I want to clarify some things on this post for our people, since the RTR's have been clearing the environment of the jewish spells of ignorance and deception.
The enemy is an imposter. They have faked and created a fake order, mirroring like a bad image the order of our own Ancient Pagan and Natural order. And I wanted to elaborate in this so that Satanists can avoid misunderstandings.
Even the Gnostics who were largely infested and infected by the teachings of the enemy and the jewish outlook of things, understood that the so called 'creator' of the world of the time in which they lived was an imposter. They knew that the claimed 'Creator' of the hebrews was just an astral jew, jewing people, and they called this thing the "Demiurge" or the fake creator.
The Gnostics were simply some lost people with some spiritual understanding that understood that something really off was going on. Like many early "Christian" sects, that we are told today, due to perverted history that were "Christians", they practiced Anti-Christianity in full. The same goes for the early so called "Christian Pagans", who just practiced Paganism with some perverted names. We were told lies later to cover this up, but we were never really 'christian'. Even today, all we do is cling into our ancestral Paganism tenets.
People just want to have "Christmas" simply because in our racial consciousness we have Winter Solstice. These things could never be uprooted. Unfortunately many people are loyal to judeo-christianity, because actually, it's just a perverted copy of our Pagan religions. The same thing goes for Muslims. This goes deeply in the unconscious.
The Ancient Greeks said the story of "Dolos" or the liar, who was creating lies and machinations that could deceive all people. The tale goes to show the meaning that Dolos had a statue that he stole from the Gods, and that he made the lies in the image of these statues, but with clay feet. The statues were so identical even the Gods found the resemblance shocking. People thought the statue of Dolos was true, as it was in all effects the same as the supreme statue of Zeus, but it had clay feet and could not stand. Therefore, the lies always collapsed after a point under their own weight. The similarity of these statues here is what Judeo-Christianity is to Paganism.
These people were exterminated by the "Christians" who later rewrote these people as some sort of "Christians". What kind of a "Christian" are you if you worship the Devil and you make your so called "Chapels" with Serpent statues and Snake Scale Roofs like in Norway.. And dance around doing Pagan rituals and orgies...And you do meditation exercises to rise the Devil or Serpent...You're clearly a Satanist or simply a Pagan. At first the jews just imposed the name of "Christ" and people were like "Whatever, we don't give a fuck" and continued for centuries to do what they always did. But then the jews mobilized their scum servants to kill these people by the sword and brutalize them, which is when these tenets disappeared. To add insult to injury, the jews called these dead people "Christians".
If one goes around in Europe, you just see Pagan temples with a cross sticked on it with cheap glue. Then this thing is called "Christian". The jewish rabbis who created this hoax same as the Vatican are fully aware that this hoax cannot last, and that we are 'naturally Pagan' and that the 'devil' cannot be driven out. So they seek to just pervert the racial memory by perverting the racial blood of the peoples. This creates for confusion, so that "Dolos" can reign with his clay feet just for a while longer.
This is sort of like the jews claim outrageous things that "The creator of the universe" is a jew, that everything in the universe is jewish, and that the so called 'existence' was created when some jew on the sky farted around 6000 years ago. Just egopathic and schizophrenic lies of the jews, which, unfortunately, were taken too literally based on the sword and on the systematic extermination of endless people.
As for "Christos", this perverted hoax of the jews, means simply nothing and is null and void of a thing. It's ironic people even believe in this joke, which comes from spiritual ignorance. Christos is just a literal Ancient Greek word which means "The one initiated on the mysteries" and it's just a random word, such as calling someone by the epithet "Cool". The jews just made up the whole hoax of Rabbi Yehoshua or Christos to just deceive the masses as some sort of literal jewish rabbi. This thing never existed. This is why jews scorn on all those of their tribe who are as retarded as to assume this concept is something 'literal'.
"Don't get high on your own supply" is the rule in this case. As Jew Marx said about Christianity, "Its the opium of the masses". And really, it is. Rabbi Marx knew very well what his own race has generated. A fake ass hoax.
The jews have specified their intentions in the bible that they want to rule the Goyim, exterminate us, and many other things. They also pretend they are speaking to the 'most high' of the 'universe', but all to what they are relating is simply their own racial thoughform.
The Egyptians in their mysteries did also believe in a universal sea of consciousness, the "First God" or the "Monad" by the Platonic term. This is just the chaotic "Everything-Nothingness" which is the primordial sea of existence. They called this "Neteru", and from this Neteru, came the Neter. Amon or Amun was the self-created God who is symbolic of this Neter concept. The Egyptians and all Pagans had a so called "Highest God" which was "The Ruler of the Universe", but this is just a state of being, which the being itself perceives.
And this God is in reality inside us, and we are inside it, in totality, like the Quintessence permutes everything on the cosmos. We are literally "One" with this God. So this "God" exists in everything, and is everything, but is also "Nothing" at the same time, simply because it's just the generative energy of the universe. This is like the "Force" in Star Wars.
This "Force" does not have 'favorite' guys, doesn't love jews, nor does it personally serve jews, nor does it hate anyone or love anyone. It's just an impersonal force of pure consciousness.
The Ancient Greek word for this "Creator of Everything" was simply "Theos", which is etymologically a directly connected word to Thoth or Tehuti of the Egyptian Pantheon. Because Thoth symbolizes the logic and highest understanding of the Universe. So this is a state of being and a concept. Which is just a level of personal consciousness, which can only be understood directly.
So nobody here has to 'hate god', since, jews are not "God" in anyway, shape or form. They just cheap cockroaches that took spiritual concepts, and in full racism, individualized these concepts to exclude other people from them, in order to control them and kill their spirituality. Because they are aliens who wanted to attack people here. On war with the aliens who are helpful to us and we called "Demons" and "Gods" in our Pantheons.
The mainstream history says and spams on people that the Pagans were violent, but this is a lie. Pagans or Pagan Priesthoods never attacked one another based on belief, or conviction, and constantly one absorbed the other into another, simply because it was understood that all these understandings were the same thing. In Ancient Greeks, even the late Greeks could not understand why the so called "Greek Pagans" used the names of Bacchus and other "Egyptian" or "Hindu" names to praise and commune with the Gods, but this is because, there is no problem in that since they knew the same entities were behind these.
Satan on the other hand, or Lucifer, even in the jewish Kabbalah, is recognized as the "Most High", because simply this being is recognized for being the highest authority. The cryptic language says Lucifer is the "Expression of the Most High" and even the Yezidhis call him that way. This is because yes, Satan is literally the incarnation of "God" and all the concept of "God" possibly represents. But in a living entity, that guides us and advances us directly. And Satan is the highest in power and in authority, but there are many other Gods which deserve love and honor.
Therefore I accuse the jews not only of the crime of going against the Gods who are the most Divine and Perfect, but also against the universe itself. Unfortunately the so called "Universe" cannot give any revenge for itself, but the action of the jews is still deceptive and disgusting, and will be avenged by the Gods which they attacked for no reason whatsover. The belittlement of the jews towards the divine, the filling of it with jewish absurdities, and the destruction of the elevated understanding of "God" or universe, has endless millions of people being Atheists and therefore simply relinquishing the sweetest and most beautiful relationship we deserve with our ancestral Gods and by having a spiritual life.
Lastly one must not be afraid and hesitant to approach our Gods. One is not "Pagan" if they do not commune, show love, admiration, and honor the Gods in every action, in action, in ritual, in enlightening the world, and in advancing spiritually, and in cleaning the world from spiritual corruption. Our Demons do deserve our full love, admiration, understanding and friendship.
When I first joined Satanism, I of course had my doubts. I went in expecting with worry to find beings that would be 'evil', but I only found good, ethical and beautiful beings beyond all my expectations. My point was to learn the Truth quite simply. In my perception nothing could have been more evil or hypocritical to the jewish excrement all of us were forced to believe prior.
So "Evil" wasn't really a convincing term to keep me away from the Gods. As I advanced with the Gods I saw that they were solely good and I serve them with love to eternity because of their beauty and honesty, proud that I continue the tradition of my ancestors and heroes of the ancient times. If the Gods loved and guided my ancestors, why should it be different to me? The only thing that has changed since then is the Jewish "Dolos" and his machinations. We are all still who we were before.
Gentiles need to deprogram from fear of the Gods. The Gods love Gentiles. However the Gods have punished and kept away the jews for centuries upon centuries, because they are evil and threatening to us, and not because the Gods are simply evil beings. If you see a poisonous scorpion going after your children, you will distance your child and kill the scorpion.
One must have no guilt on the inside for being with the Gods, as to aspire to the Gods is really to aspire to the guides that lead to the highest actualization of being human. One should also stop disregarding the Gods and open their ears and heart in order to receive their blessings, and power, and attract these in their existence with love. Our Gods did not receive what is around 100,000 years of consistent worship and love on this planet by some sort of coincidence, or because they were vicious beings, but because they were really the personification of the good side of the universe to us Gentiles. They always acted as a good and helpful light for us in what is otherwise a looming darkness of existing without any reason and purpose.
All Gentiles should feel personally very offended that this relationship was broken and attacked. Prayers given to our Gods for thousands of years for their help were simply desecrated and disappeared. Things we built with beauty in their name in order to advance our civilization and give them some love back for the endless support, were destroyed. And finally we ourselves were attacked with the intention to be made animals from where many of us were friends, sons and daughters of the Gods.
We were so close we were literally a second planet where they would visit and bless, in our travels towards our own evolution. Now humanity has become a giant cripple with evil looming at every corner. For this we must be Just and straighten these accounts once and for all.
Hail Satan!
Hail The Gods!
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
The enemy is an imposter. They have faked and created a fake order, mirroring like a bad image the order of our own Ancient Pagan and Natural order. And I wanted to elaborate in this so that Satanists can avoid misunderstandings.
Even the Gnostics who were largely infested and infected by the teachings of the enemy and the jewish outlook of things, understood that the so called 'creator' of the world of the time in which they lived was an imposter. They knew that the claimed 'Creator' of the hebrews was just an astral jew, jewing people, and they called this thing the "Demiurge" or the fake creator.
The Gnostics were simply some lost people with some spiritual understanding that understood that something really off was going on. Like many early "Christian" sects, that we are told today, due to perverted history that were "Christians", they practiced Anti-Christianity in full. The same goes for the early so called "Christian Pagans", who just practiced Paganism with some perverted names. We were told lies later to cover this up, but we were never really 'christian'. Even today, all we do is cling into our ancestral Paganism tenets.
People just want to have "Christmas" simply because in our racial consciousness we have Winter Solstice. These things could never be uprooted. Unfortunately many people are loyal to judeo-christianity, because actually, it's just a perverted copy of our Pagan religions. The same thing goes for Muslims. This goes deeply in the unconscious.
The Ancient Greeks said the story of "Dolos" or the liar, who was creating lies and machinations that could deceive all people. The tale goes to show the meaning that Dolos had a statue that he stole from the Gods, and that he made the lies in the image of these statues, but with clay feet. The statues were so identical even the Gods found the resemblance shocking. People thought the statue of Dolos was true, as it was in all effects the same as the supreme statue of Zeus, but it had clay feet and could not stand. Therefore, the lies always collapsed after a point under their own weight. The similarity of these statues here is what Judeo-Christianity is to Paganism.
These people were exterminated by the "Christians" who later rewrote these people as some sort of "Christians". What kind of a "Christian" are you if you worship the Devil and you make your so called "Chapels" with Serpent statues and Snake Scale Roofs like in Norway.. And dance around doing Pagan rituals and orgies...And you do meditation exercises to rise the Devil or Serpent...You're clearly a Satanist or simply a Pagan. At first the jews just imposed the name of "Christ" and people were like "Whatever, we don't give a fuck" and continued for centuries to do what they always did. But then the jews mobilized their scum servants to kill these people by the sword and brutalize them, which is when these tenets disappeared. To add insult to injury, the jews called these dead people "Christians".
If one goes around in Europe, you just see Pagan temples with a cross sticked on it with cheap glue. Then this thing is called "Christian". The jewish rabbis who created this hoax same as the Vatican are fully aware that this hoax cannot last, and that we are 'naturally Pagan' and that the 'devil' cannot be driven out. So they seek to just pervert the racial memory by perverting the racial blood of the peoples. This creates for confusion, so that "Dolos" can reign with his clay feet just for a while longer.
This is sort of like the jews claim outrageous things that "The creator of the universe" is a jew, that everything in the universe is jewish, and that the so called 'existence' was created when some jew on the sky farted around 6000 years ago. Just egopathic and schizophrenic lies of the jews, which, unfortunately, were taken too literally based on the sword and on the systematic extermination of endless people.
As for "Christos", this perverted hoax of the jews, means simply nothing and is null and void of a thing. It's ironic people even believe in this joke, which comes from spiritual ignorance. Christos is just a literal Ancient Greek word which means "The one initiated on the mysteries" and it's just a random word, such as calling someone by the epithet "Cool". The jews just made up the whole hoax of Rabbi Yehoshua or Christos to just deceive the masses as some sort of literal jewish rabbi. This thing never existed. This is why jews scorn on all those of their tribe who are as retarded as to assume this concept is something 'literal'.
"Don't get high on your own supply" is the rule in this case. As Jew Marx said about Christianity, "Its the opium of the masses". And really, it is. Rabbi Marx knew very well what his own race has generated. A fake ass hoax.
The jews have specified their intentions in the bible that they want to rule the Goyim, exterminate us, and many other things. They also pretend they are speaking to the 'most high' of the 'universe', but all to what they are relating is simply their own racial thoughform.
The Egyptians in their mysteries did also believe in a universal sea of consciousness, the "First God" or the "Monad" by the Platonic term. This is just the chaotic "Everything-Nothingness" which is the primordial sea of existence. They called this "Neteru", and from this Neteru, came the Neter. Amon or Amun was the self-created God who is symbolic of this Neter concept. The Egyptians and all Pagans had a so called "Highest God" which was "The Ruler of the Universe", but this is just a state of being, which the being itself perceives.
And this God is in reality inside us, and we are inside it, in totality, like the Quintessence permutes everything on the cosmos. We are literally "One" with this God. So this "God" exists in everything, and is everything, but is also "Nothing" at the same time, simply because it's just the generative energy of the universe. This is like the "Force" in Star Wars.
This "Force" does not have 'favorite' guys, doesn't love jews, nor does it personally serve jews, nor does it hate anyone or love anyone. It's just an impersonal force of pure consciousness.
The Ancient Greek word for this "Creator of Everything" was simply "Theos", which is etymologically a directly connected word to Thoth or Tehuti of the Egyptian Pantheon. Because Thoth symbolizes the logic and highest understanding of the Universe. So this is a state of being and a concept. Which is just a level of personal consciousness, which can only be understood directly.
So nobody here has to 'hate god', since, jews are not "God" in anyway, shape or form. They just cheap cockroaches that took spiritual concepts, and in full racism, individualized these concepts to exclude other people from them, in order to control them and kill their spirituality. Because they are aliens who wanted to attack people here. On war with the aliens who are helpful to us and we called "Demons" and "Gods" in our Pantheons.
The mainstream history says and spams on people that the Pagans were violent, but this is a lie. Pagans or Pagan Priesthoods never attacked one another based on belief, or conviction, and constantly one absorbed the other into another, simply because it was understood that all these understandings were the same thing. In Ancient Greeks, even the late Greeks could not understand why the so called "Greek Pagans" used the names of Bacchus and other "Egyptian" or "Hindu" names to praise and commune with the Gods, but this is because, there is no problem in that since they knew the same entities were behind these.
Satan on the other hand, or Lucifer, even in the jewish Kabbalah, is recognized as the "Most High", because simply this being is recognized for being the highest authority. The cryptic language says Lucifer is the "Expression of the Most High" and even the Yezidhis call him that way. This is because yes, Satan is literally the incarnation of "God" and all the concept of "God" possibly represents. But in a living entity, that guides us and advances us directly. And Satan is the highest in power and in authority, but there are many other Gods which deserve love and honor.
Therefore I accuse the jews not only of the crime of going against the Gods who are the most Divine and Perfect, but also against the universe itself. Unfortunately the so called "Universe" cannot give any revenge for itself, but the action of the jews is still deceptive and disgusting, and will be avenged by the Gods which they attacked for no reason whatsover. The belittlement of the jews towards the divine, the filling of it with jewish absurdities, and the destruction of the elevated understanding of "God" or universe, has endless millions of people being Atheists and therefore simply relinquishing the sweetest and most beautiful relationship we deserve with our ancestral Gods and by having a spiritual life.
Lastly one must not be afraid and hesitant to approach our Gods. One is not "Pagan" if they do not commune, show love, admiration, and honor the Gods in every action, in action, in ritual, in enlightening the world, and in advancing spiritually, and in cleaning the world from spiritual corruption. Our Demons do deserve our full love, admiration, understanding and friendship.
When I first joined Satanism, I of course had my doubts. I went in expecting with worry to find beings that would be 'evil', but I only found good, ethical and beautiful beings beyond all my expectations. My point was to learn the Truth quite simply. In my perception nothing could have been more evil or hypocritical to the jewish excrement all of us were forced to believe prior.
So "Evil" wasn't really a convincing term to keep me away from the Gods. As I advanced with the Gods I saw that they were solely good and I serve them with love to eternity because of their beauty and honesty, proud that I continue the tradition of my ancestors and heroes of the ancient times. If the Gods loved and guided my ancestors, why should it be different to me? The only thing that has changed since then is the Jewish "Dolos" and his machinations. We are all still who we were before.
Gentiles need to deprogram from fear of the Gods. The Gods love Gentiles. However the Gods have punished and kept away the jews for centuries upon centuries, because they are evil and threatening to us, and not because the Gods are simply evil beings. If you see a poisonous scorpion going after your children, you will distance your child and kill the scorpion.
One must have no guilt on the inside for being with the Gods, as to aspire to the Gods is really to aspire to the guides that lead to the highest actualization of being human. One should also stop disregarding the Gods and open their ears and heart in order to receive their blessings, and power, and attract these in their existence with love. Our Gods did not receive what is around 100,000 years of consistent worship and love on this planet by some sort of coincidence, or because they were vicious beings, but because they were really the personification of the good side of the universe to us Gentiles. They always acted as a good and helpful light for us in what is otherwise a looming darkness of existing without any reason and purpose.
All Gentiles should feel personally very offended that this relationship was broken and attacked. Prayers given to our Gods for thousands of years for their help were simply desecrated and disappeared. Things we built with beauty in their name in order to advance our civilization and give them some love back for the endless support, were destroyed. And finally we ourselves were attacked with the intention to be made animals from where many of us were friends, sons and daughters of the Gods.
We were so close we were literally a second planet where they would visit and bless, in our travels towards our own evolution. Now humanity has become a giant cripple with evil looming at every corner. For this we must be Just and straighten these accounts once and for all.
Hail Satan!
Hail The Gods!
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666