I guess I just have a feeling of passion and, for a moment, happiness. I don't usually feel that way at all, so cutting is, to me, my only way to it.
I used to date a girl who cut herself. She was telling me how this "world" works. And yes, what you tell me fits the description. Can I recommend some things to you?
The first thing is to put beautiful joy your soul, this is most easily achieved with mantras like SANANDA
You should heal your emotional body though, so that it finds itself facilitated to feel emotions:
You have your physical body, soul, astral body, mental body, and more. The Emotional Body is the part of the soul that can be damaged when you experience emotional trauma, grief, bereavement, abandonment, and so on. Many people have emotional outbursts, immature reactions, trigger episodes...
And in general, if your soul is strong (that is, if you have energy in your soul), you will be more inclined to be joyful and ALIVE:
At a level that slightly more advanced, there are Runes that can be used to be well and happy. I am referring to the WUNJO Rune:
To finish, of course it is written on the meditations page, but I would like to reiterate the importance of these three things for your problem:
1) Soul cleansing (fundamental, tuning into depressed energies increases this condition of yours. Cleanse yourself)
2) Chakra work (will give vital energy to your soul)
3) Yoga Hatha: essential to connect the vitality of the soul to the physical body on which you cut yourself to feel alive. Yoga really means union of soul and body.
extra) I would try the EZ chakra spinning also. Increasing the level of chakra spinning to make you faster and more vibrant can help you elevate. Maybe the Mer Ka Ba meditation can be long, but at least the chakra spinning can elevate you well. Or even the advanced one if you feel you are not overwhelmed by the energy. It may be difficult visualization in the beginning, write to me here if you would like to try these meditations but you notice that you experience some difficulty.
BUT all this may not be enough to solve the situation. Although it is a good potential starting point, it is not active in the material plane (you need to transfer your spiritual successes regarding your situation to the plane of concrete things as well: physical reality).
Before I can figure out what I can advise you from a physical standpoint, however, I need to know more. Tell me about your life *MINTAINING A HIGH LEVEL OF PERSONAL PRIVACY! I need to know something about how you live, what you do during the day, what you like and what you do for fun, a little history in short. I would also like to understand in the material plane where you have the gaps. So we can fill in those as well. Be as specific as you can, but only 1) as far as you feel like it, without forcing yourself 2) Always maintain privacy, don't put personal information.
I don't want to give generic solutions to people like you. Children and teenagers are SACRED to me. I will not let a young person throw away his life in suffering, I want to give you specific solutions for you and not generic ones. Let me know more about the context of your condition so we can keep working on it.... if you like
Thank you so much for your attention!!!