same thing goes for bringing alarming amounts of foreign people in any Nation.

Sooner or later it falls apart, or there are large battles for territory inside it. His writings are hardcore but they can be used to wake up people in a deadly slumber coma. His most important writings are those about Xianity.

Only countries which are as big as Empires can survive different people living under the same legal jurisdiction, but with the jews inside, its all bound to go to shit because jews foster civil war and unrest. Empires were lost due to jewish work, not because some random people lived as a minority in some random village.

State leaders knew this for centuries. The problem is not the mere existence of people, its how people behave and their numbers. Even numbers do not matter if there is no political agitation for civil wars. But when you add jews in the mix it becomes a death rattle for a civilisation.

Normally, all Nations have had minorities and a low and normal numbers of foreigners. This has been the case in all of history, and is normal.

The jews like Soros does today explain to us they foster aggression and hatred to rip modern societies apart. This is so that empires and strong Nations that exist today will fall so that Jews can emerge unimpeded to form their own empire.

One example is that non Whites living in the US are living under essentially a modern empire with many states. Its to nobody's benefit that racial tensions escalate and the empire falls. But the jews fund it from all sides and create a lot of hate to rip it apart.

As such we must not play the game of the jews and engage ourselves in civil warfare that will rip apart the things that have been created but think in terms of how we can best manage them for the best benefit of those involved.

We have to also see things objectively.

EasternFireLion666 said:
The jew always has this fettish of using certain races against us. They made their choice. I have respect for the black person who despite the conditions stays in africa and works for his country. A real hero. As for the one here who only goes unga bunga i hate whites i have absolutely no respect. Not his fault? The jew brainwashed him? Did the germans stopped shooting back at soviet soldiers because they were under orders from Stalin?
In nature a species is responsible for its own survival no matter the means. Ben Klassen has made this 100000% clear. Wherever the dark races appeared white civilisations fell. And the jew orgasms over this. Those being said i think we ve shown enough compassion and tolerance and wasted enough time trying to reason with monkeys.

One last thing. Remember how the women who slept with nazis were treated after the war? Just remmber this when we will have won and you will be looking at the white people who fucked with other races and shitted mixed little fuckers. Remember this when you will be looking at those racial criminals.

There is something I don't fully understand. What if we get rid of the jews but the foreign races are a majority? Will the RTR affect everyone and we will all agree on the geographic regions we need to inhabit?
It's just that even if we awake I really doubt that blacks, asians and arabs will understand the situation and go home. Don't get me wrong I hope with all my heart that a peacefull movement happens, but it may eventually come to a civil war. This planet has seen enough conflicts for the rest of the infinity of time, but in such a case it may be the only escape from death by race mixing. Prejudice between races even if it leads to conflict at least keeps them separated while they "share" the same space. Peace in such a contex where all are in the same pot leads to mongrelisation eventually, unless all come to spiritual understanding. Here I think every one does it at his own pace therefore we may not synchronize our awakening.

I hope for a peaceful transition, but I will try to be ready in the other case becomes true. I perfectly understand the high dangers of racial civil wars. There is really no need for useless death AND most importantly we CANNOT afford the gentile countries to became weak when Israel has the current military power.


As a final note I trust the clergy and the decisions we will be making in the future. I am mostly optimistic about our white race and saw some improvements in people's thinking lately.
It's automatically assumed that when this is stated, this somehow invalidates everyone else and their obvious contribution in this. The fact that this was also shilled as an intention of the topic is just pure dishonest garbage.

Like, how many times it has been written about all the contributions of everyone else, by me specifically? I have personally wrote a great amount on that, and proudly so for the Satanic souls behind these major attainments and also the major efforts put in maintaining what makes us today as we are.

This post has highlighted to me that this is just an emotional reaction that is programmed for the most part in the heads of some people. This SJW program has to be blotted out, it's the common program of this century that is astrally instilled in the heads of the people by jews, that Whites aren't supposed to exist, and therefore every manifestation of this existence is KKK mode or something.

Everytime the program detects some sort of White saying a positive remark about their own, which everyone else does liberally, the program triggers and they are on their neck because positive White talk = KKK = Hitler = Genocide = Super murder = Everyone was destroyed = Kill Whites etc.

To see this from enemies is to be expected but to see this from SS is not a good idea, and above all, it harms them first and foremost as this program of the jews comes coupled with hardcore feelings of inferiority that make SS weak, and incapable of helping their own people. It's mean to be this way to cause this reaction.

We live legit in the world where jews go on TV panels and tell goyim 24/7 how much they suck, tell us about genocide plans and they carry them out in the open for like centuries, and it's so hard to wake them up to that fact, but the moment one White person say "Hey, maybe I need to exist too" they are rallied for crucifixion in reverse to pay for "their sins".

This is all a jewish plot and I will not stand by it.

Jack said:
Cowboy123 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Cowboy is the type to tell you about Moors who were basically Arabic, ie, definitely part White, and only around 10% of them was Black. And who also by the way had endless Black slaves in Iberia, whom they had doing work and stuff, and who were the primary reason the 10% blacks existed after a couple centuries in them.

Arabs have clear contributions to mankind, that is beyond any dispute and well known. The same goes for Asia, and there is obviously no doubt about India also. India was extremely developed as well and still today is rapidly gaining ground even if they manage tremendous internal difficulties that don't exist anywhere else on earth.

Asians are also proving things once again about being on the level but this is nothing new, they were strong all these centuries. Arabs are also advanced with the jew directly onto their neck, neighbouring them and constantly causing them endless wars and damnation.

Unironically none of the above would doubt our contributions and we don't doubt theirs, there can never be doubt, because they exist and that is obvious. We know very very well if it wasn't for the Hindus we would have lost major things as humans at large. I don't think any Hindu would disagree that Europeans brought electricity to them, and we wouldn't disagree that they maintained extremely important spiritual knowledge that elevated mankind, or that Yogi Bhajan or Vivekanda gave tremendous help and boost for humanity by coming in the West.

It's only Blacks who tell everyone else that everything else is our fault. This unhealthy mentality is a huge impediment to advancement and all Black people knew this, and they told Blacks to take responsibility. The less responsibility is taken, the less Blacks can hope to develop.

Jews bolster this unhealthy mentality. This causes degeneration and the jew knows this very well.

If Arabs contributed to Amman kind then why state before white men there was nothingness? I’m not defending blacks only I’m defending non whites in general from your original post.

Your saying stuff that contradict your original post. And all you and others can do is be sarcastic and laugh at my argument.
Arabs got or derived all their information from vedic aryans from north India who are descendants of whites.
Enlightened Leadership is what is required, for all people. The Gods will help progressively towards this direction.

Without this chaos will be totally unavoidable. Some countries are divided between people and there is already the jewish meme of racial war building up. Jew Cohen in 1912 explained to us since the dawn of the last century how the Jews will agitate Blacks and other races in a racial twillight between their enemies to bring Communism.

EasternFireLion666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

EasternFireLion666 said:

I hope for a peaceful transition, but I will try to be ready in the other case becomes true. I perfectly understand the high dangers of racial civil wars. There is really no need for useless death AND most importantly we CANNOT afford the gentile countries to became weak when Israel has the current military power.


As a final note I trust the clergy and the decisions we will be making in the future. I am mostly optimistic about our white race and saw some improvements in people's thinking lately.
Nick Vabzircnila said:
HPS Shannon said:
And as for the arguments in this entire thread-- Everyone is right. Simple.

I disagree that everyone is right here. Simplifying things just to de-escalate them won't work for anyone, instead it works to trivialize what was rightfully and correctly stated. And it shows an acceptance of what was incorrectly stated by Black member who is either tying into the Jewish narrative of unknowingly mistaking Whites for Jews, or misrepresenting the overall picture out of jealousy. Which in both cases allows for an unjust blaming of Whites.

Dear White Brothers and Sisters. In addition to the post by HP Hoodedcobra itself, let the replies so far be a lesson. THIS POST WAS ABOUT WHITES.

Almost every time White Pride is rightfully expressed, someone will try to leave an indent in it by appealing to our collective conscience on false premises. When this happens, our exclusive racial trait of self-critisicm turns into self-blame. Immediately following, our altruism and helpfulness causes us to shift focus from the actual topic - which was WHITE PRIDE - and some are unreasonably apologetic for no apparent reason. This shifts focus! A dark cloud descends upon the bright glare in the eyes of the racially prideful White, and the cycle repeats.

Others among us who refuse to accept these things need to spend time defending us from these attacks.

The Jews and every other race attack us directly. The other races are only directly attacked by Jews, and, in a few exclusive instances, by Whites, usually in self-defense. This is why the right of Whites to fend off these jealous attacks intensely and mercilessly is to be defended. We are the most viciously attacked by everyone, even though we are the ones holding everyone else up. If we allow this, we will never have the energy or resolve to help ourselves.

We need to be able to have these self-empowering moments without being dragged down. So if someone tries to do this, KNOW in your hearts we are in the right. Bind NOT to guilt. Counter these things with a tenfold expression of White Pride. Do not let anyone dim your White light or shift your focus. We need to help ourselves first and foremost, as this is life or death. We need to stay focused and keep exalting ourselves whenever we deserve it.

Don't drain yourself by letting others take advantage of the traits that make us superior. Everyone should put their own people first. Don't let others stick a finger in your face and tell you you're shit. We have done extremely well, all things considered, and we should be proud of ourselves and our ancestors.

As for the other races, they need to come up with other ways to constructively handle their own problems instead of repeating the old pattern of clinging onto us Whites like a lifeboat. And not express pride at the expense of Whites on false premises. Because both of these will cease to work VERY soon.


Oh please Nick, you just repeated what I brought up, that this thread is for the white race. I'm not agreeing with Cowboy just because he is black, I'm smarter than thay and he and I havd disagreememts as well.

When I say everyone is right, I mean in that the crimes he mentioned happened and we all made choices and that we are all responsible in some way. Relax.

Again, this goes to show how defensive some of you are when some errors of even are even mentioned. Dont even go there.
Coraxo said:
HPS Shannon said:
This I already know these things so please spare me. All I did was quote your statement which wasnt neccessary especially since you just said you already know these things.

Of course we all are to blame in a way since we all have to make choices and mny choices made were in favor of the Jewish plans, 'tis still happening today. No one is exempt, not even the white race and history shows this which is what Cowboy was saying.

Cowboy doesnt hate blacks and he wasnt attacking them. He just made a reply to what HP HC said, which he does have a point but this thread was created to help whites uplift themselves.

But in the end, there is no point in putting so much emphasis on all negatives of the races. Thats not the SS way.

Some of you did get slightly enraged and that is because you are all tired of the white race being blamed, which is totally understandable. However, sometimes I do see that any sentiment towards whites that are even slightly negative is met with quick offense, yet its all well and normal to emphasize the negatives of non whites.

This is what the Jews have done to us all.

We all have to make choices. It is WRONG that whites are blamed for everything, thats common sense and anyone who cant see that doesnt have it all up there. And thats why I and other black SS are here to help blacks see this, because its wrong as no gentile deserves to be blamed.

There is a reason why Africa isn't developing and its the Jews. The Jews kill off any Black leader trying to make their own people and country wealthy and self sustaining. Poverty, starvations, wars, apathy, then you have the " brain drain", infectious disease,etc has caused tremendous drop in IQ in the black race to where they cannot develop and then you have these toxic programs of the mind which causes this.

Since blacks have created and maintained their own civilzations, they will do so again.

And as for the arguments in this entire thread-- Everyone is right. Simple.

All I know is the Gods are our superiors and the supreme saviours and uplifters of humanity and if it wasnt for them, the world would already be enslaved and destroyed. All of us would be screwed, even the human white race. No one would have gone far.

And if it wasnt for the Jew, we wouldnt be having this conversation in the first place...

I'll try my best to get my point without raging, and rightfully so. As we don't need more reasons to fight.

No, not everyone was correct in this thread. Jewedboy was mainly blaming the whites for the obvious degeneration of your race, yet you conveniently ignore his false statements and only intervene when we dare say something negative about the black race, which, by the way, isn't far from reality.

All races, including sub-races were and are still being jewed yet we all acknowledge that and we also acknowledge our own mistakes, but the majority of your race know literally nothing but to blame everything on whites, where in reality the harm whites did to blacks is only a fraction of what jews did and wasn't even more intense than what whites did to arabs, arabs to whites, asains to whites, etc..
This behavior is so epidemic and parasitic, so much so that even SS blacks are mimicking this behavior.
I do understand that this behavior is wrong and was created by jews, but ignoring it is definitely not the solution, and diverting ourselves from the truth just so we don't hurt someone's feelings is also not the way to go.

The black race need to get off of our backs for once and start take responsibility for your own mistakes. The black race isn't our responsibility.

We can't even have a thread for our own without blacks whining about us.

I only chimed in when you made an obviously false statement. I already replied to Nick just now and so that response goes to you. Thats all I have to say and Im not here to argue either.
Aquarius said:
And there is no point in your “rich white south africans detaining all wealth” argument because it’s not a matter of race but capitalism, there are many poor white people living there even in camps. They won’t refer to those 1% rich people (if they’re even white) as white but simply as rich people. I tried explaining this to a colleague of yours a couple days ago but she couldn’t understand and kept calling that racial segregation, yeah whatever. This has nothing to do with race but rather with capitalism, the jewish invention.

Oh, look, your comment has more than 5 words. Truly a miracle to see!
Larissa666 said:
Aquarius said:
And there is no point in your “rich white south africans detaining all wealth” argument because it’s not a matter of race but capitalism, there are many poor white people living there even in camps. They won’t refer to those 1% rich people (if they’re even white) as white but simply as rich people. I tried explaining this to a colleague of yours a couple days ago but she couldn’t understand and kept calling that racial segregation, yeah whatever. This has nothing to do with race but rather with capitalism, the jewish invention.

Oh, look, your comment has more than 5 words. Truly a miracle to see!
Lol, it's true that some of my posts are short but 5 words but they are short and to the point :p
Larissa666 said:
Aquarius said:
And there is no point in your “rich white south africans detaining all wealth” argument because it’s not a matter of race but capitalism, there are many poor white people living there even in camps. They won’t refer to those 1% rich people (if they’re even white) as white but simply as rich people. I tried explaining this to a colleague of yours a couple days ago but she couldn’t understand and kept calling that racial segregation, yeah whatever. This has nothing to do with race but rather with capitalism, the jewish invention.

Oh, look, your comment has more than 5 words. Truly a miracle to see!
What do you think about my posts honestly? Is there anything negative about them like them being short or something else?
I can agree that as far as races go, everyone has something different going on “inside”. Whites do possess an innate creative force due to being descendants of the Nordic Gods. This is clearly seen in current day reality, and with this creative force comes a lot of advancement and greater civilizations.

As a black member here does that make me a lesser man or give me less potential? No I’d be foolish to think so, as anyone would. One species of advanced beings in one of the billion galaxies we have out there, don’t make whites less advanced. All creatures will always be as advanced as they can possibly be given, time, evolution and “nature” as we call it. There’s more to this to. A blueprint gets formed.

A good example is how the jews have a blueprint which is identical to that of a mosquito or tick. They only work towards sucking nations dry, usury and parasitism, it’s how these creatures survive. Without a host they cease to exist.

Most people find it hard to face reality. It’s time we blacks start understanding there are serious problems in the way our race have handled things and face the facts, that’s always the first step. The jew must be out of the way for this to occur though, as they’ve halted our growth and that of other races.

I don’t need to get butt hurt over this REALITY, though my past, my upbringing and prior brainwashing of “evil whitey” narratives can cause some fricative emotions to crop up. Even as I read the OP, this happened. But I know better and the causes for this. It’s not up to me or anyone other to let whites to pride themselves in who they are have done, it’s a true reality that whenever there’s things such as white pride it’s like someone non-white needs to give the approval or go ahead otherwise what Cowboy stated ensues, denial kicks in and no progress is made as a result.

Also the argument of who’s worst is futile, as the nitpicking of cases could go on forever. The jew marvels at his own creation of this “matrix” they created, seeing the people fight and with never ending they disputes THEY caused and created, while they live comfortably, and never get fingers pointed at them.

We’ve all been made victims by this jewish disease. Which has had adverse effects. Each race with there innate potential and primal strengths has had their own touch of degeneracy and deterioration over time. Also as far as I know so long one strives to reach godhood some differences become less of a factor. And past a point a collective race can evolve and reach another level of consciousness. Won’t make this too long but hopefully people see the point made.

HPS Shannon said:
Oh please Nick, you just repeated what I brought up, that this thread is for the white race. I'm not agreeing with Cowboy just because he is black, I'm smarter than thay and he and I havd disagreememts as well.

When I say everyone is right, I mean in that the crimes he mentioned happened and we all made choices and that we are all responsible in some way. Relax.

Again, this goes to show how defensive some of you are when some errors of even are even mentioned. Dont even go there.

Only the first paragraph of my post was meant for you.

I strongly disagree that my post was just a repeat of what you wrote. I disagree with many points in your post, such as “no gentile deserves to be blamed”, and “any sentiment towards whites that are even slightly negative is met with quick offense, yet its all well and normal to emphasize the negatives of non whites.”

As for the ‘spare me’, ‘relax’, and ‘don't even go there’, this leaves me with a sincere inquiry as how to interpret this. Are you telling me/us to literally not be defensive when these things come up, or are these just what the linguists call autocratic/volitional remarks? I assure you this is as relaxed as it gets. I'm happy about this thread.

A point on which we do seem to agree is that this thread is for the White race. But this leaves me confused when you repeatedly contest our right to be defensive by claiming we’re ‘overly’ defensive. With everything that was stated in the original post, and in my post, do you not acknowledge that Whites have more of a right to be defensive against criticism than, say, Blacks do? Especially since most of it is actually unjustified, as opposed to the criticism of non-Whites?

This is why the negative traits of other races are brought up, as to compare. Because there is a difference which needs to be brought to light in order for Whites to deprogram from the Jewish brainwashing of White guilt. I understand this may not be pleasant for non-Whites even though it’s honest, but in the long run it’s necessary for the survival of our race, and thus your race. Notice how this reply is now about the Black race again? In some strange way, it's hooked on. Seeing as we agree that this thread is for the White race, maybe we should make another thread if we're to keep discussing all of this.

If one flinches whenever they hear a sound, the hyenas will come and eat that person. I’m not a hyena, but a concerned White. This was a sidetrack of penguin wisdom and a tip.
Excellent sermon and very clearly explained HP Cobra

First of all we need to be concerned about our race,and take care our race first
Yes our Race First
We have been so worried for centuries about the fate of other races and what other races think about us that we have become almost extinct.

White guilt is a jewish program made with the purpose to destroy White Rase

So let's go into Aryan Pride mode we have all the reasons to be Proud of our Race
We are Satan's sons and doughters
Nick Vabzircnila said:
HPS Shannon said:
Oh please Nick, you just repeated what I brought up, that this thread is for the white race. I'm not agreeing with Cowboy just because he is black, I'm smarter than thay and he and I havd disagreememts as well.

When I say everyone is right, I mean in that the crimes he mentioned happened and we all made choices and that we are all responsible in some way. Relax.

Again, this goes to show how defensive some of you are when some errors of even are even mentioned. Dont even go there.

Only the first paragraph of my post was meant for you.

I strongly disagree that my post was just a repeat of what you wrote. I disagree with many points in your post, such as “no gentile deserves to be blamed”, and “any sentiment towards whites that are even slightly negative is met with quick offense, yet its all well and normal to emphasize the negatives of non whites.”

As for the ‘spare me’, ‘relax’, and ‘don't even go there’, this leaves me with a sincere inquiry as how to interpret this. Are you telling me/us to literally not be defensive when these things come up, or are these just what the linguists call autocratic/volitional remarks? I assure you this is as relaxed as it gets. I'm happy about this thread.

A point on which we do seem to agree is that this thread is for the White race. But this leaves me confused when you repeatedly contest our right to be defensive by claiming we’re ‘overly’ defensive. With everything that was stated in the original post, and in my post, do you not acknowledge that Whites have more of a right to be defensive against criticism than, say, Blacks do? Especially since most of it is actually unjustified, as opposed to the criticism of non-Whites?

This is why the negative traits of other races are brought up, as to compare. Because there is a difference which needs to be brought to light in order for Whites to deprogram from the Jewish brainwashing of White guilt. I understand this may not be pleasant for non-Whites even though it’s honest, but in the long run it’s necessary for the survival of our race, and thus your race. Notice how this reply is now about the Black race again? In some strange way, it's hooked on. Seeing as we agree that this thread is for the White race, maybe we should make another thread if we're to keep discussing all of this.

If one flinches whenever they hear a sound, the hyenas will come and eat that person. I’m not a hyena, but a concerned White. This was a sidetrack of penguin wisdom and a tip.

Nick, I feel like we both can be going back and fourth and still over little details when we both know what the situation is. I did not respond in the thread for the same reason, that this thread is for the white race. I only responded to Coraxo because of that little statement she said which wasny neccessary. Alot of things brought up in this thread wasnt needed as we both know why it was important soley.

HP HC already responded to Cowboy which is why I didnt chime in earlier. I wanted this thread to be for whites. I was just correcting Coraxo. I still stand by what I said when I mentioned that no gentile should be blamed, and when I said that I meant for bigger crimes- crimes that Jews do and thinhs happening because of the Jew.

I rather not keep going back and fourth on this thread because its for white gentiles.

I'm not telling anyway to not feel anything or not being defensive. Its soooo obvious what whites are going through and how you guys feel, I hate it too but I decided to reply to Coraxo on a historical fact.

This has gone on long enough and has been covered before, it makes no sense to keep going on with this and for the reasons you mentioned.

I just hate after all these years some of you think that I, for example, are still holding on to Jewish lies and thinking and hating on whites or telling not to feel anything. Come on...
Recently I was reading that the US and Canada based Doctors Without Borders saved around 2,500,000 people from certain Malaria death in the year 2018. Malaria is mostly based in Africa and is a local plague. This is only one agency that did this on the last year, Red Cross and others not included. Most of the volunteers are Europeans and Whites in particular, and in regards to the doctors, the largest chunk is Whites. Other non Whites and few Blacks also get to help.

However this doesn't matter because once upon a time some zealots attacked some people, and it's all invalidated. Millions saved for centuries are all invalidated by what some zealots did. Kikes also tell us the same, since some Egyptians busted them another one 2500 years ago, we still have to pay sins 2500 years later. It may not even have happened but whatever pay up goyim, and make it fat.

How many agencies of other races or non White Nations specifically exist that are dispatching personnel worldwide at excessive costs to help everyone in need irrespective of race? While nobody obligates them to do so by force of arms or anything else? We aren't forced, we just did it. Are many foreign races in poor Eastern Europe giving free medicine and MRI scans and surgeries and help with birth to the local poor Whites? Must be these imaginary scientists that always invade Europe.

Only the so racist Whites who are by default KKK Klansmen at a racial level thought it was decent and humane to ever help and actually follow through with it. Unfortunately this tendency has been destroyed and exploited to the point that this is perceived as an weapon of choice against Whites, and exploited mercilessly to get ourselves to kill ourselves all while saying sorry and giving more and more things to everyone while we are on the death bed.

Nobody has done that much good in history only to get that big bucket of a shit. The 21st century entered strong with Whites getting all the worlds blame while having built all that is positive in the world. I guess that's the price of defamation to pay when someone does stuff against the Holy People and their reptilian plan to destroy mankind. On the other hand, people who never did any good, get the praise, the benefits, the oppressed and holy status, and everything else included, free looting pass, what have you.

This situation is nothing but an illness and has to be removed, as the abuse by kikes and other of their select few has been abusive and a never ending cycle of rape. The plan of the kikes has to be stopped, as we will go collectively down the shitter if it doesn't. Others may choose to contribute to the cycle of shit, this doesn't change the larger way things are going, which is that unavoidably, the above is going to end.
HPS Shannon said:
Nick Vabzircnila said:
HPS Shannon said:
Oh please Nick, you just repeated what I brought up, that this thread is for the white race. I'm not agreeing with Cowboy just because he is black, I'm smarter than thay and he and I havd disagreememts as well.

When I say everyone is right, I mean in that the crimes he mentioned happened and we all made choices and that we are all responsible in some way. Relax.

Again, this goes to show how defensive some of you are when some errors of even are even mentioned. Dont even go there.

Only the first paragraph of my post was meant for you.

I strongly disagree that my post was just a repeat of what you wrote. I disagree with many points in your post, such as “no gentile deserves to be blamed”, and “any sentiment towards whites that are even slightly negative is met with quick offense, yet its all well and normal to emphasize the negatives of non whites.”

As for the ‘spare me’, ‘relax’, and ‘don't even go there’, this leaves me with a sincere inquiry as how to interpret this. Are you telling me/us to literally not be defensive when these things come up, or are these just what the linguists call autocratic/volitional remarks? I assure you this is as relaxed as it gets. I'm happy about this thread.

A point on which we do seem to agree is that this thread is for the White race. But this leaves me confused when you repeatedly contest our right to be defensive by claiming we’re ‘overly’ defensive. With everything that was stated in the original post, and in my post, do you not acknowledge that Whites have more of a right to be defensive against criticism than, say, Blacks do? Especially since most of it is actually unjustified, as opposed to the criticism of non-Whites?

This is why the negative traits of other races are brought up, as to compare. Because there is a difference which needs to be brought to light in order for Whites to deprogram from the Jewish brainwashing of White guilt. I understand this may not be pleasant for non-Whites even though it’s honest, but in the long run it’s necessary for the survival of our race, and thus your race. Notice how this reply is now about the Black race again? In some strange way, it's hooked on. Seeing as we agree that this thread is for the White race, maybe we should make another thread if we're to keep discussing all of this.

If one flinches whenever they hear a sound, the hyenas will come and eat that person. I’m not a hyena, but a concerned White. This was a sidetrack of penguin wisdom and a tip.

Nick, I feel like we both can be going back and fourth and still over little details when we both know what the situation is. I did not respond in the thread for the same reason, that this thread is for the white race. I only responded to Coraxo because of that little statement she said which wasny neccessary. Alot of things brought up in this thread wasnt needed as we both know why it was important soley.

HP HC already responded to Cowboy which is why I didnt chime in earlier. I wanted this thread to be for whites. I was just correcting Coraxo. I still stand by what I said when I mentioned that no gentile should be blamed, and when I said that I meant for bigger crimes- crimes that Jews do and thinhs happening because of the Jew.

I rather not keep going back and fourth on this thread because its for white gentiles.

I'm not telling anyway to not feel anything or not being defensive. Its soooo obvious what whites are going through and how you guys feel, I hate it too but I decided to reply to Coraxo on a historical fact.

This has gone on long enough and has been covered before, it makes no sense to keep going on with this and for the reasons you mentioned.

I just hate after all these years some of you think that I, for example, are still holding on to Jewish lies and thinking and hating on whites or telling not to feel anything. Come on...

I don't believe Nick said, or thinks you are still holding onto jewish lies, etc. He is commenting on how, by your words were dismissing the things said here, and trivializing the comments from others, both the good and the bad.

You may not have intended for this, but your replies here can easily be interpreted like that.

No offense HP Shannon, but it would have been better not to comment on this, as even if you have no jewish bias any more, you are very sensitive and defensive when it comes to words spoken about race, these personal feelings cloud your judgement noticeably.

You come across to me as being too forgiving to your own, wishing rather than to face the problems and discuss them, to let bygones be bygones, left in the past to be forgotten because it is a difficult issue to face, and simply saying jews are purely the cause of things, without looking at the internal racial problems blacks have had since forever that contribute majorly to the ability of jews to manipulate them.

Reality must be faced for any improvement to come. You understand this better than most I am sure.. But often it comes across as if you feel attacked by comments made regarding race, even if these are not meant to be derogatory, but truthful facts painting a harsh to accept reality.

The white race as it is isn't perfect either in it's current state. We are easily able to accept this, and look forward to change. Even to judge our own harshly to root out any weakness and corruption of our Aryan racial soul and values. We must be able to do this, in order to clean up our race and fix the problems we have.

At the same time we have all rights to judge others and be defensive towards others. There is a lot of injustice in this world, and most of it has been committed against our people. This is indisputable, but we don't whine about it. Instead we look forward on how to improve, or at least, the decent ones among us do. However, even if we don't whine on it, it is important the truth is known. The extend whites have been attacked and persecuted is very severe and far too covered up.

Most crimes against blacks have been recent. While the crimes we have faced have gone on for thousands of years as we were driven out of place after place. There is very serious, justified anger in our racial soul on this, and this is not trivial.

It wasn't just jews who have had a hand in this, and not all crimes have been orchestrated by jews.

Our race is quite literally facing extinction right now. No black or asian needs to have the same concern, as they are racially fine from a survival point of view.

Yet, we have our moment of pride, someone comes in and tries to shit on it as has been done more times than we can count since time immemorial, whites get justifiably angry and one says something partially incorrect due to bias caused by justified frustration, and you felt the need to "steal the show" because your personal feelings were more important. Again, you didn't intent for this, but it resulted in this, don't subvert things for yourself and look at things how they are unbiasedly.

You care for your race, and want to defend them, protect your heritage, argue for them, and empower them. We feel the same. Yet, we can argue with reason, while you are easily triggered whenever anything is said about blacks.

All I ask is that you are wary of this, and not be so overly sensitive whenever something doesn't sit right with you. Try not to make excuses either, there is no need for that. Almost no one can do no wrong. Rather than purely arguing to refute others, see your own part as well and be responsible as we all need to be.

Thank you.
Don't forget what the Jews are laying out with the still-pending Noahide Laws and what this means for our existence. The Jews are pushing the Noahide Utopia as the crown of Judaism/Christianity and Islam. Islam is even worse than Christianity, but it is of the same Jewish origins. The White Gentiles need to be agitated and on edge against what is being processed behind the Jewish curtains, or else, the White Race will be gone and erased from the memory. There are no recess breaks for the White Gentiles until we can see a REALISTIC future of survival for our kind -- totally free from all Jewish chains.

I strongly urge the White community of the JoS to get copies of whatever is still available from Matthew Hale. On Amazon, you can still get a copy of The Racial Loyalist Manifesto: second edition for the appropriate price of $14.88.

I hope to get more time to spend on the forum, and I hope that everyone here is doing well.

Here is an older sermon of mine that addresses the current situation.

"The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the White race."

"The goal of abolishing the White race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed White supremacists."

"We'll keep bashing the dead White males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as the White race is destroyed. Not deconstructed, but destroyed."

"Treason to the White race is Loyalty to Humanity."

-- Noel Ignatiev, Harvard Professor [1]

"You're [White people] on the endangered list. And unlike, say, the bald eagle or some exotic species of muskrat, you are not worth saving. In forty years or so, maybe fewer, there won't be any more white people around."

-- Tim Wise, "anti-racist" activist [2]

"We are, if you are to be believed, at once clannish and exclusive and unassimilable because we won’t intermarry with you, and we are also climbers and pushers and a menace to your racial integrity." A Real Case Against The Jews, by Marcus Eli Ravage, Part I, ’The First to See the Possibilities of War by Propaganda’, The Century Magazine, Vol. 115 January 1928 No. 3 [3]

"That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us..." -- Christ (John 17:21)

"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus." -- Paul of Tarsus (Galatians 3:28)

For those of you who have been keeping track of the Jews and their plans to establish Global Communism by enforcing the Noahide Laws, even if it starts to look as if the Jews are "giving up" on it, in the event that it were to no longer be practical, Gentiles still need to forever be on guard against this Noahide menace as long as the Jewish people exist. This was the fault of the Third Reich and what cost them the war, as well as what led to the vanishing of all past great White Aryan Pagan Civilizations: Compassion, forgiveness, mercy, and giving the benefit of the doubt to our racial and spiritual enemies. Long after Satan and his people sweep the Jewish people away, we must still never again fall into the same old trap of underestimating the Jews and those whom the Jews hold sway over.

I will be writing plenty about the Jewish Noahide movement being the ultimate, final outcome of Christianity and Islam, but the scope of this sermon mostly concerns the fact that if the Jewish-invented thought-form of Christ were to manifest in the form of a Jewish leader in the material world to conquer the Gentile Nations, the Noahide Covenant will not allow any remaining White people to marry or have sexual relations with other White people.

Satanism is National Socialism and Gentile Racial Pride, and here is why Satanists should turn planet Earth against every last-standing Jew and the still-pending Noahide Laws:

"The Noahide Covenant is made of Seven fundamental Commandments, which are generally viewed as Seven categories of Law, containing other laws within them, and other laws that accompany them. ...

The simplicity of this Covenant is striking. It includes no religious ceremonies, requires no sacrificial service, no priestly hierarchy. Equality of all races and colors. What a vision... what a world!

It is the most basic code of human behavior that allows for a world united under the One and Only King of the Universe. ..." [4]

"[...] We will openly reveal our identity with the races of Asia and Africa.

I can state with assurance that the last generation of white children is now being born.

Our control Commissions will, in the interest of peace and wiping out our interracial tensions, forbid the whites to mate with white.

The white woman must cohabit with members of the dark races, the white men with black women.

Thus the white race will disappear, for mixing the dark with white means the end of the white man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory.

We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark people." -- Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich before a special meeting of the Emergency Council of European Rabbis in Budapest, Hungary, January 12, 1952, published in the Nov/Dec 2000 issue of Americas Bulletin: The Canadian Intelligence Service, Excerpt from September 1952 issue, submitted by James Moorhouse, and as reported by Major Williams in his book ‘Ultimate World Order’. [5]

"Rabbi Emmanuel Rabinovich, in 1952, addressing a group of European rabbis, exclaimed: 'The goal for which you have striven so concertedly for 3,000 years is at last within our reach... Our race will take its rightful place in the world, with every Jew a king, and every Gentile a slave.'

Rabinovich reminded the rabbis that, when the Kingdom has come, whites (non-Jews) will be forbidden to marry whites, bringing about a multiracial world, a mongrel-like polyglot of races. The universal Kingdom will have displaced the nations, making patriotism and nationalism obsolete.

'Our most dangerous enemy (the white man) will become only a memory.'

Plainly, the Jews do not view themselves as 'white' and they reject their placement in this genetic pile. They are, they suppose, a unique and special species..." [6]

"Blessings of Civil Rights

The American Jews were the backbone of the African-American Civil Rights Movement, supporting the movement more than any other white group. Jews made up half of the white northern volunteers involved in the 1964 Mississippi Freedom Summer project, and half of the civil rights attorneys active in the South during the 1960's. While even the lay Jewish public (including my own parents) marched arm in arm with blacks through the streets, Jewish leaders were arrested with Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. What would be the state of racial equality in America today -- were it not for her Jews?

This created the very social climate in which America could elect its first black president. ..." [7]

"De Poncins, in The Vatican and Freemasonry (p. 76--77), writes:

'The oneness of the human race, the goal toward which Judaism and Freemasonry work hand in hand...is the unification of the world under Jewish law... The nations will be converted to Judaism and will obey the law or else they will be destroyed, and the Jews will be masters of the world.'

The New Age movement's fancy and high-sounding goals of universal oneness and Freemasonry's brotherhood and equality are mere elements of propaganda. Virtually every New Age organization is founded and led by religious Jews. The Jews tell only half-truths. Once fully within the system, the initiate discovers that godhead, higher consciousness, and of course, unity and diversity, etc. are all subject to his acceptance of the requirements of Judaic tradition. The New Age Gentile must be 'converted' to Judaism according to the Noahide Laws spelled out in the Talmud...or else he will be killed." [8]

"That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us..." -- Christ (John 17:21)

"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus." -- Paul of Tarsus (Galatians 3:28)

Any "Satanist" who doesn't find the above quotes to be a grave threat to Satanic freedom and the right to even exist isn't a Satanist in the first place. Diane Vera, you and your so-called "Theistic Satanism" website, with its cowardly and petty fight against White Racialism, have been outed for the CHRISTIAN scum that it is, as your brand of "Satanism" is actually of the Christian Left, which isn't any better than the so-called "Christian Right" that you claim to be against, at least not when all is said and done. For people who are not illiterate, in the Gospels, Christ teaches racial equality for the Gentiles, while the Jewish people are the governing Master Race who own a one-world citizenry of lost Gentile humanity, bar-coded like cattle and severed from their previous racial origins, as a result of Jew-led race-mixing.

Concerning Christ and his primordial Marxian creed -- the religion of the Christian New Testament -- or in other words, "Paganized" Judaism designed by the Jews for their White enemies, Adolf Hitler, the Anti-Christ, had the following to say in Mein Kampf, in regards to Christ and Christianity:

"If the Jew, with the help of his Marxian creed, conquers the nations of this world, his crown will be the funeral wreath of the human race, and the planet will drive through the ether once again empty of mankind, as it did millions of years ago.

Eternal Nature takes inexorable revenge on any usurpation of her realm." -- Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

The Jewish people revolt against Nature's kingdom when they use Christianity's Marxian teachings to weaken and sissify the White Aryan Race with the lie that the Gentiles who are racially-alert and refuse to mix and intermarry with other races, "betray the humanist impulse that recognizes something common within all races" and the lies that "race is only skin deep," "we all bleed the same color," and "we are all the same on the inside." By rejecting Nazism, and therefore, Satanism, a Gentile either willingly or unwillingly, knowingly or unknowingly, accepts and submits to Christianity -- not just Marxist, Sermon on the Mount, Jewish, Leftist, liberal Christianity, but Christian fundamentalism and the entire bag of horrors -- CHRISTIANITY IN ALL OF ITS FORMS -- under their Jewish Masters.

Racial "equality" rapes Nature and violates Satan's work, which is why the Jews promote "equality" for Gentiles at every turn, while carefully making sure to prevent their own from intermarrying with non-Jews, with the occasional exception, when they need to upgrade their race by adding White genes. This racial boost for the Jewish race is vampirism that costs the Gentiles their superior genes and demotes us, both individually and collectively, physically and spiritually, as a race.

Rightist, organic Whites need to wake up to the painful truth that conservative, "White," evangelical Christianity and the liberal, Marxist Jews and Communism are NOT "enemies," but instead, they work in collusion from behind the scenes, playing both sides against the middle. Satanism, which is the National Socialism of Adolf Hitler, the Anti-Christ, is the only answer to the Jewish problem and the Jewish "final touches" to Christianity and the Christ Utopia -- the still-pending Noahide Laws.

The point of this sermon is that just because the global enforcement of Communism and the Noahide Laws may at times look impractical and improbable, and therefore, it may at times appear that the Jews have "given up" on their agenda to establish them, doesn't make it "okay" to ease up on our defenses. Adolf Hitler and the Nazis underestimated the Jews and those whom the Jews hold sway over, which is how the Jews won the battle of World War II. The maggot Jews and their Christian and Islamic "god" have won battles against us, but the war is far from over. We as Gentiles are winning, but we must never become too overconfident and underestimate our enemies again, or in any way allow them to once again gain the upper hand.

The death of Christianity, Islam, and the prevention of the Noahide Laws = the destruction of the Jewish people. Satanism is the salvation for Satan's White Aryan human offspring. The Jews want the White Race out of their way so they can ultimately try to destroy Satan.



[1] http://whitegenocide.info/quote.html

[2] http://whitegenocide.info/quote.html

[3] https://theevilofzionismexposedbyjews.weebly.com/5-what-zionist-and-anti-zionist-jews-have-said-about-racial-mixing-of-gentiles.html

[4] Guide For the Noahide by Michael Shelomo Bar Ron [Amazon Kindle edition]

[5] https://theevilofzionismexposedbyjews.weebly.com/5-what-zionist-and-anti-zionist-jews-have-said-about-racial-mixing-of-gentiles.html

[6] Holy Serpent of the Jews by Texe Marrs p. 47 [Note: Texe Marrs is an extremely deluded Christian. While claiming to be all for Patriotism and closed borders, he cites Galatians 3:28 as a reason why Christians are not allowed to be White Racial Loyalists and why the Christian God doesn't favor any particular race over another -- with the exception of the Jews who are "his" chosen people].

[7] Guide For the Noahide by Michael Shelomo Bar Ron [Amazon Kindle edition]

[8] Holy Serpent of the Jews by Texe Marrs p. 58
The trait of our race that I’m the most proud of is our sheer doggedness in the face of continuous disaster, and our regenerative abilities.

We have been bombed dust by hostile aliens. We have had our empires destroyed continuously by Jews from within, only to be pillaged by other races. We have been subjected to the most brutal and incessant fraternal wars among ourselves at the hands of the Jews. We were persecuted, tortured, and killed mercilessly during the dark ages by institutionalized Judaism at the height of the enemy’s power. We had our population reduced by 60% during the Black Death in the 14th century. Hundreds of millions were worked to death under the most brutal conditions imaginable at the hands of Jews and enemy aliens. For centuries, the mass mind has been filled with hostility and jealousy against us. And all of this is just a small sample of what we know of.

No other race has taken as much abuse as the White race. We had had almost every trace of our history erased and replaced with demeaning lies and utter nonsense. We have always found it in ourselves to get back up re-establish ourselves in the most impressive ways. And every time we do this, we advance other races as a whole by centuries, and they gladly accept it from us. We got through the Dark Ages and established modern civilized nations which ultimately ensured and provided the foundation of the freedom that we and many others enjoy today.

At our lowest points in history, our inherent traits as a whole were reduced to nothing less than selflessness, misplaced altruism, and self-punishment. This is very impressive considering the beatings we have taken. Yet, at the darkest points in our history, our White Satanic spirit has always shone and broken through the barriers and obstacles that tried to keep us down whenever we fell. And from this light, empires arose that ultimately helped keep the enemy at bay.

The tenacity of our White spirit is unmatched. Whenever it breaks through to any White person, like the Sun breaking through clouds, we feel it. We know in our hearts how to manifest it - through hard work, constructiveness, responsibility, and HONOR. This is our high point and where we’re unstoppable.
Cowboy123 said:
muh moorz wuz civilizers n shieet, de world wuz built on the backs o blacks an da evil white devil came along an stole it all fo himself
The moors were in league with the jews, and the supposed "contributions" and "civilization" you speak of that they supposedly uplifted whites with like math, schools and baths, castles, advanced mathematics, education, hygeine & plumbing and etc, was present in white civilization long before any jewified brown mass ever dreamt to pour into europe for rape and plunder. The only reason there was any of this in either the christian or Muslim chapters of the dark ages to begin with was because our white/aryan pagan ancestors had discovered and built them and taught the then muslim world of it.

Arab/african invaders had nothing to do with the development of europe, rather, the inverse is true. In fact all these "great" universities you claim moors endowed europe with were nothing more than schools of islam, and Algebra for example is plagiarized and taken credit for by mudslimes all the time but it actually originated in India & Greece and much of the rest of so called islamic scientific knowledge was derived from hellenic europe and india. Read a book sometime bigga. Stop getting all your opinions from tariq nasheed types and other random black supremacist bloggers that want nothing more than the blotting out of the white race from history, cause you're not getting a fair, honest and realistic worldview from them.

Below this image is from a chapter in myth of andalusian paradise.


Despite the bubonic plague, locusts, drought, and civil wars that ravaged Spain in the years before the Muslim conquest,9 the Catholic kingdom of the Visigoths still presented itself as a wonderland to the uncultured eighth-century Berber invaders.

Medieval Muslim chronicles tell of the astonishment the Islamic warriors experienced at the splendor of Toledo, Seville, Córdoba, Mérida, and other Visigoth cities. They also tell us that the Muslim armies’ sacking of Spain was stupendous. Christian chronicles corroborate these accounts, as does the archaeological evidence of the treasures Christians buried before fleeing the invaders.
A Muslim chronicle attributed to Abu Jaafar al-Kortobi recounts that the traitor Count “Ylian” (Julian, the usual name given to the Greek Roman lord Urbanus) enticed Musa Ibn Nusayr to conquer Spain by describing it as a land “filled with treasures of all kinds, whose inhabitants would make very handsome slaves, a country abounding in springs, gardens, rivers, and a land yielding every description of fruit and plants.”10 According to al-Kortobi, the Muslim leader Tariq confirmed Julian’s account when he found, near the Visigoth capital of Toledo, “one and twenty copies of the Torah, the Gospels, and the Psalms, as well as a copy of the book of Abraham, and another of that of Moses [probably Deuteronomy].” The account continues:

He found likewise five-and-twenty royal diadems, beautifully ornamented with jewels, one for each of the kings who had ruled over the country.… He found also … books treating of the manner of using plants, minerals, and animals, advantageously for man, besides many wonderful talismans, the work of ancient philosophers, and another work on the great art [which teaches the construction of talismans], and its roots and elixirs; all these precious objects, together with an immense quantity of rubies and other coloured gems, stored in golden and silver urns of beautiful workmanship, and ornamented with large pearls, were the fruits of Tarik’s conquest.11

Tariq and other Muslim leaders helped themselves to these “fruits” of their conquest. Al-Kortobi reports that when Musa went to Damascus to pay homage to the caliph, he brought with him “all the spoil … consisting of thirty skins full of gold and silver coin, necklaces of inestimable value, pearls, rubies, topazes, and emeralds, besides costly robes of all sorts; he was followed by eleven hundred prisoners, men, women, and children, of whom four hundred were princes of the royal blood.”12 Such looting and enslavement is reported also in the Christian Chronica mozarabica of 754, written only a few decades after the Islamic conquest.13
Many Muslim accounts confirm this rampant looting. According to the chronicler al-Hakam, the conquerors loaded themselves with booty and committed numerous “frauds.”14 One of the earliest Muslim chroniclers of Islamic Spain, al-Razi, tells of the looting of Toledo:

“There were no cities nor castles in Spain where Tariq found and took more jewels and a greater treasure than in Toledo.”15 Al-Razi observes that a Visigoth bridge over the Tagus River “was so well built that there was nothing like it in the whole of Spain”—and that a Muslim leader ordered it destroyed. According to the chronicler al-Maqqari, as late as 1145 a Muslim ruler pulled down and melted a great bronze statue the Visigoths had erected in the city of Cádiz, thinking that the statue, which Muslims considered an “idol,” was made of gold.16

All these chronicles point not only to the rapaciousness of the Muslim conquerors but also to the splendor of the Visigoth society modern historians dismiss as barbaric. Similarly, historian Ibn al-Qutiyya narrates that Musa’s men found in a treasure hidden by fleeing Christians “a cascade of emeralds and rubies in such abundance as no man had seen before and were astonished. Such a quantity of precious stones were there that they exclaimed: ‘Let us send for Emir Musa so he can see the treasures with his own eyes, otherwise he will not believe us.’ So they sent for Musa, and when he came and saw the treasure he was speechless at its size and value.”17 (Again, such written references to buried Visigoth treasures are confirmed by archaeology.)

Muslim warriors were so full of booty that they paid no attention to a mere tapestry embroidered with gold, silver, pearls, and rubies. The Akhbar Machmua narrates that in a raid on Algeciras, Musa captured more prisoners and booty than they had ever seen before.18

According to the Muslim historian al-Maqqari, a Muslim chronicler describes the former Visigoth palace in Córdoba as full of “wonderful remains of the Greeks, Romans, and Goths.” The chronicler adds, “The interior apartments were so magnificently decorated as to dazzle with the beauty of their ornaments the eyes of beholders.”19 The Muslim beholders were mostly Berbers from North Africa, who formed the bulk of the invading armies and who had never before contemplated such a degree of civilization. “This [Visigoth] palace,” the chronicler continues, “the Kalifs of the house of Merwan [meaning the Umayyad rulers of Spain, who belonged to the Umayyad caliph Marwan’s family] chose for their residence.”

A work attributed to Ibn Qutaybah al-Dinawari says that the immense booty Musa took included not merely slaves, jewels, and precious metals but also Christian relics. This account describes a stupendous “jeweled table,” the craftsmanship of which Muslims had never seen before, made of “pure gold and silver mixed,” ornamented “with three rows of inestimable jewels, one of large pearls, another of rubies, and a third of emeralds.”20 “Nothing,” the Muslim author concludes, “could be conceived more rich or beautiful.”

Musa’s own account of the Visigoths counters the simplistic depiction of them as barbarians. When his lord, Suleyman, questioned him about the nature of the “people of Ishban” (that is, Hispania/Spain: the Muslim name al-Andalus had not yet gained common currency among Muslims), Musa answered: “They are luxurious and dissolute lords, but knights who do not turn their faces from the enemy.… Among the nations just described there are men of honour and probity, there are also traitors and knaves.”

The historian Manuel Rincón Álvarez has drawn out the contrasts between the uncultured invading Muslim armies and the peoples they conquered:

The North African mass [that conquered Spain] was by and large Berber, war-like, hungry for booty, but with no or very little capacity for absorbing culture and even less of interacting with the indigenous population. Within that mass, there was an Eastern, Arab minority, with greater cultural formation, but equally impelled by the explosion of the Jihad, or Holy War.… But whereas among these Bedouins from the desert one could rarely find people who knew how to read and write, in the indigenous population rested the sediment of Roman civilization and the Isidorian flowering and, even if we recognize that this was the culture of an elite, it had already produced encyclopedias like the Liber Glossarum, and there remained still the fruits of the scientific schools of Seville and Toledo, among so many other cultural examples from that time. To underestimate the cultural level of pre-Islamic Spain in 711 is, at the same time, to ignore what came before it, namely the fusion of the Hispano-Roman element with the Visigoth component. It should be unnecessary to remember that indigenous Iberia had reached a high level of Romanization.24

For years after their conquest of Spain, the invading Berbers continued to lead a primitive, nomadic life, taking along wherever they went their many wives and children. According to the chronicler Ibn al-Abbar, in 755 the Umayyad Abd al-Rahman I, emir of Córdoba, for the first time made them build villages and live a sedentary life.25

Indeed, the years of Muslim semibarbarism in Spain are usually forgotten by those who focus on the brilliance of the Caliphate of Córdoba (929–1031). But even this brilliance was the result, on one hand, of the increasing Islamization of the more cultured Hispano-Romans and Visigoths who remained under Muslim rule and, on the other hand, of Spanish Islam’s assimilation of certain aspects of Hispano-Roman, Visigoth, and Christian Greek civilization.

The great historian Ibn Khaldun underlined the low cultural level of Muslim Arabs prior to their being civilized by Greeks and Persians: “The Arabs were coarse, without education, and not very skilled in the arts of writing and mathematics; thus they used Jews, Christians, and freed foreigners [former slaves] to handle their administrative affairs.
Among the Arabs there was only a very small number who knew this art; their nobility in particular was very unskilled because among them a lack of knowledge was their distinctive characteristic.”26

“The Arabs,” Ibn Khaldun also writes, “barely coming out of their nomadic existence and having become spectators of the way of life in a sedentary civilization, were too busy … because of their position in the armies … even to pay attention to scientific knowledge. They made up the highest class in the state and made up the armed force that sustained the empire; they were the only depositors of authority and, what is more, they despised culture.”27 Al-Gahiz, too, observed that “it was from the Sassanides [Persians] that we borrowed the rules of governing and of a kingdom, the organization of private and public affairs, and the administration of subjects.”28

Ibn Khaldun pointed out that the one civilization from which the uncultured Arabs had learned the sciences, after their destruction of the learning of the Persians and other civilizations, was that of the Greeks, thanks to the translations by Christian scholars of Greek texts into Syriac and then into Arabic.29 Ibn Khaldun also records that the caliph al-Mansur requested from the emperor of the Greek Roman Empire the mathematical works of the Greeks.30 The ancient Greeks had, of course, discovered and applied algorithms (“Euclidean Algorithm,” “The Sieve of Eratosthenes”) and algebra (Diophantus),31 although it may have been from the seventh-century Indian mathematician Brahmagupta that the Persian Muslim al-Khwarizmi (ca. 780-ca. 850; he worked in Baghdad at the “House of Wisdom,” where scientific and philosophical works, particularly Greek, were translated into Arabic) got the idea of the algorithm, among other things, including “Arabic” numerals. But the great mathematician Georg Cantor saw “traces of Diophantine methods” even in the “Hindu solutions of determinate equations,” and the historian of mathematics Florian Cajori pointed out that “some technical [Hindu] terms betray their Greek origin.”32 Cajori shows that the Hindus also drew on Pythagoras.33 George Sarton, professor of the history of science at Harvard University, wrote that there was nothing comparable in the history of science to Euclid’s “prescience” in realizing that his fifth postulate needed proof but that proof was impossible.34 Because of this realization, he called Euclid (ca. 300 B.C.) the “spiritual ancestor” of the non-Euclidean geometry of Nicolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky (1792–1856). Sarton also wrote that there was nothing comparable to the mathematical mechanics of Archimedes (ca. 287–212 B.C.) until the work of Galileo (1564–1642), eighteen centuries later. The Greek historian Theophanes the Confessor (d. 818) reports in his Chronographia that Caliph al-Walid I (d. 715) required that the Christian bureaucrats who served him keep all accounts “in Arabic rather than in Greek—except for some of the more complicated as exceeded the potentialities of the Arabic language.”35

The much-vaunted Islamic “universities” of the Middle Ages were in fact madrasas, centers for the study of religious texts and law. Only after the Arabs came in contact with the institutions of higher learning of the Christian Greek Roman Empire during their conquests did the madrasas begin to teach other subjects as well—but the only degree granted remained that of expert in religious law: “There was no other ‘doctorate’ in any other field, no license to teach a field except that of the religious law.”36
Dimitri Gutas and other scholars have examined the phenomenon of “Greek thought, Muslim culture.” A good example is medicine. In 854 the Nestorian Christian Stephanos had translated the medical works of Dioscorides into Arabic. Muslims used this translation as their medical text for more than a century. In 948 the Christian emperor of the Greek Roman Empire, Armanius, gave Abd al-Rahman III, the Umayyad caliph of Córdoba, Dioscorides’s works in the original Greek. But Muslims in Córdoba did not have anyone who knew Greek. As a result, the Roman emperor also sent a Greek monk, who instructed the Muslim ruler’s slaves in Greek.37 One does not learn of such stories in the many textbooks and other writings on Muslim Spain. Nor does one learn of the immense scientific knowledge, including Galenic medical knowledge, that fell into Muslim hands upon the military conquest of Greek Christian Alexandria in 642.38 Muslim physicians would build upon these Greek works for their later reputation in the medical field.

The Spanish Arabist Julio Samsó has shown that, even as late as the eleventh century, Muslim scholars in al-Andalus were still assimilating the science of the Greco-Roman classics as well as that of the Latin culture of the Christian dhimmis (“Mozarabs”).40

Famously, Muslims adopted the Visigoth horseshoe arch, seen in many Islamic buildings. Of course the horseshoe arch was itself of Greco-Roman origin,43 and even before conquering Spain, Islam had imitated the architecture and construction techniques of the Christian Greek Roman Empire in the Middle East and North Africa.44 Indeed, Ibn Khaldun pointed out that in North Africa the constructions built by the Arabs themselves did not last very long because of the Arabs’ sloppiness, poor materials, and lack of knowledge of building techniques.

The Muslims’ penchant for incorporating elements of conquered cultures also explains the “bath culture” of southern Spain, which many scholars have regarded as a Muslim invention. In fact, the Greek-Roman culture of water and baths was part of the Hispano-Roman life of southern Spain, which has a warm, Mediterranean climate. The Visigoths inherited the bath culture, which Muslims from arid Arabia happily took over when they encountered it.

However, medieval Islam did not display interest in all aspects of Greco-Roman civilization: Islam remained inimical to classical art, drama, and narrative. Moreover, as we saw in chapter 1, during the early Muslim conquests there was a conscious destruction of the monuments of the pre-Islamic past. And in Spain, historian al-Andalusi tells us that such rulers as the Umayyad Abd Allah (888–912) and the dictator Muhammad Ibn Abu Amir al-Mansur (c. 938–1002, known to Christians as Almanzor) had precious books of ancient Greek and Latin poetry, lexicography, history, philosophy and law burned for their presumably impious content.51
Guys no comment from anyone towards anyone containing slurs and ooga booga verbal attacks will be accepted. That's deconstructive.
VoiceofEnki said:
HPS Shannon said:
Nick Vabzircnila said:
Only the first paragraph of my post was meant for you.

I strongly disagree that my post was just a repeat of what you wrote. I disagree with many points in your post, such as “no gentile deserves to be blamed”, and “any sentiment towards whites that are even slightly negative is met with quick offense, yet its all well and normal to emphasize the negatives of non whites.”

As for the ‘spare me’, ‘relax’, and ‘don't even go there’, this leaves me with a sincere inquiry as how to interpret this. Are you telling me/us to literally not be defensive when these things come up, or are these just what the linguists call autocratic/volitional remarks? I assure you this is as relaxed as it gets. I'm happy about this thread.

A point on which we do seem to agree is that this thread is for the White race. But this leaves me confused when you repeatedly contest our right to be defensive by claiming we’re ‘overly’ defensive. With everything that was stated in the original post, and in my post, do you not acknowledge that Whites have more of a right to be defensive against criticism than, say, Blacks do? Especially since most of it is actually unjustified, as opposed to the criticism of non-Whites?

This is why the negative traits of other races are brought up, as to compare. Because there is a difference which needs to be brought to light in order for Whites to deprogram from the Jewish brainwashing of White guilt. I understand this may not be pleasant for non-Whites even though it’s honest, but in the long run it’s necessary for the survival of our race, and thus your race. Notice how this reply is now about the Black race again? In some strange way, it's hooked on. Seeing as we agree that this thread is for the White race, maybe we should make another thread if we're to keep discussing all of this.

If one flinches whenever they hear a sound, the hyenas will come and eat that person. I’m not a hyena, but a concerned White. This was a sidetrack of penguin wisdom and a tip.

Nick, I feel like we both can be going back and fourth and still over little details when we both know what the situation is. I did not respond in the thread for the same reason, that this thread is for the white race. I only responded to Coraxo because of that little statement she said which wasny neccessary. Alot of things brought up in this thread wasnt needed as we both know why it was important soley.

HP HC already responded to Cowboy which is why I didnt chime in earlier. I wanted this thread to be for whites. I was just correcting Coraxo. I still stand by what I said when I mentioned that no gentile should be blamed, and when I said that I meant for bigger crimes- crimes that Jews do and thinhs happening because of the Jew.

I rather not keep going back and fourth on this thread because its for white gentiles.

I'm not telling anyway to not feel anything or not being defensive. Its soooo obvious what whites are going through and how you guys feel, I hate it too but I decided to reply to Coraxo on a historical fact.

This has gone on long enough and has been covered before, it makes no sense to keep going on with this and for the reasons you mentioned.

I just hate after all these years some of you think that I, for example, are still holding on to Jewish lies and thinking and hating on whites or telling not to feel anything. Come on...

I don't believe Nick said, or thinks you are still holding onto jewish lies, etc. He is commenting on how, by your words were dismissing the things said here, and trivializing the comments from others, both the good and the bad.

You may not have intended for this, but your replies here can easily be interpreted like that.

No offense HP Shannon, but it would have been better not to comment on this, as even if you have no jewish bias any more, you are very sensitive and defensive when it comes to words spoken about race, these personal feelings cloud your judgement noticeably.

You come across to me as being too forgiving to your own, wishing rather than to face the problems and discuss them, to let bygones be bygones, left in the past to be forgotten because it is a difficult issue to face, and simply saying jews are purely the cause of things, without looking at the internal racial problems blacks have had since forever that contribute majorly to the ability of jews to manipulate them.

Reality must be faced for any improvement to come. You understand this better than most I am sure.. But often it comes across as if you feel attacked by comments made regarding race, even if these are not meant to be derogatory, but truthful facts painting a harsh to accept reality.

The white race as it is isn't perfect either in it's current state. We are easily able to accept this, and look forward to change. Even to judge our own harshly to root out any weakness and corruption of our Aryan racial soul and values. We must be able to do this, in order to clean up our race and fix the problems we have.

At the same time we have all rights to judge others and be defensive towards others. There is a lot of injustice in this world, and most of it has been committed against our people. This is indisputable, but we don't whine about it. Instead we look forward on how to improve, or at least, the decent ones among us do. However, even if we don't whine on it, it is important the truth is known. The extend whites have been attacked and persecuted is very severe and far too covered up.

Most crimes against blacks have been recent. While the crimes we have faced have gone on for thousands of years as we were driven out of place after place. There is very serious, justified anger in our racial soul on this, and this is not trivial.

It wasn't just jews who have had a hand in this, and not all crimes have been orchestrated by jews.

Our race is quite literally facing extinction right now. No black or asian needs to have the same concern, as they are racially fine from a survival point of view.

Yet, we have our moment of pride, someone comes in and tries to shit on it as has been done more times than we can count since time immemorial, whites get justifiably angry and one says something partially incorrect due to bias caused by justified frustration, and you felt the need to "steal the show" because your personal feelings were more important. Again, you didn't intent for this, but it resulted in this, don't subvert things for yourself and look at things how they are unbiasedly.

You care for your race, and want to defend them, protect your heritage, argue for them, and empower them. We feel the same. Yet, we can argue with reason, while you are easily triggered whenever anything is said about blacks.

All I ask is that you are wary of this, and not be so overly sensitive whenever something doesn't sit right with you. Try not to make excuses either, there is no need for that. Almost no one can do no wrong. Rather than purely arguing to refute others, see your own part as well and be responsible as we all need to be.

Thank you.

VoiceofEnki, thank you for the comment and you are right, I shouldnt have said anything on this thread but you are wrong in that I care about blacks enough to npf be able to see their faults. I actually judge them harshly and see what they are doing.

I think what I said was misinterpreted because I believe I said that no one is exempt and that we all have to male choices despite Jewish programs. This is I know and its very fucked that blacks are making the choices they have and there is no excuse for that. I hate it too.

I think I know why I have these flares but anyway, thanks.
The article that has put curio is magnificent to deny the great deception of the Arab enrichment in Spain but the Islamic historians are as imprecise as the Christians.
I know that the founder of the kingdom of Granada Abd al-Rahman I was actually pagan and non-Islamic, the Umayyad dynasty that ruled Damascus until the eighth century were pagans, when the Islamic army attacked Damascus almost all were killed and Abd al-Rahman I He was forced to flee and take refuge in Spain.
High Priest Jake Carlson said:
Don't forget what the Jews are laying out with the still-pending Noahide Laws and what this means for our existence. The Jews are pushing the Noahide Utopia as the crown of Judaism/Christianity and Islam. Islam is even worse than Christianity, but it is of the same Jewish origins. The White Gentiles need to be agitated and on edge against what is being processed behind the Jewish curtains, or else, the White Race will be gone and erased from the memory. There are no recess breaks for the White Gentiles until we can see a REALISTIC future of survival for our kind -- totally free from all Jewish chains.

I strongly urge the White community of the JoS to get copies of whatever is still available from Matthew Hale. On Amazon, you can still get a copy of The Racial Loyalist Manifesto: second edition for the appropriate price of $14.88.

I hope to get more time to spend on the forum, and I hope that everyone here is doing well.

Here is an older sermon of mine that addresses the current situation.

"The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the White race."

"The goal of abolishing the White race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed White supremacists."

"We'll keep bashing the dead White males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as the White race is destroyed. Not deconstructed, but destroyed."

"Treason to the White race is Loyalty to Humanity."

-- Noel Ignatiev, Harvard Professor [1]

"You're [White people] on the endangered list. And unlike, say, the bald eagle or some exotic species of muskrat, you are not worth saving. In forty years or so, maybe fewer, there won't be any more white people around."

-- Tim Wise, "anti-racist" activist [2]

"We are, if you are to be believed, at once clannish and exclusive and unassimilable because we won’t intermarry with you, and we are also climbers and pushers and a menace to your racial integrity." A Real Case Against The Jews, by Marcus Eli Ravage, Part I, ’The First to See the Possibilities of War by Propaganda’, The Century Magazine, Vol. 115 January 1928 No. 3 [3]

"That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us..." -- Christ (John 17:21)

"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus." -- Paul of Tarsus (Galatians 3:28)

For those of you who have been keeping track of the Jews and their plans to establish Global Communism by enforcing the Noahide Laws, even if it starts to look as if the Jews are "giving up" on it, in the event that it were to no longer be practical, Gentiles still need to forever be on guard against this Noahide menace as long as the Jewish people exist. This was the fault of the Third Reich and what cost them the war, as well as what led to the vanishing of all past great White Aryan Pagan Civilizations: Compassion, forgiveness, mercy, and giving the benefit of the doubt to our racial and spiritual enemies. Long after Satan and his people sweep the Jewish people away, we must still never again fall into the same old trap of underestimating the Jews and those whom the Jews hold sway over.

I will be writing plenty about the Jewish Noahide movement being the ultimate, final outcome of Christianity and Islam, but the scope of this sermon mostly concerns the fact that if the Jewish-invented thought-form of Christ were to manifest in the form of a Jewish leader in the material world to conquer the Gentile Nations, the Noahide Covenant will not allow any remaining White people to marry or have sexual relations with other White people.

Satanism is National Socialism and Gentile Racial Pride, and here is why Satanists should turn planet Earth against every last-standing Jew and the still-pending Noahide Laws:

"The Noahide Covenant is made of Seven fundamental Commandments, which are generally viewed as Seven categories of Law, containing other laws within them, and other laws that accompany them. ...

The simplicity of this Covenant is striking. It includes no religious ceremonies, requires no sacrificial service, no priestly hierarchy. Equality of all races and colors. What a vision... what a world!

It is the most basic code of human behavior that allows for a world united under the One and Only King of the Universe. ..." [4]

"[...] We will openly reveal our identity with the races of Asia and Africa.

I can state with assurance that the last generation of white children is now being born.

Our control Commissions will, in the interest of peace and wiping out our interracial tensions, forbid the whites to mate with white.

The white woman must cohabit with members of the dark races, the white men with black women.

Thus the white race will disappear, for mixing the dark with white means the end of the white man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory.

We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark people." -- Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich before a special meeting of the Emergency Council of European Rabbis in Budapest, Hungary, January 12, 1952, published in the Nov/Dec 2000 issue of Americas Bulletin: The Canadian Intelligence Service, Excerpt from September 1952 issue, submitted by James Moorhouse, and as reported by Major Williams in his book ‘Ultimate World Order’. [5]

"Rabbi Emmanuel Rabinovich, in 1952, addressing a group of European rabbis, exclaimed: 'The goal for which you have striven so concertedly for 3,000 years is at last within our reach... Our race will take its rightful place in the world, with every Jew a king, and every Gentile a slave.'

Rabinovich reminded the rabbis that, when the Kingdom has come, whites (non-Jews) will be forbidden to marry whites, bringing about a multiracial world, a mongrel-like polyglot of races. The universal Kingdom will have displaced the nations, making patriotism and nationalism obsolete.

'Our most dangerous enemy (the white man) will become only a memory.'

Plainly, the Jews do not view themselves as 'white' and they reject their placement in this genetic pile. They are, they suppose, a unique and special species..." [6]

"Blessings of Civil Rights

The American Jews were the backbone of the African-American Civil Rights Movement, supporting the movement more than any other white group. Jews made up half of the white northern volunteers involved in the 1964 Mississippi Freedom Summer project, and half of the civil rights attorneys active in the South during the 1960's. While even the lay Jewish public (including my own parents) marched arm in arm with blacks through the streets, Jewish leaders were arrested with Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. What would be the state of racial equality in America today -- were it not for her Jews?

This created the very social climate in which America could elect its first black president. ..." [7]

"De Poncins, in The Vatican and Freemasonry (p. 76--77), writes:

'The oneness of the human race, the goal toward which Judaism and Freemasonry work hand in hand...is the unification of the world under Jewish law... The nations will be converted to Judaism and will obey the law or else they will be destroyed, and the Jews will be masters of the world.'

The New Age movement's fancy and high-sounding goals of universal oneness and Freemasonry's brotherhood and equality are mere elements of propaganda. Virtually every New Age organization is founded and led by religious Jews. The Jews tell only half-truths. Once fully within the system, the initiate discovers that godhead, higher consciousness, and of course, unity and diversity, etc. are all subject to his acceptance of the requirements of Judaic tradition. The New Age Gentile must be 'converted' to Judaism according to the Noahide Laws spelled out in the Talmud...or else he will be killed." [8]

"That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us..." -- Christ (John 17:21)

"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus." -- Paul of Tarsus (Galatians 3:28)

Any "Satanist" who doesn't find the above quotes to be a grave threat to Satanic freedom and the right to even exist isn't a Satanist in the first place. Diane Vera, you and your so-called "Theistic Satanism" website, with its cowardly and petty fight against White Racialism, have been outed for the CHRISTIAN scum that it is, as your brand of "Satanism" is actually of the Christian Left, which isn't any better than the so-called "Christian Right" that you claim to be against, at least not when all is said and done. For people who are not illiterate, in the Gospels, Christ teaches racial equality for the Gentiles, while the Jewish people are the governing Master Race who own a one-world citizenry of lost Gentile humanity, bar-coded like cattle and severed from their previous racial origins, as a result of Jew-led race-mixing.

Concerning Christ and his primordial Marxian creed -- the religion of the Christian New Testament -- or in other words, "Paganized" Judaism designed by the Jews for their White enemies, Adolf Hitler, the Anti-Christ, had the following to say in Mein Kampf, in regards to Christ and Christianity:

"If the Jew, with the help of his Marxian creed, conquers the nations of this world, his crown will be the funeral wreath of the human race, and the planet will drive through the ether once again empty of mankind, as it did millions of years ago.

Eternal Nature takes inexorable revenge on any usurpation of her realm." -- Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

The Jewish people revolt against Nature's kingdom when they use Christianity's Marxian teachings to weaken and sissify the White Aryan Race with the lie that the Gentiles who are racially-alert and refuse to mix and intermarry with other races, "betray the humanist impulse that recognizes something common within all races" and the lies that "race is only skin deep," "we all bleed the same color," and "we are all the same on the inside." By rejecting Nazism, and therefore, Satanism, a Gentile either willingly or unwillingly, knowingly or unknowingly, accepts and submits to Christianity -- not just Marxist, Sermon on the Mount, Jewish, Leftist, liberal Christianity, but Christian fundamentalism and the entire bag of horrors -- CHRISTIANITY IN ALL OF ITS FORMS -- under their Jewish Masters.

Racial "equality" rapes Nature and violates Satan's work, which is why the Jews promote "equality" for Gentiles at every turn, while carefully making sure to prevent their own from intermarrying with non-Jews, with the occasional exception, when they need to upgrade their race by adding White genes. This racial boost for the Jewish race is vampirism that costs the Gentiles their superior genes and demotes us, both individually and collectively, physically and spiritually, as a race.

Rightist, organic Whites need to wake up to the painful truth that conservative, "White," evangelical Christianity and the liberal, Marxist Jews and Communism are NOT "enemies," but instead, they work in collusion from behind the scenes, playing both sides against the middle. Satanism, which is the National Socialism of Adolf Hitler, the Anti-Christ, is the only answer to the Jewish problem and the Jewish "final touches" to Christianity and the Christ Utopia -- the still-pending Noahide Laws.

The point of this sermon is that just because the global enforcement of Communism and the Noahide Laws may at times look impractical and improbable, and therefore, it may at times appear that the Jews have "given up" on their agenda to establish them, doesn't make it "okay" to ease up on our defenses. Adolf Hitler and the Nazis underestimated the Jews and those whom the Jews hold sway over, which is how the Jews won the battle of World War II. The maggot Jews and their Christian and Islamic "god" have won battles against us, but the war is far from over. We as Gentiles are winning, but we must never become too overconfident and underestimate our enemies again, or in any way allow them to once again gain the upper hand.

The death of Christianity, Islam, and the prevention of the Noahide Laws = the destruction of the Jewish people. Satanism is the salvation for Satan's White Aryan human offspring. The Jews want the White Race out of their way so they can ultimately try to destroy Satan.



[1] http://whitegenocide.info/quote.html

[2] http://whitegenocide.info/quote.html

[3] https://theevilofzionismexposedbyjews.weebly.com/5-what-zionist-and-anti-zionist-jews-have-said-about-racial-mixing-of-gentiles.html

[4] Guide For the Noahide by Michael Shelomo Bar Ron [Amazon Kindle edition]

[5] https://theevilofzionismexposedbyjews.weebly.com/5-what-zionist-and-anti-zionist-jews-have-said-about-racial-mixing-of-gentiles.html

[6] Holy Serpent of the Jews by Texe Marrs p. 47 [Note: Texe Marrs is an extremely deluded Christian. While claiming to be all for Patriotism and closed borders, he cites Galatians 3:28 as a reason why Christians are not allowed to be White Racial Loyalists and why the Christian God doesn't favor any particular race over another -- with the exception of the Jews who are "his" chosen people].

[7] Guide For the Noahide by Michael Shelomo Bar Ron [Amazon Kindle edition]

[8] Holy Serpent of the Jews by Texe Marrs p. 58
Do you know good books that Explain the best way to raise kids the Satanic/NS way?
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Aquarius said:
Do you know good books that Explain the best way to raise kids the Satanic/NS way?
Look how Varg does it :D He has such a beautiful family!
Yes that’s true, I took some ideas from his way of doing:)
I first heard this concept mentioned on an episode of a sitcom called: third rock from the sun years ago, it was so ludicrous I felt distaste, disgust and gave way to uncontrollable laughter, the concept is simply one of the stupidest things I ever heard.

Never mind that its not justified. The ''concept is laughable, that idiot saying that, with a straight face! ''Ironicly an alien pretending to be a gentle human'' and that women the responding character: was like I know we all feel it.

Sins of the fathers...oh really?

Its like the guy said he felt guilty for undoing his fly before using the washroom...and she was like: yeah I know, we must try to all go in our pants. The concept is that level of ridiculous for a non self hating-sane, rational being.

These days, I just feel disgust at the self-hatred and assisted exploitation, and a lesser since of wonder and sick pity. Its stopped being funny and is only sad. The sadness I feel is also for them an many cultures as well. These people need mental help.

They like getting whipped and want to be ether an honorary member if another race/sex and act as social irritants trying to force this on others, force them to agree that there way is absolutely right and support the sickness. The right to live as they choose and not be bothered is not enough. They want what they would not have done to themselves. To be able to destroy others personal choice and way of life and use weak force.

They want to bank on it, exploit minorities with this garbage, or at least those that have no pride or cant see the price they are paying and how the real majority really sees them.

The media driven fantasy is just a lot of money being thrown at it and others trying to capitalize off the fad. Throw in this and that person and it will sell. ""ironically the intended audience would find this racist that 80% do this. They can lye and say its the norm but one look at reality says this is not so. Its just what they are pushing like dope fiends.

The people who have power don't believe these things because the false philosophy would not allow such individuals to be that sane or functional.

They are causing hate. Destroying all cultures, just as racist as ever, just playing bat and switch with tactics a retarded person could follow as well as casing everyone to hate everyone else outside of a sound stage to dangerous levels.

Psychotic news stories, tensions and crimes are through the roof to unheard of levels in many places any counter will just make this worse.

Its not about tolerance or minority or respecting differences....(you cant respect what you have lost the ability to see or admit to seeing''....these people are just sick.
PROUD as hell to be White, Gentile, Satanist and son of the Gods.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
