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The Serpent In the Garden, Anki

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The Serpent In the Garden, Anki

Its quite simple the Egyptians called the Gods the Ari. The Sumerian texts stated that Anki created a race in his own image the Ari who where White as the Sumerian's where. The ancient Aryan God is called Hari, which is another spelling of Ari. Our word Aristocrat comes from Ari. The Persian Emperor's called themselves the King of the Aryans. All the Western Aryans stated they came from the East and the pattern of migration shows this. Its quite easy.

This goes to the God letter A. The Gods are also called An's or Anu's. The letter A is given the position of the supreme God in the Tantra and western systems. The one letter mantra is AUM which is the name of the Logos the Logos itself. The Logos is called AUM in the Eastern texts. The three natures of creation placed around the triangle of Akasa. Each bar of the triangle of Nadi is given a letter, AUM. This is symbolized in the Brahma thread in the East which is a black, red and White thread woven together the Templars and Druids also had this. This all represents the trine serpent nadis in the spine which form the 50 petals of the body of the Devi the incarnation of the Vak or Logos the microcosm, the Radiant Serpent hence An. The whole being is formed of. Devi is where Devil comes from. As mentioned the Devil is God, the Devil symbol is the Trident and the horns which represent AUM and the risen serpent and perfected soul.. The unmanifest God is the macrocosm which is the element of Akasa which is the AUM and its A symbol in the East and West. Which is Shiva/Zeus. Zeus is Zan which also means star the five pointed star which is also the symbol of Shiva in the East and is Akasa. Hence its being placed on the forehead in symbol. And Aum is placed here as well. Pan [Bacchus] is born from the Akasa and His father is Zeus. And Pan's symbol is the Pantacle. This symbol is also the union of male and female the Godhead. The apples the God's eat from to become immortal is the symbol of the Pentacle hence the Akasa the AUM. The serpent power grants perfection and as the tantra states the rough five Skanda's [five elements] are turned into gold by the fire of the Kundalini. The A symbol in the science of Yantra forms the symbol of the chakra which again shows the trine nadis and the AUM.

A in Egyptian is Aum like Alpha is in Greek.

With Ari, Ri or Re in Egyptian symbol gets the opened mouth the spoken word of creation. Which is also the yoni of rebirth, Meru the name of Isis means Divine Yoni as this is the serpent system that forms the whole being and gives immortal life and enlightenment. The serpent of Satan. So we get A which the Egyptian A or Aum is in this triangle shape which is how Aum is shown in the Eastern system. Then the symbol of the Logos the spoken word of creation. Aum is the Word. Amun Ra, hidden name is shown in the AUM glyph in Egypt. AUM is the word of creation. Shiva is originally called An and He is the AUM or Hari Aum. Which is the same meaning. Hari is AUM. Ari=AUM. The symbol of the perfected soul is the AUM symbol in the ancient world. This symbol is also turned on its side to form the Trident as seen in the Indus Valley with Shiva with the 3 on its side like Bull horns over His head. The horned serpent which is Bacchus in the West. The horns are the symbol of divinity in the ancient world.

The God being shown with the animal head symbolically as the incarnation of the Logos or Vak the Radiant Serpent. Represents the same. The letter A is also turned up side down in the ancient languages to show a bull or ox head. It still means the same. As the trine serpent nadis come together in the center of the head and open the transcendental eye of Shiva or Bacchus/Osiris. Causing the rebirth to super consciousness. The head the Templars worshipped from finding one of them its a silver head of Virgo. Virgo in Sanskrit is Kunda, Kundalini is Her. Kunda is Kundry in the Western tradition and is responsible for the transformation of the hero into Divinity or Arya.

The Macrocosm is also shown as the Zodiac. The head contains all 12 signs within itself and the Akasa element rules it along with it being the seat of consciousness and the five sense which are the five elements. As already mentioned the AUM is placed here and why. This symbol represents the union of Macro and Microcosm. Sometimes the head was shown with three faces on each side which is seen in the Indus Valley image of Shiva. The union of the trine nadis and thus the soul.

The tale of Eden was stolen from the Eridu texts of the Sumerians and ruined by Jews who inserted their phoney Yahweh into this and made it the original sin to become spiritually enlightened and fully ascended, this is the Jews butting in to destroy the spiritual purpose of Humanity and reduce us to slavery under them as animals. But in the Sumerian texts Adamu and Eva where instructed by Anki this is also symbolic of the Adept unifying their own soul and becoming enlightened. The Sumerian images show Anki in the form of a serpent with the bearded head of a man [the head symbolizes what is mentioned above the beard is the power of the spoken word the flowing of energy from the mantra] who is instructing Adamu and Eva into the process of union. Anki here is the energy generated from the union of the dual aspects of the soul into reborn soul as well. As well as the message Anki is the creator of Man and the instructor of the science of Ascension. Eva also means Apple, when she gives this to Adamu they become one and realize their naked. The symbol of rebirth. This is the female aspect merging with the male. Here this is the Shakti fully transmuting the elements of the whole being to spirit and generating the pure divine form. The female is sound energy and the male form the sound energy takes, the union of the two in the pentacle. The pentagram shows this by taking the form of geometry the male aspect and turning it upside down to make the orbit of Venus who is Shakti. This is Kundry in the Grail myth transforming the Hero into fully divine. The serpent Eva or Ava [Apple] the Devi or Devil grants eternal life and enlightenment. This is the serpent of Satan. The Garden is also symbolic of the soul the four rivers are the root chakra with the trees as the dual nadis rising from it you can see the same with the Meru drawings in the Far East. In many cases the world tree was shown as one with the branches in the heaves and roots in the earth showing the duality. With the serpent wrapped around it. The Apple represents the same as the Dionysian cluster of grapes the inverted A symbol which also symbolizes the work. Which is another way of showing the A [the A was also shown upside down] the AUM which forms the pentacle. The A symbol in the science of Yantra forms the symbol of the chakra which again shows the trine nadis and the AUM.

The Yezidhi mention the original Garden of Edin where Anki created us and taught us the science of ascension was Sri Lanka. In Sri Lanka the first People where called Adimu and Hiva. The H is more of a silent H like Heta or Greek. Its Eva and Adamu. Being instructed by Shiva. In the first Sangha. The golden age. The Sri Lanka texts called this land Kamura Kandam the Land of the Eternal Serpent. They stated Sanat Kumara was the Lord of this age this is also Shiva as the Eastern texts state. Sanat is an anagram of Satan. But Satan is also a Sanskrit word meaning Eternal God and Sanat means the same. Hence the spelling becomes irrelevant as it means the same. Sanat-Ana Dharma was the name of the original religion. The Yezidhi' who where part of the Sumerian Priest class call their God Anki, Satan as well for this reason. The Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Druids and Vedic's all stated they came from Sri Lanka.

Anki is where Ankh comes from. The key of life which resurrects Osiris into divinity and immorality.

Anki is called Anki as the A is the Ki the life force of the serpent. This is AUM. In the Eastern texts Sanat states: "His Name is AUM.." Sanat also carries the Trident. The Trident is also the World Tree with the serpent wrapped around it. The symbol of the perfection of the soul. From the Druids and on.
quiet intersting, there is place called , adams peak in srilanka, and many other sites that are related  to the golden age. 
the Atlantis is similar to what srilanka was described in ramayan during ravana era. 

Ravana- the lost history of lankaThe life of Ravana, one of the most powerful beings ever to roam the universe, if Hindu legends are to be believed, had unfolded in the small island Sri Lanka, where he ruled with mighty power.Valmiki’s Ramayana paint Ravana as a tyrant of mighty power who was holding the gods at ransom, and he continues to be treated as a blackguard in India even today. In the classic text, he is found kidnapping Rama's wife Sita, to claim vengeance on Rama and his brother Lakshmana for having cut off the nose of his sister Surpanakha,  sita was treated luxuriously eventhough she was kidnapped.Yet Ravana of Sri Lanka is portrayed to be a different king and a human. He is described as a devout follower of the god Shiva, a great scholar, a capable ruler and a maestro of aveena, known as the ravanhattha.The story goes that Ravana in order to please his mother had decided to bring the mountain Kailash to Sri Lanka. As he lifted up the mountain, God Shiva was angered by his arrogance and pushed it back down, trapping Ravana. The King of Lanka had torn off one of his own arms and made a musical instrument, ripping out sinews to form the strings. He used the newly invented ravanhattha to sing the praises of Shiva, creating music of such beauty that Shiva wept and forgave him.According to Hindu mythology Ravana was born to a great sage Vishrava and his wife, princess Kaikesi. He was born in the Devagana, as his grandfather, the sage Pulastya, was one of the ten Prajapatis or mind-born sons of Brahma and one of the Saptarishi or the Seven Great Sages during the age of Manu.Ravana’s siblings include Vibhishana, Kumbhakarna and Ahiravana and a step brother Kubera, from whom he usurped the Kingdom of Lanka.Lanka was an idyllic city, created by the celestial architect Vishwakarma himself and was the home of Kuwera, the treasurer of the gods, when Ravana demanded Lanka wholly from him, threatening to take it by force. Although Ravana usurped Lanka, he had been a benevolent and effective ruler. Lanka flourished under his rule and Ravana had proceeded on a series of campaigns conquering humans, celestials and demons.It is said that Ravana ruled Lanka for several hundred years prior to the times of Ramayana, when he was killed by prince Rama for kidnapping his wife Sita.Yet some believe Ramayana to be a semi-fiction woven around a real King who ruled over Sri Lanka from 2554 to 2517 BC.Sri Lankan lore has it that Sri Lanka under the scholarly Ravana saw great advancements in science and medicine. The pushpaka vimana or the aeroplane which he flew is held as an example of great scientific achievements made during his regime while Ravana also holds a high position as a physician and there exists, to this day, seven books on Ayurveda in his name. He is also believed to have authored Ravana Sanhita, an anthology of Hindu astrology and his description as a ten-headed person, Daśamukha or Daśagrīva, is believed to be a reference to his vast knowledge and intelligence.His Kingdom had mainly concentrated around the Eastern and Southern corners of the country and believed to have been lost to the sea with the years. The country is filled with locations which are linked to the Ravana legend like SitaElisa in NumaraElisa, which is believed to be a prison of Princess Sita while Wariyapola and Horton Plains are considered to be the landing sites of his flying machine.Rumassala, a mountain peak by the Southern oceans of Sri Lanka is too linked to the Ravana legend and is held to be a part of the Himalaya Mountain. The mountain filled with medicinal plants was allegedly brought to Sri Lanka to treat the injured of the Rama-Ravana war was left in the country and is still filled with herbs of rare medicinal value.Adam’s Bridge, a chain of limestone shoals, between Rameswaram Island, off the south eastern coast of Tamil Nadu, India, and Mannar Island, off the north western coast of Sri Lanka too is connected to the legend of Ravana. Also known as Rama-Sethu or Rama’s bridge the land mass is believed to be a bridge built by monkeys interconnecting India and Sri Lanka and enabling the crossing of Rama’s army. Investigations conducted by Indian National Remote Sensing Agency had suggested that the land connection could be a manmade structure built 5000 to 3500 years ago.According to them the bridge was later used by Rama’s army who crossed boundaries to Ravana’s Lankapura and overthrew one of the greatest rulers of the world with the assistance of his brother Vibishana, bringing down one of the most advanced civilisations in the history.

In ramayan ravana is potrayed as evil , and rama who was going to burn his own wife (sita) was potrayed as a GOD!!!  ramayan is mostly corrupted, and let me show you what ramayan says about kundalini 
Ram is soul or self representing unmanifest and immaterial essence of an individual, reflecting the ultimate reality, purity and peace.The soul being eternal in nature is indestructible and immeasurable, cannot be cut, burnt, welted or otherwise removed and is all by itself, all pervading, stable, immovable and ancient. Ravana: Ravana the devil king stands for pride, ego and ignorance. The negative qualities always limit the personality of a person for contemplating its greatness. Ravana was the king of Lanka [Mooladhar chakra] represented by very primitive animalistic, unconscious urges and instincts.and this is the modern goal of kundalini :  the goal of kundalini yoga is the same as the goal of any legimitate spiritual practice: To be liberated from the limited bounds of the self-centered and alienated ego. In kundalini yoga this is associated with internal manifestations of the kundalini but the external manifestations should be similar to any other legitiimate spiritual practice You can all see what  happened here. 

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
