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Upcoming 2020 Election Results And What These Mean For US

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Soon, there will be the results of the United States elections. Those who are observant and are reading on current news, events, or follow the politics, you can understand, this is a heavily charged election. None of this is a joke. Between the two candidates, we have one who silently accepts Communism, rioting, wants open borders, is pro Co-Vid lockdowns, and generally, the agendas are highly opposed to one another. Trump, on the other hand, if closely inspected, really did not that much for the enemy at all, but is called an amateur, and many other non positive things.

It takes no mind to check who the media is promoting and who stands clearly behind the enemy. Many people in general make a mistake where they assume that, from a stance of defeatism, everything is the "same". It is not the same. If in the Roman Empire and the Byzantine Empire, other leaders took place, than some who for example, were jews or willing to exterminate Pagans, all of history may have taken a different turn. Elections and the Will of People still matters.

Yet, at the same time, people are ultimately deciding where the world will go to a large extent. Therefore, awakening is far more important than one's mere President. The best politicians may come around, and if the people are not sufficiently awakened for them, no progress will be made. A lot of things depend therefore of information and mass awakening, and how much the mass wants to be free or not be free, rather than who gets elected.

A mass that wants advancement and to be free, cannot be overruled even by the worst tyrant. If people in the US wanted a better future for their children, jews could be trying to pull all the levers to do evil, but they would have no accomplices to act with. What matters is for people to figure out the US is their home and their Nation, and that this matters more than trivial jewish dreams, such as those promoted by the press.

A country that is invaded to no end by foreigners and/or people that give it nothing, or for example, dives into Communism, one doesn't need to be very smart to understand, that is a weak country. It pays no brain needed to understand that if 100 millions of Muslims come in the US, we will have Sharia shortly after, or that terrorism will rise. These things should become common consciousness.

I am at failure to understand why many people call Trump so evil. He caused no wars for Israel. The embassy move was the major thing he did, which, despite of other Presidents "not doing", they happily wages wars and implemented the Talmud in legislation before. No American Children in body-bags from foreign wars for Israel or whatever. He was almost forced in WW3, and he denied entry, during years astrologically trying in which the US could easily get in war [these will last for 3 more years, so one can ponder the future as is]. On the other hand, he did not really act in many ways to support things he was elected, such as the wall. This leaves us at point zero, but at least the point is not "Minus".

On many important topics, he did not really act, such as Internet Censorship [difficult matter and may require years], but overall, he has been generous of a President and did at least try to make a few things sail in the positive line. Most of these failed because he could not implement too many things. Regardless, basics such as wars, pillaging, and tyranny, have not happened under him. There is no comparison between him and the likes of criminal Bush, at least, based on what he did until today. Bush murdered all freedoms for Americans and did it with the Talmud on the hand.

Yet, (((somehow))) the Media always found "reasoning" behind his moves, nonetheless. At some point Bush's public approval, if I recall correctly, reached 7%. 93% of people did not want him or hate him. He forced through with tyranny and right killing violations that exist to this very day. The Press went soft on him as per usual - he was ruling with the Talmud after all.

Media is clearly Biden biased, using psychological techniques that declare Biden a winner before the election is even over. This is because psychologically, many weak people will be influenced and vote Biden, if they believe he is the "winner". This is a psychological move, and clear Jewish Media bias. Same thing was the case with Hillary in 2016. "Hillary definitely has won, Hillary will defeat Trump for sure, election results almost in, Hillary won", etc etc. This is the shaping of opinion, and not reporting of news. Jews could care less what the Goyim wants anyway.

Were it entirely up to them, we would have sunk in Communism within around a few weeks.

An example of well promoted President that still did some not quality things was Obama. He had for example, a constant war running, with constant bombardments in the Middle East and other operations. Yet, he was promoted by the Media despite this as some sort of gloden trophy and good president that was standing for peace. He dropped a lot of peaceful bombs to many people. He also laid framework to eavesdrop every American Household from a smartphone, but he wasn't there to pry - just to listen to you, because he was so freedom loving.

Long story short, one has to ask themselves, what true bad and what true good has a President actually done? We are not talking press allegations. We are talking actual facts here. Obama was never blamed, and if it was not for Snowden, we would probably never even know. So how was Obama a good a "Freedom loving President" for instating the world's spying apparatus probably only second to Chinese Communism?

The enemy whines about Trump and lies that he did very bad things, but he harmed no GBLT, he did not start wars, he did not really do pillaging or tax increases [some presidents can be pillagers to the people], and in general, he was running things at least "efficiently" to some extent. The judgement the jews are passing down on him is just brutal, and aggressive, and without substantial basis. The character murder in the news is real. Everyone also keeps spamming that "Biden has won the election" and all media worldwide clearly has a Biden positive side.

On the other hand Joe Biden, while his astrology is not as bad for the United States, is a rather compromising President. He has made his agenda quite clear. The question is not if his agenda is bad, but can the United States take things like, lenience for Communism, riots, and movements that butcher and burn whole cities alive? Can the US also fare well with a President who will probably instantly consent to some strange war that may come in the foreseeable 3 astrological years? Does he have the nerve to say No, or better yet, does he even want to say no? Will he be a President at all with control, or will all the advisors run the country for him? Looking at him, he seems to lack the energy necessary. One can hope one is wrong here.

All Presidents should be judged on efficiency and what they are actually doing, not just goblin dreams of jews. Actually as a Satanist I look at this that way: does that benefit us, freedom and advancement for the world, or at least, NOT worsen the situation? If the answer is a yes, at this point, I see for the world a decent President. If not, then it is bad. Jews act and care about what is in their interest, so they promote Biden with all their power [more liberalism and kosher tolerance for the West, a weak leader, and for Israel they have draconian rule with zero deviations to advance and exist safely], and there is no reason why we shouldn't be objective about the situation and look upon this with suspicion.

Jews whine about Trump simply because he is not being their bitch 24/7 as they demand. Even being controlled by them 23/7 hours is not enough for them. They want 24/7 slaving for the so called "President". They don't recognize the Presidential symbol as a rule of the people that came out of their own choice, this is why they clearly are meddling and whoring this election without taking it seriously at all, and why they try to instate a dictatorship regardless of who gets elected, such as for example, online brutal censorship, as if the jews were they themselves Government.

Regardless, any Satanist can by default, have the party that he wants to follow. At least in the visible horizon, the Democratic Party right now, is the Communist party. I try to stay away of politics as they always reek worthlessness, and everyone here knows how forces at work influence politics from the outside. But even with this, some things matter.

Going online, I am reading they are preparing riots in case of Biden not winning, there is clearly election meddling, and who knows how many millions of fake, unregistered, or non US citizen votes. These things are not only amoral they are merely criminal and the destruction of Democracy. There will be tribulations ahead and I am sure that all of our own are mindful to protect themselves. Perfectly understandable also that some people don't give a crap about politics. They are quite boring, dull, but also necessary.

Some people are also spreading around that the enemy manufactured and boosted the Coronavirus so that Trump would be hit with a situation beyond the control of a President - which a pandemic is a typical case of. One cannot look at the facts we have in front of us and claim that this view is entirely a fraud, since, we can see that the whole Co-Vid situation has escalated well past the so called "Deadly Pandemic" situation, and is escalating into an Orwellian Nightmare of extreme proportions.

No matter what, however, the enemy is running out of hands to play. What is interesting all this Biden Vs Trump thing also brought out numerous topics such as potential Communist takeover, how Socialism is essentially the new buzzword for Communism, but also displayed numerous issues in the Capitalist system, such as extreme inflation, and other questions that deal with the freedom of speech, to bear arms, and to communicate online.

Behind these topics and these exposures is the only thing that matters to us: that people understand that besides politics, we have to remain free men and women, have the rights to speak, decide of our future, assemble, and have an existence and a decent life.

I ask that no Satanist gets worried on the outcome of elections.

Many of you are worried and asking questions. No matter what happens, the Gods will look out for us, and you have the knowledge to save yourself and/or your family if necessary. The US has clearly survived way worse in regards to Presidential elections. There were some utter trash Presidents up there before - life went on.

The world is another topic, and we are collectively working for it [and so does the enemy work against it and us]. We are clearly getting an upper hand as time goes. One must also not be like a xian, and take activity in trying to secure one's freedoms, materially, physically, or even politically, in civil or local unions or what have you.

In regards to warfare, warfare needs repetition and we need to be insistent. Any progress made, and those who watch the world, can see the overwhelming exposure of the enemy, is made because of consistent work.

We'll keep everyone updated after the elections are done with.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you for this HP. I am usually sickened by how the enemy has made a villain out of Trump, way worse than 'he is.' The man can't make a tweet that doesn't have thousands of hate comments under it. Blaming him for the most ridiculous things. Sometimes I wonder if the enemy pays some people to push certain things in social media.

I'm also quite disappointed in the Blacks who are easily swayed by the left.

However the elections go, we won't despair. I can't even put it in words how angry I am at the enemy for their crimes.

I've also been thinking that the whole Floyd situation was to aggravate Blacks and liberal Whites to further push for Trump's possible loss in the elections. Many of the cases of cops shooting Blacks this year turned out to have the enemy's numerology all over them, in addition to false flag signs.
They always say all these negative untrue things about trump. They’ve been saying it from day one. The proof is in the pudding though and when they did their phony impeachment what happened? If trump was doing all this terrible stuff, where was the evidence? Why did it fail? Because it was a crock of shit from the beginning and always has been. That impeachment was an embarrassment for the democrats and it would of been their undoing if it wasn’t for the fact that they control the media and thus the narrative and were able to control the aftermath.

With voting, I did it in person. No ID was checked when I registered and many people there were speaking only Spanish. This worried me. It was like you’re here, you can vote. How could my ID not be checked or social or anything? They just wanted my name and address.

The interesting thing is voter fraud is such a real thing, that now all over Democrat news I’m hearing even them go on about it too. The only difference is they’re saying Trump is behind it and it’s more evidence to his corruption, bla bla bla. Even though, many of the ballots found in the trash had him selected as the chosen candidate. The fake news has been ramped up lately, but I can say this, I live in a blue state and in a blue city, I’ve been pleasantly surprised with how much trump rallies there has been and how many cars I see down the road with huge trump flags waving them and driving up and down the street. It’s usually very liberal here. Young people too are waving these flags. It gives me hope, despite the fake news onslaught, but we shall see..
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
All Presidents should be judged on efficiency and what they are actually doing, not just goblin dreams of jews. Actually as a Satanist I look at this that way: does that benefit us, freedom and advancement for the world, or at least, NOT worsen the situation? If the answer is a yes, at this point, I see for the world a decent President. If not, then it is bad. Jews act and care about what is in their interest, so they promote Biden with all their power [more liberalism and kosher tolerance for the West, a weak leader, and for Israel they have draconian rule with zero deviations to advance and exist safely], and there is no reason why we shouldn't be objective about the situation and look upon this with suspicion.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Here is where we are right now praying for a decent president or a decent mayor or a decent politician in general. Not great, not good, just decent :cry:

And if someone actually tries to be a great politician they pull the JFK move on him.

What I would like to know is how will one be treated in the afterlife after consciously committing acts of treason against his people, because we now have so many corrupt and immoral justice, police and politics people that we are cheering for a decent one :?: :?: :?:

This reminds of how you said that the time for barely decent Satanists has passed and now we are required to come through and act upon our word, but I can't help to think that even a decent Satanist is pure gold compared to the scum that seem to suffocate our governments at the moment.

And the whole democracy thing is just a big hoax, thinking that a vote from a drug addict or a guy on social welfare somehow is equal with the vote of a hard working individual. Only the elites should vote and if you are not elite then just strive to become one. And yet so many well educated people believe in this stupid system that it seems a veil has been pulled over their logic and senses :shock:
A Biden presidency wouldn’t be all bad because the right would move further right.

Look how the left has become Almost entirely socialist in the last 4 years just because of Trump.

It would give a kick on the ass to a lot of white voters and other people on the center right.

White nationalism will continue to rise exponentially regardless of who wins.
Blackdragon666 said:
Thank you for this HP. I am usually sickened by how the enemy has made a villain out of Trump, way worse than 'he is.' The man can't make a tweet that doesn't have thousands of hate comments under it. Blaming him for the most ridiculous things. Sometimes I wonder if the enemy pays some people to push certain things in social media.

I'm also quite disappointed in the Blacks who are easily swayed by the left.

However the elections go, we won't despair. I can't even put it in words how angry I am at the enemy for their crimes.

I've also been thinking that the whole Floyd situation was to aggravate Blacks and liberal Whites to further push for Trump's possible loss in the elections. Many of the cases of cops shooting Blacks this year turned out to have the enemy's numerology all over them, in addition to false flag signs.

I agree. It's been a rough year, but with this constant bombardment, it actually gives one the ammunition to keep progressing. That's what we SS embody. Despite frictions and upcoming battles our progression in our lives, Spiritual and Material keeps moving forward. Like the earth. Grounded and secure. I fairly optimistic that we will win. In this elect and the many battles we'll come out victorious one way or another.
I never cared much for politics about the US, it's not my country but I've been for quite some time now in the boat of seeing what Trump has been doing as opposed to our own Prime Minister up here. I find him the most admirable president I've seen of the US in this lifetime and find a more positive vibe with him than any other option.

The second I saw Biden for the first time on screen I picked up on how this is a guy easily swayed, doesn't want to actually make his own decisions, he wants others to make it for him or for some outside source to guide him in a direction. At least that's the vibe I got and it sounds like something the enemy would love to have seated in the white house.

Trump if anything has been more on our side than anyone else has, he hasn't furthered the agenda of the enemy to any degrees I'd call significant, in fact I've read articles of named individual jews working with him that expressed anxiety and even suicidal tendencies with him as the president, which is a good sign to me as the enemy fears people against them, their instinct if all else fails is to self-destruct, even with their own lives and jobs and this has been the case with failed planets as well that they couldn't conquer. They fear punishment and they'd definitely been afraid of Trump to all hell, he's a man they have little to no sway over. Biden on the other hand would be an easy target.

My hopes for who wins the election by now is obvious, but regardless of the outcome we persevere.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
A Biden presidency wouldn’t be all bad because the right would move further right.

Look how the left has become Almost entirely socialist in the last 4 years just because of Trump.

It would give a kick on the ass to a lot of white voters and other people on the center right.

White nationalism will continue to rise exponentially regardless of who wins.

It is good everyone of the left is now throwing it in the bin with center left, because they will devolve into Communists and therefore obvious to spot. When people saw the riots that happened they got a taste of what impeding Communism and jewish formulated race war in combination may mean for the future of the world.

Unfortunately with the current momentum many are also being swayed on the far left, not so long before jews admit the word Communist over the word "Socialist" they use for over a couple decades to hide their hammer, sickle and david star behind.

Too much right Zionist wing has caused a lot of Zio shit before also. But this agenda is dying now with the general death of Judeochristianity.

The key is jews are getting unmasked left and right, so a more clever approach of simply not serving jews is being adopted slowly by people, even on an unconscious level. The Right used to be the Zionist wars right, and left used to be the Anti-Israel party.

Now on neither platform one can display such big jewish affections because cross platform these are understood as sick and wrong.
For now, only decent is what one can get. If even that. Just being realistic here. It is what it is.

Most jewish politicians are far less than decent. They are strangers to the level of being optimal. Nowhere close to good or effective. People do not understand it is jews who underperform that bad and simply this is the case because they occupy seats without wanting to do anything at all. But be parasites.

Optimal or great is well enough especially nowadays. Perfect is a rarity and not feasible now. Everyone does mistakes.

Jews mostly are just terrible and fully parasitic. Nations fail to operate because of them, remaining paralyzed and not advancing to better potential. Gentiles who care about people would do millions of times better for obvious reasons.

Ill answer your other insights in another topic.

Immortal said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
All Presidents should be judged on efficiency and what they are actually doing, not just goblin dreams of jews. Actually as a Satanist I look at this that way: does that benefit us, freedom and advancement for the world, or at least, NOT worsen the situation? If the answer is a yes, at this point, I see for the world a decent President. If not, then it is bad. Jews act and care about what is in their interest, so they promote Biden with all their power [more liberalism and kosher tolerance for the West, a weak leader, and for Israel they have draconian rule with zero deviations to advance and exist safely], and there is no reason why we shouldn't be objective about the situation and look upon this with suspicion.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Here is where we are right now praying for a decent president or a decent mayor or a decent politician in general. Not great, not good, just decent :cry:

And if someone actually tries to be a great politician they pull the JFK move on him.

What I would like to know is how will one be treated in the afterlife after consciously committing acts of treason against his people, because we now have so many corrupt and immoral justice, police and politics people that we are cheering for a decent one :?: :?: :?:

This reminds of how you said that the time for barely decent Satanists has passed and now we are required to come through and act upon our word, but I can't help to think that even a decent Satanist is pure gold compared to the scum that seem to suffocate our governments at the moment.

And the whole democracy thing is just a big hoax, thinking that a vote from a drug addict or a guy on social welfare somehow is equal with the vote of a hard working individual. Only the elites should vote and if you are not elite then just strive to become one. And yet so many well educated people believe in this stupid system that it seems a veil has been pulled over their logic and senses :shock:
Basically you just witnessed what Voter Fraud really means. Normally, legit ID should be a mandatory here. US citizens must decide US future.

Probably tens of millions of said fake votes will exist. Uncertain how they will deal with these later to rectify this, but one can be sure, these votes overwhelmingly were Democrat votes.

Maybe they import people from other countries only for voter fraud and to tip the scales to their advantage. And then kick them back out? Jew games all day.

What about mail voting? This will probably incur some crazy fraud also.

Has anyone voted this way? If so, how was the procedure?

Eric13 said:
They always say all these negative untrue things about trump. They’ve been saying it from day one. The proof is in the pudding though and when they did their phony impeachment what happened? If trump was doing all this terrible stuff, where was the evidence? Why did it fail? Because it was a crock of shit from the beginning and always has been. That impeachment was an embarrassment for the democrats and it would of been their undoing if it wasn’t for the fact that they control the media and thus the narrative and were able to control the aftermath.

With voting, I did it in person. No ID was checked when I registered and many people there were speaking only Spanish. This worried me. It was like you’re here, you can vote. How could my ID not be checked or social or anything? They just wanted my name and address.

The interesting thing is voter fraud is such a real thing, that now all over Democrat news I’m hearing even them go on about it too. The only difference is they’re saying Trump is behind it and it’s more evidence to his corruption, bla bla bla. Even though, many of the ballots found in the trash had him selected as the chosen candidate. The fake news has been ramped up lately, but I can say this, I live in a blue state and in a blue city, I’ve been pleasantly surprised with how much trump rallies there has been and how many cars I see down the road with huge trump flags waving them and driving up and down the street. It’s usually very liberal here. Young people too are waving these flags. It gives me hope, despite the fake news onslaught, but we shall see..
Now I better give my all on this one as if this is the battle of Yultong(I can rest later once the elections are done), that's much better than worrying. The kikey assholes cannot and will never get their way on ruining the future for our world. The joo shall not win.
I does support Donald Trump, it's a problem? But I dont like Donald Trump, yes I'm does but just politic as does support. And he is jew or goy?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Basically you just witnessed what Voter Fraud really means. Normally, legit ID should be a mandatory here. US citizens must decide US future.

Probably tens of millions of said fake votes will exist. Uncertain how they will deal with these later to rectify this, but one can be sure, these votes overwhelmingly were Democrat votes.

Maybe they import people from other countries only for voter fraud and to tip the scales to their advantage. And then kick them back out? Jew games all day.

What about mail voting? This will probably incur some crazy fraud also.

Has anyone voted this way? If so, how was the procedure?

Eric13 said:
They always say all these negative untrue things about trump. They’ve been saying it from day one. The proof is in the pudding though and when they did their phony impeachment what happened? If trump was doing all this terrible stuff, where was the evidence? Why did it fail? Because it was a crock of shit from the beginning and always has been. That impeachment was an embarrassment for the democrats and it would of been their undoing if it wasn’t for the fact that they control the media and thus the narrative and were able to control the aftermath.

With voting, I did it in person. No ID was checked when I registered and many people there were speaking only Spanish. This worried me. It was like you’re here, you can vote. How could my ID not be checked or social or anything? They just wanted my name and address.

The interesting thing is voter fraud is such a real thing, that now all over Democrat news I’m hearing even them go on about it too. The only difference is they’re saying Trump is behind it and it’s more evidence to his corruption, bla bla bla. Even though, many of the ballots found in the trash had him selected as the chosen candidate. The fake news has been ramped up lately, but I can say this, I live in a blue state and in a blue city, I’ve been pleasantly surprised with how much trump rallies there has been and how many cars I see down the road with huge trump flags waving them and driving up and down the street. It’s usually very liberal here. Young people too are waving these flags. It gives me hope, despite the fake news onslaught, but we shall see..

It pisses me off because my wife wishes she could vote, but she respects the law. This is so unfair to all of the legal immigrants. Makes my blood boil, and just totally makes a mockery of our nation.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Media is clearly Biden biased, using psychological techniques that declare Biden a winner before the election is even over. This is because psychologically, many weak people will be influenced and vote Biden, if they believe he is the "winner". This is a psychological move, and clear Jewish Media bias. Same thing was the case with Hillary in 2016. "Hillary definitely has won, Hillary will defeat Trump for sure, election results almost in, Hillary won", etc etc. This is the shaping of opinion, and not reporting of news. Jews could care less what the Goyim wants anyway.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This tactic is obvious.
It is also used in commercial marketing, when many people buy something, people tend to follow them.
Even in Italy, many communist journalists are hoping that Biden will win and I say it openly.

these elections affect the whole world, Macron has excellent relations with Biden.

The Biden-Macron-Merkel agreement is something to worry about.

Some people are also spreading around that the enemy manufactured and boosted the Coronavirus so that Trump would be hit with a situation beyond the control of a President - which a pandemic is a typical case of.

this is also true.

i read the news about usa, from the italian media.

before the covid, the Italian media said that Trump was insane and evil but the US economy was doing well thanks to him.
After the covid they say that the US economy is in crisis because of Trump.

all economies are in crisis over the covid, but they pass it off as Trump's fault.
Hmmm.... Concerning Trump....I've heard Christians say Trump is a Christian. Now, I don't know if this is true or not, but it could be. And also Hail Satan! Covid-19 has been a trouble for me lately, but I hope you guys are safe!
What I'm afraid of is not Joe Biden becoming the president, but rather him being declared incompetent after the fact having the more authoritarian, and more shady Kamala Harris taking over. Joe Biden is a fairly moderate Democrat, but the problem is he'll almost always go with the status quo of his party. Kamala Harris on the other hand has promised that within the next 100 days assuming she wins, she will sign an executive order to send police to every gun owner in the country, forcibly confiscating their guns, and killing those who don't comply. This will certainly begin a civil war.

On the other hand, if Trump wins, it's business as usual for Antifa who will escalate their tactics. They're already doing open assassinations on random Republicans, and using the court system in their enclaves to wrongfully arrest, convict, or murder Republicans for simply having the means to defend oneself.
I remember the Libya and Syria wars and mass levellings. Aside from some old fashioned ((stalinist)) parties in Europe who are likely funded by Russia, I saw NO leftists denouncing either. In fact many even at the time shut dissent down with 'OBAMA BLACK HILLARY WOMAN ASSAD IS A TRANSPHOBE DICTATOR SHUT UP' and other nonsensical crap. I used to think the Western left had some principles with Iraq and Afghanistan, but those witnessing those two incidents and similar cucking for Obama's spying methods exposed them for what they are and pushed me towards NS.

I saw them then practically jump for joy as Islamic State swelled to the size of Pennsylvania, blasphemed against radiant Astarte and Her temples, created hordes of 18-45 year old male 'refugees' and turned Europe into a dumping ground. Then they used vague excuses like 'we bombed their countries so you have to give up your house for them', forgetting THEY were cheerleaders for said bombings when they happened.

Time and time again, including this lockdown crap where they had special permission and cosmic protections to go out and burn down cities, they have proven themselves to be demented and full of ressentiment. I even see them switching tone schizophrenically on minor subjects - the same people's years of telling people Bezos is the devil and not to buy off Amazon suddenly switched to 'who cares if you're banned from buying something at the supermarket or store by your government just order it off amazon redneck'.

If Biden wins prepare for this crap by the bucketload. This man is senile and overwhelmingly corrupt. His 'vice president' Harris is even worse - as was posted here, she shut down investigations into 60 years of Catholic Church child sex abuse.

Either way we will rise.
my brothers and sisters, as the trump administration is coming to a close. we must consider many factors. new leaderships is past due. hail satan! again, remember who the real ones are. Deutschland n ESPANA
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Probably tens of millions of said fake votes will exist. Uncertain how they will deal with these later to rectify this, but one can be sure, these votes overwhelmingly were Democrat votes.


What about mail voting? This will probably incur some crazy fraud also.

Has anyone voted this way? If so, how was the procedure?
Yeah, very true because we certainly know the illegals are highly conditioned to think he’s a racist. I live in Colorado which has many illegals. Sometimes I don’t think I even live in America, they’re so plentiful. And in work and places you hear their talks, but that’s the power of the media.

With mail in votes, I believe this has been to a degree, long term premeditated. At least since Covid. I heard from a man who worked at the US post office for 20 years that a few months back they got a new post master and the first thing he did was get rid of much of the machines that expedite mail delivery and other things as well. Some of it I didn’t understand, but the point is he was saying, all it did was extremely slow down everything at the worst timing, (we had a global crisis) which is suspicious. People have been reporting since this period, longer delivery times (in nyc, it’s taking weeks to get things from borough to borough) and higher mail costs for fast shipping. Something is being messed with from within thats for certain and it’s no cohencidence the mail systems are degraded and changed all while Covid happens making mail in the go to way to vote. Yea yeah.. and the dead leaves that fall from my trees turn to candy when they hit the ground.. yeah

Both sides admit there’s a problem and both sides blame the other. The problem is Palosi has stated the house is ready to decide the president if controversies become too big a problem, which they already are. This is a probability as well. That the people won’t even decide our president, but that the house will just put Biden in..
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
A Biden presidency wouldn’t be all bad because the right would move further right.

Look how the left has become Almost entirely socialist in the last 4 years just because of Trump.

It would give a kick on the ass to a lot of white voters and other people on the center right.

White nationalism will continue to rise exponentially regardless of who wins.

I've actually been thinking that. If Biden wins, conservatives will become more radical.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
A Biden presidency wouldn’t be all bad because the right would move further right.

Look how the left has become Almost entirely socialist in the last 4 years just because of Trump.

It would give a kick on the ass to a lot of white voters and other people on the center right.

White nationalism will continue to rise exponentially regardless of who wins.
We have to be careful of extremism in any direction. The left hasn’t always been this nuts. It’s their extremism that’s doing that. Extremists on the right are crazy too and they’re only making pro whites people look crazy as well. The extremists are the ones taking things to mind blowing and deadly places, but since the leftist extremists control the media, they can be as crazy as they want and just tell people it’s normal and it’s fine. Unfortunately when the right does anything extreme, they’re exposed straight away. Sometimes falsely so even. It’s thin ice to be walking on.

What we need is the continued exposing of the corrupt media and fake news. We need to break this spell they have on the masses and for truth to be mainstream. Trump for another 4 years gives us a chance for that. We’ve accomplished so much in our short time with the final rtr. We can do some damage to the media in another 4 years and work closer to finding a balance for the 2024 election.
Biden may have better astrology, but we all know ADL Harris will be running the show. If not outright president.

The agenda she'll be pushing is for UBI, public healthcare, and various other "social programs". We all know the government can't be giving "white supremacists" and minorities ,who acknowledge the Jewish question, free stuff. If the Democrats do win, we'll see a severe stifling of rights and freedoms.

That way "muh free stuff" can be given out, so long as the citizens tow the line.

Or the Democrats won't focus on the social programs, and instead focus on critical race theory. Which imho is a serious scenario.
Let’s all not forget what slander and blasphemy the Jews spewed about Hitler after the World War ended. They’ve said just about everything about him. He was schizophrenic, he was an alcoholic and drug addict, he had wildly filthy orgies or corrupt fantasies, he was physically disfigured and unhealthy, he was a major coward, he was an abusive husband, etc etc etc.

This can be said about Trump too. Not to say Trump truly compares to Hitler, he doesn’t. But he’s being given the same treatment, which is suspicious on its own. Whether or not you believe in what he believes in, it’s good to pay attention to who “the media” (Jews) throw praises to and who they make the villain.

Best wishes to America.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Basically you just witnessed what Voter Fraud really means. Normally, legit ID should be a mandatory here. US citizens must decide US future.

Probably tens of millions of said fake votes will exist. Uncertain how they will deal with these later to rectify this, but one can be sure, these votes overwhelmingly were Democrat votes.

Maybe they import people from other countries only for voter fraud and to tip the scales to their advantage. And then kick them back out? Jew games all day.

What about mail voting? This will probably incur some crazy fraud also.

Has anyone voted this way? If so, how was the procedure?

Eric13 said:
They always say all these negative untrue things about trump. They’ve been saying it from day one. The proof is in the pudding though and when they did their phony impeachment what happened? If trump was doing all this terrible stuff, where was the evidence? Why did it fail? Because it was a crock of shit from the beginning and always has been. That impeachment was an embarrassment for the democrats and it would of been their undoing if it wasn’t for the fact that they control the media and thus the narrative and were able to control the aftermath.

With voting, I did it in person. No ID was checked when I registered and many people there were speaking only Spanish. This worried me. It was like you’re here, you can vote. How could my ID not be checked or social or anything? They just wanted my name and address.

The interesting thing is voter fraud is such a real thing, that now all over Democrat news I’m hearing even them go on about it too. The only difference is they’re saying Trump is behind it and it’s more evidence to his corruption, bla bla bla. Even though, many of the ballots found in the trash had him selected as the chosen candidate. The fake news has been ramped up lately, but I can say this, I live in a blue state and in a blue city, I’ve been pleasantly surprised with how much trump rallies there has been and how many cars I see down the road with huge trump flags waving them and driving up and down the street. It’s usually very liberal here. Young people too are waving these flags. It gives me hope, despite the fake news onslaught, but we shall see..

I voted in person as well. I'd recently moved to a new state and was told we could register to vote here in person as long as we had our current ID and a proof of residence in this state. Everything was going fine but at some point in the process, the people helping me register sort of changed their attitudes, made a phone call, and decided that the vote would not count unless my ID was changed to the official state ID.. Specifically they stated "You can still vote, but your vote will not count unless you change your ID via walk in at the DMV, and provide proof of this by Friday. They'll be having extended hours for the next few days to accommodate these things.". I still voted but I don't understand how this makes any sense.
Saw a video of Californian shops that were barricading for eventual riots.
Blackdragon666 said:
Sometimes I wonder if the enemy pays some people to push certain things in social media.
Yes, they have a base of operation, Communist China. The jews there have a lot of places with thousands of computers and smartphones to troll on social media.
I still worry (((I'm scared, I'm not afraid for myself, but for people, for the entire white race, which will be in terrible danger if Biden wins.
Trump is going to win the election and the next couple days maybe even weeks will be about how it was "rigged" and not accepting the outcome. This will be a big scandal guaranteed. Do not be surprised to see the Democrats unleash their Antifa/BLM for another round of "peaceful riots" aka destruction and looting in the coming days and try to deny Trump his re-election.

every state Biden won they made sure to give him the official victory and electoral votes as soon as they could, but any state that Trump wins they wait as long as possible to announce such. This is the case for every state that hasn't been announced yet. This is so the door isn't shut on rigging/altering the election and claiming there are still unaccounted for votes. Creating fake votes, discarding and changing official votes, etc.. what they will try to say Trump or "muh Russia" did is exactly what they are/have already tried to do.

Trump may have to initiate a purge on these rats unless he wants to be the next Nixon or Kennedy and then afterwards set the country up so that after his next 4 years America won't just revert back to clinton/bush. A lot of so called republicans are decent people and the majority are aware enough that the standard conveyor belt Republicans like the Bushs are complete cucks no different than the Bidens/Clintons/Obamas of the world. this could open the way for an alternative movement more in line with Trumps brand.
Good morning / evening everyone, I am a new member here, I will be brief ; I just wanted to convey my sincere positivity to all American citizens and members in general, on these key days ... With that said, keep up your spirits everyone! Greetings from Spain
Brilliant HPHC

Hope you get the desired result, I know they are obviously puppets fro those "unseen".

Biden to me seems a commie.

I will take a bigger interest in this election.
I read yesterday on some site, I think it was abcnews, how they "ran 40.000 simulations" and "Biden has a 90% chance of winning". Now we are hearing how it's a very close race. Lol
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Cobra, you should take a look at the video Lady Gaga made to promote Biden.
Medias are totally rotten to the bone.
I personally like Trump, even if he's not very friend with gay people and unwilling to legalize their marriage...but apart from that, he's not that bad to me.
I'm very passionate about American Culture and everything involved with it, and in Italy nobody is gonna kill you if you voted against communism and immigrants, and hate Islam.
Femminists are really speaking against Trump...
I have a blog and I've seen another blogger calling bitches the ones voting for Trump, or very empty, influenced people.
They're all okay with open borders, transgenders, feminists and shit like that.
And if you talk against them, you're done.
You can't even express your opinion if you have a different one.
I hope America and all countries get better.

P.s. Let's laugh at all those mudslims women who are feminists. Where have we gone?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Has anyone voted this way? If so, how was the procedure?

Simple, you get the ballot by mail, you check your candidate and send it back.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
A Biden presidency wouldn’t be all bad because the right would move further right.

Look how the left has become Almost entirely socialist in the last 4 years just because of Trump.

It would give a kick on the ass to a lot of white voters and other people on the center right.

White nationalism will continue to rise exponentially regardless of who wins.

Very true. I was pondering if the left keeps it up then they'll have the "monster" they pretend to be fighting. Like that one meme of a little white kid being told he's the bad guy so his life from grade school to college and once he's am adult puts on the wolfestein bad guy helmet while repeating the words "I'm the bad guy". Lol it's simplistic but my point is that I'm seeing many whites getting really agitated about the anti white communist rhetoric going on. Fortunately also I've seen those who are with out that aren't white getting annoyed that innocent whites are getting all this hate, many of them if not all voted for Trump by their admission.

What's even better is the hate that zionism is getting by those on the right more and more. Like HP Cobra said the zio shit is dying. That's of course thanks to us so regardless of who wins the presidency Gentiles will keep waking up more and more to the enemy jew that control both sides of American politics and other parts of the world.
Thank you for writing this btw. I needed it. I was stressed out all day and this post calmed me down a lot. I was going to keep on fighting spiritually and meditating regardless of the outcome and now I'll keep your words in mind as the results come in and onward.

The jewish media really did a number on the weak minded but seeing that they had to cheat because that still wasn't enough shows how desperate the enemy is and how much more weak they are getting. Let's keep it up with the F-RTR :)
Anna said:
I still worry (((I'm scared, I'm not afraid for myself, but for people, for the entire white race, which will be in terrible danger if Biden wins.

He probably will not win unless the whole situation is entirely staged.

With the data coming out, it seems to have been staged since the beginning to just steal the election.

It was not difficult to foresee, nor the first time the enemy steals an election.

Fradulent mail voting and person voting contributes to this. Apparently the matter may take a few days to clarify.
Shael said:
I read yesterday on some site, I think it was abcnews, how they "ran 40.000 simulations" and "Biden has a 90% chance of winning". Now we are hearing how it's a very close race. Lol

When I was reading the news there was a program that you could press on the key states and change the odds of the winning candidate. On the program the settings were predetermined with Biden winning without any of the selections. Oy vey the goyim will believe dis, hammer it in.

Trump should have won the election if not have won it already.

They used millions of fraud voters and who knows what went down on the mail ballot also.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
On the other hand, he did not really act in many ways to support things he was elected, such as the wall. This leaves us at point zero, but at least the point is not "Minus".
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Hold on what i dont understand, didn't he build that wall like you can see it on the border with Texas as i know, yeah its not long as the entire of US but its still better than what was before, now the mexican gangs (even if they still can bypass it) they do have some kind of challange coming in the US, sadly as i know (there was a video from Flecass Talk about Trump wall) the wall was build from Trump money and donations.
Can you please illuminate me, i may talk gibberish here but you made me a bit curious.
Nikois666 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
Sometimes I wonder if the enemy pays some people to push certain things in social media.
Yes, they have a base of operation, Communist China. The jews there have a lot of places with thousands of computers and smartphones to troll on social media.

Israel on its own has a full wing for internet warfare, and about tens of thousands of jews spamming regularly to promote kike opinions. And who knows how many infinite bots on top of that.

They pay an army of people. A jew admitted this in a documentary that I made. And this is only the tip of the iceberg.
I have in general not been paying too much attention to the election but sometimes indulge in the memes that are coming from it; often Biden making himself look stupid especially funny lines like "just shut up man" when trump is just flaming him. I think some people just have a crab in the bucket attitude and hate on him for that. the guy seems charismatic I will admit, he is rich, became president once

some of this is coming out of jealousy if certain people feel stuck in one place and can't really push their lives better but as others have stated even HoodedCobra, it would seem apparent that the jews have been pushing this relentlessly. I feel like trump is gonna win this but I personally feel like nothing really positive is gonna happen either from his presidency so poop but when you think about how biden would bring us towards communism, it reminds how Trump sounds like a safer option.

I just hope someday we get a good commander like rockwell but showing a more true form of national socialism to the populace perhaps when christianity and islam really fades out. something more transparent and back to the original which we believe in! this is not a christian nation, it is a satanic nation under our god Lucifer. Not to be jewed any longer but free. Hail Wotanaz!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
