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Topocentric Primary Directions and the Topocentric House System.

Nathan Metcalf

New member
Jun 19, 2003
The Topocentric House System, discovered in the middle of the XX century by A.P Nelson Page and Vendel Polich has brought predictive astrology to a whole new level, many predictive techniques have reached their full potential with this house system, like exact transits (transiting planets operating within +/- 60'/65' on house cusps), primary directions and secondary progressions etc... The house cusps themselves become sensitive points because they are in their true/correct place.
Primary directions are based on the axial rotation of the earth upon its own axis, the earths rotation on its own axis causes planets to rise/culminate, set and deculminate. 
They fell out of favor because they needed an above average aptitude for mathematics and an understanding of astronomy and spherical trigonometry, complex lengthy calculations, but they have been revived due to astrological programs that calculate these directions safely.
I will demonstrate the extreme effectiveness and exactitude of these directions using events in the life of Jacuqline Kennedy.
-An inharmonic aspects between benefic planets signals a positive event, like Jupiter 90° V for the birth of a child.-An harmonic aspects between malefic planets (Mars 120° Saturn) signals a negative event, PL 90° V for the death of a child (having other predictive techniques supporting it).-An important event occurs due to the accumulations of various important directions.-Using the pure symbolism of the planets and the exact meaning of the houses involved.-Using the topocentric house system.
Jacqueline Kennedy.18:30:04 (UT).Southhampton, NY (USA). 40N54 - 72W23.
Her father dies: (August 3, 1957).Saturn 90° Neptune (c). Orb:5.4'.Nod 0° Moon (c). Orb:2.3'.PL 90° Nod (d). Orb:1'.
Her daughter (Caroline) is born: (November 27, 1957).Moon 0° V (c). Orb:5.7'.MC 120° V (c). Orb:6.8'.Jupiter 45° V (c). Orb:4'.Mars 90° Nod (c). Orb:3'.Nod 0° Jupiter (d). Orb:9'.
Her son Patrick dies: (7 August 1963)  MC 90° Moon (c). Orb:2.7'.Asc. 90° Mars (d). Orb:2'.Neptune 90° XII (c). Orb:1.7'.V 180° MC (c). Orb:3.6'.
John F. Kennedy gets assassinated: (22 November 1963)  Saturn 90° XII (d). Orb:2.7'.XII 150° Moon (d). Orb:2'.
Marriage: 20 October 1968 (Aristotle Onassis) Mars 135° Jupiter (d). Orb:0'.PL 0° Neptune (d). Orb:2'.Sun 120° DC (d). Orb:5'.Venus 0° Nod (c). Orb:8.6'.
Aristotle Onassis dies: (15 March 1975)Asc. 0° Saturn (d). Orb:4.4'. (Equivalent: DC 180° Saturn (d). Orb:4.4')XII 120° DC (c). Orb:5.4'.MC 60° Mars (c). Orb:0'.

Orbs are given in minutes of arcNod=north nodeD= directC=converse2.5'=15 days, 0' means the aspect matured exactly on the date of the event. Most aspects do not mature exactly on the date of the event, but close to it (+/- 15days or more), this probably has to do with the line that separates the physical and astral realms, as energy gets transmitted from the astral onto the physical.
Notice how tight the aspects are, if we use another house system, like Placidus, our predictions could be off by an entire year.
Combine primary directions with other predictive astrological techniques and you get a crystal clear image of exactly what is going to happen and when.
Because of this house system, astrological prediction has entered a new dimension. This has brought greater accuracy and exactitude to other predictive techniques as well.
As for people who do not research, read or study astrology, and expect their astrological brilliance to bloom out of their knowledge of astrology from "past lives", they can simply go fuck themselves.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
