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Thieves, Slanderers and Traitors: A Warning

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
It appears there are some people around the vicinity of the Joy of Satan who do deplorable acts. This invites retaliation, which has long been overdue.

I have warned many and warned them again. To stop creating false groups, stop carrying newcomers and pretending you are teachers when you cannot teach, do not stay outside of the JoS, do not steal it's materials, do not promote false prophecies and panic, do not misguide people away from the Gods or the Joy of Satan for your personal "gains", copycats and other related perverted garbage.

Betrayals, traitors, slandering, all these things pure enemies would do, you have done because of your heartlessness and evil. Did anyone in the JoS warrant this evil? Clearly not. People were only here to help you, assist you and love you. Your repayment to them was to act like a garbage lower than a Muslim Imam to us. While no actions were done by the JoS to warrant this treatment, it was done and received, for no reason.

I thought after many years, sense would have arrived in your mind. It has not.

You did not listen. Some have and they are forgiven. We know about you, how many you are and everything else. Our members are everywhere and they will inform us of these topics.

Why not take the path to good when you could take the path of evil? FELT justified, right?

To mention one example, one Japanese fool, stole Japanese translations of the JoS and is selling them on the equivalent of Japanese e-bay. Another spiritual "master" created from the JoS's work. It's time therefore you are cast down and spiritually eliminated. Has not even sourced the JoS inside.

The JoS as an organization has chosen to let these matters be, but from now on, you will be persecuted with due legal process, and this will only be the beginning of it. You want to steal from the Gods and their house which helps the people? Time to pay the spiritual bill for this.

Why did the people who did translations sit down to make them for the sake of the Gods and Humanity on their own expense and time, so the smart Japanese thief can take them, for example? What belongs to humanity and the Gods or the JoS, or the people who built it, does not belong to you. Time to pay the price of this now.

What do you think you are, some Rabbi from Israel that will own 2800 slaves and abuse them? Did also "HaShem's", sorry, "Satan's plan" come to you one day and tell you "Sell the work of the Translators behind their back and the JoS's back, while they get nothing from it?

It appears that many of these people, behaving like jews or being like actual jews, have not heeded these warnings seriously.

You have questioned me and questioned also the hard working people of the JoS who sacrifice things for others, and you loot like worthless and heartless parasites. Your efforts come to naught but you do not still do anything else, as you do not want to develop toward the good and provide value in another way, you want to steal value.

People are working and toiling on these fields, and you come in like a Rabbi from Israel to steal this and to "make your way". If this Rabbi came to Egypt and did this, what do you think this would invite to them?

Therefore, there are going to be massive punishments for you from now on. The punishments will keep escalating until these people correct their courses. If you do not, do not also cry about the consequences.

Jews have done in many cases less direct damage to the JoS than these so called "Satanists". Jews know what will invite upon them the great plagues of the Gods and avoid it.

In the Ancient World, even where war of the scales of world wars happened at the time, it was part of the universal rules to not loot the Temples of the Gods, or the people of the Gods. These people have not stolen from anybody or done evil acts to none, and their repayment was evil to them.

Even the biggest brutes and animals of history, have followed these rules. Yet many are behaving lower than these savages, and now you will be spiritually treated with the same. When "troops" and other deviants did these acts, they were burned alive. Your claims about "Satin told me so!" and other schizoid insanity of immorality will not be heard either. You know what you have done.

The Joy of Satan does impeccable and hard efforts to bring things to people for free. Free is the price that other beings sacrifice their existence, higher than you, to achieve certain topics, and have the courtesy to share with humanity and openly so. This involves also my own work.

I have tried for a very long time to tell it to you very formally, and kindly, but you think kindness is weakness, or that you have certain rights that you do not because you invented them to justify your vileness. Your returns were ranging from egotism, to avoidance, to even threats. You spoke to us for years like this. We have gave you patience, to set the course straight. You did not listen.

The Gods have been rather merciful to these misguided individuals, but the losses on the people and the others who are victimized, have not went un-noticed.

Certain humanoids do not understand what penalties and sins they are commuting by trying to resell materials or steal from the Gods and the Joy of Satan. You also do not understand that Spirituality is not a game, in the fact that you cannot misguide other souls and put them at odds with the Gods, because you want to satisfy your own worthless minds, without any actual capacity to do so.

I want to specify here, that doesn't involve even severe criticism, disagreements, dislike, or even regular hate. This involves criminal actions committed against the Gods and the Joy of Satan or it's people, for no reason whatsoever. You are free to even hate us, but injuries of the nature described in the post, means that you are an enemy that tries to parade around as something else.

"Ex-Jos members - present unwarranted slanderers (making sci-fi tier stories against us)", "Those who went their own way [with 99% knowledge stolen from the JoS]", the cryptojew that "Went his own way! Time to rob the goy and it's goy house and I'll get away with it, haha!", and other related schizophrenics with criminal tendencies that want to steal and misguide people, your net damage to the JoS will no longer be tolerated.

You will wish you have never done this. Clearly, you will not change as you are not evolving proper capacities for the things you think you deserve or desire.

Thieving, slander, or the two combined, because you have mental problems, are not going to become the Joy of Satan's problems. Universally and wherever you are, any wealth made at the expense of the time and efforts of actual Satanists, will be smitten straight away and without recourse.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Exactly. We just tried to help, but they are doing very unfair things. People work here day and night so that humanity can develop. And even what I'm doing is so little. We can't repay what has been done to Jos. You guys worked so hard for Jos and they completely disregarded your efforts... Justice will be done sooner or later. I have no doubt.
The JoS as an organization has chosen to let these matters be, but from now on, you will be persecuted with due legal process, and this will only be the beginning of it. You want to steal from the Gods and their house which helps the people? Time to pay the spiritual bill for this.
Therefore, there are going to be massive punishments for you from now on. The punishments will keep escalating until these people correct their courses. If you do not, do not also cry about the consequences.
It's only fair. Everyone who worked for the JoS, it was our personal time and effort. And to have it stolen, so parasites can make some easy money, with none of the money going to those who did the actual work?

These worthless parasites deserve to be punished.
The mental image of these people stealing and selling the pages on brutal cursing methods, as if it could never happen to them, is humorous to me. However, because of this, I start to wonder if such people do not even believe in magic or the Gods, yet at the same time they must see some value in it, or they would not steal it.

Another point to be aware of here is that these people are not just stealing the "initial sale" of info, but can be stealing the attention of an entire person. In other words, they create fake communities of people who should instead be present here. Therefore, we are losing out on talent and other larger donations/investments. Further, the unwitting customers have to go through resolving the frustration and confusion of being mislead, deprogramming from additional layers of corruption and mistrust gained from being scammed.

So it is not just an isolated theft from a temple, but also the creation of a fake temple, based on this theft, that steals the entire aspect of a spiritual community within the life of these customers.
It's only fair. Everyone who worked for the JoS, it was our personal time and effort. And to have it stolen, so parasites can make some easy money, with none of the money going to those who did the actual work?
You know, I hate to plꜽ “Devil’s advocate” here (over 🙵 over😑), but perhaps the reason that none of the money went to those who did the actual work was becꜷse they didn’t actually ask for any to begin with, or even participate in a kind of paradigm where they could hꜹe earned money from selling their hard work, you know, like, a market. I mean, this is basic fucking economics. But oh, Gods forbid someone suggest that the members of the Joy of Satan actually participate in the market economy. Delusional! A waste of time! I believe there is some cognitive dissonance that must be reconciled.

And to make it clear, I’m not at all suggesting that this person’s actions are justifiable in any wꜽ. It’s frꜷd 🙵 copyright infringement, the two worst acts you can possibly engage in within a free market. I just wish this concept of ‘free market’ was actually understꝏd.
These parasites deserve huge punishment for their actions. JoS had literally given FREE Knowledge for years, increasing these gifts as time passed, and some selfish idiot just sold it out for his/her personal revenue, without even recognizing JoS. I'm really disgusted by this behavior, I think I hate these 'people' the most, secondly only to pedophiles.
These are real words. I have done very bad things in the past, but I could never do something to our gods in our spiritual family. Great Master, I also wrote to you, I understand my steps (I am sorry if I offended you). But I always want to remain faithful to You, the Gods and the people here. I want to imitate you worthily.
You know, I hate to plꜽ “Devil’s advocate” here (over 🙵 over😑), but perhaps the reason that none of the money went to those who did the actual work was becꜷse they didn’t actually ask for any to begin with, or even participate in a kind of paradigm where they could hꜹe earned money from selling their hard work, you know, like, a market. I mean, this is basic fucking economics. But oh, Gods forbid someone suggest that the members of the Joy of Satan actually participate in the market economy. Delusional! A waste of time! I believe there is some cognitive dissonance that must be reconciled.

And to make it clear, I’m not at all suggesting that this person’s actions are justifiable in any wꜽ. It’s frꜷd 🙵 copyright infringement, the two worst acts you can possibly engage in within a free market. I just wish this concept of ‘free market’ was actually understꝏd.

The fact you comment on a topic like last year or 6 months ago [very vocally at that] does not mean these plans were not underway for many years prior.

Yet to feel validated, people sometimes make something up, like saying something obvious and then pretend they were the first to mention it or even think about it. That's where problems begin. On the back end, many things people come many years later with that realization, have actually been underway for a long time.

The above comes from a denial of actual objectives, oppositions, or other backgrounds which one does not know. Regardless, we accept the feedback, but the full vision of something has to be attained for solving a said issue.

There are many things underway.

Saying to the government "There is a need for lightbulbs on the street! Where are the lightbulbs!", while simultaneously not understanding governments do things with planning, is very similar here. For the lightbulbs to arrive on the street, there have to be deals, installers to be hired, maintenance and planning about where to put them. You don't just go on the shop and slap something together like when individual topics are concerned. You understand what I mean here.

It's sad to admit, but some people have no more notion of nobility than humility.
They usually have a painfully low IQ of 90 and can't really be reasoned with; they only "understand" humiliation or torture.
Since they're not worth the trouble, we generally give up on them in the real life.

However hurtful these words might be to some, they are an objective reality.

These are real words. I have done very bad things in the past, but I could never do something to our gods in our spiritual family. Great Master, I also wrote to you, I understand my steps (I am sorry if I offended you). But I always want to remain faithful to You, the Gods and the people here. I want to imitate you worthily.

You have never offended anyone as far as we know, please do not worry.

Also, others who think they offended or whatever, this is fine. Not liking us, offending etc, is all fine and part of human process.

What the topic describes is actual attacks, not just topics of a lightweight nature.
You know, I hate to plꜽ “Devil’s advocate” here (over 🙵 over😑), but perhaps the reason that none of the money went to those who did the actual work was becꜷse they didn’t actually ask for any to begin with, or even participate in a kind of paradigm where they could hꜹe earned money from selling their hard work, you know, like, a market. I mean, this is basic fucking economics. But oh, Gods forbid someone suggest that the members of the Joy of Satan actually participate in the market economy. Delusional! A waste of time! I believe there is some cognitive dissonance that must be reconciled.

And to make it clear, I’m not at all suggesting that this person’s actions are justifiable in any wꜽ. It’s frꜷd 🙵 copyright infringement, the two worst acts you can possibly engage in within a free market. I just wish this concept of ‘free market’ was actually understꝏd.
This is a misconception and assumption on your part that does not reflect reality. You also ignore the fact that each individual has their own path related to wealth which means that there are various levels of personal wealth involved from very little to very much...
You know, I hate to plꜽ “Devil’s advocate” here (over 🙵 over😑), but perhaps the reason that none of the money went to those who did the actual work was becꜷse they didn’t actually ask for any to begin with, or even participate in a kind of paradigm where they could hꜹe earned money from selling their hard work, you know, like, a market. I mean, this is basic fucking economics. But oh, Gods forbid someone suggest that the members of the Joy of Satan actually participate in the market economy. Delusional! A waste of time! I believe there is some cognitive dissonance that must be reconciled.

And to make it clear, I’m not at all suggesting that this person’s actions are justifiable in any wꜽ. It’s frꜷd 🙵 copyright infringement, the two worst acts you can possibly engage in within a free market. I just wish this concept of ‘free market’ was actually understꝏd.

You answered yourself. This is not a question of selling and buying. What the JoS chooses to do with its works is JoS business. The copyright and fraud is the issue.
The JoS chose to offer knowledge for free, there is no point to play dumb here and invent alternative words for a HP. It is the fraud that did the damage, the false claim. Nobody is forced to buy and sell, but nobody's property should be stolen. This is common sense.
It should also be mentioned that stealing our material is also literally illegal.
All the works of JoS on our websites are copyrighted material and individuals are expressly forbidden by law from altering them or distributing them for profit.
Just my noobie not so important thoughts, because I want to contribute:

. I just wish this concept of ‘free market’ was actually understꝏd.

Hello, not trying to hang up on you here but, I understand what you're saying.

However in my humble opinion, it seems to me the bigger issue is how many chances they've gotten. This is supposed to be a family of people helping others see the truth and what blinds those who submit themselves to other religions. It's just tasteless.

If the HP gave them chances and told them the issues, and is STILL giving them a chance, he has all the right to say what he did.

It's sad to admit, but some people have no more notion of nobility than humility.
They usually have a painfully low IQ of 90 and can't really be reasoned with; they only "understand" humiliation or torture.
Since they're not worth the trouble, we generally give up on them in the real life.

True. It's a good reminder that some of the offenses are probably not entirely malicious, but their issues should not become my issue.
It appears there are some people around the vicinity of the Joy of Satan who do deplorable acts. This invites retaliation, which has long been overdue.

I have warned many and warned them again. To stop creating false groups, stop carrying newcomers and pretending you are teachers when you cannot teach, do not stay outside of the JoS, do not steal it's materials, do not promote false prophecies and panic, do not misguide people away from the Gods or the Joy of Satan for your personal "gains", copycats and other related perverted garbage.

Betrayals, traitors, slandering, all these things pure enemies would do, you have done because of your heartlessness and evil. Did anyone in the JoS warrant this evil? Clearly not. People were only here to help you, assist you and love you. Your repayment to them was to act like a garbage lower than a Muslim Imam to us. While no actions were done by the JoS to warrant this treatment, it was done and received, for no reason.

I thought after many years, sense would have arrived in your mind. It has not.

You did not listen. Some have and they are forgiven. We know about you, how many you are and everything else. Our members are everywhere and they will inform us of these topics.

Why not take the path to good when you could take the path of evil? FELT justified, right?

To mention one example, one Japanese fool, stole Japanese translations of the JoS and is selling them on the equivalent of Japanese e-bay. Another spiritual "master" created from the JoS's work. It's time therefore you are cast down and spiritually eliminated. Has not even sourced the JoS inside.

The JoS as an organization has chosen to let these matters be, but from now on, you will be persecuted with due legal process, and this will only be the beginning of it. You want to steal from the Gods and their house which helps the people? Time to pay the spiritual bill for this.

Why did the people who did translations sit down to make them for the sake of the Gods and Humanity on their own expense and time, so the smart Japanese thief can take them, for example? What belongs to humanity and the Gods or the JoS, or the people who built it, does not belong to you. Time to pay the price of this now.

What do you think you are, some Rabbi from Israel that will own 2800 slaves and abuse them? Did also "HaShem's", sorry, "Satan's plan" come to you one day and tell you "Sell the work of the Translators behind their back and the JoS's back, while they get nothing from it?

It appears that many of these people, behaving like jews or being like actual jews, have not heeded these warnings seriously.

You have questioned me and questioned also the hard working people of the JoS who sacrifice things for others, and you loot like worthless and heartless parasites. Your efforts come to naught but you do not still do anything else, as you do not want to develop toward the good and provide value in another way, you want to steal value.

People are working and toiling on these fields, and you come in like a Rabbi from Israel to steal this and to "make your way". If this Rabbi came to Egypt and did this, what do you think this would invite to them?

Therefore, there are going to be massive punishments for you from now on. The punishments will keep escalating until these people correct their courses. If you do not, do not also cry about the consequences.

Jews have done in many cases less direct damage to the JoS than these so called "Satanists". Jews know what will invite upon them the great plagues of the Gods and avoid it.

In the Ancient World, even where war of the scales of world wars happened at the time, it was part of the universal rules to not loot the Temples of the Gods, or the people of the Gods. These people have not stolen from anybody or done evil acts to none, and their repayment was evil to them.

Even the biggest brutes and animals of history, have followed these rules. Yet many are behaving lower than these savages, and now you will be spiritually treated with the same. When "troops" and other deviants did these acts, they were burned alive. Your claims about "Satin told me so!" and other schizoid insanity of immorality will not be heard either. You know what you have done.

The Joy of Satan does impeccable and hard efforts to bring things to people for free. Free is the price that other beings sacrifice their existence, higher than you, to achieve certain topics, and have the courtesy to share with humanity and openly so. This involves also my own work.

I have tried for a very long time to tell it to you very formally, and kindly, but you think kindness is weakness, or that you have certain rights that you do not because you invented them to justify your vileness. Your returns were ranging from egotism, to avoidance, to even threats. You spoke to us for years like this. We have gave you patience, to set the course straight. You did not listen.

The Gods have been rather merciful to these misguided individuals, but the losses on the people and the others who are victimized, have not went un-noticed.

Certain humanoids do not understand what penalties and sins they are commuting by trying to resell materials or steal from the Gods and the Joy of Satan. You also do not understand that Spirituality is not a game, in the fact that you cannot misguide other souls and put them at odds with the Gods, because you want to satisfy your own worthless minds, without any actual capacity to do so.

I want to specify here, that doesn't involve even severe criticism, disagreements, dislike, or even regular hate. This involves criminal actions committed against the Gods and the Joy of Satan or it's people, for no reason whatsoever. You are free to even hate us, but injuries of the nature described in the post, means that you are an enemy that tries to parade around as something else.

"Ex-Jos members - present unwarranted slanderers (making sci-fi tier stories against us)", "Those who went their own way [with 99% knowledge stolen from the JoS]", the cryptojew that "Went his own way! Time to rob the goy and it's goy house and I'll get away with it, haha!", and other related schizophrenics with criminal tendencies that want to steal and misguide people, your net damage to the JoS will no longer be tolerated.

You will wish you have never done this. Clearly, you will not change as you are not evolving proper capacities for the things you think you deserve or desire.

Thieving, slander, or the two combined, because you have mental problems, are not going to become the Joy of Satan's problems. Universally and wherever you are, any wealth made at the expense of the time and efforts of actual Satanists, will be smitten straight away and without recourse.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Love this cobra, truth telling at it’s finest and even still you held respect and kindness close, that is amazing .
that is insane to take anyone’s work ( physical or intellectual or spiritual) then to be like look I found the key to turn around and sell it for a bag of coins. What a little piece of garbage.

Our Gods glory will be restored and the world will change as we change it.

Hail Satan!
You know, I hate to plꜽ “Devil’s advocate” here (over 🙵 over😑), but perhaps the reason that none of the money went to those who did the actual work was becꜷse they didn’t actually ask for any to begin with, or even participate in a kind of paradigm where they could hꜹe earned money from selling their hard work, you know, like, a market. I mean, this is basic fucking economics. But oh, Gods forbid someone suggest that the members of the Joy of Satan actually participate in the market economy. Delusional! A waste of time! I believe there is some cognitive dissonance that must be reconciled.

And to make it clear, I’m not at all suggesting that this person’s actions are justifiable in any wꜽ. It’s frꜷd 🙵 copyright infringement, the two worst acts you can possibly engage in within a free market. I just wish this concept of ‘free market’ was actually understꝏd.
The entire point is to provide spiritual information for free.
This is disgusting and absolutely disgraceful.
As someone who sacrifices almost entirity of my free time translating, I cannot explain the disgust and anger I feel for this.
We chose to translate, and asked nothing in return. So it is not only stealing from JoS, it is also stealing from us translators.
As dear HPHC explained, it is same as stealing from the temple of the Gods.

I look for great justice served to each one of you who did this.
It appears there are some people around the vicinity of the Joy of Satan who do deplorable acts. This invites retaliation, which has long been overdue.

I have warned many and warned them again. To stop creating false groups, stop carrying newcomers and pretending you are teachers when you cannot teach, do not stay outside of the JoS, do not steal it's materials, do not promote false prophecies and panic, do not misguide people away from the Gods or the Joy of Satan for your personal "gains", copycats and other related perverted garbage.

Betrayals, traitors, slandering, all these things pure enemies would do, you have done because of your heartlessness and evil. Did anyone in the JoS warrant this evil? Clearly not. People were only here to help you, assist you and love you. Your repayment to them was to act like a garbage lower than a Muslim Imam to us. While no actions were done by the JoS to warrant this treatment, it was done and received, for no reason.

I thought after many years, sense would have arrived in your mind. It has not.

You did not listen. Some have and they are forgiven. We know about you, how many you are and everything else. Our members are everywhere and they will inform us of these topics.

Why not take the path to good when you could take the path of evil? FELT justified, right?

To mention one example, one Japanese fool, stole Japanese translations of the JoS and is selling them on the equivalent of Japanese e-bay. Another spiritual "master" created from the JoS's work. It's time therefore you are cast down and spiritually eliminated. Has not even sourced the JoS inside.

The JoS as an organization has chosen to let these matters be, but from now on, you will be persecuted with due legal process, and this will only be the beginning of it. You want to steal from the Gods and their house which helps the people? Time to pay the spiritual bill for this.

Why did the people who did translations sit down to make them for the sake of the Gods and Humanity on their own expense and time, so the smart Japanese thief can take them, for example? What belongs to humanity and the Gods or the JoS, or the people who built it, does not belong to you. Time to pay the price of this now.

What do you think you are, some Rabbi from Israel that will own 2800 slaves and abuse them? Did also "HaShem's", sorry, "Satan's plan" come to you one day and tell you "Sell the work of the Translators behind their back and the JoS's back, while they get nothing from it?

It appears that many of these people, behaving like jews or being like actual jews, have not heeded these warnings seriously.

You have questioned me and questioned also the hard working people of the JoS who sacrifice things for others, and you loot like worthless and heartless parasites. Your efforts come to naught but you do not still do anything else, as you do not want to develop toward the good and provide value in another way, you want to steal value.

People are working and toiling on these fields, and you come in like a Rabbi from Israel to steal this and to "make your way". If this Rabbi came to Egypt and did this, what do you think this would invite to them?

Therefore, there are going to be massive punishments for you from now on. The punishments will keep escalating until these people correct their courses. If you do not, do not also cry about the consequences.

Jews have done in many cases less direct damage to the JoS than these so called "Satanists". Jews know what will invite upon them the great plagues of the Gods and avoid it.

In the Ancient World, even where war of the scales of world wars happened at the time, it was part of the universal rules to not loot the Temples of the Gods, or the people of the Gods. These people have not stolen from anybody or done evil acts to none, and their repayment was evil to them.

Even the biggest brutes and animals of history, have followed these rules. Yet many are behaving lower than these savages, and now you will be spiritually treated with the same. When "troops" and other deviants did these acts, they were burned alive. Your claims about "Satin told me so!" and other schizoid insanity of immorality will not be heard either. You know what you have done.

The Joy of Satan does impeccable and hard efforts to bring things to people for free. Free is the price that other beings sacrifice their existence, higher than you, to achieve certain topics, and have the courtesy to share with humanity and openly so. This involves also my own work.

I have tried for a very long time to tell it to you very formally, and kindly, but you think kindness is weakness, or that you have certain rights that you do not because you invented them to justify your vileness. Your returns were ranging from egotism, to avoidance, to even threats. You spoke to us for years like this. We have gave you patience, to set the course straight. You did not listen.

The Gods have been rather merciful to these misguided individuals, but the losses on the people and the others who are victimized, have not went un-noticed.

Certain humanoids do not understand what penalties and sins they are commuting by trying to resell materials or steal from the Gods and the Joy of Satan. You also do not understand that Spirituality is not a game, in the fact that you cannot misguide other souls and put them at odds with the Gods, because you want to satisfy your own worthless minds, without any actual capacity to do so.

I want to specify here, that doesn't involve even severe criticism, disagreements, dislike, or even regular hate. This involves criminal actions committed against the Gods and the Joy of Satan or it's people, for no reason whatsoever. You are free to even hate us, but injuries of the nature described in the post, means that you are an enemy that tries to parade around as something else.

"Ex-Jos members - present unwarranted slanderers (making sci-fi tier stories against us)", "Those who went their own way [with 99% knowledge stolen from the JoS]", the cryptojew that "Went his own way! Time to rob the goy and it's goy house and I'll get away with it, haha!", and other related schizophrenics with criminal tendencies that want to steal and misguide people, your net damage to the JoS will no longer be tolerated.

You will wish you have never done this. Clearly, you will not change as you are not evolving proper capacities for the things you think you deserve or desire.

Thieving, slander, or the two combined, because you have mental problems, are not going to become the Joy of Satan's problems. Universally and wherever you are, any wealth made at the expense of the time and efforts of actual Satanists, will be smitten straight away and without recourse.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I Never Tell people Anything
About JoS I try keep silence
Of everything about what you
Teach and I'm very thankful
Of JoS and every thing I have
Learned from you all
And I'm thankful for Maxine Dietrich
You all are a blessing to me
And silence is golden
Hail Satan
Hail the God's of Hell! !!
Very sad indeed, these people who have stolen the knowledge from JoS and is selling them to make money is the lowest of a person that anyone can be, this is so disgusting, these types of people have no self respect for themselves no morals no shame and no integrity, shame on them, I hope they will be exposed and dealt with, legal action can be taken against them because it’s copyright and theft, and may the Gods also punish them
It appears there are some people around the vicinity of the Joy of Satan who do deplorable acts. This invites retaliation, which has long been overdue.

I have warned many and warned them again. To stop creating false groups, stop carrying newcomers and pretending you are teachers when you cannot teach, do not stay outside of the JoS, do not steal it's materials, do not promote false prophecies and panic, do not misguide people away from the Gods or the Joy of Satan for your personal "gains", copycats and other related perverted garbage.

Betrayals, traitors, slandering, all these things pure enemies would do, you have done because of your heartlessness and evil. Did anyone in the JoS warrant this evil? Clearly not. People were only here to help you, assist you and love you. Your repayment to them was to act like a garbage lower than a Muslim Imam to us. While no actions were done by the JoS to warrant this treatment, it was done and received, for no reason.

I thought after many years, sense would have arrived in your mind. It has not.

You did not listen. Some have and they are forgiven. We know about you, how many you are and everything else. Our members are everywhere and they will inform us of these topics.

Why not take the path to good when you could take the path of evil? FELT justified, right?

To mention one example, one Japanese fool, stole Japanese translations of the JoS and is selling them on the equivalent of Japanese e-bay. Another spiritual "master" created from the JoS's work. It's time therefore you are cast down and spiritually eliminated. Has not even sourced the JoS inside.

The JoS as an organization has chosen to let these matters be, but from now on, you will be persecuted with due legal process, and this will only be the beginning of it. You want to steal from the Gods and their house which helps the people? Time to pay the spiritual bill for this.

Why did the people who did translations sit down to make them for the sake of the Gods and Humanity on their own expense and time, so the smart Japanese thief can take them, for example? What belongs to humanity and the Gods or the JoS, or the people who built it, does not belong to you. Time to pay the price of this now.

What do you think you are, some Rabbi from Israel that will own 2800 slaves and abuse them? Did also "HaShem's", sorry, "Satan's plan" come to you one day and tell you "Sell the work of the Translators behind their back and the JoS's back, while they get nothing from it?

It appears that many of these people, behaving like jews or being like actual jews, have not heeded these warnings seriously.

You have questioned me and questioned also the hard working people of the JoS who sacrifice things for others, and you loot like worthless and heartless parasites. Your efforts come to naught but you do not still do anything else, as you do not want to develop toward the good and provide value in another way, you want to steal value.

People are working and toiling on these fields, and you come in like a Rabbi from Israel to steal this and to "make your way". If this Rabbi came to Egypt and did this, what do you think this would invite to them?

Therefore, there are going to be massive punishments for you from now on. The punishments will keep escalating until these people correct their courses. If you do not, do not also cry about the consequences.

Jews have done in many cases less direct damage to the JoS than these so called "Satanists". Jews know what will invite upon them the great plagues of the Gods and avoid it.

In the Ancient World, even where war of the scales of world wars happened at the time, it was part of the universal rules to not loot the Temples of the Gods, or the people of the Gods. These people have not stolen from anybody or done evil acts to none, and their repayment was evil to them.

Even the biggest brutes and animals of history, have followed these rules. Yet many are behaving lower than these savages, and now you will be spiritually treated with the same. When "troops" and other deviants did these acts, they were burned alive. Your claims about "Satin told me so!" and other schizoid insanity of immorality will not be heard either. You know what you have done.

The Joy of Satan does impeccable and hard efforts to bring things to people for free. Free is the price that other beings sacrifice their existence, higher than you, to achieve certain topics, and have the courtesy to share with humanity and openly so. This involves also my own work.

I have tried for a very long time to tell it to you very formally, and kindly, but you think kindness is weakness, or that you have certain rights that you do not because you invented them to justify your vileness. Your returns were ranging from egotism, to avoidance, to even threats. You spoke to us for years like this. We have gave you patience, to set the course straight. You did not listen.

The Gods have been rather merciful to these misguided individuals, but the losses on the people and the others who are victimized, have not went un-noticed.

Certain humanoids do not understand what penalties and sins they are commuting by trying to resell materials or steal from the Gods and the Joy of Satan. You also do not understand that Spirituality is not a game, in the fact that you cannot misguide other souls and put them at odds with the Gods, because you want to satisfy your own worthless minds, without any actual capacity to do so.

I want to specify here, that doesn't involve even severe criticism, disagreements, dislike, or even regular hate. This involves criminal actions committed against the Gods and the Joy of Satan or it's people, for no reason whatsoever. You are free to even hate us, but injuries of the nature described in the post, means that you are an enemy that tries to parade around as something else.

"Ex-Jos members - present unwarranted slanderers (making sci-fi tier stories against us)", "Those who went their own way [with 99% knowledge stolen from the JoS]", the cryptojew that "Went his own way! Time to rob the goy and it's goy house and I'll get away with it, haha!", and other related schizophrenics with criminal tendencies that want to steal and misguide people, your net damage to the JoS will no longer be tolerated.

You will wish you have never done this. Clearly, you will not change as you are not evolving proper capacities for the things you think you deserve or desire.

Thieving, slander, or the two combined, because you have mental problems, are not going to become the Joy of Satan's problems. Universally and wherever you are, any wealth made at the expense of the time and efforts of actual Satanists, will be smitten straight away and without recourse.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I propose to make a curse ritual like an rt in a very precise way so that it meets the objective of preserving knowledge and simple. From our own experience, discipline wins, so we must do it as soon as possible. If you need help with something I can help
It appears there are some people around the vicinity of the Joy of Satan who do deplorable acts. This invites retaliation, which has long been overdue.

I have warned many and warned them again. To stop creating false groups, stop carrying newcomers and pretending you are teachers when you cannot teach, do not stay outside of the JoS, do not steal it's materials, do not promote false prophecies and panic, do not misguide people away from the Gods or the Joy of Satan for your personal "gains", copycats and other related perverted garbage.

Betrayals, traitors, slandering, all these things pure enemies would do, you have done because of your heartlessness and evil. Did anyone in the JoS warrant this evil? Clearly not. People were only here to help you, assist you and love you. Your repayment to them was to act like a garbage lower than a Muslim Imam to us. While no actions were done by the JoS to warrant this treatment, it was done and received, for no reason.

I thought after many years, sense would have arrived in your mind. It has not.

You did not listen. Some have and they are forgiven. We know about you, how many you are and everything else. Our members are everywhere and they will inform us of these topics.

Why not take the path to good when you could take the path of evil? FELT justified, right?

To mention one example, one Japanese fool, stole Japanese translations of the JoS and is selling them on the equivalent of Japanese e-bay. Another spiritual "master" created from the JoS's work. It's time therefore you are cast down and spiritually eliminated. Has not even sourced the JoS inside.

The JoS as an organization has chosen to let these matters be, but from now on, you will be persecuted with due legal process, and this will only be the beginning of it. You want to steal from the Gods and their house which helps the people? Time to pay the spiritual bill for this.

Why did the people who did translations sit down to make them for the sake of the Gods and Humanity on their own expense and time, so the smart Japanese thief can take them, for example? What belongs to humanity and the Gods or the JoS, or the people who built it, does not belong to you. Time to pay the price of this now.

What do you think you are, some Rabbi from Israel that will own 2800 slaves and abuse them? Did also "HaShem's", sorry, "Satan's plan" come to you one day and tell you "Sell the work of the Translators behind their back and the JoS's back, while they get nothing from it?

It appears that many of these people, behaving like jews or being like actual jews, have not heeded these warnings seriously.

You have questioned me and questioned also the hard working people of the JoS who sacrifice things for others, and you loot like worthless and heartless parasites. Your efforts come to naught but you do not still do anything else, as you do not want to develop toward the good and provide value in another way, you want to steal value.

People are working and toiling on these fields, and you come in like a Rabbi from Israel to steal this and to "make your way". If this Rabbi came to Egypt and did this, what do you think this would invite to them?

Therefore, there are going to be massive punishments for you from now on. The punishments will keep escalating until these people correct their courses. If you do not, do not also cry about the consequences.

Jews have done in many cases less direct damage to the JoS than these so called "Satanists". Jews know what will invite upon them the great plagues of the Gods and avoid it.

In the Ancient World, even where war of the scales of world wars happened at the time, it was part of the universal rules to not loot the Temples of the Gods, or the people of the Gods. These people have not stolen from anybody or done evil acts to none, and their repayment was evil to them.

Even the biggest brutes and animals of history, have followed these rules. Yet many are behaving lower than these savages, and now you will be spiritually treated with the same. When "troops" and other deviants did these acts, they were burned alive. Your claims about "Satin told me so!" and other schizoid insanity of immorality will not be heard either. You know what you have done.

The Joy of Satan does impeccable and hard efforts to bring things to people for free. Free is the price that other beings sacrifice their existence, higher than you, to achieve certain topics, and have the courtesy to share with humanity and openly so. This involves also my own work.

I have tried for a very long time to tell it to you very formally, and kindly, but you think kindness is weakness, or that you have certain rights that you do not because you invented them to justify your vileness. Your returns were ranging from egotism, to avoidance, to even threats. You spoke to us for years like this. We have gave you patience, to set the course straight. You did not listen.

The Gods have been rather merciful to these misguided individuals, but the losses on the people and the others who are victimized, have not went un-noticed.

Certain humanoids do not understand what penalties and sins they are commuting by trying to resell materials or steal from the Gods and the Joy of Satan. You also do not understand that Spirituality is not a game, in the fact that you cannot misguide other souls and put them at odds with the Gods, because you want to satisfy your own worthless minds, without any actual capacity to do so.

I want to specify here, that doesn't involve even severe criticism, disagreements, dislike, or even regular hate. This involves criminal actions committed against the Gods and the Joy of Satan or it's people, for no reason whatsoever. You are free to even hate us, but injuries of the nature described in the post, means that you are an enemy that tries to parade around as something else.

"Ex-Jos members - present unwarranted slanderers (making sci-fi tier stories against us)", "Those who went their own way [with 99% knowledge stolen from the JoS]", the cryptojew that "Went his own way! Time to rob the goy and it's goy house and I'll get away with it, haha!", and other related schizophrenics with criminal tendencies that want to steal and misguide people, your net damage to the JoS will no longer be tolerated.

You will wish you have never done this. Clearly, you will not change as you are not evolving proper capacities for the things you think you deserve or desire.

Thieving, slander, or the two combined, because you have mental problems, are not going to become the Joy of Satan's problems. Universally and wherever you are, any wealth made at the expense of the time and efforts of actual Satanists, will be smitten straight away and without recourse.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
You know, esteemed and beloved High Priest HoodedCobra666, what you say is not new to me. In my life, even on social media, I have come across many dickheads who stole from JoS and then passed off your work as their stuff.

An example is when I saw a social page of a guy who wanted to create (and he did in the end) a sort of website/blog where he shamelessly copied all the knowledge of JoS with the excuse "some writings by HPS Maxine were taken from the books of Franz Bardon", and then support hippie bullshit like "Satan loves Jews too".

Once I even came across a telegram group that advertised on Instagram (and I infiltrated it and then disgraced it on the old forum until the group in question closed) that told everyone they were from JoS, and then brainwashed people and explained how Satan "does not exist in reality", the Demons would be "Jewish thought forms" and that the noble HPS Maxine was a "madwoman who pretends to talk to Satan".

But I have seen so many of these things, the most serious one of all and there I really wish he would die of the worst things was when I met a guy who said he came from JoS and had a telegram group where he literally solicited MINORS to convince them to send him photos of themselves naked from head to toe with the excuse of being able to "read their aura".

I swear to you, commander and brother, and most noble HP, this sermon you wrote really gives me hope for a better future, I hope these shits get all the evil they deserve. There are far too many of these situations even here in Italy and many are even "famous" in some ways.
I propose to make a curse ritual like an rt in a very precise way so that it meets the objective of preserving knowledge and simple. From our own experience, discipline wins, so we must do it as soon as possible. If you need help with something I can help

Do not worry brother, this proposition is already being actively worked as we speak.

But I have seen so many of these things, the most serious one of all and there I really wish he would die of the worst things was when I met a guy who said he came from JoS and had a telegram group where he literally solicited MINORS to convince them to send him photos of themselves naked from head to toe with the excuse of being able to "read their aura".

There is nothing more deplorable and wrong in the eyes of the Gods than these topics. Perversion and criminality of this nature, especially by using the names of the Gods as pretext, is highest level of attack on the Gods. These people anger the Gods more than anyone.

I cannot comment further on what these people would deserve. You know what I mean by this.

Very sad indeed, these people who have stolen the knowledge from JoS and is selling them to make money is the lowest of a person that anyone can be, this is so disgusting, these types of people have no self respect for themselves no morals no shame and no integrity, shame on them, I hope they will be exposed and dealt with, legal action can be taken against them because it’s copyright and theft, and may the Gods also punish them

The Gods made the largest spiritual organization and all this free knowledge readily available through people who self sacrificed in order for this to exist, that's how we made the JoS, it was created for humanity's benefit.

The only ways I can think of the atonement of this is for people to stop doing this, donate the appropriate and stolen amount, and never do this process again. That's a way to atone to the Gods. And to explain to the people they conned where it was from, so they can continue freely on the journey.

The largest core of JoS knowledge will remain eternally free. The core must exist as birthright for human beings.
Wow that's is not cool😕🤬 Especially when we are, trying to get the Truth out to individuals, who wish to learn about Satan here. And want everyone to be happy and comfortable.
It appears there are some people around the vicinity of the Joy of Satan who do deplorable acts. This invites retaliation, which has long been overdue.

I have warned many and warned them again. To stop creating false groups, stop carrying newcomers and pretending you are teachers when you cannot teach, do not stay outside of the JoS, do not steal it's materials, do not promote false prophecies and panic, do not misguide people away from the Gods or the Joy of Satan for your personal "gains", copycats and other related perverted garbage.

Betrayals, traitors, slandering, all these things pure enemies would do, you have done because of your heartlessness and evil. Did anyone in the JoS warrant this evil? Clearly not. People were only here to help you, assist you and love you. Your repayment to them was to act like a garbage lower than a Muslim Imam to us. While no actions were done by the JoS to warrant this treatment, it was done and received, for no reason.

I thought after many years, sense would have arrived in your mind. It has not.

You did not listen. Some have and they are forgiven. We know about you, how many you are and everything else. Our members are everywhere and they will inform us of these topics.

Why not take the path to good when you could take the path of evil? FELT justified, right?

To mention one example, one Japanese fool, stole Japanese translations of the JoS and is selling them on the equivalent of Japanese e-bay. Another spiritual "master" created from the JoS's work. It's time therefore you are cast down and spiritually eliminated. Has not even sourced the JoS inside.

The JoS as an organization has chosen to let these matters be, but from now on, you will be persecuted with due legal process, and this will only be the beginning of it. You want to steal from the Gods and their house which helps the people? Time to pay the spiritual bill for this.

Why did the people who did translations sit down to make them for the sake of the Gods and Humanity on their own expense and time, so the smart Japanese thief can take them, for example? What belongs to humanity and the Gods or the JoS, or the people who built it, does not belong to you. Time to pay the price of this now.

What do you think you are, some Rabbi from Israel that will own 2800 slaves and abuse them? Did also "HaShem's", sorry, "Satan's plan" come to you one day and tell you "Sell the work of the Translators behind their back and the JoS's back, while they get nothing from it?

It appears that many of these people, behaving like jews or being like actual jews, have not heeded these warnings seriously.

You have questioned me and questioned also the hard working people of the JoS who sacrifice things for others, and you loot like worthless and heartless parasites. Your efforts come to naught but you do not still do anything else, as you do not want to develop toward the good and provide value in another way, you want to steal value.

People are working and toiling on these fields, and you come in like a Rabbi from Israel to steal this and to "make your way". If this Rabbi came to Egypt and did this, what do you think this would invite to them?

Therefore, there are going to be massive punishments for you from now on. The punishments will keep escalating until these people correct their courses. If you do not, do not also cry about the consequences.

Jews have done in many cases less direct damage to the JoS than these so called "Satanists". Jews know what will invite upon them the great plagues of the Gods and avoid it.

In the Ancient World, even where war of the scales of world wars happened at the time, it was part of the universal rules to not loot the Temples of the Gods, or the people of the Gods. These people have not stolen from anybody or done evil acts to none, and their repayment was evil to them.

Even the biggest brutes and animals of history, have followed these rules. Yet many are behaving lower than these savages, and now you will be spiritually treated with the same. When "troops" and other deviants did these acts, they were burned alive. Your claims about "Satin told me so!" and other schizoid insanity of immorality will not be heard either. You know what you have done.

The Joy of Satan does impeccable and hard efforts to bring things to people for free. Free is the price that other beings sacrifice their existence, higher than you, to achieve certain topics, and have the courtesy to share with humanity and openly so. This involves also my own work.

I have tried for a very long time to tell it to you very formally, and kindly, but you think kindness is weakness, or that you have certain rights that you do not because you invented them to justify your vileness. Your returns were ranging from egotism, to avoidance, to even threats. You spoke to us for years like this. We have gave you patience, to set the course straight. You did not listen.

The Gods have been rather merciful to these misguided individuals, but the losses on the people and the others who are victimized, have not went un-noticed.

Certain humanoids do not understand what penalties and sins they are commuting by trying to resell materials or steal from the Gods and the Joy of Satan. You also do not understand that Spirituality is not a game, in the fact that you cannot misguide other souls and put them at odds with the Gods, because you want to satisfy your own worthless minds, without any actual capacity to do so.

I want to specify here, that doesn't involve even severe criticism, disagreements, dislike, or even regular hate. This involves criminal actions committed against the Gods and the Joy of Satan or it's people, for no reason whatsoever. You are free to even hate us, but injuries of the nature described in the post, means that you are an enemy that tries to parade around as something else.

"Ex-Jos members - present unwarranted slanderers (making sci-fi tier stories against us)", "Those who went their own way [with 99% knowledge stolen from the JoS]", the cryptojew that "Went his own way! Time to rob the goy and it's goy house and I'll get away with it, haha!", and other related schizophrenics with criminal tendencies that want to steal and misguide people, your net damage to the JoS will no longer be tolerated.

You will wish you have never done this. Clearly, you will not change as you are not evolving proper capacities for the things you think you deserve or desire.

Thieving, slander, or the two combined, because you have mental problems, are not going to become the Joy of Satan's problems. Universally and wherever you are, any wealth made at the expense of the time and efforts of actual Satanists, will be smitten straight away and without recourse.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Long story short: "You're fucked buddy."
To mention one example, one Japanese fool, stole Japanese translations of the JoS and is selling them on the equivalent of Japanese e-bay. Another spiritual "master" created from the JoS's work. It's time therefore you are cast down and spiritually eliminated. Has not even sourced the JoS inside.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I'm very disgusted....obviously anyone of any race who does this is a scum but when someone from the Orientals does something deplorable like that, it makes us look bad.

I remember a Filipino fool who kept trolling and asking for forgiveness and then back to trolling (although this was before I came, I found this out through searching old historical convos).
I remember, many years ago now, when I first became interested in JoS material, I found a completely different site (I can't remember the name, it was made by some crazy woman and I think it's long gone anyway) that had half or more of the JoS' main page content uploaded on it without alteration. However it was recontextualized to buttress some insane fictional story about how Zeus was still fighting his father Kronos (just like in ancient myth or something, supposedly) and how everything wrong with the world now was apparently his fault.

Therein lies the problem. If you weave a convincing enough narrative, how is a complete newbie going to know the difference? That's potential years of spiritual development down the drain, and possibly much more time, as a mind, even if it does eventually find the truth, needs to decondition, which can be difficult. I once had a friend who was deep into Reiki, but on finding out a lot of what he'd been sold (yes, sold, as in, with money) was a scam, he had an innate distrust of most anything spiritual. For me, that's why this matters. I've seen first hand someone lose their potential. People who are genuinely interested in spiritual growth are few and far between as it is.

Whatever punishment comes, let it come on swift wings.
I remember, many years ago now, when I first became interested in JoS material, I found a completely different site (I can't remember the name, it was made by some crazy woman and I think it's long gone anyway) that had half or more of the JoS' main page content uploaded on it without alteration. However it was recontextualized to buttress some insane fictional story about how Zeus was still fighting his father Kronos (just like in ancient myth or something, supposedly) and how everything wrong with the world now was apparently his fault.

Therein lies the problem. If you weave a convincing enough narrative, how is a complete newbie going to know the difference? That's potential years of spiritual development down the drain, and possibly much more time, as a mind, even if it does eventually find the truth, needs to decondition, which can be difficult. I once had a friend who was deep into Reiki, but on finding out a lot of what he'd been sold (yes, sold, as in, with money) was a scam, he had an innate distrust of most anything spiritual. For me, that's why this matters. I've seen first hand someone lose their potential. People who are genuinely interested in spiritual growth are few and far between as it is.

Whatever punishment comes, let it come on swift wings.
As there was many of those, years ago when I was in my beginnings there was a page in Spanish that later disappeared that was entirely from material stolen from JOS and corrupted by adding a lot of nonsense of its invention.
And on top of that, the guy autoproclaimed himself as a high priest and there was a section of the page where you had to pay to access.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
