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The Ten Year Plan: Charter For The Next Decade Of The Joy Of Satan

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Elas Qilar said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
10. The Joy of Satan will be pivotal in forcing the redefinition of all the enemy paradigms, subjugation and annihilation of enemy lies, promotion of science, spirituality, a love for the return towards the human inner wisdom, intuition, and the spirit of wisdom seeking: The Joy of Satan will stand opposed to existential nihilism, enslavement, and any other values who try to cripple humanity and destroy it for the benefits of a very few.

When you write "promotion of science", do you also mean racialist science that is used to show the differences among human races? I know there is a lot of controversial topics in it, specially when you consider that there are some Jews involved in this science (Jews are overall obsessed with genetics because of their diseases and their "holy" genes).

Another thing that intrigues me is why did Satan created human races so differently? Are there some races that are more privilleged by the Gods than others? I know this can be a sensible topic that can be covered in loads of sermons, but I am curious about it.

Hail Satan!

Science as in scientific fact and reality. For example, now, after the first year of the "Pandemic", Governments already knew that this virus was mostly weak and bogus. They were also let known by professional epidemiologists and other doctors how to act, yet science was denied to it's core.

Debate was purposefully censored, and they issued the powergrab. That was detrimental for humanity in the last two years. Nothing good came out of it, only suffering.

Many top tier scientists like Dr Bhakti, Dr Ioannidis, Dr Luc Montagnier and others have related to Governments that the lockdown policies were deadly, that gov's do not vaccinate during a pandemic, and that the "Lockdowns" were only acceptable for literally the maximum of a month [after which enough data was present to know that the virus was totally weak].

Governments did not allow science to do it's job and then this backfired, only because Jews like those in Pfizer smelled the dollar and experimentation, and power grab ability during this time. Governments followed suit and acted with them anyway. Two years have been wasted and humanity worldwide has gotten fatigued, lost freedoms and so on.

We know that it was the intended thing for the enemy to do, but this was not in accordance to science or scientific thinking at all.

The Age of Aquarius is going to be a very scientifically focused age. True science however is related to the reality, and not to jewish goals and power struggles.

Every science including the race science [which was nothing negative in the past, just classification of human beings so we could track origins and so on], is up for a paradigm shift in the Age of Aquarius / Satan's Age. The reason we don't research a lot of this is because of jewish bias and jewish nonsense.

People also need to understand that every race is privileged in it's own right. You have been reiterating for years how there should be a "caste" between races as well as within races. Without a hierarchy everyone is the same and no one can lend a hand to those below them. If it were not for the Gods superiority we wouldn't have a chance to go upwards. I am White and take pride in my heritage as should other races too.
What a shame that I didn't found JOS earlier, but being here today and dedication to father Satan was the best thing which happened to me. Thank you so much, I look forward to it.

Hail Satan!
blackhatpakistan said:
I think Ethics in Satanism is very important . Also It should be mentioned in the plans.

Without Satanic Ethics , Life is bitch.

hail Satan.

This is true. I have always asked questions about a clear cut theories ethics of satanism. When one approaches spirituality he uses the scientific and philosophical methods. These includes dialectics. Induction. Deduction. And more. Ethics is part of the wholesome branch of philosophy. As well as epistemology and metaphysic. One only needs a mean. A balance to be able to make this a very easily accepted world view. What’s the ethics of satanism? When you tell people there are no punishments? It goes to ask? Why do good? This is some sort of paradox. I understand. How about those not learned? Yes spiritual satanism is for educated and sound thinking individuals. How about those who aren’t? We sure can teach them how to think soundly. I don’t even know what I’m saying. Anyways. There should be some clear cut reward and punishment teaching. If not. I don’t know.
The Satanic goosebumps that I get from reading about Luciferian era! In the last year I was gripped by an uncontrollable urge to spread the truth, so I created several accounts on social media and used to spam others with JoS mission. I also engaged in discussions online, and many people were interested in my clarifications. I introduced about 50 people perhaps to the website, or to Satan/Enki. Now that most of my accounts are deleted by the kikes, I have become less active, focusing more on my spiritual attainment.
newbie40 said:
Ive been working on opening the soul/chakras.
But I am currently doing 'opening the 3rd eye' I've to do it 4 days in a row.... My question is once I finish that do I have to continue with the next one and so forth repeating this every day or I just only have to focus on 3rd eye meditation?

I am newbe, sorry for my grammar.
Thank you beforehand.

And also I am working and hopefully work with Amy (God).

What do you mean with the next one?
Elas Qilar said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
10. The Joy of Satan will be pivotal in forcing the redefinition of all the enemy paradigms, subjugation and annihilation of enemy lies, promotion of science, spirituality, a love for the return towards the human inner wisdom, intuition, and the spirit of wisdom seeking: The Joy of Satan will stand opposed to existential nihilism, enslavement, and any other values who try to cripple humanity and destroy it for the benefits of a very few.

When you write "promotion of science", do you also mean racialist science that is used to show the differences among human races? I know there is a lot of controversial topics in it, specially when you consider that there are some Jews involved in this science (Jews are overall obsessed with genetics because of their diseases and their "holy" genes).

Another thing that intrigues me is why did Satan created human races so differently? Are there some races that are more privilleged by the Gods than others? I know this can be a sensible topic that can be covered in loads of sermons, but I am curious about it.

Hail Satan!
Privilege has to do with what has been toiled for and consequently become the norm. It is a fact that the White race was the elite spiritually especially the farther back you move in the ancient past as they came directly from the Gods, who are extremely advanced. But all Gentiles were given this potential. What you see as privilege is just adversity forced upon all humans and the stronger ones doing better. Some of those in bad positions may feel like those who do better are privileged somehow but this was not the case, at least not in a discriminatory manner.
Happy Halloween HP Cobra!
Happy Halloween to all my Satanic brothers and sisters!
Sarjam05 said:
This is true. I have always asked questions about a clear cut theories ethics of satanism. When one approaches spirituality he uses the scientific and philosophical methods. These includes dialectics. Induction. Deduction. And more. Ethics is part of the wholesome branch of philosophy. As well as epistemology and metaphysic. One only needs a mean. A balance to be able to make this a very easily accepted world view.

Actually these philosophical methods you mention are left-brained and can't approach spirituality which is a right-brained thing. Normally if you are a person who overthinks everything (like me :) ) it's very hard for you to meditate and advance spiritually. That's why women tend to progress easier here. I've noticed that most of the people who have trouble meditating, feeling their chakras and other things, are usually men. Men are more left-brained in general and less in touch with their emotions and intuitions, and intuitions are the key to spirituality. That's also the reason why most mainstream forums/groups/sites regarding spirituality, astrology, spiritual healing, channeling, psychic readings and similar things are like 90% female and 10% male. Just go to jewtube and watch any video relating any to these things and you'll notice that most of the commenters in these type of videos have female names. By the way, I'm a man and I'm certainly not trying to push female supremacy here (although I think women are more spiritually attuned in general, men can do that too with practice) :D

Sarjam05 said:
What’s the ethics of satanism?

Satanism is a left-hand path religion and therefore has no external, extrinsic ethics. Right-hand path religions are about telling you how to behave. This isn't the concern of left-hand path religions. You can search more about what right-hand path and left-hand path are. Right-hand path religions are christianity, islam, buddhism, new ageism and most mainstream religions. Left-hand path religions are the minority: most forms of Satanism (including Laveyan, Spiritual, Traditional), some forms of Neo-Paganism and Traditional Witchcraft and some forms of Tantra (in India and Tibet). Left-hand path religions aren't concerned with conforming, but are about individuality and personal transformation.

Sarjam05 said:
When you tell people there are no punishments? It goes to ask? Why do good?

I already explained this thing in numerous replies to you as well as a separate post, I think I don't need to repeat it here. Punishment-based morality is also very primitive and most people have no need of it.

Sarjam05 said:
How about those who aren’t? We sure can teach them how to think soundly.

This isn't the concern of Spiritual Satanism. It's not about teaching people how to think or behave. If they want to learn about that, they can study philosophy. It's not our concern to "correct" or baby sit people. As about behaving, this whole thing is taken care when you advance spiritually and you shouldn't be concerned with it. When you advance spiritually and become more aware, you also tend to respect other people more and take their needs into consideration, naturally, and without any need of punishment.
Sarjam05 said:
This is true. I have always asked questions about a clear cut theories ethics of satanism. When one approaches spirituality he uses the scientific and philosophical methods. These includes dialectics. Induction. Deduction. And more. Ethics is part of the wholesome branch of philosophy. As well as epistemology and metaphysic. One only needs a mean. A balance to be able to make this a very easily accepted world view.

Actually these philosophical methods you mention are left-brained and can't approach spirituality which is a right-brained thing. Normally if you are a person who overthinks everything (like me :) ) it's very hard for you to meditate and advance spiritually. That's why women tend to progress easier here. I've noticed that most of the people who have trouble meditating, feeling their chakras and other things, are usually men. Men are more left-brained in general and less in touch with their emotions and intuitions, and intuitions are the key to spirituality. That's also the reason why most mainstream forums/groups/sites regarding spirituality, astrology, spiritual healing, channeling, psychic readings and similar things are like 90% female and 10% male. Just go to jewtube and watch any video relating any to these things and you'll notice that most of the commenters in these type of videos have female names. By the way, I'm a man and I'm certainly not trying to push female supremacy here (although I think women are more spiritually attuned in general, men can do that too with practice) :D

Sarjam05 said:
What’s the ethics of satanism?

Satanism is a left-hand path religion and therefore has no external, extrinsic ethics. Right-hand path religions are about telling you how to behave. This isn't the concern of left-hand path religions. You can search more about what right-hand path and left-hand path are. Right-hand path religions are christianity, islam, buddhism, new ageism and most mainstream religions. Left-hand path religions are the minority: most forms of Satanism (including Laveyan, Spiritual, Traditional), some forms of Neo-Paganism and Traditional Witchcraft and some forms of Tantra (in India and Tibet). Left-hand path religions aren't concerned with conforming, but are about individuality and personal transformation.

Sarjam05 said:
When you tell people there are no punishments? It goes to ask? Why do good?

I already explained this thing in numerous replies to you as well as a separate post, I think I don't need to repeat it here. Punishment-based morality is also very primitive and most people have no need of it.

Sarjam05 said:
How about those who aren’t? We sure can teach them how to think soundly.

This isn't the concern of Spiritual Satanism. It's not about teaching people how to think or behave. If they want to learn about that, they can study philosophy. It's not our concern to "correct" or baby sit people. As about behaving, this whole thing is taken care when you advance spiritually and you shouldn't be concerned with it. When you advance spiritually and become more aware, you also tend to respect other people more and take their needs into consideration, naturally, and without any need of punishment.
Wow my sensation when reading one billion was one of immense relief, I am very happy to see such a wide perspective, I can imagine, with that vision, what world we will have in 100 years, I look forward to seeing that in 10 decades and more keep reading your publications if you know what I mean :D

Salve Satan!
Salve Bathin! :D
Salve Amon!
This is an amazing post. Thank you for creating it. If someone could make a PDF of the charter with a good SS graphic design, it would be great to store and distribute it.

I think along the lines of black background obviously, with either electric blue or blood red text. Electric blue is more suited to this, as it deals with Aquarius and the overall ethos of this. Blood red doesn't. No shade of grey whatsoever because, as we know, that is related to illness/sickness and decay, types of energy we do not want in our revolution.


Rational Satanist said:
Satanism is a left-hand path religion and therefore has no external, extrinsic ethics. Right-hand path religions are about telling you how to behave. This isn't the concern of left-hand path religions. You can search more about what right-hand path and left-hand path are. Right-hand path religions are christianity, islam, buddhism, new ageism and most mainstream religions. Left-hand path religions are the minority: most forms of Satanism (including Laveyan, Spiritual, Traditional), some forms of Neo-Paganism and Traditional Witchcraft and some forms of Tantra (in India and Tibet). Left-hand path religions aren't concerned with conforming, but are about individuality and personal transformation.

I would say we have left the hand-dialectic behind us. I see the hand dialectic as a source of imbalance, which is not at all the objective of Satanism. At advanced stages you see the opposite balancing and then merging. This cannot happen if one side is overly developed compared to the other. I also feel like this left vs right is a false dichotomy created by the enemy, like left v right in politics and economics. It's their usual extremism. The only real dichotomy that exist is us (forces of good and enlightenment) vs the enemy (forces of evil and nihilism).
I'm grateful for this website and this forum. I know I don't post often usually I just read what others post. However, I want for anyone willing to read this to know that if not for the JoS, I would be in a much darker place. I wouldn't aspire to become a surgeon, I wouldn't know that there is so much more to this world than what's on the surface and most importantly, I wouldn't have known that I am deserving of love; I struggled with that for a long time. I was in a bad situation that I never thought I'd escape from, I thought for sure that would be my life.

It's important to belong and this is the first place where I feel I do. I have a responsibility to uphold, I have a purpose that I never knew I had. A war to be fought that I wasn't even aware was happening. I am stronger, wiser and freer than ever, and there is still so much more to learn and more room for improvement. I am eternally grateful to Satan and the Gods, and to the priests and priestesses who made their knowledge available.

Hail Father Satan!
wow this is amazing :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Reading this post brought me to tears of happiness.

I see clearer and clearer every day, I feel closer and closer to our Gods every day, and I will never leave them no matter what.

All I am and all I have is because of the Gods and I surrender my will to them.

Thank you so very much, dear Master Cobra.
You want me to post a few ideas and a plan I have and look over this with you now?

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I agree with you and I am ready to follow a clear plan to that end. The numbers had to be feasible, and I consider 1 billion individuals being exposed at least once to the JoS a plausible number to achieve in this time spectrum. Also, they must have clicked the website.

I am doing whatever I can on my end for this too. We are expanding in other countries where language barrier exists and so on. Translators and so many others are doing work for the Gods on a daily basis.

The point is to reach 1 billion individual people and show them this.

Clearly that is attainable. We will do this through site promotion, ads, commenting and every other method available.

There are also quite a few VIP personalities on JoS, but they are not at liberty right now to promote anything, because the terrain is a bit against us now. This could be overturned in the future as adoption and understanding of our ideas grows past the darkness of the enemy. That would be the icing on the cake.

Ninja 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
1. The Joy Of Satan must reach maximum exposure, with more than a billion people being exposed to Spiritual Satanism and confronted with the reality of the necessity to return to our Ancient Gods.

Considering we'd do this using only the internet in the safest manageable manner; anonymously, with pseudonyms, using VPNs, emails dedicated to this, and whatever browser and OS's deemed best.

Using social media sites like BitChute, YouTube, Banned Videos, Twitter, Gab, Minds, Reddit, 4chan, Quora, Yahoo Answers, and other forums, and potential alternative social medias.

1 person doing 3 comments a day for a year, would produce 1,095 comments.

However, if you level the field and gain an overlook, increasing this to 3-5 years, say the latter five year period, the same person has produced 5,475 comments.

Should we manage to gather 10 people doing 3 comments a day for a year, they'd produce 10,950 comments. In five years that would be 54,750 comments.

If 100 Spiritual Satanists would be doing 3 comments a day for a year, they would produce 109,500 comments. In five years they'd produce 547,500 comments.

Should we be 300 strong doing 3 comments a day for a year, we'd produce 328,500 comments. Through the course of a five year period they would produce over 1 million comments. (exact number 1,642,500)

With the above 300 SS in mind, stretching this to 10 years, we'd need to reach 310 people with each comment to have reached the exposure goal of 1 billion people. (exact number 1,018,350,000)

The above is analyzing the numbers with limiting the production to only the 300 people from beginning to end. If we add to the analysis a theory of a "branching effect", the 328,500 comments a year might bring in to the forums say 10 people for each batch of 3,285 comments posted, that would gain us 1,000 new SS a year that could potentially branch out with posting their own comments on the analysis of the next year.

Let's follow the ten year plan, and limit ourselves from beginning to end with 1,000 Spiritual Satanists posting 3 comments a day for a year, that would produce 1,095,000 (around 1 million) comments for one year. Through a ten year period they'd produce 10,950,000 comments. If each of their comments reached an exposure to 100 people, the Joy of Satan would been seen by 1 billion people.

The overall analysis does not calculate or take into consideration the potential for how many times 1 comment might be seen over the course of 10 years. The 1,000 Spiritual Satanists example does not take into consideration the "branching effect theory" (the potential of bringing in more members to post comments). The "branching effect theory" with 300 posters also underplayed the potential of people joining the forums; if the 328,500 comments a year brought in 100 people for each batch of 3,285 comments, we'd gain 10,000 people for that year.

The above analysis is also limited to just using the internet and does not take into consideration stickers and other things posted in the physical environment, or any celebrities, pundits or other popular channels bringing up the topic of the Joy of Satan to larger audiences.
What I mean is, "I'm standing at an outpost with you and want to discuss some intel I've gathered from the field, and get a second opinion on some ideas and a plan I've created."

My latter comment might have come off as wrong.

Ninja 666 said:
You want me to post a few ideas and a plan I have and look over this with you now?

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I agree with you and I am ready to follow a clear plan to that end. The numbers had to be feasible, and I consider 1 billion individuals being exposed at least once to the JoS a plausible number to achieve in this time spectrum. Also, they must have clicked the website.

I am doing whatever I can on my end for this too. We are expanding in other countries where language barrier exists and so on. Translators and so many others are doing work for the Gods on a daily basis.

The point is to reach 1 billion individual people and show them this.

Clearly that is attainable. We will do this through site promotion, ads, commenting and every other method available.

There are also quite a few VIP personalities on JoS, but they are not at liberty right now to promote anything, because the terrain is a bit against us now. This could be overturned in the future as adoption and understanding of our ideas grows past the darkness of the enemy. That would be the icing on the cake.

Ninja 666 said:
Considering we'd do this using only the internet in the safest manageable manner; anonymously, with pseudonyms, using VPNs, emails dedicated to this, and whatever browser and OS's deemed best.

Using social media sites like BitChute, YouTube, Banned Videos, Twitter, Gab, Minds, Reddit, 4chan, Quora, Yahoo Answers, and other forums, and potential alternative social medias.

1 person doing 3 comments a day for a year, would produce 1,095 comments.

However, if you level the field and gain an overlook, increasing this to 3-5 years, say the latter five year period, the same person has produced 5,475 comments.

Should we manage to gather 10 people doing 3 comments a day for a year, they'd produce 10,950 comments. In five years that would be 54,750 comments.

If 100 Spiritual Satanists would be doing 3 comments a day for a year, they would produce 109,500 comments. In five years they'd produce 547,500 comments.

Should we be 300 strong doing 3 comments a day for a year, we'd produce 328,500 comments. Through the course of a five year period they would produce over 1 million comments. (exact number 1,642,500)

With the above 300 SS in mind, stretching this to 10 years, we'd need to reach 310 people with each comment to have reached the exposure goal of 1 billion people. (exact number 1,018,350,000)

The above is analyzing the numbers with limiting the production to only the 300 people from beginning to end. If we add to the analysis a theory of a "branching effect", the 328,500 comments a year might bring in to the forums say 10 people for each batch of 3,285 comments posted, that would gain us 1,000 new SS a year that could potentially branch out with posting their own comments on the analysis of the next year.

Let's follow the ten year plan, and limit ourselves from beginning to end with 1,000 Spiritual Satanists posting 3 comments a day for a year, that would produce 1,095,000 (around 1 million) comments for one year. Through a ten year period they'd produce 10,950,000 comments. If each of their comments reached an exposure to 100 people, the Joy of Satan would been seen by 1 billion people.

The overall analysis does not calculate or take into consideration the potential for how many times 1 comment might be seen over the course of 10 years. The 1,000 Spiritual Satanists example does not take into consideration the "branching effect theory" (the potential of bringing in more members to post comments). The "branching effect theory" with 300 posters also underplayed the potential of people joining the forums; if the 328,500 comments a year brought in 100 people for each batch of 3,285 comments, we'd gain 10,000 people for that year.

The above analysis is also limited to just using the internet and does not take into consideration stickers and other things posted in the physical environment, or any celebrities, pundits or other popular channels bringing up the topic of the Joy of Satan to larger audiences.

Reichsmarschall John Doe Goy upon his throne
He’s at the top so if he lets you go, it’s a far drop
Symbols and gems embedded in gold shimmering
Illuminated under torchlight- His energy simmering

Scepter for a king, lantern for the wizard on the hill
Cross the border to shill and proverbial guts spill
A den of vipers is unlike Xians in proverbial diapers
Don’t trifle- he’s a sniper tougher than thug bikers

He’s fire and ice together- wisdom in every letter
The women he attracts are like Baroness in leather
Fuck with the beast and get eaten like meat bitch
Killing them softly- this warlock can fuck any witch

The big-dog- also like a cool cat with a MAGA hat
Sees all grey area and silver lining- that’s a fact
Melts steel with his breath- not someone to test
He’ll make your heart glow or rip it from your chest

Levitating above storming seas in a deep trance
Satan took him by the hand to unfathomable lands
The snake-goat-man doesn’t strut like a chicken
Doesn’t prance like a pony- he watches and listens

As his advice is given; it’s pure and succinct wisdom
His knowledge exponentially tantamount to college
Pure wisdom and vision on his Hell-bound mission
Solid as marble pillars of the temple he dwells in

He’s the trophy on the table- the best show on cable
Meets you more than half way whenever he’s able
Like Jordan for the win again and again - he’s money
The gold of his essence drips like honey; hungry?

The roaring Porsche on the autobahn- he’s coming
Hollywood Lakers scared of the Pistons’ drumming
Knocks frowning clowns plastic crowns to the ground
They cower in his presence- line ‘em up take ‘em out

Spit poison in kikes eyes- paralyzing their spines
Fear of snakes manifest- he slithers up from behind
Fearless leader rewrites scripts when directing theatre
Unloads clips on bitches; kills grime like 409 cleaner

Listen to the teacher freedom fighters- the preacher
He’s Aladdin with the lamp freeing demons with a clap
Those on the bleachers can’t touch him, like Brady
‘God save thee; c’mon baby’- don’t betray just obey me’

Cutting edge- he exposes goblin Jews’ fake news
Puts it all on the line as we have everything to lose
He’s so clutch in crunch time when it’s on the line
This reaper sets kike-crooks on meat hooks alive

Enchants with his hypnotic glare- a piercing stare
Hitting those meddling everything- they’re tumbling
Flip flop- they’re back-peddling as they stop reveling
Tick-tock it’s only fair- the fuck with kikes being scared

Pylon of the grand architecture- he sips the chalice
Etching his ethos in eternal Nazi lore from his palace
Meets every challenge gracefully in harmonic balance
He guards his pack like a wild animal most savage

Diamond from the rough- he’s tough and calls bluffs
Orchestrating his enterprise to put all kikes in cuffs
A fountain of patience- guides souls to salvation
No quarter in the 11th hour- report to your stations

He’s the Don- don’t spit in his face or you’ll be gone
The whole world will sing his praise in great songs
He’s the Dawn of a new day- so shout ‘sieg heil’
Reichsmarschall Cobra; the High Priest can’t fail

So much to be done in the next 9 years.

And for the first time, there is call to take action on the physical as well.

Good luck to all Satanic Brothers and Sisters out there.

And we are all eternally grateful to the Father Satan, Gods and Goddesses, without Them all of this wouldn’t be possible.

Hail Satan! Forever!
Ratel Sigma said:
Thank you HP Cobra

Is social networks the best way to share ?
Or it's better to distribute leaflets ?

Because i don't have social media like jewbook or jewgram etc.. but i noticed that when i was on those networks, information was shared quickly so i don't know.

FRTR (french video) :



Both for best effectiveness. Have short term and lomg term goals. Its a ten year plan. I was thinking if i am able to save up and to aquire a plane or paramotor and to fly a banner / drop tracts.

I was also thinking of buying an email list and sending something simple, not spamy.

Or pay people to pass out flyers. Be semi cryptic and have the link behind a url shortener.
Sounds like a great plan. This is just my opinion. If we are going to try and mass introduce the old gods and the true way of existence the website will honestly scare most people away even before they get a chance to read anything. The trash bible and the shit that has been taught and brainwashed in to people will deter them immediately. Just the name satan freaks most people out. Let alone the website is black and red and full of pentagrams on the first page. I would suggest making a different page with some basic information and explanation of things. Before people are able to just go right to the joy of satan site. Don’t mention the name satan. Right if the bay until someone understands where the name came from. If we are to reach 1 billion people. We need to figure a way around the programming that has gone on for the past thousand years. Especially the past 100 years.
I've said this in the first page but I'll reiterate since it never got answered.

But are we like some members stated continue to be doing F-RTR, A-T, and SJD for years if not decades more? Some members have iterated that these last RTRs are gonna continue going through so long as Hebrew, Islam, and Xtianity exist. I mean isn't after a while a wall of lead is basically built preventing or greatly reducing the enemy kabalistic intent. I mean HP.Cobra did state even if we did a greater job the fact xtianity and pislam has engraved into reality their reality doesn't mean it's all sunshine and roses afterwards rather even the enemies non-sense will still poke holes from time to time.

Are we gonna have other rituals such as manipulation rituals like for example E.R.A.(Enhanced Race Awakening is coming). Are we gonna eventually do all we can do with RTR-RNTRs and do our own grand mass rituals for betterment of mankind?
Gear88 said:
I've said this in the first page but I'll reiterate since it never got answered.

But are we like some members stated continue to be doing F-RTR, A-T, and SJD for years if not decades more? Some members have iterated that these last RTRs are gonna continue going through so long as Hebrew, Islam, and Xtianity exist. I mean isn't after a while a wall of lead is basically built preventing or greatly reducing the enemy kabalistic intent. I mean HP.Cobra did state even if we did a greater job the fact xtianity and pislam has engraved into reality their reality doesn't mean it's all sunshine and roses afterwards rather even the enemies non-sense will still poke holes from time to time.

Are we gonna have other rituals such as manipulation rituals like for example E.R.A.(Enhanced Race Awakening is coming). Are we gonna eventually do all we can do with RTR-RNTRs and do our own grand mass rituals for betterment of mankind?
As Cobra has stated, until enemy is completely spiritually flattened.

We can not let even a hint of enemy programs be left lest we risk new uprise of the plague on this globe. It's not enough to cripple our enemy. They have to be removed with no trace left behind.
onemage619 said:
Sounds like a great plan. This is just my opinion. If we are going to try and mass introduce the old gods and the true way of existence the website will honestly scare most people away even before they get a chance to read anything. The trash bible and the shit that has been taught and brainwashed in to people will deter them immediately. Just the name satan freaks most people out. Let alone the website is black and red and full of pentagrams on the first page. I would suggest making a different page with some basic information and explanation of things. Before people are able to just go right to the joy of satan site. Don’t mention the name satan. Right if the bay until someone understands where the name came from. If we are to reach 1 billion people. We need to figure a way around the programming that has gone on for the past thousand years. Especially the past 100 years.

No, we want them to see the "scary" website. Only a few will move past the conditioning. The aim shouldn't be for people who can't see past the "scary" website. We want to shake them and help people move away from this idea.

If they freak out just reactively it means they have no philosophical or spiritual potential. This path is an introspective one and if one isn't ready to accept that some things are not what they seem or that the jews have simply lied, then they won't get far in this path.

Of course because what you say is also correct on the emotional level of people, I understand what you mean. We will also take other approaches, but as far as the main JoS goes and the main goal, it remains the same.

Fuck the people who are "Scared". We cannot comply to their nonsensical feelings.
Ninja 666 said:
What I mean is, "I'm standing at an outpost with you and want to discuss some intel I've gathered from the field, and get a second opinion on some ideas and a plan I've created."

My e-mail is always open, I will be expecting your e-mail. Thanks Brother.
onemage619 said:
Sounds like a great plan. This is just my opinion. If we are going to try and mass introduce the old gods and the true way of existence the website will honestly scare most people away even before they get a chance to read anything. The trash bible and the shit that has been taught and brainwashed in to people will deter them immediately. Just the name satan freaks most people out. Let alone the website is black and red and full of pentagrams on the first page. I would suggest making a different page with some basic information and explanation of things. Before people are able to just go right to the joy of satan site. Don’t mention the name satan. Right if the bay until someone understands where the name came from. If we are to reach 1 billion people. We need to figure a way around the programming that has gone on for the past thousand years. Especially the past 100 years.
Redpillers FAQ: Why Do We Use The Name "Satan"?
The Joy Of Satan must reach maximum exposure, with more than a billion people being exposed to Spiritual Satanism and confronted with the reality of the necessity to return to our Ancient Gods.

So we should have at least hundreds of millions of people here by the end of this decade?
Wow :shock:
Artanis said:
The Joy Of Satan must reach maximum exposure, with more than a billion people being exposed to Spiritual Satanism and confronted with the reality of the necessity to return to our Ancient Gods.

So we should have at least hundreds of millions of people here by the end of this decade?
Wow :shock:

We must reach them and they must see this opportunity. Who will want to join now or at what point will be a situation that will be decided by other factors.
Artanis said:
The Joy Of Satan must reach maximum exposure, with more than a billion people being exposed to Spiritual Satanism and confronted with the reality of the necessity to return to our Ancient Gods.

So we should have at least hundreds of millions of people here by the end of this decade?
Wow :shock:
The JoS is already international and has reached all corners of the world. If everyone of us does what is required and goes the extra mile, we'll reach way more people in the next decade.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
onemage619 said:
Sounds like a great plan. This is just my opinion. If we are going to try and mass introduce the old gods and the true way of existence the website will honestly scare most people away even before they get a chance to read anything. The trash bible and the shit that has been taught and brainwashed in to people will deter them immediately. Just the name satan freaks most people out. Let alone the website is black and red and full of pentagrams on the first page. I would suggest making a different page with some basic information and explanation of things. Before people are able to just go right to the joy of satan site. Don’t mention the name satan. Right if the bay until someone understands where the name came from. If we are to reach 1 billion people. We need to figure a way around the programming that has gone on for the past thousand years. Especially the past 100 years.

No, we want them to see the "scary" website. Only a few will move past the conditioning. The aim shouldn't be for people who can't see past the "scary" website. We want to shake them and help people move away from this idea.

If they freak out just reactively it means they have no philosophical or spiritual potential. This path is an introspective one and if one isn't ready to accept that some things are not what they seem or that the jews have simply lied, then they won't get far in this path.

Of course because what you say is also correct on the emotional level of people, I understand what you mean. We will also take other approaches, but as far as the main JoS goes and the main goal, it remains the same.

Fuck the people who are "Scared". We cannot comply to their nonsensical feelings.

I am of the belief that if you want to influence the masses towards something use emotion just like Hitler said.

It could be that the background on some pages if it's thought about could be nature pictures or beautiful things or even stuff from space that has been observed maybe stuff from the ancient times (or what is left of it now such as a Mayan or Egyptian pyramid Stonehenge etc)

The idea also is some stuff based upon emotion used somewhere but Positive or stark contrasts maybe like the enemy does with converting people to xtianity. I think everyone is familiar with that one so no need to explain.

Not that I think anything is wrong with the site at all I just want to add my own personal ideas of stuff that might gain a lot of numbers.

The idea is to make into Art what you create and provide a full sensory experience. That maybe ends up associating in the mind with as many of the senses as possible or something pleasant. Kind of hard but it can be done.
slyscorpion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
onemage619 said:

No, we want them to see the "scary" website. Only a few will move past the conditioning. The aim shouldn't be for people who can't see past the "scary" website. We want to shake them and help people move away from this idea.

If they freak out just reactively it means they have no philosophical or spiritual potential. This path is an introspective one and if one isn't ready to accept that some things are not what they seem or that the jews have simply lied, then they won't get far in this path.

Of course because what you say is also correct on the emotional level of people, I understand what you mean. We will also take other approaches, but as far as the main JoS goes and the main goal, it remains the same.

Fuck the people who are "Scared". We cannot comply to their nonsensical feelings.

I am of the belief that if you want to influence the masses towards something use emotion just like Hitler said.

It could be that the background on some pages if it's thought about could be nature pictures or beautiful things or even stuff from space that has been observed maybe stuff from the ancient times (or what is left of it now such as a Mayan or Egyptian pyramid Stonehenge etc)

The idea also is some stuff based upon emotion used somewhere but Positive or stark contrasts maybe like the enemy does with converting people to xtianity. I think everyone is familiar with that one so no need to explain.

Not that I think anything is wrong with the site at all I just want to add my own personal ideas of stuff that might gain a lot of numbers.

The idea is to make into Art what you create and provide a full sensory experience. That maybe ends up associating in the mind with as many of the senses as possible or something pleasant. Kind of hard but it can be done.

We will adopt another approaches like this, but it cannot be for the strong core of people. I think I explained this on the above too. Plus, many Pagans already are doing exactly that.

As far as the JoS goes, its not us that must change for people but them must understand why it's important for them to change for us. Those who have the courage to cross the first gate, will see the endless beauty. That's how many of these things work by the intention of the Gods, not merely because of aesthetic choices of people.

There is a degree of divine seriousness in this that cannot be under-represented. The JoS has the most important mission as everyone here of us understands.

However I also understand we can have sister or other sites, relating things in a simpler way. This is underway as well. People who have valuable input can help on these sites too.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
slyscorpion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
No, we want them to see the "scary" website. Only a few will move past the conditioning. The aim shouldn't be for people who can't see past the "scary" website. We want to shake them and help people move away from this idea.

If they freak out just reactively it means they have no philosophical or spiritual potential. This path is an introspective one and if one isn't ready to accept that some things are not what they seem or that the jews have simply lied, then they won't get far in this path.

Of course because what you say is also correct on the emotional level of people, I understand what you mean. We will also take other approaches, but as far as the main JoS goes and the main goal, it remains the same.

Fuck the people who are "Scared". We cannot comply to their nonsensical feelings.

I am of the belief that if you want to influence the masses towards something use emotion just like Hitler said.

It could be that the background on some pages if it's thought about could be nature pictures or beautiful things or even stuff from space that has been observed maybe stuff from the ancient times (or what is left of it now such as a Mayan or Egyptian pyramid Stonehenge etc)

The idea also is some stuff based upon emotion used somewhere but Positive or stark contrasts maybe like the enemy does with converting people to xtianity. I think everyone is familiar with that one so no need to explain.

Not that I think anything is wrong with the site at all I just want to add my own personal ideas of stuff that might gain a lot of numbers.

The idea is to make into Art what you create and provide a full sensory experience. That maybe ends up associating in the mind with as many of the senses as possible or something pleasant. Kind of hard but it can be done.

We will adopt another approaches like this, but it cannot be for the strong core of people. I think I explained this on the above too. Plus, many Pagans already are doing exactly that.

As far as the JoS goes, its not us that must change for people but them must understand why it's important for them to change for us. Those who have the courage to cross the first gate, will see the endless beauty. That's how many of these things work by the intention of the Gods, not merely because of aesthetic choices of people.

There is a degree of divine seriousness in this that cannot be under-represented. The JoS has the most important mission as everyone here of us understands.

However I also understand we can have sister or other sites, relating things in a simpler way. This is underway as well. People who have valuable input can help on these sites too.

I tried to do this approach years ago with a website years ago on xtianity. http://web.archive.org/web/20141218202508/http://understandingchristianity.yolasite.com/
Just giving an example this isn't up anywhere anymore.
The try to get down on their level thing. As an empathetic person I kind of can do it. Not that it sounds great to anyone outside of those enemy programs though. It might be a turn off to stronger people. But it does work on some people.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
slyscorpion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
No, we want them to see the "scary" website. Only a few will move past the conditioning. The aim shouldn't be for people who can't see past the "scary" website. We want to shake them and help people move away from this idea.

If they freak out just reactively it means they have no philosophical or spiritual potential. This path is an introspective one and if one isn't ready to accept that some things are not what they seem or that the jews have simply lied, then they won't get far in this path.

Of course because what you say is also correct on the emotional level of people, I understand what you mean. We will also take other approaches, but as far as the main JoS goes and the main goal, it remains the same.

Fuck the people who are "Scared". We cannot comply to their nonsensical feelings.

I am of the belief that if you want to influence the masses towards something use emotion just like Hitler said.

It could be that the background on some pages if it's thought about could be nature pictures or beautiful things or even stuff from space that has been observed maybe stuff from the ancient times (or what is left of it now such as a Mayan or Egyptian pyramid Stonehenge etc)

The idea also is some stuff based upon emotion used somewhere but Positive or stark contrasts maybe like the enemy does with converting people to xtianity. I think everyone is familiar with that one so no need to explain.

Not that I think anything is wrong with the site at all I just want to add my own personal ideas of stuff that might gain a lot of numbers.

The idea is to make into Art what you create and provide a full sensory experience. That maybe ends up associating in the mind with as many of the senses as possible or something pleasant. Kind of hard but it can be done.

We will adopt another approaches like this, but it cannot be for the strong core of people. I think I explained this on the above too. Plus, many Pagans already are doing exactly that.

As far as the JoS goes, its not us that must change for people but them must understand why it's important for them to change for us. Those who have the courage to cross the first gate, will see the endless beauty. That's how many of these things work by the intention of the Gods, not merely because of aesthetic choices of people.

There is a degree of divine seriousness in this that cannot be under-represented. The JoS has the most important mission as everyone here of us understands.

However I also understand we can have sister or other sites, relating things in a simpler way. This is underway as well. People who have valuable input can help on these sites too.

I hope we never decide to change how the JOS looks. It's historical and beautiful. Red and black happen to be my favorite colors and not to mention they are alchemical colors for the main Nadis up the spine. It was would a travesty and a desecration to remove any of the color or symbols.
Hello everyone, I am new to the forums.

I have the happiness to express my admiration towards the gods.

I agree with all the above as stated.

I wish everyone of us fullfils his duty as a warrior of Satan and of the Gods and Godesses of Hell.

May we grow as a united Universal force and cast away all the evil that this invasion has caused.

I am sincerely happy to befriend all of you who are worthy here, and I ll do everything in my power for the - love this choice of word, Nemesis of our Gods and Godesses, who without mercy shall bring true Divine Justice.

Thank you as well HPHooded Cobra666 for being the best coordinator we have at our arsenal.

Let us all unite under the Banner of Satanism and pursue our dreams and goals.

Hail Father Satan
Hail Baalzebul
Hail Astaroth
Hail Azazel
Hail Thoth and
Hail every member/fighter/warrior here
CowboyfromHell said:
Hello everyone, I am new to the forums.

I have the happiness to express my admiration towards the gods.

I agree with all the above as stated.

I wish everyone of us fullfils his duty as a warrior of Satan and of the Gods and Godesses of Hell.

May we grow as a united Universal force and cast away all the evil that this invasion has caused.

I am sincerely happy to befriend all of you who are worthy here, and I ll do everything in my power for the - love this choice of word, Nemesis of our Gods and Godesses, who without mercy shall bring true Divine Justice.

Thank you as well HPHooded Cobra666 for being the best coordinator we have at our arsenal.

Let us all unite under the Banner of Satanism and pursue our dreams and goals.

Hail Father Satan
Hail Baalzebul
Hail Astaroth
Hail Azazel
Hail Thoth and
Hail every member/fighter/warrior here
Welcome! ;)
Serbon said:
CowboyfromHell said:
Hello everyone, I am new to the forums.

I have the happiness to express my admiration towards the gods.

I agree with all the above as stated.

I wish everyone of us fullfils his duty as a warrior of Satan and of the Gods and Godesses of Hell.

May we grow as a united Universal force and cast away all the evil that this invasion has caused.

I am sincerely happy to befriend all of you who are worthy here, and I ll do everything in my power for the - love this choice of word, Nemesis of our Gods and Godesses, who without mercy shall bring true Divine Justice.

Thank you as well HPHooded Cobra666 for being the best coordinator we have at our arsenal.

Let us all unite under the Banner of Satanism and pursue our dreams and goals.

Hail Father Satan
Hail Baalzebul
Hail Astaroth
Hail Azazel
Hail Thoth and
Hail every member/fighter/warrior here
Welcome! ;)

Thank you!
HP HoodedCobra you said "Infiltration into worldly offices, institutions, even religions, is advised. As people also fulfil their own destiny, they must carry with them what the Gods give them, and carry this to enlighten the world."

I'm asking what if these worldly offices, institutions and religions says we must swear on a "fucking bible" or do initiations into other pagan religions.

Should we do it but keep in mind the "commitment ritual to Satan" or we shouldn't?
SETI said:
HP HoodedCobra you said "Infiltration into worldly offices, institutions, even religions, is advised. As people also fulfil their own destiny, they must carry with them what the Gods give them, and carry this to enlighten the world."

I'm asking what if these worldly offices, institutions and religions says we must swear on a "fucking bible" or do initiations into other pagan religions.

Should we do it but keep in mind the "commitment ritual to Satan" or we shouldn't?

There are many political offices now if not most of the West, where the insidious book of the Bible is a "Must swear upon" in order to partake in any office. In this case, one cannot even lead their own people or serve them in some way without having the insidious book drummed into them.

Just keep in mind, the Oath is still valid in front of the Gods, and that the Bible as a book is a total hoax.

The Ritual one does to Dedicate is permanent unless explicitly proclaimed otherwise. Nothing can stop it, and definitely not the hoax fraud book of the "Bible". The bible is just a gathering of historical lies slapped together as a fake "Holy" book.

So yes, that should not keep someone from advancing in that regard. Private renouncing of this act can happen in a Standard Ritual to Satan when one has considerable privacy, if one is still "concerned" about this.

The lies however must be in no way be allowed inside one's own heart and mind, but the engagement of public spectacle might be necessary.

One shouldn't do these where not necessary, however, for example, many Nations give you option to swear for office in a non religious setting or to the People. This makes this swearing and this oath more powerful and important even, because one swears to serve the People.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
