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The Roots and Origins of True Satanism

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
The Roots and Origins of True Satanism

After years of research into Satanism, we have found the origins are in the Far East. When beginning research into Satanism, one usually will look to Western Occultism. Western Occultism has been thoroughly corrupted and infested with Jewish filth. Nearly everything in Western Occultism has its roots in the Far East.

Western Occultism is chock full of Hebrew letters, numerology, angels and other filth. Our original Gods who gave us spiritual knowledge are blasphemed and made to hideous monsters. When tracing all of this back to its origins in the Far East, the names of our Gods in Sanskrit are revered and held in the high esteem they deserve. The name "Satan" which means "enemy" in Hebrew, means TRUTH and CREATOR GOD in Sanskrit. Of course, the people of lies would deem TRUTH as their mortal enemy.

Civilization did not begin in the Middle East as we are led to believe. Sumeria, Egypt, and other ancient civilizations obtained their spiritual teachings and occult knowledge from the Far East. The modern paperback edition of the Necronomicon; in the preface, the editors even admit to this text having its origins in Sanskrit. Anyone with knowledge of Sanskrit can see this is true with many of the words and names in that book.

Satanist Heinrich Himmler knew the truth about our spiritual origins in the Far East, and sent an expedition to Tibet, where the Germans were very well received. The expedition brought back around 30 Tibetan Buddhist Monks to Berlin, all of whom died in a group ritual suicide in the spring of 1945, with the fall of the Third Reich.

True Satanism can be found in Kundalini [Serpent] Yoga, and Left Hand Path Tantra. Unfortunately, like with everything else, there have been some corruptions in the above-mentioned disciplines, where the Jewish tool of Christianity has infested, but most of you who are dedicated to Satan will feel the truth in the basic doctrines. Acquiring of knowledge means sifting out the dross.

In their obsessive and relentless quest for world domination, and to take the place of our True Creator God who is known as Satan, the Jews have used everything in their power to destroy, pervert, and corrupt all true spiritual knowledge. The mass murder of Gentile priests and sages, the systematic destruction through infiltration, of any and all prominent Gentile occult organizations, such as Freemasonry,[which is now another tool for Jewish communism], leaving a long trail of murders, and more murders and lies to cover up the stinking stench of all of this hideous kosher corruption. The end result is communism, which is the final removal of all spiritual/occult knowledge from the Gentile populace, while Jewish masters assume the position of 'God.'

In preparation for all of this, nearly every single page of the Judeo/Christian Bible has the word 'Jew' 'Jews' and/or 'Israel' on it. Their agenda is based upon taking names, places, important dates, and concepts from Gentiles and replacing them with their fictitious characters, archetypes, and corrupted teachings, to disarm us spiritually. They use these lies to claim they were the founders of all religion, civilization, and spiritual teachings, the greatest of their lies is that of being 'The Chosen of God.' Much of this is also subliminal. Exclusively Jewish schools where the Jews learn to argue and obtain the knowledge they need to destroy Gentiles, are called "Shivas." The name was stolen from the masculine power of the Kundalini, the consort of the feminine Shakti. In other words, the brains that direct the spiritual power to manifest on the material plane in a specific way. Those who are knowledgable here can readily see the connection.

Many textbooks, even at college level claim Judaism to be the oldest of religions, which is a LIE. A prime example of using a fictitious history is the state of Palestine. They obtained this state through LIES. Ever since, the Palestinian people have suffered horribly. There has never been any peace in the Middle East with the establishment of the bandit state of Israel. These lies have given the Jewish people special privileges and a history they are NOT entitled to.

Occult power is within us all. By removing this knowledge and keeping it for themselves, the Jews can throw a curse at whomever they choose, and the Gentile victim is helpless without any knowledge or spiritual power. They have even bragged about this and more in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, stating the aura of protection they have put around their entire people, so when the shit really comes down on all of the Gentiles [fighting each other, because of Jewish instigation], their own will be protected.
Christianity not only removes spiritual knowledge and replaces it with Jewish lies, but also self-perpetuates through the use of the energies of the believers. This powerful Jewish tool must be destroyed, as its end result is Jewish communism, as can be readily seen in the biblical message as a whole and in the sermons of the Jewish invented character of the nazarene.

'Maya' means 'illusion' in Sanskrit. Many are concerned about the 'Mayan' calendar, which states the end being in the year 2012. Given the research I have done [I am far from finished here], the names of many civilizations, especially many ancient ones have their origins in Sanskrit, such as Sumeria/SumerAryan. The Mayan connection makes sense. We believe that 2012 may be the year when Gentiles as a whole wake up to the Jewish SPELL and HOAX of Christianity.

A Jewish rabbi once stated that the Hebrew letter 'Vau' that is in their numerology a six, is also the Semitic W. WWW [World Wide Web of the internet] equals '666' which the Jews have named 'The Beast.' The information on the internet cannot be controlled. This will be their undoing.

© Copyright 2009, Joy of Satan Ministries;
Library of Congress Number: 12-16457

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@... wrote:
The Roots and Origins of True Satanism

After years of research into Satanism, we have found the origins are in the Far East. When beginning research into Satanism, one usually will look to Western Occultism. Western Occultism has been thoroughly corrupted and infested with Jewish filth. Nearly everything in Western Occultism has its roots in the Far East.

Western Occultism is chock full of Hebrew letters, numerology, angels and other filth. Our original Gods who gave us spiritual knowledge are blasphemed and made to hideous monsters. When tracing all of this back to its origins in the Far East, the names of our Gods in Sanskrit are revered and held in the high esteem they deserve. The name "Satan" which means "enemy" in Hebrew, means TRUTH and CREATOR GOD in Sanskrit. Of course, the people of lies would deem TRUTH as their mortal enemy.

Civilization did not begin in the Middle East as we are led to believe. Sumeria, Egypt, and other ancient civilizations obtained their spiritual teachings and occult knowledge from the Far East. The modern paperback edition of the Necronomicon; in the preface, the editors even admit to this text having its origins in Sanskrit. Anyone with knowledge of Sanskrit can see this is true with many of the words and names in that book.

Satanist Heinrich Himmler knew the truth about our spiritual origins in the Far East, and sent an expedition to Tibet, where the Germans were very well received. The expedition brought back around 30 Tibetan Buddhist Monks to Berlin, all of whom died in a group ritual suicide in the spring of 1945, with the fall of the Third Reich.

True Satanism can be found in Kundalini [Serpent] Yoga, and Left Hand Path Tantra. Unfortunately, like with everything else, there have been some corruptions in the above-mentioned disciplines, where the Jewish tool of Christianity has infested, but most of you who are dedicated to Satan will feel the truth in the basic doctrines. Acquiring of knowledge means sifting out the dross.

In their obsessive and relentless quest for world domination, and to take the place of our True Creator God who is known as Satan, the Jews have used everything in their power to destroy, pervert, and corrupt all true spiritual knowledge. The mass murder of Gentile priests and sages, the systematic destruction through infiltration, of any and all prominent Gentile occult organizations, such as Freemasonry,[which is now another tool for Jewish communism], leaving a long trail of murders, and more murders and lies to cover up the stinking stench of all of this hideous kosher corruption. The end result is communism, which is the final removal of all spiritual/occult knowledge from the Gentile populace, while Jewish masters assume the position of 'God.'

In preparation for all of this, nearly every single page of the Judeo/Christian Bible has the word 'Jew' 'Jews' and/or 'Israel' on it. Their agenda is based upon taking names, places, important dates, and concepts from Gentiles and replacing them with their fictitious characters, archetypes, and corrupted teachings, to disarm us spiritually. They use these lies to claim they were the founders of all religion, civilization, and spiritual teachings, the greatest of their lies is that of being 'The Chosen of God.' Much of this is also subliminal. Exclusively Jewish schools where the Jews learn to argue and obtain the knowledge they need to destroy Gentiles, are called "Shivas." The name was stolen from the masculine power of the Kundalini, the consort of the feminine Shakti. In other words, the brains that direct the spiritual power to manifest on the material plane in a specific way. Those who are knowledgable here can readily see the connection.

Many textbooks, even at college level claim Judaism to be the oldest of religions, which is a LIE. A prime example of using a fictitious history is the state of Palestine. They obtained this state through LIES. Ever since, the Palestinian people have suffered horribly. There has never been any peace in the Middle East with the establishment of the bandit state of Israel. These lies have given the Jewish people special privileges and a history they are NOT entitled to.

Occult power is within us all. By removing this knowledge and keeping it for themselves, the Jews can throw a curse at whomever they choose, and the Gentile victim is helpless without any knowledge or spiritual power. They have even bragged about this and more in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, stating the aura of protection they have put around their entire people, so when the shit really comes down on all of the Gentiles [fighting each other, because of Jewish instigation], their own will be protected.
Christianity not only removes spiritual knowledge and replaces it with Jewish lies, but also self-perpetuates through the use of the energies of the believers. This powerful Jewish tool must be destroyed, as its end result is Jewish communism, as can be readily seen in the biblical message as a whole and in the sermons of the Jewish invented character of the nazarene.

'Maya' means 'illusion' in Sanskrit. Many are concerned about the 'Mayan' calendar, which states the end being in the year 2012. Given the research I have done [I am far from finished here], the names of many civilizations, especially many ancient ones have their origins in Sanskrit, such as Sumeria/SumerAryan. The Mayan connection makes sense. We believe that 2012 may be the year when Gentiles as a whole wake up to the Jewish SPELL and HOAX of Christianity.

A Jewish rabbi once stated that the Hebrew letter 'Vau' that is in their numerology a six, is also the Semitic W. WWW [World Wide Web of the internet] equals '666' which the Jews have named 'The Beast.' The information on the internet cannot be controlled. This will be their undoing.

© Copyright 2009, Joy of Satan Ministries;
Library of Congress Number: 12-16457

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
What are your sources that had you come to this conclusion pertaining to the far east being the beginning? I would like to look into what you looked into. I have studied history from those who are inside the box and outside. Those funded by jews and jew-controlled sources have done all they could to cover up how much African cultures contributed to the ancient world, especially in spirituality. I know mainstream academia floods the masses with bullshit. I also know many mavericks can fantasize. I want to know your sources because I have reason to believe the blacks from Kemet, Nubia and Sumer went to the far east and gave them most of what we look at now as eastern spirituality. To back my views I have research resources that might not have been explored by many. I want to know where yours came from so I can analyze them and see what good they have. I'm also a passionate truthseeker willing to search throughout all avenues in order to find more truth for the rest of my Father's children such as yourself my sister. HS!
This resulted from years and years of study. You need to study on both eastern and western occult for one. I also have a knowledge of Sanskrit. To list everything would be some 100+ books and more. I do intend to do a full list and put it on the JoS website of all my references, someday. I studied western occult in depth, with a knowledge of the Far Eastern teachings and when studying Kundalini Yoga, Tantra, Sanskrit, and other disciplines of the Far East, it all came together. The Necronomicon, the Goetic Demons, their names, their sigils, many are also in Sanskrit. You also have to know code words, like 'God/s" = 'chakra/s' and such. Satanism is endless learning and study. The God Marduk, aka 'Amon Ra' founded the Tibetan Bonn religion. The mantra chant 'AUM' was derived from the God Amon. Christians stole their 'amen' from corrupting this. 'RA' adds more power to the 'AUM.'

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "dooms2212" <dooms2212@... wrote:
What are your sources that had you come to this conclusion pertaining to the far east being the beginning? I would like to look into what you looked into. I have studied history from those who are inside the box and outside. Those funded by jews and jew-controlled sources have done all they could to cover up how much African cultures contributed to the ancient world, especially in spirituality. I know mainstream academia floods the masses with bullshit. I also know many mavericks can fantasize. I want to know your sources because I have reason to believe the blacks from Kemet, Nubia and Sumer went to the far east and gave them most of what we look at now as eastern spirituality. To back my views I have research resources that might not have been explored by many. I want to know where yours came from so I can analyze them and see what good they have. I'm also a passionate truthseeker willing to search throughout all avenues in order to find more truth
for the rest of my Father's children such as yourself my sister. HS!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

The Roots and Origins of True Satanism

After years of research into Satanism, we have found the origins are in the Far East. When beginning research into Satanism, one usually will look to Western Occultism. Western Occultism has been thoroughly corrupted and infested with Jewish filth. Nearly everything in Western Occultism has its roots in the Far East.

Western Occultism is chock full of Hebrew letters, numerology, angels and other filth. Our original Gods who gave us spiritual knowledge are blasphemed and made to hideous monsters. When tracing all of this back to its origins in the Far East, the names of our Gods in Sanskrit are revered and held in the high esteem they deserve. The name "Satan" which means "enemy" in Hebrew, means TRUTH and CREATOR GOD in Sanskrit. Of course, the people of lies would deem TRUTH as their mortal enemy.

Civilization did not begin in the Middle East as we are led to believe. Sumeria, Egypt, and other ancient civilizations obtained their spiritual teachings and occult knowledge from the Far East. The modern paperback edition of the Necronomicon; in the preface, the editors even admit to this text having its origins in Sanskrit. Anyone with knowledge of Sanskrit can see this is true with many of the words and names in that book.

Satanist Heinrich Himmler knew the truth about our spiritual origins in the Far East, and sent an expedition to Tibet, where the Germans were very well received. The expedition brought back around 30 Tibetan Buddhist Monks to Berlin, all of whom died in a group ritual suicide in the spring of 1945, with the fall of the Third Reich.

True Satanism can be found in Kundalini [Serpent] Yoga, and Left Hand Path Tantra. Unfortunately, like with everything else, there have been some corruptions in the above-mentioned disciplines, where the Jewish tool of Christianity has infested, but most of you who are dedicated to Satan will feel the truth in the basic doctrines. Acquiring of knowledge means sifting out the dross.

In their obsessive and relentless quest for world domination, and to take the place of our True Creator God who is known as Satan, the Jews have used everything in their power to destroy, pervert, and corrupt all true spiritual knowledge. The mass murder of Gentile priests and sages, the systematic destruction through infiltration, of any and all prominent Gentile occult organizations, such as Freemasonry,[which is now another tool for Jewish communism], leaving a long trail of murders, and more murders and lies to cover up the stinking stench of all of this hideous kosher corruption. The end result is communism, which is the final removal of all spiritual/occult knowledge from the Gentile populace, while Jewish masters assume the position of 'God.'

In preparation for all of this, nearly every single page of the Judeo/Christian Bible has the word 'Jew' 'Jews' and/or 'Israel' on it. Their agenda is based upon taking names, places, important dates, and concepts from Gentiles and replacing them with their fictitious characters, archetypes, and corrupted teachings, to disarm us spiritually. They use these lies to claim they were the founders of all religion, civilization, and spiritual teachings, the greatest of their lies is that of being 'The Chosen of God.' Much of this is also subliminal. Exclusively Jewish schools where the Jews learn to argue and obtain the knowledge they need to destroy Gentiles, are called "Shivas." The name was stolen from the masculine power of the Kundalini, the consort of the feminine Shakti. In other words, the brains that direct the spiritual power to manifest on the material plane in a specific way. Those who are knowledgable here can readily see the connection.

Many textbooks, even at college level claim Judaism to be the oldest of religions, which is a LIE. A prime example of using a fictitious history is the state of Palestine. They obtained this state through LIES. Ever since, the Palestinian people have suffered horribly. There has never been any peace in the Middle East with the establishment of the bandit state of Israel. These lies have given the Jewish people special privileges and a history they are NOT entitled to.

Occult power is within us all. By removing this knowledge and keeping it for themselves, the Jews can throw a curse at whomever they choose, and the Gentile victim is helpless without any knowledge or spiritual power. They have even bragged about this and more in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, stating the aura of protection they have put around their entire people, so when the shit really comes down on all of the Gentiles [fighting each other, because of Jewish instigation], their own will be protected.
Christianity not only removes spiritual knowledge and replaces it with Jewish lies, but also self-perpetuates through the use of the energies of the believers. This powerful Jewish tool must be destroyed, as its end result is Jewish communism, as can be readily seen in the biblical message as a whole and in the sermons of the Jewish invented character of the nazarene.

'Maya' means 'illusion' in Sanskrit. Many are concerned about the 'Mayan' calendar, which states the end being in the year 2012. Given the research I have done [I am far from finished here], the names of many civilizations, especially many ancient ones have their origins in Sanskrit, such as Sumeria/SumerAryan. The Mayan connection makes sense. We believe that 2012 may be the year when Gentiles as a whole wake up to the Jewish SPELL and HOAX of Christianity.

A Jewish rabbi once stated that the Hebrew letter 'Vau' that is in their numerology a six, is also the Semitic W. WWW [World Wide Web of the internet] equals '666' which the Jews have named 'The Beast.' The information on the internet cannot be controlled. This will be their undoing.

© Copyright 2009, Joy of Satan Ministries;
Library of Congress Number: 12-16457

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
<td val[/IMG]I have been reading a couple books lately.  "Raja Yoga" and "Light on the Yoga Sutras of Pantanjali"  The first of these states, "Pantanjali says that the word that manifests God is Om....Is there any articulate sound of which all other sounds are manifestations, one which is the most natural sound?  Om (Aum) is such a sound, the basis of all sounds.......around the world this word Om are centered all the different religious ideas in India....the word has been retained at every stage of religious growth in Indian and has been manipulated to mean all the various ideas about God."

I read similar ideas when reading about Shinto religion and sounds = vibrations = creation.  It was a tough read.

What are your thoughs HP Maxine?


--- On Mon, 8/24/09, High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@... wrote:
From: High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Roots and Origins of True Satanism
To: [email protected]
Date: Monday, August 24, 2009, 6:59 PM

This resulted from years and years of study. You need to study on both eastern and western occult for one. I also have a knowledge of Sanskrit. To list everything would be some 100+ books and more. I do intend to do a full list and put it on the JoS website of all my references, someday. I studied western occult in depth, with a knowledge of the Far Eastern teachings and when studying Kundalini Yoga, Tantra, Sanskrit, and other disciplines of the Far East, it all came together. The Necronomicon, the Goetic Demons, their names, their sigils, many are also in Sanskrit. You also have to know code words, like 'God/s" = 'chakra/s' and such. Satanism is endless learning and study. The God Marduk, aka 'Amon Ra' founded the Tibetan Bonn religion. The mantra chant 'AUM' was derived from the God Amon. Christians stole their 'amen' from corrupting this. 'RA' adds more power to the 'AUM.'

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
http://www.joyofsat an.org

--- [/IMG]JoyofSatan666@ yahoogroups. com, "dooms2212" <dooms2212@. .. wrote:
What are your sources that had you come to this conclusion pertaining to the far east being the beginning? I would like to look into what you looked into. I have studied history from those who are inside the box and outside. Those funded by jews and jew-controlled sources have done all they could to cover up how much African cultures contributed to the ancient world, especially in spirituality. I know mainstream academia floods the masses with bullshit. I also know many mavericks can fantasize. I want to know your sources because I have reason to believe the blacks from Kemet, Nubia and Sumer went to the far east and gave them most of what we look at now as eastern spirituality. To back my views I have research resources that might not have been explored by many. I want to know where yours came from so I can analyze them and see what good they have. I'm also a passionate truthseeker willing to search throughout all avenues in order to find more truth
for the rest of my Father's children such as yourself my sister. HS!

--- [/IMG]JoyofSatan666@ yahoogroups. com, High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

The Roots and Origins of True Satanism

After years of research into Satanism, we have found the origins are in the Far East. When beginning research into Satanism, one usually will look to Western Occultism. Western Occultism has been thoroughly corrupted and infested with Jewish filth. Nearly everything in Western Occultism has its roots in the Far East.

Western Occultism is chock full of Hebrew letters, numerology, angels and other filth. Our original Gods who gave us spiritual knowledge are blasphemed and made to hideous monsters. When tracing all of this back to its origins in the Far East, the names of our Gods in Sanskrit are revered and held in the high esteem they deserve. The name "Satan" which means "enemy" in Hebrew, means TRUTH and CREATOR GOD in Sanskrit. Of course, the people of lies would deem TRUTH as their mortal enemy.

Civilization did not begin in the Middle East as we are led to believe. Sumeria, Egypt, and other ancient civilizations obtained their spiritual teachings and occult knowledge from the Far East. The modern paperback edition of the Necronomicon; in the preface, the editors even admit to this text having its origins in Sanskrit. Anyone with knowledge of Sanskrit can see this is true with many of the words and names in that book.

Satanist Heinrich Himmler knew the truth about our spiritual origins in the Far East, and sent an expedition to Tibet, where the Germans were very well received. The expedition brought back around 30 Tibetan Buddhist Monks to Berlin, all of whom died in a group ritual suicide in the spring of 1945, with the fall of the Third Reich.

True Satanism can be found in Kundalini [Serpent] Yoga, and Left Hand Path Tantra. Unfortunately, like with everything else, there have been some corruptions in the above-mentioned disciplines, where the Jewish tool of Christianity has infested, but most of you who are dedicated to Satan will feel the truth in the basic doctrines. Acquiring of knowledge means sifting out the dross.

In their obsessive and relentless quest for world domination, and to take the place of our True Creator God who is known as Satan, the Jews have used everything in their power to destroy, pervert, and corrupt all true spiritual knowledge. The mass murder of Gentile priests and sages, the systematic destruction through infiltration, of any and all prominent Gentile occult organizations, such as Freemasonry, [which is now another tool for Jewish communism], leaving a long trail of murders, and more murders and lies to cover up the stinking stench of all of this hideous kosher corruption. The end result is communism, which is the final removal of all spiritual/occult knowledge from the Gentile populace, while Jewish masters assume the position of 'God.'

In preparation for all of this, nearly every single page of the Judeo/Christian Bible has the word 'Jew' 'Jews' and/or 'Israel' on it. Their agenda is based upon taking names, places, important dates, and concepts from Gentiles and replacing them with their fictitious characters, archetypes, and corrupted teachings, to disarm us spiritually. They use these lies to claim they were the founders of all religion, civilization, and spiritual teachings, the greatest of their lies is that of being 'The Chosen of God.' Much of this is also subliminal. Exclusively Jewish schools where the Jews learn to argue and obtain the knowledge they need to destroy Gentiles, are called "Shivas." The name was stolen from the masculine power of the Kundalini, the consort of the feminine Shakti. In other words, the brains that direct the spiritual power to manifest on the material plane in a specific way. Those who are knowledgable here can readily see the connection.

Many textbooks, even at college level claim Judaism to be the oldest of religions, which is a LIE. A prime example of using a fictitious history is the state of Palestine. They obtained this state through LIES. Ever since, the Palestinian people have suffered horribly. There has never been any peace in the Middle East with the establishment of the bandit state of Israel. These lies have given the Jewish people special privileges and a history they are NOT entitled to.

Occult power is within us all. By removing this knowledge and keeping it for themselves, the Jews can throw a curse at whomever they choose, and the Gentile victim is helpless without any knowledge or spiritual power. They have even bragged about this and more in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, stating the aura of protection they have put around their entire people, so when the shit really comes down on all of the Gentiles [fighting each other, because of Jewish instigation] , their own will be protected.
Christianity not only removes spiritual knowledge and replaces it with Jewish lies, but also self-perpetuates through the use of the energies of the believers. This powerful Jewish tool must be destroyed, as its end result is Jewish communism, as can be readily seen in the biblical message as a whole and in the sermons of the Jewish invented character of the nazarene.

'Maya' means 'illusion' in Sanskrit. Many are concerned about the 'Mayan' calendar, which states the end being in the year 2012. Given the research I have done [I am far from finished here], the names of many civilizations, especially many ancient ones have their origins in Sanskrit, such as Sumeria/SumerAryan. The Mayan connection makes sense. We believe that 2012 may be the year when Gentiles as a whole wake up to the Jewish SPELL and HOAX of Christianity.

A Jewish rabbi once stated that the Hebrew letter 'Vau' that is in their numerology a six, is also the Semitic W. WWW [World Wide Web of the internet] equals '666' which the Jews have named 'The Beast.' The information on the internet cannot be controlled. This will be their undoing.

© Copyright 2009, Joy of Satan Ministries;
Library of Congress Number: 12-16457

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
http://www.joyofsat an.org
Thank god..i"m studying sanskrit from my childhood.......Now i know whats its value.....

Yes,HP Maxine is right...Many tibetian gods are originated from sanskrit and satanism.....They call satan as "Mahakala"...
And also they have prefixed runes before the names of their gods..Like AUM MAHAKALA, HUM MAHAKALA and many more..
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], ronin2167 <ronin2167@... wrote:
I have been reading a couple books lately.  "Raja Yoga" and "Light on the Yoga Sutras of Pantanjali"  The first of these states, "Pantanjali says that the word that manifests God is Om....Is there any articulate sound of which all other sounds are manifestations, one which is the most natural sound?  Om (Aum) is such a sound, the basis of all sounds.......around the world this word Om are centered all the different religious ideas in India....the word has been retained at every stage of religious growth in Indian and has been manipulated to mean all the various ideas about God."

I read similar ideas when reading about Shinto religion and sounds = vibrations = creation.  It was a tough read.

What are your thoughs HP Maxine?


--- On Mon, 8/24/09, High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@... wrote:
Om means sun...
From: High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Roots and Origins of True Satanism
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Monday, August 24, 2009, 6:59 PM


This resulted from years and years of study. You need to study on both eastern and western occult for one. I also have a knowledge of Sanskrit. To list everything would be some 100+ books and more. I do intend to do a full list and put it on the JoS website of all my references, someday. I studied western occult in depth, with a knowledge of the Far Eastern teachings and when studying Kundalini Yoga, Tantra, Sanskrit, and other disciplines of the Far East, it all came together. The Necronomicon, the Goetic Demons, their names, their sigils, many are also in Sanskrit. You also have to know code words, like 'God/s" = 'chakra/s' and such. Satanism is endless learning and study. The God Marduk, aka 'Amon Ra' founded the Tibetan Bonn religion. The mantra chant 'AUM' was derived from the God Amon. Christians stole their 'amen' from corrupting this. 'RA' adds more power to the 'AUM.'

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

http://www.joyofsat an.org

--- In JoyofSatan666@ yahoogroups. com, "dooms2212" <dooms2212@ .. wrote:

What are your sources that had you come to this conclusion pertaining to the far east being the beginning? I would like to look into what you looked into. I have studied history from those who are inside the box and outside. Those funded by jews and jew-controlled sources have done all they could to cover up how much African cultures contributed to the ancient world, especially in spirituality. I know mainstream academia floods the masses with bullshit. I also know many mavericks can fantasize. I want to know your sources because I have reason to believe the blacks from Kemet, Nubia and Sumer went to the far east and gave them most of what we look at now as eastern spirituality. To back my views I have research resources that might not have been explored by many. I want to know where yours came from so I can analyze them and see what good they have. I'm also a passionate truthseeker willing to search throughout all avenues in order to find more truth

for the rest of my Father's children such as yourself my sister. HS!

--- In JoyofSatan666@ yahoogroups. com, High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

The Roots and Origins of True Satanism

After years of research into Satanism, we have found the origins are in the Far East. When beginning research into Satanism, one usually will look to Western Occultism. Western Occultism has been thoroughly corrupted and infested with Jewish filth. Nearly everything in Western Occultism has its roots in the Far East.

Western Occultism is chock full of Hebrew letters, numerology, angels and other filth. Our original Gods who gave us spiritual knowledge are blasphemed and made to hideous monsters. When tracing all of this back to its origins in the Far East, the names of our Gods in Sanskrit are revered and held in the high esteem they deserve. The name "Satan" which means "enemy" in Hebrew, means TRUTH and CREATOR GOD in Sanskrit. Of course, the people of lies would deem TRUTH as their mortal enemy.

Civilization did not begin in the Middle East as we are led to believe. Sumeria, Egypt, and other ancient civilizations obtained their spiritual teachings and occult knowledge from the Far East. The modern paperback edition of the Necronomicon; in the preface, the editors even admit to this text having its origins in Sanskrit. Anyone with knowledge of Sanskrit can see this is true with many of the words and names in that book.

Satanist Heinrich Himmler knew the truth about our spiritual origins in the Far East, and sent an expedition to Tibet, where the Germans were very well received. The expedition brought back around 30 Tibetan Buddhist Monks to Berlin, all of whom died in a group ritual suicide in the spring of 1945, with the fall of the Third Reich.

True Satanism can be found in Kundalini [Serpent] Yoga, and Left Hand Path Tantra. Unfortunately, like with everything else, there have been some corruptions in the above-mentioned disciplines, where the Jewish tool of Christianity has infested, but most of you who are dedicated to Satan will feel the truth in the basic doctrines. Acquiring of knowledge means sifting out the dross.

In their obsessive and relentless quest for world domination, and to take the place of our True Creator God who is known as Satan, the Jews have used everything in their power to destroy, pervert, and corrupt all true spiritual knowledge. The mass murder of Gentile priests and sages, the systematic destruction through infiltration, of any and all prominent Gentile occult organizations, such as Freemasonry, [which is now another tool for Jewish communism], leaving a long trail of murders, and more murders and lies to cover up the stinking stench of all of this hideous kosher corruption. The end result is communism, which is the final removal of all spiritual/occult knowledge from the Gentile populace, while Jewish masters assume the position of 'God.'

In preparation for all of this, nearly every single page of the Judeo/Christian Bible has the word 'Jew' 'Jews' and/or 'Israel' on it. Their agenda is based upon taking names, places, important dates, and concepts from Gentiles and replacing them with their fictitious characters, archetypes, and corrupted teachings, to disarm us spiritually. They use these lies to claim they were the founders of all religion, civilization, and spiritual teachings, the greatest of their lies is that of being 'The Chosen of God.' Much of this is also subliminal. Exclusively Jewish schools where the Jews learn to argue and obtain the knowledge they need to destroy Gentiles, are called "Shivas." The name was stolen from the masculine power of the Kundalini, the consort of the feminine Shakti. In other words, the brains that direct the spiritual power to manifest on the material plane in a specific way. Those who are knowledgable here can readily see the connection.

Many textbooks, even at college level claim Judaism to be the oldest of religions, which is a LIE. A prime example of using a fictitious history is the state of Palestine. They obtained this state through LIES. Ever since, the Palestinian people have suffered horribly. There has never been any peace in the Middle East with the establishment of the bandit state of Israel. These lies have given the Jewish people special privileges and a history they are NOT entitled to.

Occult power is within us all. By removing this knowledge and keeping it for themselves, the Jews can throw a curse at whomever they choose, and the Gentile victim is helpless without any knowledge or spiritual power. They have even bragged about this and more in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, stating the aura of protection they have put around their entire people, so when the shit really comes down on all of the Gentiles [fighting each other, because of Jewish instigation] , their own will be protected.

Christianity not only removes spiritual knowledge and replaces it with Jewish lies, but also self-perpetuates through the use of the energies of the believers. This powerful Jewish tool must be destroyed, as its end result is Jewish communism, as can be readily seen in the biblical message as a whole and in the sermons of the Jewish invented character of the nazarene.

'Maya' means 'illusion' in Sanskrit. Many are concerned about the 'Mayan' calendar, which states the end being in the year 2012. Given the research I have done [I am far from finished here], the names of many civilizations, especially many ancient ones have their origins in Sanskrit, such as Sumeria/SumerAryan. The Mayan connection makes sense. We believe that 2012 may be the year when Gentiles as a whole wake up to the Jewish SPELL and HOAX of Christianity.

A Jewish rabbi once stated that the Hebrew letter 'Vau' that is in their numerology a six, is also the Semitic W. WWW [World Wide Web of the internet] equals '666' which the Jews have named 'The Beast.' The information on the internet cannot be controlled. This will be their undoing.

© Copyright 2009, Joy of Satan Ministries;

Library of Congress Number: 12-16457

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

http://www.joyofsat an.org
Watch it! 'thank god' smells of a xian god. Try not to use it - or simply stop using it, for this is xian, and we are Spiritual Satanists.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chandan.isidore" <chandan.isidore@... wrote:

Thank god..i"m studying sanskrit from my childhood.......Now i know whats its value.....

Yes,HP Maxine is right...Many tibetian gods are originated from sanskrit and satanism.....They call satan as "Mahakala"...
And also they have prefixed runes before the names of their gods..Like AUM MAHAKALA, HUM MAHAKALA and many more..
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@... wrote:
This resulted from years and years of study. You need to study on both eastern and western occult for one. I also have a knowledge of Sanskrit. To list everything would be some 100+ books and more. I do intend to do a full list and put it on the JoS website of all my references, someday. I studied western occult in depth, with a knowledge of the Far Eastern teachings and when studying Kundalini Yoga, Tantra, Sanskrit, and other disciplines of the Far East, it all came together. The Necronomicon, the Goetic Demons, their names, their sigils, many are also in Sanskrit. You also have to know code words, like 'God/s" = 'chakra/s' and such. Satanism is endless learning and study. The God Marduk, aka 'Amon Ra' founded the Tibetan Bonn religion. The mantra chant 'AUM' was derived from the God Amon. Christians stole their 'amen' from corrupting this. 'RA' adds more power to the 'AUM.'
I understand the correlations. My question is how you came to the conclusion that it started in the far east? Those references and theories. I have seen things like The African Influence On Ancient Asia by Iven Van Sertima and Sex and Race by J A Rogers that shows some interesting reasons why they see ideals coming from Africa and migrating all over. I also think it would make sense that true Satanism would start with the first people he made. That's just me but my question wasn't pertaining to the correlations. I fully agree with that. It's the chronology that i'm not to sure about. HS!
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "dooms2212" <dooms2212@ wrote:
What are your sources that had you come to this conclusion pertaining to the far east being the beginning? I would like to look into what you looked into. I have studied history from those who are inside the box and outside. Those funded by jews and jew-controlled sources have done all they could to cover up how much African cultures contributed to the ancient world, especially in spirituality. I know mainstream academia floods the masses with bullshit. I also know many mavericks can fantasize. I want to know your sources because I have reason to believe the blacks from Kemet, Nubia and Sumer went to the far east and gave them most of what we look at now as eastern spirituality. To back my views I have research resources that might not have been explored by many. I want to know where yours came from so I can analyze them and see what good they have. I'm also a passionate truthseeker willing to search throughout all avenues in order to find more truth
for the rest of my Father's children such as yourself my sister. HS!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

The Roots and Origins of True Satanism

After years of research into Satanism, we have found the origins are in the Far East. When beginning research into Satanism, one usually will look to Western Occultism. Western Occultism has been thoroughly corrupted and infested with Jewish filth. Nearly everything in Western Occultism has its roots in the Far East.

Western Occultism is chock full of Hebrew letters, numerology, angels and other filth. Our original Gods who gave us spiritual knowledge are blasphemed and made to hideous monsters. When tracing all of this back to its origins in the Far East, the names of our Gods in Sanskrit are revered and held in the high esteem they deserve. The name "Satan" which means "enemy" in Hebrew, means TRUTH and CREATOR GOD in Sanskrit. Of course, the people of lies would deem TRUTH as their mortal enemy.

Civilization did not begin in the Middle East as we are led to believe. Sumeria, Egypt, and other ancient civilizations obtained their spiritual teachings and occult knowledge from the Far East. The modern paperback edition of the Necronomicon; in the preface, the editors even admit to this text having its origins in Sanskrit. Anyone with knowledge of Sanskrit can see this is true with many of the words and names in that book.

Satanist Heinrich Himmler knew the truth about our spiritual origins in the Far East, and sent an expedition to Tibet, where the Germans were very well received. The expedition brought back around 30 Tibetan Buddhist Monks to Berlin, all of whom died in a group ritual suicide in the spring of 1945, with the fall of the Third Reich.

True Satanism can be found in Kundalini [Serpent] Yoga, and Left Hand Path Tantra. Unfortunately, like with everything else, there have been some corruptions in the above-mentioned disciplines, where the Jewish tool of Christianity has infested, but most of you who are dedicated to Satan will feel the truth in the basic doctrines. Acquiring of knowledge means sifting out the dross.

In their obsessive and relentless quest for world domination, and to take the place of our True Creator God who is known as Satan, the Jews have used everything in their power to destroy, pervert, and corrupt all true spiritual knowledge. The mass murder of Gentile priests and sages, the systematic destruction through infiltration, of any and all prominent Gentile occult organizations, such as Freemasonry,[which is now another tool for Jewish communism], leaving a long trail of murders, and more murders and lies to cover up the stinking stench of all of this hideous kosher corruption. The end result is communism, which is the final removal of all spiritual/occult knowledge from the Gentile populace, while Jewish masters assume the position of 'God.'

In preparation for all of this, nearly every single page of the Judeo/Christian Bible has the word 'Jew' 'Jews' and/or 'Israel' on it. Their agenda is based upon taking names, places, important dates, and concepts from Gentiles and replacing them with their fictitious characters, archetypes, and corrupted teachings, to disarm us spiritually. They use these lies to claim they were the founders of all religion, civilization, and spiritual teachings, the greatest of their lies is that of being 'The Chosen of God.' Much of this is also subliminal. Exclusively Jewish schools where the Jews learn to argue and obtain the knowledge they need to destroy Gentiles, are called "Shivas." The name was stolen from the masculine power of the Kundalini, the consort of the feminine Shakti. In other words, the brains that direct the spiritual power to manifest on the material plane in a specific way. Those who are knowledgable here can readily see the connection.

Many textbooks, even at college level claim Judaism to be the oldest of religions, which is a LIE. A prime example of using a fictitious history is the state of Palestine. They obtained this state through LIES. Ever since, the Palestinian people have suffered horribly. There has never been any peace in the Middle East with the establishment of the bandit state of Israel. These lies have given the Jewish people special privileges and a history they are NOT entitled to.

Occult power is within us all. By removing this knowledge and keeping it for themselves, the Jews can throw a curse at whomever they choose, and the Gentile victim is helpless without any knowledge or spiritual power. They have even bragged about this and more in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, stating the aura of protection they have put around their entire people, so when the shit really comes down on all of the Gentiles [fighting each other, because of Jewish instigation], their own will be protected.
Christianity not only removes spiritual knowledge and replaces it with Jewish lies, but also self-perpetuates through the use of the energies of the believers. This powerful Jewish tool must be destroyed, as its end result is Jewish communism, as can be readily seen in the biblical message as a whole and in the sermons of the Jewish invented character of the nazarene.

'Maya' means 'illusion' in Sanskrit. Many are concerned about the 'Mayan' calendar, which states the end being in the year 2012. Given the research I have done [I am far from finished here], the names of many civilizations, especially many ancient ones have their origins in Sanskrit, such as Sumeria/SumerAryan. The Mayan connection makes sense. We believe that 2012 may be the year when Gentiles as a whole wake up to the Jewish SPELL and HOAX of Christianity.

A Jewish rabbi once stated that the Hebrew letter 'Vau' that is in their numerology a six, is also the Semitic W. WWW [World Wide Web of the internet] equals '666' which the Jews have named 'The Beast.' The information on the internet cannot be controlled. This will be their undoing.

© Copyright 2009, Joy of Satan Ministries;
Library of Congress Number: 12-16457

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
It took me "forever" to purge that phrase from my vocabulary, but I think I finally did it. Same with an even worse one: "christ almighty" ...

One thing that works if you're having trouble with these things is to institute a reward/punishment system for yourself. It requires discipline of course, but it can help destroy a bad habit (like the above) and encourage a good one. Usually it involves money, not necessarily large amounts, and/or things you like to do/have.

I know it sounds a bit childish but, hey, it works and if all else fails ...

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "siguard666" <siguard666@... wrote:

Watch it! 'thank god' smells of a xian god. Try not to use it - or simply stop using it, for this is xian, and we are Spiritual Satanists.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "chandan.isidore" <chandan.isidore@ wrote:

Thank god..i"m studying sanskrit from my childhood.......Now i know whats its value.....

Yes,HP Maxine is right...Many tibetian gods are originated from sanskrit and satanism.....They call satan as "Mahakala"...
And also they have prefixed runes before the names of their gods..Like AUM MAHAKALA, HUM MAHAKALA and many more..
As for 'Ohm' meaning 'sun'- Amon Ra is the Sun God. The most important thing you can do when reading anything of yoga is to realize much has been corrupted. There are no 'Laws' as such. All of the crap on celibacy, abstaining from eating certain foods, observing certain virtues and related- is dross. I have done enough studying, along with personal experience to know this. In addition, that 'absence of desire' that keeps cropping up in many of Eastern teachings [that have been corrupted with xian filth], that alone- one can see is total bullshit and lies. Total absence of desire= death. If one actually had 'no desires' then one would not meditate, nor would one work towards advacing one's self and seeking enlightenment. One would be dead.

Left Hand Path Tantra is living life to the fullest, indulgence in pleasure, while working towards enlightenment through meditation and knowledge- the Satanic way. Many books about yoga contradict each other. You have to open your mind and like with reading anything- read through it the Satanic way- sift out the xian bullshit that unfortunately has infested nearly everything.

In empowering ourselves, truth be known and I speak from experience here- there are no special dietary laws, no special ways of living or being, no sexual taboos or any other crap. This is all about developing the powers of the mind and soul, which are open to everyone in the universe. You don't have to live your life by certain laws. Energy does what it is told to do. The only thing one needs is acurate knowledge. The knowledge on how to get there and how to be the most powerful you can be.

Getting back to your question- say you do alternate nostril breathing and instead of counting numbers, you are a bit more advanced and say 'AUM' in your mind several times for each number on the hold [when holding perfectly still, ones powers for this short time are at maximum], you will hear a rhythm not unlike a heartbeat. At least this is what I experienced, but any chant- even a specific rune can be repeated in your mind when working towards a goal.

In Kundalini Yoga, one advances to combine hatha [physical yoga] along with breathing and the mantra in the mind, all together simultaneously. This is advanced and should only be attempted after perfecting hatha yoga, yogic breating exercises and mantra [words of power]. It must be coordinated. This greatly accelerates the ascension of the Kundalini Serpent, which drastically and rapidly will increase your powers of the mind and soul to manifest in reality.

Chanting/vibration not only affects and brings into play, the both sides of the brain, but also the soul. This chanting/vibration of certain key words related to your own personal goals is the key to creating something on the astral which will manifest into reality for you, at your will.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], ronin2167 <ronin2167@... wrote:

I have been reading a couple books lately. "Raja Yoga" and "Light on the Yoga Sutras of Pantanjali" The first of these states, "Pantanjali says that the word that manifests God is Om....Is there any articulate sound of which all other sounds are manifestations, one which is the most natural sound? Om (Aum) is such a sound, the basis of all sounds.......around the world this word Om are centered all the different religious ideas in India....the word has been retained at every stage of religious growth in Indian and has been manipulated to mean all the various ideas about God."

I read similar ideas when reading about Shinto religion and sounds = vibrations = creation. It was a tough read.

What are your thoughs HP Maxine?


Om means sun...

--- On Mon, 8/24/09, High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@... wrote:

From: High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Roots and Origins of True Satanism
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Monday, August 24, 2009, 6:59 PM

This resulted from years and years of study. You need to study on both eastern and western occult for one. I also have a knowledge of Sanskrit. To list everything would be some 100+ books and more. I do intend to do a full list and put it on the JoS website of all my references, someday. I studied western occult in depth, with a knowledge of the Far Eastern teachings and when studying Kundalini Yoga, Tantra, Sanskrit, and other disciplines of the Far East, it all came together. The Necronomicon, the Goetic Demons, their names, their sigils, many are also in Sanskrit. You also have to know code words, like 'God/s" = 'chakra/s' and such. Satanism is endless learning and study. The God Marduk, aka 'Amon Ra' founded the Tibetan Bonn religion. The mantra chant 'AUM' was derived from the God Amon. Christians stole their 'amen' from corrupting this. 'RA' adds more power to the 'AUM.'

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

http://www.joyofsat an.org

--- In JoyofSatan666@ yahoogroups. com, "dooms2212" <dooms2212@ .. wrote:

What are your sources that had you come to this conclusion pertaining to the far east being the beginning? I would like to look into what you looked into. I have studied history from those who are inside the box and outside. Those funded by jews and jew-controlled sources have done all they could to cover up how much African cultures contributed to the ancient world, especially in spirituality. I know mainstream academia floods the masses with bullshit. I also know many mavericks can fantasize. I want to know your sources because I have reason to believe the blacks from Kemet, Nubia and Sumer went to the far east and gave them most of what we look at now as eastern spirituality. To back my views I have research resources that might not have been explored by many. I want to know where yours came from so I can analyze them and see what good they have. I'm also a passionate truthseeker willing to search throughout all avenues in order to find more

for the rest of my Father's children such as yourself my sister. HS!

--- In JoyofSatan666@ yahoogroups. com, High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

The Roots and Origins of True Satanism

After years of research into Satanism, we have found the origins are in the Far East. When beginning research into Satanism, one usually will look to Western Occultism. Western Occultism has been thoroughly corrupted and infested with Jewish filth. Nearly everything in Western Occultism has its roots in the Far East.

Western Occultism is chock full of Hebrew letters, numerology, angels and other filth. Our original Gods who gave us spiritual knowledge are blasphemed and made to hideous monsters. When tracing all of this back to its origins in the Far East, the names of our Gods in Sanskrit are revered and held in the high esteem they deserve. The name "Satan" which means "enemy" in Hebrew, means TRUTH and CREATOR GOD in Sanskrit. Of course, the people of lies would deem TRUTH as their mortal enemy.

Civilization did not begin in the Middle East as we are led to believe. Sumeria, Egypt, and other ancient civilizations obtained their spiritual teachings and occult knowledge from the Far East. The modern paperback edition of the Necronomicon; in the preface, the editors even admit to this text having its origins in Sanskrit. Anyone with knowledge of Sanskrit can see this is true with many of the words and names in that book.

Satanist Heinrich Himmler knew the truth about our spiritual origins in the Far East, and sent an expedition to Tibet, where the Germans were very well received. The expedition brought back around 30 Tibetan Buddhist Monks to Berlin, all of whom died in a group ritual suicide in the spring of 1945, with the fall of the Third Reich.

True Satanism can be found in Kundalini [Serpent] Yoga, and Left Hand Path Tantra. Unfortunately, like with everything else, there have been some corruptions in the above-mentioned disciplines, where the Jewish tool of Christianity has infested, but most of you who are dedicated to Satan will feel the truth in the basic doctrines. Acquiring of knowledge means sifting out the dross.

In their obsessive and relentless quest for world domination, and to take the place of our True Creator God who is known as Satan, the Jews have used everything in their power to destroy, pervert, and corrupt all true spiritual knowledge. The mass murder of Gentile priests and sages, the systematic destruction through infiltration, of any and all prominent Gentile occult organizations, such as Freemasonry, [which is now another tool for Jewish communism], leaving a long trail of murders, and more murders and lies to cover up the stinking stench of all of this hideous kosher corruption. The end result is communism, which is the final removal of all spiritual/occult knowledge from the Gentile populace, while Jewish masters assume the position of 'God.'

In preparation for all of this, nearly every single page of the Judeo/Christian Bible has the word 'Jew' 'Jews' and/or 'Israel' on it. Their agenda is based upon taking names, places, important dates, and concepts from Gentiles and replacing them with their fictitious characters, archetypes, and corrupted teachings, to disarm us spiritually. They use these lies to claim they were the founders of all religion, civilization, and spiritual teachings, the greatest of their lies is that of being 'The Chosen of God.' Much of this is also subliminal. Exclusively Jewish schools where the Jews learn to argue and obtain the knowledge they need to destroy Gentiles, are called "Shivas." The name was stolen from the masculine power of the Kundalini, the consort of the feminine Shakti. In other words, the brains that direct the spiritual power to manifest on the material plane in a specific way. Those who are knowledgable here can readily see the connection.

Many textbooks, even at college level claim Judaism to be the oldest of religions, which is a LIE. A prime example of using a fictitious history is the state of Palestine. They obtained this state through LIES. Ever since, the Palestinian people have suffered horribly. There has never been any peace in the Middle East with the establishment of the bandit state of Israel. These lies have given the Jewish people special privileges and a history they are NOT entitled to.

Occult power is within us all. By removing this knowledge and keeping it for themselves, the Jews can throw a curse at whomever they choose, and the Gentile victim is helpless without any knowledge or spiritual power. They have even bragged about this and more in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, stating the aura of protection they have put around their entire people, so when the shit really comes down on all of the Gentiles [fighting each other, because of Jewish instigation] , their own will be protected.

Christianity not only removes spiritual knowledge and replaces it with Jewish lies, but also self-perpetuates through the use of the energies of the believers. This powerful Jewish tool must be destroyed, as its end result is Jewish communism, as can be readily seen in the biblical message as a whole and in the sermons of the Jewish invented character of the nazarene.

'Maya' means 'illusion' in Sanskrit. Many are concerned about the 'Mayan' calendar, which states the end being in the year 2012. Given the research I have done [I am far from finished here], the names of many civilizations, especially many ancient ones have their origins in Sanskrit, such as Sumeria/SumerAryan. The Mayan connection makes sense. We believe that 2012 may be the year when Gentiles as a whole wake up to the Jewish SPELL and HOAX of Christianity.

A Jewish rabbi once stated that the Hebrew letter 'Vau' that is in their numerology a six, is also the Semitic W. WWW [World Wide Web of the internet] equals '666' which the Jews have named 'The Beast.' The information on the internet cannot be controlled. This will be their undoing.

© Copyright 2009, Joy of Satan Ministries;

Library of Congress Number: 12-16457

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

http://www.joyofsat an.org
Although this isn't any new information to the majority of us Satanists, I'm sure it put it into perspective for alot of the newer ones. Thank you H.P. Maxine for this Sermon, I love reading them all.

Its funny how all there planned lies, all they seek to control, is undone just by a world wide connection of PC to PC. Its pathetic really, I know they know of us, they know of the information out there, but they don't know of all of it, nor can they stop all of it.

I don't suppose Maxine you know anything about who is the jew in the highest command for them?

-Hail Father, Lord Satan! We will Triumph, they will fall.
<td val[/IMG]I totally agree.  The first thing I noticed is that the books are big on abstaining from pretty much everything.  My thought is, if we did that...we would die out.  I have to call BS.  No sex = no reproduction = no more humans.  It was just stupid.  Are we not here to experience as much as we can and learn as much as we can so that we may advance spiritually?  Those of us who have not reached the Magnum Opus have to take physical form to do this.

 I specifically chose Raja yoga because it focuses on "the powers."  Even they say these "powers" are what others call "occult"  Then they go on about how this is not the goal.  Which again doesn't make sense to me because if you can control nature then you control your life and you do this with the "powers"  They keep repeating how the ultimate goal is to be detached from everything.  How does this = to spiritual evolution?  Have to force myself not to fall into the redheric of it all.  They keep repeating it....hmmmmmm.

Thanks for you're reply HP Maxine


--- On Tue, 8/25/09, High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@... wrote:
From: High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Roots and Origins of True Satanism
To: [email protected]
Date: Tuesday, August 25, 2009, 5:33 PM

As for 'Ohm' meaning 'sun'- Amon Ra is the Sun God. The most important thing you can do when reading anything of yoga is to realize much has been corrupted. There are no 'Laws' as such. All of the crap on celibacy, abstaining from eating certain foods, observing certain virtues and related- is dross. I have done enough studying, along with personal experience to know this. In addition, that 'absence of desire' that keeps cropping up in many of Eastern teachings [that have been corrupted with xian filth], that alone- one can see is total bullshit and lies. Total absence of desire= death. If one actually had 'no desires' then one would not meditate, nor would one work towards advacing one's self and seeking enlightenment. One would be dead.

Left Hand Path Tantra is living life to the fullest, indulgence in pleasure, while working towards enlightenment through meditation and knowledge- the Satanic way. Many books about yoga contradict each other. You have to open your mind and like with reading anything- read through it the Satanic way- sift out the xian bullshit that unfortunately has infested nearly everything.

In empowering ourselves, truth be known and I speak from experience here- there are no special dietary laws, no special ways of living or being, no sexual taboos or any other crap. This is all about developing the powers of the mind and soul, which are open to everyone in the universe. You don't have to live your life by certain laws. Energy does what it is told to do. The only thing one needs is acurate knowledge. The knowledge on how to get there and how to be the most powerful you can be.

Getting back to your question- say you do alternate nostril breathing and instead of counting numbers, you are a bit more advanced and say 'AUM' in your mind several times for each number on the hold [when holding perfectly still, ones powers for this short time are at maximum], you will hear a rhythm not unlike a heartbeat. At least this is what I experienced, but any chant- even a specific rune can be repeated in your mind when working towards a goal.

In Kundalini Yoga, one advances to combine hatha [physical yoga] along with breathing and the mantra in the mind, all together simultaneously. This is advanced and should only be attempted after perfecting hatha yoga, yogic breating exercises and mantra [words of power]. It must be coordinated. This greatly accelerates the ascension of the Kundalini Serpent, which drastically and rapidly will increase your powers of the mind and soul to manifest in reality.

Chanting/vibration not only affects and brings into play, the both sides of the brain, but also the soul. This chanting/vibration of certain key words related to your own personal goals is the key to creating something on the astral which will manifest into reality for you, at your will.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
http://www.joyofsat an.org

--- [/IMG]JoyofSatan666@ yahoogroups. com, ronin2167 <ronin2167@. .. wrote:

I have been reading a couple books lately. "Raja Yoga" and "Light on the Yoga Sutras of Pantanjali" The first of these states, "Pantanjali says that the word that manifests God is Om....Is there any articulate sound of which all other sounds are manifestations, one which is the most natural sound? Om (Aum) is such a sound, the basis of all sounds...... .around the world this word Om are centered all the different religious ideas in India....the word has been retained at every stage of religious growth in Indian and has been manipulated to mean all the various ideas about God."

I read similar ideas when reading about Shinto religion and sounds = vibrations = creation. It was a tough read.

What are your thoughs HP Maxine?


Om means sun...

--- On Mon, 8/24/09, High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ ... wrote:

From: High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ ...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Roots and Origins of True Satanism
To: <a rel="nofollow">JoyofSatan666@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Monday, August 24, 2009, 6:59 PM

This resulted from years and years of study. You need to study on both eastern and western occult for one. I also have a knowledge of Sanskrit. To list everything would be some 100+ books and more. I do intend to do a full list and put it on the JoS website of all my references, someday. I studied western occult in depth, with a knowledge of the Far Eastern teachings and when studying Kundalini Yoga, Tantra, Sanskrit, and other disciplines of the Far East, it all came together. The Necronomicon, the Goetic Demons, their names, their sigils, many are also in Sanskrit. You also have to know code words, like 'God/s" = 'chakra/s' and such. Satanism is endless learning and study. The God Marduk, aka 'Amon Ra' founded the Tibetan Bonn religion. The mantra chant 'AUM' was derived from the God Amon. Christians stole their 'amen' from corrupting this. 'RA' adds more power to the 'AUM.'

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

http://www.joyofsat an.org

--- In JoyofSatan666@ yahoogroups. com, "dooms2212" <dooms2212@ .. wrote:

What are your sources that had you come to this conclusion pertaining to the far east being the beginning? I would like to look into what you looked into. I have studied history from those who are inside the box and outside. Those funded by jews and jew-controlled sources have done all they could to cover up how much African cultures contributed to the ancient world, especially in spirituality. I know mainstream academia floods the masses with bullshit. I also know many mavericks can fantasize. I want to know your sources because I have reason to believe the blacks from Kemet, Nubia and Sumer went to the far east and gave them most of what we look at now as eastern spirituality. To back my views I have research resources that might not have been explored by many. I want to know where yours came from so I can analyze them and see what good they have. I'm also a passionate truthseeker willing to search throughout all avenues in order to find more

for the rest of my Father's children such as yourself my sister. HS!

--- In JoyofSatan666@ yahoogroups. com, High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

The Roots and Origins of True Satanism

After years of research into Satanism, we have found the origins are in the Far East. When beginning research into Satanism, one usually will look to Western Occultism. Western Occultism has been thoroughly corrupted and infested with Jewish filth. Nearly everything in Western Occultism has its roots in the Far East.

Western Occultism is chock full of Hebrew letters, numerology, angels and other filth. Our original Gods who gave us spiritual knowledge are blasphemed and made to hideous monsters. When tracing all of this back to its origins in the Far East, the names of our Gods in Sanskrit are revered and held in the high esteem they deserve. The name "Satan" which means "enemy" in Hebrew, means TRUTH and CREATOR GOD in Sanskrit. Of course, the people of lies would deem TRUTH as their mortal enemy.

Civilization did not begin in the Middle East as we are led to believe. Sumeria, Egypt, and other ancient civilizations obtained their spiritual teachings and occult knowledge from the Far East. The modern paperback edition of the Necronomicon; in the preface, the editors even admit to this text having its origins in Sanskrit. Anyone with knowledge of Sanskrit can see this is true with many of the words and names in that book.

Satanist Heinrich Himmler knew the truth about our spiritual origins in the Far East, and sent an expedition to Tibet, where the Germans were very well received. The expedition brought back around 30 Tibetan Buddhist Monks to Berlin, all of whom died in a group ritual suicide in the spring of 1945, with the fall of the Third Reich.

True Satanism can be found in Kundalini [Serpent] Yoga, and Left Hand Path Tantra. Unfortunately, like with everything else, there have been some corruptions in the above-mentioned disciplines, where the Jewish tool of Christianity has infested, but most of you who are dedicated to Satan will feel the truth in the basic doctrines. Acquiring of knowledge means sifting out the dross.

In their obsessive and relentless quest for world domination, and to take the place of our True Creator God who is known as Satan, the Jews have used everything in their power to destroy, pervert, and corrupt all true spiritual knowledge. The mass murder of Gentile priests and sages, the systematic destruction through infiltration, of any and all prominent Gentile occult organizations, such as Freemasonry, [which is now another tool for Jewish communism], leaving a long trail of murders, and more murders and lies to cover up the stinking stench of all of this hideous kosher corruption. The end result is communism, which is the final removal of all spiritual/occult knowledge from the Gentile populace, while Jewish masters assume the position of 'God.'

In preparation for all of this, nearly every single page of the Judeo/Christian Bible has the word 'Jew' 'Jews' and/or 'Israel' on it. Their agenda is based upon taking names, places, important dates, and concepts from Gentiles and replacing them with their fictitious characters, archetypes, and corrupted teachings, to disarm us spiritually. They use these lies to claim they were the founders of all religion, civilization, and spiritual teachings, the greatest of their lies is that of being 'The Chosen of God.' Much of this is also subliminal. Exclusively Jewish schools where the Jews learn to argue and obtain the knowledge they need to destroy Gentiles, are called "Shivas." The name was stolen from the masculine power of the Kundalini, the consort of the feminine Shakti. In other words, the brains that direct the spiritual power to manifest on the material plane in a specific way. Those who are knowledgable here can readily see the connection.

Many textbooks, even at college level claim Judaism to be the oldest of religions, which is a LIE. A prime example of using a fictitious history is the state of Palestine. They obtained this state through LIES. Ever since, the Palestinian people have suffered horribly. There has never been any peace in the Middle East with the establishment of the bandit state of Israel. These lies have given the Jewish people special privileges and a history they are NOT entitled to.

Occult power is within us all. By removing this knowledge and keeping it for themselves, the Jews can throw a curse at whomever they choose, and the Gentile victim is helpless without any knowledge or spiritual power. They have even bragged about this and more in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, stating the aura of protection they have put around their entire people, so when the shit really comes down on all of the Gentiles [fighting each other, because of Jewish instigation] , their own will be protected.

Christianity not only removes spiritual knowledge and replaces it with Jewish lies, but also self-perpetuates through the use of the energies of the believers. This powerful Jewish tool must be destroyed, as its end result is Jewish communism, as can be readily seen in the biblical message as a whole and in the sermons of the Jewish invented character of the nazarene.

'Maya' means 'illusion' in Sanskrit. Many are concerned about the 'Mayan' calendar, which states the end being in the year 2012. Given the research I have done [I am far from finished here], the names of many civilizations, especially many ancient ones have their origins in Sanskrit, such as Sumeria/SumerAryan. The Mayan connection makes sense. We believe that 2012 may be the year when Gentiles as a whole wake up to the Jewish SPELL and HOAX of Christianity.

A Jewish rabbi once stated that the Hebrew letter 'Vau' that is in their numerology a six, is also the Semitic W. WWW [World Wide Web of the internet] equals '666' which the Jews have named 'The Beast.' The information on the internet cannot be controlled. This will be their undoing.

© Copyright 2009, Joy of Satan Ministries;

Library of Congress Number: 12-16457

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

http://www.joyofsat an.org
All this emphasis on abstention carries with it a double whammy: the eventual reduction of humans, as you point out, AND a very potent "shot in the arm" for the enemy, namely, the tremendous amount of negative energy generated by such abstention, which is going against nature, unnatural. And this is the underlying modus operandi in many of their decrees: the generation of negative energy which they feed off. It's ambrosia to them.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], ronin2167 <ronin2167@... wrote:

I totally agree.  The first thing I noticed is that the books are big on abstaining from pretty much everything.  My thought is, if we did that...we would die out.  I have to call BS.  No sex = no reproduction = no more humans.  It was just stupid.  Are we not here to experience as much as we can and learn as much as we can so that we may advance spiritually?  Those of us who have not reached the Magnum Opus have to take physical form to do this.

 I specifically chose Raja yoga because it focuses on "the powers."  Even they say these "powers" are what others call "occult"  Then they go on about how this is not the goal.  Which again doesn't make sense to me because if you can control nature then you control your life and you do this with the "powers"  They keep repeating how the ultimate goal is to be detached from everything.  How does this = to spiritual evolution?  Have to force myself not to fall into the redheric of it all.  They keep repeating it....hmmmmmm.

Thanks for you're reply HP Maxine


--- On Tue, 8/25/09, High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@... wrote:

From: High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Roots and Origins of True Satanism
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Tuesday, August 25, 2009, 5:33 PM


As for 'Ohm' meaning 'sun'- Amon Ra is the Sun God. The most important thing you can do when reading anything of yoga is to realize much has been corrupted. There are no 'Laws' as such. All of the crap on celibacy, abstaining from eating certain foods, observing certain virtues and related- is dross. I have done enough studying, along with personal experience to know this. In addition, that 'absence of desire' that keeps cropping up in many of Eastern teachings [that have been corrupted with xian filth], that alone- one can see is total bullshit and lies. Total absence of desire= death. If one actually had 'no desires' then one would not meditate, nor would one work towards advacing one's self and seeking enlightenment. One would be dead.

Left Hand Path Tantra is living life to the fullest, indulgence in pleasure, while working towards enlightenment through meditation and knowledge- the Satanic way. Many books about yoga contradict each other. You have to open your mind and like with reading anything- read through it the Satanic way- sift out the xian bullshit that unfortunately has infested nearly everything.

In empowering ourselves, truth be known and I speak from experience here- there are no special dietary laws, no special ways of living or being, no sexual taboos or any other crap. This is all about developing the powers of the mind and soul, which are open to everyone in the universe. You don't have to live your life by certain laws. Energy does what it is told to do. The only thing one needs is acurate knowledge. The knowledge on how to get there and how to be the most powerful you can be.

Getting back to your question- say you do alternate nostril breathing and instead of counting numbers, you are a bit more advanced and say 'AUM' in your mind several times for each number on the hold [when holding perfectly still, ones powers for this short time are at maximum], you will hear a rhythm not unlike a heartbeat. At least this is what I experienced, but any chant- even a specific rune can be repeated in your mind when working towards a goal.

In Kundalini Yoga, one advances to combine hatha [physical yoga] along with breathing and the mantra in the mind, all together simultaneously. This is advanced and should only be attempted after perfecting hatha yoga, yogic breating exercises and mantra [words of power]. It must be coordinated. This greatly accelerates the ascension of the Kundalini Serpent, which drastically and rapidly will increase your powers of the mind and soul to manifest in reality.

Chanting/vibration not only affects and brings into play, the both sides of the brain, but also the soul. This chanting/vibration of certain key words related to your own personal goals is the key to creating something on the astral which will manifest into reality for you, at your will.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

http://www.joyofsat an.org

--- In JoyofSatan666@ yahoogroups. com, ronin2167 <ronin2167@ .. wrote:

I have been reading a couple books lately. "Raja Yoga" and "Light on the Yoga Sutras of Pantanjali" The first of these states, "Pantanjali says that the word that manifests God is Om....Is there any articulate sound of which all other sounds are manifestations, one which is the most natural sound? Om (Aum) is such a sound, the basis of all sounds...... .around the world this word Om are centered all the different religious ideas in India....the word has been retained at every stage of religious growth in Indian and has been manipulated to mean all the various ideas about God."

I read similar ideas when reading about Shinto religion and sounds = vibrations = creation. It was a tough read.

What are your thoughs HP Maxine?


Om means sun...

--- On Mon, 8/24/09, High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ ... wrote:

From: High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ ...

Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Roots and Origins of True Satanism

To: JoyofSatan666@ yahoogroups. com

Date: Monday, August 24, 2009, 6:59 PM

This resulted from years and years of study. You need to study on both eastern and western occult for one. I also have a knowledge of Sanskrit. To list everything would be some 100+ books and more. I do intend to do a full list and put it on the JoS website of all my references, someday. I studied western occult in depth, with a knowledge of the Far Eastern teachings and when studying Kundalini Yoga, Tantra, Sanskrit, and other disciplines of the Far East, it all came together. The Necronomicon, the Goetic Demons, their names, their sigils, many are also in Sanskrit. You also have to know code words, like 'God/s" = 'chakra/s' and such. Satanism is endless learning and study. The God Marduk, aka 'Amon Ra' founded the Tibetan Bonn religion. The mantra chant 'AUM' was derived from the God Amon. Christians stole their 'amen' from corrupting this. 'RA' adds more power to the 'AUM.'

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

http://www.joyofsat an.org

--- In JoyofSatan666@ yahoogroups. com, "dooms2212" <dooms2212@ .. wrote:

What are your sources that had you come to this conclusion pertaining to the far east being the beginning? I would like to look into what you looked into. I have studied history from those who are inside the box and outside. Those funded by jews and jew-controlled sources have done all they could to cover up how much African cultures contributed to the ancient world, especially in spirituality. I know mainstream academia floods the masses with bullshit. I also know many mavericks can fantasize. I want to know your sources because I have reason to believe the blacks from Kemet, Nubia and Sumer went to the far east and gave them most of what we look at now as eastern spirituality. To back my views I have research resources that might not have been explored by many. I want to know where yours came from so I can analyze them and see what good they have. I'm also a passionate truthseeker willing to search throughout all avenues in order to find more


for the rest of my Father's children such as yourself my sister. HS!

--- In JoyofSatan666@ yahoogroups. com, High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

The Roots and Origins of True Satanism

After years of research into Satanism, we have found the origins are in the Far East. When beginning research into Satanism, one usually will look to Western Occultism. Western Occultism has been thoroughly corrupted and infested with Jewish filth. Nearly everything in Western Occultism has its roots in the Far East.

Western Occultism is chock full of Hebrew letters, numerology, angels and other filth. Our original Gods who gave us spiritual knowledge are blasphemed and made to hideous monsters. When tracing all of this back to its origins in the Far East, the names of our Gods in Sanskrit are revered and held in the high esteem they deserve. The name "Satan" which means "enemy" in Hebrew, means TRUTH and CREATOR GOD in Sanskrit. Of course, the people of lies would deem TRUTH as their mortal enemy.

Civilization did not begin in the Middle East as we are led to believe. Sumeria, Egypt, and other ancient civilizations obtained their spiritual teachings and occult knowledge from the Far East. The modern paperback edition of the Necronomicon; in the preface, the editors even admit to this text having its origins in Sanskrit. Anyone with knowledge of Sanskrit can see this is true with many of the words and names in that book.

Satanist Heinrich Himmler knew the truth about our spiritual origins in the Far East, and sent an expedition to Tibet, where the Germans were very well received. The expedition brought back around 30 Tibetan Buddhist Monks to Berlin, all of whom died in a group ritual suicide in the spring of 1945, with the fall of the Third Reich.

True Satanism can be found in Kundalini [Serpent] Yoga, and Left Hand Path Tantra. Unfortunately, like with everything else, there have been some corruptions in the above-mentioned disciplines, where the Jewish tool of Christianity has infested, but most of you who are dedicated to Satan will feel the truth in the basic doctrines. Acquiring of knowledge means sifting out the dross.

In their obsessive and relentless quest for world domination, and to take the place of our True Creator God who is known as Satan, the Jews have used everything in their power to destroy, pervert, and corrupt all true spiritual knowledge. The mass murder of Gentile priests and sages, the systematic destruction through infiltration, of any and all prominent Gentile occult organizations, such as Freemasonry, [which is now another tool for Jewish communism], leaving a long trail of murders, and more murders and lies to cover up the stinking stench of all of this hideous kosher corruption. The end result is communism, which is the final removal of all spiritual/occult knowledge from the Gentile populace, while Jewish masters assume the position of 'God.'

In preparation for all of this, nearly every single page of the Judeo/Christian Bible has the word 'Jew' 'Jews' and/or 'Israel' on it. Their agenda is based upon taking names, places, important dates, and concepts from Gentiles and replacing them with their fictitious characters, archetypes, and corrupted teachings, to disarm us spiritually. They use these lies to claim they were the founders of all religion, civilization, and spiritual teachings, the greatest of their lies is that of being 'The Chosen of God.' Much of this is also subliminal. Exclusively Jewish schools where the Jews learn to argue and obtain the knowledge they need to destroy Gentiles, are called "Shivas." The name was stolen from the masculine power of the Kundalini, the consort of the feminine Shakti. In other words, the brains that direct the spiritual power to manifest on the material plane in a specific way. Those who are knowledgable here can readily see the connection.

Many textbooks, even at college level claim Judaism to be the oldest of religions, which is a LIE. A prime example of using a fictitious history is the state of Palestine. They obtained this state through LIES. Ever since, the Palestinian people have suffered horribly. There has never been any peace in the Middle East with the establishment of the bandit state of Israel. These lies have given the Jewish people special privileges and a history they are NOT entitled to.

Occult power is within us all. By removing this knowledge and keeping it for themselves, the Jews can throw a curse at whomever they choose, and the Gentile victim is helpless without any knowledge or spiritual power. They have even bragged about this and more in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, stating the aura of protection they have put around their entire people, so when the shit really comes down on all of the Gentiles [fighting each other, because of Jewish instigation] , their own will be protected.

Christianity not only removes spiritual knowledge and replaces it with Jewish lies, but also self-perpetuates through the use of the energies of the believers. This powerful Jewish tool must be destroyed, as its end result is Jewish communism, as can be readily seen in the biblical message as a whole and in the sermons of the Jewish invented character of the nazarene.

'Maya' means 'illusion' in Sanskrit. Many are concerned about the 'Mayan' calendar, which states the end being in the year 2012. Given the research I have done [I am far from finished here], the names of many civilizations, especially many ancient ones have their origins in Sanskrit, such as Sumeria/SumerAryan. The Mayan connection makes sense. We believe that 2012 may be the year when Gentiles as a whole wake up to the Jewish SPELL and HOAX of Christianity.

A Jewish rabbi once stated that the Hebrew letter 'Vau' that is in their numerology a six, is also the Semitic W. WWW [World Wide Web of the internet] equals '666' which the Jews have named 'The Beast.' The information on the internet cannot be controlled. This will be their undoing.

© Copyright 2009, Joy of Satan Ministries;

Library of Congress Number: 12-16457

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

http://www.joyofsat an.org
I have no idea. Satan showed me a vision back in spring of 2003, after we had finished freeing all of the Goetic Demons and more. I assume it was in Israel. There were these ultra-orthodox jews in a room. An old one [like in his 70's] said to a younger on in his 40's "We are finished." This was in relation to the Demons being freed. The younger one who was over-confident [as so many of them are] refused to believe it. It didn't last long, but I will always remember this.

My own personal opinion is it is not just one, but several who are at the top, and who run the world right now.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "whatshisface1117" <whatshisface1117@... wrote:

Although this isn't any new information to the majority of us Satanists, I'm sure it put it into perspective for alot of the newer ones. Thank you H.P. Maxine for this Sermon, I love reading them all.

Its funny how all there planned lies, all they seek to control, is undone just by a world wide connection of PC to PC. Its pathetic really, I know they know of us, they know of the information out there, but they don't know of all of it, nor can they stop all of it.

I don't suppose Maxine you know anything about who is the jew in the highest command for them?

-Hail Father, Lord Satan! We will Triumph, they will fall.
So, exactly how would one learn Sanskrit? I've become very interested
in that language of late.

On 8/25/09, High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@... wrote:

I have no idea. Satan showed me a vision back in spring of 2003, after we
had finished freeing all of the Goetic Demons and more. I assume it was in
Israel. There were these ultra-orthodox jews in a room. An old one [like in
his 70's] said to a younger on in his 40's "We are finished." This was in
relation to the Demons being freed. The younger one who was over-confident
[as so many of them are] refused to believe it. It didn't last long, but I
will always remember this.

My own personal opinion is it is not just one, but several who are at the
top, and who run the world right now.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "whatshisface1117"
<whatshisface1117@... wrote:

Although this isn't any new information to the majority of us Satanists,
I'm sure it put it into perspective for alot of the newer ones. Thank you
H.P. Maxine for this Sermon, I love reading them all.

Its funny how all there planned lies, all they seek to control, is undone
just by a world wide connection of PC to PC. Its pathetic really, I know
they know of us, they know of the information out there, but they don't
know of all of it, nor can they stop all of it.

I don't suppose Maxine you know anything about who is the jew in the
highest command for them?

-Hail Father, Lord Satan! We will Triumph, they will fall.
<td val[/IMG]I hope Maxine gets this message. I like your sermons. It is eye opening.

--- On Wed, 8/26/09, High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@... wrote:
From: High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Roots and Origins of True Satanism
To: [email protected]
Date: Wednesday, August 26, 2009, 6:42 AM

I have no idea. Satan showed me a vision back in spring of 2003, after we had finished freeing all of the Goetic Demons and more. I assume it was in Israel. There were these ultra-orthodox jews in a room. An old one [like in his 70's] said to a younger on in his 40's "We are finished." This was in relation to the Demons being freed. The younger one who was over-confident [as so many of them are] refused to believe it. It didn't last long, but I will always remember this.

My own personal opinion is it is not just one, but several who are at the top, and who run the world right now.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
http://www.joyofsat an.org

--- In JoyofSatan666@ yahoogroups. com, "whatshisface1117" <whatshisface1117@ ... wrote:

Although this isn't any new information to the majority of us Satanists, I'm sure it put it into perspective for alot of the newer ones. Thank you H.P. Maxine for this Sermon, I love reading them all.

Its funny how all there planned lies, all they seek to control, is undone just by a world wide connection of PC to PC. Its pathetic really, I know they know of us, they know of the information out there, but they don't know of all of it, nor can they stop all of it.

I don't suppose Maxine you know anything about who is the jew in the highest command for them?

-Hail Father, Lord Satan! We will Triumph, they will fall.
<td val[/IMG]All the or[/IMG]Tue Aug 25, 2009 10:15 pm (PDT)

All this emphasis on abstention carries with it a double whammy: the eventual reduction of humans, as you point out, AND a very potent "shot in the arm" for the enemy, namely, the tremendous amount of negative energy generated by such abstention, which is going against nature, unnatural. And this is the underlying modus operandi in many of their decrees: the generation of negative energy which they feed off. It's ambrosia to them.

Satan is the power that has freed my soul to live life to its fullist and not put boundries on it and I am glad that a Demon came to me in my teens and set me free by rejecting and damning the Holy Spirit I am now just discovering others who are Satans as you are. HAIL MASTER SATAN!!

From: High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 11:42:57 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: The Roots and Origins of True Satanism

I have no idea. Satan showed me a vision back in spring of 2003, after we had finished freeing all of the Goetic Demons and more. I assume it was in Israel. There were these ultra-orthodox jews in a room. An old one [like in his 70's] said to a younger on in his 40's "We are finished." This was in relation to the Demons being freed. The younger one who was over-confident [as so many of them are] refused to believe it. It didn't last long, but I will always remember this.

My own personal opinion is it is not just one, but several who are at the top, and who run the world right now.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
http://www.joyofsat an.org

--- In JoyofSatan666@ yahoogroups. com, "whatshisface1117" <whatshisface1117@ ... wrote:
Although this isn't any new information to the majority of us Satanists, I'm sure it put it into perspective for alot of the newer ones. Thank you H.P. Maxine for this Sermon, I love reading them all.

Its funny how all there planned lies, all they seek to control, is undone just by a world wide connection of PC to PC. Its pathetic really, I know they know of us, they know of the information out there, but they don't know of all of it, nor can they stop all of it.

I don't suppose Maxine you know anything about who is the jew in the highest command for them?

-Hail Father, Lord Satan! We will Triumph, they will fall.
start: 0000-00-00 end: 0000-00-00

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@... wrote:

I have no idea. Satan showed me a vision back in spring of 2003, after we had finished freeing all of the Goetic Demons and more. I assume it was in Israel. There were these ultra-orthodox jews in a room. An old one [like in his 70's] said to a younger on in his 40's "We are finished." This was in relation to the Demons being freed. The younger one who was over-confident [as so many of them are] refused to believe it. It didn't last long, but I will always remember this.

My own personal opinion is it is not just one, but several who are at the top, and who run the world right now.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "whatshisface1117" <whatshisface1117@ wrote:

Although this isn't any new information to the majority of us Satanists, I'm sure it put it into perspective for alot of the newer ones. Thank you H.P. Maxine for this Sermon, I love reading them all.

Its funny how all there planned lies, all they seek to control, is undone just by a world wide connection of PC to PC. Its pathetic really, I know they know of us, they know of the information out there, but they don't know of all of it, nor can they stop all of it.

I don't suppose Maxine you know anything about who is the jew in the highest command for them?

-Hail Father, Lord Satan! We will Triumph, they will fall.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
