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Transgenderism - Understanding


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2021
Transgenderism is a just an imbalance of the soul; therefore, the affliction can be healed like any other illness if the subject is willing. We shouldn't meet anyone on the forums confused with hostility, instead, we should be educating and understanding. Albeit some are trolls or unwilling to listen, but this doesn't speak to all.

People from all walks of life come to Satan to find answers and fill the emptiness that presides over their current existence. We are a haven, a positive environment, and we should always act with the highest integrity. Satan doesn’t scorn those who are not true to themselves because that is punishment enough, and we shouldn’t either for the souls that come here. Rather, let us uplift and guide towards self realization.

“It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them.”

No SS should desire to damage our already self-deceptive members. These souls need to be treated with care and respect, yet stern guidance much like a child. There is obviously an identity crisis going on inside. It is not “sickening”, it is sad.

To the people who are having perplexed feelings in relation to their sex and gender, please disregard any SS who has belittled you and made you feel disgusting about yourself. You are here, and this is a place of growth and advancement.

FATHER SATAN LOVES YOU. He only wishes that you find yourself. If you feel alone, talk to him, for his ears are always open. He will show you the way, this I promise.

Many of these people who come here are not Satanists. Actually, many of these accounts have been the same single person. Every time he gets banned, he makes multiple new accounts. And this specific person is a jew infiltrator who's only intentions are to create as many problems as possible.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Many of these people who come here are not Satanists. Actually, many of these accounts have been the same single person. Every time he gets banned, he makes multiple new accounts. And this specific person is a jew infiltrator who's only intentions are to create as many problems as possible.

Do you know if it's possible to perma-ban someone with a dynamic IP or who uses a VPN?
GoldenxChild1 said:
Transgenderism is a just an imbalance of the soul; therefore, the affliction can be healed like any other illness if the subject is willing. We shouldn't meet anyone on the forums confused with hostility, instead, we should be educating and understanding. Albeit some are trolls or unwilling to listen, but this doesn't speak to all.

People from all walks of life come to Satan to find answers and fill the emptiness that presides over their current existence. We are a haven, a positive environment, and we should always act with the highest integrity. Satan doesn’t scorn those who are not true to themselves because that is punishment enough, and we shouldn’t either for the souls that come here. Rather, let us uplift and guide towards self realization.

“It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them.”

No SS should desire to damage our already self-deceptive members. These souls need to be treated with care and respect, yet stern guidance much like a child. There is obviously an identity crisis going on inside. It is not “sickening”, it is sad.

To the people who are having perplexed feelings in relation to their sex and gender, please disregard any SS who has belittled you and made you feel disgusting about yourself. You are here, and this is a place of growth and advancement.

FATHER SATAN LOVES YOU. He only wishes that you find yourself. If you feel alone, talk to him, for his ears are always open. He will show you the way, this I promise.


Thankyou, really

Hail Satan
Hail Agares
Stormblood said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Many of these people who come here are not Satanists. Actually, many of these accounts have been the same single person. Every time he gets banned, he makes multiple new accounts. And this specific person is a jew infiltrator who's only intentions are to create as many problems as possible.

Do you know if it's possible to perma-ban someone with a dynamic IP or who uses a VPN?
I think cobra tried something like that a few years ago. But it ended up affecting other innocent people who were also using the same vpn, and wouldn't let them log in. So he got rid of that filter.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Many of these people who come here are not Satanists. Actually, many of these accounts have been the same single person. Every time he gets banned, he makes multiple new accounts. And this specific person is a jew infiltrator who's only intentions are to create as many problems as possible.

That's unfortunate to hear. You and Storm have been here for much longer so I take your word when you say you've identified infiltration.

I was just trying to be compassionate in case there was reality to some of these people.

Thanks guys.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
Many of these people who come here are not Satanists. Actually, many of these accounts have been the same single person. Every time he gets banned, he makes multiple new accounts. And this specific person is a jew infiltrator who's only intentions are to create as many problems as possible.

This individual has made around 20 accounts over years now. They keep projecting the same lie from many directions to make people feel uneasy and unwelcome. They are probably in the forums again and will begin again.

Satan accepts every Gentile who approaches him with a straight heart and wants to advance. That's all there is to it.
Stormblood said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Many of these people who come here are not Satanists. Actually, many of these accounts have been the same single person. Every time he gets banned, he makes multiple new accounts. And this specific person is a jew infiltrator who's only intentions are to create as many problems as possible.

Do you know if it's possible to perma-ban someone with a dynamic IP or who uses a VPN?

Well, it is not. Also, because many members use VPN and Tor, by banning one, this ban may affect other people. These methods aren't really working nor we want to ban IP's that are from VPN's or Tor as many access from restricted places.

They are to be spotted and removed manually.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Stormblood said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Many of these people who come here are not Satanists. Actually, many of these accounts have been the same single person. Every time he gets banned, he makes multiple new accounts. And this specific person is a jew infiltrator who's only intentions are to create as many problems as possible.

Do you know if it's possible to perma-ban someone with a dynamic IP or who uses a VPN?

Well, it is not. Also, because many members use VPN and Tor, by banning one, this ban may affect other people. These methods aren't really working nor we want to ban IP's that are from VPN's or Tor as many access from restricted places.

They are to be spotted and removed manually.
It is possible to profile VPN and Tor users. You can tell who is not the same by looking at the browser version, host OS, etc, in the server logs. Although you can't tell who is the same to auto-ban them, this would narrow down the list of candidates for who could potentially be a returning infiltrator.
GoldenxChild1 said:

Some members get very heated over wanting to protect people from themselves, which is a pointless endeavor. Some are also very easily baited into making posts intended to make the forums look unwelcoming. The most recent thread on this topic was an absolute bait fest and a complete disgrace, and I'm assuming it's why you made this post.

This transgender stuff is very personal and many who are into this are very defensive about it. Personally I think it's an unhealthy obsession, but what exactly is gained from debating this topic with people who are adamant on pursuing this obsession to it's damning end.

The only real way to deal with this topic is to simply allow people to express their freedoms, so long as dangerous ideas are not pushed into other minds. This includes the freedom to destroy themselves. Some people cannot accept this and want to constantly try to keep or convince people from following a path of self destruction.

Infiltrators use this to cause shitfests because certain people are too empathetic and cannot recognize emotional bait.

I've stopped doing this a long time ago, it's an exhausting and pointless process. In the same way you should not intrude in people's personal lives, you should also not intrude in their decision to destroy themselves. You can advise and give guidance, but not insisting to the point you waste lots of time and energy on a lost cause.
We're not hostile to Transgenders. We're hostile to the idea of Transgenderism being normalized.
Jack said:
We're not hostile to Transgenders. We're hostile to the idea of Transgenderism being normalized.

I never said you were. If you read the post I was saying an SS that is unnaturally hostile should be offering guidance instead of not. Considering it's someone with open ears and not infiltration.
Dahaarkan said:
GoldenxChild1 said:

Some members get very heated over wanting to protect people from themselves, which is a pointless endeavor. Some are also very easily baited into making posts intended to make the forums look unwelcoming. The most recent thread on this topic was an absolute bait fest and a complete disgrace, and I'm assuming it's why you made this post.

This transgender stuff is very personal and many who are into this are very defensive about it. Personally I think it's an unhealthy obsession, but what exactly is gained from debating this topic with people who are adamant on pursuing this obsession to it's damning end.

The only real way to deal with this topic is to simply allow people to express their freedoms, so long as dangerous ideas are not pushed into other minds. This includes the freedom to destroy themselves. Some people cannot accept this and want to constantly try to keep or convince people from following a path of self destruction.

Infiltrators use this to cause shitfests because certain people are too empathetic and cannot recognize emotional bait.

I've stopped doing this a long time ago, it's an exhausting and pointless process. In the same way you should not intrude in people's personal lives, you should also not intrude in their decision to destroy themselves. You can advise and give guidance, but not insisting to the point you waste lots of time and energy on a lost cause.

Thanks for your detailed reply. I agree with you. Perhaps my compassion got in the way of my sight.

He just said you are lost and sad and need to be treated like a child. And that you are just imbalanced...all this shit is so pathetic And you're saying "thank you" like a stupid lamb.

I know you're reading, please delete me. This whole website is a cesspool of retardation. And I can't bother with it anymore. It's been the same for the years and the 20 accounts. I've been banned many times by the weaklings that you called high priests. For simply giving an honest and healthy different perspective. Screw you for not taking my side

And now they are gone and I am still here, working my hardest. Thank you for the advice over the years and help cobra but I'm gonna kick your ass one day.
Just add me to the long list, I'll wait my turn

My intentions were completely pure in this post.

Speaking to our HP like that can have dire consequence. With a comment like that you have undoubtedly drawn the attention of the gods.
thebigcheesesixmillion said:
He just said you are lost and sad and need to be treated like a child. And that you are just imbalanced...all this shit is so pathetic And you're saying "thank you" like a stupid lamb.

Translation: "How dare you fucking goy take anybody else's advice! Only I know everything and you must listen only to me!"

thebigcheesesixmillion said:
I know you're reading, please delete me. This whole website is a cesspool of retardation. And I can't bother with it anymore. It's been the same for the years and the 20 accounts. I've been banned many times by the weaklings that you called high priests. For simply giving an honest and healthy different perspective. Screw you for not taking my side!

Translation: "You are all stupid goyim for not taking my word for it is the word of god!"

thebigcheesesixmillion said:
And now they are gone and I am still here, working my hardest. Thank you for the advice over the years and help cobra but I'm gonna kick your ass one day.
Just add me to the long list, I'll wait my turn

Translation: "Hoodedcobra you fucking bad goy you will burn for all eternity for not helping me poison these goyim!"

Interesting that no form of criticism thrown your way seemed to really affect you but now another member who was a potential target of your influence expresses that they have a different view and this is what makes you lash out.

What is your goal here exactly?

You want everybody to respect your personal choices, which personally I do. But then another member expresses that they choose not to embrace the same path and this makes you flip.

Being insulted and harshly criticized doesn't affect you but failing to influence other members makes you very angry it seems. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt but this is just too blatant to ignore, the convenient bait that gave you room to operate in the other thread was a red flag also. If you were genuine you would not have such a huge need to influence others into this path.

So years of attempts and 20 accounts later and this pitiful attempt at disrupting the forums is all you could do? Seriously?

You are without a doubt the most incompetent infiltrator I've ever seen.

thebigcheesesixmillion said:
Reed said:
GoldenxChild1 said:

He just said you are lost and sad and need to be treated like a child. And that you are just imbalanced...all this shit is so pathetic And you're saying "thank you" like a stupid lamb.

I know you're reading, please delete me. This whole website is a cesspool of retardation. And I can't bother with it anymore. It's been the same for the years and the 20 accounts. I've been banned many times by the weaklings that you called high priests. For simply giving an honest and healthy different perspective. Screw you for not taking my side

And now they are gone and I am still here, working my hardest. Thank you for the advice over the years and help cobra but I'm gonna kick your ass one day.
Just add me to the long list, I'll wait my turn

If you need to consistently infiltrate a place to enforce something that is constantly being rejected why do you feel the need to do this?

What makes you think this input was meaningful?

What makes you think you were not accepted? In a bigger sense, you have been accepted. The thing is that you are trying to enforce a paradigm that most people don't seem to want to follow.

And also, how could they accept this if they are not in your condition? This simply couldn't happen.

Nobody has ever been outed merely for being "Trans", the situation is that this aspect of one's identity has overridden everything in the forum in the past many times.

I understand there may be some people that might dislike me over perceived injustice but you have to seriously ask yourself in a mature way if you have been unjustly treated.

Because for example making 20 accounts or so over the years to promote your idea by force [you were approved into all of them too, but you didn't like how it turned out with people, that's all] - how is that unjust treatment?

You cannot force every other person over your strict personal decisions, to accept your personal decisions as their whole view of their existence. That's all there is to it, and that is actually normal especially in cases of what one should think of for example, body alteration that involves you as an individual.

All people who said they were anything, except of jews, have been totally accepted in the JoS. That is not going to change, as we are for individual choices and we accept this. But the enforcement of each paradigm of every fringe personal choice, can never apply to others.

One person came with 5 accounts demanding everyone stops eating meat immediately. They wrote tomes on how that is criminal and then threatening messages on how people should be killed for eating meat, whatever.

To say that they were banned because they didn't eat meat would be a lie, they were solely banned because they enforced this and threatened others over nonsense.
thebigcheesesixmillion said:
Reed said:
GoldenxChild1 said:


Thank you for the advice over the years and help cobra but I'm gonna kick your ass one day.
Just add me to the long list, I'll wait my turn

ill wait my turn on u too, bitch ass kike

shut up because ull experience the worst. fucking jew
thebigcheesesixmillion said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
He just said you are lost and sad and need to be treated like a child. And that you are just imbalanced...all this shit is so pathetic And you're saying "thank you" like a stupid lamb.

I know you're reading, please delete me. This whole website is a cesspool of retardation. And I can't bother with it anymore. It's been the same for the years and the 20 accounts. I've been banned many times by the weaklings that you called high priests. For simply giving an honest and healthy different perspective. Screw you for not taking my side

And now they are gone and I am still here, working my hardest. Thank you for the advice over the years and help cobra but I'm gonna kick your ass one day.
Just add me to the long list, I'll wait my turn

My intentions were completely pure in this post.

Speaking to our HP like that can have dire consequence. With a comment like that you have undoubtedly drawn the attention of the gods.
Shut the fuck up you narcissistic prick.

Golden Child

Come up with a more egotistical name can't you?
You think talking down to people like you're some special guy who can bestow happiness and healing onto people makes anybody proud?

You just know so much because you're so smart and "golden" eat shit dude the gods don't give a fuck what goes on here, it's a message board. I called out your condescending arrogant bullshit and you say the gods will punish me?

I thought you had the powerful guiding hand? Why don't you guide yourself into a good position on the plane to Israel fucking rabbi. "SATAN LOVES YOU"


You goons make me sick constantly telling me what Satan says and what Satan wants.

How about you go roleplay with your hook nose friends dungeonxmaster1?

The JOS is the only True Church of Satan. This extends to the forums. An environment where SS can learn and progress respectively. You mistake arrogance for confidence, an existential confidence in Satan and the Power of Hell.

You are clearly without. And no, you said you were going to attack our HP one day. So yes, you did draw attention to yourself from higher powers.

You seem to just be a bitch to be honest. Pissed off at what, I don't know.

Good luck man
Just a side note for other readers since this obvious jew is finally removed, regarding the comment that the gods don't care about the boards.

Joy of Satan is THE major hub for learning and recruiting satanists and bringing souls closer to Satan. When you behave like a retard on the forums you are discouraging others from using them, which can potentially lead to losing possible new Satanists, or hindering someone's progress because they won't use the forums to get informed.

Less souls dedicating to Satan's plans as a result of your behavior is actually more serious than you might think. Consider this when using the forums and mind your behavior here.
GoldenxChild1 said:
thebigcheesesixmillion said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
My intentions were completely pure in this post.

Speaking to our HP like that can have dire consequence. With a comment like that you have undoubtedly drawn the attention of the gods.
Shut the fuck up you narcissistic prick.

Golden Child

Come up with a more egotistical name can't you?
You think talking down to people like you're some special guy who can bestow happiness and healing onto people makes anybody proud?

You just know so much because you're so smart and "golden" eat shit dude the gods don't give a fuck what goes on here, it's a message board. I called out your condescending arrogant bullshit and you say the gods will punish me?

I thought you had the powerful guiding hand? Why don't you guide yourself into a good position on the plane to Israel fucking rabbi. "SATAN LOVES YOU"


You goons make me sick constantly telling me what Satan says and what Satan wants.

How about you go roleplay with your hook nose friends dungeonxmaster1?

The JOS is the only True Church of Satan. This extends to the forums. An environment where SS can learn and progress respectively. You mistake arrogance for confidence, an existential confidence in Satan and the Power of Hell.

You are clearly without. And no, you said you were going to attack our HP one day. So yes, you did draw attention to yourself from higher powers.

You seem to just be a bitch to be honest. Pissed off at what, I don't know.

Good luck man
I hope you've learnt your lesson. You cannot reason with these people .99% of these individuals who identify as transgender are extremely unstable and dangerous both to themselves and to the people around them. Be very very careful when you're talking with any transgender just like you would be careful in the hood. No one knows when they might snap.

Around trannies, never relax.
Jack said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
thebigcheesesixmillion said:
Shut the fuck up you narcissistic prick.

Golden Child

Come up with a more egotistical name can't you?
You think talking down to people like you're some special guy who can bestow happiness and healing onto people makes anybody proud?

You just know so much because you're so smart and "golden" eat shit dude the gods don't give a fuck what goes on here, it's a message board. I called out your condescending arrogant bullshit and you say the gods will punish me?

I thought you had the powerful guiding hand? Why don't you guide yourself into a good position on the plane to Israel fucking rabbi. "SATAN LOVES YOU"


You goons make me sick constantly telling me what Satan says and what Satan wants.

How about you go roleplay with your hook nose friends dungeonxmaster1?

The JOS is the only True Church of Satan. This extends to the forums. An environment where SS can learn and progress respectively. You mistake arrogance for confidence, an existential confidence in Satan and the Power of Hell.

You are clearly without. And no, you said you were going to attack our HP one day. So yes, you did draw attention to yourself from higher powers.

You seem to just be a bitch to be honest. Pissed off at what, I don't know.

Good luck man
I hope you've learnt your lesson. You cannot reason with these people .99% of these individuals who identify as transgender are extremely unstable and dangerous both to themselves and to the people around them. Be very very careful when you're talking with any transgender just like you would be careful in the hood. No one knows when they might snap.

Around trannies, never relax.
They also smell terrible, especially when undergoing hrt.
Jack said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
thebigcheesesixmillion said:
Shut the fuck up you narcissistic prick.

Golden Child

Come up with a more egotistical name can't you?
You think talking down to people like you're some special guy who can bestow happiness and healing onto people makes anybody proud?

You just know so much because you're so smart and "golden" eat shit dude the gods don't give a fuck what goes on here, it's a message board. I called out your condescending arrogant bullshit and you say the gods will punish me?

I thought you had the powerful guiding hand? Why don't you guide yourself into a good position on the plane to Israel fucking rabbi. "SATAN LOVES YOU"


You goons make me sick constantly telling me what Satan says and what Satan wants.

How about you go roleplay with your hook nose friends dungeonxmaster1?

The JOS is the only True Church of Satan. This extends to the forums. An environment where SS can learn and progress respectively. You mistake arrogance for confidence, an existential confidence in Satan and the Power of Hell.

You are clearly without. And no, you said you were going to attack our HP one day. So yes, you did draw attention to yourself from higher powers.

You seem to just be a bitch to be honest. Pissed off at what, I don't know.

Good luck man
I hope you've learnt your lesson. You cannot reason with these people .99% of these individuals who identify as transgender are extremely unstable and dangerous both to themselves and to the people around them. Be very very careful when you're talking with any transgender just like you would be careful in the hood. No one knows when they might snap.

Around trannies, never relax.

Yeah I see the conundrum. Better to just let it be.
Stormblood said:
Jack said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
The JOS is the only True Church of Satan. This extends to the forums. An environment where SS can learn and progress respectively. You mistake arrogance for confidence, an existential confidence in Satan and the Power of Hell.

You are clearly without. And no, you said you were going to attack our HP one day. So yes, you did draw attention to yourself from higher powers.

You seem to just be a bitch to be honest. Pissed off at what, I don't know.

Good luck man
I hope you've learnt your lesson. You cannot reason with these people .99% of these individuals who identify as transgender are extremely unstable and dangerous both to themselves and to the people around them. Be very very careful when you're talking with any transgender just like you would be careful in the hood. No one knows when they might snap.

Around trannies, never relax.
They also smell terrible, especially when undergoing hrt.

I thought I was the only one that thought that. Or thought it was just isolated incidents for me. It's not even the their perfume but their natural body order becomes strong and weird smelling. Almost like a plastic smell. It's very off putting and I say this as someone who is for the most part tolerant of these people as long as they don't push anything on others so it's not like I'm just hating on the random tranny because some of them act insufferable (although I do strongly disagree with their viewpoints) but every time I've met one or walked past a tranny this has been the case.

They can call this transphobe all they want. We're just making an objective point that any person can notice. Obviously people just don't go around telling others they smell bad. So if most people don't tell a bum in the street that they reek of piss then obviously no one close to a tranny will want to tell them they have a pungent smell coming off of them. Maybe they should start taking that side effect into consideration as well among many other points before undergoing such treatment.
I'm very confused on this, who is the (((one))) having fingers pointed at (((them)))? when a first topic post is deleted, there's no "deleted" remainder, idk if it's bigcheesesixmillion or goldenchild (sorry to whomever isn't the intended target)
Is it just me, or do these infiltrators always give off weird energy? Reminds me of GG Allin and his strange profile pic.

Something about the name "grandfitzpoohbah" or bigcheese or whatever just sounded weird. Why would anyone choose that name. It has a tinge of neuroticism to it. Idk, maybe I am reading too much into it.
Blitzkreig said:
Is it just me, or do these infiltrators always give off weird energy? Reminds me of GG Allin and his strange profile pic.

Something about the name "grandfitzpoohbah" or bigcheese or whatever just sounded weird. Why would anyone choose that name. It has a tinge of neuroticism to it. Idk, maybe I am reading too much into it.

You are very right. When dealing with a nuisance wether on the board or in my email the first thing I do is look at their name. It tells you a lot. Sometimes it’s like a code and a game for you to figure out. They enjoy revealing themselves in that way.
Adrellis said:
I'm very confused on this, who is the (((one))) having fingers pointed at (((them)))? when a first topic post is deleted, there's no "deleted" remainder, idk if it's bigcheesesixmillion or goldenchild (sorry to whomever isn't the intended target)

Basically I made a post with good intentions and it blew up in my face like Jack said it would. The bicheesesixmillion was the trans that flipped out on us all.
hailourtruegod said:
Stormblood said:
Jack said:
I hope you've learnt your lesson. You cannot reason with these people .99% of these individuals who identify as transgender are extremely unstable and dangerous both to themselves and to the people around them. Be very very careful when you're talking with any transgender just like you would be careful in the hood. No one knows when they might snap.

Around trannies, never relax.
They also smell terrible, especially when undergoing hrt.

I thought I was the only one that thought that. Or thought it was just isolated incidents for me. It's not even the their perfume but their natural body order becomes strong and weird smelling. Almost like a plastic smell. It's very off putting and I say this as someone who is for the most part tolerant of these people as long as they don't push anything on others so it's not like I'm just hating on the random tranny because some of them act insufferable (although I do strongly disagree with their viewpoints) but every time I've met one or walked past a tranny this has been the case.

They can call this transphobe all they want. We're just making an objective point that any person can notice. Obviously people just don't go around telling others they smell bad. So if most people don't tell a bum in the street that they reek of piss then obviously no one close to a tranny will want to tell them they have a pungent smell coming off of them. Maybe they should start taking that side effect into consideration as well among many other points before undergoing such treatment.

Glad to read another report. I usually don't ask. You are the second people I know reporting this. I am very sensitive to smell. For example, all other races smells different and I have trouble not focusing on the smell. Even different ethnicities smell different for me. For example, in my birth town I could always smell the Mediterranean in other people and it was annoying. Those who are more similar to me and don't have big imbalances, do not smell different.
Stormblood said:
hailourtruegod said:
Stormblood said:
They also smell terrible, especially when undergoing hrt.

I thought I was the only one that thought that. Or thought it was just isolated incidents for me. It's not even the their perfume but their natural body order becomes strong and weird smelling. Almost like a plastic smell. It's very off putting and I say this as someone who is for the most part tolerant of these people as long as they don't push anything on others so it's not like I'm just hating on the random tranny because some of them act insufferable (although I do strongly disagree with their viewpoints) but every time I've met one or walked past a tranny this has been the case.

They can call this transphobe all they want. We're just making an objective point that any person can notice. Obviously people just don't go around telling others they smell bad. So if most people don't tell a bum in the street that they reek of piss then obviously no one close to a tranny will want to tell them they have a pungent smell coming off of them. Maybe they should start taking that side effect into consideration as well among many other points before undergoing such treatment.

Glad to read another report. I usually don't ask. You are the second people I know reporting this. I am very sensitive to smell. For example, all other races smells different and I have trouble not focusing on the smell. Even different ethnicities smell different for me. For example, in my birth town I could always smell the Mediterranean in other people and it was annoying. Those who are more similar to me and don't have big imbalances, do not smell different.

I didn't know how to feel about that when I first had someone tell me that each race smells different and since it was a white guy telling me that my smell was covering up my part of the house I wasn't sure to take it as an insult or not, lol, but I've long since understood what he meant. Totally agree with you here. My sense of smell has been the same but I just lied to myself that every single person that wasn't my race and had a different scent were just anomalies.

I've heard that the person you may fall in love with will always smell sweet to you as well.

It's as you say though even subraces within our own people, respectfully, smell different. The white looking Mexicans have always smelled different from the ones that look like me. This goes for my mom and dad also since their skin tones are opposite of each other but both are Mexican.

It's interesting to see as we advance how many differences we have from each other. Even if some of these differences are blatant many just put themselves under heavy cogntive dissonance but as someone said before I'll just be preaching to the choir here if I continue.
hailourtruegod said:
Stormblood said:
hailourtruegod said:
I thought I was the only one that thought that. Or thought it was just isolated incidents for me. It's not even the their perfume but their natural body order becomes strong and weird smelling. Almost like a plastic smell. It's very off putting and I say this as someone who is for the most part tolerant of these people as long as they don't push anything on others so it's not like I'm just hating on the random tranny because some of them act insufferable (although I do strongly disagree with their viewpoints) but every time I've met one or walked past a tranny this has been the case.

They can call this transphobe all they want. We're just making an objective point that any person can notice. Obviously people just don't go around telling others they smell bad. So if most people don't tell a bum in the street that they reek of piss then obviously no one close to a tranny will want to tell them they have a pungent smell coming off of them. Maybe they should start taking that side effect into consideration as well among many other points before undergoing such treatment.

Glad to read another report. I usually don't ask. You are the second people I know reporting this. I am very sensitive to smell. For example, all other races smells different and I have trouble not focusing on the smell. Even different ethnicities smell different for me. For example, in my birth town I could always smell the Mediterranean in other people and it was annoying. Those who are more similar to me and don't have big imbalances, do not smell different.

I didn't know how to feel about that when I first had someone tell me that each race smells different and since it was a white guy telling me that my smell was covering up my part of the house I wasn't sure to take it as an insult or not, lol, but I've long since understood what he meant. Totally agree with you here. My sense of smell has been the same but I just lied to myself that every single person that wasn't my race and had a different scent were just anomalies.

I've heard that the person you may fall in love with will always smell sweet to you as well.

It's as you say though even subraces within our own people, respectfully, smell different. The white looking Mexicans have always smelled different from the ones that look like me. This goes for my mom and dad also since their skin tones are opposite of each other but both are Mexican.

It's interesting to see as we advance how many differences we have from each other. Even if some of these differences are blatant many just put themselves under heavy cogntive dissonance but as someone said before I'll just be preaching to the choir here if I continue.
Years ago when I had to take the bus to go to school this black guy would sit next to me and oh boy the smell... it wasn't a dirty smell, it was just his smell, and I swear I could puke, this went on for weeks until someone I told about that said that to him and well he didn't sit next to me anymore and gave me a bad eye LOL.
GoldenxChild1 said:
Adrellis said:
I'm very confused on this, who is the (((one))) having fingers pointed at (((them)))? when a first topic post is deleted, there's no "deleted" remainder, idk if it's bigcheesesixmillion or goldenchild (sorry to whomever isn't the intended target)

Basically I made a post with good intentions and it blew up in my face like Jack said it would. The bicheesesixmillion was the trans that flipped out on us all.

through both reading and processing this entire thing more..yep, thank you, I understand. you made the topic, they responded, they were deleted...some quotes remain, some with and others without (((their))) name. appreciated, thank you
Aquarius said:
hailourtruegod said:
Stormblood said:
Glad to read another report. I usually don't ask. You are the second people I know reporting this. I am very sensitive to smell. For example, all other races smells different and I have trouble not focusing on the smell. Even different ethnicities smell different for me. For example, in my birth town I could always smell the Mediterranean in other people and it was annoying. Those who are more similar to me and don't have big imbalances, do not smell different.

I didn't know how to feel about that when I first had someone tell me that each race smells different and since it was a white guy telling me that my smell was covering up my part of the house I wasn't sure to take it as an insult or not, lol, but I've long since understood what he meant. Totally agree with you here. My sense of smell has been the same but I just lied to myself that every single person that wasn't my race and had a different scent were just anomalies.

I've heard that the person you may fall in love with will always smell sweet to you as well.

It's as you say though even subraces within our own people, respectfully, smell different. The white looking Mexicans have always smelled different from the ones that look like me. This goes for my mom and dad also since their skin tones are opposite of each other but both are Mexican.

It's interesting to see as we advance how many differences we have from each other. Even if some of these differences are blatant many just put themselves under heavy cogntive dissonance but as someone said before I'll just be preaching to the choir here if I continue.
Years ago when I had to take the bus to go to school this black guy would sit next to me and oh boy the smell... it wasn't a dirty smell, it was just his smell, and I swear I could puke, this went on for weeks until someone I told about that said that to him and well he didn't sit next to me anymore and gave me a bad eye LOL.

Once there was this new guy in the military who have recently relocated. He always smelled like piss. I guess that was his sweat, though, because other part-kikes I met don't smell that way.
Stormblood said:

Once there was this new guy in the military who have recently relocated. He always smelled like piss. I guess that was his sweat, though, because other part-kikes I met don't smell that way.

The Black brothers are pretty earthy so it's understandable why they have the most "pungent" smell. This goes for darker Asians who are who have more earth element than their lighter ones.

I grew up around Black people for almost half of my life so I know what Aquarius means. It's not a dirty smell but just strong enough to notice it.

Another reason I appreciate the Japanese is because they don't let anything hold them back from taking jabs at other races that has to do with reality. There was an anime I watched a couple years ago that made fun of one of the main characters who was a foreign exchange student from Europe. It was a running gag to say she smelled "spicy" and would mention her apocrine sweat glands being stronger which from experience I've noticed some of the eastern Europeans have this when I played American football with them back in the school days.

I'm not a scientist and I doubt there's much study on each race's sweat glands (for obvious dumb politically correct reasons) but if I had to guess I would say the races/subraces that have more earth to them have a stronger natural body ordor.

As for what Stormblood said, I'm glad I didn't have to deal with someone smelling like piss :( knowing myself I would be gagging constantly. Thank goodness the half jew I knew in school wasn't athletic so he never joined us when we played sports outside or inside school. I'm sorry you had to go thru that Brother :cry: but also :lol:

Oh but I just remembered right before clicking submit that I did play basketball with a half jew once and yes he did smell a bit like that. It wasn't a good time lol.
hailourtruegod said:
Stormblood said:

Once there was this new guy in the military who have recently relocated. He always smelled like piss. I guess that was his sweat, though, because other part-kikes I met don't smell that way.

As for what Stormblood said, I'm glad I didn't have to deal with someone smelling like piss :( knowing myself I would be gagging constantly. Thank goodness the half jew I knew in school wasn't athletic so he never joined us when we played sports outside or inside school. I'm sorry you had to go thru that Brother :cry: but also :lol:

Oh but I just remembered right before clicking submit that I did play basketball with a half jew once and yes he did smell a bit like that. It wasn't a good time lol.

I had the misfortune of having to share a room with him. He also snored, but somehow one of the other roommates kept blaming me for snoring and smells. I remember him telling me not to snore, yet I was still awake with my phone at minimum brightness in hand. This also shows some people have impaired senses lol Maybe unconscious bias for having to share a room with a homosexual, manifesting in this way.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
