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Tucker Carlson is basically calling out kalergi plan


New member
Jan 7, 2020
Tucker is one of our last major corporation journalists left calling out their agenda. They are so pissed, they want him shut down.
Retrospect said:
Tucker is one of our last major corporation journalists left calling out their agenda. They are so pissed, they want him shut down.

Wow i i always thought tucker Carlson was a jew i guess jews are gonna start throwing each other under the bus lol HAIL SATAN
The whole video was very good but the last 2 minutes were marvelous! The reverse shema surely is showing it's signs. If our work is going to keep being this blatant then I'm excited for the next schedule.

When we first started the RTRs I had to not get down of not seeing for myself the fruits of our labor right away. Now I see it blatantly almost everyday and I'm glad I stuck thru all the schedules since.
He had to throw in a few points about it being "political not racial", but this is a massive win, people can see what's really going on behind those words. When he brought up Israel, I almost couldn't believe it. Also nice calling out (((Michelle Goldberg))).
Retrospect said:
Tucker is one of our last major corporation journalists left calling out their agenda. They are so pissed, they want him shut down.

I always loved this guy, I even watch Fox news despite living in Germany, just because of Tucker.
Retrospect said:
Tucker is one of our last major corporation journalists left calling out their agenda. They are so pissed, they want him shut down.

Tucker here did a very good job. He even used the ADL's own words against them. This mass awakening is indeed happening at an exponential rate, and the dots are slowly, but surely, being connected back to the vile jews.

I look forward to our spiritual warfare schedules, because as we build up on them, and when we move on to the next phase, more of this will happen.

Hail Satan. May the Fourth Reich rise on a global scale!
He's clearly 100% European Germanic and not "jewish".

Hailenki.88 said:
Retrospect said:
Tucker is one of our last major corporation journalists left calling out their agenda. They are so pissed, they want him shut down.

Wow i i always thought tucker Carlson was a jew i guess jews are gonna start throwing each other under the bus lol HAIL SATAN
Due to sympathizing heavily with Mr Tucker I will not entertain any slander against him in this platform, because he is a decent, upright man with a spine, in contrast to millions of sold out garbage.

Not to say he cannot be called on mistakes, but he has the guts to engage in subjects while millions of many others totally cuck out for their life and their little nonsense life. What he does is noble and honorable.

He is a warrior for facts and true journalism like few others in his profession.
It is good, but probably controlled oposition in some way, Carlson do not look jew but he wear Kabbalah red wristband. Andrew Torba is attacing ADL, but he is radical xtian who might have Jewish blood.

Kurat said:
It is good, but probably controlled oposition in some way, Carlson do not look jew but he wear Kabbalah red wristband. Andrew Torba is attacing ADL, but he is radical xtian who might have Jewish blood.

Andrew Torba is on a jesus trip and he clearly has a levantine blood or blood from the Middle East, heavily so.

His rampant shilling of Rabbi Yeshua is also key for him to grow his platform with millions of other Rabbi Yehoshua fandom people, and why he does that is because he wants no transparency and fast growth for his platform.

He is trying to grow his network on the claim that the gorillions of trillions dollar worth of xianity, and how it's literally the jewel eye of the jew, is somehow persecuted and so on. This is tie it in with numerous QAnon type and conspiracy theory stuff, to expand it's growth.

The degree of purposeful stupidity or just stupidity, or purposefuly shilling is still under question. Alex Jones is on the same drill also.
I really like American Renaissance. It isn't heavy on the white Christian value vibe either, just mainly articles about crime, cultural achievements, white genocide, etc.

Hailenki.88 said:
Retrospect said:
Tucker is one of our last major corporation journalists left calling out their agenda. They are so pissed, they want him shut down.

Wow i i always thought tucker Carlson was a jew i guess jews are gonna start throwing each other under the bus lol HAIL SATAN

Dude look at him, he looks like a total gentile unit, lol.
Strip him nude and give him a spear and he looks like an ancient greek warrior.
It's only a damn shame that Tucker Carlson has no interest in politics, otherwise I'd vote for him in 2024.
Retrospect said:
Tucker is one of our last major corporation journalists left calling out their agenda. They are so pissed, they want him shut down.

What a sensible man!
Btw, this is literally on the United Nations website. Anyone can go look this up. Its an official plan.

Shadowcat said:
White genocide and displacement is real. Our homes have been a warzone eversince the enemy came has come, who will stop at nothing until we are completely displaced, and untimately utterly extinct. Without whites as the backbone of civilization, othe gentile races will be free game of complete control and enslavement if the enemy has their way.
This is just another piece of proof that "multiculturalism" and "diversity" and open borders are all hostile jewish bullshit, their most open and obvious way of showing hatred and oppression of the white race.
HailVictory88 said:
He had to throw in a few points about it being "political not racial", but this is a massive win, people can see what's really going on behind those words. When he brought up Israel, I almost couldn't believe it. Also nice calling out (((Michelle Goldberg))).

I had a similar thought regarding the political not racial bit when I was watching this - with my mother, too, so it was a good opportunity to slip certain information on the ADL into the conversation. When he made a point of contrasting what he was talking about - demographic replacement - with White replacement, I very much imagined that in his head, he was concurrently very cognizant of the fact that this is, too, White replacement just as much as it is demographic replacement - Whites are the demographic. Such is clear when he pointed out California's changing population, and when pointing out Goldberg's celebration of Georgia not simply becoming more Democratic - but becoming more Democratic because it's becoming less White. She may be happy, but would certainly be less enthused if Georgia's purpling was the result of a mass influx of White liberals.

Seeing her name again - since "We can replace them" is a slightly older article at this junction - and rereading the ADL's justification of keeping Israel majority-Jewish was particularly invigorating. To see what's been known so openly declared, and knowing inside that Tucker's outwardly positive assessment of the ADL will only hurt them, I'm absolutely brimming. It also is simply a nice change of pace to see a TV political personality that I don't consider to epitomize evil.
Hailenki.88 said:
Retrospect said:
Tucker is one of our last major corporation journalists left calling out their agenda. They are so pissed, they want him shut down.

Wow i i always thought tucker Carlson was a jew i guess jews are gonna start throwing each other under the bus lol HAIL SATAN

HP Cobra already clarified but, look at the eyes. I know Tucker's can seem a bit off with their shape from the front, but look at this image. These are not the eyes of a reptilian shitrat.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Due to sympathizing heavily with Mr Tucker I will not entertain any slander against him in this platform, because he is a decent, upright man with a spine, in contrast to millions of sold out garbage.

Not to say he cannot be called on mistakes, but he has the guts to engage in subjects while millions of many others totally cuck out for their life and their little nonsense life. What he does is noble and honorable.

He is a warrior for facts and true journalism like few others in his profession.

Oh for sure. I used to follow all of his stuff back in the day when I had kikebook. Now that I'm finding him on gab the content will be bookmarked there as well nowadays.
Retrospect said:
Tucker is one of our last major corporation journalists left calling out their agenda. They are so pissed, they want him shut down.

He has always called out politically correct bullshit. I used to follow "tucker Carlson tonight" on fb. Its Been shoa'd there now no doubt.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Due to sympathizing heavily with Mr Tucker I will not entertain any slander against him in this platform, because he is a decent, upright man with a spine, in contrast to millions of sold out garbage.

Not to say he cannot be called on mistakes, but he has the guts to engage in subjects while millions of many others totally cuck out for their life and their little nonsense life. What he does is noble and honorable.

He is a warrior for facts and true journalism like few others in his profession.

Oh apologies just got to the point I assumed anyone in any position in the media was a jew or controlled by them thats good he calls them out
On this multi cultural bullshit now that I look at him again I suppose he is German he doesn't have the. Lizard jew lip which is what I've noticed personally gives them away the most above
all, Wasent trying to disrespect him didn't know he was legitimately fighting back at this shit seeing how rabid these little rodents are getting wouldn't surprise me if they decide to take him out
ShadowTheRaven said:
It's only a damn shame that Tucker Carlson has no interest in politics, otherwise I'd vote for him in 2024.

I keep hearing that Trump might be running again in 2024 if he's still around that is
Jack said:
Btw, this is literally on the United Nations website. Anyone can go look this up. Its an official plan.


Replacement of aging populations?.....
literally telling people what there doing INSANE dude
Retrospect said:
Tucker is one of our last major corporation journalists left calling out their agenda. They are so pissed, they want him shut down.

If there is ever a time to try and redpill your friends and family, I would show them this video. The argument is sound without going too deep, and from a "reputable" source.

I would also point out that the New York Times article Tucker references was written by a GOLDBERG :lol:
Retrospect said:
Tucker is one of our last major corporation journalists left calling out their agenda. They are so pissed, they want him shut down.
Update -
Tucker Nukes Israel – Says Jews Have Same Policy They Claim is Racist for Whites!

Hailenki.88 said:
I keep hearing that Trump might be running again in 2024 if he's still around that is

I wouldn't bother. After this election, you're pretty much wasting your vote.
They are trying really hard to take him down. Even trying to find out where he lives, etc.

If they do, it would be incredibly revealing. He says that they can't cancel his show that easily since it is on subscription or something like that, but they can keep pressuring Fox to fire him.

Pretty sure he is Fox's main attraction, without him views would really drop it would be over for them.

After all he isn't saying anything that isn't true, he is of course being careful with the words he uses. If he starts making it about race too much then he would be labeled white supremacist by the left and cancelled overnight.
Some people particularly Trumpist have stated Tucker should run for president or at least be vice president kinda like how some people are stating about Ron De Santis either President or V.P..

The thing is Tucker makes a killing in money getting paid to host his show. So it's doubtful he'll leave but non the less he is a strong candidate for president and does have a killer attitude towards politics and whatnot. Dating back what how long has Tucker been on the air since pretty much 9/11 near 9/11, funny the guy ages gracefully I do recall Tucker being lambasted by the MSM back around 2005-2006 right around the time Glenn Beck popped in and was in his own controversy on CNN.

Tucker has always been controversial from the left/marxist perspective remember the jokes from Family Guy. Death: "Man it's been a busy week Dick Cheney VP of Haliburton shot Supreme Court Justice Scalia in a hunting accident and the bullet went right through him and hit Carl Rove and Tucker Carlson." Brian: "Oh my god Peter we can't leave. Peter: "I don't know who any of those guys are".

So either way don't expect Tucker to be president anytime soon. Perhaps IF Trump gives him backing but I think Trump is gonna go for another 4 years he's just building hype IF not then he at least backs up another person with the Trump backing. And HEY either way Trump can give information. Look at Barry it is stated he is calling the shots for Biden, so Biden is Barry 2.0.
Retrospect said:
They are trying really hard to take him down. Even trying to find out where he lives, etc.

If they do, it would be incredibly revealing. He says that they can't cancel his show that easily since it is on subscription or something like that, but they can keep pressuring Fox to fire him.

Pretty sure he is Fox's main attraction, without him views would really drop it would be over for them.

After all he isn't saying anything that isn't true, he is of course being careful with the words he uses. If he starts making it about race too much then he would be labeled white supremacist by the left and cancelled overnight.

He did a marvelous job with his words. The cat is out of the bag and many prominent moderate political commentators are backing him up in the already many smears about his segment. The enemy is having a hard time smearing Tucker as a white supremacist conspiracist without a hard push back. They're getting ratiod on Twitter since many are seeing thru the blatant lies about him.

Congrats to Tucker on his great job reporting this. I have a feeling more prominent people including politicians are going to take his words seriously.

It's up to us to make sure the enemy can't use their trashy hebrew spells to stop him or the effects his words had that night.
They need to shove this in the faces of TikTok, FB, all social media zombies! I've been talking about this to co-workers before I saw this video. Hail Father Lucifer Eternally!
Basically this is the certification: The agenda of the fact that we are being replaced has went mainstream. After decades of struggling for it, it finally happened.

Now, it's a straight line towards the war with the enemy.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Basically this is the certification: The agenda of the fact that we are being replaced has went mainstream. After decades of struggling for it, it finally happened.

Now, it's a straight line towards the war with the enemy.
ADL is trying to make Fox fire him.
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Basically this is the certification: The agenda of the fact that we are being replaced has went mainstream. After decades of struggling for it, it finally happened.

Now, it's a straight line towards the war with the enemy.
ADL is trying to make Fox fire him.

Then Fox is going to suffer the biggest ratings drop of their lifetimes, because Tucker Carlson has not one, but two shows and an average rating of 5 million viewers. More people watch Tucker Carlson than they watch Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, or Jeanine Pirro. You just can't Cuck the Tuck!
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Basically this is the certification: The agenda of the fact that we are being replaced has went mainstream. After decades of struggling for it, it finally happened.

Now, it's a straight line towards the war with the enemy.
ADL is trying to make Fox fire him.

Sort of like how a boss wants to fire the "worker". The ADL literally feels entitled to dictate to all humans on earth how to behave of course.

Then goyim will say "oy vey, jews controlling the media is a conspiracy theory, goyim!". While the ADL literally shows the tribe owns the media.

Fox without Tucker would instantly collapse and they know it. If Fox is that stupid to do that, he will gain x10 followers on his own. Tucker will survive. Fox will sink into a toilet standard without Tucker.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Basically this is the certification: The agenda of the fact that we are being replaced has went mainstream. After decades of struggling for it, it finally happened.

Now, it's a straight line towards the war with the enemy.
ADL is trying to make Fox fire him.

Sort of like how a boss wants to fire the "worker". The ADL literally feels entitled to dictate to all humans on earth how to behave of course.

Then goyim will say "oy vey, jews controlling the media is a conspiracy theory, goyim!". While the ADL literally shows the tribe owns the media.

Fox without Tucker would instantly collapse and they know it. If Fox is that stupid to do that, he will gain x10 followers on his own. Tucker will survive. Fox will sink into a toilet standard without Tucker.
Isn't Fox jew owned? I wonder why they are letting him say so much, they probably have no choises now. Our rituals have helped a lot for letting this happen.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Sort of like how a boss wants to fire the "worker". The ADL literally feels entitled to dictate to all humans on earth how to behave of course.

Then goyim will say "oy vey, jews controlling the media is a conspiracy theory, goyim!". While the ADL literally shows the tribe owns the media.

Fox without Tucker would instantly collapse and they know it. If Fox is that stupid to do that, he will gain x10 followers on his own. Tucker will survive. Fox will sink into a toilet standard without Tucker.

Even if Tucker gets fired it’s not like he’s been deplatformed. Newsmax or OANN would be happy to have him, people will follow wherever he goes.
ShadowTheRaven said:
luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Basically this is the certification: The agenda of the fact that we are being replaced has went mainstream. After decades of struggling for it, it finally happened.

Now, it's a straight line towards the war with the enemy.
ADL is trying to make Fox fire him.

Then Fox is going to suffer the biggest ratings drop of their lifetimes, because Tucker Carlson has not one, but two shows and an average rating of 5 million viewers. More people watch Tucker Carlson than they watch Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, or Jeanine Pirro. You just can't Cuck the Tuck!
He is really good. I'm sure he knows more but he cannot say anything. As far as I know he is still a xian but this is to be expected. He may be faking it if he knows much more but I doubt it. He definitely know about the plan to get rid of Whites, even if he has to fare that is not true and he may know about the jews.
I just hope the Gods protect him as the enemy may try even occult means to shut him down. They are cornered and they can do anything to save their crumbling empire.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
