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Thoughts on Indian Astrology?

See this reply from HPS. Maxine Dietrich. Is from Yahoo Astrology Forum Archive.
I know all about both systems and have worked with both systems. I have been
an astrologer for close to 40 years. I am a professional and I will tell you, the
Vedic/Sidereal for whatever reason is not accurate. I use the tropical. Certain
aspects of Vedic astrology are helpful, such as the nature of the planet is more
important than the nature of the aspects. For example, squares and oppositions
from jupiter are usually of a beneficial nature, especially with transiting planets,
solar returns and such, while trines from saturn can be a down time.

Firestarter is correct as far as I am concerned. In order to do a competent
astrology reading, one must use one's psychic abilities, along with the
information given on the planets. This is because no two charts are exactly the
same. The astrological chart is a map of the soul and is as individual as one's
fingerprints. Two people can have the exact same aspects, but given the affairs
of the houses ruled by the planets, and the other aspects and planetary
placements, that same aspect will manifest differently in the two charts. In
addition, psychic energy must be used in determining how a certain chart pattern
or configuration will manifest in one's life.

Science has not progressed far enough [because of xianity and its ilk], to where it
can explain the spiritual. Kirian photography for one can photograph the aura, but
the chakras still cannot be seen. Science is making great strides in deciphering
thoughts and with this, may soon be able to see the energy centers of the soul,
but given the jews dominate this field, much of what is given to the public has
been corrupted, especially in the way of anything spiritual.

I know all about the equinoxes and the synetic vernal point, and the sidereal
aspects of astrology and as I already wrote, I have studied both systems and
have found the sidereal system to be seriously flawed when doing plenty of
research. The characteristics of the planets in the signs and other given
information of the vedic system does not fit me or the many others I have

This has been my own experience. I also came across a woman in an occult
bookstore who did not like the sidereal vedic system and told me of an astrologer
who read for her who used this system, who was not only "way off‟ in predicitons,
but the entire reading was flawed."
Dagr666 said:
See this reply from HPS. Maxine Dietrich. Is from Yahoo Astrology Forum Archive.
I know all about both systems and have worked with both systems. I have been
an astrologer for close to 40 years. I am a professional and I will tell you, the
Vedic/Sidereal for whatever reason is not accurate. I use the tropical. Certain
aspects of Vedic astrology are helpful, such as the nature of the planet is more
important than the nature of the aspects. For example, squares and oppositions
from jupiter are usually of a beneficial nature, especially with transiting planets,
solar returns and such, while trines from saturn can be a down time.

Firestarter is correct as far as I am concerned. In order to do a competent
astrology reading, one must use one's psychic abilities, along with the
information given on the planets. This is because no two charts are exactly the
same. The astrological chart is a map of the soul and is as individual as one's
fingerprints. Two people can have the exact same aspects, but given the affairs
of the houses ruled by the planets, and the other aspects and planetary
placements, that same aspect will manifest differently in the two charts. In
addition, psychic energy must be used in determining how a certain chart pattern
or configuration will manifest in one's life.

Science has not progressed far enough [because of xianity and its ilk], to where it
can explain the spiritual. Kirian photography for one can photograph the aura, but
the chakras still cannot be seen. Science is making great strides in deciphering
thoughts and with this, may soon be able to see the energy centers of the soul,
but given the jews dominate this field, much of what is given to the public has
been corrupted, especially in the way of anything spiritual.

I know all about the equinoxes and the synetic vernal point, and the sidereal
aspects of astrology and as I already wrote, I have studied both systems and
have found the sidereal system to be seriously flawed when doing plenty of
research. The characteristics of the planets in the signs and other given
information of the vedic system does not fit me or the many others I have

This has been my own experience. I also came across a woman in an occult
bookstore who did not like the sidereal vedic system and told me of an astrologer
who read for her who used this system, who was not only "way off‟ in predicitons,
but the entire reading was flawed."

My personal experience with Sidereal is similar as well. There are things such as Nakshatras (the 27 Lunar Mansions), Planetary friendships/neutral/enemies, Planets conjunct Fixed Stars having more influence than the sign is in sometimes, and the Hindu Houses of the Zodiac (such as the Kendra houses, Planetary Yogas, etc.) Making actual sense. However, a large reason why it is inaccurate is because of Planetary hours of the planets, which the Western and even the Babylonian astrology takes into account. Planets under a certain planetary hour/Decan, is one of the many reasons Western astrology is more accurate.

However, the Nakshatra and fixed star system is one of the best things of Vedic astrology.

But other than that, Western astrology is far more accurate because it falls in line with not just the vernal point and the ecliptic, but also planetary hours.
Untill people realize the deep difference between sidereal and tropical systems they would always think the western is "more accurate", or "one system is better than the other one".
In fact neither western(which uses tropical) nor vedic(which uses sidereal) systems are "accurate", they are two parts of a great engine working asynchronously.

Sidereal system deals with planet's influence on the mental level, the way a person would think, how his inner mental engine would work. That's why the Moon is so heavily emphasized in vedic sidereal system. Because this system is dealing with the mental(or the "astral") aspect of reality, mostly. This is why it's using real positions of planets as observed by the telescopes: because zodiac isn't a physical thing, you cant "touch" it here on the Earth, it is "above" you.

Tropical system dealth with a person's life here on the Earth, in his PHYSICAL body dealing with PHYSICAL events, and how the person would respond to them. It is dealing with events that are already happening, you can see and touch them. This is why tropical system uses spring equinox as an anchor point - because this is event that happens here on the earth, you can see it, "touch" it and feel it. And you are forced to react to it in a certain way. This is also the reason why many people find western to be more accurate - because again, it deas with events that are already happening on a physical realm.

The most simple example would be a programm. While programming the first thing a programmer need to do is to write a source code. After the source code is written the next step is to compile it into an executable file. After the compilation is over, you now have your programm - an executable file which now can be processed by the CPU.
While source code explains to you how the programm "thinks" or how programm's "logical data" works, the real physical events are happening here, in the hardware itself. This is so-called "as above so below".

There is a theory that millenias ago both "software" and "hardware" worked synchronously. And the Sun entered Aries right at the time of Spring Equinox.
And due to "precession of rotation" of Earth's axis there appeared a delay inbetween them. There's a chance Earth was damaged in some way due to some catastrophic event, there are many conspiracies related to that.

Merely ignoring real positions of planets would be an idiotic decision. We need a deep dive into how the reality actually works to understand why there are two systems exists right now.
One good and simple example has arisen in my mind on how to easily combine interpretations and see how both systems working together via "covid" lockdowns that we all have witnessed.

The first major lockdowns throghout the world happened in end of March beginning of April 2020.
If you use tropical abstract zodiac, what will you see? Saturn entering Aquarius. What is Aquarius? A sign of complex systems. So, our world, as an economic system was "paralyzed" by Saturn.

But if you'll switch to sidereal, you will see Saturn only transited first 5 degrees of Capricorn. What is Capricorn? A sign of energy given constant direction to achieve zenith, the "high ground", hence it's mostly used as the sing of career and profession.
What was happening in people's minds during the lockdowns? Many lost their jobs, many began to think about quiting, many thought of switching jobs, many were FORCED to switch. Many started to implement changes to their business models, so they would work in the lockdowns(i.e. creating an internet site for your services, etc).

Tl;dr many people were faced with restrictions and limitations(Saturn) with their workplaces/careers and this launched a thoughtprocess in them: am I prepared for this in the future? What should I do now? Should I stay? Should I get a new profession? Was my choice correct in the first place? How can I adapt to these limitations? How can I save my business?

So when you're realized there are no "correct" or "incorrect" zodiacs you now can see how to combine them and why there are two of them in the first place. Again: sidereal is showing global thoughtprocess, a "source code", and the tropical showing the current physical events that you can see and touch, the "hardware processing the executable".

If you need to sell your car, and you can't do that, if you come to a western astologer he will tell you what is happening here in your life, at the Earth right now, and would suggest you to wait untill bad transit end/move to other town, etc.
But when you come to an indian(keep in mind 90% of "indian vedic astrologers" don't know anything about what I've written above, only few of them are pros)astrologer with the same question, his answer would be something like: why do you need to sell your car? What inability to sell you car trying to teach you? What was the chain of events that brought you, in this particular incarnation, here, to inability to sell you car? What changes in your inner self should first occur, untill you realize your inability to sell your car is a blessing, that forces you to change?

Keeping that in mind, if you just need to sell your car as fast as possible, without making a lot of thoughtprocess, you go to western astrologer.
If you want deep dive in your destiny, you go to indian.
I really respect vedic astrology for a lot of the information they give on things it's helped me learn more. However the problem is when it comes to the charts themselves. I do not feel it's accurate. Many times something is in the wrong sign or house or area of the chart. It does not match where things are on an energy level. I have even seen them publishing stuff saying to do meditations and workings with planets when they are in fall or detriment.

So if you like read the descriptions of stuff in it you will learn a lot but western is accurate so far as the chart.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
