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The Ten Year Plan: Charter For The Next Decade Of The Joy Of Satan

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
The Joy of Satan is now and will continue being a place of advancement for humanity. We understand our purpose is of historical importance. As time goes, others will understand this too.

We are still all very early in this.

Over the last two decades, imposters, enemies and those against us have failed to destroy what Satan Himself has established, which is the Joy of Satan. They are acting on futile hopes if they believe the Joy of Satan and it's people will be deterred from the path the Gods have set in front of us.

As it should be expected, the once small seed the Gods have planted, is now getting bigger and bigger. Nothing deterred it from growth when it was small and weak, and therefore nothing will stop it in the future. The Souls of the Gods that reside here will not allow none of this to pass.

With the power of the Gods now, increasing and constantly becoming more obvious day by day, humanity not only stands as chance to spiritually ruin the enemy, but we also want to move beyond this - into creation and generation of a better and more uplifted world.

The Gods want for mankind to progress. We follow upon this dictate.

In accordance to the Will of The Gods, I present therefore the 10 points of the charter for the next 10 years in the Joy Of Satan. This will be our long-term plan for advancing.

1. The Joy Of Satan must reach maximum exposure, with more than a billion people being exposed to Spiritual Satanism and confronted with the reality of the necessity to return to our Ancient Gods.

The aim of at least 1 billion people have to be reached by the end of the decade. The number can be overcome, and the more, the better. The ultimate aim of the JoS is for itself to become renown to all Gentiles across the whole of the planet, to the point where somehow, quite a few people one meets outside will have at least encountered the site.

The above is to be done either through great noble acts, spreading of information, or directing people through advertising, keeping in mind their free will of choice.

The Joy of Satan will remain open to all Gentiles who want to join it, yet, the expectation of not perverting it's message by a single line will be of utmost importance. We would rather remain a non-majority path, or even a very small minority path, or a small network, over corrupting any of our core ideals or purpose.

We are to maintain our advocacy towards human elitism with spirituality and wisdom of soul at the core, celebration of human differences, advancement, and through this, humanity might for once have an actual brotherhood based on respect and non-assimilation of it's elements. Our paradigm is opposed to the enemy paradigm.

Everyone must have an opportunity to join at some point, and this opportunity has to be made universally accessible and available. How people will act, is again, the fruit of their own free will.

2. The Joy Of Satan will become, as we have been making it, the best place for spiritual development worldwide. The best and most proper spiritual knowledge will be given and disseminated, for the good of mankind.

The meditations and spiritual knowledge of the JoS, is to be unparalleled, and whomever is aware of the matters of the spirit, must know that the Joy of Satan holds the highest and most powerful spiritual knowledge.

3. The Joy Of Satan will uplift the Gods into the highest level that it has ever been done in recent history. We will reveal the Truth about the Gods, and provide them the best representation they have had for centuries.

The above, granted the expansion of the Gods and their knowledge, will be coming with monumentally positive effects for humanity, a humanity no longer abandoned inside the plaguing darkness of enemy lies, but again connected to the Gods that want to protect it in the passing of it's destiny.

4. The Joy Of Satan, and I too, want to lead everyone in a strong Satanic brotherhood through the next decade of radical change.

Brothers and sisters who will take responsibility, as leaders, teachers, or guides, will be respectable personalities on the forum, will hold firmly the Satanic Family intact, as we move through the twilight of the changes of the next decade. All of this power will be centred into one singular brotherhood, with the Gods at the Center, and us all around organized as sun rays emanating from the central sun.

We must firmly hold onto each other, so that we all end through this decade not only considerably more advanced spiritually, but also physically, intellectually and materially.

5. Spiritual warfare will happen until the enemy is destroyed. We intend to expand our spiritual power not only in numbers, but also in spiritual knowledge, unceasing warfare and it's application until the enemy who keeps humanity back is completely nullified and then destroyed.

We stand opposed to the enemy's "World Order", which has falsely been claimed as the "New World Order" - this is nothing else but the "Old World Order" the fruit of the enemy, the same souls that have highly damaged and delayed humanity from it's given destiny. These Middle Ages borne slavers, we do stand opposed against. We stand against this, in our opinion, desperate attempt to create a Dystopia that will enslave the soul and mind of man.

The Gods themselves want this to happen, and we will do this with unceasing spiritual warfare. It's time that Gentiles not only return into control of our own destiny, but cast the enemy into the depth of the spiritual abyss now and forever.

6. Except of work of spiritual destruction and war, half of all our collective effort will go into self improvement, world improvement, but above all, the collective improvement of us all as a group and spiritual family of souls.

Inside this family, as in the external world, we want to retain our differences, both natural and spiritual, promoting in our midst relations of advancement, rather than equality towards the bottom rung of existence.

That is in accordance to the Will of the Gods, who have put us all here with a collective purpose and want us to channel our collective power both unto ourselves, and unto the world.

7. The Joy Of Satan wants to increasingly, either through spiritual or material means, positively affect the decision making offices of this world, in fair judgement and to promote the reconstruction of systems of rulership that are more just, friendly towards nature, and beneficial to man.

Assistance in the removal of the enemy and their philosophies, from all institutions and decision making posts - and therefore the minds and life of the people, is desirable.

We will assist into this, either through replacement of corrupted individuals by some of our own, or at least in general by blessed and wise individuals that will be spiritually put in place. Nemesis and Divine retribution coming from spiritual knowledge and from the Gods, or intellectual takeover may be means to that end.

As people once used to come to our Gods to pray and receive guidance, for leaders of this world and heads of states, or any others must have availability to consult the Gods again.

We must give these people too, except of giving this knowledge to the masses, the ability again to receive positive understanding from the Gods, so that mistakes in the dangerous future that is coming are to be minimized.

Mistakes of the past where spiritual ignorance caused excessive damage to humanity must not be repeated in the Satanic Era, and if it ever occurs, it should be corrected, but in all instances be attempted to be avoided.

8. Members of the Joy of Satan are to be elevated through collective use of our spiritual force, propelling them both spiritually and materially into higher position in life [for those who want to use their abilities to rise in our world], with the above service towards humanity and our Gods in mind. Those who serve these Divine Interests, will also be rewarded to continue doing so.

Infiltration into worldly offices, institutions, even religions, is advised. As people also fulfil their own destiny, they must carry with them what the Gods give them, and carry this to enlighten the world.

This could be all the way from one's local neighbourhood or their closed circle of friends, to crafty ways that will promote the Gods in the eyes of tens of millions of real people: Each will act on their own powers.

9. The Joy of Satan and it's knowledge is to become immortalized, extremely distributed, existing in an ever increasing amount of places, physical or virtual.

The knowledge in it being crystal clear, will serve as a guide for the future of humanity. As humanity will expand throughout the stars, the correct knowledge and spiritual inspiration of Joy Of Satan must become adopted thought and principle for human beings.

10. The Joy of Satan will be pivotal in forcing the redefinition of all the enemy paradigms, subjugation and annihilation of enemy lies, promotion of science, spirituality, a love for the return towards the human inner wisdom, intuition, and the spirit of wisdom seeking: The Joy of Satan will stand opposed to existential nihilism, enslavement, and any other values who try to cripple humanity and destroy it for the benefits of a very few.

The above is to be instated with logic, understanding and through the rising of wisdom, or through spiritual force. There should be no way that the above is not done, abandoned, or left to be on it's own fate. We are entirely against merely looking and not acting on the above charter, and anyone who calls themselves a Satanist must partake and help into this undertaking.

All of the above, we pray and look forward that the Gods of Orion will bestow upon us all, individually, collectively and in our world. No longer will this world be cut from them, provided they give us their support and we also keep our existential connection as a core memory. The Joy of Satan must act as the biggest conduit for the Will Of The Gods, and promote the example of others to walk on the straight path.

I only showed jos websites to a select few guess i gotta expand well its good now to show more people once a niece now an empire. Peace to alan who i showed in 2011. And back to dan in early 2004 (warrior) as i knew him. The enemy did this to themselves as they get picked off for the gods of orion to show truth.heck still remember the children of the night website speaking of ea. Search truth.
Find orion.
Hail satan.
Summerian til my last breath
Yes big plans are coming! I loved reading this. I am picking up slowly with information sharing online warfare as we speak. I have encountered people who are open more or less. This will continue and spread from my part as well on many fronts.

If only i could win the lottery....the things i would do with that money. Our people would be getting into positions of power and influential systems in a heartbeat. The hits that would be done on endless big cheese kikes. JOS would get an epic boost too.

I look very forward to the coming changes and new information but it will take us working together!
This is absolutely beautiful and amazing. One thing I've noticed is the Gods are definitely extremely eager to put us in positions where we are needed, like positions of authority, positions where our people deserve to have a hold, or them bestowing wealth upon us tondo as they command, to reestablish satans world.

I've had quite a few conversations with the Gods in regards to this, and they seem like they are very extremely eager to have those of us who are capable, and wanting to do this.

I am extremely interested, excited to see where things go for us in the coming decade.
In this all the way!

1 billion is well within reach when one considers the massive exposure of the enemy, and the resistance people have shown in just this last year alone.

We've only been doing spiritual warfare for a short time, yet the future looks dark for the international jew.
One day, the enemy will know in the most horrific way to them that they have knocked on the wrong door.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I am definitely doing my part. I've always saw something really positive and amazing for the future, and it's a matter of how. And I'm really excited not only for what the gods have in store for us, but also the work we actively put in for self-growth, dispelling the blasphemous lies, ignorance and fears that held mankind back. I definitely see Gentile nations reaching new heights of power and strengthen their relationship with the gods like never seen before, and in this lifetime and generation too. I can see that light of hope. And it's a matter of how to make it shine even brighter.
We “Will” succeed in each of the Charter of 10.

Something truly profound came over me while reading this.

I was here when the Charter of 10 was written.

I am a second generation SS (Joined 2017). I was known as Agares54324, and then after GoldenxChild. I will be here in 10 years, and in 80 years. This is my home and my church.

We are truly changing history here.

We will be as Gods.

It’a a surreal feeling.

I will follow you HPC, and I wouldn’t want to follow anyone else.

Ive been working on opening the soul/chakras.
But I am currently doing 'opening the 3rd eye' I've to do it 4 days in a row.... My question is once I finish that do I have to continue with the next one and so forth repeating this every day or I just only have to focus on 3rd eye meditation?

I am newbe, sorry for my grammar.
Thank you beforehand.

And also I am working and hopefully work with Amy (God).
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
5. Spiritual warfare will happen until the enemy is destroyed. We intend to expand our spiritual power not only in numbers, but also in spiritual knowledge, unceasing warfare and it's application until the enemy who keeps humanity back is completely nullified and then destroyed.

We stand opposed to the enemy's "World Order", which has falsely been claimed as the "New World Order" - this is nothing else but the "Old World Order" the fruit of the enemy, the same souls that have highly damaged and delayed humanity from it's given destiny. These Middle Ages borne slavers, will will stand opposed against. We stand against this, in our opinion, desperate attempt to create a Dystopia that will enslave the soul and mind of man.

The Gods themselves want this to happen, and we will do this with unceasing spiritual warfare. It's time that Gentiles not only return into control of our own destiny, but cast the enemy into the depth of the spiritual abyss now and forever.

In as much as historically given we've been doing Spiritual Warfare for pretty much nearing 20 years next year. I don't know if the Black Rose group ever performed Spiritual Warfare, I assume Spiritual Warfare tricks but not mass rituals. I'm aware since 2002 the Freeing of the Gods although like one recent member stated it's more like de-binding the effectiveness of the Gods ability to interact with this World. And I'm aware the first big punch was 2003 with the Anti-Vatican ritual. I'm aware also like you replied to me by 2008 the 20,000 or so members who existed which as it says in the JoS mainsite surprised Satan who viewed our position as critical. Only about maybe 2,000 or so did the multi-monthly, bi-monthly rituals.

So in essence it wasn't till 2013 with the 88(W)/99(B) Awakening rituals which were the longest rituals to day done for 39/40 days back then and over time reapplied. It wasn't till 2016 we received the RTR 42NoG and even then it wasn't till September of that year when other rituals came online which were done daily and emphasized heavily as daily. In fact we've pretty much done so many anti-war rituals that the Middle East was a lot more calm and didn't end up into a war/World War scenario even if the World is literally in a World War or there is enough military activity that it can become hot.

But I've been wondering this for a while now with M-RTRs, RNTR, F-RTR, A-T, and SJD. When does it end? When does the all clear come out that states the enemy is so kabalistically eviscerated that their ability to manifest this reality of theirs is gonna be met by non-existent powers.

Basically the RNTR, M-RTR, A-T, and SJD are rituals to create or generate a reality i.e. the enemy properties destroyed. The F-RTR isn't exactly a manipulator but more of a power down pump. It just bombs everything and allows previous, current, or future rituals even 88/99 rituals seemingly become more powerful. They don't have to grind through the enemy grime.

But at what point can we state we've done enough RTR that the enemy is always in position of losing. When do we move on to other rituals to affect reality or improve reality. Like the new enhanced awakening ritual it's an addendum to the 88/99 and to procure racial existence and survivability for the White race but also assist the races to help the White.

But what about rituals like for example working with the Gods to Sahararasize the Greater Satanic unto the Lower Satanic by Muladharasizing it. In other words are we ever gonna work with more constructive rituals to bring down what the Gods want from Humanity.

Are we like Slyscorpion and a few other lesser known members stating we are gonna be doing RTRs for decades? Are there in the future other Spiritual Warfare rituals to change reality?
This sermon is a big smile towards the future.
This was ecstatic to read. From the bottom of my heart, I am sincerely proud to be with the JoS!

Thank you so much brother Hoodedcobra. Your name will be eternally remembered alongside that of great men and women of the past like Hitler, Alexander the Great and many others.

We will not stop until Satan's World has come from the astral all the way down to the physical in full. And even then, we will just keep going forward to our infinite destinies.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:


This has to be saved.

Im lucky i found JOS in early 2013 so nearly ten years already part of this amazing religion, also forum (i love this layout)

I look forward to the next ten years I hope to accomplish alot in my personal life but this also has a mega part in my life.

Thank you HPHC and all who have helped.
Once again I give kudos to HPHC. You’re eloquence is unrivaled. However there is need to be pragmatic in our dealings.
This is cause infiltrating to the level of putting ours in higher positions would need a means of identification. This refers back to my post about us having code words only initiates can understand.
Ask the question: how do I know this is a SSor not an opportunist who wants to gain power or fame or wealth through impersonation? If it’s possible to spiritually identify a SS with witch powers then it is to be employed in total effectiveness. However if this would be laborious and time consuming then we need to have a system. A profound occult system. Where we have handshakes. Code words or passwords. Creeds. Ceremonial initiations. This is to ensure only a true SS can identify as one since a false SS would definitely blunder in the interview process.
I hope this makes sense.
However I understand the irony of my post. In that despite calling for pragmatism I am idealistic in suggesting but not giving the methodology. However I believe the clergy would have a means of actualizing this if accepted.

Hail Father Satan!
Hail the Gods of ORION!
Hail Spiritual Satanism!
This is a very great plan, I am delighted with these goals! HAIL JOY OF SATAN!
Thank you HP Cobra

Is social networks the best way to share ?
Or it's better to distribute leaflets ?

Because i don't have social media like jewbook or jewgram etc.. but i noticed that when i was on those networks, information was shared quickly so i don't know.

FRTR (french video) :


Safety first and everything will work out. All the best to everyone.
It is such an honor to be a part of this transformation of humanity and the world. It is a great honor to be fighting under the guidance of such a just and humble Commander, it is an honor to fight alongside my Brothers and Sisters who are most fearless and noble warriors. Together we shall end the decay and bring most needed enlightenment upon this world. Count me in for whatever it is needed. I always try to do my best everyday.

Making Satanism the center of my life was the best decision I have ever made. The Gods really do see when one is serious about Satanism and help us closely to push through problems that may arise so that we can continue on with our mission. I have grown immensely and my knowledge have expanded to ways that were never before known to me, when I finally took the decision to be totally serious about Satanism and made my presence known to the Gods they have blatantly shown themselves to me and guided me. It's amazing how they work to bring knowledge to us. I have much to learn and to grow, but the path is shown before me, and I have been feeling very hopeful for the future. It warms my heart to know that my Brothers and Sisters have been having the same feeling. We are all connected in this. Stay strong and safe everyone.

I think Ethics in Satanism is very important . Also It should be mentioned in the plans.

Without Satanic Ethics , Life is bitch.

hail Satan.
Excellent! The future of the JoS sounds wonderful. I'm sure we'll all do our best to make it happen on time, in ten years.

I look forward to the day I can look out my window and see a pyramid instead of a filthy church cross. I can already feel their energy completely crumbling ever since we started the Shattering RTR. :D
Sarjam05 said:
Once again I give kudos to HPHC. You’re eloquence is unrivaled. However there is need to be pragmatic in our dealings.
This is cause infiltrating to the level of putting ours in higher positions would need a means of identification. This refers back to my post about us having code words only initiates can understand.
Ask the question: how do I know this is a SSor not an opportunist who wants to gain power or fame or wealth through impersonation? If it’s possible to spiritually identify a SS with witch powers then it is to be employed in total effectiveness. However if this would be laborious and time consuming then we need to have a system. A profound occult system. Where we have handshakes. Code words or passwords. Creeds. Ceremonial initiations. This is to ensure only a true SS can identify as one since a false SS would definitely blunder in the interview process.
I hope this makes sense.
However I understand the irony of my post. In that despite calling for pragmatism I am idealistic in suggesting but not giving the methodology. However I believe the clergy would have a means of actualizing this if accepted.

Hail Father Satan!
Hail the Gods of ORION!
Hail Spiritual Satanism!

When you're sufficiently advanced you don't need all that. Plus we're working side by side with the Gods. I assure you they have it all planned out and many of us will end up in power positions.
Ratel Sigma said:
You can do anything that works for you. Check the Internet Batallion subforum.
I also use the JoS stickers I print and then glue them to walls everywhere. Be careful though this might not be a safe way for some people. I usually go at night so I can walk in the shadows and not be seen. If you are to engage in the Internet Warfare make sure to read all the topics on Cybersecurity first on the same sub forum.
Sarjam05 said:
Once again I give kudos to HPHC. You’re eloquence is unrivaled. However there is need to be pragmatic in our dealings.
This is cause infiltrating to the level of putting ours in higher positions would need a means of identification. This refers back to my post about us having code words only initiates can understand.
Ask the question: how do I know this is a SSor not an opportunist who wants to gain power or fame or wealth through impersonation? If it’s possible to spiritually identify a SS with witch powers then it is to be employed in total effectiveness. However if this would be laborious and time consuming then we need to have a system. A profound occult system. Where we have handshakes. Code words or passwords. Creeds. Ceremonial initiations. This is to ensure only a true SS can identify as one since a false SS would definitely blunder in the interview process.
I hope this makes sense.
However I understand the irony of my post. In that despite calling for pragmatism I am idealistic in suggesting but not giving the methodology. However I believe the clergy would have a means of actualizing this if accepted.

Hail Father Satan!
Hail the Gods of ORION!
Hail Spiritual Satanism!

Makes sense and a good point if we had a club or various clubs to go to. In reality we probably wont ever see anyone we meet on here that could be a good thing and a bad thing.

In real life it could be alot easier to spot rats in the camp.

Maybe when the war is one we shall all meet as heros.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
1. The Joy Of Satan must reach maximum exposure, with more than a billion people being exposed to Spiritual Satanism and confronted with the reality of the necessity to return to our Ancient Gods.

Considering we'd do this using only the internet in a safe manner; for example, anonymously, using VPNs, emails dedicated to this, etc, etc.

Using for example social media sites like BitChute, YouTube, Banned Videos, Twitter, Gab, Minds, Reddit, 4chan, Quora, Yahoo Answers, other forums (Pagan, National Socialist etc), and potential alternative social medias.

1 person doing 3 comments a day for a year, would produce 1,095 comments.

However, if you level the field and gain an overlook, increasing this to 3-5 years, say the latter five year period, the same person has produced 5,475 comments.

Should we manage to gather 10 people doing 3 comments a day for a year, they'd produce 10,950 comments. In five years that would be 54,750 comments.

If 100 Spiritual Satanists would be doing 3 comments a day for a year, they would produce 109,500 comments. In five years they'd produce 547,500 comments.

Should we be 300 strong doing 3 comments a day for a year, we'd produce 328,500 comments. Through the course of a five year period they would produce over 1 million comments. (exact number 1,642,500)

With the above 300 SS in mind, stretching this to 10 years, we'd need to reach 310 people with each comment to have reached the exposure goal of 1 billion people. (exact number 1,018,350,000)

The above is analyzing the numbers with limiting the production to only the 300 people from beginning to end. If we add to the analysis a theory of a "branching effect", the 328,500 comments a year might bring in to the forums say 10 people for each batch of 3,285 comments posted, that would gain us 1,000 new SS a year that could potentially branch out with posting their own comments on the analysis of the next year.

Let's follow the ten year plan, and limit ourselves from beginning to end with 1,000 Spiritual Satanists posting 3 comments a day for a year, that would produce 1,095,000 (around 1 million) comments for one year. Through a ten year period they'd produce 10,950,000 comments. If each of their comments reached an exposure to 100 people, the Joy of Satan would been seen by 1 billion people.

The overall analysis does not calculate or take into consideration the potential for how many times 1 comment might be seen over the course of 10 years. The 1,000 Spiritual Satanists example does not take into consideration the "branching effect theory" (the potential of bringing in more members to post comments). The "branching effect theory" with 300 posters also underplayed the potential of people joining the forums; if the 328,500 comments a year brought in 100 people for each batch of 3,285 comments, we'd gain 10,000 people for that year.

The above analysis is also limited to just using the internet and does not take into consideration stickers and other things posted in the physical environment, or any celebrities, pundits or other popular channels bringing up the topic of the Joy of Satan to larger audiences.
I agree with you and I am ready to follow a clear plan to that end. The numbers had to be feasible, and I consider 1 billion individuals being exposed at least once to the JoS a plausible number to achieve in this time spectrum. Also, they must have clicked the website.

I am doing whatever I can on my end for this too. We are expanding in other countries where language barrier exists and so on. Translators and so many others are doing work for the Gods on a daily basis.

The point is to reach 1 billion individual people and show them this.

Clearly that is attainable. We will do this through site promotion, ads, commenting and every other method available.

There are also quite a few VIP personalities on JoS, but they are not at liberty right now to promote anything, because the terrain is a bit against us now. This could be overturned in the future as adoption and understanding of our ideas grows past the darkness of the enemy. That would be the icing on the cake.

Ninja 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
1. The Joy Of Satan must reach maximum exposure, with more than a billion people being exposed to Spiritual Satanism and confronted with the reality of the necessity to return to our Ancient Gods.

Considering we'd do this using only the internet in the safest manageable manner; anonymously, with pseudonyms, using VPNs, emails dedicated to this, and whatever browser and OS's deemed best.

Using social media sites like BitChute, YouTube, Banned Videos, Twitter, Gab, Minds, Reddit, 4chan, Quora, Yahoo Answers, and other forums, and potential alternative social medias.

1 person doing 3 comments a day for a year, would produce 1,095 comments.

However, if you level the field and gain an overlook, increasing this to 3-5 years, say the latter five year period, the same person has produced 5,475 comments.

Should we manage to gather 10 people doing 3 comments a day for a year, they'd produce 10,950 comments. In five years that would be 54,750 comments.

If 100 Spiritual Satanists would be doing 3 comments a day for a year, they would produce 109,500 comments. In five years they'd produce 547,500 comments.

Should we be 300 strong doing 3 comments a day for a year, we'd produce 328,500 comments. Through the course of a five year period they would produce over 1 million comments. (exact number 1,642,500)

With the above 300 SS in mind, stretching this to 10 years, we'd need to reach 310 people with each comment to have reached the exposure goal of 1 billion people. (exact number 1,018,350,000)

The above is analyzing the numbers with limiting the production to only the 300 people from beginning to end. If we add to the analysis a theory of a "branching effect", the 328,500 comments a year might bring in to the forums say 10 people for each batch of 3,285 comments posted, that would gain us 1,000 new SS a year that could potentially branch out with posting their own comments on the analysis of the next year.

Let's follow the ten year plan, and limit ourselves from beginning to end with 1,000 Spiritual Satanists posting 3 comments a day for a year, that would produce 1,095,000 (around 1 million) comments for one year. Through a ten year period they'd produce 10,950,000 comments. If each of their comments reached an exposure to 100 people, the Joy of Satan would been seen by 1 billion people.

The overall analysis does not calculate or take into consideration the potential for how many times 1 comment might be seen over the course of 10 years. The 1,000 Spiritual Satanists example does not take into consideration the "branching effect theory" (the potential of bringing in more members to post comments). The "branching effect theory" with 300 posters also underplayed the potential of people joining the forums; if the 328,500 comments a year brought in 100 people for each batch of 3,285 comments, we'd gain 10,000 people for that year.

The above analysis is also limited to just using the internet and does not take into consideration stickers and other things posted in the physical environment, or any celebrities, pundits or other popular channels bringing up the topic of the Joy of Satan to larger audiences.
You can do anything that works for you. Check the Internet Batallion subforum.
I also use the JoS stickers I print and then glue them to walls everywhere. Be careful though this might not be a safe way for some people. I usually go at night so I can walk in the shadows and not be seen. If you are to engage in the Internet Warfare make sure to read all the topics on Cybersecurity first on the same sub forum.

Thank you BlackOnyx8.
Yes you're absolutly right about Cybersecurity, i didn't think about that.
I gonna take a look because it's pretty important.
Ninja 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
1. The Joy Of Satan must reach maximum exposure, with more than a billion people being exposed to Spiritual Satanism and confronted with the reality of the necessity to return to our Ancient Gods.

The above analysis is also limited to just using the internet and does not take into consideration stickers and other things posted in the physical environment, or any celebrities, pundits or other popular channels bringing up the topic of the Joy of Satan to larger audiences.

A great idea.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
10. The Joy of Satan will be pivotal in forcing the redefinition of all the enemy paradigms, subjugation and annihilation of enemy lies, promotion of science, spirituality, a love for the return towards the human inner wisdom, intuition, and the spirit of wisdom seeking: The Joy of Satan will stand opposed to existential nihilism, enslavement, and any other values who try to cripple humanity and destroy it for the benefits of a very few.

When you write "promotion of science", do you also mean racialist science that is used to show the differences among human races? I know there is a lot of controversial topics in it, specially when you consider that there are some Jews involved in this science (Jews are overall obsessed with genetics because of their diseases and their "holy" genes).

Another thing that intrigues me is why did Satan created human races so differently? Are there some races that are more privilleged by the Gods than others? I know this can be a sensible topic that can be covered in loads of sermons, but I am curious about it.

Hail Satan!
Elas Qilar said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
10. The Joy of Satan will be pivotal in forcing the redefinition of all the enemy paradigms, subjugation and annihilation of enemy lies, promotion of science, spirituality, a love for the return towards the human inner wisdom, intuition, and the spirit of wisdom seeking: The Joy of Satan will stand opposed to existential nihilism, enslavement, and any other values who try to cripple humanity and destroy it for the benefits of a very few.

When you write "promotion of science", do you also mean racialist science that is used to show the differences among human races? I know there is a lot of controversial topics in it, specially when you consider that there are some Jews involved in this science (Jews are overall obsessed with genetics because of their diseases and their "holy" genes).

Another thing that intrigues me is why did Satan created human races so differently? Are there some races that are more privilleged by the Gods than others? I know this can be a sensible topic that can be covered in loads of sermons, but I am curious about it.

Hail Satan!

Science as in scientific fact and reality. For example, now, after the first year of the "Pandemic", Governments already knew that this virus was mostly weak and bogus. They were also let known by professional epidemiologists and other doctors how to act, yet science was denied to it's core.

Debate was purposefully censored, and they issued the powergrab. That was detrimental for humanity in the last two years. Nothing good came out of it, only suffering.

Many top tier scientists like Dr Bhakti, Dr Ioannidis, Dr Luc Montagnier and others have related to Governments that the lockdown policies were deadly, that gov's do not vaccinate during a pandemic, and that the "Lockdowns" were only acceptable for literally the maximum of a month [after which enough data was present to know that the virus was totally weak].

Governments did not allow science to do it's job and then this backfired, only because Jews like those in Pfizer smelled the dollar and experimentation, and power grab ability during this time. Governments followed suit and acted with them anyway. Two years have been wasted and humanity worldwide has gotten fatigued, lost freedoms and so on.

We know that it was the intended thing for the enemy to do, but this was not in accordance to science or scientific thinking at all.

The Age of Aquarius is going to be a very scientifically focused age. True science however is related to the reality, and not to jewish goals and power struggles.

Every science including the race science [which was nothing negative in the past, just classification of human beings so we could track origins and so on], is up for a paradigm shift in the Age of Aquarius / Satan's Age. The reason we don't research a lot of this is because of jewish bias and jewish nonsense.

You do not know me yet, but I am very happy with your work. Joy of Satan greatly influenced me, in my youth. I read everything you had, and meditated much, and have experienced much. Long story short, I lived on and had my life and never looked back upon Joy of Satan as a website, but I remembered. I applied myself, and with this I became who I am now. I have a wife and kids and we are living just as we should. We are increasingly suffocated by the world and the people around us.
I looked up spiritual satanism in the website archive virtual time machine, yesterday, and found you to be not only active, but exceedingly so. The content of your library made certain to me I had found my comrades and friends, my place again.

I am fully committed to this Decalogue or ten year, ten point plan of action and will do what is asked of me.

High praise,

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
. ..many others are doing work for the Gods on a daily basis.

The point is to reach 1 billion individual people and show them this.

Clearly that is attainable.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

8. Members of the Joy of Satan are to be elevated through collective use of our spiritual force, propelling them both spiritually and materially into higher position in life [for those who want to use their abilities to rise in our world], with the above service towards humanity and our Gods in mind. Those who serve these Divine Interests, will also be rewarded to continue doing so.

Let's get to work.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
