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Time and power


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Feb 17, 2003
Hey just a bit of help here please? Done the intense aura cleaning and aura of protection cos was feeling thinga needes to be done properly for a few weeks the moved over to normal and do both morning and evening and not feeling it as powerful you know? So I know I need to change. Question is do I keep up with the intense workings or just keep up with the normal ones untill i can manage the same feeling? And struggled with the yoga so googled foe other asanas just hoping they are pure and not destroyed. Any advice to fish the true from the filth?

Why do when I logged in, I see your name already? XD

Since you said Saturn is hitting you hard right now, better keep that aura up and don't think of anything negative like "I still have a hard life though." For me, I lost the negative experience whenever I did Hatha Yoga in 9 breaths, but I didn't do all the poses, specifically the inverted ones and the Bow, as I don't have too much space in this house to prevent my fall? XD

Also the:

Aura of Protection - 81 + 81 = 162 Vibrations and 9 Affirmations (Algiz and Saulo, but you can go to 27+27 Vibrations and 9 Affirmations instead, this was the one I used, but since I mostly get attacked by the enemies for doing spiritual warfare and maybe also because I empowered Enlil, I added up my vibrations when necessary)

OR, you can imagine vibrating the Runes in your mind while visualizing a "ripple effect" on your aura to increase the power. This technique was good that I can feel my aura after my vibrations.

And another, if you want, you can visualize your Runes programmed like this; I visualize the Rune Algiz and then imagine a scene of me minding my own business, angels suddenly trying to attack me, but my AoP with the Rune Algiz burns them and they run away fearful. Or negative grey energy being burned as soon as it comes contact with my aura. Then I vibrate SATANAS to empower my Rune Algiz while imagining it spinning to the speed of light that it shines like the Sun and go inside my soul. This technique is so effective that I always feel a kundalini surge when it goes inside me. Then I move unto the Rune Saulo and do a different one, let's say me much more energized. Then repeat the above steps and done.~

This is what I was doing when I wasn't logged in here for the past few days, I was experimenting since the damn angels attacked me because of me asking a stupid question (if you wanna know, then ask on your reply, but I feel embarassed if you would XD)

I would post all my experimented meditations once I'm done, there's too many experimenting nowadays so that I could motivate myself in doing all these XD
Lol tired of me already? XD! And here I thought I was making a friend! X-\

Thanks really needing all the strength and help can find now. Hubby knows and hasnt rejected me (yet). So hold thumbs for me please. I also asked Father to help keep peace for now and just guide me.
That and a very low blood Iron count.
And I wont ask unless you wanna spew. Lol peace love and harmony right? Hey you kick them asses. I feel not ready yet so i made a promise. Soon as I know I am ready will fight too.

Wanna ask something I asked before...
I wanna make an ouija board and a pendulum but dont have crystals. I have beads, cheap but some of them very pretty. May I use those for the pebdulum? Little bit of irony here, I cant even afford a damn white candle. We dont use them so cant do a ceremony.

I do not understand completely the above as in chant 9 times the light is cleaning my aura 9*3=27? Cos if yes that would explain alot! Wevsite said 3 i did 3. That is the aura cleabing then AoP said 18 times "my aura is .... " its quite a lengthy chant. Anyway to keep it that powerful yet shorten it a bit?
Sorry about the long reply last excercise opening of the crown tonight. So tired, dispondent and just not had the energy rough couple of last weeks.
I have a question for Heather. When you are envisioning the rune of choice in your mind, how do you feel it in your soul? How do you vibrate it into your Aura? If you can also tell me more about where too buy rune stones?
Sonfire9, I know you didn't ask me but I feel compelled to answer anyways lol.You can make your own runes. If you live in North America, there is an art and crafts supplies store named Michael's. You can get wooden chips there, and a set of small sharp instruments to carve into wood, if you don't have that already. If you want rune stones with the rune already carved into them, Amazon has a selection of them. Or you could try Etsy, if you want to spend the extra money for something unique and handcrafted.

On Wednesday, October 17, 2018, 12:28:37 a.m. EDT, sonfire9@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:

  I have a question for Heather. When you are envisioning the rune of choice in your mind, how do you feel it in your soul? How do you vibrate it into your Aura? If you can also tell me more about where too buy rune stones?
Am not, Delphy, am just busy lately XD It's hard to do meditations that almost lasts all day, do a God's artwork while he/she is watching you (in this case, Enlil, he is very eager to be honest, but it's making me all shy XD) and then sleep doing all over again. I don't hate doing it, I just want to finish all meditations of personal benefits so that I can only have focus on the important meditations, RTRs and my artworks qwq

Anyways, good luck! Oh, and I forgot since I was in a rush, I wanna see if you get the same effects of the kundalini surge thing to see if I wasn't going crazy or anything, this is how I felt it while doing my AoP. The rune spins in a speed of light in circles around me and then slams inside my soul, making me feel that surge. Problem is, it is powerful, but I don't wanna do it in public since people will giving me the looks XD
That's why it's only 9 affirmations XD at least 9 means permanent, but you have to do this for a year, so better not skip a day. Even if you did skip a day, still do it, even twice, as the energy is still there.

The Ouija Board and Pendulum, make sure to know how to use it, as it would waste your time if you're not proficient. I don't know how to use it, but the materials for that pendulum is OK, just be in a light trance and then you can ask questions. My pendulum experience last week was really strange and funny XD instead of my incubus swinging it, he used his finger and moved it in my hand and moved it to the yes/no of where the pendulum should swing XD I was like "Why don't you just swing it?" And he just gives me a vision of him smiling in a silly way XD that dem gadfly

Sonfire9, it all depends on the individual, honestly. For example, I did my AoP. AoP + with POSITIVE Runes, you can feel vibrations and pulsing in your soul, even feel "glowing" energy around you. But you might not experience this and feel a different one instead, or similar like mine, but not exactly.

But one thing is for sure, that is what positive energy feels like, so no need to worry. Make sure to strengthen it so that you can feel it. :)

The visualizing, like I said, the "ripple" effect is what I now envision WHILE vibrating the Rune of choice. Like a water being thrown with a pebble on it, that's the "ripple" I do.

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/imag ... JW4dQuEw2A

And Magus is right, but you can also use gemstones like stated in the Runes website, like Ansuz with the Lapis Lazuli is good for communicating with Demons.
Lol oh poor Heather! I was only teasing you dont take me so seriously! I get it now thank you so much for taking time to explain it. Much obliged.

Yeah man. Things have been rough. So as said this illness keeps attacking been trying to get me down for months otc meds have helped and now when it tries its grip on me the chakara spins and void meditation and AoP has been working! I lalalalLove fighting back! Father has been most gracious.

Hey no need to be shy! Man already so happy for you! I don't think Father would have spent the time with you if you werent worth it. I mean... You are. You are flippen good at art! He sees it, you should embathe in that! I think he is proud of you. Frigget if I were in your shoes I'd have a smile on my face 24/7 knowing he's watching! Lol congrats!

About the power, yeah I get that with hatha nowadays too. Little one thinks wgen mommy does yoga she can jump on me! Blimey that's kinda irritating especially with the backleans. Lol!
Wonder if you have a weak 6th House (If I remember correctly, in astrology this is the house of health and your wellness) cuz your experience kinda sounds like you have that. Either way, do the Aura of Protection, especially with that affirmation I gave you, which I found from a great member while browsing here. And those meds, hmm...if it's some kind of "anti-depressant" or whatever, please stay the hell away from them, as they are made by those Jews, and we know what shit they have been doing for the past thousand years. :c

So stick with meditation, as meditation is the true solution if it has something to do with mental problems and even physical stuff, as long as the right affirmation, timing, and mindset is used depending on the working. :)

Aha, I can't, sister! And no, it's not Father yet, but he was pretty chill with it. Since I drawed Enlil and contacted him first about the art, I think he already reserved himself to it before Father XD

Me: Hey Enlil, do you think I can draw Father Satan before December 24? I want it to be a gift to him on his Personal Day.
Enlil: Of course you can, BUT, since you have contacted me first, (points at his artwork, which I am currently coloring)
Me: Oh wow, I never knew you can be so into this, Enlil XD
Enlil: Hey, Satan has received far more artworks than myself, so why shouldn't I feel eager?

So hopefully I'll finish it before October ends or I might try to draw one of Father's art if it does XD
Giggles. Well I guess He does have a point. Look, I know Father is our main Entity but I think the other Demons need aome love too.

Nah no way, over my dead body. Look,SA is world renowned for horrible service-especially the public sector. I aint going back to a hospital to get treated like a nutcase eventhough I sometimes feel like it. And no. I meant otc as in over the counter medicines like sinucon (medium sized round purple specled thing) horrid to look at but a miracle in spring time with all that pollen. Weak 6th house? Hmm maybe my pregnancy just made it worse too. I can have one cup of coffee, the second one I get sick, all jittery and stuff. But whats bothering me is there was this virus that acts more or less like a flu, brought in from some west African country, sadly though It kills in less than 4 days. I was wondering if it isnt what is trying and so far failing to get at me. My mums friend had it and died. She hated me so thinking she might be targeting me. Fa!

Look I am burning with curiousity! Whats it like being around an incubi or succubi? Are you a goddess yet? Improper quesrions I know but I wanna be around one that would just snuggle man! I think I had one around when I was meditation and dear me hormones and meditation dont work together! I had to be strict and tell to lett off when meditation is done. But sadly my wishes were not respected so had to tell him to slide. *blush*. Was I wrong in this? Only heard of them so not sure whats the truth of them.
Also, a Goddess? I wish! XD I just started meditating three months ago, sister! I just have experiences because I read the JoS website, all of the info, twice, so I somehow remembered all and decided to meditate XD

And I have yet to raise my kundalini. I do want to, but I feel I am not ready yet as I still have a hard time controlling my emotions, mainly my anger, so for now, I want to be at least emotionally stable before I do it .w.
Oh no, my other message didn't get passed, so I'm gonna have to repeat it again qwq

Well, the Gods were popular back then, so I'm sure they want to be famous XD in a good way, it's funny and cute to see our Gods like "I want to help people while shining like a star with pride!" XD

She better have a good reason to hate you, or at least here her explanation? Dunno, maybe

Incubus? Yeh, ahm, I hab one \\\\\
I call him Xavier, as I don't know his real name yet (but he confirmed his name is this, but I feel that I am still not convinced? Ah, I dunno qwq) He is an embodiment of a patient and kind man, but also a jealous, obsessive and possessive one

Since, ehem, the "jealous ones" are my type, this would explain why my incubus came to me, he was the one who introduced me to Satanism, and I love him for it. Of course, after he made me interested in searching the term "incubus" by um, you know \\\\\\

But anyway, I guess you can ask my incubus experiences, of the times that he has done for me? Just not the, you know, sexual, because there are just too many since my incubus is surprisingly horny, even when I do the RTRs! And I would just say stuff like "We're literally doing the RTRs and you're horny?? XD"
Lol Ah dear Heather you always make me laugh and inspire me please forgive me for being away so long. I uhm did some thinking about what you said about the weak 6th house so maybe it was always there and the preggy bug just made it worse.

Ohhh lalala! Xavier sounds like a total dish! I am so happy he makes you happy. Will not ask what makes you uncomfortable promise. You like the jealousy... Cat growls. Lol hey you guys ever use props? Or are they that good the just dont need them? Lol uh boy so he teases you when you meditate? My real question is did he ever touch you unwantedly? I just wanted hugs and sweet little nothings oh and was trying to boot my labido but I dont want sex yet. Are you with him alone for the rest of your life? Can you have kids if you want And what does he look like?

She said to my mum she hated me cos I spoke weird high english (her words not mine). From what I learned from their family is they grew up with money so they are snobbish. And me well I guess I am what yoh call "uncivillized". Lol yeah a monkey in a straight jacket. I think ettiquette is fake, I embrace and love walking barefoot. And i wore a dress that she hated cos it was " too short" once. Can make you a promise, it wasnt two finger withs below the knee. Lol she thought I was a skank. If only she knew what I knew about her. ... Giggles. Knowledge is powerful but such a burden.
It's OK, as a Satanist, you must eliminate any weaknesses you have .w.
Speaking of weaknesses, also try this! I figured out how to fight my fear that I accidentally created. Just use affirmations! Like for example, last week, I had a rough week because of the fear I had with the dark. I kept saying "I'm still afraid of the dark." And Xavier would always say "No, you're not." I didn't get it until I remembered that having a powerful aura along with a disregard of what you say (read what I said about the dark again) WILL make it come true. So I turned my statement "I'm still afraid of the dark" into "I'm not afraid of the dark. Darkness is beautiful." It took a couple of days, but it worked!

Oh, and the visualization I gave you with the Runes spinning at the speed of light, followed by being slammed inside of you ACTUALLY COUNTS AS MERKABA (light + vibration + lightspeed = VERY POWERFUL). So while it is powerful, it would make your aura powerful and your words, too. So careful on what you say. If you said stuff like "I'm gonna kill you" then at least follow it up aloud or in your head with "Nah, I won't do that. I can't really hurt you unless if you try to do it first."

Xavier laughed when I read where you cat growled XD
But really, having a jealous incubus is kinda hard. Always have to tell him "Are you jealous?" Questions cuz he's going to try and get my attention again or get a bit touchy XD it's hard, but I love him anyways
Oh, props? Nah, I don't use those. I only use pure magic because even if I want to, my parents would wonder all those "props" in the house does.
He does like to tease me, but I'm alright with it. He does it so much that I just became casual with it, like "Do that and you won't get your hugs" and he would pout like a child XD
Alone? Not really, I still live with my parents, I'm not ready to be independent quite yet haha
Kids, mmm, nah, we talked about that and I said no because of the fact that he's 7 feet tall, and I know that the babies I'm going to have is going to be larger than a human baby """
And he's probably going to be here physically once this war is over, too. You can't have kids if your lover is on an astral plane.
He's 7 feet tall, has a black tuxedo outfit on a white dress shirt that's unbuttoned, enough to show a bit of his collarbone, black hair that is swept back reaching to his shoulders with a few strands of spiky bangs, light orange eyes, average lips, along with a tanned skin. And yeah, he looks like a gentleman, but he doesn't act like it sometimes XD

Hm, so a typical rich woman who thinks telling someone this would make the other person do it without a second thought. Pathetic. Well, ignore her, as long as she doesn't hurt you physically, then she won't be a problem. Just pay lip-service to her, and you'd be fine. Good luck, sister!
I need to know this: why hasnt he given you his true name and how is it that he introduced you to Father? Please do correct me where I am wrong here I am very confused and still trying to learn. So when you say you talk to him etc were you connected with the spiritual before Father?

He sounds like a bundle of fun but complicated(no bad meaning). So if you meet male friends for eg studies or art does he get mad?

Thank you for all the help with everything I am not using it yet but dotted it down cos just wanna get used to the bio-electricity and everything.

She's dead so I dont worry about her at all. Not rich just stuck up.

I asked Father to intervene or rather talk to Lord Volac on my behalf and I believe my request was full fulled. I was asked my cv for a job but now I want to know what I can do for Lord Volac in return. I dont have an open third eye and need to speak to either my gaurdian or Lord Volac to know.

I will try the affirmations. How did you create the fear?
I'm so sorry, Delphy! I've posted this already but it didn't got sent. Now I have to post it again...

He already did. Very blatantly from the start. But, um, how do I say this... It's like a rich-and-commoner situation. You won't believe me if I tell you his real name, let alone everyone else unless he says so. So, for now, I can't say until he wants to. I'm cool with it, as I'm still trying to open my third eye to know the truth, even if Father has already confirmed it, I still would like to "see" for myself if he really is that demon. For now, he has given me an appearance of himself, but not his real appearance.

No, not really. I can receive words and thoughts, as well as images if I'm thinking, so it's not that hard.

I met him when he first, you know, acted as an incubus, the touching...yeah...
At first I was freaked out a ghost (what I believed back then) was into me, but somehow, I decided to talk and be friends with him. Glad I did, because he showed to me that he's super nice and supports me when I feel down.
Then I got curious and decided "Hey, I should search about the supernatural stuff and see if they have a wonderful spirit like mine." I searched and searched, but there were none that matched other than "ghosts" and "incubus." The demons part being "empty shells?" I didn't believe them, as for some reason, I know Xavier was a demon, an incubus. So I decided to give up for a while and relax a bit, since the articles I want to see aren't there.

One day, my Catholic Teacher showed to us the Seven Princes of Hell. I then decided to search one of them, and there were a LOT of blatant signs when I got the wrong article, such as the computer shutting down, internet turning off, etc. Until I got to the Joy of Satan website while searching for them.

At first, I got skeptic and confused. Never heard Satanism before. I wondered if I got the right article, but then I realized the computer and the internet didn't turn off for no reason anymore, and that's where I got even more confused. But since this page was the only ones that portrayed demons are good, I gave it a chance. It took two years, but I then decided to become a Satanist after reading about the Inquisition.

Haha, he is. First I thought "What the hell is wrong with him?" But then I realized, he was the jealous type. Yes, he acts bizarre and childish sometimes, but I love him. He's also the type to boil inside instead of letting it out, so I always have to ask him that. Even if I know he's the jealous type and me being the energy-sensor, it's hard to know his energy when he's jealous. I asked him what his energy feels like when he's jealous, demonstrated it to me, and this is where I realized he's that type. Really, his "jealous" energy is so subtle, even when I asked him to make it stronger, that it's really hard to notice it unless you're not paying attention to it.
But he only gets jealous when I get a crush and fantasized about my crush. So in short, I don't blame him XD Xavier's giving me the look right now

OK .w. Please use it when you can, I would like to see if it works wonders so that maybe I can share my Meditations List that I experimented on.

Well you can start by bettering yourself by doing meditations and the Final RTR. But I recommend the meditations, especially the Aura of Protection, Returning Curses and Aura Cleaning, as you need to be strong before joining the war. You already have problems at the moment, work on these one at a time.

By saying "I'm afraid of the dark." It's like affirmations, if you say this a number of times, obviously it's gonna come true, not to mention the emotion associated with it, which strengthens that affirmation I just said. So think and say positive, as this is where the enemy and negative energies go stronger.
But not only this but being connected to the enemies, too. Even if I visualize and affirm "This is the enemies of Satan's strands getting burned by the intense satanic blue fire." It wasn't enough until I decided to do a 40 Day Working. Because of this, along with a strong AoP, they have no effect on me whatsoever.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
