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Tolerance: The Poison To Kill The "Western" Civilization

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Many groups of people are constantly whining on the feet of the most tolerant and accepting people, nations and civilizations, the siren deception song of 'acceptance'. No matter how much is given, always more is required.

Literally, Western countries are the place where basically everything is 'accepted', as is typical of an overtly femme type of civilization. Even outright enemies and domination groups are 'accepted'.

Jews lie that they are not 'accepted' and that they solely wanted to be 'accepted' in our civilizations. And in that regard, we 'accepted' them every-time. When the conclusions of this acceptance were carried out and we went extinct or had our children sacrificed, we understood this was not good, and then they still cried for more 'acceptance'.

Muslims also rave about 'acceptance'. You are perfectly accepted in a place where you can live in it, commerce in it, and exist in it. Muslims are 'accepted' in the west, same as jews.

What the situation with these and many other social groups which whine about 'acceptance' and 'minority' rights is that they want domination of societies, not acceptance. These groups operate a lot like jews, and therefore this keeps back any society that wants to proceed with freedom of ideas and information exchange as a result. As to why I will make the case below.

They want a disproportionate ear in the government, a disproportionate power of social influence. All of that is because these groups act with their own interest and they want to dominate. They do not want to be accepted and to be left be. If this were the case, the 'minority groups' would be more like Asians.

We are not seeing Asians running hollywood in the West. They work their dough, mind their business, and do well in their endeavors. They are accepted, and acceptance is what they wanted in the first place, not cultural domination. They are far more worthwhile and some may have it way harder than other groups, but they are not ideologically or morally inclined to take over a civilization from the hands of it's beholders, and trash it for their particular interest.

At this point we do not have a people or an interest group fighting for it's rights, but fighting for it's rights for domination of hosts civilizations. Muslims, jews, and other marginals, are not crying about "Acceptance" anymore as they have all been accepted.

Working in place peacefully, living a peaceful life in the most developed nations of the world, having unimaginable freedoms compared to your homeland, air time in TV and shows, special treatment over your vocation etc, is living in total freedom. Some random dude looking down at you and saying "Fuck off" once a month is not anything threatening in particular - but you need to make this look that way. Why? Because there is need of domination. An Asian person will be called a racist slur if even that once a year, but it does not break national news. Why?

Because there is no political value in using this as there is no plan to overtake America or Europe at this point through cultural replacement or minority domination. That is why.

People jump fences and they are given work permits and citizenships out of the blue. Even terror and crime is accepted at an overwhelming extent, in "fear" of being called a xenophobe, a labelling that is about to enter even in law as jew lingo as "hate speech". Broad and nice enough, to never be applied to people who work on that behalf, and tight enough to take all seemingly opposed groups down by one swift blow.

Since however these groups act in a low level distorted feminity to get an in, and then proceed with act with unprecedented deceptive brutality (as is typical of these types), they understand the countries that exist are like whores to be abducted in war, in their mind. This is how it is seen by many of these people. So muslims and jews and the related marginal groups that they instruct, they take this one step further, after acceptance. To overtake a said nation, it's norms, and to promote prosyletism to such an extent that a nation is overtaken and toppled completely.

The same methods of domination through femme type of kvetching, deception, and basically any other means than straight up logic, conviction and force, are instructed to all socket groups the jews control and guide to wreck civilization. An example here is Communism.

Communism deceitfully cloaked itself in Socialism or "Democratic Socialism" in the west, and since they have insistently tried to progressively push nations in the conditions that will take them "one step further" along. In many European countries, communism is perfectly accepted. In situations like the US, the Anti-fa and others are totally accepted and even endorsed.

Another group that is instructed to act in the same way of persecution complex, kvetching, all while you want to dominate everyone into your ideology and way of perceiving things, is the modern Marxist GBLT community. The use of propaganda, press, movies, theater, cultural assimilation, and virtue signalling such as "Unperson this person cause he does not agree with us" or "Call da police on him for not prostrating to us as a species" is frequent on this side of the isle. It's impossible to resist acting like jews in this case as this bolsters these particular interest groups, which are freeloading on the rights attained by our national tolerance and 'acceptance'.

What the 'accepting' people and the masters of tolerance, and their cohorts have also devised, is also a form of shadow and femme cuck warfare that is a 'war for freedom and acceptance', no different than Orwell's 1984 "Slavery is freedom". Based on this kosher pretext, we have banning, unpersoning, and who knows, if these groups dominate, sudden disappearances at night and FEMA camps waiting for all those who have opposed or disagreed, or internally disliked these "acceptance" mobs.

Let us say this: in a free society, you do not have to accept, like, constantly endorse, and constantly being exposed to propaganda by a specific group of marginal people [Most of the jews, muslims and related demographics are MARGINAL and seek to EXPAND to gain POWER, the top of the hill being the jew, controlling everything in nations and being like in many cases less than 1% of it].

The problems of the majority and it's yearnings are fully ignored. Opening one's television and one will see more migrant plight and more 250 genders, muh holocaust memes, which only reflect a maximum of 5% of habitually oppressed social teams. The plights, thoughts, goals and ideals of the rest 95% of people are dismissed, frowned upon, and these people are forced into subjugation to the forces of the minorities. Gotta accept them or be shot with a firing squad, or get imprisoned, or have your media shut down, or be called a bigot, racist, homophobe, the list goes.

The fact words like similar slur such as Heterophobe, Anti-Gentile, Racial Assimilationists and other terms to villify opposition to the beliefs that are held by the majority of people do not exist, shows obviously why the counter of that jewtalk above exists: To dominate, and take over a civilization through elaborate exploitation of it's own accepting and tolerant character. Calling someone a racist, homophobe, bigot, and so forth, has this very disabling effect, and these marginal groups can't help it but take the jewish bargain into "Instilling their rights" in a said civilization.

Let us say that this is basically the poking of a dragon. In all historical cases, despite of how people never professed their disagreements, the manifestation of these comes in weird fashions. For example the reason that every European capital becomes a jew slutwalk once a year to "Honor pride" may find itself manifested in a rising of Islam, which will throw people of other sexual vocations from rooftops.

"If you do not accept the above, even if you are gay, you are a Heretic to the Pride, and you must be banned, or excommunicated." -Some Jew in the pride

This has nothing to do with Heterosexuality, the West, the Constitution, or anything like that, as many of these people love to claim, to accuse the people that made these freedom and any form of acceptance possible in the first place, when they had the power to not do this. This has only got to do with following and being an ally to jewish degeneracy. These groups enter the door together to exploit the fact of acceptance of the greater Western nations. One of these conflicting groups will eventually dominate, even if in their beginning they were "Friends" against the European or American larger states. When this level is concluded, they will themselves either choose to co-rule, or in the cases of groups like GBLT and Muslims, juke it out until one group prevails.

Another group that will find itself brutalized is the Feminists in this advent. Now they conspire with Muslims and Jews, and other garbage "interest groups" to carry out white genocide through essentially teaching women about half actual but half imaginary problems and imaginary solutions to said imaginary problems. Some women in particular of certain vocations, they like that.

They think they had such a bad deal with the Western European White Male, so as typical brainwashed retards, they will choose to oppose their own men who gave them any freedom on jewish condolences. Only the Western European White Male went on war to guarantee that his women will have just about anything in life, even to the extent of the freedoms which would later be exaggerated into monstrosities. The hundreds of millions that died in WW2, didn't die just because of ideology reasons, but because they had a wife waiting somewhere and children. Two generations later the offspring of these claims these people were the paragons of all moral evil, while all that seeks to remove any freedom, is the paragon of all good.

And this is why I call these people retarded and mentally disabled.

So if their Feminist Jew dreams about the extinction of "Masculinity" and all sorts of other things given in, then they may just live to enjoy a future where they are sold as slaves very soon, and they are beaten in the streets for being "Unclean whores" instead and brutalized by broken faces and noses, wearing a permanent eyepatch by their 3rd world husband, and having children that basically erase their existence from the earth, whether they like it or not, by the beloved groups they endorse and bolster to fight against their 'hated groups'. Their beloved Muslims will see to it.

Meanwhile, they will accuse White men for "Eye rape", while them being gang banged and killed by pakistanis is going to be completely fine and a reason to fall silent. The damsels will be taking testosterone shots and pretending to be men to defend themselves, but they will not. Unfortunately they will have cucked the only element that would raise to their defense because they wanted to conform to the ideals of another feminist jew overweight monstrosity. This eventually will just socially backfire.

Again, this is only a natural result of taking the bargain of jews in defining their identity and social motion, and it does nothing have to do with anything else. Another example is how jews are now bringing in Muslims by the droves in Europe, as a Rabbi admitted, they are "The best allies of jews in Europe". This is only at the present. When Muslims take a hold, jews are going get to be pogromed, chased down, beat and ruined by Muslims, and this is the reason they also practice "Aliyah" or return to Israel progressively, to save themselves from this. As this climaxes, it will become worse.

In the above game also all these marginal groups do become "Best friends in arms", and this is why we see the "Black Cock You want it can't live without it" agenda, the "Cuck yourself and be feminized" agenda, the "Do not have children or have mixed children" agenda, "Muh global warming so drown your kids in their sleep while the third world has 3 kids per family" agenda, the Holocaust 60 trillion agenda, the "Embrace Islam and get Jihad" agenda, and all the related garbage, working as if in magickal synchronicity to take down all forms of civilized structure and turn it into a rubble of competition based on infinite opposing groups, that wreck civilization many blows at a time.

On top of all the assault to replace anything natural and proper, we are also told to on top of this shut up and be MORE tolerant, all the more TOLERANT, as a disability that leads from acceptance to total domination.

Think about this that way: The jews had the world 'accept' their foreign desert cult dogma. The majority of people do espouse their desert cultist lies and dogma in numerous forms such as Islam or Christianity. Did they stop here?

Of course not. They do not want "acceptance", but domination - and neutralizing their enemies with the mind viruses of Islam and Christianity was only a means to that end. The yids as other inferiors of the bunch, do not have a living power to assert their rights, or logic, or facts, or honesty, but they have mental trickery, deception, lying, and scheming. Instead of carrying out their crimes directly, they improvise: Accept them first, tolerate them without bounds, and get destroyed. "Taken over from within" rather from without.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
That's what I saw in London. When there were a small amount of muslims in an area they kept a low key to survive and reproduce in numbers.

And then when I moved to East London it was painful to watch.

The East of London has been totally overrun with muslims. And the whole area is like a run down overcrowded ghetto.

An elderly white person agreed with me that you can see them putting their roots in when they start opening their own shops. Now they have all of the shops.

At the end she had immense emotion and pointed hard at me and said: 'When I was young the only black face you ever saw around here was the coal face.' And with that she turned around and stormed off strongly.

And it's true the whole area had been overtaken by muslims. It had become like spot the White.

Something else that was said is something that's happened as a cultural change with technology globally but that people used to go out of doors. Now people just stay inside. Well in that area people were now staying inside because it's safer.

My point being that they're different when they're still small in numbers and growing in power. They change when they're numerous and strong.

The muslims suddenly become very vocal about religion and most interested in your perspective of gawd. And being Xtian is great too because apparently the koran talks about jewsus too so it's all good. One gawd and all.

At the end of the day I saw them as a brotherhood and everyone else was tripping over themselves to keep the muslims sweet. Well it is scary to maybe upset one and then be in danger because you're just surrounded by them. Felt like an unsafe environment.

With whites in an extreme minority the whites became overly friendly towards the muslims.

It was painful to watch and bad for my mental health seeing it. Just to keep the peace the whites became so over friendly and fake. Horrible fear vibe and fake over friendliness.

Yes all of these movements are fake and not looking for acceptance but to grow and dominate.
You got to smile and only happiness allowed in the jewish dictatorship.
Personal Growth said:
That's what I saw in London. When there were a small amount of muslims in an area they kept a low key to survive and reproduce in numbers.

And then when I moved to East London it was painful to watch.

The East of London has been totally overrun with muslims. And the whole area is like a run down overcrowded ghetto.

An elderly white person agreed with me that you can see them putting their roots in when they start opening their own shops. Now they have all of the shops.

At the end she had immense emotion and pointed hard at me and said: 'When I was young the only black face you ever saw around here was the coal face.' And with that she turned around and stormed off strongly.

And it's true the whole area had been overtaken by muslims. It had become like spot the White.

Something else that was said is something that's happened as a cultural change with technology globally but that people used to go out of doors. Now people just stay inside. Well in that area people were now staying inside because it's safer.

My point being that they're different when they're still small in numbers and growing in power. They change when they're numerous and strong.

The muslims suddenly become very vocal about religion and most interested in your perspective of gawd. And being Xtian is great too because apparently the koran talks about jewsus too so it's all good. One gawd and all.

At the end of the day I saw them as a brotherhood and everyone else was tripping over themselves to keep the muslims sweet. Well it is scary to maybe upset one and then be in danger because you're just surrounded by them. Felt like an unsafe environment.

With whites in an extreme minority the whites became overly friendly towards the muslims.

It was painful to watch and bad for my mental health seeing it. Just to keep the peace the whites became so over friendly and fake. Horrible fear vibe and fake over friendliness.

Yes all of these movements are fake and not looking for acceptance but to grow and dominate.

This is precisely why I never looked up to that personality trait of being overly friendly and fake. I have known plenty of people in my life like this it concerns me. Though there isnt as far as I am aware a problem with Muslims anywhere I have been ever the people who are like that wont stand up and fight. Its like what Lucifuge was talking about the fact people dont care. I dont know how some people become so stepped on or whatever and not able to defend themselves. Where is your warrior spirit. While there may be no problem now in these peoples lives wait till they are forced into slavery or killed over not submitting to someones cultural dictates or something for their sexuality. Then and only then will they realize its too late.

Personally id be more mad at the people that let this happen than the Muslims. Cause if it wasnt Muslims someone else would come around and take over. The way some people act its like "i cant wait to be a slave"
Personal Growth said:
That's what I saw in London. When there were a small amount of muslims in an area they kept a low key to survive and reproduce in numbers.

And then when I moved to East London it was painful to watch.

The East of London has been totally overrun with muslims. And the whole area is like a run down overcrowded ghetto.

An elderly white person agreed with me that you can see them putting their roots in when they start opening their own shops. Now they have all of the shops.

At the end she had immense emotion and pointed hard at me and said: 'When I was young the only black face you ever saw around here was the coal face.' And with that she turned around and stormed off strongly.

And it's true the whole area had been overtaken by muslims. It had become like spot the White.

Something else that was said is something that's happened as a cultural change with technology globally but that people used to go out of doors. Now people just stay inside. Well in that area people were now staying inside because it's safer.

My point being that they're different when they're still small in numbers and growing in power. They change when they're numerous and strong.

The muslims suddenly become very vocal about religion and most interested in your perspective of gawd. And being Xtian is great too because apparently the koran talks about jewsus too so it's all good. One gawd and all.

At the end of the day I saw them as a brotherhood and everyone else was tripping over themselves to keep the muslims sweet. Well it is scary to maybe upset one and then be in danger because you're just surrounded by them. Felt like an unsafe environment.

With whites in an extreme minority the whites became overly friendly towards the muslims.

It was painful to watch and bad for my mental health seeing it. Just to keep the peace the whites became so over friendly and fake. Horrible fear vibe and fake over friendliness.

Yes all of these movements are fake and not looking for acceptance but to grow and dominate.

This is precisely why I never looked up to that personality trait of being overly friendly and fake. I have known plenty of people in my life like this it concerns me. Though there isnt as far as I am aware a problem with Muslims anywhere I have been ever the people who are like that wont stand up and fight. Its like what Lucifuge was talking about the fact people dont care. I dont know how some people become so stepped on or whatever and not able to defend themselves. Where is your warrior spirit. While there may be no problem now in these peoples lives wait till they are forced into slavery or killed over not submitting to someones cultural dictates or something for their sexuality. Then and only then will they realize its too late.

Personally id be more mad at the people that let this happen than the Muslims. Cause if it wasnt Muslims someone else would come around and take over. The way some people act its like "i cant wait to be a slave"
Just imagine if xianity is so supressive and deeply problematic, what is going to happen as Islam spreads.

People have no idea what the implications are going to be. The situation will be beyond salvaging if this were to happen. The RTR's have to be ramped up and kept steady at all costs, because we will end up ruined.

People do not appreciate the freedoms that exist today, and the majority of NPC's could care less about defending them either.
slyscorpion said:
Personal Growth said:
That's what I saw in London. When there were a small amount of muslims in an area they kept a low key to survive and reproduce in numbers.

And then when I moved to East London it was painful to watch.

The East of London has been totally overrun with muslims. And the whole area is like a run down overcrowded ghetto.

An elderly white person agreed with me that you can see them putting their roots in when they start opening their own shops. Now they have all of the shops.

At the end she had immense emotion and pointed hard at me and said: 'When I was young the only black face you ever saw around here was the coal face.' And with that she turned around and stormed off strongly.

And it's true the whole area had been overtaken by muslims. It had become like spot the White.

Something else that was said is something that's happened as a cultural change with technology globally but that people used to go out of doors. Now people just stay inside. Well in that area people were now staying inside because it's safer.

My point being that they're different when they're still small in numbers and growing in power. They change when they're numerous and strong.

The muslims suddenly become very vocal about religion and most interested in your perspective of gawd. And being Xtian is great too because apparently the koran talks about jewsus too so it's all good. One gawd and all.

At the end of the day I saw them as a brotherhood and everyone else was tripping over themselves to keep the muslims sweet. Well it is scary to maybe upset one and then be in danger because you're just surrounded by them. Felt like an unsafe environment.

With whites in an extreme minority the whites became overly friendly towards the muslims.

It was painful to watch and bad for my mental health seeing it. Just to keep the peace the whites became so over friendly and fake. Horrible fear vibe and fake over friendliness.

Yes all of these movements are fake and not looking for acceptance but to grow and dominate.

This is precisely why I never looked up to that personality trait of being overly friendly and fake. I have known plenty of people in my life like this it concerns me. Though there isnt as far as I am aware a problem with Muslims anywhere I have been ever the people who are like that wont stand up and fight. Its like what Lucifuge was talking about the fact people dont care. I dont know how some people become so stepped on or whatever and not able to defend themselves. Where is your warrior spirit. While there may be no problem now in these peoples lives wait till they are forced into slavery or killed over not submitting to someones cultural dictates or something for their sexuality. Then and only then will they realize its too late.

Personally id be more mad at the people that let this happen than the Muslims. Cause if it wasnt Muslims someone else would come around and take over. The way some people act its like "i cant wait to be a slave"

One can never fathom how any person who wants to be free, wants freedom of information, or of sexuality, despite of any orientation or life, would want Islam or tolerate it.

Islam is the death of all culture and of all life. All your life is yet another number to feed a thoughform like a slave. If you do not comply, the other monkeys beat you to it.

Islam is what xianity was in the Middle Ages.
During Pride week here in Southwest U.S. I saw more hatred and discomptemt then ever. Boy those lesbian white women sure dont like men. So they have been conditioned to. I saw a whole new world of hatred. Satan is real. I see the curses working on our white women.
Personal Growth said:
That's what I saw in London. When there were a small amount of muslims in an area they kept a low key to survive and reproduce in numbers.

And then when I moved to East London it was painful to watch.

The East of London has been totally overrun with muslims. And the whole area is like a run down overcrowded ghetto.

An elderly white person agreed with me that you can see them putting their roots in when they start opening their own shops. Now they have all of the shops.

At the end she had immense emotion and pointed hard at me and said: 'When I was young the only black face you ever saw around here was the coal face.' And with that she turned around and stormed off strongly.

And it's true the whole area had been overtaken by muslims. It had become like spot the White.

Something else that was said is something that's happened as a cultural change with technology globally but that people used to go out of doors. Now people just stay inside. Well in that area people were now staying inside because it's safer.

My point being that they're different when they're still small in numbers and growing in power. They change when they're numerous and strong.

The muslims suddenly become very vocal about religion and most interested in your perspective of gawd. And being Xtian is great too because apparently the koran talks about jewsus too so it's all good. One gawd and all.

At the end of the day I saw them as a brotherhood and everyone else was tripping over themselves to keep the muslims sweet. Well it is scary to maybe upset one and then be in danger because you're just surrounded by them. Felt like an unsafe environment.

With whites in an extreme minority the whites became overly friendly towards the muslims.

It was painful to watch and bad for my mental health seeing it. Just to keep the peace the whites became so over friendly and fake. Horrible fear vibe and fake over friendliness.

Yes all of these movements are fake and not looking for acceptance but to grow and dominate.
I have headaches just reading this.... sh... i feel sorry for you dude... I hope there will be a solution to this, try talking to more whites and forming a group with the same opinion... but be careful like i know that in the west the indoctrination is too dense there
How do you think the gods of Scandinavia, the British isles, or even the Fae feel about Europe being ruined and overrun by migrants? I've asked that question in many "proud" viking neo-pagan forums and always got deleted to avoid conflict.
Weassel said:
Personal Growth said:
That's what I saw in London. When there were a small amount of muslims in an area they kept a low key to survive and reproduce in numbers.

And then when I moved to East London it was painful to watch.

The East of London has been totally overrun with muslims. And the whole area is like a run down overcrowded ghetto.

An elderly white person agreed with me that you can see them putting their roots in when they start opening their own shops. Now they have all of the shops.

At the end she had immense emotion and pointed hard at me and said: 'When I was young the only black face you ever saw around here was the coal face.' And with that she turned around and stormed off strongly.

And it's true the whole area had been overtaken by muslims. It had become like spot the White.

Something else that was said is something that's happened as a cultural change with technology globally but that people used to go out of doors. Now people just stay inside. Well in that area people were now staying inside because it's safer.

My point being that they're different when they're still small in numbers and growing in power. They change when they're numerous and strong.

The muslims suddenly become very vocal about religion and most interested in your perspective of gawd. And being Xtian is great too because apparently the koran talks about jewsus too so it's all good. One gawd and all.

At the end of the day I saw them as a brotherhood and everyone else was tripping over themselves to keep the muslims sweet. Well it is scary to maybe upset one and then be in danger because you're just surrounded by them. Felt like an unsafe environment.

With whites in an extreme minority the whites became overly friendly towards the muslims.

It was painful to watch and bad for my mental health seeing it. Just to keep the peace the whites became so over friendly and fake. Horrible fear vibe and fake over friendliness.

Yes all of these movements are fake and not looking for acceptance but to grow and dominate.
I have headaches just reading this.... sh... i feel sorry for you dude... I hope there will be a solution to this, try talking to more whites and forming a group with the same opinion... but be careful like i know that in the west the indoctrination is too dense there

Mate, I didn't like the vibe there. It felt cold and brutal. Those people were also very wierd hoarding their money and living in poverty while having good jobs? Well wierd going without when you can afford it.

That said most of the area was in deep poverty and a person really had to be aware and watch your pockets.

It's called white flight. I got the heck out of dodge.

I'm in Scotland now and much happier living amongst my demographic.

The whites left in that area seemed stuck there because they were well poor, weak and broken.

Not the environment for me so I fixed it.

Cheers bud
Dreissz said:
How do you think the gods of Scandinavia, the British isles, or even the Fae feel about Europe being ruined and overrun by migrants? I've asked that question in many "proud" viking neo-pagan forums and always got deleted to avoid conflict.

I think it's obvious that the Gods are anti mixing of the races. So they don't like it because there are real differences and mixing sets the person well back in advancing.

Every people has their homelands and Europe is for Europeans.
Hotcar said:
During Pride week here in Southwest U.S. I saw more hatred and discomptemt then ever. Boy those lesbian white women sure dont like men. So they have been conditioned to. I saw a whole new world of hatred. Satan is real. I see the curses working on our white women.

This post was about the movements you've mentioned here. And specifically of the Marxist GBLT movements.

I feel like I've started taking it down a racial and Muslim discussion.

It's what my experience is at.

Like look at South Africa.

The people were promised a rainbow nation.

There was such good will between the races to move forward as a multicultural society.

But hey ho. Is it 25 years now since 1994.

As this article points out. Those looking for acceptance are not really looking for acceptance. They're looking for power and dominance over and going about it in a femme way.

Because after all of these years. South Africa still has racist employment state policies and racist political parties calling to exterminate the settlers.

One settler one bullet. Well clearly there is more than seeking acceptance there preaching that and with those policies.
Personal Growth said:
Weassel said:
Personal Growth said:
That's what I saw in London. When there were a small amount of muslims in an area they kept a low key to survive and reproduce in numbers.

And then when I moved to East London it was painful to watch.

The East of London has been totally overrun with muslims. And the whole area is like a run down overcrowded ghetto.

An elderly white person agreed with me that you can see them putting their roots in when they start opening their own shops. Now they have all of the shops.

At the end she had immense emotion and pointed hard at me and said: 'When I was young the only black face you ever saw around here was the coal face.' And with that she turned around and stormed off strongly.

And it's true the whole area had been overtaken by muslims. It had become like spot the White.

Something else that was said is something that's happened as a cultural change with technology globally but that people used to go out of doors. Now people just stay inside. Well in that area people were now staying inside because it's safer.

My point being that they're different when they're still small in numbers and growing in power. They change when they're numerous and strong.

The muslims suddenly become very vocal about religion and most interested in your perspective of gawd. And being Xtian is great too because apparently the koran talks about jewsus too so it's all good. One gawd and all.

At the end of the day I saw them as a brotherhood and everyone else was tripping over themselves to keep the muslims sweet. Well it is scary to maybe upset one and then be in danger because you're just surrounded by them. Felt like an unsafe environment.

With whites in an extreme minority the whites became overly friendly towards the muslims.

It was painful to watch and bad for my mental health seeing it. Just to keep the peace the whites became so over friendly and fake. Horrible fear vibe and fake over friendliness.

Yes all of these movements are fake and not looking for acceptance but to grow and dominate.
I have headaches just reading this.... sh... i feel sorry for you dude... I hope there will be a solution to this, try talking to more whites and forming a group with the same opinion... but be careful like i know that in the west the indoctrination is too dense there

Mate, I didn't like the vibe there. It felt cold and brutal. Those people were also very wierd hoarding their money and living in poverty while having good jobs? Well wierd going without when you can afford it.

That said most of the area was in deep poverty and a person really had to be aware and watch your pockets.

It's called white flight. I got the heck out of dodge.

I'm in Scotland now and much happier living amongst my demographic.

The whites left in that area seemed stuck there because they were well poor, weak and broken.

Not the environment for me so I fixed it.

Cheers bud
Oh shit.... sorry, for some reason i understood something else.. well, good for you
Hotcar said:
During Pride week here in Southwest U.S. I saw more hatred and discomptemt then ever. Boy those lesbian white women sure dont like men. So they have been conditioned to. I saw a whole new world of hatred. Satan is real. I see the curses working on our white women.

Yes, a lot of these people demand total "Love", ie, disability to be criticized, and utter domination of their opposing group such as heterosexuals (This is their problem, they are feeding this fragmentation, and they are stupid for this) and at the same time, they want to not receive any of this back, as this is bigotry, homophobia, or what have you.

Yes, many GBLT people do hate heterosexuals, family values, and everything nobly sane or traditional, and would like to see the world burning with dildos stuck on every persons head. They consider they are limited and cursed by the "Traditional Heteroseuxals" who get to puke when they see children twerking in the parades, and even other GBLT people who tell them to not disgrace themselves like this are considered mortal enemies and excommunicated from the "Rainbow of love" GBLT.

The group they particularly hate and marginalize the most is normal and sane GBLT members who do not act like they SHOULD, based on their own Marxist version. These they hate and they consider "Traitors" to their ideology. People who are GBLT and do not condone to the paradigm are literally treated brutally, and if they ever need their help, they refuse them.

This is because to unite with people over these values is totally jewish and artificial, as are other groups like Vegans whom the enemy tries to rally as cults against society.

They think that the only way to defend your rights to society is not by being a noble person, but a traditional drag and drug hook, spewing Marxist nonsense. They want communism and not meritocracy of noblety. And as communists they are fine with using communist methods, even to their own.

Just ask a GBLT person who is sane and not into this whole movement, what their opinion of this movement is. Any sane person will tell you it's only keeping them back, not propelling them forward. Normal people get this to backfire onto them, and they lose rights and social respect from what their "peers" are doing.

This is Communism.
Our nations are being stolen, pillaged, and parasitism, they are not taken over by direct war on confrontation was would be the normal and "Masculine" way to do this.

They are eaten slowly by termites with deliberate planning. They are not a bolt of thunderstruck, but a lasting disease that undermines the system until it collapses.
Here is a video of this Sermon to be shared!
ShermanTank said:
Here is a video of this Sermon to be shared!
I think you should not put your videos here, or they will be erased from that website you put them on. The enemy comes here to look for things like that to remove and hide it. Maybe put it on different video websites than that one, because that one erases everything.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
ShermanTank said:
Here is a video of this Sermon to be shared!
I think you should not put your videos here, or they will be erased from that website you put them on. The enemy comes here to look for things like that to remove and hide it. Maybe put it on different video websites than that one, because that one erases everything.

No please do post them, just make sure to also keep them in a cloud or archive. This may go on the library if you like most of this, as if there is no Mp3, one made like this can be better from none. It's a good idea.
Good idea I will take em down. Videos are easy to make, it takes 10 minutes of less. I'm looking into saving them and a few other things.
ShermanTank said:
Good idea I will take em down. Videos are easy to make, it takes 10 minutes of less. I'm looking into saving them and a few other things.

If they're already on YouTube it makes sense to leave them up in my opinion, even if they do get taken down some people might see them before that happens. Having links in the descriptions of videos also gives people a way of remembering information. But it's also a good idea to put the videos on other websites too.
There is hardly any racism against the races who are portrayed as victims by the media. Mostly it's racism against whites. White people aren't even allowed to have their own land. They must share it with the muslims, whose holiest prophet married a nine-year-old child. Racism against whites is totally fine accordning to the mainstream media, and never are such cases reported. Neither are there any laws against racism against whites, but there are protective laws in favour of all other ethnicities. In other words, legally it's ok the be racist, but ONLY against whites!

Thus, there is no such thing as a "hate crime" if the victim is white. You can scream any racist thing you want to a white person, write it on the internet etc. or put up anti-white hate pages. It's perfectly legal and ok.

Seriously, does it get any more obvious?
I mean, is it whites or browns that's being raped and plundered? So who, Mr. Lawmaker, is in need of protective laws?

No, I guess the rape prevention classes for refugees in Norway is just a coincidence, right? Based on nothing?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
