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The Tree of Life - Studying the Roots

Nov 6, 2022
[email protected]
I know this is a topic that has been discussed before, and it has been written about on JOS as well

Right here: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/garden.html

However, I have been recently studying into this a lot and really would like to share what I have learned in regards to the Tree of life. I am wanting to study each of our symbols to find all the mysteries and deeper meanings behind everything because I love this sort of thing, I hope you all enjoy this as well and find it as interesting as I have.


The tree of life, a symbol with a deep meaning, present in all original gentile relgions, long before the plague of xianity stole and corrupted it. We are all familiar with what it looks like, all the variations of it from every culture share the same meaning, based from it's relation to the soul, our self, our roots strong in the ground watered from the knowledge the Gods give to us, bringing that wisdom through ourselves as we work ever closer to open the pathways to rising our kundalini. It's a map of the human self and soul. The tree of life ties into the flower of life which is the symbolic thousand petal lotus.

"Tree of Life" is a map of the human soul, with the trunk symbolizing the spine, the branches the 144,000 nadis, and the fruits symbolizing the rewards of meditation - working on one's soul. One lives from the "fruits" of one's soul" - Quoted from the page I linked above.


Of course we know the tree was corrupted by jewish xianity to represent a tree of knowledge that bore a "forbidden fruit"
which is the fruit of truth and knowledge. On the topic of fruit, many xians have claimed the apple being the fruit, Stolen again from our pagan religions. In Greek mythology Golden apples represent immortality, Hera is gifted a branch of golden apples by her grandmother Gaia, which are then planted in Hera's Garden of the Hesperides. In Norse mythology Idun keeps the golden apples that maintain the eternal youthfulness of the gods. Idun sounds very close to Eden as in the xian garden of eden yet another thing they ripped off. Also, Possible loose connection but doesn't Idun sound a little bit like Ida as in the union of Ida and pingala? The apples represent knowledge, the eternal youth comes from partaking of the knowledge that Father Satan and the Gods give us in order to reach the God head. xians have corrupted this to the point of where they called the protrusion of the larynx the "Adam's apple" xians claim that when Adam "ate the apple" it became lodged in his throat. I have theorized that the reason for this connection is to put a sort of curse upon the throat chakra. I could be wrong but it kind of makes sense. Truth comes from us being able to speak out about things, of course they want to silence us. Correct me if I am wrong however because this is just a theory I came up with recently.

"Satan, even in the book of the enemy, is actively engaged in making man "God". Satan is giving humanity with access to two things: The Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge. These represent two things respectively, the Godhead and also everlasting life." - Quote Taken from Reaching The Godhead: "The Union With The Divine" Explained

Another thing worth mentioning is this image right here


"The Lord of the Tree of Life; Sumeria circa 2,500 BCE. The original "Tree of Life," depicting the DNA helix; also the Ida and the Pingala of the Kundalini Serpent."

The jews blatantly stole this image and corrupted it with the idea of two angels standing guard with flaming swords sealing us off from the knowledge and power of the serpent.

"At the base chakra, human beings have been sealed off from energy. [This is symbolized by those two angels who guard the "tree of life" with flaming swords]. This is analogous to tying off a limb and allowing no blood or lymph to circulate and leaving it to wither and die. This has been the case with the human soul, which "Yahweh" has sealed off from kundalini energy. Our souls have drastically degenerated. Bringing up the kundalini serpent is very difficult and can be dangerous for the average person, as we are used to operating on a very low level of bioelectricity." - Quote taken from Maxine's sermon called My Conversation with Satan.


In Norse mythology Yggdrasil is the name of their version of the tree of life that was said to be a symbol unifying the 9 worlds of Asgard, Álfheimr/Ljósálfheimr, Niðavellir/Svartálfaheimr, Midgard (Earth), Jötunheimr/Útgarðr, Vanaheim, Niflheim, Muspelheim & Hel.

In a sort of poetic way, I feel not only does the tree of life signify us, but also the tree it's self seen in a larger way can also symbolize each branch being one of many worlds. It has been said there are other worlds, we know there are other races the Gods have either created like they did with us, Or races that have aligned themselves with our Gods. each world is a kind of branch. The roots carry the waters of the knowledge that the Gods give to us. The trunk is their strong foundation that we descend from and we are one of the many branches. That is why it's so important humanity returns back to the tree of life, by getting back to our roots, our branch will thrive and continue to bear the fruit of knowledge. Without it our branch would wither up, dry out, and fall to the ground. Right now our branch is probably reminiscent of a tree just starting to thaw out from a long winter. It only has a few leaves sprouting here and there, It's starting to grow back but spring hasn't fully settled in yet. But we are getting there, with all of us and our collective efforts we are starting to bring back life to our branch by helping to share the truth and the knowledge of Father Satan and the Gods.

here are the links to the pages I was studying for reference:






I dedicate this post to Father Satan and Lord Apollo for their help and guidance in my studies

Hail Father Satan! Hail Lord Apollo!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
