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The Thule Contemplative Society of Hitler


New member
Jul 14, 2012
Attachments :
<ol>Thule Society 7.5 outline.odt</ol> Proposal to form the Thule Society
Brian Ruhe and zolaluckystar have received HP's Maxine Dietrich, Mageson6666 and Hooded Cobra's approval to submit this to JOS Members. We thought we'd include you. The following is a summary of the attached full proposal:
The Thule Society is a contemplative society of Hitler. We believe and accept that there is a special spiritual aspect to the life of Adolf Hitler which played a decisive part in his manifestation and success. Since 2012 there has been an awakening in the world regarding the virtue and the truth about Adolf Hitler. Truth is at the vital core of who and what he was and his mission as an Avatar on Earth. Compared to other groups, we are creating something distinctly gentle, spreading our message and meditation/spiritual practices while also resisting Jewish supremacy in the world.
<a rel="nofollow" na[/IMG]<a rel="nofollow" na[/IMG] We accept the possibility members can receive guidance and instruction from the spirit of Adolf Hitler to aid us in our struggle, but we allow members to have their own personal spiritual interpretation. There is no dogma about a deity, theology or religion other than the special qualities of Hitler. Understanding the truth about Hitler is diametrically opposed to the lies we are force fed and that saturate everything – the media, movies, books, etc. It is a paradigm shift of epic proportions. He has been reviled and defamed – and it is all lies. The Jew hates the truth, the Thule Society is about telling the truth.
The Thule Society works with the Higher Realms from the perspective that the Jews are using higher realm practices to attack and control the Gentiles. We channel the Gods to help fight against the Enemy Angels who support the Jews. This higher realm belief is foundational to the Thule Society. We educate people to protect themselves from manipulation. We can shine the light of truth upon who Hitler really was with online resources while also encouraging daily meditation as this is something Hitlers SS practised.
An ideal of the Thule Society is to be a counterpart to the Council on Foreign Relations. The CFR is a Rothschild Jewish Supremacist think tank. It issues marching orders to the CIA, the enforcement arm of the CFR. Just so, the Thule Society is open to forming supportive relationships with more proactive and compatible political, government and military groups, as Brian has formed a relationship with the HP's of JOS. We would like to state how much we appreciate their support and guidance in the process of forming this society. It is our intention to make a link to JOS available on our website.
The Thule Society is an organizational structure intended to allow the natural process to occur, of drawing like minded people together to form a community from all over the world who also are aware of the special qualities of Hitler and who have an interest in following his spiritual practices and his beliefs. The Thule Society is a peaceful, educational and personal growth training spiritual society. We emphasize the benefits and unique accomplishment of Adolf Hitler in breaking Jewish power.
This will be an independent society receiving guidance from the JOS clergy. Please let us know if you are interested in joining, volunteering, or getting involved.
“One day all the lies will collapse under their own weight, and truth will once again triumph.” Joseph Goebbels

I am not to give out personal details at this time, but I happen to be extremely close to someone you mentioned in your post.  However, you mentioned that you received High Priests Don and Hooded Cobra's, as well as High Priestess Maxine's permission, but you never thought to get my permission.  What were you thinking?  Did you think that my sexual orientation somehow "disqualifies" me from being considered a legitimate Aryan?  I don't mean to sound accusatory, but you should think again, as someone you mentioned in your post is VERY very close to me, and this goes back before my current incarnation.  And yes, I was just as shamelessly homosexual then as I am now, and it is not an issue with this individual, as this person is a SATANIST and not a Christian.

Because of the position I am in, you have to get my permission as well in order to go any further.  My sexuality doesn't make me any less of an Aryan High Priest of Satan and his Chosen One than the heterosexual High Priests/esses.  The person who feels differently is a Christian at heart, and the same rules against Christianity that are on the front pages of the other Joy of Satan e-groups apply here in the Black Sun, as well.

If you simply forgot to get my permission, and meant nothing by it, then I will pardon you and let you continue with your work here.  The person in question who is very close to me showed me what will happen to "Satanists" who have anything in common with traditional Christian sexual morality.  Not pretty.  Again, I'm not accusing you of anything, but I am just re-emphasizing that I am just as much of a High Priest as the others who you received permission from before you realized that my permission is also required before you can go any further. 


High Priest Jake Carlson

Joy of Satan

The Third Sex Thule Society 666  
High Priest Jake is right. 
I belive you also have to get approvals from all Aryan HPs, no matter their sexual preferences. 

-------- Original message --------
From: "hammerofthegods_666@... [666BlackSun]" <[email protected]
Date: 12/3/2015 8:57 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: [email protected]
Subject: [666BlackSun] Re: The Thule Contemplative Society of Hitler

  I am not to give out personal details at this time, but I happen to be extremely close to someone you mentioned in your post.  However, you mentioned that you received High Priests Don and Hooded Cobra's, as well as High Priestess Maxine's permission, but you never thought to get my permission.  What were you thinking?  Did you think that my sexual orientation somehow "disqualifies" me from being considered a legitimate Aryan?  I don't mean to sound accusatory, but you should think again, as someone you mentioned in your post is VERY very close to me, and this goes back before my current incarnation.  And yes, I was just as shamelessly homosexual then as I am now, and it is not an issue with this individual, as this person is a SATANIST and not a Christian.

Because of the position I am in, you have to get my permission as well in order to go any further.  My sexuality doesn't make me any less of an Aryan High Priest of Satan and his Chosen One than the heterosexual High Priests/esses.  The person who feels differently is a Christian at heart, and the same rules against Christianity that are on the front pages of the other Joy of Satan e-groups apply here in the Black Sun, as well.

If you simply forgot to get my permission, and meant nothing by it, then I will pardon you and let you continue with your work here.  The person in question who is very close to me showed me what will happen to "Satanists" who have anything in common with traditional Christian sexual morality.  Not pretty.  Again, I'm not accusing you of anything, but I am just re-emphasizing that I am just as much of a High Priest as the others who you received permission from before you realized that my permission is also required before you can go any further. 


High Priest Jake Carlson

Joy of Satan

The Third Sex Thule Society 666  
I was thinking when I got the messge, how about Jake, Myla, and Zildar? 

-------- Original message --------
From: "hammerofthegods_666@... [666BlackSun]" <[email protected]
Date: 12/3/2015 8:57 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: [email protected]
Subject: [666BlackSun] Re: The Thule Contemplative Society of Hitler

  I am not to give out personal details at this time, but I happen to be extremely close to someone you mentioned in your post.  However, you mentioned that you received High Priests Don and Hooded Cobra's, as well as High Priestess Maxine's permission, but you never thought to get my permission.  What were you thinking?  Did you think that my sexual orientation somehow "disqualifies" me from being considered a legitimate Aryan?  I don't mean to sound accusatory, but you should think again, as someone you mentioned in your post is VERY very close to me, and this goes back before my current incarnation.  And yes, I was just as shamelessly homosexual then as I am now, and it is not an issue with this individual, as this person is a SATANIST and not a Christian.

Because of the position I am in, you have to get my permission as well in order to go any further.  My sexuality doesn't make me any less of an Aryan High Priest of Satan and his Chosen One than the heterosexual High Priests/esses.  The person who feels differently is a Christian at heart, and the same rules against Christianity that are on the front pages of the other Joy of Satan e-groups apply here in the Black Sun, as well.

If you simply forgot to get my permission, and meant nothing by it, then I will pardon you and let you continue with your work here.  The person in question who is very close to me showed me what will happen to "Satanists" who have anything in common with traditional Christian sexual morality.  Not pretty.  Again, I'm not accusing you of anything, but I am just re-emphasizing that I am just as much of a High Priest as the others who you received permission from before you realized that my permission is also required before you can go any further. 


High Priest Jake Carlson

Joy of Satan

The Third Sex Thule Society 666  
I have been reading this small paper and I have been wondering, what is this? 
"We do not hate any beings and we renounce hatred."
". Once the world realizes how severely the international Jews have harmed all of humanity, they are likely to turn against the Jews as a mob. Because the mob does not distinguish between good Jews and bad Jews, the Thule Society is trying to protect the good Jews from abuse. The Thule Society protects Jews from violence. We enlist the support of genuinely sympathetic Jews just as Hitler succeeded in doing so. In the end, an organization that could save the lives of the Jews, from themselves and from the results of their own actions, could be the Thule Society." All this fragments I picked go against me. 
I do not agree with all of this content. There is no such thing as a good jew. I have extreme hatred towards these beings. 

---In [email protected], <the_brian_ruhe_show@... wrote :

Proposal to form the Thule Society
Brian Ruhe and zolaluckystar have received HP's Maxine Dietrich, Mageson6666 and Hooded Cobra's approval to submit this to JOS Members. We thought we'd include you. The following is a summary of the attached full proposal:
The Thule Society is a contemplative society of Hitler. We believe and accept that there is a special spiritual aspect to the life of Adolf Hitler which played a decisive part in his manifestation and success. Since 2012 there has been an awakening in the world regarding the virtue and the truth about Adolf Hitler. Truth is at the vital core of who and what he was and his mission as an Avatar on Earth. Compared to other groups, we are creating something distinctly gentle, spreading our message and meditation/spiritual practices while also resisting Jewish supremacy in the world.
<a rel="nofollow" na[/IMG]<a rel="nofollow" na[/IMG] We accept the possibility members can receive guidance and instruction from the spirit of Adolf Hitler to aid us in our struggle, but we allow members to have their own personal spiritual interpretation. There is no dogma about a deity, theology or religion other than the special qualities of Hitler. Understanding the truth about Hitler is diametrically opposed to the lies we are force fed and that saturate everything – the media, movies, books, etc. It is a paradigm shift of epic proportions. He has been reviled and defamed – and it is all lies. The Jew hates the truth, the Thule Society is about telling the truth.
The Thule Society works with the Higher Realms from the perspective that the Jews are using higher realm practices to attack and control the Gentiles. We channel the Gods to help fight against the Enemy Angels who support the Jews. This higher realm belief is foundational to the Thule Society. We educate people to protect themselves from manipulation. We can shine the light of truth upon who Hitler really was with online resources while also encouraging daily meditation as this is something Hitlers SS practised.
An ideal of the Thule Society is to be a counterpart to the Council on Foreign Relations. The CFR is a Rothschild Jewish Supremacist think tank. It issues marching orders to the CIA, the enforcement arm of the CFR. Just so, the Thule Society is open to forming supportive relationships with more proactive and compatible political, government and military groups, as Brian has formed a relationship with the HP's of JOS. We would like to state how much we appreciate their support and guidance in the process of forming this society. It is our intention to make a link to JOS available on our website.
The Thule Society is an organizational structure intended to allow the natural process to occur, of drawing like minded people together to form a community from all over the world who also are aware of the special qualities of Hitler and who have an interest in following his spiritual practices and his beliefs. The Thule Society is a peaceful, educational and personal growth training spiritual society. We emphasize the benefits and unique accomplishment of Adolf Hitler in breaking Jewish power.
This will be an independent society receiving guidance from the JOS clergy. Please let us know if you are interested in joining, volunteering, or getting involved.
“One day all the lies will collapse under their own weight, and truth will once again triumph.” Joseph Goebbels

Hello High Priest Jake Carlson,
I am a new kid on the JOS block. I wrote a page to you and lost it so am doing it again. I don't know my way around JOS nor the site that well so I didn't get to know you or the other four HP's yet. My apologies if I put you off as I had no idea already had a Thule Society. You make a good point that we need to distinguish them so mine can be called the Thule Contemplative Society of Hitler. I didn't know about your orientation either but my proposal doesn't get into that.
My story of how I got to know the other three HPs first is that I have 600 YouTube videos at youtube.com/user/BrianRuhe and on Aug. 18th I made “Penultimate Saviour” at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaQ2_yCgOrA . The first time I ever heard of JOS is when some members left comments there, which you can read. This immediately drew me into JOS and it is affecting me spiritually in an inspiring way as our two big common interests are pro-Hitler and anti Jew.
I feel like I found my new spiritual community as my own teachers have abandoned me after 15 years, it feels. I am a Theravada Buddhist teacher in Vancouver, Canada with the Thai Forest tradition of Ajahn Chah. After making contact HP Maxine delegated me to work with HP Don Danko and HP Hooded Cobra. They've given me sage advice especially on the spiritual nature of Hitler and Satanism.
But now that we've made this first connection I hope you can take some time to get to know me as well. I love to get what advice I can from the High Priests/Priestess I have been fortunate to speak to already, it would be good to receive all the wisdom I can, I hope I can from you and the other HP's too. I am inspired by the JOS meditations and all that it has to offer. No other spiritual community is really relating to me about my deep interest in and love of Hitler. Adolf Hitler has become the organizing principle of my life. Adolf Hitler is a singularity in Brian Ruhe's life. I am also deeply committed to resisting Jewish supremacy in the world. I respect anyone who has risen in the ranks of JOS for so long, as yourself. We are on a sacred path to protect the whole world from Jewish subversion and lies. I thank you kindly for taking the time to write to me.
Good to meet you! Brian Ruhebrianruhe.ca
Hi lightalgur,

This is a twist. There are no Jews who I fully trust but this is a way of deflecting criticism and gaining dominance over the Jews.
Thanks for feedback,
Brian Ruhe

On 2015-12-03 10:23 PM, lightalgur@... [666BlackSun] wrote:
  I have been reading this small paper and I have been wondering, what is this? 
"We do not hate any beings and we renounce hatred."
". Once the world realizes how severely the international Jews have harmed all of humanity, they are likely to turn against the Jews as a mob. Because the mob does not distinguish between good Jews and bad Jews, the Thule Society is trying to protect the good Jews from abuse. The Thule Society protects Jews from violence. We enlist the support of genuinely sympathetic Jews just as Hitler succeeded in doing so. In the end, an organization that could save the lives of the Jews, from themselves and from the results of their own actions, could be the Thule Society. "  All this fragments I picked go against me. 
I do not agree with all of this content. There is no such thing as a good jew. I have extreme hatred towards these beings. 

---In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], <the_brian_ruhe_show@... wrote :

Proposal to form the Thule Society
Brian Ruhe and zolaluckystar have received HP's Maxine Dietrich, Mageson6666 and Hooded Cobra's approval to submit this to JOS Members. We thought we'd include you. The following is a summary of the attached full proposal:
The Thule Society is a contemplative society of Hitler. We believe and accept that there is a special spiritual aspect to the life of Adolf Hitler which played a decisive part in his manifestation and success. Since 2012 there has been an awakening in the world regarding the virtue and the truth about Adolf Hitler. Truth is at the vital core of who and what he was and his mission as an Avatar on Earth. Compared to other groups, we are creating something distinctly gentle, spreading our message and meditation/spiritual practices while also resisting Jewish supremacy in the world.
<a rel="nofollow" na[/IMG]<a rel="nofollow" na[/IMG] We accept the possibility members can receive guidance and instruction from the spirit of Adolf Hitler to aid us in our struggle, but we allow members to have their own personal spiritual interpretation. There is no dogma about a deity, theology or religion other than the special qualities of Hitler. Understanding the truth about Hitler is diametrically opposed to the lies we are force fed and that saturate everything – the media, movies, books, etc. It is a paradigm shift of epic proportions. He has been reviled and defamed – and it is all lies. The Jew hates the truth, the Thule Society is about telling the truth.
The Thule Society works with the Higher Realms from the perspective that the Jews are using higher realm practices to attack and control the Gentiles. We channel the Gods to help fight against the Enemy Angels who support the Jews. This higher realm belief is foundational to the Thule Society. We educate people to protect themselves from manipulation. We can shine the light of truth upon who Hitler really was with online resources while also encouraging daily meditation as this is something Hitlers SS practised.
An ideal of the Thule Society is to be a counterpart to the Council on Foreign Relations. The CFR is a Rothschild Jewish Supremacist think tank. It issues marching orders to the CIA, the enforcement arm of the CFR. Just so, the Thule Society is open to forming supportive relationships with more proactive and compatible political, government and military groups, as Brian has formed a relationship with the HP's of JOS. We would like to state how much we appreciate their support and guidance in the process of forming this society. It is our intention to make a link to JOS available on our website.
The Thule Society is an organizational structure intended to allow the natural process to occur, of drawing like minded people together to form a community from all over the world who also are aware of the special qualities of Hitler and who have an interest in following his spiritual practices and his beliefs. The Thule Society is a peaceful, educational and personal growth training spiritual society. We emphasize the benefits and unique accomplishment of Adolf Hitler in breaking Jewish power.
This will be an independent society receiving guidance from the JOS clergy. Please let us know if you are interested in joining, volunteering, or getting involved.
“One day all the lies will collapse under their own weight, and truth will once again triumph.” Joseph Goebbels
Seems he is a newcomer whose last path was buddhism. But yes these ideas are false, hope he can grow here and learn the truth about real Spirituality and the nature of the enemy Jew.
But you see, now that is lying. How can people trust you if you say you don't like hate, and you like "god jews" then later you turn on that. It may give you some more people in the beginning, but it discredits you in the long run. HAIL SATAN!!!

Sent from my iPhone
On Dec 4, 2015, at 2:30, "Brian Ruhe brian@... [666BlackSun]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Hi lightalgur,

This is a twist. There are no Jews who I fully trust but this is a way of deflecting criticism and gaining dominance over the Jews.
Thanks for feedback,
Brian Ruhe

On 2015-12-03 10:23 PM, lightalgur@... [666BlackSun] wrote:
  I have been reading this small paper and I have been wondering, what is this? 
"We do not hate any beings and we renounce hatred."
". Once the world realizes how severely the international Jews have harmed all of humanity, they are likely to turn against the Jews as a mob. Because the mob does not distinguish between good Jews and bad Jews, the Thule Society is trying to protect the good Jews from abuse. The Thule Society protects Jews from violence. We enlist the support of genuinely sympathetic Jews just as Hitler succeeded in doing so. In the end, an organization that could save the lives of the Jews, from themselves and from the results of their own actions, could be the Thule Society. "  All this fragments I picked go against me. 
I do not agree with all of this content. There is no such thing as a good jew. I have extreme hatred towards these beings. 

---In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], <the_brian_ruhe_show@... wrote :

Proposal to form the Thule Society
Brian Ruhe and zolaluckystar have received HP's Maxine Dietrich, Mageson6666 and Hooded Cobra's approval to submit this to JOS Members. We thought we'd include you. The following is a summary of the attached full proposal:
The Thule Society is a contemplative society of Hitler. We believe and accept that there is a special spiritual aspect to the life of Adolf Hitler which played a decisive part in his manifestation and success. Since 2012 there has been an awakening in the world regarding the virtue and the truth about Adolf Hitler. Truth is at the vital core of who and what he was and his mission as an Avatar on Earth. Compared to other groups, we are creating something distinctly gentle, spreading our message and meditation/spiritual practices while also resisting Jewish supremacy in the world.
<a rel="nofollow" na[/IMG]<a rel="nofollow" na[/IMG] We accept the possibility members can receive guidance and instruction from the spirit of Adolf Hitler to aid us in our struggle, but we allow members to have their own personal spiritual interpretation. There is no dogma about a deity, theology or religion other than the special qualities of Hitler. Understanding the truth about Hitler is diametrically opposed to the lies we are force fed and that saturate everything – the media, movies, books, etc. It is a paradigm shift of epic proportions. He has been reviled and defamed – and it is all lies. The Jew hates the truth, the Thule Society is about telling the truth.
The Thule Society works with the Higher Realms from the perspective that the Jews are using higher realm practices to attack and control the Gentiles. We channel the Gods to help fight against the Enemy Angels who support the Jews. This higher realm belief is foundational to the Thule Society. We educate people to protect themselves from manipulation. We can shine the light of truth upon who Hitler really was with online resources while also encouraging daily meditation as this is something Hitlers SS practised.
An ideal of the Thule Society is to be a counterpart to the Council on Foreign Relations. The CFR is a Rothschild Jewish Supremacist think tank. It issues marching orders to the CIA, the enforcement arm of the CFR. Just so, the Thule Society is open to forming supportive relationships with more proactive and compatible political, government and military groups, as Brian has formed a relationship with the HP's of JOS. We would like to state how much we appreciate their support and guidance in the process of forming this society. It is our intention to make a link to JOS available on our website.
The Thule Society is an organizational structure intended to allow the natural process to occur, of drawing like minded people together to form a community from all over the world who also are aware of the special qualities of Hitler and who have an interest in following his spiritual practices and his beliefs. The Thule Society is a peaceful, educational and personal growth training spiritual society. We emphasize the benefits and unique accomplishment of Adolf Hitler in breaking Jewish power.
This will be an independent society receiving guidance from the JOS clergy. Please let us know if you are interested in joining, volunteering, or getting involved.
“One day all the lies will collapse under their own weight, and truth will once again triumph.” Joseph Goebbels
You will gain my support as soon as you no longer kiss ass to *any* Jews, as even temporary lying in *this* day and age about the Jewish people is unacceptable.  Even so-called "good Jews" still have it within their DNA to destroy us.  It is either them or us.  If you can solve this properly, I will give you my full support.  This isn't about screaming "KIKE" everywhere that "KIKE" is due, but for informing everyone about how EVERY kike is the same as their fellow kike, whether they all agree or disagree on certain issues.  A Jew is a Jew is a Jew.  End of story.  Please make the right decision.


High Priest Jake Carlson

Joy of Satan

The Third Sex Thule Society 666  
Correction, "good jews" 

Sent from my iPhone
On Dec 4, 2015, at 6:33, "Sam sam.hinkley17@... [666BlackSun]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  But you see, now that is lying. How can people trust you if you say you don't like hate, and you like "god jews" then later you turn on that. It may give you some more people in the beginning, but it discredits you in the long run. HAIL SATAN!!!

Sent from my iPhone
On Dec 4, 2015, at 2:30, "Brian Ruhe brian@... [666BlackSun]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  Hi lightalgur,

This is a twist. There are no Jews who I fully trust but this is a way of deflecting criticism and gaining dominance over the Jews.
Thanks for feedback,
Brian Ruhe

On 2015-12-03 10:23 PM, lightalgur@... [666BlackSun] wrote:
  I have been reading this small paper and I have been wondering, what is this? 
"We do not hate any beings and we renounce hatred."
". Once the world realizes how severely the international Jews have harmed all of humanity, they are likely to turn against the Jews as a mob. Because the mob does not distinguish between good Jews and bad Jews, the Thule Society is trying to protect the good Jews from abuse. The Thule Society protects Jews from violence. We enlist the support of genuinely sympathetic Jews just as Hitler succeeded in doing so. In the end, an organization that could save the lives of the Jews, from themselves and from the results of their own actions, could be the Thule Society. "  All this fragments I picked go against me. 
I do not agree with all of this content. There is no such thing as a good jew. I have extreme hatred towards these beings. 

---In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], <the_brian_ruhe_show@... wrote :

Proposal to form the Thule Society
Brian Ruhe and zolaluckystar have received HP's Maxine Dietrich, Mageson6666 and Hooded Cobra's approval to submit this to JOS Members. We thought we'd include you. The following is a summary of the attached full proposal:
The Thule Society is a contemplative society of Hitler. We believe and accept that there is a special spiritual aspect to the life of Adolf Hitler which played a decisive part in his manifestation and success. Since 2012 there has been an awakening in the world regarding the virtue and the truth about Adolf Hitler. Truth is at the vital core of who and what he was and his mission as an Avatar on Earth. Compared to other groups, we are creating something distinctly gentle, spreading our message and meditation/spiritual practices while also resisting Jewish supremacy in the world.
<a rel="nofollow" na[/IMG]<a rel="nofollow" na[/IMG] We accept the possibility members can receive guidance and instruction from the spirit of Adolf Hitler to aid us in our struggle, but we allow members to have their own personal spiritual interpretation. There is no dogma about a deity, theology or religion other than the special qualities of Hitler. Understanding the truth about Hitler is diametrically opposed to the lies we are force fed and that saturate everything – the media, movies, books, etc. It is a paradigm shift of epic proportions. He has been reviled and defamed – and it is all lies. The Jew hates the truth, the Thule Society is about telling the truth.
The Thule Society works with the Higher Realms from the perspective that the Jews are using higher realm practices to attack and control the Gentiles. We channel the Gods to help fight against the Enemy Angels who support the Jews. This higher realm belief is foundational to the Thule Society. We educate people to protect themselves from manipulation. We can shine the light of truth upon who Hitler really was with online resources while also encouraging daily meditation as this is something Hitlers SS practised.
An ideal of the Thule Society is to be a counterpart to the Council on Foreign Relations. The CFR is a Rothschild Jewish Supremacist think tank. It issues marching orders to the CIA, the enforcement arm of the CFR. Just so, the Thule Society is open to forming supportive relationships with more proactive and compatible political, government and military groups, as Brian has formed a relationship with the HP's of JOS. We would like to state how much we appreciate their support and guidance in the process of forming this society. It is our intention to make a link to JOS available on our website.
The Thule Society is an organizational structure intended to allow the natural process to occur, of drawing like minded people together to form a community from all over the world who also are aware of the special qualities of Hitler and who have an interest in following his spiritual practices and his beliefs. The Thule Society is a peaceful, educational and personal growth training spiritual society. We emphasize the benefits and unique accomplishment of Adolf Hitler in breaking Jewish power.
This will be an independent society receiving guidance from the JOS clergy. Please let us know if you are interested in joining, volunteering, or getting involved.
“One day all the lies will collapse under their own weight, and truth will once again triumph.” Joseph Goebbels
High Priest Jake Carlson, I am zolaluckystar, a member of JOS. I am the person Brian mentioned in his communication. I would like to just explain myself to you please and how I fit into all this, if I may.
I asked Satan one night about a month ago: If there is anything else I can do to help you other than what I am doing already, please let me know. I would like to help you more. I see Brian's positive regard and passion for Hitler is genuine – I have known him for a few years - I felt inspired to tell him Hitlers God was in fact, Satan. I told him about JOS. He said he has been corresponding with HP's Maxine Dietrich, Don Danko and Hooded Cobra! Imagine my surprise! It seemed to me since three HP's were so supportive to him it was my duty as a loyal spiritual satanist to support them by helping Brian as his work involves our Fuhrer and promoting him in a positive light. I felt this was Satan's response to my request to help more.
And so I offered him my assistance: in art design, secretarial volunteering and I try to help educate re our SS viewpoint. I have encouraged him to Dedicate. I have advised him to remove the jew stuff also as it goes against our views. He felt he should submit the document in its original form as was seen by the three HP's he made contact with to the forums for discussion - for the sake of honesty. So he left it in. I explained that some of our core precepts are centred around honesty and honour, but most importantly, there is no such a thing as a 'good' jew. Brian is on a learning curve. But he is sincere and has stated to me he would very much like to get to know Satan...I hope I have your support in this? Should he do the right thing and get the stuff in there about the jews out? I do agree on that. Hitler himself would not bend to the enemy.
I just want to be a good satanist and do what is right. For people to understand Hitler was actually a great man and not a villain is a powerful paradigm shift. It is world altering to grasp this since the lies and brainwashing, as we all know, are so entrenched. Like the world looks one way and then when you grasp this one crucial fact everything shifts out of recognition, like a kaleidoscope reality takes on a new design. I know it did for me. When I finally understood how deep that particular lie ran and how I had been so misled in regards to who Hitler was I sat and sobbed.

I would ask your forgiveness High Priest Jake Carlson, for not thinking - I should have advised Brian to ask all of the HP's permission. It would be very kind of you to give as I feel I ought to have thought of that and let you down in that respect. It was an honest mistake, I wasn't aware this was protocol though in hindsight of course it would be! Duh. I feel pretty stupid about not catching that. No disrespect was intended; either to you or the other Ministry. I am bi-sexual and third sex myself. I am a Dedicated SS. I dedicated on the summer solstice this year so I am rather new. Brian may not be a spiritual satanist yet, but I am and I take it seriously. I look up to my HP's and the other senior members. You are my big brothers and sisters! I would never knowingly do anything disrespectful towards any of you!
Out of esteem I would have written this to you sooner but I have been encountering heavy resistance and interference in all my efforts to do so. Strange computer malfunctions, internet going down on me, other blockages etc. I tried till 2:00 AM last night to write to you and was prevented. This afternoon I was prevented again.
I have a request of my own not related to this matter at all High Priest Jake Carlson. I may as well tag it on here...I do the spiritual warfare of course, but I was inspired a while ago to begin my own private project for Satan and the Gods of Hell. I believe it was one of the Gods who put the idea into my head. I have been quietly working on it as I can. Eventually I think I may be needing to ask the HP's sanction...I have been wondering who I could approach first and I get the feeling you are that person. I know I could ask openly on the forums but I feel I'm not supposed to blurt it out. Like it's not meant to be public till its ready. I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be super mysterious here. I just wish I could run it by you. Please may I e-mail you? I don't want to screw up protocol again. Thanks for your time.
Hail Satan! Hail all the Gods of Hell! Heil Hitler!
Are you Tyrone? 

---In [email protected], <zolaluckystar@... wrote :

High Priest Jake Carlson, I am zolaluckystar, a member of JOS. I am the person Brian mentioned in his communication. I would like to just explain myself to you please and how I fit into all this, if I may.
I asked Satan one night about a month ago: If there is anything else I can do to help you other than what I am doing already, please let me know. I would like to help you more. I see Brian's positive regard and passion for Hitler is genuine – I have known him for a few years - I felt inspired to tell him Hitlers God was in fact, Satan. I told him about JOS. He said he has been corresponding with HP's Maxine Dietrich, Don Danko and Hooded Cobra! Imagine my surprise! It seemed to me since three HP's were so supportive to him it was my duty as a loyal spiritual satanist to support them by helping Brian as his work involves our Fuhrer and promoting him in a positive light. I felt this was Satan's response to my request to help more.
And so I offered him my assistance: in art design, secretarial volunteering and I try to help educate re our SS viewpoint. I have encouraged him to Dedicate. I have advised him to remove the jew stuff also as it goes against our views. He felt he should submit the document in its original form as was seen by the three HP's he made contact with to the forums for discussion - for the sake of honesty. So he left it in. I explained that some of our core precepts are centred around honesty and honour, but most importantly, there is no such a thing as a 'good' jew. Brian is on a learning curve. But he is sincere and has stated to me he would very much like to get to know Satan...I hope I have your support in this? Should he do the right thing and get the stuff in there about the jews out? I do agree on that. Hitler himself would not bend to the enemy.
I just want to be a good satanist and do what is right. For people to understand Hitler was actually a great man and not a villain is a powerful paradigm shift. It is world altering to grasp this since the lies and brainwashing, as we all know, are so entrenched. Like the world looks one way and then when you grasp this one crucial fact everything shifts out of recognition, like a kaleidoscope reality takes on a new design. I know it did for me. When I finally understood how deep that particular lie ran and how I had been so misled in regards to who Hitler was I sat and sobbed.

I would ask your forgiveness High Priest Jake Carlson, for not thinking - I should have advised Brian to ask all of the HP's permission. It would be very kind of you to give as I feel I ought to have thought of that and let you down in that respect. It was an honest mistake, I wasn't aware this was protocol though in hindsight of course it would be! Duh. I feel pretty stupid about not catching that. No disrespect was intended; either to you or the other Ministry. I am bi-sexual and third sex myself. I am a Dedicated SS. I dedicated on the summer solstice this year so I am rather new. Brian may not be a spiritual satanist yet, but I am and I take it seriously. I look up to my HP's and the other senior members. You are my big brothers and sisters! I would never knowingly do anything disrespectful towards any of you!
Out of esteem I would have written this to you sooner but I have been encountering heavy resistance and interference in all my efforts to do so. Strange computer malfunctions, internet going down on me, other blockages etc. I tried till 2:00 AM last night to write to you and was prevented. This afternoon I was prevented again.
I have a request of my own not related to this matter at all High Priest Jake Carlson. I may as well tag it on here...I do the spiritual warfare of course, but I was inspired a while ago to begin my own private project for Satan and the Gods of Hell. I believe it was one of the Gods who put the idea into my head. I have been quietly working on it as I can. Eventually I think I may be needing to ask the HP's sanction...I have been wondering who I could approach first and I get the feeling you are that person. I know I could ask openly on the forums but I feel I'm not supposed to blurt it out. Like it's not meant to be public till its ready. I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be super mysterious here. I just wish I could run it by you. Please may I e-mail you? I don't want to screw up protocol again. Thanks for your time.
Hail Satan!Hail all the Gods of Hell!Heil Hitler!
Yes I am Tyrone.

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Saturday, December 5, 2015, 9:51 am, lightalgur@... [666BlackSun] <[email protected] wrote:
  Are you Tyrone? 

---In [email protected], <zolaluckystar@... wrote :

High Priest Jake Carlson, I am zolaluckystar, a member of JOS. I am the person Brian mentioned in his communication. I would like to just explain myself to you please and how I fit into all this, if I may.
I asked Satan one night about a month ago: If there is anything else I can do to help you other than what I am doing already, please let me know. I would like to help you more. I see Brian's positive regard and passion for Hitler is genuine – I have known him for a few years - I felt inspired to tell him Hitlers God was in fact, Satan. I told him about JOS. He said he has been corresponding with HP's Maxine Dietrich, Don Danko and Hooded Cobra! Imagine my surprise! It seemed to me since three HP's were so supportive to him it was my duty as a loyal spiritual satanist to support them by helping Brian as his work involves our Fuhrer and promoting him in a positive light. I felt this was Satan's response to my request to help more.
And so I offered him my assistance: in art design, secretarial volunteering and I try to help educate re our SS viewpoint. I have encouraged him to Dedicate. I have advised him to remove the jew stuff also as it goes against our views. He felt he should submit the document in its original form as was seen by the three HP's he made contact with to the forums for discussion - for the sake of honesty. So he left it in. I explained that some of our core precepts are centred around honesty and honour, but most importantly, there is no such a thing as a 'good' jew. Brian is on a learning curve. But he is sincere and has stated to me he would very much like to get to know Satan...I hope I have your support in this? Should he do the right thing and get the stuff in there about the jews out? I do agree on that. Hitler himself would not bend to the enemy.
I just want to be a good satanist and do what is right. For people to understand Hitler was actually a great man and not a villain is a powerful paradigm shift. It is world altering to grasp this since the lies and brainwashing, as we all know, are so entrenched. Like the world looks one way and then when you grasp this one crucial fact everything shifts out of recognition, like a kaleidoscope reality takes on a new design. I know it did for me. When I finally understood how deep that particular lie ran and how I had been so misled in regards to who Hitler was I sat and sobbed.

I would ask your forgiveness High Priest Jake Carlson, for not thinking - I should have advised Brian to ask all of the HP's permission. It would be very kind of you to give as I feel I ought to have thought of that and let you down in that respect. It was an honest mistake, I wasn't aware this was protocol though in hindsight of course it would be! Duh. I feel pretty stupid about not catching that. No disrespect was intended; either to you or the other Ministry. I am bi-sexual and third sex myself. I am a Dedicated SS. I dedicated on the summer solstice this year so I am rather new. Brian may not be a spiritual satanist yet, but I am and I take it seriously. I look up to my HP's and the other senior members. You are my big brothers and sisters! I would never knowingly do anything disrespectful towards any of you!
Out of esteem I would have written this to you sooner but I have been encountering heavy resistance and interference in all my efforts to do so. Strange computer malfunctions, internet going down on me, other blockages etc. I tried till 2:00 AM last night to write to you and was prevented. This afternoon I was prevented again.
I have a request of my own not related to this matter at all High Priest Jake Carlson. I may as well tag it on here...I do the spiritual warfare of course, but I was inspired a while ago to begin my own private project for Satan and the Gods of Hell. I believe it was one of the Gods who put the idea into my head. I have been quietly working on it as I can. Eventually I think I may be needing to ask the HP's sanction...I have been wondering who I could approach first and I get the feeling you are that person. I know I could ask openly on the forums but I feel I'm not supposed to blurt it out. Like it's not meant to be public till its ready. I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be super mysterious here. I just wish I could run it by you. Please may I e-mail you? I don't want to screw up protocol again. Thanks for your time.
Hail Satan!Hail all the Gods of Hell!Heil Hitler!
Zoluckystar is Tyrone then? Good to know. 

-------- Original message --------
From: "Tyrone Oliver w108merc@... [666BlackSun]" <[email protected]
Date: 12/5/2015 8:17 AM (GMT-05:00)
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [666BlackSun] Re: The Thule Contemplative Society of Hitler

Yes I am Tyrone.

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Saturday, December 5, 2015, 9:51 am, lightalgur@... [666BlackSun] <[email protected] wrote:
  Are you Tyrone? 

---In [email protected], <zolaluckystar@... wrote :

High Priest Jake Carlson, I am zolaluckystar, a member of JOS. I am the person Brian mentioned in his communication. I would like to just explain myself to you please and how I fit into all this, if I may.
I asked Satan one night about a month ago: If there is anything else I can do to help you other than what I am doing already, please let me know. I would like to help you more. I see Brian's positive regard and passion for Hitler is genuine – I have known him for a few years - I felt inspired to tell him Hitlers God was in fact, Satan. I told him about JOS. He said he has been corresponding with HP's Maxine Dietrich, Don Danko and Hooded Cobra! Imagine my surprise! It seemed to me since three HP's were so supportive to him it was my duty as a loyal spiritual satanist to support them by helping Brian as his work involves our Fuhrer and promoting him in a positive light. I felt this was Satan's response to my request to help more.
And so I offered him my assistance: in art design, secretarial volunteering and I try to help educate re our SS viewpoint. I have encouraged him to Dedicate. I have advised him to remove the jew stuff also as it goes against our views. He felt he should submit the document in its original form as was seen by the three HP's he made contact with to the forums for discussion - for the sake of honesty. So he left it in. I explained that some of our core precepts are centred around honesty and honour, but most importantly, there is no such a thing as a 'good' jew. Brian is on a learning curve. But he is sincere and has stated to me he would very much like to get to know Satan...I hope I have your support in this? Should he do the right thing and get the stuff in there about the jews out? I do agree on that. Hitler himself would not bend to the enemy.
I just want to be a good satanist and do what is right. For people to understand Hitler was actually a great man and not a villain is a powerful paradigm shift. It is world altering to grasp this since the lies and brainwashing, as we all know, are so entrenched. Like the world looks one way and then when you grasp this one crucial fact everything shifts out of recognition, like a kaleidoscope reality takes on a new design. I know it did for me. When I finally understood how deep that particular lie ran and how I had been so misled in regards to who Hitler was I sat and sobbed.

I would ask your forgiveness High Priest Jake Carlson, for not thinking - I should have advised Brian to ask all of the HP's permission. It would be very kind of you to give as I feel I ought to have thought of that and let you down in that respect. It was an honest mistake, I wasn't aware this was protocol though in hindsight of course it would be! Duh. I feel pretty stupid about not catching that. No disrespect was intended; either to you or the other Ministry. I am bi-sexual and third sex myself. I am a Dedicated SS. I dedicated on the summer solstice this year so I am rather new. Brian may not be a spiritual satanist yet, but I am and I take it seriously. I look up to my HP's and the other senior members. You are my big brothers and sisters! I would never knowingly do anything disrespectful towards any of you!
Out of esteem I would have written this to you sooner but I have been encountering heavy resistance and interference in all my efforts to do so. Strange computer malfunctions, internet going down on me, other blockages etc. I tried till 2:00 AM last night to write to you and was prevented. This afternoon I was prevented again.
I have a request of my own not related to this matter at all High Priest Jake Carlson. I may as well tag it on here...I do the spiritual warfare of course, but I was inspired a while ago to begin my own private project for Satan and the Gods of Hell. I believe it was one of the Gods who put the idea into my head. I have been quietly working on it as I can. Eventually I think I may be needing to ask the HP's sanction...I have been wondering who I could approach first and I get the feeling you are that person. I know I could ask openly on the forums but I feel I'm not supposed to blurt it out. Like it's not meant to be public till its ready. I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be super mysterious here. I just wish I could run it by you. Please may I e-mail you? I don't want to screw up protocol again. Thanks for your time.
Hail Satan! Hail all the Gods of Hell! Heil Hitler!
This is Brian Ruhe responding to my secretary, zolaluckystar's posting. I  do agree with her words, articulately written. I have just sent a private email to a famous Buddhist monk who is a Jew and I suggested that he should admit the truth about Hitler and the Holocaust, as he has denied it in previous emails to me. Wish me luck!
Heil Hitler,
Brian Ruhe
The members of the Joy of Satan, are well educated in the Jewish issue. To make the long story short, we all here know that jews cannot, neither will ever be “good” and this good cop bad cop routine, has absolutely no base in reality. It is just based in wishful thinking, false philosophies and pseudospiritually posing nonsense, that wants to prove lies unto itself.   There is, though, hard historical evidence that shows beyond a shadow of doubt, that these “possibly good” people, have pushed whole Races into extinction, including the Phoenicans, the Phillistines, even Romans and many others. They have destroyed the Pantheons of all Pagan peoples, cursed our Gods and defamed our Grand God, same as murdering outright anyone who was into the Mysteries and re-writing these to fit their ends.   Civilizations like Egypt, Ancient Greece, the Roman Empire, the Middle East, all prove the destructive intentions of this race. To us, keep the “Zionist” nonsense away. We know how this works, oldschool style. Also, one just needs to open their holiest books, with the top of these being the Bible, to see their murderous and expansionist intentions for all other Gentile people in the World. No other Race or people have ever done what this Race has ever done. The philosophies in politics they have created, are leading all civilizations to ruin. The “art” they are forcing is just art of mere degeneration and destruction of the higher abilities of the people and Races. Their control of the monetary, media and political system, which destroys people everyday, is against a testament. How whole countries are being robbed and destroyed by the so called… “Possibly good” jews, is something that one cannot neglect.
Anyone but the mob is who knows the above and is well educated on this. The Mob on the other hand, would definitely want to believe in all these sugar coated lies about “Good and Bad” jews, and whatever other excuse because they either lack knowledge, or their mind and reality cannot contain that the jews are just a criminal Race. The evidence and historical evidence speaks, nobody else. Others just express it. These people have caused WW1, WW2, their political spawn (Communism) has given Humanity millions of dead. Right now, they are ethnically cleansing  the Middle East. They have eaten Humanity alive.
Even in Buddhism, are you aware that Mao Ze Dong, basing his theories and practices on Communism (A jewish creation) Murdered 40 to 70, some claim 100 millions of the best Chinese people, among which the greatest and most advanced practicioners of the Spiritual Practices. Let’s not even mention the Middle Ages, where people like us were burned alive, simply due to the “jewish god”. Leave aside that “Christianity” has murdered all sorts of spiritual practice (Christianity is jewish) and that it is actively leading European civilization into destruction, by weakening of one’s intelligence, spiritual ability and fake “saint” standards.   This Race is a criminal Race. One can cope with reality or make up any other theory to deny, but that doesn’t mean that the facts can’t talk for themselves.  
We have had enough lies about the jews, and the “mob” is who is indoctrinated to always think and believe that these people could be possibly any “good”. Open their holy books, study them, or just your bible and old testamant. 6000+ years of history, do prove a lot of things about someone. They have had their chances, and why every time they got these, they either lied, they orchestrated wars, outright killed people, used a fake program stolen from religion to enslave the masses and the endless list goes, with the pinnacle being enslaving the whole planet with the Media, the news, even inside schools and the pinnacle… The holocau$t Myth which has had the purpose to mentally enslave the Gentile people for good, to raise the jews beyond even any remote criticism. Why all this and why nobody else has did all this in Human history? Why the jews? Because they are a criminal Race, plain and simple.   One last question. If the enemy had full dictatorial power, like in any other time, is anybody so naïve to think that they would spare their head, or that some “good jew” would eventually save their ass from the rest of their Race, which is probably up to the 95% that wants to outright damage or even murder, anyone who goes against their wishes? Even if this was the case, its still nonsense, as because this small percent of the supposedly and hypothetical (but not in reality) “good” is just getting swooped below the bad, evil and destructive, EVERYTIME.   In the Joy of Satan, we know the Truth and we adhere to Satan, which we have found to be the Original God of Humanity. Nobody can accept this term that is professed here, unless its agreed that one can be in without adhering to this opinion.   The good cop bad cop routine and the “ever wishing be good” lies will no longer work. We can agree to disagree in regards to this thing. Nobody would have accepted this if they saw the term, but it seems to have been inside the PDF.
Satan means Truth in Sanskrit. We are about Truth. Fully and unconditionally. The jews state that “HA’SATAN” is their Enemy. Enemy in Hebrew is what to us is the Truth, our God.

It doesn't take any further insight or any superhuman ability to understand that we are dealing with a criminal Race and that even in a hypothetical "good" jew scenario, it would never be worth it, or possible. For us this doesn't exist, but since it may exist for others around, we let you know straight forward about it.

It is, what it is, for us. Point blank.

No disrespect meant, just clearing out our lines.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
No, Tyrone and zolaluckystar are two different people working with me on the Thule Contemplative Society of Hitler.

On 2015-12-05 10:54 AM, Light Algur - The T.S Warrior lightalgur@... [666BlackSun] wrote:
  Zoluckystar is Tyrone then? Good to know. 

-------- Original message --------
From: "Tyrone Oliver w108merc@... [666BlackSun]" <[email protected]
Date: 12/5/2015 8:17 AM (GMT-05:00)
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Subject: Re: [666BlackSun] Re: The Thule Contemplative Society of Hitler

Yes I am Tyrone.

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Saturday, December 5, 2015, 9:51 am, lightalgur@... [666BlackSun] <[email protected] wrote:
  Are you Tyrone? 

---In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], <zolaluckystar@... wrote :

High Priest Jake Carlson, I am zolaluckystar, a member of JOS. I am the person Brian mentioned in his communication. I would like to just explain myself to you please and how I fit into all this, if I may.
I asked Satan one night about a month ago: If there is anything else I can do to help you other than what I am doing already, please let me know. I would like to help you more. I see Brian's positive regard and passion for Hitler is genuine – I have known him for a few years - I felt inspired to tell him Hitlers God was in fact, Satan. I told him about JOS. He said he has been corresponding with HP's Maxine Dietrich, Don Danko and Hooded Cobra! Imagine my surprise! It seemed to me since three HP's were so supportive to him it was my duty as a loyal spiritual satanist to support them by helping Brian as his work involves our Fuhrer and promoting him in a positive light. I felt this was Satan's response to my request to help more.
And so I offered him my assistance: in art design, secretarial volunteering and I try to help educate re our SS viewpoint. I have encouraged him to Dedicate. I have advised him to remove the jew stuff also as it goes against our views. He felt he should submit the document in its original form as was seen by the three HP's he made contact with to the forums for discussion - for the sake of honesty. So he left it in. I explained that some of our core precepts are centred around honesty and honour, but most importantly, there is no such a thing as a 'good' jew. Brian is on a learning curve. But he is sincere and has stated to me he would very much like to get to know Satan...I hope I have your support in this? Should he do the right thing and get the stuff in there about the jews out? I do agree on that. Hitler himself would not bend to the enemy.
I just want to be a good satanist and do what is right. For people to understand Hitler was actually a great man and not a villain is a powerful paradigm shift. It is world altering to grasp this since the lies and brainwashing, as we all know, are so entrenched. Like the world looks one way and then when you grasp this one crucial fact everything shifts out of recognition, like a kaleidoscope reality takes on a new design. I know it did for me. When I finally understood how deep that particular lie ran and how I had been so misled in regards to who Hitler was I sat and sobbed.

I would ask your forgiveness High Priest Jake Carlson, for not thinking - I should have advised Brian to ask all of the HP's permission. It would be very kind of you to give as I feel I ought to have thought of that and let you down in that respect. It was an honest mistake, I wasn't aware this was protocol though in hindsight of course it would be! Duh. I feel pretty stupid about not catching that. No disrespect was intended; either to you or the other Ministry. I am bi-sexual and third sex myself. I am a Dedicated SS. I dedicated on the summer solstice this year so I am rather new. Brian may not be a spiritual satanist yet, but I am and I take it seriously. I look up to my HP's and the other senior members. You are my big brothers and sisters! I would never knowingly do anything disrespectful towards any of you!
Out of esteem I would have written this to you sooner but I have been encountering heavy resistance and interference in all my efforts to do so. Strange computer malfunctions, internet going down on me, other blockages etc. I tried till 2:00 AM last night to write to you and was prevented. This afternoon I was prevented again.
I have a request of my own not related to this matter at all High Priest Jake Carlson. I may as well tag it on here...I do the spiritual warfare of course, but I was inspired a while ago to begin my own private project for Satan and the Gods of Hell. I believe it was one of the Gods who put the idea into my head. I have been quietly working on it as I can. Eventually I think I may be needing to ask the HP's sanction...I have been wondering who I could approach first and I get the feeling you are that person. I know I could ask openly on the forums but I feel I'm not supposed to blurt it out. Like it's not meant to be public till its ready. I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be super mysterious here. I just wish I could run it by you. Please may I e-mail you? I don't want to screw up protocol again. Thanks for your time.
Hail Satan! Hail all the Gods of Hell! Heil Hitler!
Attachments :
<ol>Thule Society 7.6 outline.odt</ol> Hi High Priest Jake Carlson,

Thank you for your guidance. Yes. I agree with your request. I deleted the last appeasing section for 7.6 attached. The part I cut out was:
Once the world realizes how severely the international Jews have harmed all of humanity, they are likely to turn against the Jews as a mob. Because the mob does not distinguish between good Jews and bad Jews, the Thule Society is trying to protect the good Jews from abuse. The Thule Society protects Jews from violence. We enlist the support of genuinely sympathetic Jews just as Hitler succeeded in doing so. In the end, an organization that could save the lives of the Jews, from themselves and from the results of their own actions, could be the Thule Society. With thanks,


Brian Ruhe

On 2015-12-04 4:01 PM, hammerofthegods_666@... [666BlackSun] wrote:
  You will gain my support as soon as you no longer kiss ass to *any* Jews, as even temporary lying in *this* day and age about the Jewish people is unacceptable.  Even so-called "good Jews" still have it within their DNA to destroy us.  It is either them or us.  If you can solve this properly, I will give you my full support.  This isn't about screaming "KIKE" everywhere that "KIKE" is due, but for informing everyone about how EVERY kike is the same as their fellow kike, whether they all agree or disagree on certain issues.  A Jew is a Jew is a Jew.  End of story.  Please make the right decision.


High Priest Jake Carlson

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Brian heed the lesson of Buddha on the Frog and the scorpion on the whole good Jew thing. There are only Gentiles frogs and Jewish scorpions. Its in their nature to be what they are and nothing is going to change that. Jews like to promote the myth of the good Jew so it allows them to join up with you and ruin your organization from the inside out while taking the heat off the tribe with the only a few bad apples nonsense. Its the number one need tactic from them to really take control of the opposition and misdirect people as to their real nature. Its dangerous and outright lethal to fall for it. Look at how Finkelstien the Mao supporting Jew has ruined the opposition to the Zionist state. Were you can't even criticize the holocaust. And he spends more time whining about Hitler then anything.

However after that, why are people so hostile here? Everything Brian has stated about being in communication with myself and the others mentioned is true. And how he found us is true as well.  We can have disagreements without acting like such.
Thank you HP Don Danko,

I really am on board with not giving breaks to the Jews, yes. I think what was confusing was my writing made me seem that way but I don't really feel that way and I did agree to delete that last section of the Thule Contemplative Society of Hitler proposal. I hope some JOS members will join me, zolaluckystar and Tyrone to make it a  bona fide society. We are moving forward and I am inspired to do so!

On 2015-12-05 4:44 PM, mageson6666@... [666BlackSun] wrote:
  Brian heed the lesson of Buddha on the Frog and the scorpion on the whole good Jew thing. There are only Gentiles frogs and Jewish scorpions. Its in their nature to be what they are and nothing is going to change that. Jews like to promote the myth of the good Jew so it allows them to join up with you and ruin your organization from the inside out while taking the heat off the tribe with the only a few bad apples nonsense. Its the number one need tactic from them to really take control of the opposition and misdirect people as to their real nature. Its dangerous and outright lethal to fall for it. Look at how Finkelstien the Mao supporting Jew has ruined the opposition to the Zionist state. Were you can't even criticize the holocaust. And he spends more time whining about Hitler then anything.

However after that, why are people so hostile here? Everything Brian has stated about being in communication with myself and the others mentioned is true. And how he found us is true as well.  We can have disagreements without acting like such.
I apologize if my reply seemed hostile mein brother. I trust your words. 

---In [email protected], <mageson6666@... wrote :

Brian heed the lesson of Buddha on the Frog and the scorpion on the whole good Jew thing. There are only Gentiles frogs and Jewish scorpions. Its in their nature to be what they are and nothing is going to change that. Jews like to promote the myth of the good Jew so it allows them to join up with you and ruin your organization from the inside out while taking the heat off the tribe with the only a few bad apples nonsense. Its the number one need tactic from them to really take control of the opposition and misdirect people as to their real nature. Its dangerous and outright lethal to fall for it. Look at how Finkelstien the Mao supporting Jew has ruined the opposition to the Zionist state. Were you can't even criticize the holocaust. And he spends more time whining about Hitler then anything.

However after that, why are people so hostile here? Everything Brian has stated about being in communication with myself and the others mentioned is true. And how he found us is true as well.  We can have disagreements without acting like such.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
