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The "Tribe" Has Spoken - Congrats to Everyone

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
This day will be remembered for the whole life of the ONLY group of real, decided, and focused spiritual freedom fighters who have fought against the enemy.

Today our people have wrote history which the enemy decided to cast down in a feat of panic and useless terror on their behalf. This won't solve anything, but they go with it anyway. This inflicted terror and insanity of the enemy manifested in them taking down the forums, and trying to destroy the internet.

With the above being stated, we have done them a monstrous amount of damage. Congratulations for everyone who participates, because indeed, you have literally shook the enemy to their core. They are so afraid of the RTR's they literally always try to gain sympathy, mercy, waste the people's time, and always misdirect them from dealing with them. But they always fail same as this time.

We can gratify ourselves in that the enemy has been going around terrified. They literally have lost the war against the Truth to where they now just go around on a ‘Shut it down’ rampage.
Do not stop: They will lose. They have basically lost already with their actions.

Spiritual Satanists aren’t afraid. No amount of 1984, and Communist Bolshevism is enough to get us down. We will evolve out of this. Their tribal communism will not pass.
They are coming in late. We have been doing them spiritual damage that will manifest even more blatantly in the future, and no amount of 'praying' by the jews can offset it. Satan is God, to break down the news to those deceived. They are powerless to stop what is coming, because simply, this is judgement from God.

We will not only recover from this, but come back STRONGER than before. They simply empower our resolve. Did anyone doubt the RTR’s are destroying the enemy to their core? There you have it. They are terrified. You knew this astrally, but when you see the results materially and what we have caused, you will understand this is not a game.
With the above being stated, take all the RTR’s and save them in some way. These are weapons that can be used virtually for so long the enemy is on the face of this planet, wrecking them total havoc.
Given there were around 1800 views on the RTR post in the forums alone, we can safely assume that many more thousands did take an active participation in the ritual, spammed it, and so forth. It’s safe to assume maybe 4000 to 5000 thousand have attended the ritual just by reading on the forums and groups, ALONE. In whatever case, the enemy has had their tombstone thrown at them.
However this is not over for the enemy. We will continue for TWO MORE DAYS, so long the shadow of the energy of the eclipse is on the earth. The usual drill, the three rituals. We will also actively prepare for our next steps.
All they achieved is to strengthen our resolve and they will make us more powerful, which they will finally regret.
If anyone still questions things like the enemy and our focus on the spiritual issue of the jewish people, same as the RTR’s, there you have some abominably blantanty proof on what is going on.
In my latest speech which got cast down with the forum, I wrote it that they will drop the mask very soon. Well it came a bit too soon, some hours later. Moral of the story: prepare and salvage everything now.
Quite literally, it makes you ask yourself, if some grey or some other hostile entity literally appeared to the Prophpbb ‘faplords & ponylovers’ and literally told them to cast down in the forum. In either case, these people who do these things don’t end up well or in favor to the powers of Hell. Satan will sort these people out. These are offences towards him first and foremost.
The enemy is scared. When you are not scared or in control of a situation, you keep your enemies around even to simply monitor them and know about their plots. Especially if you’re a company like goolag, or a big company that hosts forums. On the other hand the enemy went batshit and got the forum down. Thankfully, this was around closing in the 22nd in Europe and that part of the world, while it was around 7-8 PM for those in the other hemisphere. This was merely to prevent people from doing the Ritual.
In closing the above, I want to say that I am thankful to be among you here, thankful for our chance to fight, but above all thankful for our collective success. We can honor and pride ourselves in joy, and this should motivate us only to continue forward. 

https://www.dropbox.com/s/chxhdbgc09t8g ... C.mp3?dl=1
I wrote this for all of you to hear, but the enemy took it down aside our forum when it was around 300-400 views only. You can download it and listen to it.


Extra gem:

So I went to ask their so called “Administrators” in a positive way, what is going on and to be given a legitimate reason that the forum was taken down. Now from a forum of 5000 people, that were active in the thousands everyday, you can obviously see they were making quite the money from revenue.

They probably pocketed some money to shut it down, as they were OBVIOUSLY aware of it’s existence. But probably the rabbis and jews got explosive diarrhea from what we did, and they immediately understood that the effects would be totally devastating. But even then they acted quite late.
Okay now if anyone is wondering what happened, they simply cast down the forum from their server. They probably have it on disabled because they did not outright delete it. In anyway, I do not think with their crime against the Gods these people will have a lot of time or pleasure to sit by and possibly start reading every single post in their Bolshevik satisfaction.

But to see something even more blatant, I will post a picture below of when I attempted to contact their administration through e-mail.

Just look at the “Captcha” image below.


Wow. Yep, that's pretty blatant. It won't do them any good. I saved your speech moments before the forum was nuked: Allow me to re-post it here for you, Commander :)
Greetings to all our People and Satanic Warriors!
A War For Freedom which has long began, is now reaching a spiritual peak, during our present battle.
We have fought this war for years and this is only the beginning of very evident fruit. But who we are deep down has been fighting a war for many centuries.
Bit by bit, unknown soldiers of freedom have willingly sacrificed. Sometimes they succeed, sometimes they simply fell, thinking it was for nothing, but their sacrifice in the history of the world was not in vain, for they were remembered. They all scored decisive victories.
We have had to remember ourselves, because we are in the image of these people. Yet most importantly, we have to keep going for the future.
As it was stated before, the enemy will blatantly reveal themselves as we are approaching to the climax of our cause. This is happening. Everyone can see it. It is literally everywhere now. It's as if it came from the script of some really strange movie...
But reality has exceeded, and will continue to exceed, the expectations of the ignorant, which were needless to say implanted their ignorance by the same International Element that sought only to hide itself, in the aeons and eras.
Some people however have always comprehended where this was going, as revealed by the Higher powers, our Gods.
As the darkness was looming, they started forming hidden orders, they attempted to maintain integrity into the Ancient knowledge, and to preserve it in all the corners of the earth, because they knew darkness was coming- a plot never faced before in human history.
They knew of a story that in their time looked unreal, surreal, and impossible. They knew of a time where the Gods and men lived side by side, a Golden age.
And so they did, all humans on earth, preserved something, for the Greater Coming Age of Aquarius, when Satan's kingdom would be re-instated, firmer than ever.
But it was so distant from their time...Most of what they saw was bloodshed, fog, and mist that enshrouded humanity and consumed it's member. All driven by a very specific International Element...
They stood against the darkness that was looming and others could never see, and they were consumed. They fought to the last man, as the enemy invaded into their chapels, and burned their families, where now our Temples still stand. The statues of the Gods did fall with the blood of our people. They were showered in it. And so did these people fall, but their stand made it into eternal history.
The marble has been destroyed, but all that this marble ever served was to clothe the spirit of the Gods for those below to see. The Spirit has remained well alive. And our enemy knows this too. They devoted their existence into fighting against this spirit, without any real reasons whatsover.
They fell, but where they fell, the Children of the Gods, there came others to take the Torch which was dropped by their hands. Until we were able to light up the Black Sun again. Now the Black Sun can be seen in the distance, beneath the clouds, beneath the mist and fears of humanity, and the giant face of the enemy. Now, it can be seen.
Our enemy has dropped the mask. They said to the Ancient people in the open: "Leave your Gods, capitulate, and live. Reject this and offer and then you will die!". The answer of all these people is known, they threw themselves in the fire and took the enemy with them, until further reckoning.
Those leading the enemy understood the depth of their crimes and insisted on the same thing for centuries, thinking they would eventually escape reckoning, by doing what they always did: Slaughter the enemies who would deliver them into justice. But there was a fundamental problem. They required slaves because they were parasitic beings. So the element from where their death would come kept on existing...
Nowadays, it is the same war going on, and the same jewish mouth expresses it's blasphemous offer: "We have our armies of our servants, a poisoned multitude, and we will rally them against you, your own flesh and your own blood- all against your Gods and your Men. Now, drop your weapons and capitulate!"
The same people of the Gods stand in the opposing side today, as they did back then, some unconsciously, others in full consciousness like us here. But right now, we have the weapons, and all they have is a mouth, a very blasphemous mouth, infinite numbers of wrongs in their back, lies whose weight is uncountable and that crush them. A plot that has been found and a humanity extremely enraged for what has happened to it.
Everyone can see it now, how evil the enemy is. And those who join them only do so because they are equally corrupt. A separation between the good and the bad is taking place in humanity.
We need nor slaves, nor prisoners like the opposing side does. Do they think they can win with their defiled shock troops and their blasphemy? Then they can go ahead, for their fate is being written today as all the days we fight.
This is where everyone must stay put, fight, and never falter. This is our eternal duty and it always was.
Those who deny this matter will always return back into the mirror to see their own self until they understand it.
We come and go, we change a face, but the spirit that clothes us is the same, and is now rising and the most powerful, the most intense it has ever been. For right now humanity fell under the most mortal danger...
We will hold the ground for humanity and it's future, as we have done centuries and centuries again. There will be something different this time: This time the enemy will be annihilated.
Brick by brick we have created what we have today, and brick by brick we will maintain it until the final victory. The enemy is scared, and terrified. They do what they always did best, to close the mouths of humanity, spread misinfo, attack, defame, and rally our Gentile family that was infected by their programs, against their own house.
The enemy has done so badly, they have even turned their own people against them. Even many of these people have understood that there is no future for them either...
When we began our systematic effort many years ago, more years than anyone else being in the front today, it's a sure fact many people laughed at us, especially the people of the enemy. So omnipotent in laughing for their little empire, that a decade later they are running for the life of their culture of lies.
Today the enemy understands that when there is the Will of Satan that is expressed by his followers, there is nothing we cannot attain, and that we cannot do.
For centuries our people and our extended racial family was afraid, beaten down, and everything was in total control. However now, things are different. Some otherwise 'unknown' people took a stand, and we intend to keep it. We know what has happened before to people like us, and we have an obligation, and the hatred and persistence necessary to keep forward. At the same time, we have the love and the vision for the world that is required.
A New Revolution of mind and spirit has started, and we will put our capstone today. Certainly, we are now moving through the darkness, but Lucifer is our light, the real God, who always stood by humanity in our darkest times. His name has been dragged through the dirt, and this enemies wished to destroy him.
And now Lucifer will lead a victorious war of annihilation towards his enemies. In the level from where they have enslaved: The level of the spirit. A level secluded from all other people on earth even if it was their birthright to attain.
So many battles have been fought by the Spirit of Satan above us and protecting us, against what his enemies have created. Satan and our Gods did not desert them even when the whole of humanity did desert them, and they did not betray us when the majority of the world has betrayed them. And they did not falter, when the weaker elements in humanity have faltered...
Now, the major instigator is recognized as they were in time immemorial, and now this war continues until their total spiritual annihilation. They attempted to destroy all of us by turning mother against child, father against son, and brother against brother to cast a stone, and they have unfortunately succeeded for their time. But now their time is over and the world will recognize.
And one thing we know: We are still HERE. We have withstood the enemy, and we have surpassed them in power with one friction of their men, and cattle slaves.
But we also know another thing: We will be victorious.
For the "Truth will be the victor in this struggle!"
We do not have fear, we do not have mercy, we will take no prisoners.
A war of freedom is being waged, and all battles we win in Satan's Name.
Therefore this our Pledge to History today:
We fight a war for Freedom, we call on Satan, and in Victory he shall lead us. The power of a silent mouth he gave us you, the power to move the mountains from the shadows. No tyrants are too great, and no swords too long, no tyranny eternal...
This is the first war in which the forgotten Name of the forgotten One will be remembered. His Name, the name by which Humanity has ever won all it's Just battles shall be known: SATAN IS HIS NAME.
The Reign of the enemy has been cut by the sword, their lies have been destroyed as the western wind, and our Truth is a mountain of titanium and mortar.
May Satan bless our efforts and our Dedication!
The world of spirit will collapse under our Will and the world of matter will hear the echoes of the New World of Satan.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
That's no fucking coincidence man. 

---In [email protected], <hoodedcobra666@... wrote :

This day will be remembered for the whole life of the ONLY group of real, decided, and focused spiritual freedom fighters who have fought against the enemy.

Today our people have wrote history which the enemy decided to cast down in a feat of panic and useless terror on their behalf. This won't solve anything, but they go with it anyway. This inflicted terror and insanity of the enemy manifested in them taking down the forums, and trying to destroy the internet.

With the above being stated, we have done them a monstrous amount of damage. Congratulations for everyone who participates, because indeed, you have literally shook the enemy to their core. They are so afraid of the RTR's they literally always try to gain sympathy, mercy, waste the people's time, and always misdirect them from dealing with them. But they always fail same as this time.

We can gratify ourselves in that the enemy has been going around terrified. They literally have lost the war against the Truth to where they now just go around on a ‘Shut it down’ rampage.
Do not stop: They will lose. They have basically lost already with their actions.

Spiritual Satanists aren’t afraid. No amount of 1984, and Communist Bolshevism is enough to get us down. We will evolve out of this. Their tribal communism will not pass.
They are coming in late. We have been doing them spiritual damage that will manifest even more blatantly in the future, and no amount of 'praying' by the jews can offset it. Satan is God, to break down the news to those deceived. They are powerless to stop what is coming, because simply, this is judgement from God.

We will not only recover from this, but come back STRONGER than before. They simply empower our resolve. Did anyone doubt the RTR’s are destroying the enemy to their core? There you have it. They are terrified. You knew this astrally, but when you see the results materially and what we have caused, you will understand this is not a game.
With the above being stated, take all the RTR’s and save them in some way. These are weapons that can be used virtually for so long the enemy is on the face of this planet, wrecking them total havoc.
Given there were around 1800 views on the RTR post in the forums alone, we can safely assume that many more thousands did take an active participation in the ritual, spammed it, and so forth. It’s safe to assume maybe 4000 to 5000 thousand have attended the ritual just by reading on the forums and groups, ALONE. In whatever case, the enemy has had their tombstone thrown at them.
However this is not over for the enemy. We will continue for TWO MORE DAYS, so long the shadow of the energy of the eclipse is on the earth. The usual drill, the three rituals. We will also actively prepare for our next steps.
All they achieved is to strengthen our resolve and they will make us more powerful, which they will finally regret.
If anyone still questions things like the enemy and our focus on the spiritual issue of the jewish people, same as the RTR’s, there you have some abominably blantanty proof on what is going on.
In my latest speech which got cast down with the forum, I wrote it that they will drop the mask very soon. Well it came a bit too soon, some hours later. Moral of the story: prepare and salvage everything now.
Quite literally, it makes you ask yourself, if some grey or some other hostile entity literally appeared to the Prophpbb ‘faplords & ponylovers’ and literally told them to cast down in the forum. In either case, these people who do these things don’t end up well or in favor to the powers of Hell. Satan will sort these people out. These are offences towards him first and foremost.
The enemy is scared. When you are not scared or in control of a situation, you keep your enemies around even to simply monitor them and know about their plots. Especially if you’re a company like goolag, or a big company that hosts forums. On the other hand the enemy went batshit and got the forum down. Thankfully, this was around closing in the 22nd in Europe and that part of the world, while it was around 7-8 PM for those in the other hemisphere. This was merely to prevent people from doing the Ritual.
In closing the above, I want to say that I am thankful to be among you here, thankful for our chance to fight, but above all thankful for our collective success. We can honor and pride ourselves in joy, and this should motivate us only to continue forward. 

https://www.dropbox.com/s/chxhdbgc09t8g ... C.mp3?dl=1
I wrote this for all of you to hear, but the enemy took it down aside our forum when it was around 300-400 views only. You can download it and listen to it.


Extra gem:

So I went to ask their so called “Administrators” in a positive way, what is going on and to be given a legitimate reason that the forum was taken down. Now from a forum of 5000 people, that were active in the thousands everyday, you can obviously see they were making quite the money from revenue.

They probably pocketed some money to shut it down, as they were OBVIOUSLY aware of it’s existence. But probably the rabbis and jews got explosive diarrhea from what we did, and they immediately understood that the effects would be totally devastating. But even then they acted quite late.
Okay now if anyone is wondering what happened, they simply cast down the forum from their server. They probably have it on disabled because they did not outright delete it. In anyway, I do not think with their crime against the Gods these people will have a lot of time or pleasure to sit by and possibly start reading every single post in their Bolshevik satisfaction.

But to see something even more blatant, I will post a picture below of when I attempted to contact their administration through e-mail.

Just look at the “Captcha” image below.


Could you put the newest schedule in the RTR veteran? That way the schedule and our RTRs cant never be erased. It doesnt even need to download it again after you post the newest schedule in there HP HC?.

Dear HP Hooded Cobra,
I'm very extremely happy and proud, I belong to Satanic Family! 
Thanks for your great labor for us!
You gave me new hope and helped me to get out of the desease and problems with my Self-Esteem..
I LOVE you Hooded Cobra! 
Hail to Dear and Great Father Satan!!!!
I guess that a Rabbi was laughing of the JOS´members with the RTR´s but he decided to try one...just to be sure if it is a joke...after finishing the reading and vibrating the RTR´s, he had a serious diarrhea so those crazy Goyim were RIGHT.
I had the luck to download a folder with many nice RTR´s and the new ones plus a document with 562 pages from the JOS´clergy. This is gold ;)
lol gross,"the tribe has spoken"
I guess there is a mad jew sitting behind a computer somewhere trolling you cobra
hopefully we get him and his whole race out out on the street and away from their "holy" places and away from keyboards aswell. 
then they cant be a problem
Father Satan and all our Gods and Goddesses are so proud of us. We did a huge thing.
So far, proudest moment in life of every true dedicated Satanist soul.
The schedule for now is the same as yesterday! Let us continue to hit them as hard as possible, destroying them to their very core.

That's very blatant HP HC. Sounds like a cohencidence to me if anything.

Hail Satan Forever!
Even after all these years their still a ((tribe))
HA! What a bunch of sore losers.
Yesterday was amazing performing the RTRs.
The enemy yesterday tried to spoil everyones fun where I am at so they sprayed chems all over the sky to cloud the eclipse. A simple Air mantra working managed to break up the clouds, and also with Satans help + RTRs.
Not to mention I was doing it outside as well, they were trying to distract me with tiny bugs swarming my papers. How pathetic, they had to send little bugs to stop me lmfao.

"Oy vey, this goy is doing dem RTRs! Send the fleet out!"
*Literally bugs smaller then a Millimeter land on my RTR printout*
*Totally Ignored*
Actively prepare for our next steps? Do you mean that these are also like a framework for the next steps??
I have filled my life reading this, it is so beautiful what Satan does for us, he is always there.Something that always happened to me when I was with the damned xians was that I said out of nowhere "satanas I love you" and then I repented with "god" but now I understand why I said it, because my real way was the way Of Satan Lucifer and My spirit always knew, now I feel very happy for the damage we are doing to those fucking xians.

*Sorry for my bad english, I'm studying more.

El Martes, 22 de agosto, 2017 7:05:54, "larissaelectra@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] escribió:

  Father Satan and all our Gods and Goddesses are so proud of us. We did a huge thing.
So far, proudest moment in life of every true dedicated Satanist soul.

I'm really glad to have made it this far to witness one of the greatest, probably the best, of our accomplishments. Looking forward to our evident progress.
Hail Satan!

On Tuesday, August 22, 2017 8:05 AM, "larissaelectra@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Father Satan and all our Gods and Goddesses are so proud of us. We did a huge thing.
So far, proudest moment in life of every true dedicated Satanist soul.

I wonder if there will be a time when we can be honest about our beliefs and not have to be afraid of being murdered for being satanists...That would be so nice.will it always be like this? by that, i mean will we always have to keep it a secret that we are satanists? 

Also my friend asked me about doing a dedication ritual a few days ago. i sent her the link to the dedication ritual page on joyofsatan. im not sure whether or not she has done it yet. i will have to ask her later :) 
On 22 August 2017 at 13:28, artanis@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  What is our schedule for now? The same as yesterday?
The time that our accomplishments will be recognized by the public will definitly come in the future. For now we need to keep working in secrecy for obvious reasons, however when all is said and done we will be hailed as Heroes that saved the planet.

Keep fighting in the shadows for now and look forward to the moment we can openly educate the world about Satanic Truth and we will be recognized as great Heroes of our time. z

Hail Satan Forever!
I can do the ritual today?

El Martes, 22 de agosto, 2017 18:30:12, "voiceofenki@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] escribió:

  The time that our accomplishments will be recognized by the public will definitly come in the future. For now we need to keep working in secrecy for obvious reasons, however when all is said and done we will be hailed as Heroes that saved the planet.

Keep fighting in the shadows for now and look forward to the moment we can openly educate the world about Satanic Truth and we will be recognized as great Heroes of our time. z

Hail Satan Forever!

I want to say I am thankful for you and the other HPs here with us. Thankful for your leadership in this fight. Without your rallying cry and the RTRs you give from Father Satan, these successes would have, and shall, be not as sweet. 
Thank you HPs!

HAIL SatanAll Hail the Gods of Du'at

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Tue, Aug 22, 2017 at 12:15 AM, hoodedcobra666@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   This day will be remembered for the whole life of the ONLY group of real, decided, and focused spiritual freedom fighters who have fought against the enemy.

Today our people have wrote history which the enemy decided to cast down in a feat of panic and useless terror on their behalf. This won't solve anything, but they go with it anyway. This inflicted terror and insanity of the enemy manifested in them taking down the forums, and trying to destroy the internet.

With the above being stated, we have done them a monstrous amount of damage. Congratulations for everyone who participates, because indeed, you have literally shook the enemy to their core. They are so afraid of the RTR's they literally always try to gain sympathy, mercy, waste the people's time, and always misdirect them from dealing with them. But they always fail same as this time.

We can gratify ourselves in that the enemy has been going around terrified. They literally have lost the war against the Truth to where they now just go around on a ‘Shut it down’ rampage.
Do not stop: They will lose. They have basically lost already with their actions.

Spiritual Satanists aren’t afraid. No amount of 1984, and Communist Bolshevism is enough to get us down. We will evolve out of this. Their tribal communism will not pass.
They are coming in late. We have been doing them spiritual damage that will manifest even more blatantly in the future, and no amount of 'praying' by the jews can offset it. Satan is God, to break down the news to those deceived. They are powerless to stop what is coming, because simply, this is judgement from God.

We will not only recover from this, but come back STRONGER than before. They simply empower our resolve. Did anyone doubt the RTR’s are destroying the enemy to their core? There you have it. They are terrified. You knew this astrally, but when you see the results materially and what we have caused, you will understand this is not a game.
With the above being stated, take all the RTR’s and save them in some way. These are weapons that can be used virtually for so long the enemy is on the face of this planet, wrecking them total havoc.
Given there were around 1800 views on the RTR post in the forums alone, we can safely assume that many more thousands did take an active participation in the ritual, spammed it, and so forth. It’s safe to assume maybe 4000 to 5000 thousand have attended the ritual just by reading on the forums and groups, ALONE. In whatever case, the enemy has had their tombstone thrown at them.
However this is not over for the enemy. We will continue for TWO MORE DAYS, so long the shadow of the energy of the eclipse is on the earth. The usual drill, the three rituals. We will also actively prepare for our next steps.
All they achieved is to strengthen our resolve and they will make us more powerful, which they will finally regret.
If anyone still questions things like the enemy and our focus on the spiritual issue of the jewish people, same as the RTR’s, there you have some abominably blantanty proof on what is going on.
In my latest speech which got cast down with the forum, I wrote it that they will drop the mask very soon. Well it came a bit too soon, some hours later. Moral of the story: prepare and salvage everything now.
Quite literally, it makes you ask yourself, if some grey or some other hostile entity literally appeared to the Prophpbb ‘faplords & ponylovers’ and literally told them to cast down in the forum. In either case, these people who do these things don’t end up well or in favor to the powers of Hell. Satan will sort these people out. These are offences towards him first and foremost.
The enemy is scared. When you are not scared or in control of a situation, you keep your enemies around even to simply monitor them and know about their plots. Especially if you’re a company like goolag, or a big company that hosts forums. On the other hand the enemy went batshit and got the forum down. Thankfully, this was around closing in the 22nd in Europe and that part of the world, while it was around 7-8 PM for those in the other hemisphere. This was merely to prevent people from doing the Ritual.
In closing the above, I want to say that I am thankful to be among you here, thankful for our chance to fight, but above all thankful for our collective success. We can honor and pride ourselves in joy, and this should motivate us only to continue forward. 

https://www.dropbox.com/s/chxhdbgc09t8g ... C.mp3?dl=1
I wrote this for all of you to hear, but the enemy took it down aside our forum when it was around 300-400 views only. You can download it and listen to it.


Extra gem:

So I went to ask their so called “Administrators” in a positive way, what is going on and to be given a legitimate reason that the forum was taken down. Now from a forum of 5000 people, that were active in the thousands everyday, you can obviously see they were making quite the money from revenue.

They probably pocketed some money to shut it down, as they were OBVIOUSLY aware of it’s existence. But probably the rabbis and jews got explosive diarrhea from what we did, and they immediately understood that the effects would be totally devastating. But even then they acted quite late.
Okay now if anyone is wondering what happened, they simply cast down the forum from their server. They probably have it on disabled because they did not outright delete it. In anyway, I do not think with their crime against the Gods these people will have a lot of time or pleasure to sit by and possibly start reading every single post in their Bolshevik satisfaction.

But to see something even more blatant, I will post a picture below of when I attempted to contact their administration through e-mail.

Just look at the “Captcha” image below.

Speaking to symbolism and cycles what did this "black sun" represent? Are we now in aquarius?

The Hindu texts state a "black disc blocks the sun" and only this god, forget the name, can remove the disk. And when the disc is removed there are wonderful things.

The universe is a series of motifs. Repeated patterns. Like Russian nesting dolls. A fractal.

Is the macrocosmic 'black sun' that we experienced also the removal of the black disc from the sun of the collective consciousness? Does it herald better conditions for societies and individuals to advance? A sign of a greater awakening? What other movements have been spurred during an eclipse?
The jews are in panic mode and trying to shut everything down. Which is just speeding up their own collapse.  We temporary lost a social media platform. But they lost an empire.

On Wednesday, August 23, 2017 2:59 PM, "ed8874@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Even hp Cobra's channel is down

Hi everyone,

It is me HungARYAN. This is my new account. I cannot log in the old one.

Unfortunately I have no net connection at home now..so I am a bit late.
I have no time now but I want to read everything asap...

If I understand well we have to continue the three rituals now which we were doing yesterday too, right?

Who is talking in the audio mp3? It is better for me if I download it...

Thank you guys!

His new channel is still up, you can catch Commander Cobra's Videos at my channel while it's still up at youtube.com/c/GreatestVideosNeverSeen has at I got the videos that youtube kept taking down at satyaparer.ga under videos and mp3 tab

On Wed, Aug 23, 2017 at 6:40 PM, Don Danko mageson6666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  The jews are in panic mode and trying to shut everything down. Which is just speeding up their own collapse.  We temporary lost a social media platform. But they lost an empire.

On Wednesday, August 23, 2017 2:59 PM, "ed8874@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  Even hp Cobra's channel is down
Well, with the recent eclipse, that is the 'dark disc' blocking the sun/light of EA/Lucifer, who is the light-bringer. Light is what the Soul is made of, and one of the things that happens after enough correct meditating and advancing is that a bright light inside the head is experienced.

This eclipse, with the influence of Mercury (if I'm not mistaken) is a big help for waking up the Gentiles. It is great that it happened, in its main part, in/over 'The Great Satan' (America) - see how much Americanisation there is.

Furthermore, HPS Maxine shared a news article from an israel site which said the removal of jews is coinciding with this eclipse, and that jews have left places before in history during similar eclipses; Astrology and Nature rights wrongs. Other articles state that some j00z don't feel welcome in the UK, and that a rabbi has urged the jew to flee Spain, as well.

I would say that the removal of the disc from the sun is symbolic as well as literal for a mass awakening of the Goyim.
Thanks Fancy that was helpful. As Maxine correctly predicted it caused many changes. For one the weather got cooler and very nice. I noticed not Chem trails for 3 days. They are back to spraying again.

But also the aura of everything. The vibes. They changed and feel good.

I do wonder why the black sun is our symbol then rather than the regular sun? Because someone with a black sun has not filled themselves with light and reached highest advancement correct? Isn't the goal to remove the black sun? We are all born with the black sun disk blocking the sun is that
I would like my new friends and fellow SS to know that I am newly dedicated to Satan, our Father, as of the day of the total solar eclipse. The experience of standing under and watching this exceptional event made my dedication ritual all the more meaningful and precious. I wanted you all to know. As I am in the middle of a move to new digs, my Internet access is limited, but this is temporary, and I'll be back very soon.
What I believe hit the Jews the hardest in the three eclipse RTR was the cursing Jewsus thought form since spiritually punching the Jewboo is like punching the Jew in the balls, but we just threw something like their A bomb. 

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On Thursday, August 24, 2017 6:40 AM, "Don Danko mageson6666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  The jews are in panic mode and trying to shut everything down. Which is just speeding up their own collapse.  We temporary lost a social media platform. But they lost an empire.

On Wednesday, August 23, 2017 2:59 PM, "ed8874@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Even hp Cobra's channel is down

@hailodin. Ref black sun
You raise some interesting questions. 
What I understand [and I'm interested in knowing other's knowledge]: The "black sun" is part of the totality of the concept of "light". Sorath is God over all suns. Everywhere. Including the *black sun of night*. Part of the Magnum Opus also refers to the black sun. 
There's more than we are able to publish openly.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Fri, Aug 25, 2017 at 6:00 AM, hailodin666@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   Thanks Fancy that was helpful. As Maxine thingscorrectly predicted it caused many changes. For one the weather got cooler and very nice. I noticed not Chem trails for 3 days. They are back to spraying again.

But also the aura of everything. The vibes. They changed and feel good.

I do wonder why the black sun is our symbol then rather than the regular sun? Because someone with a black sun has not filled themselves with light and reached highest advancement correct? Isn't the goal to remove the black sun? We are all born with the black sun disk blocking the sun is that
Thanks for the comments. I have wondered about what your closing comment said. Whenever I ask about it people behave as if I request the codes to the nuclear arsenal lol. Its strange to me.

In my ritual I burned a prayer to Satan to understand further. It's funny. I research this topic among other topics routinely. And for the Black sun I have rarely found anything of value and I'm a decent researcher. Its like finding pennies on the ground when you need a hundred dollars.

But immediately after the prayer I now have more leads on this than I can handle lol. Good information. It's like all my research avenues got an overhaul and now bear much fruit. Learning will continue but I see a path to harvest the fruit.

I assume the enemy being around plays a part in what can be said? If so that is understandable.

However what if someone like myself learned a lot about the topic and then went and blabbed about it and didn't know it was supposed to be silent? Like...that could have happened. If not me then someone else.

Anyway I just believe in making it so all can understand and advance. And making learning productive. So I hope someday it is able to be spoken about freely. Maybe it will always be this way.

Actually what are the benefits after joining?

  Thanks for the comments. I have wondered about what your closing comment said. Whenever I ask about it people behave as if I request the codes to the nuclear arsenal lol. Its strange to me.

In my ritual I burned a prayer to Satan to understand further. It's funny. I research this topic among other topics routinely. And for the Black sun I have rarely found anything of value and I'm a decent researcher. Its like finding pennies on the ground when you need a hundred dollars.

But immediately after the prayer I now have more leads on this than I can handle lol. Good information. It's like all my research avenues got an overhaul and now bear much fruit. Learning will continue but I see a path to harvest the fruit.

I assume the enemy being around plays a part in what can be said? If so that is understandable.

However what if someone like myself learned a lot about the topic and then went and blabbed about it and didn't know it was supposed to be silent? Like...that could have happened. If not me then someone else.

Anyway I just believe in making it so all can understand and advance. And making learning productive. So I hope someday it is able to be spoken about freely. Maybe it
Sorry, I am having problems seeing all of your message. The last, incomplete, sentence I can see is "We are all born with the black sun disk blocking the sun is that". These Yahoo! Groups are terrible.

"Darkness is light turned inside-out", so sayeth Beelzebub. I'm not certain why the Black Sun is a symbol of ours, but I think with the Universe being a vibrational aether field, this field created things, including light. Don't quote me on that though. So before light it was 'dark' or 'black', and the Black Sun is from the Astral realm - "As above, so below".

Notice "the" bible says "...void and without form", then during "the creation", "god" created light. Both "god" and "God" are from the macrocosm and the microcosm. Below is a couple of quotes by HP Don -

"Black refers to the serpentine power, Shakti the feminine rules water, night, darkness, the ancient statues many cases where colored black to show the final transformation by the serpent power into the divine state. The linga is shown black in many cases in the east for this purpose. The highest ranking Pagan Priests wore black as symbol of their spiritual ranking. The Primordial Tradition held black as the sacred color of total spiritual transformation. Black also relates to Akasa the primordial element the Para Shakti or Logos.

The reason Satanism is called the Left Hand Path is due to the left being the feminine which governs Shakti, the left hand connects to the right-side of the brain which relates to the serpentine power and enlightenment. Vamacara Yoga, Left Hand Path Tantra is Kundalini Yoga.

The idea that aberrant behaviour in humans should be assigned a color code is a relativity new and retard development. The Xian church turned black into a sad and evil thing to attack its actual meaning. The jewbola tribe did this originally they took the name Sivam [Siva] and called it mourning, sadness made it a negative. And created a seven day week of mourning and negativity. Siva in Sanskrit means auspicious in the sense of joyfulness of spiritual liberation. Siva is the personification of the serpent power the Logos. And is our God in the symbolic form in the East. Satan means truth in Sanskrit but the jooz turned it to mean Enemy in Hebrew."

"God is the Logos within the Macrocosm and the Microcosm its the primal sound of existence and the Aether or Akasa that all the elements emanate from are of. This is why the Magnum Opus is possible. Our word for God comes from the ancient word for the Bull and Goat, the GO. This is why we still have the word Go-at and in German God is still called Got which is from Goat. The ancients state the Bull and the Serpent [so the Goat as well] where one and the same. The Bull was always the symbol of our God in His ancient symbolic image of Dionysus in the West, Osiris with the Apis Bull in Egypt [Ptah is Osiris in the Memphis Theology] and as Siva and Nandi in the East. Many times the God Dionysus, Siva is shown appearing in the form of a Bull directly. The Bull is also the symbol of the Logos. GO so God relates to Akasa.

The Tantra' state the VAK the Logos which we called God. Is incarnated within the individual human as the 50 petals of the body of the Devi which is the kundalini or Serpent power. The whole being forms for this on every level. The European languages are all Sanskrit based. The word Devil is actually DEVI the serpent. Satan in many cases in ancient Sumeria and elsewhere was shown symbolically as the serpent in different ways sometimes as a half serpent half man or a serpent with a human head. And sometimes as a full human holding a serpentine staff of life. This also relates to Satan as the full incarnation of the logos He has finished what we call the Magnum Opus as have the other Gods. Satan and the other Gods also wear the sacred crowns with the Bull Horns, showing their divine status remember the Bull is called GO where God comes from. The serpent is also called GO so its the same.

The Devil is literally God, the Logos. Devil is a spelling of Devi. So we can see the title Devil is a term for the word for the logos. Which makes the Devil God. The serpent is the symbol of the logos. This is why the Jews and such bitch and bitch about the Devil originally even using that term it seems from the start. The ideal of the Devil giving you magic powers is confused memory of the Pagan world. The activation of the Devi or serpentine energy unlock the Siddhi's. The pitchfork as well the serpentine system. And the world tree. And why the Devil has horns. Satan in His symbolic form as Dionysus was called the Good Serpent. Sometimes the serpent was shown horned as well to denote the Logos.

This is why Serpent worship is the oldest religion of humanity going back from what has been found seventy thousand years. The serpent is God."
Well I've come into some information. I am not some major authority about this, but I feel I've gained a lot of knowledge compared to a short time ago.

So is this allowed to be discussed or no? I don't want to upset anything. Or do an injustice. I can understand if it is best to not. I only want what is best.

But I have reasons as well for my fascination of it, despite the fact I am not ready to get into it as some advanced person.
...@hailodin666I don't know if my intuition is 100% right about this...but I've observed the black sun symbol has 12 lines        ( Sowilo's) within the circle...that in my opinion must be connected without doubt to the zodiacal disk (12 signs) and the point in the middle from where the lines spread , or better saying the EArth ...that ads to 13 wich is the number of Satan...also in one of the Enochian keys Satan states :   ''Behold! Saith Satan, I am a CIRCLE on whose hands stand TWELVE kingdoms. Nine are the seats of living breath the rest are as sharp sickles Or the horns of death wherein the Creatures of Earth are and are not except by mine own hands, which also sleep and shall rise!''
  The first phrase must be in connection to the zodiacal signs, and none the less the second must be connected to the Human Soul ...9 is also the Hagl Rune that it's connected with transformation and regeneration through death. ''The rest''= 13 - 9= 4 ...there are 4 Cardinals Signs in the zodiac which are and stand for the 4 elements...thus ''the beasts of the Earth''...Now I might not be that right with the last part but this is what my intuition keeps flashing head with for some time now, never had the occasion to see if I'm right. (There are only 12 zodiac signs , not 13 , at least not in the conventional and probably most ancient astrological system we use, and mostly all advanced cultures used) (I'm just considering the extra middle point from where these ''generate'')  In addition the Black Sun is the also known as the Ethereal Sun...that must be in connection to the energy -Shakti , Phrana ,female aspect .... the are many other symbols for the ethereal sun in many cultures ...the Swastika also stands for that ... ...I wanted to find that one image of Khnum or Horus depicted with 12 people in a row next to him but I can't find it now ...anyway If I'm wrong feel free to correct me.
Well, I have been given no reason not to continue its discussion so here is some more.

The twelve white paths are astrological influences being sucked into a singularity and forged together like an alloy. The black rays then radiate from this singularity. A different kind of energy is released, if sucessful.

The white is also shallow surface level material of your mind, your consciousness. It is just a coating and not your true self. This coating can be all kinds of things. It's why some people are "gangsta niggas" or why others are "just a regular person nothing special". It is what destory's people and limits them. It is like slave to thoughtforms or computer programming.

It is why so many follow societal memes and express a false individuality that ironically matches all the other people. They buy the same mass produced mass designed bullshit. We are so individual, and selfish and unique in Capitalist America yet we've never been more identical. We have been Jewed.

Your consciousness is a black hole with infinite appetite. And light is suck into it, coagulation on the event horizon.

Each ray also is symbolic of other forces and aspects, and hold the key to superconscious and immortality.

If people want to understand this, it's like how there are points in your body all correlating to chakras and also elements and planets and gods. Same here taken even further but also dealing with conscuousness.

The black sun is a more in depth glyph of the sun. Like the circle and dot. It's a map. And any people that think they are powerfull will be shocked how powerful the black sun can make you. Learning of it makes me very co

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
