The question nobody of these "Satanists" has answered is to address any historical facts about these:
1. Disprove facts about jews claimed here by facts, and not by emotional arguments such as "fear", "they are a cult" and so forth.
2. Facts about how all of Pagan Gods do essentially sync into the same internal and spiritual culture, generated by all non jewish races along similar lines, and only REVERSED by JEWS, which later made Paganism into Satanism after the middle ages. They haven't read Dante or Faust, they are busy reading kosher excretions from internet jews.
3. Why the above should be tolerated as a cultural reversal by jews, and why they should get away with it?
4. Why we have around 200 books of sources from all sorts of scientific and otherwise backgrounds and all they quote is LaVey or other related things we say we don't even care about, as counter-arguments? LaVey wasn't the first "Satanist", the first witches proclaimed as Devil Worshippers or Ancient Pagans do fit the bill. Satanist means "Enemy" of Christian Dogma or literally "Those of the enemy" in Hebrew.
5. What kind of major coincidence happened in Sanskrit and Truth is related to the root Satyan/Satya/Satanism, later on coming it's full reversal into this world's evil?
6. Why is it so offensive and shocking to so called "Satanists" that thinking logically in terms of race, preservation, and racial science, is so scary? Be it so that Satanism is about "Breaking conventional norms", the conventional norm today is to race mix, advertised everywhere and enforced to be positive.
7. Who do they think they are and on what grounds, to think that their opinion matters? If anything infantile numbers and 5 potheads burned idiots in one room are not authorities by power of numbers/acceptance, so why even bother talking?
8. Why is it strange to consider things such as astral communication or phenomena (Widely accepted until well into the 20th century, and in years before in university curriculum even) as strange or so highly obscure? What's so bad about people believing in these and/or investigating them, or getting into this pursuit?
9. What is so negative about meditating, as in the end, even from the dumbest and most "Normally accepted" currents of thoughts, reduces depression, anxiety, and generally is proven to have numerous health benefits? For the gross materialists out there, even the above standards, should be more than enough.
10. How come someone can modulate the spiritual and innate spiritual experiences that people experience from through an internet forum, literally from all ages, cultural backgrounds, and from all nations on earth? If so then how come endless amounts of our own experience the same, without any forced program?
11. Lastly, what is so displeasing to anyone, and to whom, to teach people any of the above, and why would this be the reason? Where does corruption lie in no drugs, not doing strange actions, no forced, the ability to inquire, and literally no strings attached on any of this?
12. Why aliens shouldn't exist?
What it all boils down to is that some people are just close minded, afraid, and too domesticated as cattle to think outside the box. It's like this box if you think in it, oh how evil you are. And yet one pretends to be an 'open minded Satanist'.
And who created the domesticated mentalities that that cattle lives in? The stable owner. And who just HAPPEN the stable owners to be? The ones you can't really talk a lot about in the case of our word. I'll give you a tip here.
You can be a hater of blacks, whites, asians, mexicans, people from india, but one people you cannot criticize or even talk against, because by a huge coincidence, we are happening to be enforced to worship them as a Chosen People in the civilized world, somehow.
Because of course, to find who rules over you, see who you are not allowed to criticize, as Voltaire said so let's put our mind to think a bit.
Jews are these taboo theme you can't get in to learn more cause you're automatically a Nazi, Anti-Semite, and the member of a crazy cult.
You only have to prostrate yourself, to worship, to be a good cattle in servicing the Holy People. That's because obviously this doesn't exist or because it does?
In a world where the Jew calls itself the "Holy people" and the "Only Chosen People Of God", we are somehow forced to constantly answer about what is called "Racism" and "Nazism", since the idea of individuating and seeing one's tribe as a separate from anyone else by natural standards, is seen as evil. Since WW2 and later, and that is because the idea of the "Holy People" was infringed upon. How coincidental again.
"Evil Nazis" are judged for example because they have ideals that were supportive of the existence of race, and they are ridiculed for it. Somehow, the above, despite of being comparably to other things a billion times lighter, and hovering on the line of natural normalcy, is ridiculed heavily.
What is taken normally is however this. Rabbis have ideals about racial purity for 1000 years since the line of Abraham, and how this makes them the holy people of earth who will own 2800 cattle human slaves, when exterminating the rest of the unbelievers, but that's perfectly fine and acceptable. This is rewarded by society or at least looked in fear in many cases such as Christians who literally believe the loving god will burn them for eternity for making naughty thoughts against the "holy people".
If one has an argument, it's better for it to have at least some logical basis or a reasonable counter argument.
Were it for the naysayer cries of eternal condemnation, fake defined hypocritical notions of what is evil and what is not, we would still be christians, or even better, Safe Satanists.
Because in that deal you can be a total walking meme of morals and beliefs of your current century, leftist infested world, a MacDonalds whale, and on top of it, shriek in your self-perceived ability to think out of the box, by using condemnations only found within said social, jew hot box.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
1. Disprove facts about jews claimed here by facts, and not by emotional arguments such as "fear", "they are a cult" and so forth.
2. Facts about how all of Pagan Gods do essentially sync into the same internal and spiritual culture, generated by all non jewish races along similar lines, and only REVERSED by JEWS, which later made Paganism into Satanism after the middle ages. They haven't read Dante or Faust, they are busy reading kosher excretions from internet jews.
3. Why the above should be tolerated as a cultural reversal by jews, and why they should get away with it?
4. Why we have around 200 books of sources from all sorts of scientific and otherwise backgrounds and all they quote is LaVey or other related things we say we don't even care about, as counter-arguments? LaVey wasn't the first "Satanist", the first witches proclaimed as Devil Worshippers or Ancient Pagans do fit the bill. Satanist means "Enemy" of Christian Dogma or literally "Those of the enemy" in Hebrew.
5. What kind of major coincidence happened in Sanskrit and Truth is related to the root Satyan/Satya/Satanism, later on coming it's full reversal into this world's evil?
6. Why is it so offensive and shocking to so called "Satanists" that thinking logically in terms of race, preservation, and racial science, is so scary? Be it so that Satanism is about "Breaking conventional norms", the conventional norm today is to race mix, advertised everywhere and enforced to be positive.
7. Who do they think they are and on what grounds, to think that their opinion matters? If anything infantile numbers and 5 potheads burned idiots in one room are not authorities by power of numbers/acceptance, so why even bother talking?
8. Why is it strange to consider things such as astral communication or phenomena (Widely accepted until well into the 20th century, and in years before in university curriculum even) as strange or so highly obscure? What's so bad about people believing in these and/or investigating them, or getting into this pursuit?
9. What is so negative about meditating, as in the end, even from the dumbest and most "Normally accepted" currents of thoughts, reduces depression, anxiety, and generally is proven to have numerous health benefits? For the gross materialists out there, even the above standards, should be more than enough.
10. How come someone can modulate the spiritual and innate spiritual experiences that people experience from through an internet forum, literally from all ages, cultural backgrounds, and from all nations on earth? If so then how come endless amounts of our own experience the same, without any forced program?
11. Lastly, what is so displeasing to anyone, and to whom, to teach people any of the above, and why would this be the reason? Where does corruption lie in no drugs, not doing strange actions, no forced, the ability to inquire, and literally no strings attached on any of this?
12. Why aliens shouldn't exist?
What it all boils down to is that some people are just close minded, afraid, and too domesticated as cattle to think outside the box. It's like this box if you think in it, oh how evil you are. And yet one pretends to be an 'open minded Satanist'.
And who created the domesticated mentalities that that cattle lives in? The stable owner. And who just HAPPEN the stable owners to be? The ones you can't really talk a lot about in the case of our word. I'll give you a tip here.
You can be a hater of blacks, whites, asians, mexicans, people from india, but one people you cannot criticize or even talk against, because by a huge coincidence, we are happening to be enforced to worship them as a Chosen People in the civilized world, somehow.
Because of course, to find who rules over you, see who you are not allowed to criticize, as Voltaire said so let's put our mind to think a bit.
Jews are these taboo theme you can't get in to learn more cause you're automatically a Nazi, Anti-Semite, and the member of a crazy cult.
You only have to prostrate yourself, to worship, to be a good cattle in servicing the Holy People. That's because obviously this doesn't exist or because it does?
In a world where the Jew calls itself the "Holy people" and the "Only Chosen People Of God", we are somehow forced to constantly answer about what is called "Racism" and "Nazism", since the idea of individuating and seeing one's tribe as a separate from anyone else by natural standards, is seen as evil. Since WW2 and later, and that is because the idea of the "Holy People" was infringed upon. How coincidental again.
"Evil Nazis" are judged for example because they have ideals that were supportive of the existence of race, and they are ridiculed for it. Somehow, the above, despite of being comparably to other things a billion times lighter, and hovering on the line of natural normalcy, is ridiculed heavily.
What is taken normally is however this. Rabbis have ideals about racial purity for 1000 years since the line of Abraham, and how this makes them the holy people of earth who will own 2800 cattle human slaves, when exterminating the rest of the unbelievers, but that's perfectly fine and acceptable. This is rewarded by society or at least looked in fear in many cases such as Christians who literally believe the loving god will burn them for eternity for making naughty thoughts against the "holy people".
If one has an argument, it's better for it to have at least some logical basis or a reasonable counter argument.
Were it for the naysayer cries of eternal condemnation, fake defined hypocritical notions of what is evil and what is not, we would still be christians, or even better, Safe Satanists.
Because in that deal you can be a total walking meme of morals and beliefs of your current century, leftist infested world, a MacDonalds whale, and on top of it, shriek in your self-perceived ability to think out of the box, by using condemnations only found within said social, jew hot box.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666