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The Truth About Black Intelligence Revealed”


Oct 6, 2017
This is good info even though it’s from the NOI website.


Don’t Believe The Hype: The Truth About Black Intelligence Revealed”
By Legrand H. Clegg II,* Association for the Study of Classical African Civilizations

On May 29, 2018, actress Roseanne Barr tweeted that Valerie Jarrett, a Black woman and one of President Barack Obama’s closest advisors, is the product of “Muslim brotherhood and planet of the apes.” A few days later, a Black reporter from the MSNBC cable network interviewed a White supremacist, Arthur Jones, who was a candidate for public office in Illinois. He informed her that Black people are genetically inferior to Whites, and the fact that she was bright enough to attend Harvard University was attributable to her “White blood.”

There was swift reaction to both comments. ABC cancelled “Roseanne,” the popular, rebooted sitcom. Many Americans across the country expressed outrage over the statements of Jones. The sentiments expressed by Barr and Jones are not new. Long before the founding of the American republic, White people insisted that Blacks were a distinctly different species. Thomas Jefferson—though ably refuted by contemporary Black scientist Benjamin Banneker—consistently expressed this viewpoint. The United States Constitution still includes words (now invalidated by the 14th Amendment) that Black people are 3/5ths of a human being. Numerous clergymen have falsely insisted that Black people are the cursed descendants of Noah’s son, Ham. Legions of White historians and scientists have also taught that people of African descent are small-brained, genetically inferior sub-humans with no history prior to slavery and colonialism.

Furthermore, the American media have perpetuated Black degradation and stereotypes from the early Amos & Andy sitcoms to the current outrageous guests on the Jerry Springer Show and the actors and actresses on Real Housewives of Atlanta, etc.

Writing in the July 24, 1975, issue of Ebony magazine, Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, a distinguished Black psychiatrist, commented on the primary reason for the White preoccupation with Black intelligence:

The collectivity of whites has evolved patterns of societal structuring to cause blacks and other people of color to appear functionally inferior to themselves through both crude and highly refined methodologies to deprive peoples of color of the same social, educational, economic and political supports that they provide for themselves. They then say that such patterns of inferior functioning are genetically determined. Dr. [William] Shockley and all others who cannot cease talking and writing in a negative manner about the genetics of black people and other people of color, whether the discussion be overt or covert, are all simply victims not only of the genetic recessive deficiency state of skin albinism but also its component psychological disease state of racism (white supremacy).

By and large we as African Americans have long chosen to ignore White claims about our inferiority, and striven as a group to prove ourselves equal to all other people on this planet. While such a response is noble and laudable, it has not resulted in a cessation of White supremacist propaganda emanating from either the White masses or the White House. At this juncture in history, then, we must address these insults head-on whenever and wherever they appear, lest we lose another generation of Black youths to the forces of racism that have instilled in too many of them a sense of hopelessness and inferiority.

Ms. Barr’s comments resonate with many Whites not only because such sentiments have been so often repeated, but also because the destructive black ape image is subtly perpetuated by recurrent “King Kong” movies implanted in the national psyche. Over fifty years ago, African American talk show host Louis Lomax questioned the distinguished anthropologist Ashley Montague about White America’s obsession with equating Black people with apes. The comparison, Montague stated, was absurd because apes have thin lips and Black people have thick lips. Apes have straight hair and Black people have woolly, kinky or nappy hair. Apes have thick hair covering their bodies, while Black males and females generally have sparse hair growth over their torsos. Apes have flat behinds, while Black people have protruding behinds. Finally, a shaved ape has pink skin, whereas Black people range in color from Black to brown to yellow—not pink.

Even more absurd is the perennial claim of Black genetic inferiority, specifically as to intelligence. On an annual basis all American students are given batteries of standardized academic examinations to determine their intelligence levels. When tested, African Americans tend to score lower than their White counterparts. It is from the generalized results of these intelligence tests that most White supremacists derive their opinions that Black people are genetically inferior to Whites. Of course these and all other so-called objective measures used in this society to define intelligence are created by White people based on White culture and experiences and then applied to Black people who have been systematically excluded from such culture and experiences, and who have generally been subject to an inferior public school education.

For decades White educators and researchers have been puzzled by the persistent IQ disparity between African Americans and Whites, despite sporadic efforts to improve the quality of education provided Black students. The answer is simple. In a U.S. utopia where Black youths have experiences similar to those of Whites—including a stable home environment, gainfully employed parents, nutritious meals, excellent health care, clean and secure communities, first class educational institutions with supportive instructors, diverse recreational facilities, positive media images, favorable law enforcement contacts, a wholesome respect for one’s ethnic group and its history, self-respect and a sense of belonging to the societal whole, rather than being part of a despised and ostracized minority—the IQ gap will close. To use a well-worn cliché, this is not rocket science! There is an ever-widening gulf between the experiences of Black and White Americans that, under President Donald J. Trump, Whites in general are no longer feigning an interest in closing. Studies have shown that when African Americans experience educational parity with Whites, Black performance on such standardized tests as the SAT, ACT, GRE, etc., is virtually equivalent to their White counterparts.

Make no mistake about it, paleontologists, anthropologists, geneticists, etc., have shown that Black people are the genetically dominant parents of the human family. Our dominance is so apparent to White people that they have enshrined the concept that only one drop of Black “blood” determines that one is Black. So, for example, former President Barack Obama is Black as is former San Francisco 49’ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick. In other words, if one is part Black and part White, the recessive White genes are completely obliterated. How, then, in some warped minds, does genetic dominance equate to genetic inferiority?

Black History

To counter the longstanding, calculated effort to inferiorize African Americans and to suppress, distort or ignore the history of Black people by the Western academic, scientific and media establishments, I have produced a video documentary titled “When Black Men Ruled The World.” Since its production in 1991, revelations regarding the Black origin of civilization in Egypt (i.e., Kemet, “The Black Land”) and the global expanse of Black people in antiquity and their achievements have been staggering! All of which underscores the world’s indebtedness to its Black forefathers and contradicts the myth that the Black race is inferior.

The words of White author Flora Lugard shed light on the grandeur of Blacks in antiquity:

The annals of all of the great early nations of Asia Minor are full of them. The Mosaic records allude to them frequently; but while they are described as the most powerful, the most just, and the most beautiful of the human race, they are constantly spoken of as black, and there seems to be no other conclusion to be drawn then that at that remote period of history, the leading race of the Western World was a black race.

Another White scholar, Richard Poe, reveals that among ancient people there was the “presumption that dark skin connoted higher intelligence.” In other words, in the ancient world the blacker you were, the more intelligent you were assumed to be! Why did the ancients view Black people with such respect and reverence? The answer is clear. DNA evidence traces all human beings back to one Black woman in Africa. Her offspring migrated from inner Africa down the Nile Valley and founded the ancient Egyptian civilization. From Africa these Black people spread around the world and laid the foundation of civilization in Greece, Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley of India, Southern China, Southeast Asia, the Pacific Islands and Australia.

Furthermore, Dr. David Imhotep has written a remarkable book titled The First Americans Were Africans: Documented Evidence, proving that Black Africans began sailing to the Americas over fifty thousand years ago. He also reveals that later African migrants to the New World laid the foundation of the Olmec civilization in Mesoamerica that preceded the Toltecs, Aztecs and Mayans. This is why there are similarities between the pyramids of Egypt and those in Mexico.

We are all aware of the astronomical and architectural genius of the Black Africans who designed and built the pyramids of Egypt that no scientists or architects are able to replicate today. However, few realize that some of the neighboring temples contain blocks of stone weighing between 200 and 400 tons each, which are arranged and set up with remarkable precision. Fewer still are aware of the famous labyrinth—one of the wonders of the ancient world—built by the Pharaoh Amenemhet III, during Egypt’s Middle Kingdom. To appreciate the magnitude of this three-thousand-room structure, one must read the account of Herodetus, the widely travelled Greek historian of the fifth century b.c.e.:

I have seen this building, and it is beyond my power to describe; it must have cost more in labour and money than all the walls and public works of the Greeks put together…The pyramids, too, are astonishing structures, each one of them equal to many of the most ambitious works of Greece; but the labyrinth surpasses them…

What’s more, in their book Temples of the African Gods, Michael Tellinger and Johan Heine reveal that they have discovered in South Africa billions of ancient artifacts, including the remains of cities as large as Johannesburg and Los Angeles dating back over one hundred thousand years. Even more astounding are the findings of Dr. Thomas G. Brophy, a physicist who has worked with the NASA Voyager Project, the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics and the Japanese Space Program. Dr. Brophy has written a book titled The Origin Map: Discovery of a Prehistoric Megalithic Astrophysical Map and Sculpture of the Universe. In a partially excavated site in the Egypto-Nubian desert at Nabta Playa in Africa, Dr. Brophy has examined a number of stone structures dating from about 7,000 b.c.e. to 20,000 b.c.e. On the basis of these findings it appears that the ancient Africans left a stone map of the universe that is so precise and detailed that in some instances it exceeds our astronomical knowledge of the 21st century. Dr. Brophy speaks of the site as a “detailed astrophysical map of truly astonishing accuracy, with no less than staggering implications.”

Fortunately, today anyone wishing to view evidence of the splendor of Black civilizations may visit KING TUT: Treasures of the Golden Pharaoh, which will remain on display at the California Science Center in Los Angeles until January of 2019. A banner featuring a large black statue of the Pharaoh greets visitors as they enter the museum—confirming DNA studies that reveal that 96% of the King’s genetic markers match current populations of sub-Saharan Africa.

One need not dwell on ancient history to detect the genius of Black people. We see it all around us in science, architecture, medicine, law, literature, politics, athletics, etc. even in the midst of horrendous oppression. Let us consider a small sampling of such genius:

1. Eleven-year-old Ramarni Wilfred of Britain scored higher on his IQ test than scientists Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking as well as entrepreneur Bill Gates.

2. Twelve-year-old twins Peter and Paula Imafidon are Black children from Waltham Forest in Northeast London. Nicknamed “The Wonder Twins,” they are Great Britain’s highest achievers. Their eldest sister, Anne-Marie, now 26, spoke six languages and graduated from high school at age 10. Another sister, Christina, now 22, at the age of 11 was the youngest student in history to attend a British university.

3. Mabou Loiseau of New York spoke eight languages—English, French, Creole, Spanish, Mandarin, Arabic, Japanese and Russian—and played six instruments—harp, clarinet, violin, drums, piano and guitar—at the age of 7. Zora Ball of Philadelphia, also 7, is the youngest person to create a mobile video game. Tony Hansberry, Jr. of Florida attended the Darnell-Cookman School of the Medical Arts at the age of 12, and at age 14 he developed a new suture method for hysterectomy patients.

4. In April of 2016, a group of eight African American girls from Detroit, Michigan, won first place in the “Under 14” category at the 13th annual KCF All Girls National Chess Championship in Chicago. Billed as the “biggest and most prestigious” all-girls under 18 tournament in the country, it drew nearly 450 players from 27 states.

5. In 2015, three Black men incarcerated at the Eastern New York Correctional Facility in Ulster County beat a Harvard University debate team in a match held at the university.

The Black Child

As we have noted, White politicians, clergymen, scientists, academicians and others have been obsessed with the nature of Black intelligence ever since the first Africans were enslaved in the New World. In his book titled Even the Rat Was White, social scientist Robert Guthrie has observed:

The earliest (formal) effort by American researchers to investigate the black-white differences using Intelligence tests was made in 1897 when G.R. Stetson tested 500 black and 500 white public school children in Washington, D.C. The test utilized by Stetson consisted of four stanzas of poetry which the experimenter read aloud and the children were required to repeat. It is interesting to observe that in this exercise, of which little publicity was made, the black children excelled the white children; consequently, it was determined that the memory technique was not a valid measure of intelligence.

Since 1897, numerous other tests have been administered to schoolchildren of all ages and all ethnic backgrounds. When racial distinctions have been highlighted, the media have constantly focused on Black deficits and White superiority. What is virtually unknown is that, during the middle of the twentieth century, a number of White scientists conducted tests of Black and White neonates (newborns) apparently to determine their intelligence during their formative years before definitive socialization. While Black American children showed early precocity when compared to their White counterparts, African children were the most advanced.

During the 1950’s child development specialists Marcelle Geber and R.F.A. Dean conducted their studies in Kenya and Uganda. This was followed by similar investigations undertaken by Mary Ainsworth, another child development specialist, in South Africa and West Africa. Commenting on Geber’s discoveries, author Joseph C. Pearce has written:

She found [in Uganda] the most precocious, brilliant, and advanced infants and children ever observed anywhere. These infants had smiled, continuously and rapturously, from, at the latest, their fourth day of life…Sensor motor learning and general development were phenomenal. Indeed miraculous. These Ugandan infants were months ahead of American or European children. A superior intellectual development held for the first four years of life.

The following are comparisons made by Geber based on tests that she administered to African and European children:

Geber’s Black Child / White Child Developmental Comparison

1. Being Drawn Up Into A Sitting Position Able To PreventThe Head From Falling Backward:
Black Child: 9 hours old
White Child: 6 weeks old
2. With The Head Held Firmly, Looking At The Face Of The Examiner:
Black Child: 2 days old
White Child: 8 weeks old
3. Supporting Himself In A Sitting Position And Watching HisReflection ln The Mirror:
Black Child: 7 weeks old
White Child: 20 weeks old
4. Holding Himself Upright:
Black Child: 5 mos. old
White Child: 9 mos. old
5. Taking The Round Block Out Of Its Hole In The Form-Board:
Black Child: 5 mos. old
White Child: 22 mos. old
6. Standing Against The Mirror:
Black Child: 5 mos. old
White Child: 15 mos. old
7. Walking To The Gesell Box To Look Inside:
Black Child: 7 mos. old
White Child: 15 mos. old
8. Climbing The Steps Alone:
Black Child: 11 mos. old
White Child: 15 mos. old

The findings of Ainsworth were similar to those of Geber. The following are noteworthy:

Ainsworth’s Black Child / White Child Developmental Chart Comparison

1. Mean Age At Which A Child Knew His Own Name:
Black Child: 8 ½ mos. old
White Child: 14 mos. old
2. Mean Age At Which A Child Could Use Three Or More Words Appropriately:
Black Child: 10 ½ mos. old
White Child: 12 mos. old

As noted above, African American children have also shown remarkable precocity when compared to White children. Based on studies also conducted during the middle of the twentieth century, child development specialists Nancy Bayley and Etta Walters found that in “motor development” Black babies tended to be more advanced than White babies during the first 12 months. In the same vein, two other specialists, H. Knoblock and B. Pasamanick, have added that Black children have “superior motor scores and similar adaptive, language and personal-social cores, as compared with Whites through age two years.”

It should be pointed out that when the above scientists refer to Black children having “advanced motor skills” they are speaking of the children’s physical dexterity and straining to separate such behavior from that of advanced intellectual functioning. Recognizing this fallacious reasoning, psychologist Asa Hilliard has stated:

It is sometimes said that the precocity of the African [Black] child is only ‘physical’ and not ‘intellectual’ or ‘mental.’ There are two problems with such a statement: On the one hand, the developmental measures, which are cited in the professional literature, include measures of language and puzzle working (e.g. circle, square and triangle in a form board). Further, some of the ‘physical’ tasks which are measured included such things as intentional climbing and walking. Therefore, the use of language and intentional behavior hardly justifies the common investigative bias of calling some developmental test items ‘merely physical measures.’ On the other hand, there is no clear scientific distinction between ‘mental’ and ‘physical’ activities. It is more appropriate to think of these words as labels for aspects of the same human activity. Thus, the child who climbs stairs or, better still, who dances, is clearly demonstrating the inseparable nature of ‘mental’ and ‘physical’ activity. You simply cannot have one without the other.

Finally, a number of specialists have grappled with the issue of why Black children appear to lose their precocity after infancy as they begin the maturation process. In his book The Developmental Psychology of the Black Child, Amos Wilson has provided this opinion:

Generally, it would appear that the differences between black and white infants disappear between the ages of one and one half to two years and the equality of their mental and motor functioning begins to reverse in favor of the white child at around age three. We think that it is no coincidence that black intellectual functioning as compared to that of whites, as measured by standard I.Q. tests, begins to fall during the period beginning with the acquisition of language (starting somewhere around 12 to 18 months) and the formation of a stabilized personality structure (from three to five years).

For the first two to three years at least, it appears that the black child approaches the Greek ideal of a sound mind in a sound body. However, the ravages of racial prejudice and poverty destroy and distort much of his wonderful potential.

It is most interesting that White preoccupation with Black intelligence rarely if ever focuses on the above studies administered by White people using White standards that reveal the achievements of precocious Black children. Why is this information kept from the general public? Are there more recent studies? Do African and African American newborns still manifest these remarkable skills?


Black people do not resemble apes and have never been inferior to others. As noted above, Black people are the genetically dominate parents of the human race who laid down the foundation of global civilization. It is past time for White supremacists, who are not trained in genetics, to cease lying to themselves and to the public about the intelligence of people of African descent. It is also unconscionable for an ever-compliant media to continue dignifying these racists with generous coverage while ignoring the powerful evidence that refutes their malicious propaganda by revealing the truth about Black potential and achievements.
Of course this info should be read with the satanic knowledge that we already have. Not everything single thing is accurate. Just sharing information.
Yes cowboy whites are albino cavemen dumbasses while the American copper race are 8000 IQ superhuman geniuses that for some reason can’t make it past elementary school or get a job.
Cowboy123 said:

What is this crap ?!!
You have the impression that someone will believe this stupidity ...!!
All you do is spread false information and attack the Aryans
It's clear why you're here on JoS
You should be banned and all your posts deleted
YellowDragon11 said:

What are you doing on the Black Satanist forums...? lol. If blacks are so much more inferior to your own race, why even waste your time coming here to spy on their forums? Interesting.

Listen ... little dummy
All JoS Sites including JoS Forums & subforums were created and maintained by Aryans

So if you don't like it, you and that attempt of cowjew can go and ... take a number and get back in line with the rest of the hyenas

And for your general culture, The Aryans are Satan's Bloodline
Is it enough for you to understand that Aryans are superior to the blacks or I have to draw you a map ...

Don't bother to reply
This is BLM propaganda and it's filled of half-truth as usual. You are feeding into the kike-created Black vs White infighting, which is not the work of a Satanist. There is no factual evidence in here.

Instead of complaining about Whites, it should complain about kikes and xtardinity, which are the TRUE reasons for bias, slavery and the destructions of the Black civilisation. It's clear that the author here is racially prejudiced against Whites and cannot see what the real issue is.

The data also does not take into account the advanced knowledge Ancient Egyptian, Sumerian and Vedic people, which far exceeds the knowledge of today. Just because the technological advancement took a different turn in modern age because of spiritual degeneration and the need of something physical to temporarily replacement, it does mean ancient people did not know much. For thousands of years (the Egyptian pyramids were built into 10500 BCE), we've had great knowledge on our hands. Ancient Egypt is also the civilisation that had contact with Black people in Africa and taught them a lot of what they knew.
YellowDragon11 said:
Syd Silver said:
YellowDragon11 said:

What are you doing on the Black Satanist forums...? lol. If blacks are so much more inferior to your own race, why even waste your time coming here to spy on their forums? Interesting.

Listen ... little dummy
All JoS Sites including JoS Forums & subforums were created and maintained by Aryans

So if you don't like it, you and that attempt of cowjew can go and ... take a number and get back in line with the rest of the hyenas

And for your general culture, The Aryans are Satan's Bloodline
Is it enough for you to understand that Aryans are superior to the blacks or I have to draw you a map ...

Don't bother to reply

Then they ((blacks)) shouldn't be following the JoS if that's the case... It seems to me that they're not even allowed to have a group of their own without the ultimate say so of you "Aryans" ((if you really are such)). I for one would never place anyone above me, and I don't care who they are. :) To do so is to be weak... As for Aryans being superior to blacks... Well, I would give you my reasoning to why I disagree, but I know HC wouldn't approve that comment... He likely won't approve this one. lol.

I know you are the drug user from the Youtube channel that slanders JoS, so don't try to hide from me with a tor or a VPN.

Meanwhile try to fool others but don't expect to remain unbanned while you are at it.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Yes cowboy whites are albino cavemen dumbasses while the American copper race are 8000 IQ superhuman geniuses that for some reason can’t make it past elementary school or get a job.

YellowDragon11 said:
I find it interesting HoodedCobra... You don't approve my other posts, but you're quick to approve my race-baiting ones... Aren't ya? :)

Fuck off !
Regarding African IQ, the most comprehensive analysis I have found is from “Chuck” at Humanvarieties.org. He looked at 57 studies on the black-white IQ gap, and gave these as the gaps for each decade:

Pre-1960s 17.1

1960s 17.55

1970s 18.3

1980s 14.55

1990s 14.55

2000s 15.0

Chuck’s full analysis with list of studies is available here:


One thing you should keep in mind is that the very first IQ test of blacks was done in 1917, and this was to screen for possible officers for the US Army. The median black IQ on that test was 83. In the 10 most recent studies in Chuck’s list, which were all after the year 2000, the average black IQ is 85.7 in those studies, and the median is 85. This was also found by Richard Lynn.

Richard Lynn did similar analyses for East Asians, Amerindians and Pacific Islanders in the United States. I will not copy them down here like I did with the hispanics, but will describe them here.

For the East Asians, Lynn looked at 27 studies of East Asians in the United States (compared to 20 for hispanics as seen above). The mean of these studies was 101.3, and the median was 101.

For Pacific Islanders, Lynn had 4 studies of Pacific Islanders living in Hawaii and the mean IQ of those studies was 86.5, median 87.

For the Amerindians, Lynn looked at 21 studies. The mean was 86 and the median was 90.

SAT Scores

The SAT correlates with an IQ test at 0.86, almost the same as an IQ test correlates with itself. For this reason, we can very reliably take SAT scores and convert them to IQ scores.


Now it could be that the whites who take the SAT are a dumber slice of the white population than the blacks who take the SAT are, or vice-versa. But the error-minimizing assumption is that they are “similar slices” from each group.

The “hispanic” scores are only *likely to be* slightly elite, while the “Asian” scores represent a much broader cross-section of their number, and they’re still on top.

This black-white SAT score gap has been persistent at least since 1986. From 1986 to 2013, the average math + verbal SAT for whites has been 1058.40, while the average for blacks has been 856.47, remarkably close to the 2015 scores of 1063 to 859, which roughly translate to IQs of 113 and 98.

Based on SAT score data, the median IQ of African-Americans is probably 85, “hispanics” are probably 88, 90 if you just use math.

It’s also important to distinguish the math and verbal scores to show that blacks actually do relatively better on verbal than on math, which is one of numerous disproofs of “cultural bias”.

ACT Scores

There is no direct source I know of that converts ACT to IQ test scores. However, the ACT to SAT equivalents are well known, and the SAT equivalent can be converted to an IQ score, giving us an “ACTIQ”.

The differences in relative populations of races taking the ACT may be a function of regionality more than the eliteness of the test-takers.

IQ estimates from the ACT by group with the white score set to 100:


The NAEP is a government-issued achievement tests. While it is not a psychometric test, it is designed to have a standard deviation of 35. Since IQ tests have a standard deviation of 15, we can make an “NAEPIQ” equivalent by setting the white score to 100, and converting the other races’ scores to IQ based on a standard deviation of 15.

This “NAEPIQ” doesn’t necessarily mean IQ, as NAEP scores are not the same as an IQ test. Converting it to “IQ score notation” is just a different way of presenting the exact same data so long as you know the standard deviations.

If you wanted, you could take 40-yard dash times, find the standard deviation of the times, and come up with a “40-yard dash IQ”. That’s literally all I’m doing, but with the NAEP data.

The NAEP by design has a standard deviation of 35. With the white score set to 100, we can come up with “NAEPIQ” by race and year:

The NAEP shows a much smaller black-white gap in terms of standard deviations than the SAT, ACT or the IQ studies, regardless of the year. One explanation for this is that, because funding is often tied to scores, black schools fudge exclude a large proportion of their students from the test.

No sample for a study is ever perfect, but there is reason to believe that low-performing (“urban”) school districts would cheat, and there is evidence that they have in fact done so. I am not making a moral statement, in fact I support them and believe standards should be based on racial composition of the school, I am merely saying that this would bias the data to lower the black-white gap.

However, the NAEP isn’t an IQ test anyway, and in theory tests “achievement”, and since that should be more under the influence of environment than “native intelligence” is, a heredetarian would expect the black-white gaps to be smaller on achievement tests than on tests of native intelligence.

Which is what we see here.

The B-W Gap over time

The SAT, NAEP and IQ studies all show a similar pattern: a narrowing of black-white IQ scores from 1973 to 1986, and then flatlining from that point. In fact there is IQ data that goes back to 1917 where the US Army issued a nation-wide standardized test, and found a black IQ of 83 to the white 100.

The NAEP only deviates from the SAT and IQ studies in its “final resting place” for black IQ, which is roughly 89, whereas the IQ studies and SAT put it at 85.

The IQs of racial groups in the United States based on all of the data presented here:

At the moment this is taking into account whatever genetic makeup goes into these categories, especially “Hispanics”. For now, we are just looking at the IQs of these as categories, agnostic as to their genetic distinctiveness.

TIMSS and PISA data

TIMSS stands for “Trends in International Math and Science Study”, and gave a standard test to 42 countries on math and science. PISA stands for “Program for International Student Assessment” and gave a test for reading, math and science for 65 countries.

The IQ conversion for PISA and TIMMS scores were based on the US white standard deviation of 100, as that is the global norm.

*However, when normed based on US Whites (yes the US white SD happened to be a round number), the standard deviation used is 70 for TIMMS and 98 for PISA, which are lower than the global PISA and TIMMS standard deviations of 100. However I just used a SD of 100 for the PISA scores, it will make the racial gaps slightly smaller, but the math was easier.

When comparing racial groups in the US in the context of other standardized tests WITHIN the US, using US standard deviations is appropriate.

If you used global standard deviations, which are much larger, this would reduce the racial gaps in the standardized-tests to IQ conversion, unless of course we changed the standard deviation of IQ to what it actually is outside of the United States (which would be something like 20 instead of 15).


This part is where I give my opinion.

My estimate for the median IQs of various races in the US and the simple average of all 6 data sources next to it., based on all of the above data plus some stuff in other posts on this site, leads me to these estimates:

Asians 103.3 (103.26)
Whites 100 (100)
Hispanics 90 (89.75)
Blacks 85 (85.8)

Pacific Islanders 90
American Indians 92
Indian-Americans 106

For the first four I am very confident. For the next three I am less confident as it is based on less data.

I estimate the black IQ at 85 and not 86 because I discount the NAEP data. Removing the NAEP data gives a raw black number of 85.3, and the median of the 6 sources of data gives a black number of 85.495. But this is just my opinion, all the data is sourced.

I was so thorough with this, because unless you literally shove the readers’ face in this data, he will not believe how shockingly consistent the racial gaps are on all kinds of cognitive tests, and how little it matters what year it’s done and what test it is.

It’s vital to have a very good understanding of what the basic data actually is, so that when we start arguing causality, you have an idea of what “gaps” we’re talking about and how overwhelmingly well-established they are.

Cheating on the NAEP:

NAEP scores:
Page 1 – Long-term trend math or reading, age 17, long-term trend scale, national, all years
Page 2 – Race / ethnicity (6 categories), all years

SAT Scores:

Sources used for SAT to IQ conversion:

US High school population:

2015 Test taker population:

Race and SAT to 1986:

ACT Data:

ACT to IQ was done by converting ACT to equivalent SAT scores, and then using the SAT to IQ conversion table above:

Lynn’s “Race Differences in Intelligence”:

TIMSS and PISA data and standard deviations:

Source -

IQ of Sub-Saharan Africa

In estimating the median IQ of Africa, I use 3 sources: Lynn’s IQ study data, international test scores, and Wicherts’ data.

The advantage of the international test scores is that they are a well-funded body that sets out to get representative samples from all of the countries they are testing. The disadvantage is that these tests are not technically IQ tests.

Lynn and Wicherts can give estimates for IQ, but there is dispute as to what studies to include.

International Test scores from Sub-Saharan Africa:

“TIQ” stands for test IQ and is just the raw score converted to a rank order number in the same way IQ test scores are reported (with the median score being 100 and standard deviations of 15).

Average is 73.95

Median study IQ is 74

Of course this is more heavily weighted toward South Africa, which has a large non-African minority that almost certainly drives up the score. Also, most countries in Africa don’t do these tests and so we have no international data from them, and they would probably have lower scores than the African countries that do report test scores.

Richard Lynn argues that the Africans who take these tests are the more accessible schools, which tend to be in more urban areas, which tend to be better. So using these numbers may overestimate Africa’s IQ. But who cares, it’s still really low.

Next we can look at the direct measurements of IQ data itself, and on this there is a dispute between Richard Lynn and Jelte Wicherts. Richard Lynn assembled 57 studies totaling 26,897 people.

Of the studies Lynn assembled, the median was 68, the weighted average was 70.9, and the unweighted average is 71.12. The average of these 3 numbers is 70.01.

Lynn for some reason likes to make all sorts of “corrections” and ends up estimating an IQ of 67. This is an example of “regime flavor” in my opinion (researchers coming to conclusions that deviate from their own data). But really Lynn’s data says 70.

Jelte Wicherts criticized Lynn’s selection of studies. He argued that Lynn included studies with developmentally disabled, with people who didn’t understand the test, with people who have HIV, malaria and parasites.

Lynn’s response was basically that those things represent black Africa, and to exclude those studies is to, in essence, exclude the problems of Africa. And Lynn and Wicherts went back and forth on that.

I don’t know who I side with on that, and those criticisms aren’t stupid. However, since Lynn’s numbers are basically 70, and the international test scores point to an IQ of 74, and since the students being tested in those are probably slightly above average of Africa, Lynn’s numbers seem very plausible.

Wicherts estimates the median IQ of Sub-Saharan Africa to be 80. And he does this by excluding studies that had the problems he referred to above.

To be blunt, he excluded the studies that have the problems of Africa, and when the problems of Africa were removed, the median IQ was only 5 points less than the median IQ of African-AMERICANS, and African-Americans have on average 20% European admixture.

One of Wicherts’ criticisms was bizarrely technical, and that was to exclude studies from Sudan saying it’s not part of Sub-Saharan Africa. Technically speaking it’s debatable, as the UN defines Sudan as part of North Africa, while the US Library of Congress defines Sudan as part of Sub-Saharan Africa.

But since the point is to infer the IQs of black people in Africa, and Sudan is overwhelmingly black, it should be included, and trying to exclude Sudan on the basis of some autistic geographic challenge is shallow and pedantic. It’s an argument a 4-year old with very rule-based thinking would make.

Averaging Lynn’s numbers, Wicherts’ numbers, and the international test scores yields a score of 74.67.

Wicherts’ number is not without value, but it’s not representative of Africa. The most representative number is probably the international test scores, which are probably slightly elite, and Lynn’s numbers are probably slightly depressed.

Lynn’s number: 70.01

Average of Lynn and international test scores: 72

International Test Scores: 74

Average of all 3 numbers: 74.67

Average of Wicherts and international test scores: 77

Wicherts’ estimate: 80

My opinion is 72.

PS: As an egalitarian, accepting the IQ of Africa at 80 would put you in a bit of a tough situation. Because the median IQ of blacks in the United States is roughly 85, and so if the difference in environment between blacks in the US and blacks in Africa only produces a 5-point difference, how plausible would it be that the 15-point gap between blacks and whites in the United States is due to those, much smaller, environmental differences?

Moreover, if blacks in Africa have an IQ of 80, that would confirm an estimate of the “genotypic IQ of the pure African” being 81.25. Because African-Americans are ~20% European by admixture, and the median IQ of European-Americans is 100, factoring that out would give us an estimate of the “pure Afro-American IQ” of 81.25, which is very close to Wicherts’ estimate of 80 for the continent of Africa.

The per-capita GDP of Africa is around $1,700 in purchasing power parity (which controls for the fact that most things are cheaper in Africa), while that number for African-Americans is around $35,000. Moreover, Africans deal with things like malnutrition and starvation, HIV, malaria and parasites, along with awful schools and outright illiteracy. It would be weird if this difference DIDN’T cause a lower IQ.

A super-low African-in-Africa IQ HELPS the egalitarian side, because their whole shtick is big environmental effects, while the heredetarian benefits from a high African-in-Africa IQ because it shows weak environmental effects in the MOST environmentally depressed region on the planet. Heck, the egalitarian would benefit from treating Lynn’s 67 number as gospel.

For the egalitarian, if you use Wicherts’ data, you’re going to have a very hard time arguing environment for the black-white IQ gap in the United States. You’re just going to have a bad time.

TIMSS 1995:


TIMSS 1999:


TIMSS 2003:



PIRLS 2006:


IEA 1992 Reading assessment:


Second International Science Study 1983:


Lynn’s data:


Wicherts-Lynn Exchange:



I thank Jack and Stormblood for adding on to the thread realistically. I personally do not agree with what Cowboy posted and there was no real reason to post that thread. There are other more balanced articles online to convey some of those points without being radical and absurd and knowing that this post would create some backlash from the other white members.

I do not agree with that yellowdragon for saying that blacks should steer away from the JoS based on what Syd Silver mentioned. That causes problems too. Anyone can visit any of the sub forums regardless of race. However I think its shame what Syd said. It wasn't necessary to throw in our faces yet again about the forums and the aryans as if that really matters. It doesn't. I completely abhor comments that cause disunity, reinforce the hatred or jewish rhetoric that gentile race suck for different reasons, on both sides. That's just me. There are ways to say things.

HoodedCobra created the forums and heads it, as Satan chose him to do so for very specific reason and it was entrusted to him. It's not about being an aryan, you have to have the special traits, like HC does. But Syd, in a twisted way, you're right. Not for the right reason. At one point the JoS forums will separate and black gentiles will have their own forums and space. I have been mentioning this before, mostly because an increase in numbers of each race, it will be needed eventually since topics like these will be even more prevalent. I would do a separate forum under the guidance of Satan after my kundalini goals.

What I have really truly seen is the the superior Daemon gods who have made each of us and all the races of the ancient world great. Without the gods, humanity would eventually perish, even the aryans who are on their way to extinction...all because of the Jew. They succeeded in taking down and getting the upper hand in civilizations of all races even when they had less power than now. This is why I urge the black satanists here to ignore radical and or harsh and unpleasant posts from non whites and white gentiles here alike. Stay balanced, realistic and learn about the realities (god and bad) of the world and our race in a gentle way, since the black mind has been assaulted and terrorized by the Jew and society in different ways. All gentiles have been ravaged.

Stay focused on Satan and on your kundalini goals, that's the only thing that matters. This is one of the main reasons why I do not come on the forums much anymore. With all my kundalini advancement and activity, I have no interest in the mundane goings-on in the world and on petty opinions, squabbles back and fourth that stray from the bigger picture, forums especially. I'm sure a lot of you actively meditating and advancing are feeling the same way.

To the newer black members, do not get disheartened or think the JoyofSatan is against blacks just because a few comments. This is just a reminder. We all need them.

The kundalini will really open up up and expand your minds and you will see and understand the gods and what they really think of you, and what they want. The truth is the black race is behind ad have suffered, currently the situation is grave, same as the white race who despite having superior elements are still losing and will be exterminated if it wasn't for Satan and the Daemon gods saving us. That's just how it is. Just remember that humanity and is an unfinished project, evolution can go in both directions and the black race has degenerated. Thousands of years of mass degeneration, violence, war, terrorism, enemy curses, and no true spiritual knowledge. And most importantly, no kundalini access.

When black gentiles raise their serpents, there will be no more " Blacks are inferior or do not have intelligence" and all this other ilk. That will be irrelevant and a thing of the past. The past being null, and insignificant because having us all risen serpent was the plan all along. The kundalini will grant us the same capabilities and potential as the gods. As I was emphasized and told yesterday " All our serpents are the same." This loosely means that all the races of the world have the same kundalini and access to higher powers and abilities as Satan himself. That says enough.

So focus on getting that kundalini going...
HPS Shannon said:
I do not agree with that yellowdragon for saying that blacks should steer away from the JoS based on what Syd Silver mentioned.

Look Shannon, I never said that Blacks shouldn't come here, or leave JoS !!!

My comment was strictly for "users Cowboy and Yellowdragon"

Cowboy spreads false information and slanders the Aryans for a long time and Yellowdragon is an infiltrator with many accounts

So don't take what I said as an attack on you because it's not.
Syd Silver said:
HPS Shannon said:
I do not agree with that yellowdragon for saying that blacks should steer away from the JoS based on what Syd Silver mentioned.

Look Shannon, I never said that Blacks shouldn't come here, or leave JoS !!!

My comment was strictly for "users Cowboy and Yellowdragon"

Cowboy spreads false information and slanders the Aryans for a long time and Yellowdragon is an infiltrator with many accounts

So don't take what I said as an attack on you because it's not.

I think you misunderstood me. I was referring to yellowdragon about discouraging members from coming on the forum he/she said that in one of the quotes. I don't feel attacked at all. I do however (as I always have) felt that responses like yours and yellowdragon causes more confusion and problems than helps. I am thinking of others, not myself. I am over getting offended at what posts like you and Southernwhitegentile say (for example), I mean the only opinion that matters about the black race are Satan and the gods. Just like the only opinion on the white race that matters are from Satan.

Either way, your comment about aryans and the forums wasn't the most necessary. I thought it would be obvious now that we have new members come here all the time and that being courteous and balanced in our responses would be equally obvious. I mean Stormblood and Jack had balanced and fair responses on this thread. But I get it, some of you guys are angry and frustrated, I would be too if I were white. All gentiles have something to be angry about. I just don't care to see it. So don't think I said what I said because of what you mentioned personally.

This just goes back to what I said, there is no interest in being on the forums much. We all will independently reach a level where we do not wish to see or get involved with things like these too. You'll see what I mean when you get there by really getting the serpent going.

I am aware of Cowboys postings. We have disagreements too. This includes him too. I don't like some of his posts and comments because it does the same thing that whites do when it comes to blaming and attacking the black race for everything when its all the Jew. Some of you guys think I defend the black gentiles that do these things. I don't. I hate I when blacks and whites go against each other and throw all our unfortunate traits and circumstances thanks to spiritual degeneration and the Jew.

But seriously, I am considering making a forum for black Satanists in the future. That way whites and blacks have their own spaces under Satan.

I hope you understand now. I definitely didn't mean what you think, nor did I misunderstand you. I have no problems with you and other white satanists that feel how you feel. I care about you all and just want us all to be a satanic family and talk about/address our problems as the gods would, not throwing things in our faces. It's not the easy feeling like a family under Satan when I see certain comments. Ok, so what that you guys are Satan's bloodline? That's something to be very proud of but to throw it our faces like we should feel bad about that, unacceptable.

Its fine though. We are what we are.
Just to clarify again, I am not referring to just your post on this thread, I am referring to other posts by you and other whites. Just like I am also referring to posts by some black satanists too. Just different posts and different things...not to sound obscure. But anyway, all is fine. I don't want to cause problems at all. Just making a point. I'm sure you understand.
Syd Silver said:
HPS Shannon said:
I do not agree with that yellowdragon for saying that blacks should steer away from the JoS based on what Syd Silver mentioned.

Look Shannon, I never said that Blacks shouldn't come here, or leave JoS !!!

My comment was strictly for "users Cowboy and Yellowdragon"

Cowboy spreads false information and slanders the Aryans for a long time and Yellowdragon is an infiltrator with many accounts

So don't take what I said as an attack on you because it's not.

‘Look shannon’ is that how you address a High priestess ? Wtf is going on in these forums all this constant oh I’m Aryan wah wah wah u can be aryan but if u don’t advance it means fuckall and being advanced has the quality of not being condescending towards the black race or any other because u would be able to see beyond but now people are looking thru the material lense of white supremacy not the spiritual lense yes ther is plenty issues but stop the attack because people aren’t going to just swallow it I’m not white yet I’m more advanced in intellect and on my soul than many whites I know that doesn’t matter I don’t look at myself thru that lense all I focus on is getn stronger this message isn’t directed at u syd it’s just general there is a lot of offensive shit being said about blacks here iv noticed must be that white mans bible y’all reading right because hey who needs niggers like it’s said in that book I’m not sure why that offensive shit is on Satans library but I get u aryans can do as u please coz this forum was created by aryans right another completely unnecessary thing to say would you ... specific members like to fight at this war alone ? If you haven’t noticed the Jew has been setting up every race against you guys especially the black race do you think this behavior of offense towards ss blacks and blacks in general is of any benefit ? No wonder the black race so easily falls into the trap of being used by the enemy destroy the white race it’s probably centuries of pent up offense, hatred and miss understandings from white to black that being said every race has its flaws
Well said High priestess
HPS Shannon said:
Syd Silver said:
HPS Shannon said:
I do not agree with that yellowdragon for saying that blacks should steer away from the JoS based on what Syd Silver mentioned.

Look Shannon, I never said that Blacks shouldn't come here, or leave JoS !!!

My comment was strictly for "users Cowboy and Yellowdragon"

Cowboy spreads false information and slanders the Aryans for a long time and Yellowdragon is an infiltrator with many accounts

So don't take what I said as an attack on you because it's not.

I think you misunderstood me. I was referring to yellowdragon about discouraging members from coming on the forum he/she said that in one of the quotes. I don't feel attacked at all. I do however (as I always have) felt that responses like yours and yellowdragon causes more confusion and problems than helps. I am thinking of others, not myself. I am over getting offended at what posts like you and Southernwhitegentile say (for example), I mean the only opinion that matters about the black race are Satan and the gods. Just like the only opinion on the white race that matters are from Satan.

Either way, your comment about aryans and the forums wasn't the most necessary. I thought it would be obvious now that we have new members come here all the time and that being courteous and balanced in our responses would be equally obvious. I mean Stormblood and Jack had balanced and fair responses on this thread. But I get it, some of you guys are angry and frustrated, I would be too if I were white. All gentiles have something to be angry about. I just don't care to see it. So don't think I said what I said because of what you mentioned personally.

This just goes back to what I said, there is no interest in being on the forums much. We all will independently reach a level where we do not wish to see or get involved with things like these too. You'll see what I mean when you get there by really getting the serpent going.

I am aware of Cowboys postings. We have disagreements too. This includes him too. I don't like some of his posts and comments because it does the same thing that whites do when it comes to blaming and attacking the black race for everything when its all the Jew. Some of you guys think I defend the black gentiles that do these things. I don't. I hate I when blacks and whites go against each other and throw all our unfortunate traits and circumstances thanks to spiritual degeneration and the Jew.

But seriously, I am considering making a forum for black Satanists in the future. That way whites and blacks have their own spaces under Satan.

I hope you understand now. I definitely didn't mean what you think, nor did I misunderstand you. I have no problems with you and other white satanists that feel how you feel. I care about you all and just want us all to be a satanic family and talk about/address our problems as the gods would, not throwing things in our faces. It's not the easy feeling like a family under Satan when I see certain comments. Ok, so what that you guys are Satan's bloodline? That's something to be very proud of but to throw it our faces like we should feel bad about that, unacceptable.

Its fine though. We are what we are.
HPS Shannon said:
I thank Jack and Stormblood for adding on to the thread realistically. I personally do not agree with what Cowboy posted and there was no real reason to post that thread. There are other more balanced articles online to convey some of those points without being radical and absurd and knowing that this post would create some backlash from the other white members.

Thanks for replying on this thread. I also meant to add that IQ tests have little value in evaluating intelligence. IQ tests only evaluate study skills and logical-mathematical intelligence but intelligence is a far wider, all-encompassing concept. I bet, if they amended IQ tests to include musical intelligence, artistic intelligence, visual-spatial intelligence, bodily-kinaesthetic intelligence, spiritual intelligence and all other fields of intelligence, the scores of each race would not be too different from one another.

It is also amazing how the knowledge of the Gods is translated and attuned by each race in a different way that most benefit every individual who follows their racial path.

I think it is quite easy to overlook these points, no matter how important they are.
Syd Silver said:
HPS Shannon said:
I do not agree with that yellowdragon for saying that blacks should steer away from the JoS based on what Syd Silver mentioned.

Look Shannon, I never said that Blacks shouldn't come here, or leave JoS !!!

My comment was strictly for "users Cowboy and Yellowdragon"

Cowboy spreads false information and slanders the Aryans for a long time and Yellowdragon is an infiltrator with many accounts

So don't take what I said as an attack on you because it's not.

Yellowdragon is an asshole troll that runs also a Youtube channel against us and calls HPS Shannon a black jew, slanders me and basically everyone. Probably was sent here by Magestein since someone said they are already with them? I don't know.

Regardless, this is just bullshit and he has been banned now.
Thing is Whites keep doing the same thing Pharaoh Allah does on Youtube which is call on Blacks and Blacks call on Whites as if this was a problem.

I watched a YT video from the above character saying Whites have no soul and that we are no better or lower than animals, saying we need to be genocided. According to him there are also no jews but only White Devils and so on.

These are basically A Jerusalem Rabbi package of arguments from another color of skin such as Pharaoh Allah. According to Pharaoh Allah whites cannot connect to God and they don't have a pineal gland or some shit.

Then, Whites also say similar shit based on pseudoscience and lies about Blacks, which are no different than the claims of Pharaoh Allah, probably because they are as dumb as Pharaoh Allah but with a different skin color so they have to side with that one I guess? Not sure.

This is just stupid, delusional, and helps nobody on no side. Maybe some feel a little better like the little brain of Pharaoh Allah does when he pins all his issues on White people? I don't know. And how does that help at all? It doesn't.

It only creates a climate of pointless issues and hostility between people in which there has no reason to be any.

Then people will brag about IQ tests while this takes the lowest IQ to understand. You don't fight those on your side nor tear them down. If one cannot understand it, all the IQ research in the world can be shoved in one's ass after a point.
Stormblood said:
HPS Shannon said:
I thank Jack and Stormblood for adding on to the thread realistically. I personally do not agree with what Cowboy posted and there was no real reason to post that thread. There are other more balanced articles online to convey some of those points without being radical and absurd and knowing that this post would create some backlash from the other white members.

Thanks for replying on this thread. I also meant to add that IQ tests have little value in evaluating intelligence. IQ tests only evaluate study skills and logical-mathematical intelligence but intelligence is a far wider, all-encompassing concept. I bet, if they amended IQ tests to include musical intelligence, artistic intelligence, visual-spatial intelligence, bodily-kinaesthetic intelligence, spiritual intelligence and all other fields of intelligence, the scores of each race would not be too different from one another.

It is also amazing how the knowledge of the Gods is translated and attuned by each race in a different way that most benefit every individual who follows their racial path.

I think it is quite easy to overlook these points, no matter how important they are.

Thank you again for that input. I agree.
Lol I can hardly believe stupid shit like that is even making its rounds
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Thing is Whites keep doing the same thing Pharaoh Allah does on Youtube which is call on Blacks and Blacks call on Whites as if this was a problem.

I watched a YT video from the above character saying Whites have no soul and that we are no better or lower than animals, saying we need to be genocided. According to him there are also no jews but only White Devils and so on.

These are basically A Jerusalem Rabbi package of arguments from another color of skin such as Pharaoh Allah. According to Pharaoh Allah whites cannot connect to God and they don't have a pineal gland or some shit.

Then, Whites also say similar shit based on pseudoscience and lies about Blacks, which are no different than the claims of Pharaoh Allah, probably because they are as dumb as Pharaoh Allah but with a different skin color so they have to side with that one I guess? Not sure.

This is just stupid, delusional, and helps nobody on no side. Maybe some feel a little better like the little brain of Pharaoh Allah does when he pins all his issues on White people? I don't know. And how does that help at all? It doesn't.

It only creates a climate of pointless issues and hostility between people in which there has no reason to be any.

Then people will brag about IQ tests while this takes the lowest IQ to understand. You don't fight those on your side nor tear them down. If one cannot understand it, all the IQ research in the world can be shoved in one's ass after a point.
HPS Shannon said:
Stormblood said:
HPS Shannon said:
I thank Jack and Stormblood for adding on to the thread realistically. I personally do not agree with what Cowboy posted and there was no real reason to post that thread. There are other more balanced articles online to convey some of those points without being radical and absurd and knowing that this post would create some backlash from the other white members.

Thanks for replying on this thread. I also meant to add that IQ tests have little value in evaluating intelligence. IQ tests only evaluate study skills and logical-mathematical intelligence but intelligence is a far wider, all-encompassing concept. I bet, if they amended IQ tests to include musical intelligence, artistic intelligence, visual-spatial intelligence, bodily-kinaesthetic intelligence, spiritual intelligence and all other fields of intelligence, the scores of each race would not be too different from one another.

It is also amazing how the knowledge of the Gods is translated and attuned by each race in a different way that most benefit every individual who follows their racial path.

I think it is quite easy to overlook these points, no matter how important they are.

Thank you again for that input. I agree.

Thank you Hp Shannon

Im very happy that there are Black Satanists and a Hp like you to help them.
Stormblood said:
oh, is he the one saying that you are the son of a rabbi also? It's clear he is on drugs or has severe mental delays.

He's the OY VEY that has ExposingJoS or something on youtube.
Therealbornoffire666 said:
Lol I can hardly believe stupid shit like that is even making its rounds
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Thing is Whites keep doing the same thing Pharaoh Allah does on Youtube which is call on Blacks and Blacks call on Whites as if this was a problem.

I watched a YT video from the above character saying Whites have no soul and that we are no better or lower than animals, saying we need to be genocided. According to him there are also no jews but only White Devils and so on.

These are basically A Jerusalem Rabbi package of arguments from another color of skin such as Pharaoh Allah. According to Pharaoh Allah whites cannot connect to God and they don't have a pineal gland or some shit.

Then, Whites also say similar shit based on pseudoscience and lies about Blacks, which are no different than the claims of Pharaoh Allah, probably because they are as dumb as Pharaoh Allah but with a different skin color so they have to side with that one I guess? Not sure.

This is just stupid, delusional, and helps nobody on no side. Maybe some feel a little better like the little brain of Pharaoh Allah does when he pins all his issues on White people? I don't know. And how does that help at all? It doesn't.

It only creates a climate of pointless issues and hostility between people in which there has no reason to be any.

Then people will brag about IQ tests while this takes the lowest IQ to understand. You don't fight those on your side nor tear them down. If one cannot understand it, all the IQ research in the world can be shoved in one's ass after a point.

I know it's kind of stupid, and this goes all the way between people. Like for fucks sake, all humans clearly have a pineal gland and can therefore meditate. It's just absurd why people say these things it's just hate with no logic to it.
YellowDragon11 said:
Stormblood said:

I was born in the year of the Dragon, under a master number of 11. :) Virgo exalted. Pluto in the 12th house. Leo sun. Scorpio rising... Sun in the tenth house ((at it's highest point)). Just wanted to throw that out there, since you take astrology serious... My chart is likely better than yours, but yet you're a high priestess. Interesting, don't you think? Western astrology is bullshit... Vedic is where it's at.

No wonder you're an egopathic thing that has been attacking everyone for years over nothing. You also should tell us about your crackpipe just before you get banned. But let me guess it's the best on the bloc and stuff. Nobody better.

Ok now please homie leave HPS Shannon be and enjoy your ban.
HPS Shannon said:
I thank Jack and Stormblood for adding on to the thread realistically. I personally do not agree with what Cowboy posted and there was no real reason to post that thread. There are other more balanced articles online to convey some of those points without being radical and absurd and knowing that this post would create some backlash from the other white members.

I do not agree with that yellowdragon for saying that blacks should steer away from the JoS based on what Syd Silver mentioned. That causes problems too. Anyone can visit any of the sub forums regardless of race. However I think its shame what Syd said. It wasn't necessary to throw in our faces yet again about the forums and the aryans as if that really matters. It doesn't. I completely abhor comments that cause disunity, reinforce the hatred or jewish rhetoric that gentile race suck for different reasons, on both sides. That's just me. There are ways to say things.

HoodedCobra created the forums and heads it, as Satan chose him to do so for very specific reason and it was entrusted to him. It's not about being an aryan, you have to have the special traits, like HC does. But Syd, in a twisted way, you're right. Not for the right reason. At one point the JoS forums will separate and black gentiles will have their own forums and space. I have been mentioning this before, mostly because an increase in numbers of each race, it will be needed eventually since topics like these will be even more prevalent. I would do a separate forum under the guidance of Satan after my kundalini goals.

What I have really truly seen is the the superior Daemon gods who have made each of us and all the races of the ancient world great. Without the gods, humanity would eventually perish, even the aryans who are on their way to extinction...all because of the Jew. They succeeded in taking down and getting the upper hand in civilizations of all races even when they had less power than now. This is why I urge the black satanists here to ignore radical and or harsh and unpleasant posts from non whites and white gentiles here alike. Stay balanced, realistic and learn about the realities (god and bad) of the world and our race in a gentle way, since the black mind has been assaulted and terrorized by the Jew and society in different ways. All gentiles have been ravaged.

Stay focused on Satan and on your kundalini goals, that's the only thing that matters. This is one of the main reasons why I do not come on the forums much anymore. With all my kundalini advancement and activity, I have no interest in the mundane goings-on in the world and on petty opinions, squabbles back and fourth that stray from the bigger picture, forums especially. I'm sure a lot of you actively meditating and advancing are feeling the same way.

To the newer black members, do not get disheartened or think the JoyofSatan is against blacks just because a few comments. This is just a reminder. We all need them.

The kundalini will really open up up and expand your minds and you will see and understand the gods and what they really think of you, and what they want. The truth is the black race is behind ad have suffered, currently the situation is grave, same as the white race who despite having superior elements are still losing and will be exterminated if it wasn't for Satan and the Daemon gods saving us. That's just how it is. Just remember that humanity and is an unfinished project, evolution can go in both directions and the black race has degenerated. Thousands of years of mass degeneration, violence, war, terrorism, enemy curses, and no true spiritual knowledge. And most importantly, no kundalini access.

When black gentiles raise their serpents, there will be no more " Blacks are inferior or do not have intelligence" and all this other ilk. That will be irrelevant and a thing of the past. The past being null, and insignificant because having us all risen serpent was the plan all along. The kundalini will grant us the same capabilities and potential as the gods. As I was emphasized and told yesterday " All our serpents are the same." This loosely means that all the races of the world have the same kundalini and access to higher powers and abilities as Satan himself. That says enough.

So focus on getting that kundalini going...
I agree with you people here need to understand that fact that you are existing shows you a Super conscious( God conscious) being that's the basis of existence people want to be measuring I.Q yes in some context it can be useful but Superconsciousness transcends intellect.....Intellect is limited what we want is to be consciously Superconscious that's what happens when one fully arouses the Kundalini and the individual soul consciousness is taken to Para Siva Consciousness(Crown chakra) this transcends intellect(which is limited) and from what i have read from Saivite Gurus after initial serpent rising (Nirvikalpa Samadi)one needs to be going into Para Siva consciousness again and again until the snake power settles at top of the head at crown chakra as this happens a Golden body has been developing at the top which then descends into the body and the soul and astral body merge with it(this is the Golden Body probably the human flesh body then should merge with to have the Magnum Opus) this what happened with Yoga Swami who is probably the greatest sage of the 20th century dark skinned Dravidian from Sri Lanka and Murugan(Satan) devotee...the same thing also happened Sat guru Subramuniyaswami Sivaya....we are here to merge with Para Brahman the Supreme Primal Soul of the universe in whose image every soul is made this Primal Soul transcends race and treats everyone the same....some people here want to boast about being White because Satan is white but ironically his most loyal followers on this planet are not even whites its the 60 million or so Dark skinned Dravidians from South India and Sri Lanka who have never broken worship with Him from Lemurian times(this is despite even colonisation) who to this day have built over 100 000 Murugan(Satan) temples world wide and have an unbroken lineage of Saivite gurus the Natha(Great Master) sect a lineage which they claim was started by Murugan Himself and consider Him as the first Yogi and renunciant i would encourage people here to download for free Guru Chronicles from https://www.himalayanacademy.com/view/the-guru-chronicles and read from Great Saivite Saints like Yoga Swami and what they have to say about just life in general.....Superconsciousness transcends race and that's what one realizes when Kundalini is fully aroused and taken to the crown chakra all Gentiles have this... one may want to argue about intellect but as people who are initiated we should know better the THE MIND has three main categories the 1. Instinctive/Emotional mind, 2.Intellectual mind (these two minds of which most of humanity is operating at including most people here myself included until one fully arouses the Kundalini and takes it to the crown) and 3. Super/God conscious mind which governs everything the Great Saivite Saints actually say when one views things from the Superconscious mind there is not one thing wrong in the universe.... I would again encourage people here to read Guru Chronicles.....
HPS Shannon said:
I am aware of Cowboys postings. We have disagreements too. This includes him too. I don't like some of his posts and comments because it does the same thing that whites do when it comes to blaming and attacking the black race for everything when its all the Jew. Some of you guys think I defend the black gentiles that do these things. I don't. I hate I when blacks and whites go against each other and throw all our unfortunate traits and circumstances thanks to spiritual degeneration and the Jew.
Yes, it is true that some members believe / believed that you defend this "cowboy" and others like him, I wondered why you would associate with these people because you have nothing in common with this type of individuals
I'm glad to hear that you don't agree with these things and that you don't defend them

If you have said that you do not agree with what "cowboy" wrote right after he made this topic, we would not have had this discussion

HPS Shannon said:
But seriously, I am considering making a forum for black Satanists in the future. That way whites and blacks have their own spaces under Satan.
You don't need a separate forum nor you should
Besides it is written in Al Jilwah
It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity
All Real SS belong here

This (artificial) conflict between Blacks and Aryans can end if we filter our lines, both sides ... not just one side
Yes I know what I've said in the past but I also know what others have said and I also remember that some didn't said anything to prevent the conflict:)

OK we cannot change the past, but can we try to not make the same mistakes as in the past ?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Yellowdragon is an asshole troll that runs also a Youtube channel against us and calls HPS Shannon a black jew, slanders me and basically everyone. Probably was sent here by Magestein since someone said they are already with them? I don't know.

Regardless, this is just bullshit and he has been banned now.

Keep the ban button ready, he will come back probably with his "friends" (alts acc.)
Stormblood said:
This is BLM propaganda and it's filled of half-truth as usual. You are feeding into the kike-created Black vs White infighting, which is not the work of a Satanist. There is no factual evidence in here.

Instead of complaining about Whites, it should complain about kikes and xtardinity, which are the TRUE reasons for bias, slavery and the destructions of the Black civilisation. It's clear that the author here is racially prejudiced against Whites and cannot see what the real issue is.

The data also does not take into account the advanced knowledge Ancient Egyptian, Sumerian and Vedic people, which far exceeds the knowledge of today. Just because the technological advancement took a different turn in modern age because of spiritual degeneration and the need of something physical to temporarily replacement, it does mean ancient people did not know much. For thousands of years (the Egyptian pyramids were built into 10500 BCE), we've had great knowledge on our hands. Ancient Egypt is also the civilisation that had contact with Black people in Africa and taught them a lot of what they knew.
That last part is very true, and relates to a post I'm making. All this anti-White BS sentiments is hypocritical. This is like being mad at the Nordic Gods for their superior level of existence. It doesn't make sense. It is a characteristic jewish trait to be jealous of what others have rightfully acquired. I've had to deal with so much anti-White sentiments this past month out there, even got labelled a race traitor on some platform.

Blacks need to stop whining about Whites and focus on their own. Life is about moving at your own pace and becoming better which leads to the collective advancement of a species or in this case, race.
Syd Silver said:
HPS Shannon said:
I am aware of Cowboys postings. We have disagreements too. This includes him too. I don't like some of his posts and comments because it does the same thing that whites do when it comes to blaming and attacking the black race for everything when its all the Jew. Some of you guys think I defend the black gentiles that do these things. I don't. I hate I when blacks and whites go against each other and throw all our unfortunate traits and circumstances thanks to spiritual degeneration and the Jew.
Yes, it is true that some members believe / believed that you defend this "cowboy" and others like him, I wondered why you would associate with these people because you have nothing in common with this type of individuals
I'm glad to hear that you don't agree with these things and that you don't defend them

If you have said that you do not agree with what "cowboy" wrote right after he made this topic, we would not have had this discussion

HPS Shannon said:
But seriously, I am considering making a forum for black Satanists in the future. That way whites and blacks have their own spaces under Satan.
You don't need a separate forum nor you should
Besides it is written in Al Jilwah
It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity
All Real SS belong here

This (artificial) conflict between Blacks and Aryans can end if we filter our lines, both sides ... not just one side
Yes I know what I've said in the past but I also know what others have said and I also remember that some didn't said anything to prevent the conflict:)

OK we cannot change the past, but can we try to not make the same mistakes as in the past ?

I completely understand. Whatever the case, I do not agree with anti white or anti black sentiment especially when not warranted at all. I am pro-gentile. That's it. I very much see all gentiles (especially SS) as my family. That's just how it works. We are more similar than different when it comes to our place in and from the gods. We all have the same kundalini and the same capacity to be perfect and powerful beings. Our races are different but our soul essence and potential is still from Satan, that glorious being. United under him. We are all working on the same goal to godhead.

I'm not on the forums much these days and can't see all the posts on the forums. I am not the only one moderating the black forum so I don't see all the posts nor do I read them. I will change that though.

Thank you for expressing.
Brothers and Sisters,
All of this head-butting and bickering over a dumb comment made by an ugly jew (Rosanne Barr) and who knows what about Arthur Jones.
HPS Shannon has such a calm spirit about her and I agree what she says that we need to be pro-Gentile.
We can all be proud of who we are racially, knowing who we are under the hand and guidance of Father Satan and all the Gods.
I honestly get worried when I see back and forths like this.
HPS Shannon said:
I completely understand. Whatever the case, I do not agree with anti white or anti black sentiment especially when not warranted at all. I am pro-gentile. That's it. I very much see all gentiles (especially SS) as my family. That's just how it works. We are more similar than different when it comes to our place in and from the gods. We all have the same kundalini and the same capacity to be perfect and powerful beings. Our races are different but our soul essence and potential is still from Satan, that glorious being. United under him. We are all working on the same goal to godhead.

I'm not on the forums much these days and can't see all the posts on the forums. I am not the only one moderating the black forum so I don't see all the posts nor do I read them. I will change that though.

Thank you for expressing.

Thank you as well.
Perhaps it would have been best to sift through your post and make sure there are are discrepancies.

I read a lot of crypto inferiority complex.

As well as disinformation regarding the White Aryan's response and action.

I will go fetch cheese for your whine.
Interesting also I must mention something important
When Racist whites are racist against blacks those racist whites are doing exactly what the Jews want them to do
The only way
For we Satanist to win the war against the Jew kikes
Is we whites teaming with the blacks

The Jews want the whites to kill blacks and the blacks to kill whites to make it easier for the Jews to enslave the remaining gentile race
Racist whites must realize the Jew is trying to kill the white race and the black race
While these racist whites are doing what the Jews want them to do and then you know what happens next? The Jews kill the white race! These racist whites just made it easier to be enslaved by the Jews
These racist whites just made it easier to kill themselves
The only way for we gentiles to destroy the Jews is racist whites realizing the Jews are trying to kill the white race and black race which means the racist whites must Stop being racist against our black gentile brothers and sisters and the blacks must forgive the whites then the whites must team up with the blacks to destroy the Jews
The blacks forgiving the whites for racism and the whites must STOP being racist against blacks because we whites and blacks are gentiles we are on the same team
Don’t let the Jews win by making us kill each other!!!
Also there is no excuse for staying ignorant
Those who disagree with this statement means they are Jews still trying to start their damn race war

Power,Glory,praise and Worship to All powerful God Father Satan!!!
Interesting also I must mention something important
When Racist whites are racist against blacks those racist whites are doing exactly what the Jews want them to do
The only way
For we Satanist to win the war against the Jew kikes
Is we whites teaming with the blacks

The Jews want the whites to kill blacks and the blacks to kill whites to make it easier for the Jews to enslave the remaining gentile race
Racist whites must realize the Jew is trying to kill the white race and the black race
While these racist whites are doing what the Jews want them to do and then you know what happens next? The Jews kill the white race! These racist whites just made it easier to be enslaved by the Jews
These racist whites just made it easier to kill themselves
The only way for we gentiles to destroy the Jews is racist whites realizing the Jews are trying to kill the white race and black race which means the racist whites must Stop being racist against our black gentile brothers and sisters and the blacks must forgive the whites then the whites must team up with the blacks to destroy the Jews
The blacks forgiving the whites for racism and the whites must STOP being racist against blacks because we whites and blacks are gentiles we are on the same team
Don’t let the Jews win by making us kill each other!!!
Also there is no excuse for staying ignorant
Those who disagree with this statement means they are Jews still trying to start their damn race war

Power,Glory,praise and Worship to All powerful God Father Satan!!!
Thehumangodofknowledge said:
Interesting also I must mention something important
When Racist whites are racist against blacks those racist whites are doing exactly what the Jews want them to do
The only way
For we Satanist to win the war against the Jew kikes
Is we whites teaming with the blacks

The Jews want the whites to kill blacks and the blacks to kill whites to make it easier for the Jews to enslave the remaining gentile race
Racist whites must realize the Jew is trying to kill the white race and the black race
While these racist whites are doing what the Jews want them to do and then you know what happens next? The Jews kill the white race! These racist whites just made it easier to be enslaved by the Jews
These racist whites just made it easier to kill themselves
The only way for we gentiles to destroy the Jews is racist whites realizing the Jews are trying to kill the white race and black race which means the racist whites must Stop being racist against our black gentile brothers and sisters and the blacks must forgive the whites then the whites must team up with the blacks to destroy the Jews
The blacks forgiving the whites for racism and the whites must STOP being racist against blacks because we whites and blacks are gentiles we are on the same team
Don’t let the Jews win by making us kill each other!!!
Also there is no excuse for staying ignorant
Those who disagree with this statement means they are Jews still trying to start their damn race war

Power,Glory,praise and Worship to All powerful God Father Satan!!!
Give us a break.
If we whites were actually racist then it would've been much much better, the USA wouldn't be a shitty melting pot and the jewish influenced "black culture" of thugs wouldn't have made its way into society.
We are so racist that blacks are able to become presidents in white countries and cover other high government sectors.
This is your third post, and you reek of somebody trying to cause infighting between whites and blacks.
Thehumangodofknowledge said:

Except that racist is a positive thing. The word your looking for is bigot.

Racist = A person who understands the differences between Races and Sub-Races, Nations and Sub-Nations, Cultures and Sub-Cultures. ORION: Our Race is Our Nation.

Bigot = using something like nigger or spic or chink or whatever.

The left promotes this stuff by being anti-racists or anti-bigot as they should state. Like Tim Pool mentioned the people who promote anti-racist or more specifically anti-bigotry are in fact promoting bigotry.

As for your statements on racial violence. It's expected if the jew pushes multi-cultural and multi-racial societies there WILL be conflict whether the jew promotes the conflict or not.

As for the pyramids I saw someone mention they were built 10,500BCE. The Pyramids from what I read on JoS and has been stated by a number of people are around 50,000 years old. Giza main 50,000, next Pyramid 40,000, and the final Pyramid 36,000 years ago. So the Pyramids were built over a 16,000 year period. Unless of course the information is they were built several tens of thousands of years ago but were activated to their procession alignment over those 16,000 years. It be strange to only build one pyramid at a time over such a long period of time unless of course the Earth's position was not connected with the belt of Orion.

The pyramids are like the main nadis of the energy grid system. One pyramid black, one red, and one white, so built like Ida/Pingala/Sushumna nadis.

I also noticed HP.Cobra talking about Pharaoh Allah the black guy that promotes this almost if not out right LHP style of black lives avoiding drugs and conflicts between each other but subtly promoting the whole anti-White meme and No jews meme.

Just to point out to anyone there is a reason why this guy is meme'd into reality by the "We Wuz Kangz" mentality. So Pharaoh Allah or Young Pharaoh Allah is a "Kangz", there's a reason why the internet groups created this meme. It's not simply because he is all knowledgeable or important. I think people genuinely saw him as a threat. He does good in promoting a good character for the negro, a Paganistic template. But promoting the whole anti-White, Aryan Devil memes etc.etc. is gonna cost him in the long run.

If this Pharaoh Allah would know about our website, study it, and discover he is acting like a jewish shill seeding seeds of evil among not just himself and his race but also other races particularly the Aryan race he'd probably realize he was acting like a schmuck useful idiot for the jews. Basically Bezmenov would be like 'yeah he is useful idiot alright'.

Also it's funny he states Whites have no souls. I guess the lack of studying WW2 shows in his character. What was the Asian/Japanese meme from WW2 created by Jews. Japanese = have no souls kill them. So stupid American goys murdered Japs and never let them surrender nor retreat one of the reasons why the Japanese fought to the last man, same reason Americans just bombed or short or flamethrowered positions and just massacred the Japanese same for the nuking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they were already surrendering Operation Olympic wasn't even on the table as Japan was gonna surrender.
Cowboy123 said:
This is good info even though it’s from the NOI website.


Don’t Believe The Hype: The Truth About Black Intelligence Revealed”
By Legrand H. Clegg II,* Association for the Study of Classical African Civilizations

On May 29, 2018, actress Roseanne Barr tweeted that Valerie Jarrett, a Black woman and one of President Barack Obama’s closest advisors, is the product of “Muslim brotherhood and planet of the apes.” A few days later, a Black reporter from the MSNBC cable network interviewed a White supremacist, Arthur Jones, who was a candidate for public office in Illinois. He informed her that Black people are genetically inferior to Whites, and the fact that she was bright enough to attend Harvard University was attributable to her “White blood.”

There was swift reaction to both comments. ABC cancelled “Roseanne,” the popular, rebooted sitcom. Many Americans across the country expressed outrage over the statements of Jones. The sentiments expressed by Barr and Jones are not new. Long before the founding of the American republic, White people insisted that Blacks were a distinctly different species. Thomas Jefferson—though ably refuted by contemporary Black scientist Benjamin Banneker—consistently expressed this viewpoint. The United States Constitution still includes words (now invalidated by the 14th Amendment) that Black people are 3/5ths of a human being. Numerous clergymen have falsely insisted that Black people are the cursed descendants of Noah’s son, Ham. Legions of White historians and scientists have also taught that people of African descent are small-brained, genetically inferior sub-humans with no history prior to slavery and colonialism.

Furthermore, the American media have perpetuated Black degradation and stereotypes from the early Amos & Andy sitcoms to the current outrageous guests on the Jerry Springer Show and the actors and actresses on Real Housewives of Atlanta, etc.

Writing in the July 24, 1975, issue of Ebony magazine, Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, a distinguished Black psychiatrist, commented on the primary reason for the White preoccupation with Black intelligence:

The collectivity of whites has evolved patterns of societal structuring to cause blacks and other people of color to appear functionally inferior to themselves through both crude and highly refined methodologies to deprive peoples of color of the same social, educational, economic and political supports that they provide for themselves. They then say that such patterns of inferior functioning are genetically determined. Dr. [William] Shockley and all others who cannot cease talking and writing in a negative manner about the genetics of black people and other people of color, whether the discussion be overt or covert, are all simply victims not only of the genetic recessive deficiency state of skin albinism but also its component psychological disease state of racism (white supremacy).

By and large we as African Americans have long chosen to ignore White claims about our inferiority, and striven as a group to prove ourselves equal to all other people on this planet. While such a response is noble and laudable, it has not resulted in a cessation of White supremacist propaganda emanating from either the White masses or the White House. At this juncture in history, then, we must address these insults head-on whenever and wherever they appear, lest we lose another generation of Black youths to the forces of racism that have instilled in too many of them a sense of hopelessness and inferiority.

Ms. Barr’s comments resonate with many Whites not only because such sentiments have been so often repeated, but also because the destructive black ape image is subtly perpetuated by recurrent “King Kong” movies implanted in the national psyche. Over fifty years ago, African American talk show host Louis Lomax questioned the distinguished anthropologist Ashley Montague about White America’s obsession with equating Black people with apes. The comparison, Montague stated, was absurd because apes have thin lips and Black people have thick lips. Apes have straight hair and Black people have woolly, kinky or nappy hair. Apes have thick hair covering their bodies, while Black males and females generally have sparse hair growth over their torsos. Apes have flat behinds, while Black people have protruding behinds. Finally, a shaved ape has pink skin, whereas Black people range in color from Black to brown to yellow—not pink.

Even more absurd is the perennial claim of Black genetic inferiority, specifically as to intelligence. On an annual basis all American students are given batteries of standardized academic examinations to determine their intelligence levels. When tested, African Americans tend to score lower than their White counterparts. It is from the generalized results of these intelligence tests that most White supremacists derive their opinions that Black people are genetically inferior to Whites. Of course these and all other so-called objective measures used in this society to define intelligence are created by White people based on White culture and experiences and then applied to Black people who have been systematically excluded from such culture and experiences, and who have generally been subject to an inferior public school education.

For decades White educators and researchers have been puzzled by the persistent IQ disparity between African Americans and Whites, despite sporadic efforts to improve the quality of education provided Black students. The answer is simple. In a U.S. utopia where Black youths have experiences similar to those of Whites—including a stable home environment, gainfully employed parents, nutritious meals, excellent health care, clean and secure communities, first class educational institutions with supportive instructors, diverse recreational facilities, positive media images, favorable law enforcement contacts, a wholesome respect for one’s ethnic group and its history, self-respect and a sense of belonging to the societal whole, rather than being part of a despised and ostracized minority—the IQ gap will close. To use a well-worn cliché, this is not rocket science! There is an ever-widening gulf between the experiences of Black and White Americans that, under President Donald J. Trump, Whites in general are no longer feigning an interest in closing. Studies have shown that when African Americans experience educational parity with Whites, Black performance on such standardized tests as the SAT, ACT, GRE, etc., is virtually equivalent to their White counterparts.

Make no mistake about it, paleontologists, anthropologists, geneticists, etc., have shown that Black people are the genetically dominant parents of the human family. Our dominance is so apparent to White people that they have enshrined the concept that only one drop of Black “blood” determines that one is Black. So, for example, former President Barack Obama is Black as is former San Francisco 49’ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick. In other words, if one is part Black and part White, the recessive White genes are completely obliterated. How, then, in some warped minds, does genetic dominance equate to genetic inferiority?

Black History

To counter the longstanding, calculated effort to inferiorize African Americans and to suppress, distort or ignore the history of Black people by the Western academic, scientific and media establishments, I have produced a video documentary titled “When Black Men Ruled The World.” Since its production in 1991, revelations regarding the Black origin of civilization in Egypt (i.e., Kemet, “The Black Land”) and the global expanse of Black people in antiquity and their achievements have been staggering! All of which underscores the world’s indebtedness to its Black forefathers and contradicts the myth that the Black race is inferior.

The words of White author Flora Lugard shed light on the grandeur of Blacks in antiquity:

The annals of all of the great early nations of Asia Minor are full of them. The Mosaic records allude to them frequently; but while they are described as the most powerful, the most just, and the most beautiful of the human race, they are constantly spoken of as black, and there seems to be no other conclusion to be drawn then that at that remote period of history, the leading race of the Western World was a black race.

Another White scholar, Richard Poe, reveals that among ancient people there was the “presumption that dark skin connoted higher intelligence.” In other words, in the ancient world the blacker you were, the more intelligent you were assumed to be! Why did the ancients view Black people with such respect and reverence? The answer is clear. DNA evidence traces all human beings back to one Black woman in Africa. Her offspring migrated from inner Africa down the Nile Valley and founded the ancient Egyptian civilization. From Africa these Black people spread around the world and laid the foundation of civilization in Greece, Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley of India, Southern China, Southeast Asia, the Pacific Islands and Australia.

Furthermore, Dr. David Imhotep has written a remarkable book titled The First Americans Were Africans: Documented Evidence, proving that Black Africans began sailing to the Americas over fifty thousand years ago. He also reveals that later African migrants to the New World laid the foundation of the Olmec civilization in Mesoamerica that preceded the Toltecs, Aztecs and Mayans. This is why there are similarities between the pyramids of Egypt and those in Mexico.

We are all aware of the astronomical and architectural genius of the Black Africans who designed and built the pyramids of Egypt that no scientists or architects are able to replicate today. However, few realize that some of the neighboring temples contain blocks of stone weighing between 200 and 400 tons each, which are arranged and set up with remarkable precision. Fewer still are aware of the famous labyrinth—one of the wonders of the ancient world—built by the Pharaoh Amenemhet III, during Egypt’s Middle Kingdom. To appreciate the magnitude of this three-thousand-room structure, one must read the account of Herodetus, the widely travelled Greek historian of the fifth century b.c.e.:

I have seen this building, and it is beyond my power to describe; it must have cost more in labour and money than all the walls and public works of the Greeks put together…The pyramids, too, are astonishing structures, each one of them equal to many of the most ambitious works of Greece; but the labyrinth surpasses them…

What’s more, in their book Temples of the African Gods, Michael Tellinger and Johan Heine reveal that they have discovered in South Africa billions of ancient artifacts, including the remains of cities as large as Johannesburg and Los Angeles dating back over one hundred thousand years. Even more astounding are the findings of Dr. Thomas G. Brophy, a physicist who has worked with the NASA Voyager Project, the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics and the Japanese Space Program. Dr. Brophy has written a book titled The Origin Map: Discovery of a Prehistoric Megalithic Astrophysical Map and Sculpture of the Universe. In a partially excavated site in the Egypto-Nubian desert at Nabta Playa in Africa, Dr. Brophy has examined a number of stone structures dating from about 7,000 b.c.e. to 20,000 b.c.e. On the basis of these findings it appears that the ancient Africans left a stone map of the universe that is so precise and detailed that in some instances it exceeds our astronomical knowledge of the 21st century. Dr. Brophy speaks of the site as a “detailed astrophysical map of truly astonishing accuracy, with no less than staggering implications.”

Fortunately, today anyone wishing to view evidence of the splendor of Black civilizations may visit KING TUT: Treasures of the Golden Pharaoh, which will remain on display at the California Science Center in Los Angeles until January of 2019. A banner featuring a large black statue of the Pharaoh greets visitors as they enter the museum—confirming DNA studies that reveal that 96% of the King’s genetic markers match current populations of sub-Saharan Africa.

One need not dwell on ancient history to detect the genius of Black people. We see it all around us in science, architecture, medicine, law, literature, politics, athletics, etc. even in the midst of horrendous oppression. Let us consider a small sampling of such genius:

1. Eleven-year-old Ramarni Wilfred of Britain scored higher on his IQ test than scientists Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking as well as entrepreneur Bill Gates.

2. Twelve-year-old twins Peter and Paula Imafidon are Black children from Waltham Forest in Northeast London. Nicknamed “The Wonder Twins,” they are Great Britain’s highest achievers. Their eldest sister, Anne-Marie, now 26, spoke six languages and graduated from high school at age 10. Another sister, Christina, now 22, at the age of 11 was the youngest student in history to attend a British university.

3. Mabou Loiseau of New York spoke eight languages—English, French, Creole, Spanish, Mandarin, Arabic, Japanese and Russian—and played six instruments—harp, clarinet, violin, drums, piano and guitar—at the age of 7. Zora Ball of Philadelphia, also 7, is the youngest person to create a mobile video game. Tony Hansberry, Jr. of Florida attended the Darnell-Cookman School of the Medical Arts at the age of 12, and at age 14 he developed a new suture method for hysterectomy patients.

4. In April of 2016, a group of eight African American girls from Detroit, Michigan, won first place in the “Under 14” category at the 13th annual KCF All Girls National Chess Championship in Chicago. Billed as the “biggest and most prestigious” all-girls under 18 tournament in the country, it drew nearly 450 players from 27 states.

5. In 2015, three Black men incarcerated at the Eastern New York Correctional Facility in Ulster County beat a Harvard University debate team in a match held at the university.

The Black Child

As we have noted, White politicians, clergymen, scientists, academicians and others have been obsessed with the nature of Black intelligence ever since the first Africans were enslaved in the New World. In his book titled Even the Rat Was White, social scientist Robert Guthrie has observed:

The earliest (formal) effort by American researchers to investigate the black-white differences using Intelligence tests was made in 1897 when G.R. Stetson tested 500 black and 500 white public school children in Washington, D.C. The test utilized by Stetson consisted of four stanzas of poetry which the experimenter read aloud and the children were required to repeat. It is interesting to observe that in this exercise, of which little publicity was made, the black children excelled the white children; consequently, it was determined that the memory technique was not a valid measure of intelligence.

Since 1897, numerous other tests have been administered to schoolchildren of all ages and all ethnic backgrounds. When racial distinctions have been highlighted, the media have constantly focused on Black deficits and White superiority. What is virtually unknown is that, during the middle of the twentieth century, a number of White scientists conducted tests of Black and White neonates (newborns) apparently to determine their intelligence during their formative years before definitive socialization. While Black American children showed early precocity when compared to their White counterparts, African children were the most advanced.

During the 1950’s child development specialists Marcelle Geber and R.F.A. Dean conducted their studies in Kenya and Uganda. This was followed by similar investigations undertaken by Mary Ainsworth, another child development specialist, in South Africa and West Africa. Commenting on Geber’s discoveries, author Joseph C. Pearce has written:

She found [in Uganda] the most precocious, brilliant, and advanced infants and children ever observed anywhere. These infants had smiled, continuously and rapturously, from, at the latest, their fourth day of life…Sensor motor learning and general development were phenomenal. Indeed miraculous. These Ugandan infants were months ahead of American or European children. A superior intellectual development held for the first four years of life.

The following are comparisons made by Geber based on tests that she administered to African and European children:

Geber’s Black Child / White Child Developmental Comparison

1. Being Drawn Up Into A Sitting Position Able To PreventThe Head From Falling Backward:
Black Child: 9 hours old
White Child: 6 weeks old
2. With The Head Held Firmly, Looking At The Face Of The Examiner:
Black Child: 2 days old
White Child: 8 weeks old
3. Supporting Himself In A Sitting Position And Watching HisReflection ln The Mirror:
Black Child: 7 weeks old
White Child: 20 weeks old
4. Holding Himself Upright:
Black Child: 5 mos. old
White Child: 9 mos. old
5. Taking The Round Block Out Of Its Hole In The Form-Board:
Black Child: 5 mos. old
White Child: 22 mos. old
6. Standing Against The Mirror:
Black Child: 5 mos. old
White Child: 15 mos. old
7. Walking To The Gesell Box To Look Inside:
Black Child: 7 mos. old
White Child: 15 mos. old
8. Climbing The Steps Alone:
Black Child: 11 mos. old
White Child: 15 mos. old

The findings of Ainsworth were similar to those of Geber. The following are noteworthy:

Ainsworth’s Black Child / White Child Developmental Chart Comparison

1. Mean Age At Which A Child Knew His Own Name:
Black Child: 8 ½ mos. old
White Child: 14 mos. old
2. Mean Age At Which A Child Could Use Three Or More Words Appropriately:
Black Child: 10 ½ mos. old
White Child: 12 mos. old

As noted above, African American children have also shown remarkable precocity when compared to White children. Based on studies also conducted during the middle of the twentieth century, child development specialists Nancy Bayley and Etta Walters found that in “motor development” Black babies tended to be more advanced than White babies during the first 12 months. In the same vein, two other specialists, H. Knoblock and B. Pasamanick, have added that Black children have “superior motor scores and similar adaptive, language and personal-social cores, as compared with Whites through age two years.”

It should be pointed out that when the above scientists refer to Black children having “advanced motor skills” they are speaking of the children’s physical dexterity and straining to separate such behavior from that of advanced intellectual functioning. Recognizing this fallacious reasoning, psychologist Asa Hilliard has stated:

It is sometimes said that the precocity of the African [Black] child is only ‘physical’ and not ‘intellectual’ or ‘mental.’ There are two problems with such a statement: On the one hand, the developmental measures, which are cited in the professional literature, include measures of language and puzzle working (e.g. circle, square and triangle in a form board). Further, some of the ‘physical’ tasks which are measured included such things as intentional climbing and walking. Therefore, the use of language and intentional behavior hardly justifies the common investigative bias of calling some developmental test items ‘merely physical measures.’ On the other hand, there is no clear scientific distinction between ‘mental’ and ‘physical’ activities. It is more appropriate to think of these words as labels for aspects of the same human activity. Thus, the child who climbs stairs or, better still, who dances, is clearly demonstrating the inseparable nature of ‘mental’ and ‘physical’ activity. You simply cannot have one without the other.

Finally, a number of specialists have grappled with the issue of why Black children appear to lose their precocity after infancy as they begin the maturation process. In his book The Developmental Psychology of the Black Child, Amos Wilson has provided this opinion:

Generally, it would appear that the differences between black and white infants disappear between the ages of one and one half to two years and the equality of their mental and motor functioning begins to reverse in favor of the white child at around age three. We think that it is no coincidence that black intellectual functioning as compared to that of whites, as measured by standard I.Q. tests, begins to fall during the period beginning with the acquisition of language (starting somewhere around 12 to 18 months) and the formation of a stabilized personality structure (from three to five years).

For the first two to three years at least, it appears that the black child approaches the Greek ideal of a sound mind in a sound body. However, the ravages of racial prejudice and poverty destroy and distort much of his wonderful potential.

It is most interesting that White preoccupation with Black intelligence rarely if ever focuses on the above studies administered by White people using White standards that reveal the achievements of precocious Black children. Why is this information kept from the general public? Are there more recent studies? Do African and African American newborns still manifest these remarkable skills?


Black people do not resemble apes and have never been inferior to others. As noted above, Black people are the genetically dominate parents of the human race who laid down the foundation of global civilization. It is past time for White supremacists, who are not trained in genetics, to cease lying to themselves and to the public about the intelligence of people of African descent. It is also unconscionable for an ever-compliant media to continue dignifying these racists with generous coverage while ignoring the powerful evidence that refutes their malicious propaganda by revealing the truth about Black potential and achievements.

So black is inferior to others basically saying blacks are powerful?
HPS Shannon said:
I thank Jack and Stormblood for adding on to the thread realistically. I personally do not agree with what Cowboy posted and there was no real reason to post that thread. There are other more balanced articles online to convey some of those points without being radical and absurd and knowing that this post would create some backlash from the other white members.

I do not agree with that yellowdragon for saying that blacks should steer away from the JoS based on what Syd Silver mentioned. That causes problems too. Anyone can visit any of the sub forums regardless of race. However I think its shame what Syd said. It wasn't necessary to throw in our faces yet again about the forums and the aryans as if that really matters. It doesn't. I completely abhor comments that cause disunity, reinforce the hatred or jewish rhetoric that gentile race suck for different reasons, on both sides. That's just me. There are ways to say things.

HoodedCobra created the forums and heads it, as Satan chose him to do so for very specific reason and it was entrusted to him. It's not about being an aryan, you have to have the special traits, like HC does. But Syd, in a twisted way, you're right. Not for the right reason. At one point the JoS forums will separate and black gentiles will have their own forums and space. I have been mentioning this before, mostly because an increase in numbers of each race, it will be needed eventually since topics like these will be even more prevalent. I would do a separate forum under the guidance of Satan after my kundalini goals.

What I have really truly seen is the the superior Daemon gods who have made each of us and all the races of the ancient world great. Without the gods, humanity would eventually perish, even the aryans who are on their way to extinction...all because of the Jew. They succeeded in taking down and getting the upper hand in civilizations of all races even when they had less power than now. This is why I urge the black satanists here to ignore radical and or harsh and unpleasant posts from non whites and white gentiles here alike. Stay balanced, realistic and learn about the realities (god and bad) of the world and our race in a gentle way, since the black mind has been assaulted and terrorized by the Jew and society in different ways. All gentiles have been ravaged.

Stay focused on Satan and on your kundalini goals, that's the only thing that matters. This is one of the main reasons why I do not come on the forums much anymore. With all my kundalini advancement and activity, I have no interest in the mundane goings-on in the world and on petty opinions, squabbles back and fourth that stray from the bigger picture, forums especially. I'm sure a lot of you actively meditating and advancing are feeling the same way.

To the newer black members, do not get disheartened or think the JoyofSatan is against blacks just because a few comments. This is just a reminder. We all need them.

The kundalini will really open up up and expand your minds and you will see and understand the gods and what they really think of you, and what they want. The truth is the black race is behind ad have suffered, currently the situation is grave, same as the white race who despite having superior elements are still losing and will be exterminated if it wasn't for Satan and the Daemon gods saving us. That's just how it is. Just remember that humanity and is an unfinished project, evolution can go in both directions and the black race has degenerated. Thousands of years of mass degeneration, violence, war, terrorism, enemy curses, and no true spiritual knowledge. And most importantly, no kundalini access.

When black gentiles raise their serpents, there will be no more " Blacks are inferior or do not have intelligence" and all this other ilk. That will be irrelevant and a thing of the past. The past being null, and insignificant because having us all risen serpent was the plan all along. The kundalini will grant us the same capabilities and potential as the gods. As I was emphasized and told yesterday " All our serpents are the same." This loosely means that all the races of the world have the same kundalini and access to higher powers and abilities as Satan himself. That says enough.

So focus on getting that kundalini going...

But you know the truth what’s the point of the jos site if they think our people dumb and stupid and this and that why Satan allow this. That’s fuck up like how could we become one with these damn people. If they think we dumb this and that. No way I can allow people to talk about your damn race fuck no I know the truth. Truth is we not from Africa for 1 second truth is our people was here first. Now the white people came from the elbano African women so some say. Our people made things they stole from us. But Satan don’t want to tell them the truth about that? That’s really messed up now I question who side Satan really own and who truly made the black race and black means pale by the way. So truly the whites is pale we not black we are brown and we are Indians we are not from Africa. I be damn to stay in Satanism if this how our people get treated. Satan wrong for that

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
