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Truthers The Truth

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Truthers The Truth

Christian Truthers don't exist, the entire Bible is built on attacking the one metaphysical being who actually told humanity the truth in the Bible, the serpent in the Garden. The tale of Genesis is the serpent tells ignorant Adam and Eve if they eat this apple they will know TRUTH from non-truth and be woke. They ate the apple and became woke. The serpent didn't lie. Even Yahweh admits the serpent did not lie. Yahweh was afraid of woke Adam and Eve, because Yahweh is the lie.

Yahweh lies to Adam:

“But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” (Genesis 2: 17)

The serpent tells them the truth:

“The serpent said to the woman, “You surely will not die! “For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” (Genesis 3: 4)

The other lie the Christians tell is Adam and Eve lost the immortality they had..... Yahweh was afraid they would then eat from the Tree of life and live forever.....So he attacked them and kicked them out of the garden before they could become immortal. Because they were not immortal. Somehow Christians overlook this when its openly in the Bible.

The narrative of the Bible is Adam and Eve are punished for actually being Truthers by Yahweh and his angels in a never ending campaign of terrorism and harassment.

Yahweh admits he lies to people to destroy them and delights in such, like a typical Jew:

"And if the prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the LORD have deceived that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand upon him, and will destroy him from the midst of my people Israel." (Ezekiel 14: 9)

Now, therefore, behold, the Lord hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of these thy prophets, and the Lord hath spoken evil concerning thee. 1 Kings 22:23
Now therefore, behold, the Lord hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of these thy prophets. 2 Chronicles 18:22

Ah, Lord GOD! surely thou hast greatly deceived this people. Jeremiah 4:10

O Lord, thou hast deceived me, and I was deceived. Jeremiah 20:7

And if a prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the Lord have deceived that prophet. Ezekiel 14:9

For this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie. 2 Thessalonians 2:11

Christians hate the truth, they actually believe the original obtainment of Truth in their Bible is the original sin. And the serpent that woke them up is the bad guy. You can't be a Truther when you worship Yahweh the deceiver of mankind, the original liar.

Satan is Truth the Bible even admits it. The name Satan means truth in the ancient language of Sanskrit.
HP Mageson666 said:
Somehow Christians overlook this when its openly in the Bible.

Xians overlook everything in the bible and in the history in general which comes in opposition with their faith. If you will go to a xian and tell him obvious things like the ones mentionned in this sermon, they won't realize how retarted and hypocrite they are, but they will blame you for "not understanding the bible" and after saying something like "Adam and Eve didn't listen to God". If there is a discussion when all of their non-sense arguments have been debunked, they will spit the last final excuse of "everyone believe what they want" and this is how ends up a discussion with a xian. After one day you will see him in the same place saying the same shit. This is how it was in a forum I used to be member of. The ignorance there was alarmant, known the fact that most users were orthodox xians and atheists.
Great sermon and in the way it is written should be plainly obvious for all to see.

The bible can be used to actually disproves the bible. It's a paradoxical book. With the rtr i see more and more that it is the same Jewish system as communism which also parrallels the reptillian and grey systems. Disposable human beings are the final goal for these evil creatures.

The robotic mannerisms of Christians is very telling on the nature of their belief. They are symbolically "microchiped" already, seen as how they have a registry of bible verses "downloaded" in their mind to compulsively attack and react to the world around them.

Should jewsus come back the finalization of this process will be the physical chip for these drones. The difference here is that the bible verses will have served their purpose and new material will be needed to fill the mind of these drones. Material that yahweh=reptillians will need for whatever nefarious goals and conquests they desire. Free will is obsolete at this point and total complying will have been achieved as with these greys, that also have the physical chip.

Christianity is the preparation for the chip as are many other centers of media control with jews at the top(music, Hollywood etc.). The point of these and why jews choose to be involved in such, obsessively reaching the top is... PREPARATION. It really is insane just how much they work for the greys, even and especially unconsciously.

They are programed at a dna and soul level.
Very true, Jews openly write in their books that Satan only wanted(wants) humanity to become God.Satan looked out for humanity when everyone else wanted us destroyed or even worse enslaved.
Any human who hates Satan because they think he is evil,they are thick in their heads and therefore deserve whatever they are invoking."I allow everyone to follow the dictates of their nature but he that opposes me will regret it sorely,"Satan.
I argued with one family member who is a Xtian and one thing i noticed is they hate the Truth. Reveal something real about them and they will put some barrier e.g they will become angry that I have abused them.Then I will try to explain everything but still they will not understand.It is puzzling just how stupid these people are.
I have noticed just how much arguments have increased between Xtian fam members as i grow stronger and stronger spiritually.Some xtian stepped on my pride because I did not devote my life to babysit her son.She has money so she felt like God .I woke up one day in blind rage and emptied all of it in her head!She is done! :evil:
The Mage said:
I argued with one family member who is a Xtian and one thing I noticed is they hate the Truth. Reveal something real about them and they will put some barrier e.g they will become angry that I have abused them. Then I will try to explain everything but still, they will not understand. It is puzzling just how stupid these people are.
I have noticed just how much arguments have increased between Xtian fam members as i grow stronger and stronger spiritually. Some xtian stepped on my pride because I did not devote my life to babysit her son.She has money so she felt like God .I woke up one day in blind rage and emptied all of it in her head!She is done! :evil:
Because of the Grid around the earth, they have a barrier in their mind that let them not see the truth. Of course, because they are xian they connect more with the curses and it becomes more strong in them, with the Final Rtr we are destroying it but we will do a ritual next year as HP Maxine said to destroy it. Us SS with meditations its definitely much less but it's still there a bit but with the ritual, it will be gone forever. Hopefully, even this stupid xian will see the truth.
The Alchemist7 said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Somehow Christians overlook this when its openly in the Bible.

Xians overlook everything in the bible and in the history in general which comes in opposition with their faith. If you will go to a xian and tell him obvious things like the ones mentionned in this sermon, they won't realize how retarted and hypocrite they are, but they will blame you for "not understanding the bible" and after saying something like "Adam and Eve didn't listen to God". If there is a discussion when all of their non-sense arguments have been debunked, they will spit the last final excuse of "everyone believe what they want" and this is how ends up a discussion with a xian. After one day you will see him in the same place saying the same shit. This is how it was in a forum I used to be member of. The ignorance there was alarmant, known the fact that most users were orthodox xians and atheists.

I had an argument once with someone close to me where I eplained that science is "infinite" and universal, and based upon these universal laws, It was impossible for my perception of the bible to be incorrect.

But they refuted with, how do you know that science is true, you cant see these things, you cant know these things 100%, someone taught you everything you know, it could all be lies!?

I explained, Gravity will always keep me from falling off the planet, If I clap my hands, a sound will be made! The sun will rise every morning..
Trillions of beings have reproduced for probably trillions of years, reproduction isnt suddenly a sin because some jewish book says so... admiring the beauty of a possible reproductive partner is in a way a super power that advanced organisms have, to create better offspring, I wouldnt be suprised if this is one of the primary functions of eyes.
Truthers are a boring bunch, got to uphold the christ to pump up sales from idiots.

There is no truth in truthers. Some are worst than bible thrumpers in the bible belts and Jehovah's witnesses.
As I say, "god" gave adam and eve a brain but forbade them from using it, and Satan came along and said, "Use your brain!" and it is Satan who is the evil one! - Despite "god" admitting it creates evil! Yeah, try telling that to xians, though.

HP Mageson666 said:
The other lie the Christians tell is Adam and Eve lost the immortality they had..... Yahweh was afraid they would then eat from the Tree of life and live forever.....So he attacked them and kicked them out of the garden before they could become immortal. Because they were not immortal. Somehow Christians overlook this when its openly in the Bible.
Sorry, but this is the Q versus Humans (masked as multi-culti Federation of many species) in Star Trek again.
The Truth movement is becoming another sect of Christianity, now they devote their time to promoting Christian Creationism such as Flat Earth, and distracting off the Jews.
I wonder how seriously Alex Jones really believes in anything he promotes when he is surfing Transexual porn on his phone during his news broadcasts.
I knew arguing with xians was going to be pointless, but I had decided to ask some questions anyway just to see what they’d say. Like the story about some kids name-calling one of yahweh’s people a “bald head”. The man sent bears in yahweh’s name to kill those kids. I asked why did they feel that was a just punishment. All they could tell me was it was god’s right to punish his “children” however he saw fit. I kept trying to get them to see how truly evil such an act was, how everything their god did was not out of love and everything about him revolves around bloodshed. Obviously they didn’t see it that way, which was SO disturbing.

Even as a child I remember how strange some of the stories I’d been told were. My dad once told me that even after armegeddon, god was going to further test his people by resurrecting all the known evil men throughout history. My child brain was a bit frightened at the thought. I’m like “but even after all this, you still have to prove yourselves? Why would god put evil people back into the world?” Because after all, armegeddon was supposed to rid the world of all the evil ones and the impurities so why would he resurrect evil after that? Paradise was supposed to follow afterwards. That’s how fucked up their way of thinking is. Even as a kid I thought that was fucked up.

And how evil of their god to want to dangle something as precious as all their dead loved ones in their faces. “Oh you can see them again in paradise, for a price. Obey everything I say. Disobey and you die.” Fucking sick. That doesn’t sound much different from a serial killer holding you hostage and threatening to kill you in heinous ways if you don’t listen to what he says. “I won’t kill you if you listen, don’t you want to see your family again?”

I also asked if their children disobeyed them, would it be justice or right if they killed them for doing so? They said “why would we do that?” And “what’s your point?” Exactly. If you wouldn’t do that and consider it disgusting or evil, why is it okay if your god does it? It’s unfathomable how they believe it’s god’s right to do things like that and continue to serve him.

It is so sad and also so infuriating how xians and these jehovah’s witnesses are tied into this jewish/reptilian/grey filth. Most of my life my family had me going to those stupid meetings, and I must admit they almost got me believing a couple of times, but it never stuck with me and I would always find a way to drift away.

Sometimes I want to laugh in their faces whenever jehovah’s witnesses refer to their faith as “the truth”. :roll: I’ll be glad when all of this shit is wiped off the earth. No planet should suffer at the hands of these so anti-life, soul destroying jews/reptilian/greys.
Bravera said:

I think that because in their view the science is something "atheist" because it denies the existence of the jewish god. Thus is like xians are programmed to reject everything is "atheist" because there is this dispute between atheism with it's conventional pseudo-science and xianity with it's fictional history. I noticed this a lot of times, in the media and in the forums or facebook. In the forum I mentionned there were all the time arguments between xians and atheists about who is more retarted and brainwashed. Also there are even people who try to use this pseuso-science to explain their biblical stories and in the same time other people are trying to use bible stories to justify psedo-scientific "facts". A popular example would be Y-chromosomal Adam and Mitochondrial Eve, an attempt to justify that their evolution started from the biblical Adam and Eve (who are not even biblical btw).
luis said:
The Mage said:
I argued with one family member who is a Xtian and one thing I noticed is they hate the Truth. Reveal something real about them and they will put some barrier e.g they will become angry that I have abused them. Then I will try to explain everything but still, they will not understand. It is puzzling just how stupid these people are.
I have noticed just how much arguments have increased between Xtian fam members as i grow stronger and stronger spiritually. Some xtian stepped on my pride because I did not devote my life to babysit her son.She has money so she felt like God .I woke up one day in blind rage and emptied all of it in her head!She is done! :evil:
Because of the Grid around the earth, they have a barrier in their mind that let them not see the truth. Of course, because they are xian they connect more with the curses and it becomes more strong in them, with the Final Rtr we are destroying it but we will do a ritual next year as HP Maxine said to destroy it. Us SS with meditations its definitely much less but it's still there a bit but with the ritual, it will be gone forever. Hopefully, even this stupid xian will see the truth.

Cant wait to do that btw its more like a projected reality over top what is real I guess it can be called a grid. It makes it even difficult to empower yourself a lot. I even knew a non Satanist who sensed this once she called it an energy line. The odd thing is I never told her about this but she saw the same thing I described. I believe as soon as we take it down she will be Satanic. I get glimpses of this sometimes I dont like it at all to me this whole thing is frightening its like we are in this fake Nightmare world that doesnt even exist.
I remember one time I got in an argument with a Christian and I got tired and mentioned how history says that Africans didn't have what we call Catholics and said so. He went on asking me how can we prove that history isn't lying to us :D

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
