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The Islam is absolutely disgusting in every way and what you are sharing here is just The very tip of the iceberg.
That's horrible. I signed that petition thing that they have on the website.
This is horrible.
I singed the petition in the hope it helps, even though I'm not from the US.
Isnt it in theor book to treat dogs poorly to begin with? So why even give those dogs to them to begin with? They may as well just become food or something :s

Those dogs should be taken back and retired.. Guess their neglect may be so much that they cant even work properly anymore..
Signed the petition.
I'm just so sick and tired of our Earth and animals being abused...

Islam truly is an evil program. It degenerates majorly and corrupts the soul. There is some very malefic energy there. Feels evem worse than christianity. I was reading some years ago that most followers of Islam in these arabic countries are illiterate and/or just havent even read much of the filthy Quran, which proves thats its the "negative and evil energy that they connect to.

I cant wait for it to die out, it needs to be dealt with majorly.
Signed it and will share to all I know.

This cannot continue. I may be insensitive to most energies yet, but something about animals' spirits always screamed in my ears for help. I try not to focus on these suffering animals too much, looking after those that bless my days, but my blood boils with rage whenever I come across something like this and it won't stop until I know all animals in the world are safe from people. I'm just glad there's many worthy humans left who care as much as to dedicate their whole lives to animals.

Even though it's tragic I will gladly take the RTR motivation.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Signed the petition.
Pour animals they don,t deserve this treatment.

Hail Satan
HPS Shannon said:
Signed the petition.
I'm just so sick and tired of our Earth and animals being abused...

Islam truly is an evil program. It degenerates majorly and corrupts the soul. There is some very malefic energy there. Feels evem worse than christianity. I was reading some years ago that most followers of Islam in these arabic countries are illiterate and/or just havent even read much of the filthy Quran, which proves thats its the "negative and evil energy that they connect to.

I cant wait for it to die out, it needs to be dealt with majorly.

Many Islamic males are forced to memorize the Koran. Like the bible, this proves the subliminal. I've studied Islam and I've never seen anything that is so beyond evil and so depraved. There aren't even any words to use to describe how hideous Islam is. And as I mentioned earlier, a majority attract brutal events and living conditions.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
HPS Shannon said:
Signed the petition.
I'm just so sick and tired of our Earth and animals being abused...

Islam truly is an evil program. It degenerates majorly and corrupts the soul. There is some very malefic energy there. Feels evem worse than christianity. I was reading some years ago that most followers of Islam in these arabic countries are illiterate and/or just havent even read much of the filthy Quran, which proves thats its the "negative and evil energy that they connect to.

I cant wait for it to die out, it needs to be dealt with majorly.

Many Islamic males are forced to memorize the Koran. Like the bible, this proves the subliminal. I've studied Islam and I've never seen anything that is so beyond evil and so depraved. There aren't even any words to use to describe how hideous Islam is. And as I mentioned earlier, a majority attract brutal events and living conditions.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

I can attest that 90%+ of the Muslim population here in Turkey (where the (self-proclaimed but false, since most of them don't support Sharia or Daesh) Islamic population is still around 80%, probably) never even read one Turkish line of the Qur'an in their lives. I commonly use this to point out the atrocities in their own book to disgust them enough to quit. It usually does wonders.

Even if some people are made to memorize it, they still don't know/never once consciously thought about the meaning of the verses. Reciting all that ignominious, subhuman filth for hours on end puts you into a receptive trance where you don't consciously evaluate the information but just subconsciously process and internalize it. You'd know about it best, High Priestess, you wrote about it yourself!
PeppermintTaco said:
Even if some people are made to memorize it, they still don't know/never once consciously thought about the meaning of the verses. Reciting all that ignominious, subhuman filth for hours on end puts you into a receptive trance where you don't consciously evaluate the information but just subconsciously process and internalize it.
It's the same with Christianity. They mostly just repeat the verses and listen to them, without consciously thinking about them. Being unable to process what the verses are even about, they just brush it off by thinking of it as having "higher meaning", and then continuing to internalize it without any conscious thought.
PeppermintTaco said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
HPS Shannon said:
Signed the petition.
I'm just so sick and tired of our Earth and animals being abused...

Islam truly is an evil program. It degenerates majorly and corrupts the soul. There is some very malefic energy there. Feels evem worse than christianity. I was reading some years ago that most followers of Islam in these arabic countries are illiterate and/or just havent even read much of the filthy Quran, which proves thats its the "negative and evil energy that they connect to.

I cant wait for it to die out, it needs to be dealt with majorly.

Many Islamic males are forced to memorize the Koran. Like the bible, this proves the subliminal. I've studied Islam and I've never seen anything that is so beyond evil and so depraved. There aren't even any words to use to describe how hideous Islam is. And as I mentioned earlier, a majority attract brutal events and living conditions.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

I can attest that 90%+ of the Muslim population here in Turkey (where the (self-proclaimed but false, since most of them don't support Sharia or Daesh) Islamic population is still around 80%, probably) never even read one Turkish line of the Qur'an in their lives. I commonly use this to point out the atrocities in their own book to disgust them enough to quit. It usually does wonders.

Even if some people are made to memorize it, they still don't know/never once consciously thought about the meaning of the verses. Reciting all that ignominious, subhuman filth for hours on end puts you into a receptive trance where you don't consciously evaluate the information but just subconsciously process and internalize it. You'd know about it best, High Priestess, you wrote about it yourself!

The Turkish people don't believe this shit or support it because it's didn't get forced on them when they were kids. and they all say that they are Muslims because of fear from being hurt by the society or the community which they live in

And It seems that you didn't see a real Muslim Country before; it's Communism like most of the Muslim especially in the Arabic countries http://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/muslim-countries/
Are forcing everyone to memorize at least parts of the Quran; it's a must in the schools like no one could ever graduate in the indoctrination systems (schools) without memorizing a subject called "Islamic studies" which the Quran plus communist bullshit i even dropped out of this system. and if you will claim that you are an atheist or agnostic then good luck with surviving :lol: and if you claim that you are a Cristian then the "Cristian studies" will be forced on you.

And this is the case because of these Jewish communist governments; And all the communist programs and all the Jewish shit will always be forced or no one will believe in it or care about it because it's very Alien to the non-Jewish souls. like if the Turkish Jews employed Daesh and started forcing this shit on the Turkish people and kids like before then you will see everyone with a Quran in each hand :lol:

Turkey wants to join the EU.
Shael said:
Even if some people are made to memorize it, they still don't know/never once consciously thought about the meaning of the verses. Reciting all that ignominious, subhuman filth for hours on end puts you into a receptive trance where you don't consciously evaluate the information but just subconsciously process and internalize it.
It's the same with Christianity. They mostly just repeat the verses and listen to them, without consciously thinking about them. Being unable to process what the verses are even about, they just brush it off by thinking of it as having "higher meaning", and then continuing to internalize it without any conscious thought.[/quote]

Absolutely. This is the case for both Abrahamic faiths. Figures, since they are just about the exact same thing.

Harry said:
The Turkish people don't believe this shit or support it because it's didn't get forced on them when they were kids. and they all say that they are Muslims because of fear from being hurt by the society or the community which they live in

And It seems that you didn't see a real Muslim Country before; it's Communism like most of the Muslim especially in the Arabic countries http://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/muslim-countries/
Are forcing everyone to memorize at least parts of the Quran; it's a must in the schools like no one could ever graduate in the indoctrination systems (schools) without memorizing a subject called "Islamic studies" which the Quran plus communist bullshit i even dropped out of this system. and if you will claim that you are an atheist or agnostic then good luck with surviving :lol: and if you claim that you are a Cristian then the "Cristian studies" will be forced on you.

And this is the case because of these Jewish communist governments; And all the communist programs and all the Jewish shit will always be forced or no one will believe in it or care about it because it's very Alien to the non-Jewish souls. like if the Turkish Jews employed Daesh and started forcing this shit on the Turkish people and kids like before then you will see everyone with a Quran in each hand :lol:

Turkey wants to join the EU.

Oh no brother, Turkish people are actually indoctrinated to believe in Islam as soon as they can walk and talk, maybe even sooner. And in the East, it's basically like Afghanistan. Though you are right, many people are hiding and are only pretending to be Muslims.
I do also agree that it's still not nearly as bad as it can get. We are still a """secular""" country, albeit only on paper.

Either way, we will never let it get that bad. In Turkey or anywhere else. We all fight together to prevent that dystopia from taking root.

Good day to you all.
I have been spreading this message to literally everyone I know, and I want to take a second and really emphasizes the lack of empathy and how so many mudslimes are suffering from pre-defeated mindset.

Some of my friends jumped on this and signed immediately.

But this one guy whom I thought was a decent person reaction was '' Right, because it is up to us to save the dogs in the US, if this is going to have any effects just send it to the people in the USA''. I was legit shocked. And here's the thing, I know that these people grew up in conditions where they feel like regardless of what kind of action is taken or petition is signed nothing ever changes. That's Pisslam right there. And that's what I had to grow up. And it really does have a way of crushing the human spirit.

But what's the other option?

Are we not supposed to try just because it may fail? I know FOR A FACT that even a person who doesn't look at their phone that often at least kills time on Instagram at least 90 mins. Those 10-15 mins adds up. Yet they cant literally take 2 mins out of their soooooo important lifes/schedules to do something for an animal in need?

Ever since I came to Satanism the zealous fire in me has been reignited and I genuinely feel sorry for people who will never get to experience this in their lifetime.
I once read in a book called "Guide for the Noahide" by kike Michael Shelomo Bar Ron, and although the kike bashed Arab "antisemitism," he PRAISED Allah and placed Islam upon a Jewish pedestal. Apparently, Islam, regardless of its assimilation of "antisemitic" values, is, indeed, very sacred to the Jews, as are every single form and offshoot of Christianity and Islam.

The GLOBAL COMMUNISM, known as the still-pending Noahide Laws are NOT the abolition of Christianity and Islam. On the contrary, the Noahide Laws and the Noahide movement, is the CROWN OF SHIT OF CHRISTIANITY AND ISLAM. The only Anti-Semites who are of great value to the Jewish people are Christians, Muslims, Marxists, and global communists. Anyone else is targeted for Jewish extermination.

It doesn't matter whether it's Christianity or Islam. Both grow from Jewish soil and feed and nourish the Noahide Laws as being the ultimate product of Christianity and Islam.

The spread of new forms of Christianity, and worse, Islam, need to be aborted before they are born as the monster known as the Noahide Laws. It's the same story as the, "But I thought Christianity and Islam were Anti-Semitic," but Anti-Semitism is futile, meaningless, and powerless when its adherents follow Yahweh, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, or Allah. When an Anti-Semite cannot be cured from Christianity or Islam, all they do is take up space of worthy, valuable Anti-Semitic Gentiles who can see what their inferiors cannot see: that no matter how seemingly Aryan and Anti-Semitic Christianity and Islam are when certain quotes from their "holy" texts are taken out of context, the Jews will cackle and shout, "We had you (Goyim) all along." Luckily, as we keep pressing on for Satan's Kingdom and His Victory, many Christians and Muslims will wake up from their comas and join us in our fight for a much better world for Gentiles.

Make no mistake. Despite Mark Levin's documentary on "The Protocols of Zion" whining about Christian and Arab "Anti-Semitism," Levin knows what assets Christianity and Islam are for the Jewish cause. Never rest when any Jews are in your midst. All they do is lie and then work to kill you and your loved ones. They plan to GLOBALIZE the gulags for Gentiles.

Christos is NOT a person, but, rather an alchemical process of the kundalini serpent rising up the spine and piercing the pineal gland. The piercing or "chrism" of the pineal gland creates the all-seeing eyes, represented by Satan's Peacock. The "piercing" of the pineal glad creates the "intoxicating wine" of Dionysus, whose Name means "twice-born," which was hijacked by Christ in order to turn one major step in Gentile immortality into a material person -- a Jew -- to replace the meditations and kundalini yoga required to achieve everlasting life, and also hence why New Testament Christianity enforces FAITH THROUGH JESUS CHRIST, ALONE, AND FAITH WITHOUT ACTS, I.E., MEDITATION, YOGA, AND ALCHEMY. Let a Jewish kike leader and son of the Christian "god" do all of the work. Although stolen from Gods like Osiris, Horus the Elder, and Dionysus, Jesus claims to be "the vine" and that he "came so that man might have life and have it abundantly," when the consequence of Christianity for Gentiles is DEATH and the DEATH of the Aryan Soul -- that of the individual Aryan, and that of the collective Aryan Soul mentioned in detail in Alfred Rosenberg's "Myth of the Twentieth Century."

What I am getting at is that in The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, when the Jews say "We shall forbid Christ," they are not making any references towards the Jewish Yeshua, NOR an "Aryan Christ." What they are talking about is confiscating and destroying every single last shred of spiritual knowledge for Gentiles, as to make it easier to exterminate Satan's human seed-line.

"Christos" is an alchemical "oil" that creates "drunkenness," "ecstasy" and Dionysian "frenzy" and so-called "madness." This is a kundalini and pineal gland experience. For other parts of the Magnum Opus, awakening the pituitary gland is equally vital as the pineal gland. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion will FORBID and KILL any Gentile with this spiritual knowledge, just like the Catholic KGB of the Middle Ages. Yet, due to the Jewish confiscation and corruption of remaining spiritual knowledge, they still feed Gentile Christians with the lie that "Christos" is a person, which leaves these comatose Gentiles totally clueless, and believing in a literal Messiah, instead of the inner serpent and uniting and purifying the male and female opposites within.

Even the Jews who seem to want to replace Christianity with something "more Jewish" as a theocracy, still plan to create both, Christian AND Muslim theocracies, to herald the global communist Utopia of Jesus Christ and his Noahide Laws for Gentile slaves.

While the Jews are now writing and publishing books about Noahide "spiritual knowledge," this knowledge is totally corrupted and will lead to the physical and spiritual death of the Gentiles who practice any such horseshit. In Guide for the Noahide, Michael Shelomo Bar Ron explains that the Jews of Israel are concocting a Judaized form of Tai Chi, and will be made available "when the time is right." Everything Jewish is aimed to destroy everyone who was born of Satan's original seed-line, and everything Jewish is aimed to enslave non-Whites and keep them obedient under a Jewish theocracy, which Christianity, Islam, and global communism are only the tip of the iceberg of.

Take care of yourselves. Never touch your eyes, nose, or mouth in public places, and never eat without thoroughly washing your hands with antibacterial soap for 30-45 seconds at the very least. People catch viruses through not being well-enough aware of their habits. Be careful and be safe. I don't get on here very often, but I care about all of you.
PeppermintTaco said:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
HPS Shannon said:
Signed the petition.
I'm just so sick and tired of our Earth and animals being abused...

Islam truly is an evil program. It degenerates majorly and corrupts the soul. There is some very malefic energy there. Feels evem worse than christianity. I was reading some years ago that most followers of Islam in these arabic countries are illiterate and/or just havent even read much of the filthy Quran, which proves thats its the "negative and evil energy that they connect to.

I cant wait for it to die out, it needs to be dealt with majorly.

Many Islamic males are forced to memorize the Koran. Like the bible, this proves the subliminal. I've studied Islam and I've never seen anything that is so beyond evil and so depraved. There aren't even any words to use to describe how hideous Islam is. And as I mentioned earlier, a majority attract brutal events and living conditions.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

I can attest that 90%+ of the Muslim population here in Turkey (where the (self-proclaimed but false, since most of them don't support Sharia or Daesh) Islamic population is still around 80%, probably) never even read one Turkish line of the Qur'an in their lives. I commonly use this to point out the atrocities in their own book to disgust them enough to quit. It usually does wonders.

Even if some people are made to memorize it, they still don't know/never once consciously thought about the meaning of the verses. Reciting all that ignominious, subhuman filth for hours on end puts you into a receptive trance where you don't consciously evaluate the information but just subconsciously process and internalize it. You'd know about it best, High Priestess, you wrote about it yourself! / . Elbet birbirimizin önüne dikileceğiz bir gün. Savaş çocukları 2 uyduruk bilgiyle kandırmaya benzemez. Klavyelerin susup tüfeklerin konuşmaya başladığı gün görüşeceğiz. Yaptığın şerefsizliklerin hesabını o gün verirsin.
It is really annoying that Islam is made up of such bigoted people, its self-contained contradictions and disgusting subhuman creatures who justify themselves and do not even listen to people's beliefs.I used to be a heavy Muslim. I have worshiped many times. However, seeing the facts is very comforting. :roll:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
